
download (12).jpg

🧵 Blender General

Anonymous No. 880102

Comfy tutorial merchant edition
Previous: >>871828

Anonymous No. 880105

why is the sculpting performance so unbearably shit. what can i do to make it better

Anonymous No. 880108

Pirate ZBrush.

Anonymous No. 880110

Get a job, and a girlfriend.

Anonymous No. 880112



Anonymous No. 880115

technically true, kek

i mean... i am making some progress. albeit slowly >>879983

Anonymous No. 880116

I want a job.
I know blender very well. everything else ok
can I get a job like this or should I try and transition to standard software (houdini)



Anonymous No. 880119

this guy is a snake oil seller, not an artist in any shape or capacity

Anonymous No. 880121

looks great

Anonymous No. 880122

Plenty of jobs where Blender is fine for modeling. Just know other programs for texturing and sculpting and actually be good at 3D. That's by far the most imporant thing.

Anonymous No. 880124

Are there any free hard surface kitbash addons I can download? I need it for a sci fi project, but it would take forever to design every single detail from scratch, and at the same time it wouldn't be visually rich enough if I don't add some kitbash greeble.



Anonymous No. 880130

substance + blender is kino.

Anonymous No. 880131

his tutorials are decent if you want to do pure arch-vis, but most of the time it ends up being a 'draw the rest of the owl'. doesn't help his scenes require top-tier hardware and lacks any optimisation



Anonymous No. 880161

Post your work.
Choose a position / specialty (sculpting + modeling / texturing / rigging / animating / motion graphics / special effect, etc.) and get really good at that, generalists are a dime a dozen and usually just an umbrella term for people who are too shit to specialize.

Anonymous No. 880177

>why is the sculpting performance so unbearably shit.
oo boy, you would have had your fun just a couple years ago.
compared to back then it's "blazing fast" now.

Anonymous No. 880180

Why didn't you listen to my advice, anon? Now you also have wood pattern going in wrong directions. GJ.



Anonymous No. 880181

Any rigging lecture or tutorial for beginners?



Anonymous No. 880184

Is Open3DLab/SmutBase/SFMLab a good website for resources? Any other recommendations?

Anonymous No. 880196

i am lazy.

Anonymous No. 880197

yes. alot of the face rigging on their is pretty shit though. also that mercy model is pure bloat

Anonymous No. 880284


Anonymous No. 880288




Anonymous No. 880404

i'm trying to keep this model low poly, is there a way of adding noodles to it without splines? low poly in the sense of final fantasy's food.

Anonymous No. 880406

Just use a tileable texture, but if you want more fidelity, you can make a single noodle trim texture and map it as a transparent texture onto a simple plane. You can use curves to create noodles, but render them as flat planes, then unwrap and map to the noodle trim.

Anonymous No. 880431

Why does zooming randomly break in Blender? When I scroll forward on the mouse wheel, I should be able to zoom inside the model I'm working on if I zoom too much. The problem is, sometimes it randomly triggers something that causes the zoom amount to cap. It also makes panning go extremely EXTREMELY slow until I zoom out more.

Anonymous No. 880440

think of like there is a tiny dot your view is centered around. panning moves the dot, rotating moves your view around it.

you can quickly get things back to normal again by centering your view around an object in the scene.

Anonymous No. 880442

I have orbit around selection on in the settings.

Anonymous No. 880452

Why the fuck isn't shift-select working for selecting bones in weighted paint mode?! Again, it just randomly stopped fucking working. I select the rig, then the mesh, enter weighted paint mode, and I STILL can't select bones. Blender is over 20 fucking years old and these idiot developers still can't get weight painting right.

Anonymous No. 880458

The default zoom method is like having a camera on a selfie stick. It can only get so close to the target. Go to preferences, navigation, zoom to try different zoom methods.

Try parenting the mesh to the armature with empty weight groups. This will add bone groups to the vertex group tab for that mesh.

This makes weight painting a lot more convenient, as you can quickly switch between vertex groups for painting.

Anonymous No. 880465

Should I document my progress as I learn Blender? On one hand it might be neat, but on the other that's more time spent on jotting things down.

Anonymous No. 880473

I tried



Anonymous No. 880622

first time doing food. all subsurface modelling. painted in substance.

what should i try next? any tutorials for doing realistic food in 3d?

Anonymous No. 880707

With a lot of ripped game models, I notice the meshes are split apart everywhere, and if you do a merge verts by distance, it merges like 1000+. This results in some vertex normal artifacts spawning.

What exactly gives with these? Are they supposed to be split apart? Wouldn't this result in the mesh being split when animating with bones?

Anonymous No. 880708

it's usually an artifact after export. they want the model to be sharp in areas, so they mark it as such in the software. not every game engine supports this so they have to split those verts in order to maintain that affect.

just use a weld modifier, works for me.


chair render.png

Anonymous No. 880718

I just did his chair tutorial and learned a lot. It took 10 hours. I started using blended a week ago.

Anonymous No. 880741


>blendercucks will defend this

Anonymous No. 880766

>nipple piercings
I threw up

Anonymous No. 880832

Should I learn Hair Tool or Xgen for realistic hair?

Anonymous No. 880874

amagad my ape brain just realized I can snap edge loops ze neurons have been activated aaaaahh



Anonymous No. 880935

Whether I use the weld modifier or merge verts by distance, it always produces these shading artifacts. I think it's something to do with custom normals.

Is there a way to mitigate this?



Anonymous No. 880941

ok now this is epic

let me share , in return

Click and drag the middle mouse button inside of menus and file browsers to drag pan up and down. prevents fatigue when working through a scene. I have a thumb side-button on my mouse assigned to mmb, and it is the bomb

Hover the mouse over a drop down menu and hold CTRL , scroll wheel will cycle through the dropdown list without expanding it



Anonymous No. 880947

ok now this is epic

let me share , in return

Click and drag the middle mouse button inside of menus and file browsers to drag pan up and down. prevents fatigue when working through a scene. I have a thumb side-button on my mouse assigned to mmb, and it is the bomb

Hover the mouse over a drop down menu and hold CTRL , scroll wheel will cycle through the dropdown list without expanding it

Anonymous No. 880948


Anonymous No. 880961




Anonymous No. 880966

Did you animate it? Looks like you didn’t even finish it. Your lighting looks shit like from the donut one,

Anonymous No. 880975

Usually some engines like unity split the model apart at UV seams because vertices can't store more than one normal.

Anonymous No. 880976

How does Auto-Rig Pro compare to the built-in Rigify addon?

Also, is this useful for the skinning process?: https://blendermarket.com/products/voxel-heat-diffuse-skinning

Anonymous No. 881010

I hate rigging and weight painting. That is all.



