

๐Ÿงต /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 905335

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Wipko Edition -

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>903487

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB
/3/ Discord for those interested: https://discord.gg/ujt5vtr4DE

Anonymous No. 905336

Postin a new thread to get ahead of it before I inevitably go to sleep and fuck up on making the new thread again.

Anonymous No. 905361

colour fields are dope



Anonymous No. 905364

Fixed it for you. No, that's okay. Really, not a problem. No, no, I insist, the pleasure is mine.

Anonymous No. 905381

Not sure what you're getting at. Unless you're implying the OP looks like a cake because of the layers and shit. In which case, thanks for the fix, amigo.



Anonymous No. 905389

i had to kinda homebrew it since working with a canine jaw is so different to human one. i've got a bone to control the jaw, and for everything else i've done a bunch of shapekeys for some basic expressions. i mainly just need her to be able to look growly when attacking and stuff, so it's not much but should cover all i need for now




Anonymous No. 905407

Just need some finishing touches on the materials. Not quite happy with the colors yet.

Anonymous No. 905429

Lads,I'm at a loss. I dtarted learning 3d modelling in blender a few months ago, and I have learnt quite a lot.
Problem is I don't feel like I'm learning exactly what I want, which is video game dev-related modelling (assets, characters or environments) and there seems to be a shortage of such tutorials on youtube. Instead, I am only seeing donuts, chairs, anvils, ice creams, etc.; all of which I have already done.
Could you lads kindly point me in the right direction? I'm begging.

Anonymous No. 905431

Perhaps consider learning about general game development as the modeling is literally the same.
The only difference is the size of your poly and texture budget.

Anonymous No. 905435

No, just model anime girls for vrchat or vtubers instead

Anonymous No. 905439

Thanks for answering my typo-ridden question, anon. Mind you; I'm not a good modeller yet, and I'd really like to grow my skills with a game-centric mindset. I also have very little theoretical knowledge on 3D modelling, so learning 3D concepts in a gamedev environmental would be even more beneficial.
Nonetheless, I see what you mean and will take heed. I am currently learning how to program which will help me get to where I'm going even faster.
In due time anon, in due time.

Anonymous No. 905441

cool man. Nice work. How do you make shapekeys? Basically move verts by hand?


Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 905483

testing things out how blender works
need fix the hair and hair textures

Anonymous No. 905495

like your style man. I'd love to see the finished work.



Anonymous No. 905504

r8 my floaty tower.

Anonymous No. 905507

Soul. It's very nice. Looks authentically retro.



Anonymous No. 905511

yeah pretty much. my model isn't very high poly, so just moving by hand works well enough. on high poly stuff you might have to use the proportional editing thingy.
i followed this video, honestly highly recommend all this dude's stuff, it's basically a free fullstack rigging course for free.
this one starts by introducing how shapekeys work, then linking them to a driver which is super useful for fixing tricky deformations on the body.

but the general shapekey idea can be used anywhere, on the face too like here.

royal skies my savior. have a faaaaaaaantastic day and i'll see you round~



Anonymous No. 905515

Anonymous No. 905517


did you mention this was for a game?


looks like a weird tooth



Anonymous No. 905520

for a game yeah, there wont be like animated talking so i haven't done the phonemes and whatnot

Anonymous No. 905523

Not him, but there is no "game-centric" mindset. You learn how to use the tools, then apply that knowledge for what you specifically need. Simple as. Also, search for blender scifi tutorial, plenty of hard surface modelling tutorials on youtube.



Anonymous No. 905526

going to finish the head tomorrow, ears are just spheres and the entire head needs to be retopoed.

Anonymous No. 905531

Noted. Will do.



Anonymous No. 905608

bouncy ears

Anonymous No. 905625




Anonymous No. 905626




Anonymous No. 905658

Made this today but am not really happy with it. The cockpit or cab is looking boring I think and I dont have ideas on how to improve it besids adding random stuff which would just clutter it. Also does somebody know how I could make tire tracks in a terrain that match the vehicles wheels?

Anonymous No. 905675

where are her NORMAL MAPS!!!!!!!

Anonymous No. 905677

>know how I could make tire tracks in a terrain that match the vehicles wheels?
Flatten out one of the wheel segments, bake a height/depth map from it onto a plane, badda-bing, badda-boom. Then just use that texture to only affect height.
Like you make a tire-trail, and in your material, just have it affect height only, and it should just be see through but give depth info. If not, you can always just use the map as an alpha one too.

Anonymous No. 905706

i don't know how to texture help :(



Anonymous No. 905707

How would I got about making kirbys eyes? I know I can obviously just draw them in with shader editor/paint but I was curious how to make actual 3D eyes. Wrapping his eyes on doesn't seem to look just right. Other than that trying to get his hat to look right was interesting. It's fun to convert curves to mesh and see what the faces and edges are. Should /wip/ have a monthly contribution theme? I think that'd be cool.



