

🧵 Blender General

Anonymous No. 886778

Glowing in the dark edition
Previous: >>880102

Anonymous No. 886781

looks like something out of risk of rain 2, and not in a bad way.

Anonymous No. 886782

looks like a NFT.

Anonymous No. 886791

Is blender vfx tracking as good as adobe? Or are they the same thing?

Anonymous No. 886799

Is an RTX 3060 good enough for rendering 4K animations in Cycles?



Anonymous No. 886802

Noob here
I'm doing my first project, and for some reason, my viewport seems centered on one of the objects I made, so all my viewport movement is centered around that object.
I tried moving my cursor and tried various setting but it doesn't seem to work and it's driving me insane
Does anyone know how to fix that? I want to set the viewport to either the beginning of coordinates or to the other object(s)



Anonymous No. 886803

here's what I'm talking about for a reference

Anonymous No. 886804


Anonymous No. 886805

it didn't help

Anonymous No. 886807

Depends on how much time you're willing to spend rendering, the complexity of your scenes and the amount of VRAM they need.

Shift+c to center the view around the origin, . to focus on selected object, alt+middle click to focus on an arbitrary area.



Anonymous No. 886841

I'm trying to use rigify and the meta rig to rig a model. I removed the face bones and the bone inside the head, but i get this error: "List Index Out of Range" and it doesn't generate the rig. I can't find anything online.

Anonymous No. 886845

it's probably trying to build against the face and/or head bones and the code is expecting to find them but you've removed them. could be something as simple as a function returning an empty list because of it. maybe there's a checkbox or something you need to untick as well rather than just removing bones?
the error is too generic, only solution I can think of is digging through code. If the code is obfuscated, tell the nigger who wrote it to fuck off and burn in hell.

Anonymous No. 886846

many thanks, i've deleted the face bone but kept the ears so maybe that was the problem, now i'm restarting

Anonymous No. 886856

kys then, you'll need to ask google for about everything



Anonymous No. 886876

Did this a month ago(?). I want to get better at blender, but my main interest are high quality lowpoly.

I'm doing well on the modelling part, but UV mapping and rendering are still a big question mark for me. What you guys think

Anonymous No. 886885

What a strange looking fox that is.

Anonymous No. 886913

Where the hell is the weight painting face selection mask hotkey? It doesn't seem to exist. The vertex selection mask key is `v`
Is there some python bullshit I can use to add it?

Anonymous No. 886914

Bitch I've been rendering 4k animations on my 1080, 3060 is decent enough.
Granted you shouldn't be waiting actual time for something to render. Do that shit while you're asleep.
Or farm points with SheepIt using your GPU and get everyone else to render for you. It's like storing your GPUs power in a bank to use in a quick burst for later. A GPU spirit bomb if you will.



Anonymous No. 886917

Just finished the Blender 2.8 Fundamentals series on YouTube. What tutorials should I watch next? I understand the basic tools but need more practice with them. Should I do Grant Abbot's tutorials on modeling next?

I tried a few Darrin Lile tutorials and while he explains everything well his model quality is very poor and his methods take too much time for what you get out of them.

Anonymous No. 886920

Yeah like other anon said, don't delete the head bones, just ignore them

Anonymous No. 886921

Grant abbit is great, his modelling basics with the red eyes monster and the bearded guy are easy to follow and you can gain a lot of confidence there

I'm yet to find a good explanation of UV mapping like 300 hours into blender so I just started using substance to unwrap and paint the models instead

Anonymous No. 886923

>Granted you shouldn't be waiting actual time for something to render. Do that shit while you're asleep.
That doesnt make any sense. You only sleep for 6-7 hours a day and it takes far longer to render animations with no noise, especially with 4k frames. If you use a denoiser you lose all your fine details that you worked so hard to create into a blur.

Anonymous No. 886931

Looks good, but some areas are more high poly than other areas. Like those headphones need more polys and so do the shoes cause they look like blobs. Also hat looks like poo.

Anonymous No. 886932

What kind of UV tutorial do you want?

Anonymous No. 886981

Thank you for the solid feedback, I posted this thing everywhere but nobody was helpful as you were just now.

Anonymous No. 886995

Is the autosmooth normals function not working with geometry nodes?

Anonymous No. 887006

Mine works. 7-8 hours (sometimes I'll even sleep more) is plenty of time to render a good chunk of frames. I can do 400-500 in a night at 4k. You don't want the render time for a frame to exceed like a minute and a half. So if you ain't optimizing your scene for animation, you're doing it wrong. Resolution isn't the factor you should be measuring, time to render per frame is. I aim for about 30-40s.

And denoising isn't as bad as you'd think, especially at higher samples..
I do a 50% mix of the noisy output and the denoised, to get rid of the pesky bits while still keeping crisp detail. Throw in a very slight sharpen filter on the denoised output and things look just as crisp.

Anonymous No. 887086

>all that autism in the devtalk since a month

Are you guys ready for texture nodes, capable of doing 90% of what can already be done in shader nodes?

Anonymous No. 887128

Funmbling around in this without really knowing what I'm doing. I patched a hole in a vertex for another pre-existing model I aquired by extruding some points and linces into faces and stretching the points where they needs to go to fill the hole. Worked great, hole is filled, but when it's rendered, the new faces don't match the surrounding material in solid mode. Is there a reason for this?


Anonymous No. 887129

Fumbling* around in this without really knowing what I'm doing. I patched a hole in a vertex for another pre-existing model I acquired by extruding some points and lines* into faces and stretching the points where they needs to go to fill the hole. Worked great, hole is filled, but when it's rendered, the new faces don't match the surrounding material in solid mode. Is there a reason for this?


Anonymous No. 887153

i fuckin' wish, the old texture nodes would have had lots of utility but they could only be used at rendertime and not for modifiers



Anonymous No. 887180

how make metal look not plasticy? is it a matter of adding scratches and shit? do i use noise textures to make em dirt and scratches?



Anonymous No. 887182

>I'm yet to find a good explanation of UV mapping like 300 hours into blender so I just started using substance to unwrap and paint the models instead
is it easier to unwrap in substance? i have been basically doing

Anonymous No. 887184

don't look at blender for UV, watch maya tutorials.

Nobody making tutorials for blender can UV for shit.

Anonymous No. 887189

What's confusing you about UV? I feel it's easy, so maybe I have no idea how it actually works.



Anonymous No. 887191

yes, dirt, scratches, and variations to the roughness/glossiness of the surface (which is what scratches are, but scratches are small, localised details, you also need broader, subtle noise that encompasses the whole structure).
Trains are also not built in Ferrari factories with Ferrari quality standards and kept sheltered to avoid damage to the body, so their metal chassis are always slightly warped, pic related.

Depending on age, size and whether they're being used overground or underground, in a 1st world or 3rd world country, the metal is gonna present more or less pronounced warping.

The more you look down the length of a train, the more surface of the train you see that's angled close to 90° to the viewpoint, the more of the reflective component of the surface you see due to fresnel effect and the more pronounced any slight imperfection on the surface becomes because the light doesn't bounce perfectly off of it.

Pic related is a bit too pronounced and high-frequency for a subway car, but the same principle applies.
Use something like a cloud noise that you can control the smoothness and frequency of, plug it as a normal/bump map and play around with the values
Don't crank it up to 11 and then complain that your train looks like sandpaper, subtle is key here.

Also the lack of bevelling around the front frame and the door frames is quite jarring.

Anonymous No. 887192

shade them smooth



Anonymous No. 887194

this happens when i bevel it, i should have made it as a seperate door frame



Anonymous No. 887196

>Use something like a cloud noise that you can control the smoothness and frequency of, plug it as a normal/bump map and play around with the values
>Don't crank it up to 11 and then complain that your train looks like sandpaper, subtle is key here.
used a musgrave noise and got the whole noise structure down but how do i make the small scratches are dirt and what not?

Anonymous No. 887205

Looks like the topo is completely fucked there. You should aim towards having a model that will keep its shape when subdividing it.
For instance, you should have, like, 3 poly sections definining the curved angle of the frame, and then leave it to the subdivision to increase the polycount and make a smooth angle instead of just having a gazillion of them straight away, they aren't even evenly spaced.
Large, flat surfaces also don't necessarily need to be a single polygon. Actually, they shouldn't.

There's some fuckery going on at the top of the front frame there, me thinks it's still topo issues. Fucked topo == fucked normals == fucked normal maps.