Anonymous No. 881020

Without transforms applied, bounds are nice and box colliders work.



Anonymous No. 881021

With transforms applied, bounds look like this, and assigned box colliders are like shit.
Am I doing something wrong when I apply transforms? Or is this just how blender works? Why would the bounds be like this? Instead of just following the cube?

Anonymous No. 881028

This is how unity works, not blender.
Box collider doesn't have rotation property, it is always aligned to local axis.

Anonymous No. 881030

try turning on auto smooth + add a weighted normal modifier

Anonymous No. 881031

Ok, I just avoid apply transforms then, as these will just be used as colliders, nothing more.
The bounds looks the same in Blender when I apply transforms.



Anonymous No. 881050

I need to make a high-res video render but I know that a significant portion of it will be covered afterwards, so is it possible to block out a certain portion of the render to save on resources?
Like in pic related rendering the stuff in the green space and not rendering anything behind the black rectangle.

Anonymous No. 881056


Anonymous No. 881088

Any resources on using blender for 3d modelling specifically for 3d printing?


Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 881127

I want AMD GPU rendering (HIP) on Linux already. It's a load of shit that Windows has it and Linux doesn't. I got a 6800xt a few weeks ago that I can't even flex in Blender. I've been stuck CPU rendering with my 5600x. Bawww

Anonymous No. 881213

>I got a 6800xt




Anonymous No. 881227

Is this the place to ask stupid questions?
I am trying to use the built in scatter add-on, but whenever I export the project the scatter objects have turned in to single triangles. How the FUCK do I make this work.

Anonymous No. 881233

does the object your scattering have any modifiers?

Anonymous No. 881260

No. And there does not seem to be any way to convert the scatter object to a mesh either

Anonymous No. 881289

i got this old 40k model that I wanted to make some tweaks too. I added some new geometry to one of the mehes, but when i went to unwrap in the uv editor to get the texture map it completely fucked the original texture. Any way to do thia without retexturing from scratch?

Anonymous No. 881295

how do i get the audio from a webm file to play after the whole thing has been rendered, ive got the video playing on a plane but the audio won't come through

Anonymous No. 881304

I really want somebody to make a simple web browser-based Blender model viewer, like a stripped down version of Eevee. Nothing fancy at all, just the ability to take Blend files, interpret material shaders to some degree, and show off your model in a web browser.

Because I fucking hate exporting shit to FBX/GLB and having to work around their asinine limitations.

Anonymous No. 881375

Please let me know if this is the wrong thread/board, as I don't usually use 4chan.
I'm trying to convert a .blend file into a .fbx (I think) and then into a .vrm filetype. Every tutorial I can find for my purposes uses Unity- not a problem- but they also only work for humanoid bone structures, and my model is quite... not that. I theoretically could make a human bone stucture and leave my model as the head while leaving the rest of the bones without mesh, but I'd rather keep the model as-is. If any of y'all know how to accomplish what I'm trying, I'd greatly appreciate some pointers, even if they're pointing me to the correct board/thread.

Anonymous No. 881376

Oh also the .fbx is just used to allow Unity to accept the model; it's not necessary otherwise

Anonymous No. 881390

How do you make shape keys using bones?

Anonymous No. 881391

in the little dropdown menu in the armature modifier there's an operator "apply as shapekey"

Anonymous No. 881394

My issue with that is that it changes mesh data.

What is the equivalent that only affects bones? Like if I wanted to save certain armature poses like a shape key?

Anonymous No. 881395

Extending from this: say I wanted to save two different instances of my character's hand; one where it's flat, and one where it's clenched into a fist.
I could change from one to another by triggering controller bone (i believe this is what drivers are for), but it wouldn't affect the rest of the rig, just the hand bones.

How do I go about setting this up? Surely there is a way, because it would save so much time compared to individually keyframing every single finger bone every time I need to go from flat to clenched.

Anonymous No. 881397

Thnak you very much.
I assume that the portion inside the border renders by taking into account light coming/bouncing from outside of it, and it will show reflected objects sitting outside of it as well, correct?



Anonymous No. 881440

>Like if I wanted to save certain armature poses like a shape key?
You want to save individual poses? Isn't pose library exactly what you're looking for?

Create a pose for the clenched fist and save that.



Anonymous No. 881460

finally figured it out
i selected the scattered object and then clicked object > apply > make instances real

Anonymous No. 881476

In Cycles, yes.

Anonymous No. 881478

In Eevee it will ignore it?



Anonymous No. 881480

Eevee can only use screen space reflections (if enabled). It's in name, reflection shows only what's rendered on screen. Note how metal ball reflects only parts of coloured balls that are facing the camera. Ctrl+B frame, however, have no effect on it. Eevee apparently always renders full frame and crops the image afterwards.

Anonymous No. 881482

Will Eevee ever have the option of rendering reflections from outside the screen or is it an intrinsic property of the kind of engine it is?

Anonymous No. 881483

It can, but it's more complicated and not real time https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/190642/how-do-i-get-proper-reflections-eevee

Anonymous No. 881484

eevee is terrible. Even free engines like unity and unreal can use RTX raytracing. Eevee is an abomination

Anonymous No. 881496

action constraint may also work

Anonymous No. 881497

No, that's useless. Pose libraries just change to a pose instantly. I want there to be a gradual shift like there is with shape keys, where you can move a slider from 0 to 1.

Anonymous No. 881499

So just keyframe both and mess with the timing.

Anonymous No. 881500

>and mess with the timing.
Where? That's my question.
With poses, you select a pose and it activates instantly. Where is this "timing"?

Anonymous No. 881504

in edit mode only select the new geo and then unwrap it. You can also pin the UV islands that are correct.

>Even these shitty little freeware engines like Unity and Unreal

Anonymous No. 881505

The timeline, that's where all animation is made. I believe it's at the bottom of the screen by default. You set keyframes for all relevant bones on frame 1, change to frame 100, apply the pose and keyframe the bones again. There, you've got your slider from 0 to 1.

Anonymous No. 881506

Alright, that works, but it's still not what I want.
I want to use a slider that only affects the hand + finger bones. Using a pose library affects the entire armature.

Anonymous No. 881509

Are you selecting only the necessary bones when making a new pose and applying it? In my experience, it only affected selected bones.

Anonymous No. 881510

Missing the point.
I want to create an instance of a hand being clenched which can be used at any time during the animation.
If I create a pose with the hand clenched, that pose is a saved instance of the entire armature, not just the hand. I can't use it at any point in the animation, because it will revert the entire armature to the state it was in when I created that specific pose.