Anonymous No. 905719

about half way done

Anonymous No. 905721

I really like this model.

Anonymous No. 905728

you can still use weighted normals anon, or if you're feeling frisky, hand edit normals

Anonymous No. 905730

i had no idea that was a thing, i'll have to look into it. i was wondering how to like, make some seams on her jacket and pants and stuff, maybe that's how hmmm

Anonymous No. 905732

in order to repay me for the knowledge bestowed, you owe me one nude render of your character



Anonymous No. 905735

finished head, may add more detail in the future
started blocking out the armor today. hopefully i can get the model finished by the end of the week.

Anonymous No. 905738

for the clothed model i deleted the body underneath to prevent clipping, when i figure out how to data transfer the rig onto the naked model i'll pay my debts i promise

Anonymous No. 905739

you better

Anonymous No. 905745

Thanks, will try that out.



Anonymous No. 905754

Boolean was a big help, I remember suggesting it last time for a mario Pokey I was trying to do and was frustrated with trying to get the topology clean but I just watched another video and it was much better in explanation and solutions.

Anonymous No. 905755


what is she for anon?

Anonymous No. 905757

sexual domination of myself


toilette deux.png

Anonymous No. 905759

Good morning sirs! Here's the bathroom I'm modeling as part of my apartment project. All props were modeled by me, keepin' it low-mid poly. Don't look at the textures, I'll fix 'em later



Anonymous No. 905764

working on her rigging

Anonymous No. 905784

Awesome character man! Really love the character design. Tell us more. Is she for coomer purposes?



Anonymous No. 905786




Anonymous No. 905793

does my elf guy look bogged? i like how he looks but anons on other boards made fun of him

Anonymous No. 905795

He looks like an Oblivion NPC to me. His face is too long, his cheekbones are too high up and are shaped weird, he has no eyebrows, and the way his hair is shaped and frames his face is unflattering.

Anonymous No. 905801



the elf got a pla....png

Anonymous No. 905803

thanks for the feedback anon.
hopefully less uncanny now



Anonymous No. 905814

now with textures, haven't gotten around to sculpting the eyebrows yet



Anonymous No. 905822

With other all consuming projects finished i finally got some more time to dump into this.
I managed to get rid of all Blockouts, with something "good enough" modeled up for everything. Knees, exoskeleton parts and so on.
Also been merging more and more parts into single meshes. Ripping out way to much unnecessary geometry. With an approximate 60% reduction in poly count on some of the more horrendously low poly parts that been subdivided to hell and back. Before rigging i plan to reduce unnecessary mesh density as much as possible so animating won't be such a sluggish pain.
Is that some constraint trickery or a plugin ? Need to find a solution for all the cables and floppy stuff i want to rig.
Looks very nice what you got there!

I have seen worse concepts at aerospace conference, so you should be fine. Maybe Put some more thicc Borders around the windows to get more detail and make it look less like a repurposed mining truck.
For the tire tracks flatten a segment of your wheels, array that and bake it into a texture you use for bump / displacement.

Anonymous No. 905823

Also forgot to mention, anyone some tips on doing glass in eevee, Always when i layer to ticker pieces over each other i get weird flickering. And i haven't found any combination of settings that makes it consistent. With all that transmission / alpha mixing. Backface culling or not. Sometimes the Opaque bits for the visor to make it darker just turn off.
The simple solution is to just render in Cycles, but nobody got time for that.

Anonymous No. 905833




Anonymous No. 905842

I'm re-inventing the wheel.



Anonymous No. 905852

How's it looking lads?
I don't like how bright the Iron Maiden and Eddie look. When I try to darken them they look even worse so I just left them. I think the white material of the plane might be a bit too shiny too. Oh yeah, I couldn't get the pilot windows to look right. That's why I've left them looking like complete dog shit (inb4 it all looks like dog shit).
First time I've really tried a vehicle of any kind so I'd appreciate no bully.



Anonymous No. 905853

I think I'm done making the objects, now I need to look into texturing all that.
The plan is to do it in substance painter, but I've only ever done one object/character at a time, never a scene.



Anonymous No. 905857

I won't say it's dogshit, but you have a lot of work to do if you want to unfuck a bunch of glaring issues, your wings don't have an aerodynamic cross-section to begin with

Anonymous No. 905862

the floppy ears are an addon yeah! the one in the blender thread OP actually:
tip for this, you'll be using a lot of bones so it's useful to type in values then hit ALT-ENTER with multiple bones selected to apply it to all of them. going through changing values one by one on 20 bones ain't fun.
and same to you dude, your model detail is insane, love the tubing and hard surfaces you've attached to it!