It's a square-section tube with holes on the side, anon, don't overthink it.

Anonymous No. 887209

Didn't appear to help sadly. Maybe the faces are disconnected somehow?

Anonymous No. 887211

I decided to bite the bullet and just learn to do it. The anvil tutorial by blenderguru is alright. From what I understand you just want everything to be a quad or series of quads. If you have triangles or uneven mesh shapes your texture will likely warp across that surface, thus you want to make it not share the same texture space with the warped area.

Substance does everything automatically which is nice but it isn't always accurate enough to use fill layers and stuff

Anonymous No. 887304

Well that's embarrassing



Anonymous No. 887309

okay so instead of remodelling the front frame what i did was duplicate the material adjust the strength the bump and played around with the lighting and hdri so it doesn't look that noticeable in a glance. i have been thinking about doing other styles than ps1 or photorealism and recently watched this short film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8MQl7vCkMQ and really want to achieve this style, is it just painting in photoshop then applying it on a model or are there any shaders in play?

Anonymous No. 887330

I noticed blender is sometimes giving me different unwrap results if I restart it / restart the PC. What's that about? I'm still not exactly sure if that's what's really happening, but recently I had multiple situations where some decimated organic had horrible stretches during the unwrap which prompted me to quit for the day and when I returned to it the next day suddenly it unwrapped smoothly like it is supposed to.

Anonymous No. 887331

>From what I understand you just want everything to be a quad or series of quads. If you have triangles or uneven mesh shapes your texture will likely warp across that surface
Not necessarily, clean topo has more to do with making it much easier to unwrap due to being able to select loops etc. I'm dealing with decimated nanite meshes now and even that can unwrap fine if you know what you're doing, but it DOES make it harder and stretches could happen more easily. Also, when dealing with optimized LPs you'll also end up with triangles and have to unwrap them like that.

For the other dude, yeah, it just takes time, eventually UVing just clicks and you understand it. It's like dealing with product packages, you see how the carton box is cut in order to be put together in a 3D shape, that same basic example applies to anything. You develop a vision of how the mesh would fold into 2D space by applying specific cuts to it.



Anonymous No. 887335

I made this flat design with multiple 3D gems that I need to wrap around a cylinder so that it is a closed loop. How do I accomplish this? The shrinkwrap modifier flattens the objects (as expected) and the ConformObject extension only seems to work when the cylinder is much larger than the design.



Anonymous No. 887337

I'm trying to follow this tutorial to make an animated book with flipping pages.
Around the 11 minute mark, the tutorial says to make a vertex group with a gradient weight paint so that we can use that vertex group in the hook modifier to keep the pages turning... basically the page is flat on the book until the vertex group rotates too much and flips it.
Now, that's not working for me and I don't know why. I apply the weight paint, I put the vertex group in the hook modifier, but the page still turns more similarly to a stiff piece of cardboard than paper.

I also can't seem to wipe my weight painting clean if I want to start over, so any advice on that would be appreciated as well.
Thanks in advance for any help.



Anonymous No. 887338

Spawn a "circle" curve, go into its curve settings and tick "stretch" and "bounds clamp" under "curve deform", then use a curve modifier on the array of gems.
Spawn an empty in the center of the gem array and use the "simple deform" modifier with the "bend" mode and the empty as the origin, cranked to 360 degrees. Move the empty back or forth until the circle is large/small enough to cover the cylinder.



Anonymous No. 887340

How do I into blender as a noob? Just got my first real quest 2 vr headset and going to get a 3d printer



Anonymous No. 887363

Thanks and based.

Anonymous No. 887365

Do some courses or tutorials. Spend many hours practicing. Get ready to lose some years of your life into it.

Anonymous No. 887370

Possibly different seed values or some kind of weird bullshit like that.

Anonymous No. 887372

Press the . (DEL) key on your numpad to pick what thing you want to orbit around.
Press Shift Space to go back to orbiting around the center of the scene (technically "the origin of the world) and also reset the cursor.

Keep grinding tutorials; you need to build up your fundamental knowledge before you try to dive deep.

Anonymous No. 887373




Anonymous No. 887374

Not him but here's some feedback (hopefully helpful):

1) Your render looks a lot better, look up some of Blender's denoising tools.
2) Pick a style: photorealistic OR stylized aka non-photo-realistic (called "NPR", that's the term to google, NPR employs special rendering techniques and other stuff like having the textures do the heavy lifting)
3) Your lighting is still bad, an HDRI alone isn't enough; lighting is tremendously important for all scenes but with metal things it's amplified a thousand fold.
4) Fine details (rivets, correctly modeled edges, scratches) would help a lot.

The joy of 3DCG is that 90% of it is a technical process where you input commands into a computer to get a result. You can always modify these inputs pretty easily, there is no "talent" or "skill" or other intangible nonsense crap, just KNOWLEDGE and TECHNIQUE (the term "workflow").
The process of making something might be called Simulation, and Simulation is a spectrum with Realistic on one end and Stylistic on the other end.
Things "look off" or "wrong" even to the untrained eye when they fall into the Uncanny Valley, the place inbetween. Your model lacks enough of the realistic features, or gets the features wrong, such that it looks "wrong" and there are many many little errors that compound together and until enough of them are changed, it will keep looking "wrong" and like you aren't making much headway even though you are.

Fix the base mesh, then attack the materials and lighting, or else all the errors in the base mesh will keep showing through.



Anonymous No. 887410

i have been meaning to learn npr stuff but i feel like it needs more technical knowledge and the basics of painting down for the textures. do you have any good tutorials on lighting ? i cant seem to find a general guide of sorts

Anonymous No. 887427

I have a image sequence with a lot of images.
I now want to display a singular image on a plane.
I then want to duplicate this plane and have the same material and the same image showing a different image from the sequence.

How can I randomize which image from an image sequence is shown on the mesh?
Bonus points if I can control how long the image is staying there before switching to the next randomized image.

I'm dumb and I'm already at my wits end,

Anonymous No. 887428

If you have VR, join the 4chan faggot vr general. They will more or less force you to play vrchat and laugh/bully you into costumizing your own avatar more.
Small projects like "how do I join meshes so I am more performant for the rating system" is the kind of babysteps you want to do in order to learn the UI, the hotkeys and so on.

Making the donut is nice and all, but nothing will really "stick" if you don't have a tiny project on your own and are actually interested in the solution. Don't set your goal to high aka "I want to make my own short". That is too much for your first step and will most likely end up with you being disatisfied.

Anonymous No. 887430

>Making the donut is nice and all, but nothing will really "stick" if you don't have a tiny project on your own and are actually interested in the solution. Don't set your goal to high aka "I want to make my own short". That is too much for your first step and will most likely end up with you being disatisfied.


Not only that but this advice applies to pretty much any skill really.



Anonymous No. 887434

I plan on making static pictures. I have models for my character, clothes, accessories, etc ready with physics and rigging. So to clothe my character is it correct to:
>simulate clothes
>pose body
>attach accessories
>simulate accessories' physics
This seems like a lot of simulation. Most models of clothes you download off the internet are already sewn together and you just need to use the proportional edit to move the mesh around to correct for clipping.

Anonymous No. 887447

I mainly just wunna print shit for my old project cars and drones and random shit for around the house and garage

Tried vr chat not my kinda thing
Pavlov and boneworks is sick

Anonymous No. 887474

>I mainly just wunna print shit for my old project cars and drones and random shit for around the house and garage
Yeah that is the goal, I get you
But you need to start with small things first or else the "big" projects will be overwhelming and you might just quit.

Anonymous No. 887477

why is blender 3.1 so buggy
following the donut tutorial, and when moving the frosting around to create the droopy bits, i'd get random vertices starting to appear strangely flattened at the ends despite the 'solidify' modifier - vertices i'd never selected and shouldn't be able to select, since x-ray isn't on
deleting and re-adding the faces fixes it, so what the fuck?



Anonymous No. 887480

i really like how my quick 3d printer material turned out

Anonymous No. 887484

You probably accidentally duplicated those verts

Anonymous No. 887485

but how?
i shouldn't even be able to select them
from my perspective i was only selecting some vertices at the edge of the outer rim of the frosting, and extruding/moving them



Anonymous No. 887497

fucking how
looks exactly the same

Anonymous No. 887501

Do you use real displacement or do you use normals to displace pixels in screenspace


2022-03-19 21.12.31.jpg

Anonymous No. 887506

real displacement and bump map
rip, not enough filament left

Anonymous No. 887523

I'm trying to make an outdoors scene in eevee and I added an HDRi. I know that eevee cannot cast shadows from hdri like cycles does so I added a sun light but the problem is the shadows are way too soft, barely visible. If I try increasing the sun strength it would look like a nuclear blast.

