

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 879499

I'm not getting feedback so making a new thread
I'm a beginner in blender and I want to make backgrounds like in Kizumonogatari, some days into learning blender already and I have this, I want to recreate brutalist style stuff to learn but I'm having issues.



Anonymous No. 879500

The photo I want to make

Anonymous No. 879501

You can't just make such a vague post. You say you're having issues but unless you explain what those problems are nobody's going to help you. People can't read your mind.
You don't understand the interface? You don't know how to make some specific shape? You don't know how to get the materials done? I mean you could be having a million issues, you have to be way more specific.



Anonymous No. 879506

A thread died for this?

Anonymous No. 879508

considering the threads being posted

Anonymous No. 879510

This! If you can't even be put I to words what you're having issues with then you're not gonna get very far.



Anonymous No. 879516

>Need more information on interface, shortcuts, proper usage of tools
>Need info on textures
>Need info on how to make a transparent clothing material for the black things
>How to make the chairs/complex models
I want to make stuff like pic related, ASAP, how?

Anonymous No. 879517

I think you're screwed. There are a few courses you can take, flipped normals and blenderbros have some pretty decent Blender courses but you're not asking something that can be answered in one post.

Anonymous No. 879522

I gave you what you wanted, the doubts, now you give me the information?

Anonymous No. 879529

>anon, you need to be more specific
>how do I make everything??
>I think you're screwed
>now you give me the information???
You're wasting that anon's time, cris, go fucking practice. Nobody is going to sit down and spend hours tutoring you for free

Anonymous No. 879535

I'm not cris you piece of shit, I hate this fucking board. I am going to drop 3D over this comparison, shame I wasted days on this.

Anonymous No. 879542

Good, leave room for the people that actually can achieve what you can not. There's a difference between being a beginner willing to learn and a stupid piece of shit such as yourself.

Anonymous No. 879543

You know what you're doing is wrong. You have to take it one step at a time. Have you tried making a chair? You know what a better post in sqt would have been?
>I'm having trouble with my chair, the legs are all bent
>I can't stop making stools!
or something. Try to make things, spend the time making the mistakes, try to learn from them, go back and try to make them again, and if there's something you're stuck on, search on the internet, and if you can't find it, then ask here. Then people can take time to help you, because they can see what you're doing wrong, and it's worth their time to help you because they know you'll get better. Nobody is going to fill in years of experience for you if all you post a laundry list of things you want to make. Some of you jump straight to asking how to do things, it's no wonder you're not learning anything.

>but how do I make everything??
You can't, you've just been using blender for a few days.
>I'm not cris
You might as well be. Cris started by making threads like these, and he's still making them to this day.



Anonymous No. 879544

You're a very generous person. You can give this idiot all the advice you want but you know he's not going to listen. He has already proved it in the thread and then throws a temper tantrum.

Anonymous No. 879546

>you know he's not going to listen
He might not, but it wouldn't take him an hour to make a donut and then finish his wall and ask specific and answerable questions and actually get somewhere.

Anonymous No. 879553

a thread died for this

Anonymous No. 879559

That's an ugly background, those pillars are 3D but the blurred backdrops are jpeg.

Anonymous No. 879579

You will treat me with respect, now make yourself useful. What are shaders? I need to make backgrounds ASAP or I will have to write off 3D as useless.
It's not ugly.

Anonymous No. 879585

Kill yourself, retard.

Anonymous No. 879586

You seemed like a cool guy in the previous thread and made nice progress in the beginning. What happened? Fuck off with that attitude, we helped as much as we could. Nobody learned this by getting handholded the entire time, you have to do it yourself, and you have enough resources.

Anonymous No. 879589

These are all general questions that can be learned on YT, just type those things in a search bar, there are plenty of easy to follow tutorials on those topics.

Anonymous No. 879592

I allotted 10 days to blender, if in 10 days the backgrounds are a bad investment I have to drop 3D and try to find an alternate way, I'm at 6 days today and this test is not close to being done.

Anonymous No. 879596

You already made decent models, apply the concrete texture Ian Hubert style like you already did before. Find some Eevee tutorials on YT to learn how to setup lighting and render.