Anonymous No. 905863

Fuck, I'm glad you pointed those out. I get too wrapped up in other stuff that I miss blatantly obvious things.
I really should start getting more references too. None of the ones I have show the pilot window area being anywhere near that flat for example.
I think most of what you pointed out will be a fairly easy fix, even for me. The one I know I'll definitely struggle with is that whatever it is the wings are attached to.
Thanks for your help fren, I'll give it another crack tomorrow.



Anonymous No. 905867

Just dicking around sticking old shit I made together. Probably gonna use this as ref for a painting instead.

Anonymous No. 905874

The colors look to vibrant, not necessarily to bright. Try adjusting the saturation instead of the brightness and see how that turns out.



Anonymous No. 905878

just arms to block in now, then detail work for the armor.
i dunno, i just like making models



Anonymous No. 905882

i'll use this for hair too... after i tweak some numbers lol

Anonymous No. 905883

make her eyes follow the hair lol

Anonymous No. 905884

Many thanks for the tips. I'll report back if I got something to jiggle.



Anonymous No. 905888

it was box modeling and fundamentals study. i will do another one.

Anonymous No. 905892

What? You aren't going to texture and rig this one? Shame. I would have liked to see how your topo handles deformation. Anyway nice work, really like how the topology supports your forms.



Anonymous No. 905894

Crazy how some of you guys have hundreds of little objects in your renders and I have trouble focusing on a fucking gamecube. I'm not use to making objects that I can't just scale and extrude. Would making the gamecube controller be a beginner task or would that take more skill?

Anonymous No. 905909

Don't be the "Beginner this that" guy. You want to make a controller then try making one and when you get stuck look up tutorials on similar objects and workflows until you got something that meets your standards. The controller is also mostly just exturudes of more cylindrical shapes for the thumb sticks and the handles. The buttons are also just cylinders so just should get 70% the way there with just box modeling and the other 30 %are simple subdivisions.



Anonymous No. 905914

Anonymous No. 905922

are you using metasequoia?

Anonymous No. 905939

That's a much better choice of words. I'll try the saturation and see how it comes out after I try to fix what the other anon pointed out.



Anonymous No. 905948


turntable vp8.webm

Anonymous No. 905955

model and rig all done, it's animation time babey



Anonymous No. 905996



Anonymous No. 905998

that's better.

Anonymous No. 906000

she looks so nice and soft now
nice progress. and nice digits
coming together



Anonymous No. 906003

even better.



Anonymous No. 906016

Good tutorial, but Alpha Hashed seems to be more buggy than Alpha Blend. Cycels takes ages or looks to painterly if i render at 32 samples with too much denoising. I'll will find a fix i think, at least i now know something funky is going on with Fresnel that causes this.

Nice Turntable, a bit fast for my slow ass... Animation / rigging has to wait still want to overall a bunch of topology to make it less messy before weight painting.

But i am mostly done with all the original blockouts, so back to piling on more crap-
Some bootleg pipoby is next, but CRT screens have bin done too many times, so its gonna be a VFD. Already made a crappy shader for it. Still need something to put on it, that is not just a btop screenshot. Maybe some cringe ass Arch Neofetch or something. Let me know if anyone of you lads got an idea.

Anonymous No. 906017

You can export by selected object, there is no way u can substance all assets in that scene, its impossible, ur filesize will be around 5gb and the amount of ram needed will make substance crash ever time u gonna change something



Anonymous No. 906030

working on hair and blocking out clothes.

Anonymous No. 906031

Y-you trying to work for Atlus anon? Nice progress from the last bread.

Anonymous No. 906033

What is this model actually for, Anon...?

Anonymous No. 906035

>literally says coom



Anonymous No. 906059

pupper in progress.

Anonymous No. 906061

yooo i saw this in the /v/ gamedev thread a day or so ago, this is coming along really nice! love the jewelry



Anonymous No. 906062

Thanks, here's a shot without the cavity.



Anonymous No. 906064


Anonymous No. 906087

dont forget your nude render debt


what the fuckl.webm

Anonymous No. 906115

in good time anon, first i must make horrible things with the animation tools to learn how to use them
so keyframes are only inserted for whatever bones i have selected? a bit annoying if i want to just use pose library for hands and hide the bones, but no big deal i spose



Anonymous No. 906122

wont spam with shitty animation tests but slowly getting to grips with how everything works, tomorrow i'll have a go at a simple idle animation



Anonymous No. 906124

looks good. personally I'd like a nose with less sharp angles, more rounded so to speak, but that is my preference. good work.