Anonymous No. 887530

Indeed I really need to get a decent 3d scanner as well

Anonymous No. 887574

change the sun spread/size?

Anonymous No. 887635

why the fuck are there no tools for moving the 3D cursor along a single axis
or literally anything for precise positioning other than 'move cursor to selected'
what the fuck?

Anonymous No. 887644

It's in the view tab

Anonymous No. 887645

okay, but why's it there and not a more convenient gizmo when using the 3D cursor placement tool? you know, like the other move tools have?

Anonymous No. 887646

Not sure why it's there but I assume it doesn't have gizmos because moving it accidentally would be a huge pain in the ass, like in the right click select days.

Anonymous No. 887647

so only have it visible when you're using the cursor tool, the one right under the select tool

Anonymous No. 887648

Just use an empty and cursor to selected, moving the cursor the way you want to do it doesn't sound like it would come in handy very often anyway.



Anonymous No. 887651

What's the right way to store/ access data in points?
Anonymous nodes a great thing, but i have no idea between what the distance is calculated or where it is stored


proximity 2_93.jpg

Anonymous No. 887652

What i'm trying to do, just in 2.93
It's easy here.

Anonymous No. 887671

>or literally anything for precise positioning other than 'move cursor to selected'
Turn on snapping for the cursor zoomer.

Anonymous No. 887672

I'm trying to add some reverse kinamatics to my model following this tutorial, at this exact moment when I follow along my Armature spazzes out after adding the pole target: https://youtu.be/SBYb1YmaOMY?t=459

Any ideas? Did I parent something incorrectly?

Anonymous No. 887682

Is there a way to fill in the gaps underneath the steps using the array modifier? I'm trying to make a curved staircase. Simply making a triangular mesh for the area under the stairs doesn't work well when the simple deform modifier is applied.



Anonymous No. 887683

Is there a way to fill in the gaps underneath the steps using the array modifier? I'm trying to make a curved staircase. Simply making a triangular mesh for the area under the stairs doesn't work well when the simple deform modifier is applied and I'd like to have just 1 object for the deform to be applied to since it makes wrangling everything easier.



Anonymous No. 887720

shouldn't be a problem

Anonymous No. 887734

The scene I'm rendering needs to have that area closed off since there is a wall there.

Anonymous No. 887791

transfer attribute node

Anonymous No. 887796

How to do the curved array like that which still connects
Looks very nice arrays always fuck me

Anonymous No. 887815

blender bros genuine question
if i start with blender and move to other software will i better better off, worse off, or about the same if i did it the other way around, starting with other software (3ds max or maya, zbrush) and moving to blender

Anonymous No. 887836

what area? to the floor?

good luck

Anonymous No. 887838


I use all 3 extensively (Max, Maya, Blender). I started with Max, used it for a couple years, then moved to Maya and used it for 5 years. Then I switched to Blender 2.8+, it was a very easy transition. A very pleasing one too.

Even as a Blender user you should know the basics of Max or Maya (or both). They're terrible to use but they're still the industry standard.



Anonymous No. 887848

optimal livingroom render, gotta find me that poster

Anonymous No. 887850

Way too much bloom and dispersion.



Anonymous No. 887851

fair, probably changed resolution since i did the compositing setup



Anonymous No. 887856

I really really want somebody to make a web-based Blender viewer. Just a stripped down version of Eevee that runs in a web-browser interpreting blend files. It doesn't have to be particularly fancy.



Anonymous No. 887870

Is having a subdivision surface modified applied on all my shit just something taken for granted? I keep seeing people with these squishy and soft nice models around but when they post the wireframe they are using like 12 polygos and it makes no fucking sense. What the fuck is going on?

I feel like im the only retard not doing that and for seemingly just arbitraty reasons.

Anonymous No. 887873

holy shit how long did that take to render?

Anonymous No. 887874

... what

Anonymous No. 887875

What? You mean you're using a lot of polygons while other people are suing subsurf?
It's something that takes practice. Actively try to keep your polygon count as low as possible as you work.

Anonymous No. 887880

...right-click Shade Smooth?
Is this real?

Anonymous No. 887881

3 minutes i think? it's not that complex is it?

Anonymous No. 887882

I don't mean shade smooth i mean form and contours that aren't in the wireframe but are in the rendered version, what i'm asking is if it's usual for people to use subdivision surface without mentioning it and if that should be the way to do this instead of applying them to have "true" topology.



Anonymous No. 887887

i put some ridiculous details in here that will never appear on a full render kek

Anonymous No. 887897

Could be subsurf or could be multires. Both are useful tools for achieving something of that sort. Yes, subsurf is so common that people might not mention it at all.
Generally, don't apply any modifier that you don't need to apply. You apply subsurf if you need to manipulate the individual vertices (and even then, if you have a good topology and are sculpting, you'd just switch to a multires instead of applying your subsurf). Don't apply it just to get it out of the modifier stack, that's wasteful and pointless. It makes the blend files larger, makes processing slower, and makes editing less efficient. Only apply it if you actually need direct access to the subdivided vertices.
Generally, you use subsurf for modeling and multires for sculpting.

It's pretty common to have an object with lots of modifiers in the stack that stay there forever. There's no gain in applying them if you don't need to.



Anonymous No. 887915

pretty neat how you can just throw a video file of raw gameplay in a material

Anonymous No. 887919

The 60hz flashing is a nice touch.
Though you could just get rid of it and say you used a polarized lens, and just have a line slowly go down instead.
Gets the same point across without an epileptic fit.



Anonymous No. 887922

true, a bit extreme maybe. just gotta change the shutter speed irl, no need for a polarizer
could maybe do something wonky like this



Anonymous No. 887930

Is there a way to trigger an animation at random times, repeatedly?
To be more specific, I have a mesh with animated (image sequence) texture that I want to instance/duplicate the hell out of and have each copy wait a random number of frames, then go through all the animation frames and return to the first frame of the image sequence, then wait a random number of frames again and so on.
Pic/file related is a Python script that demonstrates how I want the current frame value of the image sequence to change in time.
I have been looking at the docs, but I'm retarded and so far I have no idea how to implement this in Blender in a driver or script form.

Alternatively, instead of an animated texture I can use actual animated mesh (geometry nodes), but it'll be more resource-heavy.
In this case I need a way to randomly trigger the action that holds keyframes of the geonodes setup, independently for each instance/duplicate, repeatedly.

Anonymous No. 887931


If there's one thing Blender hasn't failed to provide over the years, it's frustration. I recently switched to version 3 and I'm tempted to send the Blender Foundation some feedback for once.
It's like with Windows. In Win 98 you had My Computer etc shortcuts on the desktop. In Vista they were moved to the start menu. In Windows 10 they even removed them from there. Same thing with Blender. They have hidden basic friggin functions. Also the controls and layout are different, seemingly just for the sake of being different. Same with Windows really. What is the point. Everything works worse than before and you have to learn to use the program anew.

Anonymous No. 887932

I see i see thanks alot, for some reason i was under the impression that it as bad to never apply the modifiers and that they had be applied before it all being finished.

Anonymous No. 887936

I'm bored and my gf left me share me a good tutorial for a medium skilled blender user that is less than 2 hours but will show me something cool i didnt know how to do before

[spoiler]please im so hurt and raw i need something to consume my mind[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 887943

Yeah that's more like it.
And if you use a polarizing lens + 60fps shutter speed you can just about get rid of it. Speaking from experience.

Anonymous No. 887944

>Also the controls and layout are different,
They're literally fucking not.
I jumped from 2.7x to 3.0 without any issue whatsoever.
Literally without skipping a beat. There's even a 2.7x keymap.

Sounds to me like you're either retarded, jaded ("old thing good, new things bad, ooga booga"), or both.
They've not hidden anything, instead, they've added shit.

