

🧵 sculpting journey bread

Anonymous No. 881267

Mods no deleterino pls
I've got a job, treated myself to nice pc parts, a graphic tablet and a second monitor for refs.
Time to sculpt humans (female), but now seriosly.

At least an hour day after work.

>but why create thread?
To feel shame if I decide to skip the grind.



Anonymous No. 881268

This is my sculpt from a year ago I think
Gonna start a new one today, have to finish job tasks first.

Anonymous No. 881269

inb4 software war.

But seriously good luck OP, rooting for ya!



Anonymous No. 881305

Thanks *_*

Alright, my eyes are burning after 9 hours of coding and then 1h40m of sculpting. Let's leave it at that for today
This is harder than I remember. Gonna start from a ball tomorrow again

Anonymous No. 881313

Ok cris you want to know how to improove? Copy an anatomically correct female scan and put it side by side while you sculpt. Literally no need for 2d pictures....

Anonymous No. 881325

>implying cris can achieve this >>881268

Anonymous No. 881328

Didn't you used to post here.

Anonymous No. 881382

Memery aside (i'm not that guy), this is a good way to start I suppose.
I open refs and they're only from the front and from the side with ambigous lighting, I can't grasp the form.
The book "anatomy for sculptors" has two pages for skulls and they're all male


A new day starts and I'm heading right to studying database migrations and trying to come up with a backend architecture despite being a junior frontend dev. I'll be dead inside by the time work time ends, but I WILL lay brush strokes before sleep. And I will be happy

Anonymous No. 881455

Can I hijack your thread? I want to study sculpting again as well.

Anonymous No. 881456

This is not Cris.
>He uses emoticons
I miss emoticons so much. No one uses them anymore.

Anonymous No. 881464

honestly cris posting is starting to kill this board off. any beginner's work is instantly dismissed as 'cris'. just hide his threads and let them die



Anonymous No. 881472

Well I think 'm gonna hijack your thread and also post my daily sculpting progress and there's nothing you can do about it

Anonymous No. 881474

Yeah let's fucking gooooooooooooo


Work time is OVER. Head painkillers taken, body stretched, gonna walk at a kids' playground with my little bro for an hour and then SCOOOOLPT.
The plan for today is to download a sculpt of a professional artist and try to recreate it.



Anonymous No. 881477

My progress over the last couple of weeks. Still fighting with tools.


Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 881479

hardest thing so far is getting a form quickly and with purpose, easy to spend a while chicken scratching a formless blob for a while. Been watching Anime figures being made with clay on YouTube and copying their approach is going well.

Anonymous No. 881488


Anonymous No. 881489




Anonymous No. 881502

1 hour btw
Let's see what the result will be



Anonymous No. 881503

Thanks /3/ for keeping me motivated



Anonymous No. 881523

That's it for today.
Right is my sculpt, left is the reference.
Not gonna grind until monday sadly >_<

So by the looks of it, my first human looking head is going to be posted a year or two from now. Stay tuned

Anonymous No. 881530

Practice with good breakdowns before doing practices from reference, such as:
Anatomy for sculptors, and face anatomy by Zarins.
Mangamaterial drawings (check on kemono.party)
Bammes (German Art Teacher) Drawings

You can also check out Bridgman, do it for the soul, his drawings (pictures of the chalkboard when he teached) are kinda lacking versus above but he was exaggerating forms so the class would get it.

And that is the point, good artists have these strong geometrical designs in their heads, and then they just apply it to reference or imagination.
So their sculpts have strong, confident form versus the bumpiness you get when you're trying to figure out reference but you didn't come up with a construction for it.

You can find an example of this on Gio Nakpils Mastering Organic Modeling, where his Primary form is all huge cylinders, spheres, boxes, etc. Secondary forms are still these big basic shapes to join the huge Primary forms. But basically he focuses on the construction of these huge forms and stuff like pores and texture are relegated to the fourth forms (after the Tertiary forms), and it just works, because if the Primary Forms are properly constructed, everything else will just fall into place.

I lurk on the /ic/ archives (warosu) to download this stuff, I wonder if cgpeers has their registrations open.

Theres other interesting teachers like Scott Eaton, he has anatomy courses with lots of tips and good reference elike bodies in motion, but hes not that good at more artistic topics like form, his sculpting videos are a messy use of clay brush that magically results in a leg (these things happen after decades of experience), you don't really get the strong shapes and forms, which is why it is refreshing to see people like Gio sculpt.

Anonymous No. 881535

And talking about confident form versus reference bumpiness.
Look at the neck, reference has this bending cylinder form underneath all of it, but you ignored it, either because you don't trust yourself and your shape simplifications and wanted to lay on the sternocleidomastoid to "be truth to the reference", but doing it this way your neck form is completely different, it has this boxy triangular shape instead of the strong cylinder shape of the reference.
So focus on primary forms (cylinder of neck in this case), ignore sternocleidomastoid for later (which is more of a secondary shape), and then when you place the sternocleidomastoid on top of the cylinder shape its just going to fall into place and just work.

Anonymous No. 881536

Also on blender use dyntopo with a constant detail setting, remesh hinders expression to be honest and its better to use it for creating a multiresolution mesh later on.

