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🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 903487

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Shire Edition -

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>901909

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB
/3/ Discord for those interested: https://discord.gg/ujt5vtr4DE



Anonymous No. 903517

Rotating Thingy...



Anonymous No. 903533

I'm trying to capture some interesting shapes by using the voxel stack function in Mandelbulb 3D. The method is a bit intricate, i first find an interesting shape, then by using the voxel stack function i turn the 3D model into 2D slices of black and white images where white represents 'mesh' while black is the empty space between. To turn these images into a solid 3D object i first need to use a version of ImageJ called 'Fiji' which turns it into an obj file. This obj file is usually very large and not blender friendly, so i use another free app called Meshlab, which has some very powerful tools and is able to handle meshes of several million triangles with no problem. Here i remesh the object to make it more blender friendly. If i'm able to get a nice mesh without losing to much detail i remesh it in blender to get a clean quad mesh. To colorise i use the geometry node, ambient occlusion and a hdr made in Mandelbulb 3D. In this example i have baked it to vertex colors.



Anonymous No. 903536

The other side of the same model.

Anonymous No. 903537

looks like something you could use for jewelry



Anonymous No. 903542




Anonymous No. 903543




Anonymous No. 903550

I think i will try to cut out some nice shapes to eventually build an alien world with them. ATM the mesh is 7mill tris and you can't even see a third of all the details, so i will have to find ways to optimize it for using it in actual scenes. Mandelbulb 3D can create unlimited amounts of different shapes, so the big challenge is to find the really nice ones. This render from MB3D is using the same parameters as the mesh i work on.


Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 903580

i'm figuring out how this all works as i go along.
need to figure out what's the best approach to create chain mesh in zbrush so that i can then give it physics in blender later on.

Anonymous No. 903591

I was paintin the next OP.
Guess I'll save it for next time.
Thanks for looking out, again.

We've been hitting the limits at breakneck speeds these days. Usually they'd average about 15 days until next thread, these days they last about a week.



Anonymous No. 903609

Posting, first time doing something like this (I had some furry commissions in the past but they were male.)



Anonymous No. 903617

that dragon.

Anonymous No. 903618




Anonymous No. 903630


Anonymous No. 903632

Am a brainlet, is the inset topology on the glutes done for definition, deformation, or both? I always do straight-down quad patches and I keep wondering if it's just better to do it that way instead.
That's a very cute bun nonetheless.



Anonymous No. 903636




Anonymous No. 903637

Daxter from "jak and daxter"

Anonymous No. 903638

I do it for both just to be on the safe side, I keep seeing lots of topology examples with just quad patches and other stuff but I end up combining methods when I think is needed.

Anonymous No. 903639

Very nice work so far

I think you need to push the shapes on the legs a little bit, as they seem a bit too even through out when compared to the reference. The tail also seems to be thicker in the ref



Anonymous No. 903641

A bit more zoomed in.



Anonymous No. 903646

I'm going to sculpt a head every day until I don't suck.

Anonymous No. 903647

use reference my dude
and also look online for a book called "Anatomy for Sculptors"



Anonymous No. 903648


Anonymous No. 903649

>use reference my dude
I am. I'm still just very new to anatomy.
>and also look online for a book called "Anatomy for Sculptors"
Thanks, anon, I'll look into that. I appreciate the lead.

Anonymous No. 903656

np bro
keep at it

Anonymous No. 903660

Agent Fox Mulder, FBI

Anonymous No. 903691

Good luck, I hope you succeed.
You should start a separate thread if you actually intend to stick with it and post daily updates.


demo city.png

Anonymous No. 903715

A few days ago, I set the goal for myself to do a city. Since I had Houdini experience, my first impulse was to make use of it. It wasted a few of my days, and I realized that rather than messing with its half baked nodes, I need specialized programs for the task. I got SceneCity, and here is the default city with a desert theme, 5m to setup and 15m to render. The lighting is poor, but that does not matter as this is just a demo. All this is a good lesson for me as I got stuck for a few days, and broke out by letting go my inhibitions. I developed my various skills over the last 8 months, but if I want quality, I should be using procedural generators and kitbashing. Nothing is going to get me faster to my goals than that. It is like how if you are programming, it is a much better idea to use a library than spend your valuable time doing your own. It is a bit heartbreaking as this way of doing art requires little skill even if it gives the best results, programming went this way long ago. I have some sculpting skills, but I am going to look in chara generators as well after I am done with environments, and only modify them enough to get what I am going for. Doing anything else would mean competing with dedicated prop and chara artists, and nobody is going to reward me for that. My audience is only going to care about the end result.

Anyway, here is the Cycles render, it is too drab and dull. Even if I put in some work, it would still have that distinctive 3d look. 2d artists tend to have distinctive styles that you can tell from the image, but 3d works look similar to one another. This is both due to how 3d renderers work, and how the models are made and textured. The great precision of 3d works against it in this case.


demo city (chines....png

Anonymous No. 903717

This is my fave in the batch.

Anonymous No. 903718

My body is exactly like this but my six packs are smol


demo city (pencil....png

Anonymous No. 903720

I'll always do at least one drawing. Style - Pencil Work has always been decent.


demo city (dawn o....png

Anonymous No. 903721

I am not sure which ones to put up. I guess I'll go with this one. I like images that stand out in various ways rather than being balanced. Though this one is balanced in its own way. The well lighted upper half is offset by the lower half.



Anonymous No. 903722



demo city (colorf....png

Anonymous No. 903723

I do not like this one as it does not fit the theme. It would be more suitable for a forest than a desert, but it is interesting in its own way.


demo city (fracta....png

Anonymous No. 903724

Here is the last one. I'll move on to making a floating golden city next.

Anonymous No. 903727

>Half baked nodes
so you mean you gave up trying



Anonymous No. 903744

Overall progress.

Anonymous No. 903750

i've never seen someone work so hard to be as lazy as this dude



Anonymous No. 903761

Looking for feedback

Anonymous No. 903778




Anonymous No. 903781

a bitch has pants



Anonymous No. 903783

I'm pretty sure this is an improvement. I spent substantially less time in Orthographic view, which i think helped. Really tried to match proportions in my references. I'll probably start a new thread tomorrow for future heads, like another anon suggested. No need to spam this one with ugly mugs.



Anonymous No. 903800

Spent the day moving around hair curves. The basic shell is there. Now to try and make it look good.
cool cities. what would look nice is if you could maybe add a pier in there with some yachts floating in the water or something the like to break away from all that perfectly aligned symmetry in the city blocks.
these are both nice. what are you guys all making them for? is there some VR furry convention coming up that I am unaware of?
Looks like a nice model for a game character. If you want to push it further some more detailed textures would be nice.
There are a lot of (A LOT) youtube videos on sculpting heads. If I were you I'd follow along with one of them. Since you're doing a sculpt a day why not follow along with a tutorial a day. Those guys will you give you a lot of handy tips like how to get you base shape right, how to model ears as separate appendages and then combine them, important anatomical landmarks you should get right every time, to name but a few. Learn good habits right from the start and as soon as possible. It'll save you a lot of time in the future and you'll improve a lot faster.

Anonymous No. 903809

>perfectly aligned symmetry
Hmmm, I actually never realized this until you mentioned it just now. Yeah, this is not good.

> add a pier in there with some yachts floating in the water
I am not going to be going with this scene, but instead of a floating city in the sky, and an above clouds shot of the city below, so it makes no sense for me to work on it more. It is just the default scene from SceneCity.

The plugin itself is terrible, it doesn't take care of any of the difficult parts of generating a city. It is out of date, badly documented and it's like 3 addons poorly rolled into one.