Anonymous No. 887951

>They have hidden basic friggin functions.
The shuffling around got me, too. A lot of the changes are really nice, though. Going from 2.79 to 3 feels like they unzipped decades worth of improvements at once that they didn't release because they were too busy adding grease pencil colours at the time or something

How is he retarded? Just one example - the mesh menu gave birth to 3 extra menus full of duplicate or probably collapsible context dependent operators

Anonymous No. 887954

How much are you willing to pay?

Anonymous No. 887955

>download motions from Mixamo for retargeting
>they're only like 2MB
>retarget a few of them to model
>suddenly the size of the .blend file skyrockets from 40MB (model size) to 200MB
What the fuck is taking up all that space?
The retargeted keyframes and newly stored actions for the model?

Anonymous No. 887957

Are we complaining about blender?
I have no clue why its' file-navigator has its' own set of hotkeys instead of following the standard across other programs.
It's annoying when I'm trying to navigate to a file quickly and I remember that Blender doesn't, for example, allow me to type in the name of a file when I'm in the folder to jump to it.
Now, I'm not saying there ISN'T a reason for this, but I just don't know it (or why those hotkeys can't be moved to, say, ctrl/alt+a to select all files or something)



Anonymous No. 887958

Around a week worth of my free time.
Pay for what?

Anonymous No. 887960

Good luck.



Anonymous No. 887961

You too.

Anonymous No. 887973


Anonymous No. 887988

I wanted to upgrade my GTX 1660 but fuck these GPU prices.


bugged supply mec....jpg

Anonymous No. 887995

GPU prices are dropping by like 10% every month.
-Crypto is crashing and it is getting harder to mine Etherium with GPUs
-supposedly June is when Etherium switches to proof of stake so some miners are holding out until then.
-alt-coins aren't worth mining because a lot of them are either rugpulls or just not worth it.
-RTX 4000s and new AMD cards drop later this year so some people are holding off on buying cards currently in stock.
-Retailers upped their prices so scalping is less profitable.
-People are going back to work in offices so demand for new PCs will drop.
-Nvidia and AMD stopped shipping to Russia so more stock for the rest of us.

On the other hand.
-Covid is hitting China again so they are locking down a bunch of suppliers again.
-While scalping isn't as profitable as it once was there are still people doing it.
-If cards hit MSRP they will be scooped up pretty quickly.
-In some cases the cards are only MSRP if you buy them bundled with other components.
-Expect a bunch of miners to sell their used cards as New.
-Some retailers aren't selling Founder's Edition cards anymore so you gotta buy the more expensive versions.
-RTX 4000s are rumored to have a big power draw requiring bigger PSUs with a new special connector so some might just buy the 3000s instead.



Anonymous No. 888016

hmm, 6 hours render time
the flickering still doesn't look that good

Anonymous No. 888070

>the mesh menu gave birth to 3 extra menus full of duplicate or probably collapsible context dependent operators
There's your fucking problem then.
I don't ever touch those menus. You don't need them. They're literally just there to say "hey, there's a menu button for this operation that you can do with a single keystroke", so babies don't whine about obfuscated features that you can only do with a shortcut.
Even when I need to do something obscure, I'd use the search before touching any of those menus.

Anonymous No. 888071

Just make it slowly pan down across the screen, not jump all over.
I've never seen what yours is doing. It's only ever seizure inducing flashing, or a field slowly going down the screen.
The only way yours makes sense is with a variable framerate, and a rolling shutter.

Anonymous No. 888073

yeah i should probably just make it really slow, was more about the auto mode emulating that

Anonymous No. 888091

Not related to the flicker but your tube mask resolution is completely off. the mask does not have the same exact resolution like the game and also pixels never lined up perfectly like that. it's an analog tube with an analog connection.



Anonymous No. 888092

Should be more like pic related



Anonymous No. 888093

Another example



Anonymous No. 888094


Anonymous No. 888126

Help me /3/ bros

Anonymous No. 888131

i thought about that myself that they could possibly never line up, but how would the rgb work if it doesn't line up?

Anonymous No. 888132

No idea but my guess is that you'd need some python scripting

Anonymous No. 888141

Light bleeding into the neighbor dots and "dots" themselves have gradients in them

Anonymous No. 888149

OMG why is this software Z up? I can't stand that

Anonymous No. 888169

but wouldn't that offset the colour?

Anonymous No. 888170

Z up is the most based, all others are wrong

Anonymous No. 888172

Z up is the most natural though, it's what you use in mathematics as well too



Anonymous No. 888200

ok some progress

Anonymous No. 888224

has potential for some hipster-tier shit

Anonymous No. 888288

Looks good, add some camera noise for more realism. HDRI would be good too.

Anonymous No. 888290

HDRI wouldn't add much if its an enclosed room.
All the reflections would be coming from the environment itself.



Anonymous No. 888304

yeah i'm adding noise in post, compositor is just too unwieldy
it does have an hdri, just as above it's enclosed and even fully modelled



Anonymous No. 888309


They even hid the Apply button for modifiers in a dropdown submenu. Why. The program is full of little nuisances like this.



Anonymous No. 888311


Another example. Say you add a UV sphere and you want to change it's number of segments. The setting would be in the same menu as position in the axis and rotation, right? Wrong. That was the old Blender.



Anonymous No. 888312


Another example. Say you add a UV sphere and you want to change it's number of segments. The setting would be in the same menu as position in the axis and rotation, right? Wrong. That was the old Blender.



Anonymous No. 888316

The new Blender instead has a temporary collapsed menu where you set the number of segments. Along with the the position in the axis and rotation...
Not to mention the collapsed menu is easy to miss for a new user because of how awful the tool layout and icon design is.
"Without skipping a beat" my ass. If you're dead and have no beat maybe.

Anonymous No. 888321

>They're literally just there to say "hey, there's a menu button for this operation that you can do with a single keystroke",
I think you're arguing for the sake of it, or flexing your four keyboards and eight hands. You use hotkeys for operations you use very often. You use menus for operations you know the category of, but don't care to memorise or hotkey. You use the search function to find things you know the name of but don't care to hotkey. These are three different purposes with some overlap, and some dependence on experience level.

>You don't need them.
Sure, the longer you use Blender, the less you'll use the menus for some things, but your use will never be zero for all things. Everything has its place. Not using one just because you think it's for noobs, is just going to get you scrolling through menus, playing twenty questions with the search, or kraken smashing your keyboards.

You didn't need to post four times in a row, we all use Blender here, we know what you're describing without a picture for everything.

Anonymous No. 888322

You very rarely need to apply modifiers, so putting it in a little dropdown opposed to a fuckhuge button isn't the end of the world.
>The setting would be in the same menu as position in the axis and rotation
>The new Blender instead has a temporary collapsed menu where you set the number of segments. Along with the the position in the axis and rotation...
Wow, what do you know, it's exactly where you said it would be.
As for the "it's too hard to see" problem, "mine works". My menu pops up every time. Sounds like the problem exists between the chair and keyboard.
>"Without skipping a beat" my ass. If you're dead and have no beat maybe.
Nah, you'd have to be dead to not pick something this piss-easy up. You'd literally have to have no brain function to not be able to wrap your mind around one or two things moving a few pixels over.

If you think I'm flexing, you're full of shit.
I'm calling out a bunch of whiny little shits because 1 or 2 things moved into obvious places and suddenly the program became "unusable". As if they've suddenly jumped from using MS Paint to After Effects and the program is TOTALLY DIFFERENT.



Anonymous No. 888340

I want to bevel some cubes and sculpt some detail into them (either blender or zbrush) but when i subdivide the bevels will have more geometry then the larger sides. What is the proper way of fixing this? do you really just need to increase the resolution all the non-bevel faces? i basically want even resolution for the high res sculpt but only the beveled edges on the low res pic related

Anonymous No. 888344

It's overwhelming how much shit there is to learn. What if you invest countless hours into this only to realize you might lack talent?

Anonymous No. 888346

There's no such thing as talent when it comes to crap like flow sims and hard surface modelling. Only practise and patience.

I guess sculpting is a different story and perhaps scene creation or correct lighting, maybe rigging is also complex, but a lot of 3d is just persistence imho

Anonymous No. 888348

after doing anything for a long time you realize talent = time put into something

Anonymous No. 888351

Not everyone can be a rocket scientist. Know your strengths

Anonymous No. 888355

subdivide first, then bevel??



Anonymous No. 888363

sorry maybe i should have been more clear, i want the low poly to look like pic related with very little resolution on the main faces and then subdivide it later for sculpting detail.



Anonymous No. 888388

so just bevel it??