Anonymous No. 881515

>that pose is a saved instance of the entire armature
And I'm saying that's wrong. Only selected bones are saved for poses.
Even if it were true, all you have to do is to not keyframe unnecessary bones after applying the pose.

Anonymous No. 881516

>And I'm saying that's wrong. Only selected bones are saved for poses.
Nope, that's not how it works.
>Even if it were true, all you have to do is to not keyframe unnecessary bones after applying the pose.
Which is laughably unintuitive.

Anonymous No. 881518

That's how it always worked on my end. Blender docs say as much as well.

>laughably unintuitive
Welcome to 3DCG in general. You have the tools to creative literally anything you envision, but you will spend by far most of your time fixing random problems to get there.

Anonymous No. 881519

>That's how it always worked on my end. Blender docs say as much as well.
Except it doesn't, because I'm literally testing it right now, and pose libraries save the state of the entire rig, even if I move just one bone. You're simply wrong.

Anonymous No. 881522

I just tested it and poses apply only to selected bones. If none are selected, they are applied to all bones. And only selected bones are saved when making a new pose.
Dunno what to tell you. Maybe you got unlucky with the blender build you downloaded, but this is how it's supposed to work. It's how I used them this whole time as well.

Anonymous No. 881524

That just means you're a liar and not worth listening to.

Anonymous No. 881531

jesus man

Anonymous No. 881532

Can't imagine what you think anyone could gain by lying about a basic feature you can test really easily, but whatever, that's cool.



Anonymous No. 881534

I'm trying every option and i can't enable the finger bones in the model. Someone please help a retard

Anonymous No. 881540

Everything he said is completely correct. And this board should have ID's, so nobody else would try to help an asshole like you again.

Anonymous No. 881544

>Everything he said is completely correct
No it isn't.



Anonymous No. 881549


Anonymous No. 881556

What is the best wiggle/spring bone addon for Blender 2.7X?


Screenshot 2022-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 881590

I don't watch yan a lot but I do like the lighting setup he uses for his eevee

Has he released it as a .blend before?

Anonymous No. 881675


big-time ngmi


rigging problem.png

Anonymous No. 881684

Is it possible to have only SOME bones of an armature deform a certain object? In pic rel I want only the selected bones to deform the body mesh (it includes head and body). I DON'T want the eye bones to which the eye is parented via Bone nor the tongue bones to which the tongue is parented via Automatic Weights to have a role in the deformation of the head.
Here's my operation: select body mesh > select armature > go in pose mode > press A to select all bones > deselect the bones I don't want to deform the body > Ctrl + P > Parent With Automatic Weights.
This doesn't work: if I try rotating the eyes it rotates the eye socket around it as well. I know I COULD fix that with weight painting but I was wondering if there was a method which would spare you the hassle, i.e. by exlcuding them from deforming the body mesh in the first place

Anonymous No. 881685

Oh shit wait I just remembered, I can do that by going to the body mesh, go to vertex groups and eliminate the bones I don't want to play a role in the deformation from the list



Anonymous No. 881696

Really could use the ability to set interpolation for each color stop of the ramp separately in Blender right about now.

That's just the default HDRI in the material preview, isn't it? Looks like the rim light is done with materials, likely using the layer weight node.

Anonymous No. 881697

he so cute- look at that punam!


2022-02-11 14_36_....png

Anonymous No. 881732

I need more tutorials for absolute morons such as myself. Any you guys would recommend?

Anonymous No. 881746


Anonymous No. 881750

Are there no 2.7bros left here?

Anonymous No. 881785

Arrimus on YouTube



Anonymous No. 881814

no need to be rude anon
Thats some pretty good progress.

Anonymous No. 881819

This isn't the answer you're looking for, but I tried a couple of free addons like that and came to the conclusion that I'm better off doing it manually. The implementation is just too awkward. Couldn't even be bothered to see if there's good paid addons.

Anonymous No. 881820

Wrong. Properly configured spring bones and wiggle bones produce perfectly fine results if you're not a retard.

Anonymous No. 881841

keep gimping yourself by using inferior old ass garbage

Anonymous No. 881870

I actually really enjoy weightpainting now. I always wanted the symmetry to work based on space rather than topo and it just works.

I don't like the 2.8-3 layouts, though, the UI is oversimplified, and I had everything memorised before. I've been learning Python for other reasons, though, and maybe one day I'll be able to make an addon to force 3's ui into something that resembles 2.79's.

If your addons mostly work, it's really time to make the new versions your go to Blender.

Anonymous No. 881933

I'm using 2.7X for Sims modding you idiots. S4Studio does not support .blend files from 2.8 and above.


Screenshot 2022-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 881942

I manged to get a Blend world into the Halo 3 engine, while the world itself is trash I just whipped up with sculpt mode and about 7 subdivides on the bottom face. It is just a proof of concept. But the fact I managed to get a scratch built map from blender to Halo 3/HEK blam engine feels something of an accomplishment.

I eventually want to create a working MP for the halo reach engine that would use AI controlled turrets to guard a base that can be deactivated by the opposing team in BTB objective games.

I'm not grate but I am learning sadly im military so I don't have alot of time.



Anonymous No. 881943

fucking typos but whatever, there's a community plug-in that allows you to export the geometry to a .ass file that Halo3 Sapien can compile.

Anonymous No. 881964

how the fuck is shit like unreal engine able to render cloth simulation in real time yet whenever using blender for it you get lag and need to wait for it to just bake for each keyframe before finally getting to replay it again and see it work at proper framerate?

Anonymous No. 881967

real time solvers cheat a lot

Anonymous No. 881977

Is there actually any way to do a physics driven ragdoll animation for characters in Blender?

Like for example having them walk, then playing an animation where they stumble and as it finishes, the character switched to a ragdoll mode and falls limp to the flor.
Or if an explosion happens and you need them to blow away while having their arms and whatnot flailing all over the place.



Anonymous No. 881984

Sup, newfag here. I'm trying to make a hat with horns, with the goal being I create a lowpoly goat mechanic. I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing, but it's uniquely realizing, like drawabox's homework.
Anyways, stay blessed, and have a good day anons



Anonymous No. 881994

Why did I fail?
Wanted to make backgrounds like Kizumonogatari but Blender and 3D failed me.



Anonymous No. 882002

My Blender keeps crashing every time I click on files or edit n shit. It makes me want to fist my monitor and deep fry my driver



Anonymous No. 882133

Is CGCookie still a solid site for learning mid-tier blender skills? I'm not a pure novice anymore, but haven't done much in terms of rendering, animation, or composition. My skillshit has been making and rigging armors, weapons, and background assets for basic unity games.

