

๐Ÿงต Blender General

Anonymous No. 871828

Festive edition
Previous: >>865717

Anonymous No. 871851

lol perfect picture
thanks op

Anonymous No. 871852

Got that hat model somewhere or you just made it yourself?

Anonymous No. 871881

I'm wondering if there's a way to do the pinning method this plugin uses. It's free but seems to only use it's own head model.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGILKtOvSII [Embed]



Anonymous No. 871883

le snoot! :3

Also, made this yesterday. I think it came out well for 2.5 hours plus some time post-processing.

Anonymous No. 871888

It's the demo file from the 2.90 splash screen:

I just put a hat on it

Anonymous No. 871892


Nice but you are obviously lacking art fundamentals. What the fuck am I looking at? Why the fuck are my eyes pointing in the middle when there is nothing interesting there? Hope you get my point blendlet.

Anonymous No. 871904

Yeah, I think my technical understanding of Blender is good enough, but I agree that my art fundamentals just aren't there (yet). I was in a semi-sleep deprived state when I made this, so that probably doesn't help either. Next one I make, I really want to focus on composition above all else.

Anonymous No. 872035

I seriously wonder what 2022 has in store for Blender.
For me it probably will be underwhelming because my main focus is on sculpting and those times of great sculptmode updates are most likely over for now.


silo animation.webm

Anonymous No. 872120

I recently projected myself a local grain elevator



Anonymous No. 872121

... from this image.
Am i going to use it for something? Does it look interesting? Eh.
But it was fun to make.

Anonymous No. 872140


Anonymous No. 872171

looks good homie

Anonymous No. 872177

now fill it with some interior/furniture and turn it into some badass madlad loft



Anonymous No. 872210

Is there a way to apply Crease to points/vertexes?

In this case I can give the teeth an edge but I can't make the pointy without messing with a third edge.

Anonymous No. 872267

That feature is supported by OpenSubdiv, but has never been implemented in Blender - which kinda sucks



Anonymous No. 872383

How do I fix this breakage shit when im sclupting

Anonymous No. 872401

Can someone give me some pointers on what the different trackers in motion tracking are good for? I've done a couple of scenes and yeah they turned out alright but i'd like to know what i'm doing.

Anonymous No. 872435

By not over-stretching your mesh into retarded shapes with not enough mesh density for the job

Anonymous No. 872448

The greatest model in the world is ruined by shitty lighting.

Anonymous No. 872586

Really good looking. Nice job anon.



Anonymous No. 872601

just tried to find more info on this and people were asking for vertex creasing like 2 years ago

Anonymous No. 872627

Retard here. My pose keeps resetting when i go to edit mode and switching back to pose mode. Also reloading save will reset the pose too.

Any solutions ?

Anonymous No. 872690

make sure to apply your rest pose

Anonymous No. 872695

I'm trying to bake smoke sim in Mantaflow, but while it is baking, smoke doesn't show up in a viewport at all. When it finishes, it is still empty.

I can only see smoke sim when my cache type is "Replay", but I can't bake in that mode. What do?

Anonymous No. 872704

OpenSubdiv is being worked on right now and just got approved for master, vertex creasing needs the approval from a couple of code reviewers



Anonymous No. 872715

i saw that as well, frickin shcweet

Anonymous No. 872717

What's your intention, are you saving an animation or are you switching different rest poses (A or T)?

Anonymous No. 872793

No vertex creasing, but you can do a bit hacky solution where you could just do an extra small edge loop right near the tip

Anonymous No. 872808

Real-time viewport compositing is coming

Anonymous No. 872818

Yeah but that means you got a bunch of extra edges taking up polycount. Creasing is nice because you can just tell blender to make an edge sharp without adding loops to the mesh itself.

Not a big deal really since I have to apply the subdivision and tweak/merge stuff anyway.



Anonymous No. 872820

Dumb blender question time again. I'm modifying a vroid body and using the bones as a start point. (I know how to apply the changes to the mesh and armature after)

Problem is I've done one side and need to mirror the changes over. Copy and pasting doesn't seem to do anything.

Anonymous No. 872821

"symmetrize" for edit mode meshes or armature.
"paste pose flipped" for pose mode armature.

Anonymous No. 872823

Edit mode is no good here since I need the mesh to move with it and paste pose doesn't seem to be working.

Anonymous No. 872826

Might have worked it out. The bone names have the R and L sides is in a different place on the vroid model, so it wasn't registering it as the opposite side.


imagine freelook.jpg

Anonymous No. 872905

Well that's nice
I had almost accepted that it takes ages to make changes in the compositor nodes and that re-rendering for a preview is stupidly slow
It still feels weird to call it "compositor" if everything screams "post-processing"

Also i take this as a win for everything compositor-based NPR



Anonymous No. 872927

How do I into cloth simulation? I'm trying to put some clothes on a mannequin and have figured out the basics, but the damn seam refuses to fully close when I run the sim.

Anonymous No. 872939

why does trying to render the junkstore demo make my computer explode?



Anonymous No. 872940

I forgot to hit dissolve orthogonal faces when extruding this part of the window frames, so now these coplanar faces are making the bevel look really weird. Is there an easy way to fix this or should I just be more careful in the future?


uv and model.png

Anonymous No. 872951

is this fine?.if not, how do i improve it?

Anonymous No. 872952

There's nothing even remotely okay about that. Draw seams. In an intelligent manner.



Anonymous No. 872953

I need to make a high-res video render but I know that a significant portion of it will be covered afterwards, so is it possible to block out a certain portion of the render to save on resources?
Like in pic related rendering the stuff in the green space and not rendering anything behind the black rectangle.

Anonymous No. 872956

Sounds like you have some shitty ass pre-built machine. They're not built to actually perform well with 100% load tasks.

Anonymous No. 872957

looks like you just did automatic unwrapping with no user input at all.
you could still use the result in a shitty way but why not learn to do it properly?

Anonymous No. 872960

you can use sphere projection for the main body - that gives you a clean rectangular unwrap
The lever doesn't need seams - maybe one on the the edge if you want to paint it on both sides
Unwrapping circular shapes like the ring and the upper/lower extrusions on the body can be done using "follow active quads"
The fuze housing is simple but needs a few seams - not being connected to the cylindrical adapter below makes this easier

In total there shouldn't be more than ~8 Islands. Look how much empy space you have.


uv and model2.png

Anonymous No. 872970

I think the lever i was too big non?



Anonymous No. 872974

Another problem. Is it possible to apply pose-mode transforms to bones? I only see the rest pose option.



Anonymous No. 873010

Does anyone have a copy of HardOps for blender 3.0 they can give me

I've looked online but I've been unable to find it anywhere )':

Anonymous No. 873015

So I decided to finally try out Blender and tried the 2.79 version after being told it was similar to Softimage but it keeps crashing on me so I'm planning to switch to a newer version. What do you guys recommend getting?

Anonymous No. 873025

Uuh, I would recommend getting the version just before blender 3.0 because there are likely up to date add-ons for it.