Anonymous No. 888393

Why does it take so long to render? I've reduced max light bounces to 4 and samples to 200, tiles to 32, using cycles. It takes 16 minutes to render 1 frame doesnt matter if the output is jpeg or png or mkv. What's going on? It's not a long/complex animation.

Anonymous No. 888394

You're still using tiles?

Anonymous No. 888395

>samples to 200
if using cpu that doesn't really seem far fetched

Anonymous No. 888397

What do you mean? I'm a noob

Anonymous No. 888398

I think maybe you're conflating bevel shader (an effect which fakes bevels) with the bevel modifier?

Bevel modifier rounds the corners on things by increasing the poly count. Bevel shader, which Blender has via the Bevel Node, does some trickery with the mesh's normals (the light bounce information) to make it look beveled (WHEN LIT!!!! bad lighting setup makes it invisible) without increasing the poly count

I'm too lazy to make pictures for you but maybe I will if my directions aren't any good:

Procedural (i.e. you can change everything, "Non destructive")
-> Bevel Modifier (Width Type: Width, Segements 4, Angle 30, Profile: 1.0)
Name as 'Low Poly Bake', hide (press the check box in Collection to unload it from your RAM)
Duplicate, save as 'High Poly Sculpt'
Apply Bevel modifier
Edit Mode -> Select face you want to sculpt (i.e. the large inner face)
P -> Separate by Selection
Edit new mode on new object -> A -> Mark Sharp
Multi-Res: SIMPLE subdivide (Simple button adds geometry without the subdivision smoothing pass), press this button a bunch
Either 1) Edit -> select outer most verts, Hide OR 2) Mask outer most verts in Sculpt (there's a way to do this from Edit mode but I forget how)

Eventually you'll want to Bake everything down to a texture (or series of textures) to be used on your low poly mesh.
Remember that any sculpted details are going to be visible as a result of Normals trickery and that means it requires a good lighting setup, and will fail at certain viewing angles. You can enhance the effect by adding a little extra geometry by hand in places if you can spare it, to create real depth, and then still have your Normal map(s) faking the rest but that's only something you'd do for a game asset

Anonymous No. 888399

You need to actually watch a video on how to set up Blender, in particular Cycles.
By default it's set to generate movie tier realistic renders. You also need to make sure it's using your GPU

EEVEE is much faster but looks horrific by default and needs a little bit of scene set up and tweaking (also requires watching a video) to get good results.

Anonymous No. 888400

even then, eevee is pretty limited to certain kinds of scenes, especially hdri/global lighting and bounces

Anonymous No. 888401

Manually add some loops cuts to even up the quads in the centre, crease the sharp bevelled points in ZBrush and go

Anonymous No. 888403

You can also just go straight to dynamesh 1000 if maintaining subdivisions is not important to you

Anonymous No. 888413


You have a big mouth. Idk if it's the enabling factor or the result of you fellating the Blender Foundation. I can't see someone having this behaviour without having a dog in the fight.

Anonymous No. 888419

What's a good place to learn more about normal maps and baking?
Most tutorials seem to be aimed at producing a normal map but I barely understand what the fuck I'm doing when changing the max ray length. Like the light rays are being traced, but in what way?

Anonymous No. 888429

blender isn't responding to my 3d mouse even though I tested it to work and I don't know why aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Im using linux btw.



Anonymous No. 888462

how in the fuck did i make this base?

Anonymous No. 888470

But why? Duplicate it, bevel one of them, subdivide the other



Anonymous No. 888471

better idea?

Anonymous No. 888481

Use Boolean operation then add suport edges if you want to do hipoly

Anonymous No. 888483

Search on the polycount wiki to know how normal maps works
If you want to know about specific software configuration then search on google, but is going to be more easy if you have the understanding on normals first

Anonymous No. 888484

Any blender experts here? What's the best way to generate cum meshes? Mantaflow simulation?

Anonymous No. 888532

Hover over modifier press crtl+a it's that simple



Anonymous No. 888538

Iam trying to recreat this girl stocking and short, does it look like latex or leather to you?

Anonymous No. 888549

i would go with latex

Anonymous No. 888552

Can't go wrong with latex

Anonymous No. 888553

bit better but those vertical segments are still too even looking. like tiny leds, too digital looking

Anonymous No. 888554

Both sucks when you have to wear it.

I'm trans by the way.

Anonymous No. 888559

yeah seems to be really complicated

Anonymous No. 888568

Closer to leather stockings to me. The shine is not as intense.

Anonymous No. 888592

>fellating the Blender Foundation
Don't think I mentioned BF even once, and I could give a fuck less about them.
The point is, a fucking dark-mode is not a "completely different program omg. I HAVE TO RE-LEARN THIS?"
It's retarded niggers making a mountain out of a mole-hill. It's like getting a newer model car of the one you've been driving and then thinking you have to re-learn how to drive from scratch.
"WTF? The pedal isn't int in the exact same position, and now the steering wheel has 3 buttons instead of 2? HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DRIVE?!"

Anonymous No. 888607

thank bro, gonna try out some PBR latex textures
what the

Anonymous No. 888613

>Don't think I mentioned BF even once

And who do you think made Blender, you stellar faggot? You went off right off the bat when someone badmouthed your beloved new version and are downplaying the changes to the point of hypocrisy. No, you dishonest baboon romancer. It's not just a "dark mode" or relocated menus. The fucking control scheme and menu architecture was changed for no good reason. How fucking stupid do you think people who can see for themselves are that you lie in their faces.

Anonymous No. 888695

it was changed for the better

Anonymous No. 888705

Do you guys suggest Blender to learn 3d for a beginner?

Anonymous No. 888706

yes, considering how much better the ui is now and the absurd amount of tutorials online for it

Anonymous No. 888716

You're probably not going to get an unbiased opinion in the Blender General.

Anonymous No. 888718

How do I link a bone custom property with a material property like colour on the driver menu? I've tried to link the data path and it just gets red as if it couldn't link with it and doesn't do anything. And there are rigs that actually do change the colour of an object without moving out of pose mode so I'm not sure what is wrong

Anonymous No. 888732

>I'm not flexing, you're full of shit. I'm calling out a bunch of whiny little shits
>My menu pops up every time.
Except you've been bragging to him and me that you don't use the menus and that using the menus at all makes one somehow worse, but that the menu changes are good.

>because 1 or 2 things moved into obvious places
It wasn't just one or two things, and some of the changes aren't entirely obvious as you've been told already - entire menus have been birthed and shuffled, and operators have reduced context dependence and have multiplied for no real reason other than change good. What will you say when Blender 4 comes around, when these offshoot menus and operators are collapsed again?
>Thank you again for enriching my life, @Goldman Sachs!
smhtbhfampai, literally celebrating regressive UI changes and dunking on people who don't like them.

Sure. It's free, popular and well documented. You can always pirate other software if you like. What's important, is that you actually get started with something and start building your skills.

Anonymous No. 888879

how do i make a hand?

Anonymous No. 888961

take a photo of your or somebody else's and block it out from a cube and subdivisions

actually making it photorealistic is extremely difficult



Anonymous No. 888979


Anonymous No. 888989

is this eevee? shadows look a bit jagged
the render reminds me of some specific famous photo though



Anonymous No. 889130

whats the best way to make this pipe round the corner?



Anonymous No. 889131

gonna put lain in



Anonymous No. 889132


Anonymous No. 889136

put the cursor on the corner and extrude the pipe end using spin



Anonymous No. 889150

how can i get this many amount of wires in circles?

Anonymous No. 889152

how long will it take me to make decent blender vidya porn if I have no experience with 3DCG?



Anonymous No. 889155

if you want to learn modelling,texturing, animation and lightning then anywhere from 2-3 years of consistent practice to get any kind of decent export but if you are planning on using ripped models then you would only have to worry about lighting (amateur shit has flat anyways) and animation which would be 1-2 years i would say


noble doge.png

Anonymous No. 889182

/agdg/ here. How do I assign custom vertex attributes (in the OpenGL sense) to a mesh and export them? I want to assign an integer to each vertex in order to represent different kinds of joints for object snapping in my game. I tried to Google but I couldn't find any tutorials that didn't seem like they were for nodes or internal-only.