Anonymous No. 906127

dangerously soulful

Anonymous No. 906128

I'd love to give him a wet sloppy beej

Anonymous No. 906129

degenerate coomer, fuck off

Anonymous No. 906132

I wouldn't mind some animation tests. They're fun to watch. Speaking for myself of course.
Is that a spin attack?



Anonymous No. 906180

Anonymous No. 906183

Good stuff. Well done ese.


leewd anna.webm

Anonymous No. 906208

it was more just messing with how to rotate stuff with keyframes, a full rotation needs 4 90 degree turns which is weird. she's going to have a sword of some kind later on and i'll animate a bunch of moves then
debt repaid. if i get banned for this i'm gonna cry. my hand was forced mods
to be fair it was great practice for animating smaller motions like the blink and ear twitching. i think i've got a semblance of a workflow figured out.
fuck that's awesome, the texture work is unreal

Anonymous No. 906215

cover the rest of those nipples you sick fuck, this is a christian board!

Anonymous No. 906221

she's only got two hands anon, the nips can't be contained

Anonymous No. 906224

super duper clean



Anonymous No. 906231

I ended up just using a cube and extruding out the handles. I tried subdivision cylinder but they turned out weird. I just have a hard time with organic shapes because I end up with a weird crease after using mirror modifiers. I used bool tool to help me out with the joystick parts. I just get anxiety about attempting things on my own because I don't know if I'm getting into bad habits or not thinking logically. I'll keep trying to remake the base with what you suggested.
I'm from the thread yesterday. You should turn bloom on in render properties when/if you make her eyes emission shaded. Should make them pop and I'm just curious how it'd look. Other than that great work man, really cool you texture painted the nips instead of actually modeling them out, it's more aesthetic I think.


light not going t....png

Anonymous No. 906237

How do I make light go through these windows? I put a sunlight outside and was expecting sunlight to flood into the windows, but that obviously didn't happen. What do I do?



Anonymous No. 906255

Got back to Zbrush. Freestyling once again. I'm realising I always go fast in the begining process but when the general shape is done, I kind of don't know what to do anymore, it's a big problem and maybe it comes from working without any reference/design in mind when I start. I don't know. I'm gonna put a hold on this head and do some body anatomy.

Anonymous No. 906275

Original requester here, ignore my request

Anonymous No. 906303

Does anyone have an example shot of a low-poly crotch and thigh wireframe? I'm looking to see how people meet the bottom of the pelvis with the top of the thighbone.

Anonymous No. 906308

>I end up with a weird crease after using mirror modifiers

Is it in the middle of where the two objects join? If so delete the inside face and turn on clipping.

Anonymous No. 906311

This might be obvious, but how do I stop whatever I add being added to the last collection I interacted with? It's really irritating. I would prefer it if it was like
>Click to select collection
>Add object
>Object gets added to collection that's selected
>Don't have collection selected
>Add object
>Object doesn't get added to any collection because none are selected
Is there anyway to do this?

Anonymous No. 906312


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 906314

re rendered it. i think it looks better now

danke schรถn



Anonymous No. 906315

re rendered it. i think it looks better now

danke schรถn

Anonymous No. 906337

I might be a furry.



Anonymous No. 906344

The straightest blender user.



Anonymous No. 906374

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 906377

god i want to cream in his tight little dog hole so bad, fuck



Anonymous No. 906378

texturing up next, going to have to remember how substance painter works

Anonymous No. 906379

>furries start posting
>immediate coomer shit starts popping up
Fuck off if you can't behave normally.



Anonymous No. 906381

Furrie content belongs to >>>/trash/



Anonymous No. 906384

did a robot hand controller that's meant to be more industrial than you usually see. went to alot of trouble planning the joint structures but it might not be actually possible without really playing with it.
It's believable enough to slap on some normalmaps though, so it's fine. still gotta add some stuff though.



Anonymous No. 906388

piss off.

Anonymous No. 906389

you keep posting that delicious femme dog and im gonna start jerking off to it



Anonymous No. 906394

Long time no see anons

Anonymous No. 906395

God I want to slurp all around his knot.

Anonymous No. 906397

same man >>906388
are you making a porn game? ill donate to your patreon, we dont have enough good furry 3d porn games



Anonymous No. 906398

Its me again, added the head, hands, and clothing
Also, didnt know 4chan had an image limit

Anonymous No. 906404

top-tier. need some more interest in the chest area tho. just a flap or a seam, nothing crazy.

Anonymous No. 906409

I'd suggest a more overtly textured garment instead. Like a cotton weaved type of material.
That way you avoid too much noise but still gain some detail.