Also, SoftImage, you must be pretty old. Tell us some cool stories about your early days doing 3D :0

Anonymous No. 873045

Does Geo Nodes crash constantly for anyone else or is it just me?



Anonymous No. 873054

Is there a way to create a netting with a mesh pattern like pic related without having to manually duplicate the pattern and joining the edges together? That's what I've been doing so far, and it's been extremely time consuming having to fix the glitches that boolean union creates when I do so.

Anonymous No. 873059

sure. that's a classic array modifier thing

Anonymous No. 873067

That's interesting. Does that branch fix how the compositor works, though? By that I mean that, when I tried, I got the impression that it works very differently from the shader nodes in that things doesn't seem to be processes on a by pixel way, but rather in a by image way (try adjust the levels varying based on the y-coordinate, for example, it doesn't work).

That seemed more limiting to me. I makes impossible to make some stuff I wanted.

Anonymous No. 873068

Try arrays and weld modifier.

There are multiple ways to go about this. One of them is to make the Y-shaped junction the base of the array, but then you'll get some odd no-where-going branches on the edges. Another is to make the whole hexagon, but cut it the outer vertices so that they'll join together. You'll get some non-manifold edges. Another is just to duplicate the whole thing exactly and let the weld modifier take care of joining them.



Anonymous No. 873071


Anonymous No. 873073

Try this modifier stack:
If the weld is closing things it isn't supposed to, try simulating with less geometry to increase the spacing.

Anonymous No. 873118

alright i bought meshmachine, boxcutter, and hard ops, anything else i absolutely need? dont have much money and pretty new

Anonymous No. 873121

why does properly unwrapping even matter and where can i find a guide to even do it. whenever i google "how to unwrap" it just tells you to literally put the fucking uvs in the box, with no tips on etiquette or even a vague representation of how to do it "correctly"

Anonymous No. 873128

the reasons for proper uv unwrap are for example
>getting the most out of the uv space you have
>the less space wasted the higher the details later on your model without having to up your imagesize
>non distorted and clean uv isles also make it easy for you to later edit your texture file for example in photoshop where you can simply place stuff like decals on your texture. if the uv is distorted or the isles are randomly placed in the uv space your later added decals would either be partially and randomly visible on your model later and/or distorted

you do not have to care about clean uvs for example if you just want to make fun sculpts that you paint directly on the 3D model. it will look meh but technically works.

Anonymous No. 873143

Shit man, that actually works. Thanks a lot. So I should never have the subdivision before the cloth modifier?

Anonymous No. 873158

Any easy headhacking tutorial ?
i want to attatch a head model to another body.

Anonymous No. 873159

This might be a bit of a hack but I animate the sewing strength over time and crank it up at the very end. Although you might have to weld it anyway, but it's a good way to make the gaps smaller.

You can add one if your base resolution isn't enough but as the other anon said it can cause problems with the weld modifier collapsing edges it shouldn't. But it's always a good idea to have one after the cloth modifier to make it look better.

Bridge it with looptools

Anonymous No. 873421

om g bros
i updated to 3.0 and now theres this new flipping bug that causes me to select thru!

is it fixed in the experimental builds yet?
this is ruining my donat!



Anonymous No. 873508

to be honest this is kinda sad in a way at this point

Anonymous No. 873518

It is. I wonder how it feels to be known as "the donut man" and choosing/ knowing that you'll never be anything else.
>16 part "beginner" tutorial
>le smiling face in the thumbnail to appease the algorithm

At least he doesn't have any opportunities to shill his website



Anonymous No. 873563

I've seen some sculpts/models where parts like the breasts are large enough to overlap or touch each other slightly, yet their vertices don't merge. How is this actually possible if the mesh is mirrored and the rest of the body's verts all merge at the center

Anonymous No. 873567

the mesh is mirrored at creation... it doesnt stay mirrored

Anonymous No. 873570

How can the sculptor keep it symmetrical unless the mirror's on until the sculpt's done? Even if that were possible, if you apply the mirror at some point before sculpting the breasts you'd still have to somehow keep each breast from merging together with the other...


average post qual....webm

Anonymous No. 873571

Special delivery

Anonymous No. 873573

How I can lock Z axis in edit mode? I working with "layered" model so I was be glad to not tap shift-z constantly when moving tons of vertexes in fixed planes. Maybe there is addon for this?



Anonymous No. 873582

I found the answer to my question coincidentally. Was looking up models to see how other people handle topology. it seems like for tight areas like where the breasts meet the ribs, or where the ass meets the leg, the artist makes the mesh "fold in" on itself, and that makes the nice pinching effect.
Though I was hoping this wasn't the case, cause I was banking on there being a more elegant way to keep the topology of clipping geometry separate

Anonymous No. 873613

How to reset a model to original position ? I mean not the alt + r s g method.

Anonymous No. 873620


Anonymous No. 873621

I still cant mirror pose even with that. What should i do ?

Anonymous No. 873622

do what

Anonymous No. 873625

Try describing what you're trying to do.

Anonymous No. 873628

I mean when i tried to move a right hand bone, i also want the left hand to move. But somehow the left hand cant move even X mirror is active

Anonymous No. 873629

Your bones aren't named correctly

Anonymous No. 873635

Oh right. Now it works. Thanks anon

Anonymous No. 873778


Why can't you just sculpt two tits facing east, - west and then retopo (optional) and then add bones and then bring tose tits into closer proximity with the bones and set it to the resting pose.

Anonymous No. 873813

Is there anywhere to get paid add-ons for free? I'm not wanting to shell out $$ for something i might not even want to use. https://abaga.gumroad.com/l/GcYmPC


2022-01-04 11_39_....png

Anonymous No. 873823

How do I select only these edges or any edges, faces, or vertices without them connecting? Im trying to make cat ears here btw

Anonymous No. 873830

Don't come with shit like this to an image board every five minutes.
Watch beginner tutorials.
You are not ready to model anything.

Anonymous No. 873844

I can't understand this question no matter how hard I try.



Anonymous No. 873863

Why is blender failing to export renders of volume-scatters against transparent backgrounds properly? I've tried 16bit RGBA png, targa, and exr and none of them work. Left is the render, right is the result when I save the image. It's like any pixel that has any amount of transparency is made completely transparent regardless of whether or not it's supposed to be.

Anonymous No. 873865

how many samples do you guys use for rendering?


flat uv.png

Anonymous No. 873867

Is there any way to sort of "project" a uv into 2d space? I want a uv to go from top to bottom based on the z axis of the mesh. So anything high on the z axis will be at the top of the uv while anything low will be at the bottom of the uv.

Anonymous No. 873874




Anonymous No. 873878

what the fuck

Anonymous No. 873880

>[Numpad 1]
>select object
>edit mode
Look at other options in the menu when you press [U], as there may be more things in there that you find to be helpful.

Anonymous No. 873889

It's for a simple gradient.

You're a true legend. That's literally exactly what I wanted.

Anonymous No. 873897

Probably a bug, report it.

It's 2022, we use noise thresholds now.

