

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 888026

New graphical update from Unity. There is officially NO reason to use Unreal anymore - our graphics are equal if not better! No more excuses! Our engine is superior!

>A better 4D pipeline
>Skin Attachment system on the GPU to allow for high-density meshes (e.g., peach fuzz)
>More realistic eyes with caustics on the iris
>A new skin shader
>Tension tech for blood flow simulation and wrinkle maps, eliminating the need for a facial rig for fine details



Anonymous No. 888029

Thread already exists...


Anonymous No. 888053

the op post in that thread isnt clear enough on what is new

Pablo Escobar No. 888230

I'm already looking at and interacting with realistic, ugly people all day. I don't need that in my free time.

Anonymous No. 888231

>I'm already looking at and interacting with realistic, ugly people all day
maybe you should fix that.

Pablo Escobar No. 888235

Yeah no, not possible in California.

Anonymous No. 888241

come to the east coast, dumbass

Pablo Escobar No. 888246

Yeah no. I'm not trading illegal spics and chimping morenos for greedy kikes and chimping morenos.



Anonymous No. 888248

I wish Unity had something like MetaHumans.

Anonymous No. 888251

dios mio

Anonymous No. 888258

Does Unity support ray tracing with Vulkan yet?

Anonymous No. 888327

Okay but how does this help people who want to make stylized games and not super realistic shit?

Anonymous No. 888475

>we need to attract people to our game engine
>let's make a trailer with ugly white kamala harris
Are we living in some alternative timeline where sex no longer sells?

Anonymous No. 888603

>Are we living in some alternative timeline where sex no longer sells?
no, but we live in a time where all companies toe the same line thanks to the big money jews playing global engineering

Anonymous No. 888690

>Are we living in some alternative timeline where sex no longer sells?

Man, I wish. Maybe then the industry would have to put some actual creative effort into their marketing instead of plopping out soulless coombait.



Anonymous No. 888722

You can't show all the details that the technology is capable of on a smooth face. If they showed a young and pretty woman with a perfect skin people would say that they saw the same in 2008.

Anonymous No. 889191

more options is never a bad thing, you just scale it back till you have what you need.

Anonymous No. 889194

...thats not how it works with this new tension tech

Anonymous No. 889291

aren't you still unable to even pilot the camera in unity?

Anonymous No. 889294

And then you proceed to make low poly shit.

Anonymous No. 889302

:) :))) :)))))
>Roblox engine: Beautiful zen garden and Doom 2016 graphics
>Actual Roblox games: Legend of Link on the gamecube and Super Mario 64 xD

Anonymous No. 889303

Wow... how does this help us make better games exactly? :))) I mean wow good job we can now slap a bitch in real time and it won't take 3 buildings full of farm renders, but WAIT, we can't actually slap her in real time can we? We can just add a shitty animation that goes on loop that slaps her that might as well be pre-rendered because of how non-interactive it is.
Woooweeeeee boy the digital world sure is looking great. From Second Life where you could fly and do parkour to ... a heavy as fuck character that can't even cross a box and can't interact with the environment beyond putting her hand on the cave and the walls don't even get destroyed or react to her. Oh and you can't touch tree leaves and bushes, they're too finnicky :)) oh and le euclidean tech from Unreal Engine can only be used on static stuff like rocks, not animated grass and leaves, NOT EVEN SAND. Are you crazy? lol sand, we can't have sand, we can barely have water that doesn't compound in one area, doesn't drip and slide and build up and you want sand, rofl rofl rofl, next you'll ask for breakable ice and water turning to ice and other kinds of density materials with special interactive properties. We can't even add slides, swings, trampolines and you want a simulation of dynamic physics materials LOL you crazy nigger?
Do not even get us started on AI, lol AI. Just a homing missile(can't even do that) what more do you want? There's all your features, bro. Go make Tetris(can't even make Tetris in Unity without reading 30 manuals).

Anonymous No. 889304

take your meds, carl.

Anonymous No. 889305

How about I fuck you in the ass instead, Ellie? I'll even wear my green and purple clothes.