Anonymous No. 881538

are you a pro 2d artist by any chance? that's quite a lot of gear



Anonymous No. 881545

The magnifying glass is from my mum’s sewing kit lol. Just started doing 3D, collect figures and artbooks in general. Always done 2D art and photography since school and continued with it as a hobby later in life.
Holy shit this. Sculpting just went from feeling like I’m modelling with dry course clay to super slick and smooth heaven. You made my day.



Anonymous No. 881593

Holy shit thank you D:
Downloading all these recs, gonna read/watch them on my weekend trip.
It would be a crime for me to drop sculpting now, since you've given such elaborate advice

I have anatomy for sculptors by Zarins opened every time I sculpt for over two years now, seems like I've been looking at the book wrong way.

Yeah primary forms are lacking, I feel it strongly right during sculpting process.
Maybe it's the low spacial awareness issue.
Like they say, women have lower spacial awareness and that's why they're bad at driving. Well, I've sat behind the wheel by myself two times:
- first time I didn't fit into the gate into the courtyard and have squashed a side mirror
- second time I've passed the gate but destroyed the flander while passing the gate into the garage

Huh, some people strongly recommend not to use it, others don't see anything worng with it. I'll try


Here's my retopo from August 2020, when I could afford to spend days and days doing nothing but playing around in blender. These were good times -_-

Anonymous No. 881627

>Like they say, women have lower spacial awareness and that's why they're bad at driving.
no, you are just retarded. sorry



Anonymous No. 881678

Doing retopology on my sculpt. Feels bad man.



Anonymous No. 881761

Started form scratch a few times. Figuring out how to make poles and change flow where I need to is hurting my monkey brain.

Anonymous No. 881780

rock on, OP
best work is work born out of love

Anonymous No. 881816

Yeah I'm retarded but hard work brings success.

You need to give yourself a break
Just give yourself 4 hours for retopo, finish it in four no matter what
and try to rig it
You'll spot problems immediately and will have better understanding on what the wireframe should be.

I'm in no position to give out advice, but I think getting stuck isn't good for one's mental health.

Thank :)

Anonymous No. 881826

this might help


Sans titre.jpg

Anonymous No. 881886

Didn't do shit cause I was busy learning Unreal.
Okay so after finally finishing the interface modification tuts, the anatomy tuts and learning the main tools of Zbrush, I'm starting to actually sculpt humanoids characters.
I feel like faces and bodies is just a matter of practice and pic related is my second human face ever. I think I'm gonna go for a buff male elf, I don't know quite yet, I'm freestyling.
But I'm mostly aiming to improve my workflow especially when making clothes/armors and accesories.
Don't mind the diary style, it's so I can keep track of what I was doing previously.

Anonymous No. 881997

Thanks /3/ had hit a mental wall but will try these.

Anonymous No. 881999

Just so you know, telling someone you're going to do something before you do it makes you far less likely to complete your task

Anonymous No. 882005

I had been constantly telling my friends how I WILL learn to code and get a job for over two years. And here I am, with my dream remote high paying job.
Some people were encouraging me, some were helping a lot even, some were laughing at me and telling me I will surely fail because learning had been taking so long.


Anonymous No. 882049


fuck off cris puto

Anonymous No. 882056

What language did you learn? I also want to learn how to code but I'm not sure what language should I specialize in.

Anonymous No. 882060

I started learning web-development with pure typescript but ended up using javascript with svelte, react and fastify at work.

I don't know what suits you best, but my super genius 999iq friend really likes typescript, that's why I have picked it.

And it probably is a best bet to land you a job nowadays.


female anatomy sc....png

Anonymous No. 882087

sculpting is comfy you could just turn off your brain and do it
too bad its not gonna help me achieve what i want so i shouldnt try to get better at it

Anonymous No. 882089

>here I am, with my dream remote high paying job
still unable to pay for professional 3d software, lol


Sans titre2.jpg

Anonymous No. 882104

Worked a few hours today and it went way better than expected. I feel like I made some nice progress on an anatomical level.
Got tired of it when I was going to start making the hair. Maybe tomorrow. But for the first time, I enjoyed sculpting something.

Any anatomical critique pls

Anonymous No. 882143

Sure cris, i can smell your greasy fingers typing from the screen.



Anonymous No. 882209

Finished with this one for the moment. OP you have a free blowjob whenever you're in Belgium just because you made me sit at my desk for two days straight and I'm fucking happy as fuck with the results.

Anonymous No. 882224

If I were to casually visit Belgium as a guy from 3rd world country that means I would be rich as fuck and would have transcended needs for lowly pleasures =D

Looks cool and the model is not a pretty lady so you're not doing it for coom reasons like me.
Do you plan on doing further stuff with this sculpt?

You're probably right about the turning off the brain, I've followed the "Drawing with right side of the brain" book, it has the same advice and actually helps to switch it with excercises. Unfortunatel, at the time I've tried it, it was too painful to follow with pencil and paper because no ctrl+z.
So what do you want to achieve?


Got home from the weekend trip. Today's gonna be a blocking out the primary shapes practice. Brb wageslaving for nine hours

Anonymous No. 882273

With this sculpt, I don't know yet, I wanted to practice making clothes and accessories too but I might start with another character for that.
An /agdg/ anon pointed that I forgot to make the eyelashes too and it needs a lot of refining. I don't know yet.