Anonymous No. 889198

use a curve to make the pipe

Anonymous No. 889218

draw freehand in a bezier curve



Anonymous No. 889230

Pic related is a dragon's leg, and a base mesh I'm sculpting to practice. Notice the way the leg bends and forms a crease between the mass of the thigh and lower leg, and similarly the arm rests very close to the torso. Is there a way to preserve that subtle clipping/creasing if you were going to do a lot of remeshing while continuing the sculpt?
The only solution I can see that doesn't require keeping every bodypart as a separate object is to sculpt into a resting pose that minimizes the chance of individual body parts merging into one another and losing the creases when you remesh. But what about muscles or fat very close to the line of symmetry on the body, like the chest, abs or butt? theoretically they might get big enough to press up against their neighbor and make the kind of crease I'm describing, and you can't mechanically extend them away from one another like you can separate an arm and a torso, or the thigh and the shins in the pic. I think in cases like those, you'd be forced to have them as separate objects, at least while you're sculpting... I just can't really understand how people are able to achieve that kind of clipping topology that looks so appealing.

Anonymous No. 889265

I figured out probably the most effective solution to my problem thanks to a friend. When you know you'll have parts of the mesh ideally overlap in the final product, you should sculpt those pointing in separate directions, and then after all the topology is final you can just move it into whatever position you want. Though the theory is simple it'll take some practice for me to get sculpts to look decent from all angles

here's some un-retopo'd springbones foolery, turned out better than i expected

Anonymous No. 889278

I've just found out that OpenCL is replaced by some shenanigans in blender 3 and, while googling about how the hell should I render with AMD now I found this. Has anyone give it a try? Is it any good or I'd better stick to cycles?

Anonymous No. 889279

Nevermind, apparently neither of those work for my graphics card currently so I'll have to look for other solutions or revert back to blender 2.



Anonymous No. 889281

>trying to break up parts of a ball jointed doll model to make it look like it was a hollow shell that broke
>basically just want to cut it into neat parts that fit together so I can animate them expanding from inside for a horror thing
>using the knife tool doesn't work right, blender will randomly decide to not do one of the lines in my cut and it will fail to snap to verts half the time
>trying to outline the cut I want as a separate object with edges and doing a boolean doesn't work right because even though a union boolean makes the hole correctly, I can't figure out how to do an 'inverse boolean' that keeps the part I cut from it too because the other options either cause it to exactly match my boolean object or just weld the two together
>cell fracture is too random even using an annotation pen, along with wide gaps and randomly deleting edges
This is probably a baby retard question but after the 10th indian youtube tutorial in a row failed to help me I don't know what else to do.
I also get the feeling that when I select 'union' it's actually doing what intersect does and difference is doing union, no idea how the fuck that occurred unless I just misunderstood the labeling/example pictures in the blender docs



Anonymous No. 889292

any way i can make the curves look more organic? and some of them are clipping through the other mesh

Anonymous No. 889293

Yes, I hated it. Looks completely different and you have to change materials for the renderer

Anonymous No. 889335

select random, move around or scale to make less uniform



Anonymous No. 889339

how it be lookin?

Anonymous No. 889341

yeah not bad, maybe some hooks or something at the top of the loops? probably near enough to be visible
the bigger ones do look a bit weird on a second look though, they'd be more like tall ovals, no?

Anonymous No. 889347

>maybe some hooks or something at the top of the loops?
where? didn't quite get you



Anonymous No. 889352

just something that anchors them to the wall, looks like the rings are just floating

Anonymous No. 889354

>you have to press A three times to deselect everything now
When did this happen? Fucking annoying.

Anonymous No. 889357

texture on that middle dish looks very samey and it all looks unnatural without shadows, but other than that i think it's good

Anonymous No. 889361

If I do the Default Cube Owl and the donut tutorials will that be enough to start using Blender?

Anonymous No. 889363

For what do you want to use blender?

Anonymous No. 889366

Broadly, I want to make landscape and cityscape artwork.



Anonymous No. 889367

i would recommend the blender tutorial on blender's youtube channel then just jump in and start working on a project. Then just look up a tutorial or ask for help when you are stuck while you're making your project. pic related is my 5th or so project and the first one i tried photorealism and i am genuinely proud of this



Anonymous No. 889368

>cityscape artwork.
definitely check out Ian Hubert's videos for making cities/buildings. disclaimer his methods only work in a hobby/freelance scenario and not for actual production but its very fucking fun to find textures and basically avoiding unwrapping and making buildings to your heart content

Anonymous No. 889370

Looks good
Thanks I'll check it out

Anonymous No. 889375


Anonymous No. 889390

I sure as fuck don't.
A to select all, A again to deselect.

Anonymous No. 889406

Are geo nodes able to assign a color (or generic attributes) to instances or is that technology ahead of our time?

At least without realizing them, that would defy the point of using instances

Anonymous No. 889409

How do you guys acquire your textures? Do you create them all by hand in blender or a program like substance painter/designer? Or do you just download premade textures off a website?

Anonymous No. 889420

Yeah that's extremely annoying, they added a setting where you double tap to deselect, and single tap always selects.
I guess they thought having it context dependent was confusing or something, but I hate the change.

Fortunately you can disable the setting


blender test imag....png

Anonymous No. 889432

I'm still new to blender, but I've been working on a lowpoly game with some friends, and wanted to know if I was doing things right in terms of my organization. I didn't know if I'd need to have the head and the torso as separate items in the scene collection for later or if having them under the same mesh is fine. I want to know if doing it this way will cause issues in rigging, etc.

Anonymous No. 889436

textures.com and photoshop is your best friend

Anonymous No. 889439

松村香織選対の横領主犯。小林彰久 こばやし あきひさ 伊丹市役所勤務 関西大学卒
かねこ よしひこ ぐあ”どりさん 漢字は金子? 一流会社コールセンター長
くわしくは次で 【悲報】松村香織選対で投票詐欺?500万横領? 2 https://itest.5ch.net/rio2016/test/read.cgi/ske/1504480763

Anonymous No. 889483

It's fine if you want PS1 like animation, where the arms legs and head were disconnected pieces. Also useful if you're going for some sort of modular system where you can swap the head model for something else (if exported separate)



Anonymous No. 889486

i dont know where to ask this so i figured i'd come here
im having trouble with cycles rendering and i realized that it doesnt use my GPU, i'm running an rx 570 on linux, i did hear that they removed opencl but are there any possible solutions?



Anonymous No. 889496

Trying to bake several high-poly objects (left in render) to a low poly object (right in render). The top turns out perfectly, but there are holes in the sides. Why? I'm baking with the "Selected To Active" option and even using the extrude feature to of the baking system and it's not working. I've tried different sample amounts, and I've also got the ray distance set to zero (which blender says is infinite). Just not sure why this isn't working.

Anonymous No. 889497

same question. I remember using an old version of blender a few years ago that supported opencl. My GPU doesn't support any of these.

Anonymous No. 889499


Anonymous No. 889500

baking in blender just sucks, try marmoset and stop having headaches

Anonymous No. 889513


Anonymous No. 889522

should i give up on a dream of animation in blender on my gtx 960 2gb?

Anonymous No. 889527

render in eevee until you can get a new gpu



Anonymous No. 889537

okay so I finished rigging and weight painting my model, and I tried following this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnsYKGDpBtQ so I could make my model spread her legs without it looking awful. however I realized that during my rigging process all of my bones have been rolled into weird places, and in order to get something similar I have to do weird shit like like set the x value when I want something to go up the z value. how do I unfuck this? do I just need to re rig the whole thing?

Anonymous No. 889546

figured it out. it was alt r to clear bone roll.

Anonymous No. 889551

Rendering has really nothing to do with animation, just hone your craft in the viewport.

Anonymous No. 889575

Is it possible to display current weight level on each vertex ?? Might be useful for weight painting

Anonymous No. 889589

I'm glad I read this today

Anonymous No. 889592

>pussy geometry

I didnt think royalskies was a coomer desu

Anonymous No. 889613

but i downloaded some 500mb rigged model of the internet and it's lagging in the viewport :O
also, what's the point of animating something, if you can't render it and make it look good and shiny and show off?



Anonymous No. 889627

How do I get the texture to apply to the whole mesh? The orange highlighted part is all 1 object but for some reason the concrete (grey) is only on 1 small part.

Anonymous No. 889631

only coomers can have an art style that bad

Anonymous No. 889656


Anonymous No. 889658


Anonymous No. 889661

weird, why are there jaggies on the handrail? i guess the wood is just a non tiling texture

Anonymous No. 889686

I did that. Turns out there were multiple slots for the object for whatever stupid reason.