I originally subbed to CGCookie back in the Blender 2.79 days to learn the basics, but remember being disappointed that the lessons didn't include UV planning. That was something I needed when joining friends' first Unity game. I eventually shifted to Grant Abbitt's tutorials and community for learning.

Fully aware of the BlenderGuru clickbait marketing model and the big "video tutorial paysite" bubble of the late 2010s. That's why I'm asking. Would you still recommend it?

Anonymous No. 882150

Anyone have some good Baking tutorials for someone new to 3D

Anonymous No. 882158

It's definitely one of the better resources for learning animation in Blender. Wayne Dixon is as experienced as you will get with Blender animation and explains how to get absolute optimal results.

These days, I think CGCookie focuses more on live lessons than pre-recorded courses.

Anonymous No. 882160

Thanks for your input.
No kidding? Do they still do those weekly class streams hosted on their site? I vaguely remember the CGCookie Community, which I probably should have utilized more when I started, but wouldn't have anything useful to talk about beyond trying to ask what Retopology is without knowing the word "retopology" exists. Boy that was a fun week trying to google that vague idea.

I'll probably sub for another month to see what's new.

Anonymous No. 882161

>Do they still do those weekly class streams hosted on their site?
They got sick of people pirating their courses, and realized by focusing primarily on live streams where viewers can ask questions, there's a stronger emphasis for people to subscribe.

Anonymous No. 882163

Makes complete sense. Also, being able to ask that question with a present "instructor" is more than worth it, compared to hours of googling busted ass reddit posts from Blender 2.5 era.

Anonymous No. 882335

Based and gmi.

Anonymous No. 882338

Holy fucking shit I just found out you can do fluid simulation via Particle System by making it render out a Metaball instead of going through with the whole baking process and more complicated shit of the usual Fluid Simulation toolset. Goddamn, this is actually great.

Anonymous No. 882339

Did they update their tutorials for 3.0?
And what would the alternatives would you recommend to cgcookie?

Anonymous No. 882342

oh shit, eevee is getting a complete overhaul at the moment
>please let it have global illumination
>please let it have global illumination
>please let it have global illumination

Anonymous No. 882357

>Did they update their tutorials for 3.0?
I think they've just started to with their updated Basics course. Not sure what the rush is though, for the most part it's still very similar to 2.9 and 2.8.
Also again, they focus more on livestream lessons these days.

>And what would the alternatives would you recommend to cgcookie?
Alternatives as in professional organizations that create Blender courses?
Check out Blender Cloud (now called Blender Studio i believe) from the Blender Foundation themselves.


Besides that, you just have to find the courses/tutorials that work for you scattered across Gumroad, Udemy, Youtube, FlippedNormals and maybe Skillshare.

Looks like a new Blender tutorial group called CGBoost:


I don't know how good their tutorials are, but it looks like they're aiming to compete with CGCookie and Blender Studio based on presentation.



Anonymous No. 882378

Why is there a "Curves" branch??
Don't tell me they're actually working on making Blender fit for CAD

Anonymous No. 882379

have you tried porting over source maps using this method?

Anonymous No. 882380

Also, supposedly big sculpting announcement by big Blender boss later this week

Anonymous No. 882386

it just looks like small improvements to me
are they finally adding the killer feature that will kill zbrush and all the other paypigs?

Anonymous No. 882391

A WHOLE BRANCH for just small improvement? Not so sure...
Regarding the upcoming blog post, I'd say it will be a status report months after their star of the show left the building and I imagine some investors kept asking since sculpting is a big deal.

Anonymous No. 882419

Sculpting in Blender is irrelevant unless the developers pre-allocate more memory (won't happen) or implement ZBrush's proprietary 2.5D rendering algorithm (won't happen).

There is no point in sculpting in Blender when the performance tanks so quickly. You can't even do retopology on a high poly sculpt without bad viewport performance. At best, the only reason to use Blender's sculpting is for sculpting in minor details in a polymodeled mesh.

Anonymous No. 882421

Woah, had somehow missed all mention of Blender Studio. Will definitely sub a month to that and check out CGBoost. Thank you very much!

Anonymous No. 882444

best fundamentals tutorial there is. teaches you more in 2h than blender guru nigger in 20 hours. ze germans do it again.

Anonymous No. 882465

download everything from blender studio and share it pls


0001-0250 -1.webm

Anonymous No. 882503

First rolling ball.



Anonymous No. 882508

>(won't happen)
lmao, ok.

Anonymous No. 882545

anybody who is good at blender want a job making relatively simple generative 3D NFTs that can finish within a week?



Anonymous No. 882546

uhhhhh... any way to install blender on windows 7?



Anonymous No. 882547

Also planning a new distribution, since I am going to replace my desk.



Anonymous No. 882548


Anonymous No. 882550

yeah, grow up and get a job manchild

Anonymous No. 882551

it's fine I just downloaded the zip from https://github.com/nalexandru/BlenderCompat/releases and it worked

Anonymous No. 882556




Anonymous No. 882609


Anonymous No. 882682


Anonymous No. 882703

I didn't know about that fork

Anonymous No. 882734

I already know you're an idiot with no idea on this subject, no need to further prove it.

Anonymous No. 882738

so nobody here feels like they are actually good enough to accept a job offer...?

Anonymous No. 882739

I have only ever assigned separate objects to armatures, never weighted them. How can I assign specific vertices 100% to one bone, and other vertices 100% to another bone? How do I assign vertices 50/50 to both bones?

I don't even know what this technique is called so I don't know what to Google. I tried "weight painting" but that seems really imprecise.

Anonymous No. 882740

i know i am, as a modeler/generalist or animator, but all my work is really deviant porn so i've got no portfolio

Anonymous No. 882741

I don't care this is an anonymous basket weaving forum. Post your porn portfolio.

Anonymous No. 882742

in edit mode you can select verts and assign them directly to vertex groups with a specified weight in properties -> object data -> vertex groups

Anonymous No. 882743

Thanks anon, I've assigned the verts to the groups. How do I assign the groups to bones? I read that if the group is named the same as the bone it will automatically assign 100% weight when the object is parented to the armature, but what about 50/50 weight for a differently-named group?

Anonymous No. 882746

select your verts in the 3dview, set the weight slider under the list of vertex groups in that panel to 0.5, select vertex group A in the list, hit assign, select vertex group B in the list, hit assign again.
if you've got verts that are assigned to groups already selected, you can see what groups the active vertex is assigned to and copy weights between them in the 3dview side panel (on the right, hit N) -> item -> vertex groups.

Anonymous No. 882816

Why doesn't Alt-R clear rotations of bones in pose mode? It doesn't work for me in any version of Blender.

Alt-G works fine, but not Alt-R, even though that's meant to be the shortcut. I have to do it manually through the menu every time.