Anonymous No. 882330

Kinda tired, eyes are shutting down uncontrollably.
Looks like hot steaming pile of shit but I'll grasp primary forms it sooner or later, I promise.

Anonymous No. 882341

Fix the volume and shape of the head for start (top view. The back of the head should be wider than the front. Like an egg shape). Also the forehead shape should be flatter i think (also on the temple level)
Also look at the side of the mouth compared the dummy on the right. They should be pushed in a little bit (do it from the right view with the move brush with a low intensity)



Anonymous No. 882472

Thanks, I see. I should see it all myself, but I'm grasping at some key points, like how for example this area on top of an ear is the widest. And not seeing others while trying to conform to those.
About the mouth, I have it ingrained in me that nose tip => mouth => chin must form a straight line. But the blockout example indeed doesn't have a straight line.
Just practice consistently and in a year it's gonna be alright.

I'm seeing first results already: my hand is shaking a lot less when selecting a brush in photoshop or a different matcap in blender.



Anonymous No. 882526

I was talking about the sides of the mouth, I tried to represent it with in the green circles. A goo tip would be to look at your head from the top view (not 100% top but enough to see the horizontal curvature of the mouth area.
Well like I just said, the mouth should make a curve with the center of the lips being (like you said) aligned with the nose and chin) but the sides should be pushed IN the face.

Anonymous No. 882534

Ah, thanks
Thank you for the elaborate breakdown
I'm really sorry you had to do this, I'm not blind and should spot this stuff while looking at references

Anonymous No. 882538

Don't worry. Nah it's not that obvious, I myself never realised that until I saw someone talk about it in a video.



Anonymous No. 882660

New day new reference
Too little time
Becoming slightly afraid to lay strokes

Anonymous No. 882673

Using this thread to post examples of people with pretty sculpting styles https://youtu.be/yWnMDSH9OY0?t=1435



Anonymous No. 882989

Today's result is not a negro but a goblin. Progressing at light speed

Anonymous No. 883003

Anon wouldn't it be better to try to learn how to construct a face instead of trying to eyeball from reference



Anonymous No. 883011

Was laying in the bed with a phone in hands, then it clicked in the brain: I REMEMBER EYE AREA NOT LOOKING RIGHT, I MUST FIX IT RIGHT NOW

Well, she's looking a bit more like a human
I can sleep calmly now

Anonymous No. 883014

Wait, actually, it made things worse. Nevermind

I'm looking at the "Form of the Head and Neck" by Zarins and all I see is male face blockouts

I'm looking at this guy
and can't follow him, he's constantly laying confident strokes and then immediately rotating the camera

This Gio Napkins guy sculpts monsters

I have a full year in front of me to grasp the form bit by bit, it's okay.

Anonymous No. 883225

Looks too ugly early on this time. Not going to try to overcome sleepiness and finish ears and mouth.
Maybe if it looked more promising, I'd sacrifice an hour or two of sleep.



Anonymous No. 883226


Anonymous No. 883396

Watching this video right now
Going to finish it and try the approach from now on

Anonymous No. 883405

On the other hand, insanely tired right now, going to sculpt tomorrow
>who cares
Fair enough



Anonymous No. 883453

I like the dedication, so I gave it a try as well. What do you think? Any advice?

Anonymous No. 883454

Dude learn to draw so you can construct faces better.



Anonymous No. 883456

Made this gunt in the past 3 days, it's been a while since I practiced anatomy, it was fun tho, keep practicing OP



Anonymous No. 883496

I'm afraid I will have to =(

Definitely better than me but while I can feel something's off I can't tell exactly what. Maybe zygomatic path more horizontal, maybe nose eye area should be more uhh... i don't know really

You need to practice penis anatomy



Anonymous No. 883513

Yes sir, I will



Anonymous No. 883560

I've watched this video to start learning drawing to better understand face planes

And have been trying to draw a clean circle for almost an hour to no success

I can't bring myself to study for more than an hour. Kinda depressing through the whole process. While learning coding, it was giving me more positive feedback right from the start.

Going to learn to draw and return in a year. Was a good thread, thanks. Saved a couple of posts with advice to a txt file to revisit them later.

Anonymous No. 883571

You can understand face planes without drawing, poly modelling is basically that.
You can also sculpt and make the planes on the model

Anonymous No. 883588

A very good exercise is to repeat certain parts of the sculpting process on loop. The general shape of the head, the mouth are, nose, eyes. Always separately. I learned quite fast doing this



Anonymous No. 883622

Guess what? I'm hijacking this thread too.

Anonymous No. 883637

Based, you could probably improve the eyes, but still looks good overall.
Are you making a portrait of an actual person or just messing around?

Anonymous No. 883647

Are you still using basemeshes or did you learn to sphere sculpt finally?


fit bod.png

Anonymous No. 883669

allow me to post a sculpt I did last year. I'm thinking of sculpting a new male body for general basemesh purposes soon, if I do I'll reply to my own post with an image

Anonymous No. 883675

Learning male facial form is still learning facial form. You just adjust which features are more prevalent.

Same with body stuff.

Males and females happen to have the same muscle and bone structure, fortunately. Once you learn the fundamentals of those structures, it will be much easier to manipulate them to represent anyone (male or female) you want.