And you should have something useful. Obviously don't expect to create amazing work in 10 days lol, but it will probably be good enough for your needs.

Anonymous No. 879609

>apply the concrete texture Ian Hubert style like you already did before
I forgot how to? waht do you mean? And what about the translucent things
I'm missing the lights, cylinders, the thing on the second pillar, deformed cube, planes, solidifier? and the lamps

Anonymous No. 879613

>I forgot how to? waht do you mean?
Are you baiting me? You posted textured concrete "cookie" wall piece in the last thread. People even linked you tutorials from Ian Hubert's YT channel.

>what about the translucent things
What translucent things? I don't see any in that pic.

Those are basic models, just do it bro. You clearly are able to. Learn how to create emissive material in Blender, learn Eevee and learn about light types in Blender.

Also, here's a cheat:


Go here and download shit. Good luck.



Anonymous No. 879623

Oh I forgot the tutorials. I haven't been able to get textures working again, it was a fluke, pic related didnt work out.
The black hanging things

Anonymous No. 879655

Bullshit, no one linked any tutorial from that channel, why lie to me?

Anonymous No. 879661

What's this then:



People linked a ton of tutorials, even a chair tutorial from the Donut Guru, and you're still asking how to model a simple chair.

Fuck off, you undeserving cunt. You completely ignored all advice, including my last one, and now you're trying to make me a fool for helping you. I'm almost certain you're Cris, because I've seen this exact behavior multiple times before on this shitty board.



Anonymous No. 879662

Oh that's me posting those tutorials you moron



Anonymous No. 879665

HAHAHAHA you fucking moron, I posted those asking if they were right for this
No wonder you got me confused for that other poster, you're fucking stupid HAHAHAHAHH

Anonymous No. 879666

My god, you're retarded, really retarded, proper retard level. You thought this was the gotcha moment but you just had to be a retard.

Anonymous No. 879667

The most stupid motherfucker on this board, that's you. My god, you really thought you had me with that post, oh you're ignoring advice, and the absolute moron links the tutorials I linked. How does it feel being this stupid anon? I might not know blender and drop it, who knows, I'm not happy with it wasting my time but you, you are going to be that stupid, nothing's going to change.

Anonymous No. 879669

Everything takes time, there are no shortcuts.

Anonymous No. 879672

Take your meds, my dude...

And I'm still right because SOMEONE still did link those tutorials, it's just that it was you who linked them. Which makes you even dumber somehow.



Anonymous No. 879674

You should only watch tutorials once, to be efficient.
I already watched them, didn't get them, why try again.
>My dude
I need a timeframe, when can I expect results, I'm a very corporate personality. I allotted 10 days to this test period, today is day 6 and too much is missing.

Anonymous No. 879677

>You should only watch tutorials once, to be efficient.
>didn't get them, why try again.
>I'm a very corporate personality

This shit is hilarious lmao, thanks for the laugh, my dude.

>when can I expect results
In your case, probably never, Cris. Maybe stop shitposting here and use that time to watch those tutorials again. Wasting time on /3/ isn't efficient either.



Anonymous No. 879678

Call me cris again and I'll drop 3D. I will be treated with the utmost respect.

Anonymous No. 879679

I demand to be treated with the utmost respect for my art, the test period of your hobby was allotted to 10 days, do not disappoint me and make yourself useful, now.

Anonymous No. 879680

Is that a threat? If anything, it might be a good thing to give up on 3D, Cris. For your own well being. You're wasting time on this anyway. You're clearly not interested enough in the craft. Work on yourself, my dude, arguing with stranger over the internet is pointless.

Anonymous No. 879681


Anonymous No. 879682

I'm sorry mr. Cris. I will treat you with respect from now on.

Kind regards,
Internet Retard Handler

Anonymous No. 879683

Do not confuse me for someone else, sale pute.
I'm a proud french soul, your hobby and board should be proud of me being interested in 3D.

Anonymous No. 879684


Anonymous No. 879685

You're Fr*nch? Prove it.

Anonymous No. 879686

Brutalism was born due to french blood, I am merely honoring the legacy.

Anonymous No. 879688

Thats impossible, you need to buy Maya to be able to make this.