Anonymous No. 882829

are you using any extra programs in your system tray? I cant remember which program it was, but one of the was hijacking alt+R

Anonymous No. 882830

Alt-R does nothing in my Windows 10. I have never changed any settings that could possibly affect that.

Anonymous No. 882853

Unsure- works on my machine. Maybe your mapping is set to right/left alt only. Or maybe your bones simply don't have any rotation to reset

Anonymous No. 882857

I had the same issue that was being caused by AMD's Radeon software. Might want to check that

Anonymous No. 882893

>Or maybe your bones simply don't have any rotation to reset

Anonymous No. 882898


Anonymous No. 882899

Did you not get the point the first time? You are a complete fucking idiot.

Anonymous No. 882902

Troubleshooting, you deal with fucking retards. You are a worthless indian with shit on your face. Fuck you and fuck this thread. Fuck your software and your work is all shit, showcased clearly by the posts ITT

Anonymous No. 882903

Sperg out all you like, you're still a complete idiot at the end of the day.

Anonymous No. 882905

You cannot comprehend why one might troubleshoot that you, the useless fucking insect, perhaps thought the bone was 'rotated' while existing in its applied rest position. You're too stupid to apply logic to my BOTTLE OF THE BARREL troubleshoot solution. Get rocked you bell curve fuck

Anonymous No. 882907

I can you're mentally unstable on top of being a complete moron. No need to dig yourself deeper, just swallow your pride, accept you're a retard and stop.

Anonymous No. 882908

Well I definitely don't come here and beg for answers to my keyboard bind issues.... Who was the idiot again?

Anonymous No. 882909

No, you just give utterly moronic advice, like suggesting maybe the bones didn't have any rotation at all, as if anyone would ask about that problem if there wasn't clear cut rotation. Not to mention alt-G was already tested and working.

You are so immensely stupid it's funny.

Anonymous No. 882910

I can. I can you are . I can you are I can you are
>I can you are



Anonymous No. 882913

blenderbros...i am getting filtered by a train. help

Anonymous No. 882916

They didn't even mention trying alt+` so I was assuming they were stupid from the get go. That is logical next step. Tell us if there were bones which would visually be affected by a clear rotation action. No such evidence in the post

Anonymous No. 882918

Look, again, I already know you're a mentally unstable idiot. You don't need to keep going.
What is it about: >>882816
>Alt-G works fine

That you're too stupid to understand, moron? The fact that you were stupid enough to suggest that "Or maybe your bones simply don't have any rotation to reset" when Alt-G was already tried clearly illustrates you're a moron with no comprehension skills.

Anonymous No. 882919

Loc =/= Rot fuckhead

Anonymous No. 882922

You've already been proven to be an idiot, yet you keep going. Strange.

Anonymous No. 882984

just subdivide



Anonymous No. 883015

holy shit why did no one tell me that projection painting for large multiple 4K models was faster in blender than in subs painter


Anonymous No. 883023

Why not look here >>880102?

Anonymous No. 883059


Anonymous No. 883062

Your own fault for not learning fundamentals before trying to model something.



Anonymous No. 883090

Anybody know how I can fix my fucking default rotation so it's on a perpendicular plane, as of a few days ago it's started opening like this and Ctrl / Shift / Mwheel jumps too much to fix it.
It's not inaccurate enough to be an issue, but it is enough to be annoying.

Anonymous No. 883096

Learn your fundamentals before trying to model something. Stop jumping straight into Blender when you don't know what you're doing.



Anonymous No. 883100

What the fuck are you talking about you mouthbreather, of course I know my fundies, I'm asking about this issue because the tick on the Ctrl / Shift / Mwheel that I normally use to pan isn't precise enough to centre it; and the fact it's defaulted itself is annoying to the point I don't want to have to uninstall and then re-install all my plugins.
>inb4 milhouse is a meme and wasting everybody's time with the same tired answer 'ironically' is the joke



Anonymous No. 883102

lol looks like a metal sausage
isn't practising a way to enhance fundies?

Anonymous No. 883103

Never seen this issue, cannt you just hit numpad 3 and then rotate out of ortho to get the regular view again? You probably fucked up your startup file so replacing that could fix it too

Anonymous No. 883134

henlo frens, can anyone recommend some good first time tutorials for making simple objects in blender for someone that is competent with a computer? i'm looking into trying my hand at low poly modeling

Anonymous No. 883161

this happens when u rotate out of a camera with y rotation. Annoying af. Only way I've found to fix it is to reset a cameras rotation, view through that camera and then rotate out of it. Check ur startup file for messed up camera rotation on the default cam.

Anonymous No. 883230

one of the 'studio' lighting presets in solid mode in the viewport is perfect for me, is there a way to directly transfer that to eevee without having to try and recreate it with shaders and lights?

Anonymous No. 883257

Does anyone know if it's possible to switch particle physics within a given system? Like, I'd like a system to be key for a moment, boid around for a minute, and then take a key shape again. Also be affected by turbulence. Is this possible?

Anonymous No. 883258

it wasn't carved out of 1 big thing. model it in different parts

Anonymous No. 883267

Practicing without learning basic essential concepts first is something only a retard would do.

By all means, keep practicing all the wrong things and refusing to learn.

Anonymous No. 883269

any resources you'd recommend to learn key modeling principles? I could choose from any of the ones on youtube but how will I know it's the best ?

Anonymous No. 883270




Anonymous No. 883272

I'm doing quake-like mapping in blender and i've just been using triplanar shaders to cheat. Obviously that doesn't work well for every surface. I'd like to swap ENTIRELY off triplanar and onto UVs just so i'm not juggling 2 materials for every texture.
Is there a way to generate UVs that follow my triplanar mapping from within blender?
My preferred behavior:
>UVs are to-scale / not packed. It's okay if they go out of the bounds of 0->1
>touching surfaces with the same normal form their own islands
>if it's a sloped surface, project along the Z axis. not so picky about this one since I'll probably go back and set these UVs by hand



Anonymous No. 883274


Anonymous No. 883275

>Is there a way to generate UVs that follow my triplanar mapping from within blender?

Anonymous No. 883277

cgcookie, blender studio, cgboost, hell even donutman blenderguru is better than nothing as a starting point

Anonymous No. 883279

option 1
seperate model
unwrap (properly, within bounds)
texture bake
option 2
re-unwrap them all using cube unwrap and scale to the same values

Anonymous No. 883283

1 is just dumb
2 is the thing I want to avoid
not only do I have to try and scale everything so it fits, I need to make sure the texture offset is preserved as well

Anonymous No. 883298

>launch blender
>opens in less than 3s

>launch 3dsmax
>launches in 44s

Anonymous No. 883305

The power of paid software

Anonymous No. 883308

>open a 1 million poly scene in blender

Anonymous No. 883311

hardware issue

Anonymous No. 883312

No it isn't you fucking idiot. Even with the most expensive hardware, if the software isn't allocating memory efficiently, it will still crash. Even the Blender developers will tell you it's an issue.