Anonymous No. 883686

>Males and females happen to have the same muscle and bone structure
This statement is factually wrong, unless with "structure" you mean the AMOUNT of bones and muscles


Sans titre.jpg

Anonymous No. 883719

Was working on the body for the past two days but realised I took the wrong approach to begin with so I scrapped the whole thing and did it again by blocking each parts vulgarly (don't know if it's the right word tough)

Anonymous No. 883724


basemeshfag, which artists did you learn from? I'm following scott eaton courses atm.

Anonymous No. 883725

Vulgarly, taken from Cambridge Diccionary:
>in a way that is not suitable, simple, or beautiful, or not in the style preferred by rich or well-educated people
I guess it works but I think you meant to say "...by blocking each part bluntly/indecorously/crudely"
but whatever, I get what you mean
I think either the pelvis might be too big or the upper part is still small, mind posting the front and side views?
The pelvis seems as if he had no natural back tilt, looks as if he was pushing his crotch forwards.
Arms are very small, the triceps are non existent and the hands are really small, but as you said, it was put very roughly

Anonymous No. 883731

now do the hands and feet *keks

Anonymous No. 883734

Males and females literally do have the same muscle and bone structure, fundamentally. We're both human, so it's all the same muscles, they all connect in the same way, the same skeleton, etc. The difference is in the proportions, which you can manipulate to your liking when you have fundamental understanding of anatomy.



Anonymous No. 883744

I don't learn from anyone
your arms are too short



Anonymous No. 883746

Just messing around, admitedly eyes are very hard for me.

Anonymous No. 883747

Are you using manual shadow painting to pronounce the model or that's just a matcap? Looking great regardless.



Anonymous No. 883749

oh yeah, every time, how else would I be able to sculpt without a basemesh, not everyone has natural born talent like you anon.



Anonymous No. 883750

yes I'm painting the shadows.

Anonymous No. 883751

Smart I think I like that idea. Your own?

Anonymous No. 883752

well it's not uncommon to use polypaint to fake the shadows really.

Anonymous No. 883753

Oh ok sort of like an ao. How long have you been learning?

Anonymous No. 883760

since 2017

Anonymous No. 883770

Looks like you do.
Looks fucking sick, hope I can make some Toriyama inspired sculpts one day.

Anonymous No. 883775

Similarity isn't the same as equal, with your example I could say that chimps are the same as humans but we differ significantly in our structure.
The change in "proportions" ARE the structural difference.
When you talk about proportions, you have to compare an object to the same type of object because they have a closer similarity in multiple fields, that's how you say that a race is generally taller than another, have different eye shapes, etc



Anonymous No. 883777

fuck you guys for making me inspired. 100k polys.

Anonymous No. 883791

Clavicles look too horizontal and deltoids are very small, maybe the torso is a bit too long but it might jusy look like it because the ribcage is kind of short or tilted forward but it's quite good I may say


Sans tiaaatre.jpg

Anonymous No. 883793

I feel like the fingers are going to add the length that it lacks but I'm gonna make them longer for good measure
Cool asf if it's yours

Anonymous No. 883801

>I don't learn from anyone
He's asking which courses you took, I remember that you said that you took Glo Nakpil's Organic Sculpting course a while ago

Anonymous No. 883817

I think the legs are too long, are you sure it's 8 heads tall or you haven't checked?
The arms might look small in comparison with the legs and that might be the issue, you can also give him much more volume in the arms, deltoids can reach more towards the center of the humerus, biceps and triceps should be bigger from the side than from the front, forearms do the opposite.
The ribcage is a bit short, you could stretch it down a bit and he needs latissimus dorsi muscles.
The chest muscles need to be more square-like, move the center parts where the xiphoid process should be (that's the end of the sternum)

Anonymous No. 883822

what is pic related mocking exactly?

Anonymous No. 883826

I think it's just OP being aware of his own lack of hability, the original meme is a super buff dude against the small one where he says "I'm sure to win because my agility is superior" poking fun of the rpg players who give an excuse as to why it is not important to give strength to the character (or I think that's the reference, I might be a bit off but I think that's the gist of it)

Anonymous No. 883828

arms should be coming a little from behind the center of torso

Anonymous No. 883830

Well then he shouldn't have call me a "basemeshfag", not that it would make any difference for him anyways. Yeah go watch gio napkils tutorial on primary shapes on youtube, or not, whatever.


2022-02-21 03_23_13.jpg

Anonymous No. 883832

everybody sculpting so i did something, 2 hour sculpt from a sphere, been so long since i did anything i was sure i forgot how to do it, i did forget most anatomy though had to use lots of refs where was time i could do it from my head

not bad, your back of scull and cheekbone shape are off, and temporalis muscle is bit flat, but overall looks decent



Anonymous No. 883858

My first female body sculpt, 11 of Dec 2021.



Anonymous No. 883859

I used to draw :).

It translates well to 3d.

Anonymous No. 883860

i have nothing against you anon, you're tremendously skilled and your work is on model. You can effectively translate 2d idwas in 3d ones

Anonymous No. 883866

Hey thanks man I definitely see the issues you're pointing with the cheekbones and temporal muscles I'll be fixing that.

Your anatomy is amazing btw, specially since you mentioned you haven't practiced in a while, definitely loving this thread, you don't see this quality of work on the wip threads.