With the easy terrain node for example, which I used to generate the scene above, note how the buildings intersect and there are no roads. There is a grid city template which generates a grid city with junctions, but the problem is that it is a grid. Scatter city has freeform roads, but they go trough buildings and each other, it is ridiculous. For a paid addon, I would have expected it to handle distribution of roads and the buildings inbetween them which is the real hard part of city generation. Scattering buildings randomly on terrain as if they were trees, or doing a grid like structure I could have done on my own. It is really disappointing, I can't say I've mastered the essence of city building with just this.

Anonymous No. 903810

I might give Houdini a try again depending on the contents of the free Neo City addon that I've gotten. I'll check it out tomorrow. Maybe it will have the modular pieces I can just use as plugs for the walls and cornerns. That might make Houdini more viable, but I do not have a good way of replicating the cellular structure of a city. There is a paid city gen for it, but I can't find a place to pirate it. I think I could figure it out myself from scratch given a few weeks time, but I do not want to spend that. Rather than figure out how to generate a city completely procedurally from scratch, making use of OSM data would be a viable workaround, but then I have to go down the rabit hole of programming. I am not interested in this kind of thing.

...It's lame. I though, proc generation would be more advanced in 2022. The best compromise would be to not show the city from too high of an angle, and just do them by hand in front where they are needed. My problem is that I hate compromises. You can't attain mastery by taking the easy route each time.

Anonymous No. 903812

>Since you're doing a sculpt a day why not follow along with a tutorial a day.
This really seems like an excellent idea. Thanks for the tip! Can't believe I didn't think to do this.



Anonymous No. 903813

Been sculpting on my phone. Made this orc fella on nomad and I was wondering what I can do more with it.

Anonymous No. 903821

>these are both nice. what are you guys all making them for? is there some VR furry convention coming up that I am unaware of?
I am in a drought, no commissions so the next best thing I considered was making a freebie and see if that attracts some clients among the degenerates of VRC Lewd, it still works for my portfolio anyway since I have nothing completely original to put on it.



Anonymous No. 903832

No clothes yet

Anonymous No. 903834

Stylized or will you define the body a bit more?



Anonymous No. 903838

i'm making a game! not a big thing, more a proof-of-concept. she'll be the player.



Anonymous No. 903847

It's been just about exactly a year since I made my first character and posted it here, so I thought I'd mark the occasion by posting the newest one here too. Few more years, and I hope I finally get the anatomy right.

Anonymous No. 903849

>only model shit as a hobby
>mostly do low poly because can't be bothered to learn real anatomy
>always try to get curves by mostly thinking hips are like this boobs are like this
>randomly saw a timelapse of someone sculpting a female body
>paid attention somehow because was spending time on deformations as a result of visible rib cage, collarbone or pelvis
>sudden realization that all the tasty female curves mostly come from bone and muscle structures
...... oh. Maybe I should try remembering this next time I try something.

Anonymous No. 903850

I was wondering who this amazing guy that makes all this OPs, I tought it came from a single person. Thanks for the work brehs

Anonymous No. 903852

this is great I love abstract cgi stuff.

Anonymous No. 903853

bad tits but great topology. Make the tits better and it will be great

Anonymous No. 903854



Anonymous No. 903859

For the most part, I've been making the collages, paintings, and the ai stuff. So all of that is just one guy.
I've got a pretty fucked sleep schedule though, so sometimes the thread hits limit without my knowing during the time I'm catching zzzz's, and some other kind anons (or maybe it's just one guy), are nice enough to pick up the slack.
It's been happening a lot more lately, but at the same time, threads seem to be hitting the limit faster and faster these days. Maybe the start of summer has something to do with it. I don't know.

In any case, I do appreciate the people stepping up. I've been pretty busy with things these days and don't have a ton of free time.



Anonymous No. 903860

Exactly how?

Anonymous No. 903864

Goto google and do an image search for great breasts and model some of those.

Anonymous No. 903865

How exactly are they bad I mean, yes, I can search stuff, but I am probably missing an extra loop, not just perspective.



Anonymous No. 903866

>How exactly are they bad I mean
they just don't look natural and dont look like the ideal tit shape.

Anonymous No. 903867

Thanks, I suspected as much, sometimes is hard to re-check what looks like an implant and what looks like a real breast, this reminds me of a Halloween party I went long ago with some friends, there was this guy with his gf, she had big breasts, people kept saying I was looking at her a lot, I told them how she looked like she didn't have clavicles.

Anonymous No. 903871

Sorry about your software woes bro.
Yeah, keep it up you'll and you'll making decent sculpts in no time. Having technique ensures that you'll always be thinking about what you're doing instead of blindly sculpting, and that is how you get better.
Pretty impressive. I've tried sculpting on my phone but it's hard.
Cool. Nice concept and character.
Beatiful character. Anatomy looks damn fine to me.
I don't think they're too bad. Looks like she has a pair of silicon bags in there but that's fine. Everybody has their own taste when it comes to breast shape. Don't get too hung up over some anon complaining beacause you failed to capture the breast or ass or hips just the way he likes it.

Anonymous No. 903876

This one has an awful lot of pics from male body builders, but either just fatty women, not in shape women or straight up anorexia in the hips section.
No thick muscular women. 0/10.
Drawings are ok tho. But this ain't no catalog on human dimorphism.

Anonymous No. 903881

you should add some more details like seams and binding to that uniform, I think it'll make the whole thing look much better

Anonymous No. 903911

man you've been iterating on this character for what 2 years now I think it is time to move ahead no?



Anonymous No. 903943

thanks! it's been a ton of fun so far and i'm looking forward to giving a crack at animating!

and, now she got booties. last piece is her jacket, will be interesting to figure out how to rig a loose clothing item like that hmm.



Anonymous No. 903981

The spunk.



Anonymous No. 903992

Been a long long time since I've worked on this, almost a year I think. I'm happy with the legs and body so far, but I still need to still up the detail and change the arms a bit. Hard surface kinda kicking my ass. The head is placeholder, and while I want to keep it mostly intact, I'm gonna shrink the bottom portion of the head so she can more easily look down, and add some kind of pseudo hair type handle bar on the sides of the head for holding on to



Anonymous No. 903994

Lapras, im planning on rigging it and give it for free

Anonymous No. 903995

looking clean bro

Anonymous No. 904026

I was certainly trying to avoid the implant-look on the boobs but anon provided some references so it may be easier to define them, since I was going greedy on the polygon count I wanted to avoid adding too many new loops but I'd rather make something with quality to attract a VR-PC user rather than to please the quest crowd (specially after my last commission going sour.)



Anonymous No. 904032

What texturing software should I get? Or are there any good texturing mods for Blender? I spent the last few hours stenciling this bra, but I must say it was a very painful process and should have taken only 15 minutes with proper tools. Armorpaint seems even more awful than Blender for something like this. Should I just buy substance painter? 100 euros seems a bit steep, though, since I'm a hobbyist and do 3d-stuff only when I feel like it. I'm using Linux too, so my options are probably quite limited.



Anonymous No. 904034

Free time is a bit rare at the moment to sink into this, the controversial solar panels have been shelved for now, but doing some quick animation i noticed the lackluster performance. I manually ripped out about 20k vertices, with sub-D thats about 200k savings at no loss in visual detail. Just bad modeling.
During optimization i finally found what has been bothering me about my design. The neck was fucked, way too long. Helmet like a light bulb, impossible to take off. Thinking about final renders i want some with the helmet taken off, so i rebuild the entire neck area of the spacesuit. Still work in progress, but something worth showing.