Anonymous No. 906433

been a while but I'm working on this fella again. he got a gun now

kys furfag

kys furfag

kys furfag

kys furfag

kys furfag go play heat




Anonymous No. 906435

why are you all f*rries here

Anonymous No. 906436

its ok anon I'm one of the good ones :3

Anonymous No. 906439

I think he could use some eyebrows

Anonymous No. 906440

cute little cub shota anon :3
whats his udnerwear look like

Anonymous No. 906442

kill yourself

Anonymous No. 906443

what, anon? mad that furries are posting more work than you are? :3



Anonymous No. 906444

Face Against The Wall, Faggot !!!


Screen Shot 2022-....png

Anonymous No. 906445


Anonymous No. 906446

holy SHIT we are in sync
seconds apart

Anonymous No. 906447

Nice shader! Can you show it off in motion with a turntable animation or smth?

Anonymous No. 906448

nice rigging on the thumb



Anonymous No. 906459

kys furry scum

Anonymous No. 906461

that's a smear frame you philistine

Anonymous No. 906467

it actually isn't... it's just source and hlmv being retarded



Anonymous No. 906470

I finished the controller's hi poly. I just gotta attach it to the control arm and the seat and it should be good!



Anonymous No. 906478

its so fucking hard not to make a total mess
i might just redo the whole thing and throw the hours of work away

Anonymous No. 906480

Neat! Not sure why but it looks really comfortable. Like I want to wear one right now. Not to play games with, just because it looks comfy.



Anonymous No. 906505




Anonymous No. 906507

Honestly that's the best compliment I could every get for something like this! Thank you so much!

I have more progress on getting it attached to the control arm. the arm itself looks kinda butt right now but that's how things go for awhile!


wolfo idle.webm

Anonymous No. 906523

first animation for ingame, pretty boring but not much to work with in an idle animation. i'm gonna add a bunch of flavor idle anims like stretching and looking around.
damn that's awesome!
sorry. also love this little guy, the hat is my favorite



Anonymous No. 906526

I tried making anime hair. I'm hoping I can make it look good with the texture.

Anonymous No. 906527


Dangerously based.



Anonymous No. 906530

Low poly robot dude I tried to make in the style of retro anime



Anonymous No. 906532

looks cool, with a bit more polygons this could easily fit into something like GiTS: Standalone complex. Has a very similar aesthetic to the tachikoma bots



Anonymous No. 906535

Thanks anon.

I still need to work on this guy with some texture paint to give him some detailing and close some gaps.



Anonymous No. 906539


Anonymous No. 906544

idk i think it needs more filters

Anonymous No. 906546

Yeah, it looks blurry around the edges as a webm, I see it too now.
Either I got too greedy with the conversion from image sequence, or I messed around with chromatic aberration in premiere and didn't catch it.

Anonymous No. 906618

Ehem.... physics?

Anonymous No. 906623

>throw the hours of work away
No such thing as long as you are learning along the way. Which, considering you are reworking it, is what you are actually doing.


playing banjo.png

Anonymous No. 906634

Thought you guys could use some Bon Jovi, Wanted Dead or Alive. On the banjo.



Anonymous No. 906636

Anonymous No. 906637



neva been dun bef....png

Anonymous No. 906686

I've never baked a highpoly to a low poly in my modeling process... I've always just kindof gone "mid" poly so i'm trying it for the first time... working on this highpoly atm



Anonymous No. 906741

Rigging's a third done.
Having a bit of fun.

Anonymous No. 906751

I don't get the inverted Ankh. Maybe your confused about life. Sort of like the way some people will tattoo the words good and evil onto different hands. You could try a different background, maybe a HDRI. It might help with modeling. That background seems too dark to work with. You probably got good pupils.

Anonymous No. 906769

Not him, but since the Ankh is generally taken to mean life, the obvious implication of an inversion would be death. So this character has a life-death yin-yang thing going on.



Anonymous No. 906770

It is just furryfaggots being unoriginal swines, as usual. Picrel.


doggo running.gif

Anonymous No. 906780

run animation, it's stiff but it's a start!


doggo running bet....gif

Anonymous No. 906785

might have to tone down the hair...

Anonymous No. 906788

That's what hair does, though.

Anonymous No. 906809

delicious bulge on this one, dont listen to the other anons about the ankh, he's still ravishing :3



Anonymous No. 906811

true, and she has a lot of it so i guess it's gonna be unavoidable
animating jumping on the spot is weird, i imagine it looks less funny ingame where the character actually moves upwards

Anonymous No. 906831

This some terrible character design. Also what version of blender are you even using?

Anonymous No. 906832

You don't want to emulate reality in this case.
The bangs should be much more rigid and the ponytail should move more like one solid chunk if you want it to look good.