Anonymous No. 889688

OpenCL is obsolete, newer versions of blender use HIP for AMD vega and above I believe.


Screenshot (139).png

Anonymous No. 889689

This is one of my first head sculpts, and I'm pretty happy with how she came out. But the topology is fucked and remeshing only makes it worse.
Is this a lost cause? Any way to save this sculpt for UV unwrapping or do I need to start over?

This took me many hours so it would really fucking hurt to have to start over desu

Anonymous No. 889691

google retopology

Anonymous No. 889712

Use object coordinates, or unwrap.
Also, make sure that the material is applied to the correct faces as well.

Anonymous No. 889737

After retopology using shrinkwrap, I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of (/apply) all my shrinkwrap modifiers without losing the model's detail. See pic for what I mean. Is there any better way to do that than to just apply the subsurf first and then apply the shrinkwraps?



Anonymous No. 889738

I always forget my pics on this board. It's a knee/leg, and I'd like to keep the detail from the middle version somehow, preferably without turning my model into a million polygon nightmare.

Anonymous No. 889748

Couldn't you put a decimate on top after you apply the subsurf+shrinkwrap? Then just set the decimate to unsubdivide and crank the levels to however many subsurfs you added. That's how it works in my head anyway. As long as everything is pretty much all quads, it should work fine.
Subsurf at like level 4 + shrinkwrap > apply
decimate set to unsubdivide at 2 levels. Odd numbers for unsub makes the loops make an X pattern instead of normal quads so keep it in multiples of 2. The X pattern is useful for modelling weird stuff though.

Anonymous No. 889749

don't know where else to ask, but what's a good reference for the proportions of weapons like the various types of swords? i'm finding so little information about like, how long the grip usually is, and stuff like that



Anonymous No. 889751

Probably the best I'm going to get, should at least still be able to work with it, thanks anon.

Anonymous No. 889753

Absolute newfag here and wanted to see like, people making something from scratch (modeling, environment, anything goes) to get an idea of how the process of making stuff goes. Is there something like that? I want to play around with it for fun and perhaps get good at it someday but I have no idea what I should be looking at.

Anonymous No. 889754

hours and hours of content like that on youtube

Anonymous No. 889755

Enter donut

Anonymous No. 889756

If you want to keep the details from a sculpt as real geometry on a retopologized mesh with subdivision (as opposed to baking normals onto the retopologized mesh directly from the sculpt), then you need to use multires, not subsurf. Subsurf doesn't store any data, it just subdivides. Now multires subdivides and actually stores the higher detail vertex offsets at the max subd level, and there's two ways of getting that data in there. First, you can sculpt it in in sculpt mode. Or you can apply a modifier that goes after the multires modifier. Highly unintuitive since you normally imagine modifiers applying to the base, but it makes a little bit of sense too. So basically, you need to put a multires modifier on your retopo mesh, subdivide it a few times, then put a shrinkwrap modifier after it, target the sculpt and all, and apply the shrinkwrap, and your detail will be transferred to the multires modifier's highest (or maybe currently viewed, not sure) subd level. At that point you can adjust the retopo cage in edit mode to edit large shapes, and sculpt to edit the higher detail. And later you can bake normals from the multires using the "bake from multires" checkbox.

Anonymous No. 889766

I'll give that a try tomorrow too. Mine has different vertex groups shrinkwrapped to different sculpted objects - I think I'll try duplicating the mesh rather than using the sculpted objects since I'm not sure how that would interact.

Anonymous No. 889768

I use multires on one retopo object with several shrinkwrap modifiers set to different objects delimited by vertex groups too, since I like leaving sculpt parts like hands as separate objects since they normally need a much higher resolution than the rest of the body. Collapsing the shrinkwrap modifiers onto the multires won't screw up what the other shrinkwraps collapse to or anything like that as long as they're properly delimited. Basically what you see in the viewport is what you will get. You will probably need to enter sculpt mode after collapsing the shrinkwraps and smooth out the inevitable "seams" in areas where you shrinkwrapped to different objects though, but that's trivial to do.

Anonymous No. 889769

if i want specular reflection lines, like you might see on glass in an animation (the kind where you just draw a straight line across the whole surface), what's the best way to do that in a shader?
i'm considering making a tiling texture image and then projecting that onto the material like a reflection or something

Anonymous No. 889776

How hard it is to learn blended🤔 (in current state?)

Anonymous No. 889778

Well assuming you don't want to just place a rect light near it and call it a day, you could get there procedurally with messing with the values on the fresnel and channels of the world space normal but frankly I think Id just make a quick black and white matcap then pipe it into emission

Anonymous No. 889793

Fairly easy, but making tutorials seems to have become the best way of making money using Blender.



Anonymous No. 889819

Looks fine in object mode and I can sculpt on it, but when I go to edit mode, it looks like it uses the pre-wrapped offsets (as opposed to the ones I saw when I used "on cage" with the shrinkwrap.) Adjusting them in edit mode makes it explode in object mode. Can I do anything about that? I want to rig it next, and I'm not sure if I'll just have to do that after applying the subsurf/multires stuff or what.

Anonymous No. 889821

I make them all. Even if you're a beginner, you should make your own and actually learn something instead of listening to the losers and holding yourself back just to get your beginner projects out a little bit quicker.

You'll pay for this time saving, you know.

Anonymous No. 889822

Try going into "shape" in the multires settings and pressing "apply base".
As for rigging, you can rig the cage and add an armature modifier after the multires. Or you might wanna bake normals from the multires onto the main mesh, remove the multires modifier, and then use an armature modifier + a normal subsurf modifier on the mesh after that.



Anonymous No. 889823




Anonymous No. 889824

Apply base mostly worked. Only weird thing it did was create some holes in the seam that weren't there before. Can't seem to close them by merging the vertices in edit mode - even if I apply multires and then apply the mirror, the holes stay. Is there something I need to do before doing the multires stuff to get rid of those?

Anonymous No. 889825

what program do you make them in?

Anonymous No. 889828

Megascans for generic assets that can just have a texture slapped onto them. Even then I'll put some extra, procedural, bits on top to make them a bit more unique and to fit better. Or I'll take them into Mixer and make something a bit more specific to what I'm looking for.

SP for hero assets that are focal points or compositionally important. I'll go in with SP and give it a few passes until it looks like it lives in the scene.
Put the time into assets that matter, instead of divvying it up for shit the viewer will never see.

Anonymous No. 889849


Anonymous No. 889852

how would cel shading that works under any lighting work?
the common convention seems to be "lol just add more color bands" but that creates more than 2 layers of shading when the contrast is too high
is it possible to take the brightest point on the object and create color bands from that?



Anonymous No. 889868

learning le sculpting in blender but how do i make the nose part? do i make the brush size small and just use drag tool?



Anonymous No. 889871

Actually, I give up on this multires shit. Of all things, it can't seem to handle mirroring. Applying the mirror results in weird shit like the pic, trying to do anything else results in weird holes and asymmetry on the seam, and googling it points me to open bug reports. Fuck multires.



Anonymous No. 889873

You can use the mask tool to draw the area you want to pull on, then press ctrl+i. You'll get something like this pic. Then you can get your grab tool and pull the section you drew on back. You'll want to remesh afterwards and probably fix it with (inverted) crease tool.

Anonymous No. 889874

Also, alt+m to clear the mask when you're done.



Anonymous No. 889876

is there any specific order I have to sculpt in? i the overall shape is wrong but i think practice overtime will fix it. do i start with nose or the eyes or the mouth or is it a free for all?



Anonymous No. 889878

>is there any specific order I have to sculpt in?
It's art, there's no order you're forced into. My personal process is using the elastic grab tool to squish it into approximately the right shape, then use detailing tools (crease and clay buildup) to make the edges I think I want to maintain to stand out. So I'd probably block in the skull like that, mask the mouth back like I mentioned earlier, then start working on teeth, since the skull's mouth can be kind of shaped around them.

You'll probably also want to enable this option from the start, unless you mean to keep the asymmetry, which is hard.



Anonymous No. 889882

>You'll want to remesh afterwards and probably fix it with (inverted) crease tool.
what does remesh do? makes the topology better and what do i do with the crease tool?