Anonymous No. 883315

At least I didn't pay for it

Anonymous No. 883316

>zoomer idiot doesn't know how to pirate

Anonymous No. 883343

architectural issues and incompetent developers



Anonymous No. 883357

Here's my donut.
Had to add 5 subsurf mods to the sprinkles.
When I finish the series I'll go back and change them and tidy up the icing sculpt.
I'm figuring out a way to add line icing to my donut with adding as little geo as possible.

Anonymous No. 883378



Anonymous No. 883383

Is there any convenient way of making particles fade out smoothly at the end of their lifetime in eevee? I know it's simple enough in cycles, but the node still doesn't work in eevee.

Anonymous No. 883384

Idk if its the lighting but the sprinkles look especially strange. You are doing Guru's tutorial right? I'm not sure if the sprinkles needed to be smoothened so much. 5 sub surfs are a lot, not even my donut in entirety had that many.



Anonymous No. 883446

How can I deselect the bottom two rows of selected squares without clicking them individually? I can select them by holding shift+LMB and dragging, but that only adds to the selection and doesn't subtract.

Anonymous No. 883452

4 sub surfs and you could still see all the faces of the sprinkles.

Anonymous No. 883472

yo show me how to make this delicious



Anonymous No. 883495




artstation is much cheaper than going directly to phototexture reference providers

also make sure you use cross polarised photos



Anonymous No. 883505

>organizing models
>30+ blender windows open
>no issues
>smooth experience

Anonymous No. 883544

thanks friend, what set did you use?

Anonymous No. 883549

that's one thing why I like blender. it is light enough to kinda feel like a 3D notepad. really pleasing my autism.

Anonymous No. 883550

ctrl + LMB and drag
alternatively enable circle mode (c) and then shift + LMB and drag

Anonymous No. 883553


the turntables ones are the best

Anonymous No. 883587

the lack of normals and roughness maps are annoying me. are they included within the reference sets or no?



Anonymous No. 883665

Anybody working with 3.1 and caustics?

Is there a way to make create correct godrays with the caustics?



Anonymous No. 883682

It's only colour, you can always sculpt with stamps or use tiling normal maps for parts of the body that don't need to hold up to scrutiny.

Likewise, for roughness & specular level maps you can derive those maps from the heightmap from your sculpt.

Correct godrays are tricky. These godrays are from the normal of the water surface. Did it in 15 so you'll probably have to polish it for better results.



Anonymous No. 883683




Anonymous No. 883698

What's the best course on learning anatomy? I have a CGP account if it matters

Anonymous No. 883710

cool! thanks I will try this

Anonymous No. 883722

Should I actually get Zbrush for the sculpting? I'm trying to sculpt and rig character for an animation. I'm just starting to learn 3D, today is my first day.

Anonymous No. 883755

What's the point of these type of rigs in general?
Tried working with them before and it just doesn't feel right. The default armature view where you just control the bones seems more intuitive to me.

Anonymous No. 883756

Is there a way to render to Webm V8? Blender only has UI for V9 and I don't understand ffmpeg options

Anonymous No. 883757

Dont think so, render as video and then convert to webm




Anonymous No. 883761

Thanks, that will do

Anonymous No. 883782

So I must be a retard or something, but in 2.83 you could select something in the hierarchy (outliner because Blender also retarded), like "Pose" or the geometry of a object, and it would automatically switch to whatever the relevant object interaction mode was for that type of thing.
Now, in 2.93, it just, doesn't. Forcing me to stop what I'm doing, get out to object mode, select the object in question, make sure it's ACTUALLY selected as it just, doesn't at times, then manually select the relevant object manipulation mode.

How the fuck do I fix this? Sure it's not going to kill me, but it breaks the work flow something fierce to have to jump around for no reason when they already had this right previously.
>Just use keyboard shortcuts fag
Fuck you and your keyboard shortcuts. To do repetitive tasks and/or it's something that's genuinely a pain in the ass to do otherwise and/or if you're a complete tryhard sure, but a million keyboard shortcuts, especially ones that have no relevancy outside of the one software, is not ever the reasonable solution.



Anonymous No. 883802


Anonymous No. 883809

Thank you so much!
I must of had that off in 2.83, and despite copying the settings from the previous version of Blender to 2.93, that one for some reason didn't copy over. Beauty of open source projects it seems.


2022-02-21 00_33_....png

Anonymous No. 883862

I downloaded someone's model off the internet, but it disables some of the meshes programatically. I do not know where or how to edit these values. Would someone please tell me how?

Anonymous No. 883865

right click on one of the purple highlighted icons -> edit driver or open drivers editor in the menu



Anonymous No. 883869

What render settings do I need to do in order to get the hair to look like hair?
These are from a 3D model of Park ripped from CoD someone uploaded as an FBZ. I manually re-linked all the texture and normal map tga files. The left in texture paint view is the effect I want, and the right is what I am currently rendering at. It looks the same no matter what settings I use for the sampling parameters.

Anonymous No. 883875

You need the custom shader that the textures was meant to go with. Hair shaders for games are
almost always fully custom shaders that handle transparency anisotropy and fresnel/rim light etc in special ways to
make them hair cards look like groups of volumetric filaments.

Usually in combination with special meshdata that pretrubes the normals/binormal/tangent of the geometry to shade as a
unit instead of disjointed haircards, meshdata that may or may not been transferred correctly via the ripper.
(google 'normal thief' if you wanna know what that is about)

There are no render settings you can use to make it appear like it does in the game. A custom HLSL shader equivalent is needed.



Anonymous No. 883877

I figured it out. Apparently I forgot to connect the alpha from the texture image and set the blend mode to "Alpha Hashed". Is there a way to get whatever this black thing is at the pupils? The eyes are sort of conical shaped and they have some kind of a normal map layer. It looks like she's on whatever she gave Bell right now.

Anonymous No. 883879

Post a pic of the wireframe of the geometry of the eye are and perhaps I can figure out what's going on.



Anonymous No. 883880




Anonymous No. 883881

Here is how the nodes look.

Anonymous No. 883882

Is the geometry there 2 different shells? Could be they dilate the pupils in game and the base variant is whit them like this but it looks too large and the edge looks too sharp. I imagine the cornea is supposed to have some transparent texture layer to shade different from the sclera. What does the eye textures and UV set look like?