Anonymous No. 873914

funni short animation i maed :DDD

Anonymous No. 873928

exactly 1337

Anonymous No. 873951


Anonymous No. 873953

>You're a true legend. That's literally exactly what I wanted.
Happy to help anon. You can also do it procedurally with shaders using a gradient texture.
>Probably a bug, report it.
What's weird is if I make a plane, and combine an RGB node and a transparency node in a mix shader node (using whatever I want for the factor) the transparency works perfectly fine. I only have this problem with the volume scatter. Will definitely put in a report tomorrow. Even if it's functioning as intended, it seems like it would be useful to be able to export an 8bit RGBA png of exactly what is in the render window.
Actually kind of funny. :D :D



Anonymous No. 873968

hey, is there a way to force blender to use lower resolution shadows so they get the sort of banding effect you see in some older renders? i've tried monkeying around with a bunch of different settings with eevee but nothing seems to do what i'm looking for

Anonymous No. 873970

Because I'm retarded apparently lol. Thanks, I wouldn't have thought of that myself

Anonymous No. 873973

after posting this i realize it might have more to do with a limited color palette than anything relating to the shadows themselves. adds more factors to tweak and play with but that's part of the fun i guess



Anonymous No. 874006

Dont know if I'm autistic about this but: trying to make ammonites with geometry nodes but the inner whorl annoys me, it's too thick and if I make it less thick the whorl isnt tight enough so you can see through it to the other side. Is there a way to tighten up a curve spiral/whorl?



Anonymous No. 874062

Is there any way to quickly free up the memory in Blender?
>enable viewport render of model
>memory usage goes up
>disable viewport render of model
>memory usage doesn't go down and the model basically still remains logged into memory despite being disabled now
I'm trying to work on some animation with multiple models on screen and I sometimes disabled them for better performance, but the memory usage won't go down when they're disabled so Blender inevitably ends up crashing at some point because of it.

Anonymous No. 874102

Does anyone have some tutorials on how to create rain drops effect on surfaces? I remember making a material using the noise texture and the normal map but now I can't seem to replicate it. I know it would be easier to use icospheres.

Anonymous No. 874122

I have a modular character where the head, torso, and legs are separate meshes. I made my character a new shirt, but I think I messed up the weight paints.

There's a loop at the bottom of the shirt which is a 1:1 overlap with a loop at the top of the legs. This is because I cloned the fullbody mesh a few times then just deleted the parts they didn't need in order to make the modular parts.

Is there any way I could take the weights from the loop on the legs/fullbody and apply them to the loop on the shirt?



Anonymous No. 874128

Is there a way to dissolve just these verticies?

Anonymous No. 874133

limited dissolve

Anonymous No. 874146

>become donutman
>able to put on your resume that you've trained hundreds of thousands of students with overwhelmingly successful results by just googling donut 3d
>have multiple longform interviews with industry professionals

I think he'll be alright



riverface No. 874147

I've been making shit up as I go along and now I have a hobo clown shiva fighting Vibe Clerics in a park set to nightmail by aphex twin.
I don't even care if it looks like shit I'm enjoying myself



riverface No. 874150

I'm probably redoing the textures for the environment sometime



Anonymous No. 874164

retard here. how to add a mesh (verticles, faces ??) on existing mesh ?

Anonymous No. 874188

But it looks interesting so go ahead

Anonymous No. 874190


riverface No. 874216

I have some shit out there if you wanna see.
It's all about this kind of quality lmao




Anonymous No. 874224

I want another nvme hard drive to keep blend files and assets. Is evo 860 fine or should I spend more and get 970? Does it make any difference for Blender?

Anonymous No. 874238

Draw what you want.


sword tassel.jpg

Anonymous No. 874283

what would be the easiest/most effective way of animating a tassel like this? Or would applying physics to it somehow be the best option?

Anonymous No. 874293

What's wrong with this course?

Anonymous No. 874305


Anonymous No. 874400


Anonymous No. 874413

What's the first tutorial a new blender user should watch?

Anonymous No. 874431

Why is blender still saving the image internally, instead of writing it to the file path. This is the piece of code I'm using.
bpy.ops.object.bake(type='COMBINED', save_mode='EXTERNAL', filepath='tmp/bake.png')

It's not writing the file to filepath that I specify. It's only saving it internally.

Anonymous No. 874440

It's a bug that's been known for a couple of years.

They ended the discussion with
>this doesn't seem to be a bug report.
Whatever that means.

Anonymous No. 874441

>Simple thing
>A couple of years
>still broken
Genuinely amazing. I have 60 alpha maps and 60 color images I need to combine into 60 RGBA images. Maybe I can find a way to do it with python3 using the PIL library. Thank you for your reply anon. You have saved me a lot of time.

Anonymous No. 874477

for eevee usually 25, for cycles anywhere from 125 to 400

Anonymous No. 874478

>Is evo 860 fine
>should I spend more and get 970?
if you want to
>Does it make any difference for Blender?

Anonymous No. 874489




Anonymous No. 874490

>Mesh done
>uv are perfect and could fold like an origami swain
>realize you have to do them again on a much more complicated mesh because you still have to apply the bevel modifier

Anonymous No. 874525

Yes, you can do that in python with ease. You're on the right track. I've done it in the past.



Anonymous No. 874586

Is there a way to bake a texture exactly as it appears in Solid view/ Material Preview? In particular I'm trying to bake an alpha clip threshold into it, because that's what was on the entire time I was painting the transparent textures.
Basically while I was painting it only rendered the colors on the transparent meshes as having either an alpha of 1 or 0, despite the UVs/texture itself showing a full range... I didn't realize that when I exported the fbx it would actually apply the texture normally instead of the way it appeared in the viewport, pic related (actual export looks even worse than the right img, just a bunch of translucent brushstrokes)
Tried getting around it by taking the existing texture png into an art program and duplicating/ merging it with itself a few dozen times to bump up its opacity, but that also had the problem of making previously unseen and undesired brushtrokes completely opaque (where they were hidden by the clip threshold prior), and it looked comparatively terrible even after cleanup

Anonymous No. 874616

>bake an alpha clip threshold
>by taking the existing texture png into an art program and duplicating/ merging it with itself a few dozen times
the command is called "threshold"
in ps, do layer>layer mask>from transparency, then image>adjustments>threshold
or in gimp, right click layer>add layer mask>transfer alpha, then colors>threshold
or in blender shader nodes, feed image alpha through "color ramp" in "constant" mode


great value dio.png

Anonymous No. 874624

how do I go about making dio's hair? Should I just stop and go watch a tutorial before continuing?

Anonymous No. 874662

I can't answer directly, but consider: looking at your example, it seems like the spiral doesn't keep going through to 0,0,0, but terminates in a circle after reaching a very small width. So maybe let it get less thick, and put a cylinder at the end to fill the space.

Anonymous No. 874690

>Should I just stop


araki drawing.jpg

Anonymous No. 874699

>Using anime as a reference
You fucking retard NEVER use anime as a reference use what Araki himself uses as a reference!

Anonymous No. 874701

make a python script

Anonymous No. 874708

Are there any classical artist you recommend?