Anonymous No. 906837

hmm, gotcha. i made the bangs a bit less bouncy, but yeah i think i'll have to operate on the ponytail to make it look less tentacley.
last anim for today is landing, just about ready to try importing to unity and get my game started



Anonymous No. 906851

Anatomy sstudy, gonna focus on arm and legs this time.

Anonymous No. 906852

(grooming) thread

Anonymous No. 906860

might want to fix that looping
genrally for jumping animations you dont want to introduce actual vertical motion since your player controller will already be moving upwards
you're going to end up with "doubled up" vertical motion which will look bad

other than that these look nice



Anonymous No. 906875

really really good humans

really really high quality actor-artwork

for my big 3-d sequence

Anonymous No. 906880

1999 is back



Anonymous No. 906903

Very neat. Might get inspired form this...

I'm still struggling to coming up some control scheme for my wrist computer thing. Initially i had some keyboard type ordeal in mind. But with out making it too bulky i don't think its gonna fit in a size where the buttons are not tiny. Maybe cutting down on keys even more or something else. Open for suggestions.
Same for what to put on the screen.

Still have to model a sliding / flippy mechanism so adjust the screen and stow it away. Still very rough but i could use some feedback.



Anonymous No. 906911

got a daz character into make human. still some small bugs with the helper geometry and will need to repair parts of the mesh after the shrinkwrap operation



Anonymous No. 906916

I finished the donut tutorial a few days ago and made this last night as my post-tutorial thing, also with sound for fun - https://s1.webmshare.com/RJ757.webm



Anonymous No. 906927

>no boob bones

Anonymous No. 906928

world 4 jack?



Anonymous No. 906930




Anonymous No. 906931

shit, i don't notice anything weird with the looping. which bit looks off to you?
and good point about the jump, i should keep her in place more. thanks for the feedback!
don't worry they're there, two for rotation jiggle and two for up-down jiggle. i just hide the bones that i don't need for animation, booba are auto controlled by dynamic bones
i had a crisis over whether to make the ears dynamic too, but i prefer keeping manual control over them for expressiveness!

Anonymous No. 906933

nice man, I like your look
looks like you got projection texturing down to a science

Anonymous No. 906934

maybe not a looping issue but theres something definitely wrong with the timing
theres a long-ish pause between frame 1-3 and 14-17 which feels way too much for a run, it looks more like hopping around
ideally you'd want the running animation to not have pauses like that since itll look like she's gliding when in motion

Anonymous No. 906935

OHHH i see what you mean now yeah, where her foot doesn't move along the ground like it should, giving that hopping look. i'll tinker with it!

Anonymous No. 906936

great! I'll need a nude run render as payment


run smoooooothy.gif

Anonymous No. 906937

mother fucker
fine, later though



Anonymous No. 906938




Anonymous No. 906939

Werking on a piece. Might make it a subway.

Sorry for rhino

Anonymous No. 906940

thanks- I like chaos and I like variety- large Quantity to build into some sort of quality. I won'tpreach that photo mapping/projection gives better results than a more traditional workflow- I look at skilled 3d artists with wide eyes and imagine myself being as skilled some day. But for now I rock on and can't let my incomplete understanding of all of the sides of CG keep me from trying to make things

A big hurdle for me was to take my workflow into game-ready realm. So for textures and maps to become far cleaner- Everything more planned from the get-go rather than the haphazard disarray I once approached the whole thing. So now I am managing all that side of things, while trying to keep the art organic and the workflow flexible enough to allow a little freestyle

Anonymous No. 906961

This is a sfw board. Don't indulge the coomers.

Anonymous No. 906964

Don't kid yourself 90% of people learning are doing it to make porn



Anonymous No. 906965

you seen the catalog? theres tits out far as the eye can see

friend made a joke about falling too far so now ive got a fall death animation. splat

Anonymous No. 906966

Doesn't change the fact that this is a sfw board and adding furry porn into the mix is only gonna make the problem worse.
There really isn't. There's one or two coomer threads made by obvious newfags. Everything else is people with clothes on.

Anonymous No. 906967

There's nothing wrong with porn anon, stop being a prude. /3/ is a small board that can deal with a couple of self-made coom threads.

Anonymous No. 906968

Kill yourself instead, coombrain.

Anonymous No. 906969

What a mentally stable comment anon, perhaps you need to stay off the internet awhile to calm down

Anonymous No. 906971

Go to a porn board, you undisciplined degenerate.

Anonymous No. 906972

If you can point me to the thread on a porn board where people learn to do 3D modeling through porn I'll happily move there anon

Anonymous No. 906974

Stop moving the goalposts. This is a sfw board. No one is stopping you from learning how to model here but don't post porn. It should be very simple to understand.