And i could really use some feedback, on the damn face. I been staring at this shitty texture map i backed out of a bunch of Voronoi noise at 3AM. Looks like shite form close up.
So i used my ugly ass face as a texture stencil and the face looks very dead / tiered. Headed straight for the uncanny valley. At least the UVS are now less stretched and not crooked.
My last attempt was along the lines of using some ginger faces of fashion magazines as the have no soul anyway to not hit that uncanny valley so hard, but when corrected for tan / skin tone it looks about the same. Damn Filter faces...
And the .jpg aint helping either. But i am very happy with the new bump map making it look like actual skin, less silicone like.

But i need some feedback. Attempt more realism or a some painterly look to avoid the creepy factor???
Some critique would help a lot!

Anonymous No. 904036

>Blender Kit.
>Add materials, modify a hi-res mesh.



Anonymous No. 904038

nice........ design work

Anonymous No. 904039

I like the freckled look on the first one. The second one has the coolest helmet. The third one has the best eyebrows. The fourth one has the sexiest clavicles. All of them are quite alright, honestly. The hair strand could perhaps be a bit more glossy, I think.

I don't get it.

Anonymous No. 904040

You use blender kit to get some high res materials, then modify a high res mesh to facilitate where you will assign some materials, then you bake the result into your properly unwrapped mesh, basically you will be adding some edges and vertex groups for certain areas with certain materials like you would do if you were sewing an actual piece of cloth.

Anonymous No. 904041

To me, it looks like her head just has way too much subsurf, giving it that real doll, silicone look

Anonymous No. 904044

The final one gets into the same skullcap helmet ting as number 2. Was just too lazy to duplicate all the headphone stuff for the other ones for a quick visualization. I heard from some others that the old face looked the best. I just feel bad that I have peeked in face textures drunk at 3Am on a Tuesday.

This preview has no subsurface on. And for the render I got it set to 1 to get some of the jagged edges out of the nose. The real doll effect may has to do with me using faces from some overeat hair porn animations I downloaded years ago as 3D reffferece to stretch my topology around. Still highly recommend to anyone struggling to make a face to get a bunch of ready made ones and ppöympdel a face in between those you like to make a new shape ... but I get it, a bit too ideal. No idea this if she more skin imperfections would do the trick k air if I have to stretch around the shape a bit.
But looking good at those toddy armor makes on Artsation, they got all these too perfect faces.

Anonymous No. 904051

Just pirate Substance Painter.
Also dual boot Windows if you want to get anywhere in life.



Anonymous No. 904070

hes watching u anon

i love the boots

blessed. u should make one nip blue and one red

ur models are good as always senpai.

Anonymous No. 904071

I've used Windows all my life and I got nowhere, checkmate atheist.



Anonymous No. 904073

thanks anon.
I really hope you're using that deer for good purposes.

great job m8.


Big M 01.png

Anonymous No. 904095

I'm trying something new with the topology. It's pretty autismal, but I think it's working out. I'm sort of "circling" major muscles with edgeloops. I don't really know how to put it in words. But basically, the topology traces around in a clean loop. And neighboring muscles get their own loop, so they're isolated. It works somehow. I can more easily maintain quads this way. And the edgeflow seems to stay nice and clean. So far, I've only done the upper torso, upper arms, and neck region. So there's still much left to do. But I'm kind of excited to see how crazy OCD way of handling topology works on the rest of the body.


Big M 02.png

Anonymous No. 904096

And here's what it looks like with all the loops selected.

Anonymous No. 904099

Interesting, my autism prevents me from appreciating stuff with high polygon count without thinking I could just try to use less polygons and then let subdivision do what's needed, is there a market for stuff that is over 20K tris in general?


bulge block.png

Anonymous No. 904100

I don't know anything about what the market is doing. From what I've googled, some game models can be as high as 100k. But they say you should stay under 30k for simple human characters. It seems to vary a lot depending on what the character is used for, and the scope of the game. I would imagine that a simple fighting game with its highly controlled environment can spend more polygons on the character models. But a more open game with a lot of characters on screen would have to be more frugal.

But in any case, I'm thinking you can modify this circling method to use a lot less polygons. Right now, I'm making circles with the minimum of 3 external edges, which creates 5 edges inside the circle. I sometimes go over 3, or make irregular shapes to fit the body. But if you instead circled with only 2 external edges, then you'd probably only get 4 edges inside. And 1 external edge creates 3 internal. Because it's really just basic edge loop reduction. Except used in a weird way. It's really up to you, how many edges you want to create. Yes, circling creates more polygons than strictly necessary, but I think it's helping make clean transitions between these major forms, while simultaneously keeping them distinct.

This is newly experimental for me. So I don't know how it's going to turn out. I might find it too bothersome for the face. or hands. Or it might deform like garbage when rigged. I don't know.



Anonymous No. 904150

You're gonna need some extra edge loops so she can blink. Ive been in this situation and I thought I could pull down what I had from a face modeled eyes open and it really does look like theyre blinking with their forehead. Just some extra geo that gets tucked away when her eyes are open and can be pulled out when she closes them.



Anonymous No. 904155

how do i attach the hand better?

Anonymous No. 904156

Yep, probably adding an extra loop there before subdiv.

Anonymous No. 904172

Watermelon Cell, first time using Substance Painter and it's not great
Just wait, I'll become the best Substance Abuser in the whole world

Anonymous No. 904173

>IP banned for no reason https://files.catbox.moe/37b93x.png



Anonymous No. 904175

To combine two edge loops with a different number of vertices, you probably want to use motifs like this. However, the hand you have there has like twice as many vertices, so it'll look bad pretty much no matter what you do. You should probably just continue the arm geomtery all the way through the hand to the fingers and then instead ask "how do I connect these fingers to the hand" instead of "how do I connect the hand to the arm".



Anonymous No. 904182

why does it look disgusting bros



Anonymous No. 904188

working on this hair thing...

Anonymous No. 904189

Why don't you smooth and define some sharp edges?

Anonymous No. 904200

needs to be covered in doodads and indentations. Lots of busy edges and shapes

Anonymous No. 904201

i guess but i want to keep the poly count as low as possible

Anonymous No. 904202

Couldn't you do that high to low poly bake meme?



Anonymous No. 904203

i kinda wanna draw all the details instead of using normal maps like how they used to do in older games because i think that can look different and cool
but i also dont know how to texture paint like that
i tried it multiple times and it was very confusing for me

Anonymous No. 904205

well the untextured mesh looking weird is a feature of that art style.

Anonymous No. 904206

>but i also dont know how to texture paint like that
>i tried it multiple times and it was very confusing for me
make a very optimized UV map
Take screen shots of your model from the tope,bottom,left,right,front,back plus any more angles you think might serve special needs.
Load those images into your preferred 2d art program and paint over them with this art style, lighting included.
When done project and bake each image onto the mesh in turn.
Take the baked textures, and aggregate the best versions of each section into 1 texture.

Anonymous No. 904207

I think all it needs is a texture to add the details that aren't present in the model. The wheels seem to be slightly too high poly compared to the rest of the mesh, but I think it looks good. Try adding just a 30 minute, quick texture and see if your opinion of it changes, even if you just make up panel lines, and splotch in color for the dirt. Like I said, I think the mesh itself is good.

Anonymous No. 904209

looks pretty good tho desu



Anonymous No. 904210

I did a little crate thingy for a game prototype

Anonymous No. 904212

It looks good bro.


Anonymous No. 904213




Anonymous No. 904215

Yes her anatomy needs improvement, espacially those painfull looking bone desease deformations she obviously suffers
My take

Anonymous No. 904217

What deformations do you mean exactly?