Anonymous No. 883867

Dude I'm just messing around haha, we're all posting on a Vietnamese cow loving image board after all

Anonymous No. 883876

>It translates well to 3d.
Not really, i find it only people who draw in a specific way with big focus on forms, volumes and perspective over design and silhouette are the only ones who translate good to 3d as the have a "3d" way of looking at things already.
Rest seems just as bad as anybody who starts from scratch, they have to train themself to read volumes and depth rather than just outlines, though good anatomy knowledge really helps.

Cant tell a thing about your model with those angles, use standard front/side views unless its a beauty render

Anonymous No. 883883

Lol you're not messing around and the term "basemesher" eats at you intensely. Not either of those anons, I can just tell from what you've written you're insecure and butthurt. You used basemeshes, you probably still use basemeshes - Get over it and stop being so petty you thin skinned homo lmao.


pepe sniff.png

Anonymous No. 883884


Anonymous No. 883886

I've seen that anon's work before, he has a great work ethic. I could see why he wouldn't like the term since it as implies that he didn't put effort into it, which is completely false. He certainly has sculpted from scratch before and his models look tremendously good regardless. It's so transformative to the point where you can't tell it's origins.

Nothing wrong in having pride for your work ethic, especially if it results in making good stuff like he does.. It beats being smug and posting nothing out of fear that you would be criticized.



Anonymous No. 883921


thx anon, it's probably too soon for me to do dynamic sculpting and I can't even critique these based anons when I still have a gazillion shit I need to study. At least my figure drawing skills are coming in handy.

Anonymous No. 883923

Daily reminder that if you can't name every bone and muscle in the human body you will never be a good sculptor

Anonymous No. 883925

nice boobies

Anonymous No. 883926

I know the most important bone, it's called the PENIS

Anonymous No. 883933

Defending yourself in the third person is cringeworthy anon. Just accept you're asshurt you're not as good as real modelers and you can live your life happy. :P


2022-02-22 01_18_32.jpg

Anonymous No. 883985

another quickie, 2 hours or so

some forms look ok, but your boobs dont seem big enough to not by lifted with the arms and clavicle kindo intersects into the shoulder


2022-02-22 02_50_08.jpg

Anonymous No. 883994

ok, one more hour, spend way too much time trying to understand how a hair bun is tied, had to watch 3 tutorials on how some chicks do it



Anonymous No. 883999

Actually not me but very kind of that anon to say that, and you know what? you're right, I'm putting myself out here and that's a very hard thing to do, so I'll continue to try harder.

Anonymous No. 884000

nah don't listen to the nigger faggot here >>883933 , you're good man.

Anonymous No. 884001

No he should listen, because he's falling into the emotional pitfall of being a vagina. If he continues on his trajectory he will make it. If he retains his insecure butthurt he will lose sight of how to be great. You are a nigger. :p

Anonymous No. 884002

If I could add my 2 cents I'd say you could add a bit more volume on the posterior deltoid portion

Anonymous No. 884003

you're the one being a fag here. kill yourself tranny, and do not hesitate to derail to this thread ever again

Anonymous No. 884004

>do not hesitate
Lol you are the definition of someone who holds others back. Coddling his artistic insecurities will definitely seal his fate. There is a reason he gave lip and it's because he knows it's true to some extent. I guarantee he struggles with subtlety which is why he chooses overt forms instead. You can have your thread back though, :).

Anonymous No. 884005

Work hard like him instead of being jealous.

Anonymous No. 884006

I cannot be jealous of what I pity.

Anonymous No. 884007

>Coddling his artistic insecurities will definitely seal his fate
Nah it won't, most artists aren't doormats and he's pretty good.

I think you're projecting a bit out envy but you shouldn't worry. You might be sad that he's better than you, but the difference between you and him is that he invested more hours than you did. You're tearing yourself down when you're tearing others because you're not going to put full effort into your stuff.

Anonymous No. 884008

I'm trying to help him, if you can't see it that's on you. If he can't see it then that's on him. I can tell he's ineffective because he's been stagnating for the last year by what he's actually been showcasing. He's a little afraid and definitely envious of other people, insecurity is for sure the right word to use. Okay now have fun for real, I didn't expect you to immediately reply so fast so I stayed a little longer to help you understand he's not good enough. Bai

Anonymous No. 884033

You're not helping him or anyone like that, you jealous piece of shit. Post your work now.



Anonymous No. 884161

i did big bobs



Anonymous No. 884197

insecure yeah sure, but yeah well it's a struggle and a challenge, it is what it is.



Anonymous No. 884198

Thanks dude, hopefully this whole 3d thing turns out to be a worthy investment one day.



Anonymous No. 884283

Working a little bit more in this character. If Zbrushfags could help with a few problems I'm encountering:
- I'm trying to reduce the polycount to work on more general shapes but Zbrush won't let me Zremesh nor use Dynamesh. I tried to reconstruct and freeze the subdiv level but it tells me that it can't because the mesh contains triangles. So what should I do now ? (Tbh I'm not really sure of what should be done exactly when trying to reduce your polycount, etc.)
- I'd like to move the arms a little bit towards the back, what would be the correct process when you're already advanced in your sculpt?
Your shit is incredible

Anonymous No. 884286

>Zbrush won't let me Zremesh nor use Dynamesh
What do you mean?
If it is crashing probably your model is very big, go to deformation > unify and try dynameshing.
If not, I dunno, sorry if that doesn't help



Anonymous No. 884338

turn out great

Anonymous No. 884339


Anonymous No. 884351

Thank you very much, anon. I'm grabbing the Zarins ones and am excited to practice lots of forms and getting a strong understanding of construction.