Anonymous No. 874709




Anonymous No. 874747

mega retard here
my daz imports have problems when its 2 meshes on top of each other
i get weird lines and shit like this
the tiddies are ontop of the body mesh
is there something i can do about it

Anonymous No. 874752

How interchangable are the skills between different 3D modelling softwares?
I've played around with Blender a little bit but will be starting a 3D + animation course that uses Maya soon, however in my own time will still mostly use Blender for teamwork reasons. Just wanna know how much practice in one carries over to the other

Anonymous No. 874755

It's a surface normals thing with edges of geometry. You can correct it with some modifiers.




mornin pepe.jpg

Anonymous No. 874779

Okay, this is my first day with Blender. I'm following a basic tutorial.

Can we be friends now?

Anonymous No. 874787


That's what I HATE about Daz models past G2.
They reduced the base resolution mesh to 1999 levels and force everyone who wants to have some detail to slap on grafts that cause all sorts of problems.
>b-but muh HD MAPS!!
That shit doesn't help when you need actually geometry in body parts like for example sizes that make sideviews blocky as fuck or lacking definition because no real pinches or overlaps.

G2 was the last good Daz model that came with a high enough rez for cool morphs without the need for stupid ass grafts.



Anonymous No. 874860

Oh, boy. This was supposed to be easy...

Anonymous No. 874863

for your first day this is great

Anonymous No. 874865

Thank you, fren. Detailing and "hollowing out" shapes out of solid blocks is what frustrates me the most, but I guess it is just a matter of understanding Blender.

Anonymous No. 874888

Kind of unrelated but, my main goal is to create a (video) scene that includes a very specific spacecraft (another guy already modelled the same ship: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqdgPrEQsGQ ) in formation with others in the distance, while orbiting a planet (something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ8m5gQO_2o ). A few simple animations and some particle work is all I think I need.

Is this a realistic goal?

Anonymous No. 874931

how 2 model an cute gril???

Anonymous No. 874951

Depends on your criteria of cuteness. You provided none.



Anonymous No. 874953

Tried converting an older Samsung tablet (tab 4) into a drawing tablet today.

Web-based Weylu has too much of a delay and can't capture continous strokes with a decent precision
GfxTablet only works for Unix-based systems and i can't get Blender to run on WSL
VirtualTablet has ads in it; but with a direct usb connection getting rid of any delay (treating the tablet as an input device). Sadly, no video feed here.
Additionally i discovered that the tab 4 has no pressure sensitivity or any other pen features which made everything even less worthwhile.

All in all a terrible waste of time and effort. Do you guys use something else than a mouse for sculpting?



Anonymous No. 874956

Lots of reference. Photos and anatomy study drawings are good but also watch how other people model in timelapse videos or looking through sketchfab with wireframe and matcap modes.


Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 875138

using the video editor for simple editing tasks. anyone know if there's a plugin or way to expand this option? like output files into 3mb segments?

Anonymous No. 875173


Anonymous No. 875174

Yes a desktop digitiser tablet like everyone else



Anonymous No. 875280

First time playing with pictures.


mornin pepe3.jpg

Anonymous No. 875323

Pepe demands HDRI.



Anonymous No. 875337

Okay, I'm done with my first tutorial.

What should I expect from now on?

Anonymous No. 875347

well with those skills my friend, oh boy
get ready because you are going to get hired

Anonymous No. 875364

which render engine did you use for this, cycles? also how many samples if cycles?

Anonymous No. 875405

Cycles, indeed. A max of 512.

Not sure if it's the best choice, but I've been lowering settings in order to make it faster. It took like 30 minutes with my RTX2060.



Anonymous No. 875463

Mah first Moon.



Anonymous No. 875468

what the fuck is wrong with the hair rigging here?
i'm not sure what i did wrong, maybe something that has to do with the weight painting but even so, why isn't the hair model sticking to the armature when moved?

Anonymous No. 875484

check if multiple bones are affecting the same area of the mesh, you can auto normalize and paint to make sure only 1 bone affects a certain region
check out this vid for more info

Anonymous No. 875530

last time this happened to me it was because i had proportional editing turned on

Anonymous No. 875533

didnt he have a donut playlist some years ago? Is 3.0 really that different?


Nguyen Nhut.png

Anonymous No. 875732

Does anyone know where I should start to recreate the artwork of Nguyen Nhut?

Their animations are just so smooth.

Anonymous No. 875796

Please rate my latest work >>45479720



Anonymous No. 875798

>link no worky, posting here

Anonymous No. 875816

Nice hard-surface modeling, desu.

Anonymous No. 875836

i hate it because i can't hold bitcoin but I DO OWN IT

Anonymous No. 875837

I want to hold that hors

Anonymous No. 875861

How do I make it so when I move my characters head with a bone the eyes (which are separate objects) move with it?

Anonymous No. 875863

parent the eyes' bones to the head bone

Anonymous No. 875867

They don't have bones. I'm using this tutorial if that helps anyone.
Thank you for the comment though.


2022-01-14 232924.jpg

Anonymous No. 875879

Pepe anon here. This is my third day learning Blender, and I'm facing a problem.

I've tried some surface modeling (more specifically "cut and fill", using "Shrinkwrap" modifier) and I definitely feel that the area should not include triangles, but quads.

What's the right approach if you want quads only?

Anonymous No. 875885

>you want quads only
are you going to apply a subdiv?

Anonymous No. 875887

Well, I noticed it is giving me problem with something as simple as bevels.

Anonymous No. 875903

How do I delete an animation strip in 3.0?
I don't even see my strip anymore.

Anonymous No. 875908

not much of a hard surface modeler myself.
I would add a loop at the edge of the cylinders connecting to the plane (slide a loopcut to the edge) and scale them outwards then you can bevel that edge.

Anonymous No. 875979

I'll try it, thanks.

Just in case, this is the tutorial I've been following:

Anonymous No. 875991

it's using all the geometry node stuff. not much else is different except the ui

Anonymous No. 875992

it really depends on your style. if your going for realistic, physics is a good idea

Anonymous No. 876056

Is there a way to flip my .L and .R names without the vertex groups going wonky?



Anonymous No. 876067

Having mostly quads allows you to select edge and face loops which makes modelling much easier, so the base shape should always be quads only

Aside from that, it mostly depends on your workflow.
In box/boolean/hardsurface modelling tris don't matter much unless they
>mess up shading
>break booleans
>don't deform properly when animated
>cut off bevels
which can be mostly resolved by just moving or connecting them somewhere else

In SubDiv modelling it's not only important to have quads, but also a good edge flow and sensible placement of pole vertices - which is not as hard as it sounds.
The issue with tris here is that they can't get smoothed by the algorithm, causing a visible bump nor be used to direct edge flow.
On flat surfaces however that doesn't matter as much. I could remove the triangles in the picture, but i'd rather keep the support edges at an even width.

So do you even want quads only?
If yes, go for subDiv but start with a lower-res Cylinder. I usually go for 8 on small details, 16 for bigger ones or something inbetween if i have to match the surrounding vertices.
If not, you dont even need to bother connecting vertices. As long as you have a decent base shape just slap the details on there using a boolean modifier for the shape, a generic angle-based bevel to make the edges pretty and the weighted normal modifier to fix the shading.