Anonymous No. 904232

Her arm looks bad, elbow has weird shape., the hand and fingers, too. Her chin too pointy Spine seems to be deformed in the pelvis region. Upper arm bones are bent inwards in an unnatural way. The lower arm looks like one from a 90 yo gramma (without wrinkles though).

Anonymous No. 904254

Yeah, you made her effortlessly 250 % cuter. I guess I'll work on her a bit more. I just wish sculpting heads weren't such a pain. Literally. For whatever reason, I involuntarily mirror the character's expressions, so my face starts to hurt after a while. Lips especially are painful. Hands are annoying too, unfortunately. I always fuck them up. This character can make a pretty decent fist, though, and that's a win for me.

But thanks for your input. I really appreciate it. I hope I can one day spot and fix errors as easily too.

Anonymous No. 904294

Is Substance Painter one of those things like sculpting where you can use a mouse, but it's magnitudes more efficient to use a graphics tablet?

Anonymous No. 904295

No, for the simple reason that substance painter also uses a lot of procedural texturing elements. You don't really need to do that much hand painting in it contrary to what the name would indicate. Stencils, shapes, generators etc means that making masks or even entirely bespoke materials for use with the masks is less a matter of painting and more about selections which if you want to be efficient you will use element ids generated from the high poly during bake if you set it up right.

Anonymous No. 904296

Based thanks I think I'll get a copy and investigate further.
It's just whenever I've watched a video of someone using it they always seem to use a tablet. I suppose that's just because they have one though.

Anonymous No. 904298

Yeah, I've been using painter for years and a tablet is entirely unnecessary for 99% of people.

Anonymous No. 904299

I only use my tablet in substance when I want handwriting somewhere.


WW1 Grunt Charact....png

Anonymous No. 904319

Still trying to wrap my head on modeling a decent body, got a bit farther then my last few attempts but I think I might scrap this guy and try again. Was thinking about making the body parts from separate shapes rather then make it mostly all from one.

Anonymous No. 904321

is that for a game/mod? if want something that low poly it is better to disconect the arms/legs

Anonymous No. 904322

oh no it's not for a game or anything I just like ww1/ww2 stuff, but thanks for the tip anon



Anonymous No. 904332

I've been trying nomad sculpting on phone for a few months and I'm working on a anatomical correct male model. I'm having trouble attaching his head to the body as it deletes topology.

Anonymous No. 904335

Please post pics ...

Anonymous No. 904337

Why does zspheres even exist? Does everyone else just blockout using subtools? I've never heard of anyone using zspheres

Anonymous No. 904341

It's good for creating links between two meshes like chains and wires. Other than that I never use it for anything.



Anonymous No. 904345


Anonymous No. 904346

It was a feature of Zbrush 2. They have added more functionality to create models now so it's more redundant.



Anonymous No. 904347

thank, I am testing out different texturing "styles" to see what works

Anonymous No. 904348

Isn't subtools one of the oldest features of zbrush? It still seems to be the standard when I look at zbrush artist livestreams and shit

Anonymous No. 904351

shit tier

Anonymous No. 904353

*ziiiip* back to 1998 you go nigga!



Anonymous No. 904355

fuck, lol

Anonymous No. 904360

The subtool menu was started in 3.1 I think. Before that you just had tools.

Anonymous No. 904368


based texture painting job anons.



Anonymous No. 904369


Anonymous No. 904380

Why does smoothing in zbrush always make my mesh lumpy? It's like the one way I can keep it smooth it by manually moving everything back into place.



Anonymous No. 904393

I think my topology is pretty scuffed but I guess I'll keep going

Anonymous No. 904394

needs tail rotor anon

Anonymous No. 904400

wheres the crack pipe ..

Anonymous No. 904403

made my dick hard




Anonymous No. 904404



Anonymous No. 904407

I have made my first humaniod. T Posing is the standard right?

Anonymous No. 904414

T-Pose i the easiest way to get your Rig set up cause everything mostly lines with your world axis. No wierd issiues with bone roll.

But topology wise to minimize stretch during animation the A-Pose is preferred.



Anonymous No. 904415

Could you make a slower version of this gif?
I want to admire the textures, i'm a total beginner and this is bretty gud anon.

Anonymous No. 904423

You have good basics apart from the knees and elbows. add extra edge loops where you imagine the bends in anatomy would take place, don't feel overinvested in your first attempts either, and try again. it's all a learning experience even when you think you've "made it"
good "sketch". I can tell you went for a persona art style so you've achieved that, keep it up
good advice, since he's doing a character with segmented joints he shouldn't run into issues with a T pose, but when he tries to do a skinned character he should do an A pose lie you say

Anonymous No. 904427

Failure. After spending a week on this I've decided to just do all the modeling by hand. I got the Manhattan kit off Persia, but after messing with it for the past few days, I've realized something really important - 3d models are not at all like textures, or programming libraries. Textures if they are too big, you can just downscale without issue. Programs on the other hand, are the most compressed representation possible. With 3d models I can't easily compress them without wrecking them. Even if I can work more smoothly with them in Clarisse or Max, I know that my memory budget for 1m poly buildings is very limited. To make effective use of them I'd probably need to ramp up my rig memory to 64 or 128gb of memory. Not happening.

I regret not doing it by hand. The last week sucked, and had I been modeling by hand from the start I would have made steady progress and have had fun along the way. Instead what I got was struggle and some experience. I think with this decision my workflow should be fully established. I won't deviate from it.

Anonymous No. 904442

on my hands (i have a crippling crack addiction)




Anonymous No. 904451

a bit more work on her, added some wiring to the legs and connected the ankles with a ball socket connection. Started on her head, and simplified some stuff a bit because I want it to feel like a "lite" version of the original head. Also added a small digital display to her eye for showing emoticons or random things to make it feel more "user friendly"

Anonymous No. 904453

the feet kinda look like horse hooves. not sure if you were trying to evoke high heels.

Anonymous No. 904455

yea they're supposed to be like pointed stilettos, need to refine the shape down there

Anonymous No. 904459

i think you're onto something taking inspiration from running prosthetics, but lean into it a bit more. maybe try a version without an ankle.



Anonymous No. 904462

Oh no, the things on the back are like the Long Fall Boots in the game— though now that I'm lookign again they techincally aren't supposed to connect to the foot, but oh well



Anonymous No. 904464

ah, okay. i didn't want to be the guy who's like "bUt whAt FuNcTion do thEy sErve", but them not being attached does make more sense. they still remind me of running blades tho



Anonymous No. 904470

jacketto completenado

this deer has some hips lord almighty
this is super cool! how do you do the digital display thing, it's cute

Anonymous No. 904471

It's just stiff, add more interesting shapes to the hull. Get reference when your modeling. The body will usually have concave/convex panels.
Otherwise its a good blockin



Anonymous No. 904474

How do I texture this bros? I didn't really think about it when I was modeling it.

Anonymous No. 904478

Uv unwarp, if you don't know how watch some tutorial.
Then get some pictures of aircraft and use that as a texture stencil if you want pbr looking materials.

Anonymous No. 904479

I meant more like finding a texture to use. Seems really difficult to find a plane texture anywhere. It wouldn't be so hard if it wasn't for things like the windows.

Anonymous No. 904480

>a plane texture
>for a custom model

Anonymous No. 904481

It's based on an A380. I just can't find a decent example of one to use though for the texture.
I would try and create one myself but I can never get the sizing right and don't know how to. It's always way too big or way too small.



Anonymous No. 904495

I think i'll stop trying to make a better face for now. A billion minor changes, way to many stencils and no real difference.

How uncanny is this?
Any Good?
Some critique would help a lot.
Good thing i have that big mic to cover half of this face.