Anonymous No. 883898

Guys, any tutorial recommendation to learn everything about making the animations in Blender, making a pose library, not mess up your animation (I practiced a little bit and it happened once that I messed all my animations by changing something in a single animation...), etc, ...
But not the principles of animation in an artistic level. I just want to learn the animation side of Blender.



Anonymous No. 883908

hello sers
nigerian prince here with some fresh blender content
don't mind the viewbotted clicks



Anonymous No. 883930

They're linked. When I click one the other is selected as well. The blue iris and pupils show up in the tga file but not the UV map view.



Anonymous No. 883931

The black stuff shows up in the material preview as well.

Anonymous No. 883932

normal map's colour space needs to be set as 'non-colour data' or whatever

also make sure there isn't 2 separate meshes for the eyes, sometimes games have a separate one ontop to make them all glossy and stuff

Anonymous No. 883934

I changed it and it did nothing for the eyes, but the skin looks a lot better now.

Anonymous No. 883936

what does the alpha channel look like?

Anonymous No. 883944

What do you mean? All I did was connect the alpha node of the eye color tga file to the alpha input of the BSDF object. You can see the pictures here >>883930

Anonymous No. 883948

try setting the alpha mode the same way you set the hair. when you have an alpha channel but it isn't turned on in the settings it goes all black



Anonymous No. 883950

Now she looks like she's stoned.

Anonymous No. 883959

Is there any addon to make symmetrical edits in edit mode less shitty?



Anonymous No. 883964

OK I think I figured it out.



Anonymous No. 883965


Anonymous No. 883975

Why does saving assets involve a million steps, why can't you just save an asset from the current file into one of your asset files?

Anonymous No. 884027

was she featured on this weeks' cartel beheading?


Height blending.jpg

Anonymous No. 884040


Anonymous No. 884041


Anonymous No. 884042

Those tire tracks don't make any sense, absolutely disgusting.

This channel has some good stuff


doorhandle issue.png

Anonymous No. 884059

Anyone have any ideas?

Anonymous No. 884184

buddy.. what the hell am I looking at

Anonymous No. 884187

Oh, sorry. Particle system with keyed physics. The interpolation between keys are exploding rather than smoothly transitioning in my second file.



Anonymous No. 884230

I just learned that JMesh exists.

What's the general consensus regarding addons? Is using tools like this cheating? Should I stick to vanilla tools for hard-surface modelling?

Anonymous No. 884237

Cute short film made in Blender

Anonymous No. 884239


Anonymous No. 884240

If I just want to start working is it a good idea to just downgrade to 2.9 or 2.8 until 3.2 comes out? I don't wanna wait until June so I can properly use my GPU

Anonymous No. 884241

I'm going to make a confession. I really really hope that particle hair transitioning over to geometry nodes makes it easier to make good looking hair, because I fucking suck at hair (of all kinds) and I want an easy, effective way to make good looking hair that the viewer would want to touch and jizz into.



Anonymous No. 884244

Speaking of wich, what are the mandatory polymodeling add-ons for Blender? Same for rigging and animation while we're at it
> making things easier for you is cheating

Anonymous No. 884247

I use Looptools a lot and TinyCAD occasionally.



Anonymous No. 884248

>making things easier for you is cheating
Of course, I am speaking from a learner's point of view. I don't want to develop bad habits or miss something relevant.

Thanks for the bump.

Anonymous No. 884250

Looptools, Extra Objects, F2, Bone Selection Sets, Corrective Shape Key and Rigify



Anonymous No. 884254




Anonymous No. 884255

>What's the general consensus regarding addons?
I usually stay the fuck away from addons outside of Blender's development after I've learned it the hard way that most addon devs don't give a fuck once shit is out and Blender updates literally daily.


Screen Shot 2022-....jpg

Anonymous No. 884257

Hi all, haven't used blender professionally since 2014 and I'm struggling to remember a few things.
Problem here is that I don't even know what the right question to ask is, so I'll briefly say what I wanna do and hopefully someone can point me in the right direction:

I have an image that I want to insert particle animations in to.
Rather than recreating the scene entirely, then texturing, lighting, adding particles to, and rendering it, I want to create the basic geometry of the scene using models, then use the models for a physics simulation with those particles, and render the scene showing only the diffused reflections of the particles onto the models, without the models themselves, so I end up with a render of nothing but the lighting effects that can then be overlayed on top of the original image.
But it's been so long that I've forgotten all the industry terms for whatever the hell it is I want to do.
All help appreciated, just doing a quick mockup first to make sure everything works how I want it to, pic related.

Anonymous No. 884263

Isn't that old as fuck? It's probably outdated by now.

Anonymous No. 884265

Compositing? Just enable the light render layers and compose that on top of your original image.

Anonymous No. 884266

Could it be that you're talking Photobashing?

e.g. importing a picture through "Images as planes" then modelling that plane?

Anonymous No. 884267

Something quite similar, yes, but photo bashing usually has more manual composition and tweaking, but I'm sure guides for it will help
>render layers
Thanks anon! This is what I was trying to remember, you're a lifesaver!

Anonymous No. 884269

This isn't exactly what you want but it should have what you need to know, plus a few things you might not have considered yet:
Hope you like compositor.

Anonymous No. 884341

Heard it's been updated to at least 2.9 I think.

Anonymous No. 884362

hey bros. I've been running from the future for too long, using my old ass blender2.49 for way too long. Trying to get up to speed on the new shit, and I had a quick material question.

How do I set up an EEVEE material that functions like the OG blender render halo materials? Like, I have a mesh, and I want the material to render as glowing dots at vertices. I know i'm probably going to need to dick around in the nodes, but I'm not even sure what base settings I should be starting with



Anonymous No. 884371

New problem now: I sketched out a sewing pattern of a dress but it seems to be hovering over the body like there's a force field. It's supposed to be a low cut evening gown. I've set the distances in the collision for the dress and the body to their minimum values, meaning:
Body Collision
>Thickness outer 0.001
>Inner 0.001

Dress Cloth
>Distance 0.1cm
>Self Collisions 0.1cm

Dress Collision
>Thickness outer 0.001
>Inner 0.001
Nearly, but she got away from Madame Shell who her boyfriend Lazar beheaded later on.

Anonymous No. 884374

I want to make a pose library for later use in both Blender animations and VRChat. Is there anything I need to keep in mind regarding bones or something similar?

For example, VRChat doesn't use Upper Chest, Jaw and Toe bones.
Will that be a problem for compatibility?
Should I make the poses based on models with these bones (Blender in general) or without these bones (VRChat)?