Anonymous No. 906975

No one moved any goalposts because no one asked anything of you through debate, this is your own crusade. For a start no one actually posted porn, swinging breasts =/= porn, literally a standard feature of video games/animation and secondly there's a reason why people hire nude models to learn to draw, it's good practice. If the mere thought of something sexual infuriates you then perhaps you need to make and stay in your own containment thread.

Anonymous No. 906976

>dude I wanna learn 3d just let me post porn here
No, fuck off.

Anonymous No. 906977

Once again I see you don't know what porn is because you didn't even address the point. And secondly self-created anything is welcome here.

Anonymous No. 906978

>Post nudes lolmao
>dude it's just art
No, fuck off.

Anonymous No. 906979

Seems like everyone else was fine with it anon, perhaps you should take your own advice. Other people are contributing and it's clear you have nothing to offer

Anonymous No. 906981

The thread has been shat up with overtly sexual comments every time some furry shit is posted and it's very clear most people are opposed to it.
Stop lying, like you lied with "the catalog is full of tits".
But nice attempt at deflection.
This is a SAFE FOR WORK board. What part don't you understand?

Anonymous No. 906982

I'm not the same anon who said that about the catalogue, stop considering everyone else to be the same person anon you're only feeding your delusions. This board is slow as fuck people having a conversation about someones progress has not harmed anything and has actually made it worthwhile to read. There's also 18+ threads up based around low effort coomer questions or posting, so perhaps you should think again. Do you go on /a/ or /v/ and tell them not to post screenshots of big tits in shows or games they're watching/playing because it's a SFW board? No. Because if it's relevant it's allowed.

Anonymous No. 906983

No I don't go on those coomer infested boards.
>if it's relevant it's allowed
Great, post all the porn you want then. Flood the board with porn if you're so certain it's fine as long as it's cg.

Anonymous No. 906984

Well if you insist anon, appreciate having your blessing now that we're past that

Anonymous No. 906985

And I suggest you go back and reflect on the post which started all this right here >>906961
Seems rather reasonable to me and I'm not sure why you would ever argue against it.

Anonymous No. 906986

We've been through it anon, coomers want to learn 3D modeling too and this is the board for talking about 3D modeling including learning it, they're going to have unique problems other people won't, like swaying breasts and it's a perfectly reasonable thing to show and talk about. Especially when you yourself admitted there's no where else to do it

Anonymous No. 906987

You can learn these things without post porn. I never said there's nowhere else to do it, I said do your own research.
I have nothing against porn, I have something against hypersexualized coombrains who insist on making every activity in their life about sex and try to bring every community they enter down to their own braindead level.
If all you want is to jack off to shitty models, go to the daz thread with the rest of your ilk. At least there you were somewhat contained but clearly leaving that thread up with the excuse of "it's 3d bro" has contributed to this aids slowly seeping out to the rest of the board like a puss filled wound so maybe it would've been better if it had been nuked from the get go.
Fuck off.

Anonymous No. 906989

Perhaps if you're the one with the issue and no one else is, you should be the one to go anon, have you considered that? You're also being disingenuous, people want to create here, not consume, that's the point.

Anonymous No. 906990

Yeah, I sure appreciate all these "creatives":

As for me the only one with the issue, all you have to scroll up and see the replies to the coombrain posts I just linked. Perhaps you should take a moment to reflect on your own disingenuous hypocrisy and then fuck off.

Anonymous No. 906992

Perhaps you should read your own comment
You complained about people posting porn and now your examples are people who haven't even posted content! The comments are pretty stupid but if you want stupid people to stop existing anon you've got an even bigger fight on your hands

Anonymous No. 906994

I will not be responding to you any longer.
This is a safe for work board. The end.

Anonymous No. 906995

Those tits are incredible, free them

Anonymous No. 906996

anon making wolf girl here and i find a handful of horny posts a lot more tolerable than your whinging. let's just make stuff yeah

Anonymous No. 906997

Great, then you can appreciate their constructive input as I won't be offering you any more.



Anonymous No. 907003

What's going on in h-

Jesus christ.

>>906990 Take a fucking chill pill, dude. People are making fun models and we like them. Stop being buttblasted over people enjoying eachother's work.



Anonymous No. 907015

Anonymous No. 907017

poly modelling chad.. I kneel...
how can I learn this power



Anonymous No. 907020

Havenโ€™t touched blender in like a month and a half so I made a pretty basic looking model(I know the legs are shit) gonna try to rig for the first time with this one


Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 907032

It's getting dangerously furry in here so I might as add to it
Here's somethin I've been working on to practice a subd workflow for a change. Might texture into a panda later

these animations are pretty good! you been animating for long?

There's always gonna be coomers and I doubt getting mad at them is gonna change that anytime soon

Anonymous No. 907038

any ideas on what kinda game youre gonna make?