Anonymous No. 879689

What do you mean? I am talking about the backgrounds like in >>879516

Anonymous No. 879690

cris cris cris

Anonymous No. 879691

Are you really that fucking stupid?

Anonymous No. 879692

What are you talking about? My time is gold, do not waste it, to the point.

Anonymous No. 879693

I have 100% doubt your time is gold especially since you have proven yourself to be the dumbest person on this board by far.

Anonymous No. 879694

What makes me stupid? I have been reasonable here, it's you lot the ones insisting on your idiocy.

Anonymous No. 879695

No wonder a bunch of towel heads shot up and bombed Charlie Hebdo. All the french need to go out that way.

Anonymous No. 879696

>"Being reasonable"
>Asking dumb questions
>not taking one single piece of advice
>Playing the victim by trolling and acting more dumb
>continuing to talk instead of work.

Anonymous No. 879697

Answer me now, how to do the texturing now.

Anonymous No. 879698

suck my dick faggot

How's that for an answer?

Anonymous No. 879699

I'll help you out dude!

First, buy a gun and then kys

Anonymous No. 879700

Download Substance Painter.

Anonymous No. 879701

How long to learn it? Free? Easy? Can I use it to finish textures today.
Need results by yesterday.

Anonymous No. 879702

This fucking retard can't even take basic advice. You think it's going to actually know how to work in another program?

Anonymous No. 879703

It's going to take years to learn because of how much of an idiot you seem to be.

Anonymous No. 879704

Trolling, I type extremely fast, you waste more time trying to troll me, not using another program.



Anonymous No. 879705


Anonymous No. 879706

Just download Substance Painter and go from there.

Let me have fun.

Anonymous No. 879707

you don't seem to understand what the word trolling means.

Anonymous No. 879708

I told you how to get good, but you're not acting like you deserve respect, you're acting like a spoilt girl. Fuck off, cris. You bring shame to your mother

Anonymous No. 879709

Not wasting my time lmao, on my phone running now.

Anonymous No. 879710

>on my phone running now

that sentence doesn't make any sense. So you are confirming you're a retard?

Anonymous No. 879711

Im posting ehile doing exercise

Anonymous No. 879712

You can't even spell right you fucking idiot.

Anonymous No. 879713

Is English your first language? Or are you from another country?

Anonymous No. 879714

So, I was right. You gave up 3D just to half ass some other hobby.

Anonymous No. 879715

of course they did. I'm willing to bet this loser hasn't ever achieved anything in life.

Anonymous No. 879717

Did exercise already, nice.
French is my native tongue, why?

Anonymous No. 879719

Your kind isn't the smartest of the human race. Thanks for comfirming.

Anonymous No. 879751

Shaders are literally infinite things. Give up.

Anonymous No. 880464

literally just study lighting and colours. or take the easy route and study lighting and use monochrome colour palettes for your renders, assiming at least that you've already gotten the look that you want for the concrete textures you've shown. it's just a shitty concrete wall with multiple pour marks and cored out holes. you could prolly just dead ass rip the image on the was closest to the left, turn it into a usable texture by manipulating corners in any image editing software and then go from there. or easier approach, just steal shit off of google. there's a million ways to overcome this issue, but you're here asking for help when the only thing anyone here is usually going to give you is haha blender fag or that you killed a thread for this. honest help, just be sure to study reference for brutalism on google or architecture websites. reference studying is your friend, but you're ditching it to hang out with us retards for hopeful advice

Anonymous No. 880475

>shame I wasted days on this.
KEK yes you should defiantly give up then, if u cant spend days doing something to learn it u should go back to playing video games all day u fucking loser lol

Anonymous No. 880484

this post was made by cris

Anonymous No. 880699

If that's the best way you have to explain then you're screwed.
You need to start with the basics... And I mean the very basics.

Anonymous No. 880701

Fuck OP, I hope he's a troll, no one can be this retarded... Or can they?

Anonymous No. 880709

this is not cris, I'm sure. he gives some portfolio schizo vibes

in any case, the thread has been hilarious. I demand more, OP

Anonymous No. 880710

could we actually start bumping the generals instead of shit like this? i wanna see some of your guys work so i can reply ngmi