On another note,
I've been watching this former 3ds Max guy's Blender tutorial:
It's so weird to hear the 3ds Max terms when you've only been familiar with the Blender terms.

chamfer = bevel
select element = select linked
turbosmooth = subdivision
slice plane = (knife) cutthrough

Anonymous No. 884385

Weird question related to animation:

If I have Bone B parented to Bone A, what's a simple way of making sure Bone B doesn't follow Bone A without unparenting?

This is for an animation in a game mod. I cannot change the parental structure of the rig. I've messed around with bone constraints like Limit Distance and Limit Location, but the results aren't great.

Do rephrase: how do I make sure Bone B stays still while I move Bone A, while Bone B is still parented to Bone A?



Anonymous No. 884409

What should I know about cinematic motion blur, and how do I implement it correctly in Blender.

Pic related, one of my first tests.

Anonymous No. 884410

the thing about motion blur is that you should do it in passes so it can be comped in post. Otherwise, you'll be in for a world of hurt.

Anonymous No. 884412

I think I get it but, could you please explain it for retards (like me)?

Anonymous No. 884422

>If I have Bone B parented to Bone A, what's a simple way of making sure Bone B doesn't follow Bone A without unparenting?
>This is for an animation in a game mod
Move bone B the inverse of the parent's movement. Anon, come on, wakey wakey.

Do whatever you like. I think you should use such addons responsibly, because if you can't make a gear yourself, you're just going to depend on it instead of learning. There's tons of people here who think rigging is hard instead of just time consuming, because they all cheat themselves first instead of learning now and then saving time with shortcut methods later. Don't be like these shitters, >>884244 >>884255 or you'll be like them for a long time.

>updating blender breaks some addons so instead of not updating immediately for features I don't need I just avoid all addons
>"Speaking of wich, what are the mandatory polymodeling add-ons for Blender? Same for rigging and animation while we're at it"
shut the fuck up cris

Anonymous No. 884431

10 years ago I was taught Autodesk Maya but I dropped out of university. I wanna get back on this, but I want to master Blender instead. Not that it matters since I barely remember how to do anything. What's a good tutorial to find and get the rust off my brain?

Anonymous No. 884440

Donut >Anvil > Chair

Anonymous No. 884475

>Move bone B the inverse of the parent's movement. Anon, come on, wakey wakey.
What an utterly idiotic suggestion. Is this general literally full of moron begs like you?

Anonymous No. 884481


Anonymous No. 884482

Keep digging yourself deeper, moron. You have no clue about Blender.

Anonymous No. 884488

The cloth sim is retarded and starts misbehaving at small scales. It's one of the areas of blender where it's not recommended to use real-world scales.
Try scaling your model 15x or so, should be much better.


Screenshot at 202....png

Anonymous No. 884490

Is there a way to create more of these default viewport axis angles? Lets say I want one with x y z all at 45 degrees? Or, is there a way to manually set the degrees? Lets say I want a camera to be at those angles

Anonymous No. 884498

He's struggling with constraints and actions and asked for "simple" advice.

>moron begs
Is that why you didn't even try to help him, you little chump, lol

Anonymous No. 884502

COPE fag


Anonymous No. 884518

The question was:

>what's a simple way of making sure Bone B doesn't follow Bone A without unparenting?
>without unparenting

Anonymous No. 884562

I managed to drastically reduce the floating by minimizing the "object collision" distance of the dress cloth modifier and removing the dress collision modifier.
If I do use the massive upscaling method, will it work after I bake the dress then scale everything back down to normal size?

Anonymous No. 884576

>If I do use the massive upscaling method, will it work after I bake the dress then scale everything back down to normal size?
Yes and it will also work better with self-collisions



Anonymous No. 884589

I managed to get a dress to work mostly right at normal scale. Is there a way to add a "fashion tape" sort of material over the nipples to avoid wardrobe malfunctions when simulating? Half the sims run OK, but the other half result in lewds. I was thinking either to add a pastie mesh over the nipples or change the friction parameter on the nipples alone.



Anonymous No. 884613

Also, is there a way to model the cross straps on the back? The dress model is currently mirrored to make tailoring easier, but the "X" structure means it needs to reach across the mirror axis. I can't select items on the other side right now in edit mode.



Anonymous No. 884624

Blender crashed and now my vertex colors are FUCKED



Anonymous No. 884638


Anonymous No. 884657

What are some quality Blender tutorials, I think the sticky post is outdated.
Does Blender 3.0 warrant a more recent tutorial.
Don't care if it's free or paid.


Cortana armatures.jpg

Anonymous No. 884676

on that topic are there any good tutorials on posing/armatures?
I don't understand how it works, I just want to make Cortana my big titty holo slave.



Anonymous No. 885328

>You can create anything with Blender

Ok, how do you animate wax dripping on an object and have the wax dry over time?

Is this the "GIMP's circle shape tool of Blender"?

Anonymous No. 885450

How do you do that with other softwares?

Anonymous No. 885458

I don't even know if it's possible with any other software to be quite honest..

Anonymous No. 885465

It's certainly possible with Houdini.
I guess with Blender we'll have to wait for physics nodes in order to spawn multiple fluid domains and set their viscosity independently from each other.

Anonymous No. 885501

>how do you animate wax dripping on an object and have the wax dry over time?
By hand. I would probably suggest something like a fluid simulation first, converted to mesh, then take a stationary piece of mesh, duplicate it, change its shape to what you want it to look like when it'd dried up, make it into a shape key, then slowly turn the shape key on over time.

Anonymous No. 885508

I will, try this one of these days, posting results here when I do.



Anonymous No. 885672

How would I go about making this shape? I'm not sure if you can tell from the picture but it curves into itself at an angle. I have boxcutter etc, but still new (less than 10hrs experience)



Anonymous No. 885826

How should I copy the rest pose of the high heel shoes to the armature of the feet as an actual pose? In pic related they are both in rest position right now. Both models came from Daz but were obtained separately. The shoes were imported with Diffeomorphic and the body the legs are based on are Genesis 8 female (another Daz model). The shoes are compatible with the Genesis 8 female in Daz. I don't mind doing the bone constraints or whatever by hand since there should only be a few of them.



Anonymous No. 885946

Figured it out: had to set the roll parameter on the heels armature to be the same as on the person.



Anonymous No. 886301

Just finished my first render after obligatory donut. This stuff is fun ^^



Anonymous No. 886395

Hey bros. So I did Guru's Donut Tutorial and had a lot of fun and it got me interested in modeling and animation and stuff.
Just wanted to ask if the guide in the sticky is up to date and that I can follow it with no problems?



Anonymous No. 886550

How do I stop fluid simulations from flickering and bugging out?

Anonymous No. 886564

remesh and smooth modifiers
now with geonodes maybe mesh to volume -> volume to mesh or something