Anonymous No. 904497

And because Webm compression is trash some of the highest quality shots jpeg can do.
Does anyone know if cranking up bump maps and such to overcome compression is a good idea or not?

Anonymous No. 904501

Try using a longer focal length and pose the face a little, it'll look way less uncanny right away.



Anonymous No. 904502

spent some more time on the hair.



Anonymous No. 904519

i like what you postes so i modeling one for me

Anonymous No. 904535

just finished this one.
Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
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Anonymous No. 904536

>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse
Binlan or Straya?

Anonymous No. 904538

north africa

Anonymous No. 904539

Huh, wasn't aware that some Nafri countries also shitposted so hard they got rangebanned from posting files.

Anonymous No. 904551

but what about Starfleet?



Anonymous No. 904565

another psx render i repurposed from an older blame! project



Anonymous No. 904566

old project


anna wolfy.png

Anonymous No. 904582

sent her to the hairdresser, she'll have a ponytail now. also gave her a happy trail because sex.
and with that she's ready for rigging, this'll be interesting


baiken mode.png

Anonymous No. 904586

better ponytail shot, really happy with how it came out even though it's basically a bunch of bananas
it pays off but man modelling fluff and hair is HARD

Anonymous No. 904588

Looks good.
Yeah, hair makes me want to kill myself sometimes. Anyway, good job.
Oh and here's a nice hair turorial with some cool extra tips to get the most out of your hair curves:

Anonymous No. 904590

I'm not a furry, but I respect the struggle of the fluff. Looking good. Nearly getting aroused.



Anonymous No. 904595

Hi I'm new to 3D and I'm struggling with the head topology on this model
I tried doings some tips from tutorial videos to make it better but I feel it's still messy :c



Anonymous No. 904598

I think what you have is mostly good so far, I forgot to mention it in the picture, but I think you could get away with removing 1 or 2 or the edgeloops in the eye so the topo's more even when you subdivide. The bottom-most blue edgeloop I drew should go around the whole head creating the neck

Anonymous No. 904599

Why can't I post in this thread. :(



Anonymous No. 904600

Testing again.

Anonymous No. 904601

Post a Reply option is not working, huh.

Anyways. I finished my axe. :3




Anonymous No. 904603

Took a break from 3d to work on 2d, feeling the gains. I guess working on a new character will be the real test though.

Anonymous No. 904604

very clean

Nice, but damn that spacesuit girl has been a long project.

Really looking good, style + toon shader really brings it home.



Anonymous No. 904605

Cloth sewing in Blender is pretty cool.
I can't seem to get those seams to get pulled together tighter though. I've tried turning the sewing strength up but nothing seems to help.
Anybody got experience with Blender cloth sims that can shed some light on this issue?

Anonymous No. 904608

First of all do your cloth sims with models scaled up 15 times, otherwise the margins for collisions are too big even at their minimum setting.
As for the seams you are expected to close them by hand once you're done with the sim. You can reduce the size of the seams by selecting your sewing edges and scaling them in a bit so that they're closer together before starting the sim. Also using the shrink factor can help a bit with that (try animating it!), as well as giving your cloth a bit more elasticity.

Anonymous No. 904609

>do your cloth sims with models scaled up 15 times.
luckily my models are already huge for some reason. I'll keep that in mind when I run into problems tho.
>expected to close them by hand once you're done with the sim
So basically apply the modifier and then fix them by pushing verts?

Anonymous No. 904614

Not anon, but it depends. It could be that your mesh is too dense, random vert duplicates could mess this up. Just check all those kinds of things in addition to scale issues.

On the close by hand bit, just take the sew lines and merge by center, but you'll have to do it for practically all of them. If you've done it well though, a cloth sim that can take a subdiv or two will leave you with a sewed look without having to resort to manual vert merging.

Anonymous No. 904617

I suggest pirating marvelous designer desu

Anonymous No. 904621

okay thanks, I'll tinker around a bit

Anonymous No. 904623

Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time....
A long time.
Is he even still here?

Anonymous No. 904624

Every now and then go into sculpt mode and hit it with the smoothing brush.

Anonymous No. 904625

I'm tempted but I wonder if I really need it. Marvelous designer gives very clean results but I think for this project a somewhat messy look might fit in better with the look I'm going for (I might be talking out of my ass rn)

Anonymous No. 904627

Someone told me to use Daz models for animations.
Is there a way to resculpt daz models to look the way you wan it?



Anonymous No. 904631

Marvelous doesn't necessarily give you a clean look, it depends on how loose the fit of the garment is and a few other things that you can play around with such as material properties, elastics and shrinkage warp/weft.
plus the program is fun to use



Anonymous No. 904634

Damn, it does look pretty amazing...
I don't know if I want to live without it...

Anonymous No. 904635

Long project? Well if I only have about 1-2 ish hours a day to work on this, I can only do so much. It's my, on-off project where I try my best to push myself to make good quality stuff. Its at this stage where I feel like its too historically grown and starting over would be better, but if I keep piling on features and other garbage I'll never get done. Some day I'm gonna finshi it. But my time on this is steady increasing as I finish other projects.

Anonymous No. 904636

Idk If I'm thinking about the same guy, but I think he still posts on AGDG. It seems to me like a lot of indie game devs run away from here.

Anonymous No. 904638

What can it do that blender can't do?

Anonymous No. 904639

marvelous is basically a suite that specializes in the creation of clothing, as such it's tools are just very streamlined towards that end. It creates better looking results with less effort.
Technically you could probably achieve the same results in Blender, but is it worth it when such convenient alternatives exist?

Anonymous No. 904640

You know what, I might be confusing your spacesuit project with another anon's, can't really tell since I've been gone for a minute.

Hmm, Zbrush, MD, and substance painter paired with blender seems like a great hobbyist package for character creators.

Can you change the individual cloth elements in real time? Because if that's what that second panel does, that's fucking sick. I hate having to save a non-extruded pre-sew backup cloth in blender.

Anonymous No. 904641

Yea, I think it's a matter of time. With blender, you have to pre-plan your cuts and whatnot, so it leads to a lot of trial an error. It looks like with MD you can just edit the mesh on the fly, which is pretty important because going back to make small changes to the base plane to re-sew is a major pain.

Anonymous No. 904642

I think your 3d elements are too mismatched, hair braid vs clump on top looks like it's from different styles (also eyebrows are not blonde), lineart is popping up on random places like the flower and clothes (but only on the outside?). The hair braids also come out from a weird place, think about what the hair would have to be to get that result (two long antennas coming off the forehead).The whole results looks like an uncanny photobash that someone hurriedly painted over.

Anonymous No. 904644

Yeah it also seems like you don't have to pay attention to the actual mesh of the pattern at all. you just define the outline of the pieces and the software takes care of the rest.

Anonymous No. 904647

Nice, that's very powerful stuff, probably my next pickup for a deep dive into chara/clothing creation.

Anonymous No. 904652

Why does shrinkwrap fuck up the dimensions of the object? If it's a rectangle it'll get squashed into more of a square. How do I combat this bros, is it just as straightforward as scaling it after using shrinkwrap but before applying it?

Anonymous No. 904653

Generally shouldn't, try placing the object closer to the face(s) you're gonna try to snap it to.

Anonymous No. 904654

Thanks I'll give that a try. I think it might just be that.



Anonymous No. 904655

Anonymous No. 904656

Hope it works out for you man.

By god that's a lot of verts for just a head, looking good though.