Thanks for reading my Blog

Anonymous No. 876068

time to download zbrush and sculpt in the details yourself... or use blender tools if youre like hurting yourself

Anonymous No. 876105

Oh my, this is exactly the answer I was looking for. Thank you. I knew the shape was important, but this is beyond my expectations.

Just in case, here >>874888
I talked about my main goal, so yeah... as a noob, I'm experiencing a nightmare of redundant extrusion, missing vertices, bugged shading, etc.



Anonymous No. 876269

How can I feather/lengthen out the area where one color transitions to another in a gradient and make it smoother?

Anonymous No. 876276

it's already as smooth as it can be and as long as you've made it.
what you're probably looking for is the little + button on the left.
dividing Z can also work, depending on what your actual end-goal is

Anonymous No. 876293

are you using the global or local z?

Anonymous No. 876307

Is there a way to make sure Blender mods the same addons every start up?



Anonymous No. 876360

Sorry but I'm confused by what you mean by dividing by z? I'm trying to make it to where the color more gradually changes from one to the next
I've got it set to global

Anonymous No. 876361

How do I take a strip animation and return it to normal keyframes?

Anonymous No. 876364

Have you made sure to save your preferences after modifying them?



Anonymous No. 876365




Anonymous No. 876368

yet more ways



Anonymous No. 876381

that anon is right, a linear transition is already perfectly smooth.
Still, you can jsut throw math nodes at it

A map range node along with a colorRamp/curves is usually enough, it allows you to say from where to where the gradient will run and how its values are going to be interpolated.

Anonymous No. 876383

Man i should really refresh this page before posting


CC Grayscale Web.jpg

Anonymous No. 876387

figured I'd also point out that you may just have a terribly calibrated monitor if everything above the red mark blends into solid white.



Anonymous No. 876398

Haven't used Blender in a while, getting back to it now. What's the best way to UV this pineapple? It's just a cylinder. I thought marking the seam on the top and bottom and then dividing into two halves would work, but the auto UV looks pretty shitty. Do I just need to manually adjust the points or is there a better method to add seams?

Anonymous No. 876400

textools has "rectify", enough for this case.

Anonymous No. 876453

"follow active quads" will give you a clean rectangle
just reset the selected uvs before you do that

Anonymous No. 876456

I'll make sure to check next time. Could just be that I'm on the steam copy and any updates reset it.

Anonymous No. 876510




Anonymous No. 876544



Anonymous No. 876553

Why does it feel like rigging and skinning in Blender (and Maya) is needlessly obtuse

is it just me?

Anonymous No. 876604

Guys I am actually loosing my mind and am looking for help.
I need a rigged low poly Model of a Wizard but i just can't seem to get the weight paint to work and since i wasted too much time the deadline is nearing and I'm loosing my mind. Can someone help me out?

Anonymous No. 876613

what exactly do you need?
someone to weight paint it for you?
someone to rig it for you?
or courses on those topics?
also it's "losing" not "loosing"

Anonymous No. 876617

reminder not to put any stock into these.


when it happens it happens.

Anonymous No. 876618

it's for a game jam, right?


Screen Shot 2022-....png

Anonymous No. 876725

Ummm... why is my model translucent all of a sudden? I must have flicked some setting by accident, but I've spend the last 2 hours trying to google an answer, and no luck.

3.0 by the way.

Anonymous No. 876726

You're in X-Ray mode, press alt+z

Anonymous No. 876727

i'd like to know as well
Is creating a new file of the scene where you delete the unneeded objects better than just hiding them for memory?

Anonymous No. 876728

Lol I'm such a tard. Thank you anon.



Anonymous No. 876756

Is there a NON DESTRUCTIVE way to symmetrize an object?

The thing is, I have an object that I want to be 100% symmetric but I can't just cut it in half, symmetrize it and weld it back together because the exported result will have its vertex order mangled and that means I can't import it anymore as morph in the other program.

I also already tried "snap to symmetry" but for some reason this also changes/effects the "good" side AND doesn't even mirror correctly (vertices all over the place in tight spots, wtf is the point of that function then).

Anonymous No. 876757


Anonymous No. 876761

Alright, now I tried
>have 2 of those objects
>symmetrize one
>take the other one and shrinkwrap it on the symmetrized one

Didn't work either because the mesh glitches out in too many parts. I guess it's simply not possible to symmetrize without keeping the original vertex order intact. I hate how I keep bumping into problems that no one else seems to have.

Anonymous No. 876762

>>876756 (You)
Alright, now I tried
>have 2 of those objects
>symmetrize one
>take the other one and shrinkwrap it on the symmetrized one

Didn't work either because the mesh glitches out in too many parts. I guess it's simply not possible to symmetrize while keeping the original vertex order intact. I hate how I keep bumping into problems that no one else seems to have.

Anonymous No. 876764

Alright, now I tried
>have 2 of those objects
>symmetrize one
>take the other one and shrinkwrap it on the symmetrized one

Didn't work either because the mesh glitches out in too many parts. I guess it's simply not possible to symmetrize while keeping the original vertex order intact. I hate how I keep bumping into problems that no one else seems to have.
Time for some sleep

Anonymous No. 876848

>have texture on model
>multires modifier
>go to sculpt mode
>texture gone
how do I sculpt with the texture still on?

Anonymous No. 876925

why would my render finish at sample 1? it doesn't crash, it just thinks it's done after rendering sample 1/400



Anonymous No. 876928

/3/ i have to submit this tomorrow, pls help how do i fix this wobly shit

Anonymous No. 876933

get the addon mesh data transfer

make a mirrored UV for your og mesh (one half of the mesh on the texture the other moved one texture to the side
copy og mesh delete half mirror mod apply move the one half of the uvs to the same play as og map

both UVs should look exactly the same.

take og mesh activate mesh data transform select mirrored mesh as object, active UV mode
click transfer shape

Anonymous No. 876949

It sucks that you can't use regular edit mode with it either.

Anonymous No. 876959

there are at least 4 errors you have made way back around the time you've started at first glance
I'd restart but even better, i'd start with simpler shapes before advancing to cars and shit

Anonymous No. 876987

how do I blur/feather the result of a math node that returns 1 or 0? I wanted to create a procedural mask and control the blend of the edge but it seems like it's not possible to do in the blender material editor. It's so simple in photoshop.



Anonymous No. 876991

>check /3/ threads while doing other shit
>scroll down this one
>anime stuff
>low poly garbage
>modeling newbies
>everyone seems to be using blender
>rage inside
>realize im in blender general

I'm sorry bois, I love you all and im sure you're gonna accomplish all your goals, including that dude over there with the porn thingy full of boobs. Back to max and zbrush now, enjoy your free software.

Anonymous No. 876994

found the issue, somehow time limit 0 didn't disable the render time limit like it should but made it 0 seconds short, weird

Anonymous No. 876996

>>everyone seems to be using blender
>>rage inside

>t. industrycuck

Anonymous No. 877002

weak bait
have a (you) for your consolation

Anonymous No. 877004

tis an assignment and can't really afford to restart. guess i will just roll with it

Anonymous No. 877009

id recommend you to block out rsch module separatedly instead of making it a single object.