Anonymous No. 884355

third book came out Form of Head and Neck
it's on libgen

Anonymous No. 884356

>I could say that chimps are the same as humans
You unironically could. They literally have the same primary muscles, they look the same, insert the same way and function the same way.

It seems like you're implying that if someone can sculpt an average human male, they can't sculpt a juiced bodybuilder, because they have vastly different proportions and are now completely different. If I know how a tricep works, how all the 3 heads are attached and how the surrounding muscles interact with it, it doesn't matter if it belongs to a female, male, gorilla or an alien. They would all be the same. How do you think people sculpt shit that doesn't exist? Refer to the universal anatomy manual for things that don't exist?

Anonymous No. 884357

You pity out of envy and insecurity about your own shortcomings. Putting other people down to cope with being a worthless piece of shit. Post some work, lets see if you can take as much as you give.

Also just an fyi, nobody in work sculpts from a sphere. Everyone uses basemeshes. Obviously if you're learning you should know how to do it from scratch, but if the result is the same, you don't get any brownie points for "not cheating". Nobody cares, except for little bitches like you.



Anonymous No. 884358

just found this thread, since people are posting too i'll post mine.
this is like my 4th or 5th attempt at this shit.

Anonymous No. 884364

I think we are approaching this from very different points, let me state my argument.
You said
>Learning male facial form is still learning facial form. You just adjust which features are more prevalent.
>Same with body stuff.
I do not disagree with all of this.
Then you said
>Males and females happen to have the same muscle and bone structure, fortunately.
This implies that males and females are exactly the same, same hips, bone density, muscle capacity, cranium, etc.
I disagree with this point because I think both sexes have very different structures (I'm not talking in a fundamental level, we are different enough to be able to classify male and female bones looking at their structure i.e their density, length shape, etc) because of that it is worthy, in my opinion, to study and make their structures in their own field, so, if I want to make a skull (a male skull) I study the structure of the (male) skull, same goes for the female one.
another anon replied
>This statement is factually wrong, unless with "structure" you mean the AMOUNT of bones and muscles
I would replace "amount" with "shape and density" but still agree because it is not stated that you mean in a "fundamental level"
Then you clarified
>Males and females literally do have the same muscle and bone structure, fundamentally.
We're both human, so it's all the same muscles, they all connect in the same way, the same skeleton, etc.
Agreed but only in a "fundamental level"
>The difference is in the proportions,
Incorrect, the difference is still structural, but you are now comparing the two in a specific level.
That would imply that, in a specific level, females and males are identical, which is not the case.
Proportions apply only when you talk about the same kind of object, you can even say "human proportions" and compare them to "non-human proportions" because they are contained in their own category.
That's what I meant.

Anonymous No. 884365

Now, then, if we talk about things that don't exist, we have only what we know as a point of reference. That means, we often use the "fundamental structure" of something to make whatever we have in mind.
Let's say that I wanted to make an alien, if I used a human structure and only changed the proportions then I would just have a human that happens to be called an alien, as it would be exactly the same as a human, so, no structural change.

Anonymous No. 884423

>nobody uses primitives
Not him, but you're an idiot for thinking from scratch isn't a highly important skillset for the top .001%. Obtuse at best.


ZBrush Document 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 884568

thanks, good study but the volumes on those forms are too exagurated
better than my first 10 tries, didnt make anything better than a blobby sphere till like my 100 sculpt

I guess final update
im too lazy to fix the smaller anatomy mistakes and to go into small skin detail

Anonymous No. 884582

Original pusy was better
This is not the reply you deserve

Anonymous No. 884587

that's really nice, you still use reference though, right?



Anonymous No. 884646

fixed some shit and added an anime head because why the fuck not? I do what I want.

>inb4 weeb shit on realistic body

Anonymous No. 884685

wanted to give her a bit more fat pussy
thanks, yeah, only hands i didnt use refs since they dont have that much complexity
your body bit overdetailed for the head i would say, i would simplify a lot of the forms



Anonymous No. 884777

Hey took your feedback on the studies I was posting, do you think this is any better?

Your sculpting is very good were you using any books in particular? I tried with the anatomy for sculptors books but didn't really like the overtly abstract shapes they use.



Anonymous No. 884778


Anonymous No. 884779

These are still very early so i'm aware of some things that still need work tho.



Anonymous No. 884780


Anonymous No. 884781

I'll take a good 10 hours to refine these next week

Anonymous No. 884782

That's great but the head is just no, haha

Anonymous No. 884783

omg the eyes look like absolute shit, I'll fix it later.



Anonymous No. 884784

Project Is still need to go back and finish, I do know how people finish projects at all, it all takes so freaking long.

Anonymous No. 884785

You take a break to practice, you get better, and when you get back at it it all looks like shit and you have to re do it. over and over.