Anonymous No. 904658


Anonymous No. 904660

this is a blue board please dont post something like that again i came everywhere and many people saw

Anonymous No. 904668

>Hope it works out for you man

Thanks senpai. On further inspection I think they might just look squashed because of the angle. I'm not fully convinced it is that but I can be a bit retarded which means it more than likely is.



Anonymous No. 904673

thankyou my dudes!
(rigging is going well)

Anonymous No. 904674

Ah ye no worries man, glad to help. In addition to getting it close, try to lay it as parallel as possible (magnet might work ok here) to those same faces. If it's still wonky, give it a few rotations on xyz local and see if that works. But you can also send a pre-shrink and post-shrink image here so I could take a look at what's going on if it's still all fucky. But expect a bit of stretching if it's a really bumpy surface or if the sticker doesn't have enough verts.



Anonymous No. 904679

I made a hand. It has 13k polys subdivided. It's my best hand so far.



Anonymous No. 904680

But I'm not happy with it. There's some fuckery with the first joint of the thumb and the fingers don't need so many loops since I'll keep it subdivided.

Anonymous No. 904683

I like how you used extra loops to mark some details like bones, very nice


hands 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 904684

working on illumination



Anonymous No. 904703

I did post a block out of the body in the last thread. but I didn´t have alot of time last week so i only made a little progress



Anonymous No. 904704

Thanks for the advice, it really looks better like that!
Now I have some issues with the front part of the neck :( I don't think I placed the neck edgeloop correctly
Connecting the head to the body seems so difficult ;-;



Anonymous No. 904712

Model itself is not done but my "deep sea" look is getting there I guess

Anonymous No. 904715

Thanks fren
(It’s 4 mil because there’s some hidden objects including a duplicate backup head for when I screw something up)



Anonymous No. 904718

first test model on maya 2017



Anonymous No. 904719




Anonymous No. 904729

Sculpting the soft body parts went better than expected

Anonymous No. 904730

>you can also send a pre-shrink and post-shrink image here so I could take a look at what's going on if it's still all fucky

I might have to take you up on that.
It's a smooth surface...or at least I think it is. I have a subdiv surface modifier on it but I haven't applied it yet.
It's not even a sticker, that's how much of a fraud I am. It's windows and doors for this >>904474 I have no idea how to wrap a real model/object around a a curved object. I was trying to wing it (no pun intended) by

>Model window from a plane
>Subdivide the plane
>Shrinkwrap it
>Stick a solidify modifier on it

It still doesn't look right but I don't know what else to do.



Anonymous No. 904732

final render



Anonymous No. 904733


Anonymous No. 904743

looks nice . The environment really and lighting sells it. I think a little bit of bump on that sea shell would look nice to accentuate those grooves.



Anonymous No. 904763

Hmm, think you can only shrinkwrap flat objects, or things like skin iirc. Sounds like you have the modifier stack on point too, strange. Try opening a new blender, give it a go with a subdiv'd plane and a cylinder, maybe it can help.

I tried it here on my boat model and it seemed to work out ok. I've included the mod stack and geo for you to take a look at though.

Anonymous No. 904772

>Try opening a new blender, give it a go with a subdiv'd plane and a cylinder, maybe it can help

Just tried that. At first they got all fucked up still, but then I moved them so they were almost touching the target and tried it again. Worked a lot better.
I tried it with the plane model and it didn't look great so I rotated the windows and doors to try and make them more perpendicular to the target and it worked a lot better. It's still not perfect but it's definitely not as noticeable as it was.

>think you can only shrinkwrap flat objects, or things like skin iirc

Yeah I think that's right. If it's something with anything thickness it just crushes it flat. Or that's what it did for me. Seems weird there's no way to wrap anything that has depth. I assume there's a way of doing it though.

Anyway, thanks for your help amigo, I appreciate it a lot.



Anonymous No. 904776

>>Model window from a plane
>>Subdivide the plane
>>Shrinkwrap it
>>Stick a solidify modifier on it
You could do it like pic related. Create a window and a subdivided plane. Add a surface deform modifier to the window targeting the plane. Finally, shrinkwrap the plane onto the chassis of the airplane.



Anonymous No. 904804


Anonymous No. 904833

Ctrl+N dude

Anonymous No. 904835

Huh, maybe he should just lattice deform and array it. It's gonna clip anyways right?



Anonymous No. 904840

Pic not mine, but why is weight painting this kind of topology without getting huge creases on abduction and flexion so difficult? Is it a topology problem or user error?


floating city v0 ....png

Anonymous No. 904881

This scene is cursed. I got a grasp on Scatter 5, and minus the bugs, its manual mode is revolutionary. It is to scattering what sculpting is to modeling.

I ran into all sorts of bugs with it, found workarounds with the help of the author, but now that I am doing shading I can't go more than 2m without Cycles crashing and taking the OS with it. This is not happening with previous 3.1 version of Blender so I managed to export the building instances and render it there.

I have no choice, but to keep going forward. I have a vague sense of what I want to do, but I am having trouble understanding how to make the scene impactful.

This particular style is not bad in isolation, but I don't think it will work once I add the other half of the scene. The way I am visualizing it is a view of the floating city from below as the golden light from it washes over the landscape. This particular style will make everything golden and that detail would get washed out.

Anonymous No. 904882

This hurts my eyes

Anonymous No. 904884

Is it that bad? What should I do to improve it?

I know that I could detail the streets and the buildings, but I am leaving that for later.

Anonymous No. 904886

Looks like something a schizo would come up with. ake your meds.

Anonymous No. 904887

That was the first method I tried but I couldn't get it to look quite right. Truthfully I think I went full retard and forgot to subdivide the plane. I'm just going to leave it as it is with the shrinkwrap and solidify. Maybe come back to them at a later date when I improve. If it looks complete dog shit when I finish though then I'll try it again that way straight away.
If that doesn't work I'll try what this anon says >>904835 although there's no reason why they shouldn't work.


crab on the beach....png

Anonymous No. 904889


Anonymous No. 904893

I think they're calling you a schizo because you're recognizable and you treat these threads like it's your blog. I learned this the hard way, but sometimes it's best to be concise with what you say because explaining your entire process ticks off this board for some reason. What you've made isn't bad in my opinion, but it looks kinda like an AI made it.

Anonymous No. 904896

It's not about the board. It's about the thread you're in. It's a general wip thread. If people want to make rapid and lengthy blogposts about their entire process that's the perfect thing to make a separate thread for assuming there is anything to be learned from the process.

Anonymous No. 904900

This whole board is so slow that I don't think anyone should be discouraged from posting whatever they're working on. The lower the threshold people have for posting, the more lively this board and this thread will be.

Anonymous No. 904901

Lively doesn't equate to better. Tiktok is pretty fucking lively.
What I'm saying is people should be encouraged to contain those long chains of posts in separate threads as it actually discourages some people from posting their wip in this thread as it gets instantly drowned in a sea of nonsensical microadjustments (referring specifically to this guy in this case).

Anonymous No. 904902

>Lively doesn't equate to better.
It does when the alternative is dead.
>gets instantly drowned
Let's get back to this point once it actually happens. I'd love to see people on this board post so much that they'd manage to drown anything.



Anonymous No. 904905

Rendered at 65mm. A bit better, but as long as i don't get too close to the face its not too bad.

Well work on this is ramping up considerably as i finish other projects.
ETA when i'm done modeling? About 1-2 -ish months. But i shifted focus for now on improving existing stuff and finishing up anything that is still in the blockout state.

The laundrly list of things to add is still very long. Like a bootleg pipboy / powerglove mix with a sexy VFD matrix display. But thats a another standalone project in itself.