Anonymous No. 877016

>rsch module
whats that?



Anonymous No. 877017

how do i make a plane go round round?



Anonymous No. 877018

i cant figure it out



Anonymous No. 877025

progress update, I just used a plane and extruded and just shitbanged the whole thing. need to work on my curves

Anonymous No. 877026

enable extra curves addon, add a spiral, change height parameter, extrude, convert to mesh.
or the same with geometry nodes.
or add a circle, rip a vertex and drag it up with proportional edit


feels in the sunset.jpg

Anonymous No. 877028

Damn anon thanks for the help, definitely screencapping this for my tutorial folder. Although for the last one what is the default square and how do you mix the RGB curves and everything else together for the output?

Anonymous No. 877040

>enable extra curves addon, add a spiral, change height parameter, extrude, convert to mesh.
i cant fucking believe this isn't enabled by default.



Anonymous No. 877045

>clearly a cut cylindrical shape



Anonymous No. 877080

is there a way to "bevel" the edges on a flat plane the same way you would a mesh with depth? i want to add the holding lines before i extrude.

Anonymous No. 877090

not really unless you extrude it



Anonymous No. 877092

yeah i ended up just doing it manually with edge loops and adjusting



Anonymous No. 877093

do i have to make minkey do a tpose before i can rig him?



Anonymous No. 877097

wish me luck anons



Anonymous No. 877379

just create a slice of the side and screw it around an empty

Anonymous No. 877392

only boomers use the screw modifier


2022-01-22 03_16_....png

Anonymous No. 877402

So I'm trying to learn, and did this small animation. Is there some way to perfectly mirror the bones?

Anonymous No. 877404

is it possible to change the default orientation of the top view?
what i want is for hitting num7 to have the same effect as being in side view (num3) and then hitting num8 6 times.
(i.e. in car terms, to have the car pointing left-right whether viewed from the side or from above. the current behaviour is that when hitting num7, the car is rotated to face top-to-bottom)

Anonymous No. 877434

why not just rotate your shit by 90 degrees?

Anonymous No. 877462

This hack puts out a donut tutorial series every year then rakes in the dough with clickbait bullshitting discussions.



Anonymous No. 877464

Question regarding exporting .FBX for Unity:

Is there a way for an .FBX file to maintain the parenting hierarchy for Unity?

Background: Joined group of friends in making a game in Unity. When the .fbx files are imported, the assets are keeping the rigging information, but not parented in the asset list. There's no icons to differentiate the armature, bones, and mesh pieces.

I've been renaming pieces like:

Am I doing something wrong with the fbx output that's not maintaining the parenting? Also, any other tips that I could do to make the programmers' lives easier in Unity?



Anonymous No. 877471

I'm super new to Blender and 3D-modeling in general. Is there an easy way to make a face for the top here?



Anonymous No. 877472

if you dont plan to use subdivision you can just insert new edges behind the 90ยฐ-corners and give each L-shaped segment an ngon as top

Anonymous No. 877474

Thank you, kind anon! Time to look into what an ngon is



Anonymous No. 877477

How would you guys have made these vents? I'm planning on redoing the entire back of this thing anyway



Anonymous No. 877490

Hate these
>have to work around a triangle on each side
>dense geometry if you want decent edge flow
>resulting edge is way too sharp
>still have a hole in your mesh

If they weren't so pretty and work basically everywhere i wouldn't even bother
Pic related is from a few years ago and only has okay-ish topo. Still no idea what's the right way to do these

Anonymous No. 877517

inverted hull outline
I don't want it on some parts of my mesh and I can't separate into another object and remove the material
am I doomed? Am noob

Anonymous No. 877519

use vertex groups, there's a field in the solidify modifier

Anonymous No. 877532

worked thanks anon

Anonymous No. 877573

what are some must have addons?

Anonymous No. 877575

probably late but your normals are all fucked. the way you have them set up is that edges of that angle are considered 'sharp'. check your auto-smooth settings and try a weighted normal modifier

Anonymous No. 877577

>make central & left side of the armature
>name your bones like this: "arm.L", "leg.L" etc
>once done, select all bones you want to mirror
>f3, type 'symmetrize'
>all the selected .L bones will perfectly mirror and be named the same except .R



Anonymous No. 877584

M.2's get much faster read/write speeds than SATA, and funnily enough it does affect my usage of blender, at least when pressing Ctrl + S. especially when a scene is 2 GB.
I have a Samhyde 980 PRO, I decided to get the PRO over the EVOs because they are rated to last longer (more writes). I think that is related to them using a different/better type of NAND. Also they perform better, not that it matters much to me compared to an EVO, I really just bought it for more endurance.



Anonymous No. 877586



2022-01-23 00_31_....png

Anonymous No. 877592

When creating an armature, should the bones be slighly slanted like in actual human anatomy, or perpendicular to the ground?

Anonymous No. 877594

I'm no expert, but I have been told they're supposed to resemble real human anatomy in terms of their placement and position within the mesh. Spine bones should follow the human spinal column, for example.


Screen Shot 2022-....png

Anonymous No. 877766

how do i properly rig and weightpaint a face for mocap? this is just the default blender face, don't know where to start with it.


Screen Shot 2022-....png

Anonymous No. 877767

This is after a little adjustment. I'm not sure how to properly locate the facial bones, and how to WP them so the mocaps don't look grotesque.

Anonymous No. 877769

use blendshapes.

Anonymous No. 877946

I just tried it. Thank you very much. It was much more easier than I expected.

Anonymous No. 877965

whats the best plugin/addon for retopo

i know there was a real popular one but i forgot the name



Anonymous No. 877970

How to improve this shit and make it look more like the shit on the left?

Anonymous No. 877973

is it normal for eevee to take several mins to compile shaders?

Anonymous No. 877974

learn to draw

Anonymous No. 877982


Anonymous No. 877989

give her a shirt

Anonymous No. 878025

>still not import drag & drop feature

How is this even possible? I waste so much time importing objects by searching for them in a built-in explorer.



Anonymous No. 878030

WIP. Currently my best attempt at making an aircraft. I want to redo the upper part of the fuselage, because the canopy is not exactly good.



Anonymous No. 878034

I need to redo the wing, I think. This is a (almost) all quad wing, and results in the flaps and alierons being perfectly flush with the wing (which I want) but it's pretty ugly. It looks fine, and there's surprisingly almost no distortion, but there's probably a better way if I actually plan the topo first.