Anonymous No. 884786

This is what I mean, does it happen to anyone here? basically I can't finish projects cause I keep "improving" then I feel I have to re do a piece so it matches the quality of my new "skills", it's hell



Anonymous No. 884787




Anonymous No. 884788

I'll probably get back to that one in a couple weeks in be like "oh that looks like fucking shit"



Anonymous No. 884789

Tried to project some texture on top of my skull here, lol it looks awful.



Anonymous No. 884790

Is this topology excessive for the fingers?

Anonymous No. 884793

You don't need to have extra edgeflow for the knuckles 3 edgeloops for the knuckles is good enough

Anonymous No. 884877


>Your sculpting is very good were you using any books in particular? I tried with the anatomy for sculptors books but didn't really like the overtly abstract shapes they use.
nah, i never watched a tutorial or read a book, too lazy
i just sculpt something now and then but i always compare my work to good artists and just ask myself "is it good enough", but thats compared to how much time i got, i could put another 10h into the sculpt and really iron out the anatomy and detail, but thats a week worth of free time
i got the build up / flatten workflow, so i start with smaller shapes and build them up with clay brush, if i go too far i flatten back to form planes
your works look pretty good, you main problems are the shape of the cheek bone especially the zygomatic arch, and mostly upper eyelid shape is too thick, i would really cut in the upper eyelid with slash, also put in eyeballs will help you shape eyelids, i mean you can challenge yourself with just doing it freehand, but it good to get a practice of good eyelid shape, personally i just work a bit at a time spinning model a lot
but overall its pretty good, good big volumes, just sharpen up the sharp parts

for animation?
Those bevels on finger joints arent really needed, they just annoy me when im skinning, and you only get 2 extra loops to smooth the bend.
On knuckles its a mess, the streaking will be awful, those tris will bunch up geo in weird locations, and i would pull those loops back overall. For glove you want it to be denser than fingers, the outer ring of a cylinder should be denser than inner for good bakes and good look.

i like it, looks busy enough
> I do know how people finish projects at all, it all takes so freaking long.
Gotta have a scope in mind, helps i have hard deadlines for what i do so i know if i wont make it it wont be done, have to think overall model rather than parts then

Anonymous No. 884904

You n'wah

Anonymous No. 884907

That beluga has a HGH gut

Anonymous No. 884976

I mean, it was supposed to be a realistic Gunt, look



Anonymous No. 885156

OP WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!, report back
stop playing elden ring for the love of god
thanks for your feedback, it's a gigantic help

Anonymous No. 885269


Anonymous No. 885309


Anon, he felt he was crabbed by talented anons so he offed himself.



Anonymous No. 885359

is this appealing character design?



Anonymous No. 885363

> pear tits
Yes it is

Anonymous No. 885366

Got a lot of projects at work, can't spare a minute to pick up a pen.
But I'm continuing the journey by studying people's faces IRL. Literally staring at people whenever I can. They are all so unique and beautiful in their own way.

by the way, HE CUTE ^_^

Legit. Not gonna draw, it has turned out to be super hard and not dopamine rewarding at all.

Anonymous No. 885367

>HE CUTE ^_^
I meant this cute dog >>885156



Anonymous No. 885369

You can find a lot of anatomy and anatomy reference books on e-hentai. Just use tags like “anatomy” and “artbook”. Be sure to scroll through the pages because the first few might just be porn, but when you look, you’ll find shit like 60+ year old anatomy books

Anonymous No. 885374

Thanks, this is legit, I'm a frequent visitor there (for pose reference purposes of course)
But my Browsec VPN extension monthly subcription couldn't be renewed recently because of the war I suppose. Payment processor has blocked the request blah blah blah
Can't visit e-hentai now =D Not that I have time for this

Anonymous No. 885382



Oh it was Cris all along. He totally got crabbed.

Anonymous No. 885390

it's ogre, the state of this board, I may have to jump ship, I do know what it is about 3d that attracts a lot of crazies.

Anonymous No. 885400


Jump ship to what? Most of the 3d discords don't allow erotic sculpts because they are run by industry trannies and women. EXP points always has the same 5 guys jerking each other off. Same on Flippednormals.

Anonymous No. 885401

nope, you want cute you need round shapes, not long ones



Anonymous No. 885457



futuristic demon ....png

Anonymous No. 885470

and im giving him a futuristic metal gear ish nonsense armor suit



Anonymous No. 885473


Anonymous No. 885481

do like those shity kaki bullet proof vest
you know those generic ones with the bump for protecting the abdoment
sorry but as a /k/ fag it get my autism trigger when i see this sort of incompleate bear skin armor

Anonymous No. 885496

it's not even close to being finished. the body is just for reference



Anonymous No. 885498

Saw this thread and anons posting their studies and wip so I going to take this opportunity to seek some advice.
Did this one today, kinda okay with it, but there are some things that I just can't get.
I know the area in the eyes are fucked, yet I can't put my finger on it. Same for the size of the upper part of the head, I think it's too big, but when I adjust it just seems to become too small. Profile and 3/4 view could be better, I think I didn't looked around the model enough. Cheeks and chin are a little weir, but again can't put my finger on it. Ears could be better, but compared to my other ones those are an improvement.
Any tips anons?