The webm compression really kills the 8k textures i put on as previs of a painted texture that i might, or might not do. Going so big in res was a mistake tho, poor computer slugs a lot with this. This EEvEE Turntable had an average of 4 seconds per frame.
Also if anyone know how to get the overlapping glass materials to stop flickering would be great. The slow solution would be to just render cycles. But i don't feel like heating my apartment in the summer.

Also thanks to those who said nice things, helps with the motivation / overcome the urge to start new projects.

Some retter res pics will follow...



Anonymous No. 904907

Here are some higher res images of the new "space suite fabric" material which is just a tiling denim texture with the saturation turned down and some dust color mixed in to get that used suite look.
All the seams are just UV map fuckery and not actually painted on. The proper UVs are a problem for future me when i am done modeling.

Believe me or not, i am actually looking forward to rigging this. Some challenging IK chaining to make the exo skeleton work will be fun to figure out.
And when i come around to applying most of the modifiers there will be a bunch of easy work ripping out all the unnecessary geometry and binging audio books.
Animation, i'll have too see. No clue how to make that look good. But this project is supposed to be a learning experience.

Anonymous No. 904910

Oh so you are the astronaut anon, been following your work for a while but I dropped from /3/ for a bit. On the animation, I'd just say do something simple, since she's an astronaut she can kind of float about (zero-g) in different poses in space, moving from one part of the spacecraft to another/etc. Also, try flexing out to 115mm, that's a bit high but still very much within camera portraiture norms. 35-50mm, on full frames, is roughly what the human eye sees, so 65 would be pretty close to that, just a bit tighter.

Looking real good though anon, real good.

Anonymous No. 904911


Jesus fucking christ limit your blogs to two sentences max.

Anonymous No. 904912

what kind of zoomerbrain do you have to think even half of those are lengthy posts? get lost faggot



Anonymous No. 904913

dicking around instead of making progress...

Anonymous No. 904915

a friend with sneed is a friend with seed but a friend with feed is better than chuck

Anonymous No. 904918

not really sure but my guess would be that, yes, its probably the topology. There is a reason why film uses high density mesh.
Good job anon, turned out better than I had aniticipated desu.
Looking forward to seeing her rigged.
so basically a friend with chuck is a friend with suck but a friend with fuck is better than sneed?

Anonymous No. 904920

feed and seed are good indeed but fuck and suck are bad for luck


SAGE screenshot 1.png

Anonymous No. 904924



Yo Bro.png

Anonymous No. 904925

It has been a while. My wife is so high maintenance. That is what consumes my time. I thought men were to marry to have a woman take care of then, what happened? I've semi-retired. I work 12 hours a week to pay the bills now and I got free time with my eye on you, caterpillar. And the WIP thread.


keep on.png

Anonymous No. 904926

The end is near.



Anonymous No. 904927

I worked a bit on this character again. Fixed her head at least, I hope.

Anonymous No. 904928

download retopoflow, its a nice blender retopo plugin and its free



Anonymous No. 904929



Anonymous No. 904932


Anonymous No. 904935

The handle is really cool, but why is the blade blunt?

Anonymous No. 904936

Scotty, beam that fucker up.

Far better and looking far less mismatched, glad you changed the hair antennae. Model and clothes are consistent, just the gun textures to touch up a bit. To make the circle stand out more, change the white bg to something slightly grayer, should help bring the character out more than the bg.

Sick but >>904935. What's with blade? Think it could work if you broke it up using big medium small principles though.



Anonymous No. 904937

I would guess that it's meant to be an ilwoon type sword

Anonymous No. 904940

Ye, something like that but the proportions are wonky, causing the general confusion. Luckily that's probably the easiest part of the mesh to edit.



Anonymous No. 904955

Yeah my nodes got fucked up but it looks way better with displacement and a smoother material. Now to make the skin more realistic



Anonymous No. 904958




Anonymous No. 904960


Anonymous No. 904961

Cool. Love the little creature's eye.



Anonymous No. 904962

it is a wip. edges are being added, removed, rotated and so on



Anonymous No. 905025

Am i going to make it bros?



Anonymous No. 905037

Lads, I have a couple of issues if anyone can help.

>Only need the logo on a specific part
>Selected the four faces you see selected
>Unwrapped them
>Added logo
>Scaled it to the right size in the UV editor
>When I try to scale it more towards the left it just gets chopped off if I go any further than where the "I" is now
>Even though I should be able to go as far as the edge on the left of the selected face(s) the way I can with the edge on the right of the selected face(s)

>The logo itself is a png, alpha background and all that jazz
>But the background of it isn't transparent
>It has this sort of weird tint to it
>Alpha nodes are connected in the shader but it still persists
>Doesn't matter if it's in Eevee or Cycles, it happens with both
>Although the background is transparent if I use images as planes

Does anyone know how I can solve one or preferably both of these problems?
I hate when people are posting high quality work and I come in and lower the tone to a /beg/ standard btw. Sorry about that.

Anonymous No. 905038

Yeah you will but you need to study anatomy if you really really wanna make it.

Anonymous No. 905039

First of all, the weird tint is the background of the viewport. You've made the plane entirely transparent instead of using it to mask out only the texture. A bit funny but an easy fix.
Secondly, if all you want is the logo and you don't actually want to unwrap the entire plane, you can use projection mapping to get it exactly where you want, but since the fuselage is rounded it might stretch the top and bottom of the logo to a slight degree. I wouldn't worry about it though, it seems mostly straight on so no one will notice.
Now go google how to do projection mapping of a texture in blender cause I don't use blender so I can't tell you.

Anonymous No. 905045

what am i getting wrong?

Anonymous No. 905048

Not him, be careful with this "anatomy" talk. it can send artists with the temerity to self educate down the wrong road. You want to look for "figure".
And on the subject of figure what you did wrong was not use a reference. If you want to make these stylised sex monster women then find pictures of the kind you like and copy them exactly. I strongly recommend you draw/model from photographs of real human women too because it will teach you about things which abstract cartoons cannot.



Anonymous No. 905050

But i used reference

Anonymous No. 905051

I'll try the projection mapping. Watched a video about it and it seems pretty straightforward even for me. Can't believe I didn't notice it was the background when I could even see the grid lines and x axis through it kek.
Thank you for your help fren.

Anonymous No. 905052

When you get criticized on your artwork, and someone says "oh you outta had done something", There's no value in firing back and saying you did it.
copy your reference exactly. Overlay it. Use image planes. abandon your humanity and become a xerox. you obviously didn't do that.



Anonymous No. 905060

Nta, but it seems to me like you studied anatomy of some kind. I'll assume it was anime, and you're off to a decent start, but studying realistic anatomy is important otherwise you will end up with designs like picrel since studying stylization without realism is like playing the telephone game. It's kinda hard to tell whether the other anons giving you advice are being serious or not, because some of the things they're saying have truth to them, but some of the other things are extreme. I'm a bit of a rebel when it comes to studying, so take what I say with a grain/pinch of salt, but anatomy references don't need to be copied completely 1:1. You can look up "Anatomy for Artists" on YouTube and watch a few vids that explain important muscles and bones and how they influence the shape of the body, and then find a realistic reference for a body type you like and use that anatomy knowledge to interpret the body type. You won't need to copy a bunch of boring anatomy references repeatedly to understand how to make a character, though some of that understanding will have to come from repetition and practice.

Anonymous No. 905064

Real women are shaded smooth.

Anonymous No. 905067


Anonymous No. 905072

>You want to look for "figure".
Interesting, can you recommend some good books on the subject?