Anonymous No. 878038

Head slightly too narrow
Huge mismatch of skin tones. She's too pale, and the skin tone should be hue shifted a little more towards red
Missing shirt. I assume this is intentional, but the line work on the bottom of the breasts is very rough looking. Use Blender's "stabilize stroke" feature to help with this. If no-shirt is intentional, you should probably add some sort of indication of a belly-button
Booba too large compared to the original
Black mark in the armpit of the coat is not present in the original, looks like a UV issue
Where the smile starts on the right side of her face is curving downward in your render, where as in the reference, it appears to level, if not slightly curved upward.
The smile in the reference also makes use of an a technique called "implied lines" which is not present on your render, and makes the seam between her lips look unnaturally hard.
You have a great deal of line work in the hair which is not present on the original drawing, and also seems somewhat stylistically inconsistent with the rest of the image
If you want the softer, more realistic shading on your render, I think that's fine, and actually looks good, but if you want it to match the reference, you need to use a different approach. Look at the "Shader to RGB" node for eevee. You can run that through a color ramp, push the points closer together, and use the resulting black and white data as a factor for a "Mix RGB" node. Again, though, if you prefer the softer shading, keep it that way. I would still do something to make the shadows darker, though, as the shading looks a bit flat without having any pockets of darkness.
Her left arm should be a little more behind her torso. This will match the pose better, but will also fix the fact that the outline of the arm almost implies an invisible shirt.

Anonymous No. 878052

it's available here for free https://github.com/CGCookie/retopoflow
paying is for support from devs
keep in mind theyve paused development because they're working with blender to add a mode to retopo or something like that
theyre are still working on fixes, but you can get that from the github

Anonymous No. 878065

Are caustics working yet?

Anonymous No. 878070

Just as I expected, my drawn annotations suddenly disappeared while working, and no, they are not hidden, invisible etc., I checked the settings.

I have a saved project copy where it still works, so everything's fine.

Fuck blender for this buggy shit.



Anonymous No. 878120

rebolber :DDDDDD

Anonymous No. 878124

Loogs good! :DD :DDD



Anonymous No. 878128

am i going to maek it



Anonymous No. 878131

is there seriously no way to align the 3d cursor to an object or bone's rotation?

Anonymous No. 878135

Im a bit stoned so there might be an easier way.
ctrl numpadzero to get into the the objects point of view. numpad 5 to get out of the objects view but keep your rotation. Click the object so that your cursor has the objects rotation. Then shift-s and move the cursor to the object location.


3d cursor options.jpg

Anonymous No. 878137

Probably one of these. To get it to show up, you have to click the actual 3d cursor "tool" on the left toolbar.
Combine it with transformation orientations (not pivot point) set to "3d cursor" and you'll be able to move on the 3d cursors axes.



Anonymous No. 878142

I'm only loosely getting into blender for model ripping purposes (2.7 because potato PC), but I'm coming across a consistant issue in that whenever I unwrap it's not aligning with the intended texture. Also, if it's relevant, this a cheap chinkshit model, so this might be the source of my woes.
The most frustrating part is that I got it right at some point when I was just fucking around trying to figure out what to do, and now I can't replicate myself; I'm pretty sure it had something to do with unwrapping without going into edit mode, as the model I had it right for never went into a T-pose.

Anybody got any ideas?



Anonymous No. 878146

uv unwrapping a beyond 100tris model and matching the uv islands to the texture takes forever and should be avoided.

>I got it right at some point
The model probably already has a UV map and by unwrapping again you replaced it with a new one.

Make sure you rip the model with it's UV map.
If the uv map section of the object is empty in blender you ripped without uv.

Anonymous No. 878174

In sculpt mode when I switch between draw and smooth brushes my brush strength is the same even though I have the unified strength toggle OFF, how do I fix it?

Anonymous No. 878263

Can you set brushes in sculpt mode like you can in gimp? I just want a fucking square to make sharp edges.

Anonymous No. 878268


Released on Jan 26th 2022, Blender 3.0.1 features many bug fixes




Anonymous No. 878312

Does anyone know if this will cause any problems? I'm trying to export models from blender with proper scale and I need to make sure scales are 1 in Maya.

I managed to figure it out by changing scene units to centimeters in blender and now in Maya my normal scale is 1, but I can still see that local scale shows 0.01.

Why is that and does it even matter? I want to be sure when I send it to client that they won't have scale problems. It looks normal in Maya scene though, but idk how will it import in engines.



Anonymous No. 878350

WTF I switched from Cuda to Optix in the options and my renders get 10 times faster and most importantly loading is almost instantenious and doesn't go out of memory all the time. Why did nobody told me about this before?

Anonymous No. 878361

Are there any reliable methods for rendering a panorama video with eevee? I find a lot of videos about the eevr plugin but it doesn't work even on the versions of blender it's made for.

Anonymous No. 878403

Rotating an object by 90 degrees with a hotkey and getting it to rotate in the right direction has been one of the hardest things in 3DCG for me unironically. No matter what I press, -90 or 90, I'll always rotate it the opposite direction than intended.


why when bevel.png

Anonymous No. 878404

Can someone tell me why this happens sometimes when I bevel these types of edges??



Anonymous No. 878427

Anonymous No. 878438


Anonymous No. 878444

Vertex Doubles, I think?



Anonymous No. 878446

Pepe anon here. I've paused my hard modelling for a while before I get traumatized, and I've tried Ducky3D's last tutorial.

I guess this counts as my fourth/fifth day, I've been offline for a while.

Anonymous No. 878447

just connect a few more vertices to the inner loop

Anonymous No. 878448

i believe in you anon



Anonymous No. 878457

how the fuck do i delete the action stash in the NLA editor

Anonymous No. 878462

Do I do the donut tutorial or the default cube tutorial from Blender.org? Default cube is for 2.8 if that makes much of a difference.

Anonymous No. 878493

is there a easy way to weightpaint arm/leg twist bones ?

Anonymous No. 878501

So what the fuck happened to cgmasters? Their site has been offline for over two weeks now.

Anonymous No. 878587

change angle of light, move the sides out, put something in there, every edge of that back wall should be catching a little bit of light
you're close, if you can turn this into something good, you would have learned something very valuable. keep trying

Anonymous No. 878900

how do i port a model from blender 2.7 to 2.9?
materials and textures are all gone

Anonymous No. 878942

Still working this one out. My current solution is to make a copy of the armature and use it as a reference as I manually edit the original. Would be so much faster if I could just apply the pose though.

Anonymous No. 878982

>Renaming bones in Blender 3.0 makes bones didnt work unless you restart blender

Sasuga blender...



Anonymous No. 878986

Hello, I require help and now I'm insecure since it's my second day of blender and I have nothing to show like other anons.
I want to make backgrounds like kizumonogatari for my game BUT I'm having issues
>I don't know how to build things, even trying to get a sloped wall
>I can't texture
>How to get into lighting?
>How to design?
Btw, how long will this take me?
Pic related sucks, should I just pay someone to do them for me, how much would it cost?



Anonymous No. 878987

Don't know where to get textures, don't know how to plan, don't know how to build what I want to make
Is it a bad sign that I'm on day 2 and have nothing to show?

Anonymous No. 878995

yeah usually when you're just beginning something you don't really know all that much about it

Anonymous No. 878999

Does anyone have a decent tutorial for creating modular characters in Blender? I wish to export said character to UE4 once it is finished.

Anonymous No. 879001

>Export alembic in blender
>Apply it with MeshSequence modifier, it doesnt work.
>Open the alembic in Houdini, It works.
>Export it from Houdini again, apply it with a MeshSequence modifier, It works.
I don't understand.