Anonymous No. 889883

Remesh tries to rebuild your mesh out of vertices that are a minimum distance from one another. (Not exactly that simple, but we don't care about the math behind it.) But this has the effect of preventing your model from getting too many of its vertices bunched up and difficult to work with. Regular remeshing is good practice so you don't have to repeat detailing steps as much.

As for the crease tool, I just like to use it in its inverted mode to make edges harder. I think usually there are a few very important points/ridges I want to stand out visually, so I mark them like that early on. I don't think it's something a lot of people do, but it's the way I go about things.



Anonymous No. 889884

what value should I put in for remesh?



Anonymous No. 889886

god forgive me

Anonymous No. 889887

Depends on the scale of your object, you can always undo and try again with smaller detail.

Try doing the teeth as separate objects, probably easier.



Anonymous No. 889888

>Try doing the teeth as separate objects, probably easier.
fuck didn't think of that but kinda happy with my first sculpt was definitely way less frustrating than the initial modelling learning period and this was more fun

Anonymous No. 889890

Next time make the jaw a different object as well.
Punching holes through sculpts is not a pleasant experience, and it shouldn't be connected anyway if you're doing a proper skull.

Anonymous No. 889892

I figured he was going for a "marble sculpting" sort of style where the holes aren't really holes, rather than something you could animate, which is fine for practice.

Anonymous No. 889902

>Punching holes through sculpts is not a pleasant experience, and it shouldn't be connected anyway if you're doing a proper skull.
makes sense
how many types of sculpting are there?
should i switch over to drawing tablet or stick with mouse?



Anonymous No. 889908

When I join eyelashes to model (ported from daz via diffeomorphic) to have them follow expressions, they disappear. Any help?

Anonymous No. 889909

Figured it out.

Anonymous No. 889915

There's an overwhelming amount of tutorials out there. Can someone suggest some of the best ones to get started using this software?

Anonymous No. 889916

making a donut is always a good starting point
then you can move to things that actually interest you



Anonymous No. 889941

I'm not figuring out why in the asset browser my objects are all rotated wrong.

I tried the following things but nothing changes the preview upon refresh and the way the asset is placed:

Rotating, moving, scaling the origin
Applying all transforms
Marking and clearing assets

What am I doing wrong when I want this to be rotated by 90° so it faces to the front?



Anonymous No. 889956

I think I fixed it, needed to press that, instead of just autorefreshing the library.
Is there a way to generate the previews of multiple assets you have selected?

Right now, I go through all of them and press this manually each time.

Anonymous No. 889979

Im trying to weight paint my model and no matter what I have the weight set at it paints it as if it was set on 1. how do I stop this shit?

Anonymous No. 890119

Neat, "Enable collection assets (no longer experimental)"

I had been waiting for support for collections in the asset browser. Good thing I kept waiting a few days before turning my model collection into assets.



Anonymous No. 890156

>blender doesn't have a single pixel brush size

Anonymous No. 890167

How do I export webm's that 4chan will accept?



Anonymous No. 890172

How to i remedy this shit? I just want the texture to linearly and evenly taper down.
Top is actual result, Bottom is expected result
please note that the bottom behaves the same way, but the extra geometry makes it harder to notice.

Anonymous No. 890174

add more loops

Anonymous No. 890176

I dont want to

Anonymous No. 890179

Do the same shit but for the UV?

Anonymous No. 890192

Render as a video then use https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter to convert to webm 8



Anonymous No. 890248

that's how computer graphics work

Anonymous No. 890303

not even a problem in the webm



Anonymous No. 890373

Does my shirt look okay? I'm new at this.

Anonymous No. 890375

boob to tummy transition is weird, what are you going for there?



Anonymous No. 890376

Trying to get it like pic related. Since it was a fitted t shirt, I was trying to use bottom pic as a reference, but not sure if it looks right. Tummy looks wonky because of the nude model i'm working with. Should I smooth it out more?

Anonymous No. 890446

>use blender because i think rigging -> sculpt corrective shapekeys seems like a nice workflow
>find out that multires only supports sculpting shape keys on layer 0
what the fuck

Anonymous No. 890447

you might have better luck if you apply an "anime" shader and see what it looks like when you view it from different angles

Anonymous No. 890471

I absolutely cannot stand the bloat of a Rigify rig and it's really fucking bad when you try to export it out. Even when I choose the option to only export deform bones, there are too many bones.

I'm one of those boomers who are just going to stick to simple armature skeletons made from scratch and use the Auto-IK feature and minimal use of constraints. You don't fucking need all that Rigify bullshit with a hundred bones on hidden bone layers.

Anonymous No. 890493


Anonymous No. 890527

Retard here. First time animating in Blender. I made a bunch of animations (idle/walk/run/attack/die) and they're all on the same timeline. How do I export these as separate animation clips? me brain no thinky too smart

Anonymous No. 890528

That is to say, when I export the .fbx from blender into my game engine, I want that .fbx to contain multiple pre-cut animation clips rather than a single long clip. Pardon my 85 IQ.

Anonymous No. 890529

>all on the same timeline
I've been there before. go to the animation tab, change where you see Dope Sheet to "Action Editor." You'll have an action there already, duplicate it, and start deleting everything that isn't just one action. Repeat until they are all their own separate actions.

Anonymous No. 890532

I never really rig anything but I used to use that to pose crappy little D&D miniatures until I found out what MBLab was. Glad I aint the only one who thought that was a little much.



Anonymous No. 890558

Put the generic cell shader on there. It's looks about how i want it. Just have to texture and fit it better.

Anonymous No. 890602

Anyone has a series of follow along projects they could recommend?
Some things that made me pretty depressed happened recently and I don't feel like starting my own projects but I don't want to give up on 3D modelling.

Anonymous No. 890606

cope, ngmi

Anonymous No. 890615

Dont listen to this crab faggot >>890606. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwyR4BMclM8&t=1354
you could also just need a break from it. When I first started learning blender I spent all day on it for a few weeks. I got burnt out on it and decided to take a break from making any projects and instead look at the works of others by playing video games and watching 3d animated shows. Once I finnished my break, I was full of creativity.
Ultimately its up to you, good luck anon!



Anonymous No. 890638

ahahahahhaahhah, i can draw better hands than i can sculpt



Anonymous No. 890807

why do certain polys show up in a different color when im in sculpt mode?

Anonymous No. 890852

It's made face sets (probably from polygons that were created at a different time?) to make it easier to sculpt them as separate zones without affecting the other areas. If you want to clear them you can go to face sets -> initialise face sets.

Anonymous No. 890894

>parent eyeball to my rig
>make an eyeball controller
>add damped track constraint to eyeball targeting controller
>eyeball zooms the fuck off
what did i do wrong
i thought damped track just affected rotation
i applied my transforms on everything beforehand

Anonymous No. 890899

oh i had to reset origin to geometry

Anonymous No. 890900

i can't seem to bake normal maps properly no matter what i do


bad normal map.png

Anonymous No. 890909

pic related is how badly this one came out
i have been banging my head against a wall trying to get these right, i must be doing something wrong.

Anonymous No. 890926

stop banging your head and use marmoset until the blender team overhauls baking



Anonymous No. 890937

>blender 3.1 broke all the addons...again

Anonymous No. 890941

No, just tweak the max ray distance and extrusion until your map doesn't have green or yellow in it anymore.
Also are your normals in the right direction?



Anonymous No. 890963

I made clothes and jewelry for my model that need to be simulated through the animation panel. I know the next step is to bake it, but how exactly do I do that? I want to be able to get a mesh whose vertexes I can manipulate with positional editing, like this shirt here: >>890373
after I pose the model.

Anonymous No. 891005

what is the recommended beginner resource?

Anonymous No. 891012

she's menstruating

Anonymous No. 891013

why aren't my textures exporting from blender to fbx?
>inb4 path -> copy -> export textures
Already did that.
The textures don't show up in Layout, but they look fine in Shading. They appear to be correctly applied to the material, and the material to the model. Am I doing something wrong?

Anonymous No. 891082

Noob here. This looks super nice, is there a name for this style? What to google to learn to make stuff like this?

Anonymous No. 891218

Damn, I really want to learn how to use nodes. The stuff people make using them is so cool.

Anonymous No. 891266

oh man the blender again use finger man or maybe rock I will say so for the curry man it was ok, i say good he say ok we eat nice but not again! you eat man, SMH4X

Anonymous No. 891271

oh i do say now man 42mhvnow