

๐Ÿงต Can /3/ do better than Cris?

Anonymous No. 890223

I see a lot of people shitting on Cris (rightfully so) while lurking, but not a whole lot of work from anons to show that they can outdo him. Let's post some, I'll start with a handful of renders and my own guns.



Anonymous No. 890224

Barrett M82A1

Anonymous No. 890225

Is this just an general amateur showcase thread?



Anonymous No. 890227

Mini-tank for a game I'm working on.



Anonymous No. 890229

If you want to call it that.
I haven't really seen any showcase threads either, aside from a W.I.P one.

Anonymous No. 890231

>I haven't really seen any showcase threads either, aside from a W.I.P one.
The reasoning behind that is that you dont want to post your hard work on this site, because it is very harmful to your reputation. You want to post on legitimate sites

Anonymous No. 890232

why do you talk about yourself in the 3rd person though
are you some sort of retard, nobody except us knows who you are

Anonymous No. 890234

everyone will know you are posting here with a simple reverse image search

Anonymous No. 890239


Anonymous No. 890240

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 890241

Yes, they can. Now fuck off to WIP

Anonymous No. 890242

Show the work with your pirated software, chuds. More showing, less babbling!

Anonymous No. 890243


Anonymous No. 890245

you're a lying dog faced pony soldier.

Anonymous No. 890246

No, I haven't done any better yet. The problem with him isn't his art (lots of people here post shitty art and that's not a problem), rather it's his behaviour and attitude.

Anonymous No. 890249


Kek exactly. I'd show you my waifu sculpt but you will only get the shitty version of it here and it's not fun when everything posted here is hobby tier.

Anonymous No. 890269

This. He ignores advice, refuses to research, tells people to fuck off, and makes new threads with the same question again.

Anonymous No. 890317

Wow, this thread really went to shit.
I'm not Cris though. Can verify my work's mine, if need be.
I must be slow for not picking up on this. Yes, that's a good point, I'll be trashing this thread in a few hours though it's probably already gotten tossed into an archive.
This isn't me by the way, but please be quiet.

Anonymous No. 890318

>I must be slow for not picking up on this. Yes, that's a good point, I'll be trashing this thread in a few hours though it's probably already gotten tossed into an archive.
anon, you cant delete threads that have replies in them

Anonymous No. 890326

The WIP thread is a good place to post your amateur stuff and get focused critique

>people might say mean things
"it's shit" is as meaningless as "oh wow I wish I could do that!", what you want is a useful effort post

Anonymous No. 890330

Really bad lightning and overall scene composition; whatever merits the model has are totally crushed and obscured by the poor lighting and composition

Nothing wrong on a technical level particularly. Aesthetically (and therefore entirely subjectively) speaking, I don't find them terribly engaging.
They look like a blend between Planetside tanks and Command & Conquer and maybe Advance Wars but they need more style, more features (not necessarily "detail"; I assume they'll be small and viewed from a camera's that far away), more style.
They're also very dark; either they need to be on a very very bright terrain / background OR they need significant emission.
If it's like a TRON style thing where everything is black, go back and look at TRON stuff and you'll see there's lots of emission + a fresnel like effect that creates visual distinction (so that things pop out).

I think you ought to revisit and improve the initial concept art, if you have any. If they're just meant to be a sort of generic rapidly produced programmer art (but obviously a lot better than "programmer art") then that's fine though there can be a tendency where the low bar set by the programmer art becomes the bar (see: Minecraft).