

๐Ÿงต Can you guys post more like pic related?

Anonymous No. 892978

How do I make something like this? Are there any tutorials for rigging models like pic related ?

Anonymous No. 892981

>How do I make something like this?
It's right there in front of you anon, wireframe and everything.
If you can't parse that shit, you're not going to get anywhere close to making anything similar in the next year.

Anonymous No. 892982

No, I mean, I can copy the model yeah, but wouldn't it be a nightmare to rig everything properly?

Anonymous No. 892983

Also where can I look up more like this for references? I tried reverse searching it up but I'm not getting anything related at all

Anonymous No. 892984

you fool look at it! you cannot rig that model properly, it will always deform like shit

Anonymous No. 892985

mean :( so how can I rig it, should I include better topology around the joints?

Anonymous No. 892986


Anonymous No. 892987


Anonymous No. 892988

unless you are planning on making a game models for the gameboy color working with such a low poly budget is just self sabotage.

Anonymous No. 892989

Thank you so much
hmmmm I'll go for that aesthetic then

Anonymous No. 892995

those are easy to make. just model, uv, texture, and rig with no regard to topology or computer generated lighting.

you dont have to use the same mesh to model either, you can use separate meshes and bind it to a rig
#256fes on twitter

nodevs bring it up as an example of efficient modeling, when it is not really useful or challenging at all. mid/high poly stuff is more tough and impressive desu.

Anonymous No. 892996


Anonymous No. 893342

why are you so autistic?

Anonymous No. 893544

It's alright for a first try. The head could be bigger, and the breasts look like you were planning on giving her a bra. Since you're new to modeling, and I presume new to this board, I would strongly suggest you never post here again. A lot of people on here who complain about other people's anatomy skills can't actually sculpt an anatomically accurate model themselves, so they take out their frustrations on people who manage to get somewhere, especially if they're less experienced. Some of them do know what they're talking about, but their skill in modeling is the only thing that makes them valuable as a person, so they like to tear other people down. Go get critiques on any other website, because people there will actually want to help you.



Anonymous No. 893553



Anonymous No. 893554



Anonymous No. 893555

Anonymous No. 893652

Ignore him. He's copying and pasting what I said in another thread because I made him mad.



Anonymous No. 893991

Anonymous No. 894163

>How do I make something like this?
Detailed textures and flat planes. Honestly flat planes are really unappreciated in low poly art.
>how can I rig it?
Use deforming to your advantage. Most models need joints premade for animation. If you're on a 256FES budget (the challenge Op's pic rel model was made for) don't expect a full 360 degrees of motion without separating your model into objects and meshing them. I often use this technique on hands, heads, and feet as they tend to move more than a torso and would require more deform polygons than an elbow or knee.

Anonymous No. 894237

Thanks, Jack

Anonymous No. 894252

just google sub 1000 tris or sub 500 tris, its a whole discipline of modeling/texturing/rigging, and theres a ton of it out there



Anonymous No. 894310

Mostly brings up 'noob friendly tutorial low poly' which is Chris tier compared to anything shown here.

Anonymous No. 894342

It's fine in general, but I would cheat with some extra joint topology. Google collapsible joint topology to get the general idea. Limitations are a great way to develop a sensible pipeline.

Anonymous No. 894393

Go to twitter
search 256fes
thats it
it's nice to see such economy and all

Anonymous No. 894394

Oooh this is nice, got more? reverse search's not giving anything, its great topology and economy

Anonymous No. 894805


Anonymous No. 894808


Anonymous No. 894941

>all these tris



Anonymous No. 895096

Anonymous No. 895287

nice! thanks!
whats with the music though

Anonymous No. 895450

i dont get it, why is it made with triangles and not quads?
are these painted within blender or is the uv exported to ps then painted there?

Anonymous No. 895463

You do know that quads get broken down into tris in the end anyway right? Tris will always make a flat face, quads don't unless all four verts are aligned, so they get split up into tris when they're rendered. When you're trying to model things with as few polygons as possible working with quads exclusively can introduce excessive polygons since they get split into tris.



Anonymous No. 895524

Anonymous No. 895526

With low-poly, all of the detail is in the textures.

With high-poly, all of the detail is in the sculpted details and world lighting

Anonymous No. 896397

It's very confusing since people throw a lot of 3d terminology, but 3D depends on your intent.

They're using triangles because they're not designing character models in mind for games or animations, they're just designing it for #256Fes challenge on twitter. The challenge is to get the maximum amount of detail in less than 256 tri along with texture resolution less than 256x256.

A lot of these wouldn't animate well at all

Anonymous No. 896398

all quads are Tris



Anonymous No. 896502



Anonymous No. 896580

Anonymous No. 896581


Anonymous No. 896662

>they're just designing it for #256Fes challenge
Lost all interest in this thread then, thanks for the heads up



Anonymous No. 896689

No idea. Korean people are weird



Sigma No. 897649


Feast your eyes, folks.