Anonymous No. 905075

unfortunetaly no, but if you look for resources by that name you'll find more of the type of instructions most people trying to make human shapes are really looking for. Anatomy is about learning the shapes of the real masses under your skin and how they connect and deform so when you're drawing them you understand what you're looking at. Figure is abstract. It's about ratios, proportions, angles, perspective, volume, etc.


sex (2).png

Anonymous No. 905083

The fact that you can't give him any links means you are talking out of your ass so I'll spoonfeed him with






Anonymous No. 905096

Fixed it.



3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 905108

Fernand the Cannibal.

Anonymous No. 905109

Based as usual, 3DGuy.



3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 905112




Anonymous No. 905113

(rigging is still going well (bad))

Anonymous No. 905114


Anonymous No. 905115

>real women

Anonymous No. 905118

Now that will fucking cut the shit out of me, great fix on the blade form. Btw noticed the ankh motif, part of an Egyptian set?

Anonymous No. 905123

>if only you knew how bad things are



Anonymous No. 905136

Thanks for all the advice bros, I tried using more realistic reference this time
I have tried learning anatomy through youtube and problem is, even if I learn that the peepee muscle connects to the poopoo bone in the cunnilingus maximus I just dont know how to put that knowledge into practice when it comes to my models



Anonymous No. 905137

Yes, somewhat.

Anonymous No. 905185

Even your original model had good anatomy. You're already applying it correctly. Don't listen to people who yell "anatomy!" or "loomis" to everything they see posted as a knee jerk reaction, unless they can point out exactly where the problem is they are retard non artist trolls that just want to mess with you. That is the drawback of posting your work here. be careful!



Anonymous No. 905191

Starting a new rig from scratch. While the metarig is very nice, it's so complex I can't figure out how to make the changes I want to it. Want to expand my knowledge of rigging while I'm at it . Next step is creating adding IK controllers.

Anonymous No. 905202

hello sirs, i want to learn how to make sexy beautiful body please you help me learn.


ayy lmao.png

Anonymous No. 905211

Working on some shitty ass clothes, here's a blockout. Just gonna slap on some textures and call it a day lmao


smug wolfo.png

Anonymous No. 905212

ok we got face rig. next up jiggle physics :D



Anonymous No. 905214

Starting to make a floating scifi castle

Anonymous No. 905217

bonzi buddy

Anonymous No. 905220

nice. care to share your face rig? I still have to do mine and could use some ideas.

Anonymous No. 905223

i really like this one for some reason, what techniques are being used if wouldn't mind sharing?


bot idle.webm

Anonymous No. 905225

Stupid robot rigged. The goal for now is to give him a spear and animate it striking forward, using the jetpack on his shoulders. I'd love to make it look like a risk of rain character, kind of low poly, cartoonish look, hard edge shadows, flat colors.
In any case at least i learned constraints and driven keys.

Anonymous No. 905244

Cool little bot. nice job too.



Anonymous No. 905252

oh shit rigger!



Anonymous No. 905255


Anonymous No. 905259

nice, what are your plans for texture?



Anonymous No. 905263

That's actually really cool, love that little mohawk and feet, it's reminescent of chicken. Amazing, it gives the design that organic touch. Shit the more I look into it the more I see "chicken elements": those jetpack thingies are like pseudo-wings, and the thighs not just the feet are also reminescent of chicken. Brilliant design overall, great work

Anonymous No. 905280

PBR with some hand painted details.
Going to try to mimick the semi-painterly look the original concept has.
Reference wise I'm going for a mix of dishonered, destiny and arcane.

Anonymous No. 905310

ambitious... I like it.

Anonymous No. 905311



feet and legs.jpg

Anonymous No. 905315

Bros I think I am developing a foot fetish which is not bad considering I'll be able to tolerate sculpting feet. I have so far neglected feet along with the hands. I followed follygon's tutorial on feet. I think he is a footfag too.



Anonymous No. 905317

Oblivion's Iron Longsword.
Materials tomorrow.



Anonymous No. 905325

Not bad, I like the rigging of the pistons around the neck, Not sure if that's just a test/placeholder animation but it needs a bit of tidying up.
There's a hard reset on the motion where he eases in and out of the starting pose rather than following through because I assume the first and last frames have flat tangents. if you go through them and make the tangent angles line up he'll keep moving as he does in the middle of the animation.
His right arm also has a bit of popping going on so you might have some extra keyframes in there

Anonymous No. 905327

I don't like your toe alignment.



Anonymous No. 905332

Anonymous No. 905333

the longer I look the worse it gets



Anonymous No. 905334

another angle

Anonymous No. 905337




Anonymous No. 905339

Please dear god

Anonymous No. 905340




Anonymous No. 905341




Anonymous No. 905343



Anonymous No. 905370

Small question about rigging: would it be possible to parent one armature to another armature and it be viable in a game engine?
What I wanna do is having a character, and having clothes that have physics be attached onto that character via this separate armature. Clothes without physics I can just parent to the armature of the character itself, whereas clothes with physics I'd prefer to attach to this hypothetical separate armature which would then be parented to the character's armature



Anonymous No. 905377

Is there anything specific you want to know? I don't think I did anything out of the ordinary.

You should really clean that up. If you subidivde that head and try to sculpt it, you'll notice just how badly it behaves. The smooth brush will give very uneven results around poles. And when you rig it, you'll notice that there isn't enough geometry to make the character smile or properly close eyes.

My character's face looks like pic related. You might want to do something similar. It's not perfect, but it works pretty well. I've only had problems with the poles in the cheeks, so that might need some extra work. I suggest putting very dense geometry around lips and eyes, and quite dense around cheeks too. Ears unfortunately need pretty dense geometry too, since they need to look round. An easy way to achieve this is to just put circles around these parts and then just connect them together with quads.



Anonymous No. 905379


Anonymous No. 905382

based polymodeling purist chad



Anonymous No. 905388

let's go

Anonymous No. 905409

Why do you need a seperate rig why not just have one rig with bones that you either use or don't use depending on whether the character has the animating clothes on or not?

Anonymous No. 905411

Keeping the two rigs separate seems like a better way to keep things nice and organized personally: non-physics clothes just go along with the body and follow its exact same movements, but physics clothes on the other hand "have a life of their own" so to speak, they move relatively independently of the body. Since non-physics clothes and physics clothes behave differently it seems at least on paper better to let them have a clear distinction like that

Anonymous No. 905412

Nigga just make your own thread if you don’t need help.



Anonymous No. 905414

im on topic here i dont see the need to start a new thread

Anonymous No. 905418

You are posting the same picture with no huge progress at small intervals, gtfo chud.



Anonymous No. 905423


Anonymous No. 905448

Although you are in fact just posting WIPs as per the thread's purpose, you are starting to spam it pretty good, that other anon is right in saying that you're basically posting the same thing over and over again. I would like to kindly ask you to refrain from posting more images of the same subject until you have made noteworthy progress please

Anonymous No. 905512

holy based ....

Anonymous No. 905588

>post pics of you sissy body
>Create a sissy phone sex hotline

Anonymous No. 905591

I really like the proportions you have down

Anonymous No. 905609

wtf, did somebody delete the new thread?

Anonymous No. 905656

/po/ has nothing for 3D modeling
Pepakura turns OBJ and other 3D model files into a fold out so you can do paper craft with it.
I used 360 fusion to model out things alongside mapping in CSGO. I got pissed at fusion for crashing and I ironically thought of using source hammer SDK mapper or whatever the fuck
From VMF to OBJ to PDO, I can now use source SDK to make a paper craft.
I feel retarded but source SDK is so easy to use and for what I want to do, very nice :)
Happy to share my triumph <3

Anonymous No. 905657

Also, tf2 2fort life scale paper craft is now on the table kk

Anonymous No. 905682

thanks fren i love you