Anonymous No. 885509

it looks like a quake 3 character

Anonymous No. 885522

For the eyes, it looks like they're too close. Rule for eye distance is one eye between each eye. So make the further apart. Also distance from one eye to the end of the face is half an eye usually. The head seems close but the main issue is the shape of it. The top is too flat and the back of the head should be at it's farthest straight from the nose. So imagine a line from the base of the nose going to the back of head, the head should be at it's biggest there, yours looks too high up.

Otherwise pretty good, I like your nose and ears.



Anonymous No. 885680

Another one, (tried) fixing the cheeckbones, eyes, mouth, general shapes, probably gonna refine more and I'll try a couple different texturing techniques I've been wanting to try for a while.
Honestly, I'd scrap it, go and do a few studies following the anatomy for sculptors book, another tip would be to get model from one of the recent capcom games, you can get them on devianart, open it with xnalara and export to maya, then export the head to obj and open that on zbrush, so that way you get a 1 on 1 reference, try to copy that.

Anonymous No. 885681

I'm new here, why is it so difficult to make "real" looking humans? Obviously our perception is sensitive to slight imperfections in humans.



Anonymous No. 885691

Super quick alpha pass, realized I'm gonna need some high ress references, do you guys know where I could get some really high res pics of faces and wrinkles and that kinda stuff?

exactly, we look at people everyday and so a slight imperfection in a human face sends you down the uncanny valley.



Anonymous No. 886146

This is what i meant, this is the noctis model from ffxv, you can study the shapes / planes to better your understanding of shape.

Also saving the thread from hitting page 10.



Anonymous No. 886286

Sculpting during a meeting at my wagie job

Anonymous No. 886306

>wasting company money
good shit.
u are getting better, keep it up!



Anonymous No. 886863

haha yeah they don't know I do the bare minimum, once I'm able to make money with 3d is bye bye for me.

Anonymous No. 886867


Based if sculpting on company laptop


sculpting a dirty....png

Anonymous No. 887214

I only have one question anon: if you look at pic related what's the first thing that comes to your mind? Is it meh, hot or are you grossed out by it somehow, like something is off? Even if it's just meh I'm ok with it, it means it does its job at actually looking like a woman. Now I gotta admit it ain't 100% anatomically accurate nor do I aim for it to be so, I'm sacrificing some anatomical correctness for a bit of simplification/stylization. Next up I'll focus on the feet (obviously), gonna pretty up them tits and refinish the arms

Also here's a song I was listening to while making this because why the fuck not

Anonymous No. 887215

are you blind?!



Anonymous No. 887219

Can I start my 3D journey with ZBrush instead of Blender? I know that I will eventually need to learn it as well (UVs, Retopo, blahblahblah), but sculpting appears a bit more interesting to me.
I don't have any experience with 2D art, so I'm not sure if modeling will make sculpting any easier (or vice versa).

Anonymous No. 887235

What is it?

Anonymous No. 887261

you don't really need to do uv/retopo for concepting, but being able to do them even at a basic level will make you more appealing

Anonymous No. 887738

I started with blender but zbrush feels a lot more "artistic".. as in it feels like you're genuinely sculpting.

Blender I use every day but it's a bit like painting without looking at the canvas sometimes. You can scrape and smooth all you want but sometimes your mesh just gets fucked up beyond saving and it's hard to figure out why. It feels bad.

Anonymous No. 888180

Pedos and emojifags ruined emotes for me

Anonymous No. 888308

Yeah, these days I assume people who unironically use :D and :O are groomers



Anonymous No. 888675

Was kinda hoping the thread was dead but ok, I'm thinking I'm probably not posting anymore once it dies.



Anonymous No. 888676

a bit of manual retopology for this project, I'm finally gonna give texturing a go.

Anonymous No. 888677


I gotta say I do see a bit of improvement if I do say so myself.

Anonymous No. 889038

asian lips still kinda big desu
too kissable for a ricelet

Anonymous No. 889039

yes they are a little bit, based on the model I'm using as reference plus the perspective view on zbrush is kinda fucked.



Anonymous No. 889671

Anyone here uses Marvelous to import clothing into Zbrush?
My question is: Is using Marvelous a good idea when you got for stylized characters? I'd like to avoid that uncanny shit that happends when you have a cartoonish character wearing realistic looking clothes

Anonymous No. 889675

not sure what you're asking, but you can make stylized clothes in MD

Anonymous No. 889680

How far can you in the stylization, that's what I'm trying to figure out

Anonymous No. 889685

She looks like something from terraformars not really hot unless you're into aliens with really heroic physiques.

Anonymous No. 889690

Not him but it largerly depends on your skill with md.

Anonymous No. 889693

Stylizing uses the same principles as regular designs, what you'd be doing switching up things which come down to tweaking the design. So you'll exaggerate or simplify depending on what youre going for.
Keep in mind stylization is a broad term.
So making something like Pixar and making something anime would require different design choices, but nothing that MD prevents you from doing since all you're doing is tweaking things that already exist and are doing.
Also what this guy said >>889690



Anonymous No. 890028

started reading Anatomy for sculpters and this is my first sculpt after doing so (please dont judge me i havent sculpted torso anatomy before)



Anonymous No. 890226

I'm currently here. Looking good so far.



Anonymous No. 890228

And this is the body with the old face. I'm into it for 6 months. Know it because my licence is expiring in 15-20 days and I'll have to renew it.