Anonymous No. 879002

anyone know what types of textures these are? trying to extract a model from a game, none of them even look like a base color texture. stuff like _RMOE i've never seen before, but i'm a noob

Anonymous No. 879053

>I don't know how to build things
Break things down into simple shapes. A sloped wall is just a prism with a raised edge. Learn proper topology. JL Mussi is a good resource.

>I can't texture
Start with downloading materials from places like textures.com and 3dtextures.me. Eventually move on to learning about different types of texture maps and how to use programs like Mari and Substance Painter. FlippedNormals and Artruism Digital are channels worth checking out.

>How to get into lighting?
Look up photography lighting cheat sheets. Understand that mood is more important than a light source making sense (Just because there's only a light on the ceiling doesn't mean that you're not allowed to put a light elsewhere to make your render more legible). Learn about PBR materials and read the documentation for all of the settings on the Principled BSDF node.
>How to design?
Artstation learning is currently free, check out the art tutorials there to learn basic art a& design concepts.



Anonymous No. 879054

Thanks a lot for the input. Fixed some of the issues like the paleness and bad shadows etc already.
Will probably learn to use Blender properly before going back to this. Do you believe using/learning Malt will give better results to achieve to original look?

Anonymous No. 879056

I would guess RMOE is Roughness, Metallic, ambient Occlusion, and Emission packed into one texture on the RGBA channels. Could be wrong though.

Anonymous No. 879099

Retard here, how do i move two objects in oppisite directions?



Anonymous No. 879125

I don't mean to sound whiny, but for the kizumonogatari stuff, is this really going to be worth it?
I have been researching brutalism, the easiest architecture I can attempt and it's giving me trouble. Maybe I'm being too ambitious
Thanks for the help anon.

Anonymous No. 879132

that sounds right, i'll check when I get home, thanks anon



Anonymous No. 879274

when I plug in the normal texture, the model looks like it's shaded flat. anyone know what I am doing wrong? it's a model I extracted from a video game. my node setup might suck because I suck and still learning

Anonymous No. 879275

booba still way too big, source is ~32C I would guess, your model is like 36DDD or bigger



Anonymous No. 879281

made because bored.




Anonymous No. 879386

Can anyone help me go from left side to right side of picture related?
I need to edit the custom split normals of faces so that they all point to the same direction, ideally an averaged normal. I tried to select the vertices in edit mode and do mesh > normals > average > custom normals, but that just sets them all to the face normal which is not what I want. The only way I found to edit the split normals is to manually rotate them, but I need to do this to hundreds of faces so I can't do it by hand

Anonymous No. 879387

this seems like something that would be trivial to script

Anonymous No. 879390

well that's something. I know python although I've never done any scripting for blender, I'll start looking into it. Could you give me any pointers for this specific issue?



Anonymous No. 879394

probably a good starting point
however now that i reread your question cant you just use normal edit modifier

Anonymous No. 879395

Thanks for the link.
I don't think I can achieve what I need with teh normal edit modifier. In my case the custom normals were previously set using the data transfer modifier, stealing the normals of a target object. I want to keep those stolen normals, but in a sort of flat-shaded way in which vertices of the same face have the same normals

Anonymous No. 879398

There's a plugin called Abnormal that lets you edit normals by hand.



Anonymous No. 879402

Does anyone know why my texture is fucking up at this one specific place? I I need to add a seam there or what?



Anonymous No. 879427

Reminder to use the compositor
haze, bloom, le epic chromatic aberration or just some color/tone adjustments
shit's free



Anonymous No. 879436

How should I make my room look more cluttered/fucked up? thanks anon

Anonymous No. 879437

anime posters, full ashtrays, dakimakura, piss bottles

Anonymous No. 879441

>all that text and didn't even mention the awful giraffe neck

Anonymous No. 879446

I tried Abnormal but unfortunately it couldn't do what I need. I ended up writing a script, I'm not sure if I can use code tags on this board but I basically just loop over the mesh faces (mesh.polygons), get the split normals for the loops, average them and set them as the new normals.
Thanks for the advice



Anonymous No. 879449

Monogatari anon here, how am I doing so far? Trying to recreate brutalist places



Anonymous No. 879451

add normal maps to that couch, looks like plastic
>gradient / stain texture coming up from the floor
>wall trim
>stains on floor
>gamer cables

Anonymous No. 879452

normal textures are not meant to look like that. they are meant to be mainly made up of blue / purple pixels. try messing with the settings on the image node

Anonymous No. 879478

>grimier surfaces (the occupant won't have cleaned dust/stains etc since before the cans started accumulating)
>posters or something to take up empty wall space
>a few bits of trash scattered on the floor
>a box of some kind within easy reach of the desk, repurposed as a trashcan and now overflowing with snack packaging etc
>maybe another brand or two of soda just to make it feel less uniform


double uvs.png

Anonymous No. 879507

Does anyone know why there are double vertices in the UV panel when only one set exists on the model? I've checked and there are no overlapping vertices.



Anonymous No. 879604

I'm almost done this disaster



Anonymous No. 879639

How can I fix my bottle not showing the liquid inside it? it shows other objects thru it just fine.

using Glass BSDF with Principled Volume for both

Anonymous No. 879643

it shows thru when I look at it from below at certain angle, but not above it

Anonymous No. 879653

Guys I'm going crazy. I just started using the asset browser and for some reason when I try to import an asset, it defaults to not showing it in render. Is there a way to turn that off? After placing a dozen things into a scene, it's frustrating to render it and see everything missing.

How do I fix this? Is it a scene setting? Is it the asset's fault?

Anonymous No. 879720

some transmission setting i'm guessing



Anonymous No. 879722

What am I doing wrong here with this base color/diffuse texture? Looks nowhere near the right color and it's transparent as fuck



Anonymous No. 879723

this is the base texture for reference, at least I think it is

Anonymous No. 879727

There is no diffuse texture there. If you convert the png transparency to alpha it looks more like a spec map. Maybe the map was exported wrong and it was supposed to be diffuse + spec in alpha channel.



Anonymous No. 879747

So I read your post and went back into asset studio gui, thinking it didn't export all the textures. But in the preview window I saw it had a bunch of hotkeys to "select" the RGBA channels. So ctrl a produced this. Honestly I don't really know what that did to the alpha channel, I don't really understand this shit to begin with. But it definitely looks right now.

Anonymous No. 879962

if your using eevee try turning down the 'alpha' slider very slightly. also turn off 'show backface' if it looks weird



Anonymous No. 880001

>Blueprints don't align
What do I do?

Anonymous No. 880099

just pick a half and ignore the other one?

Anonymous No. 880428

can i use this for my project?

Anonymous No. 881501

Usually perpendicular, at least on Maya.
It doesn't change anything on skinning and you will save yourself from trouble in the future if you're doing advanced rigs.
It's a pain to rig angled bones you're doing IK stretching with locators and nodes on Maya.
(also it's better for the IK solver to have 1 clean straight axis for bending)

Anonymous No. 881567

bones should follow real anatomy as close as possible, your deformations will be a lot better