Anonymous No. 907039

have you tried applying for a janitor position anon? you seem to have a strong sense of justice and lots of free time.
keep in mind though, you wont recieve a salary

Anonymous No. 907041

Why is that anon arguing between him amd himself?



Anonymous No. 907048

Redpill me on something: lower eyelids.
I had a lot of trouble making eyelids look good when making stylized character. Always, with all my characters. But recently, I made a few basic faces and didn't do lower eyelids at all, and seriously, I feel like the looked better from the start.
So is it a common thing to ommit lower eyelids when making cartoony/anime looking characters?

Anonymous No. 907060

I know which anon this is. Art is inherently transgressive, you're always going find plenty of oddballs. Heck, you're even an oddball yourself. And that is a good thing, we make art for things that fulfill a fantasy. Boomers are still going to think that animal people are cringe regardless if you're doing it for sexual stuff or not. This type of stuff is more tame that what people normally see in pride parades, so most people don't even care about coom shit anyway

You're a smart cookie, but you have to be the change that you want to be. You can't force it, but you have to provide inspiration by making sfw content for a particular project.

Anonymous No. 907062

Most people don't go to pride parades.

Anonymous No. 907069

Point still stands. It is not 2003 anymore, most people don't care because they've seen worse things than bouncing fox titties online.



Anonymous No. 907072

It's literally no big deal, youtubers like Markiplier played this horror game lmao. Most didn't even comment about the character proportions except for the furry ones.

People should just be themselves rather than be constantly embarrassed or conscientious. People want new unique content.

Anonymous No. 907074

thanks for confirming you're a literal child

Anonymous No. 907091

Says a lot about your overall insecurity when even kids don't care much about it.



Anonymous No. 907092

Making random wallpapers for myself. Not really sure how to do better camera and lighting. This is blender.

Anonymous No. 907093

probably too abstract for actual composition advice, but I think using a reflection cubemap that reveals even more rounded cubes outside of what's visible would look neat



Anonymous No. 907098

Substance designer practice

Anonymous No. 907105

Hi, very new guy here
I want to make high quality models with great texture, suppose I do the modeling in zbrush
Does zbrush also come in with texturizers? and if I want to animate it, do I need to do extra steps?
or do I need to do a mixure of modeling in zbrush and then use something like 3ds max to give it texture?
if i export my model and texture and make it public will other people also be able to use those textures in say blender or sfm even though they are different programs?
thanks for the time, once again really new

Anonymous No. 907113

what is it?

Anonymous No. 907131

Not him, but obviously, >Substance designer practice

Anonymous No. 907134

good point, children are known for having an infallible moral compass and high degree of civility


long fox is loooo....gif

Anonymous No. 907135

i've got some 2d animating experience, but nothing big really. little doodles and stuff

Anonymous No. 907136

as in what are the materials, genius
its hard to tell from this mobile-sized image



Anonymous No. 907138

found this >>905398 in the catalog

Anonymous No. 907139

Never knew that you were one. Explains the insecurity that you have as a furry

Anonymous No. 907140

pathetic attempt at a response, go to bed

Anonymous No. 907141

You can only poly paint/vertex paint in Zbrush. You can also bake normals, AO, curvature, and displacement maps within zbrush using the multimap exporter. The downside is that they have large filesizes in comparison to substance and marmoset toolbag

Anonymous No. 907142

Take your own advice. After all, you're the one afraid of embarrassing yourself.

Anonymous No. 907145

I think you've severely missed the point. I refer you back to the original post. >>906961

Anonymous No. 907157

>People acting unruly in an anarchistic IMAGEBOARD with minimal rules? I AM GOING INSAAAANNNNEEE

Anonymous No. 907158

>moving the goalposts again
Cool story, bro.



Anonymous No. 907181

In OpenSCAD, to make it 3D printable and changeable through code. Full body in progress, including head:


3d print with torso.jpg

Anonymous No. 907196

Hoping to print arms and a base this weekend to finish this.



Anonymous No. 907197

Shaded, rigged
is good?



Anonymous No. 907219


Anonymous No. 907222

It's good. Very nice textures. The face could perhaps be a bit more feminine

Anonymous No. 907225

Why do furries get insta likes but not anime girls? Even on twitter this is apparent.



Anonymous No. 907226



Anonymous No. 907235


Anonymous No. 907240


Anonymous No. 907242

Because they are faggots. And faggots are sick and loud.



Anonymous No. 907244

Anonymous No. 907247

that's super cool
is it sculpting then retopo'd or fully poly modeled from the beginning?



Anonymous No. 907256

Vehicles are made from different plates/sheets stuck to a frame, while your vehicle looks like it's made from one piece. Like for example on a car the bumper, the hood, the doors, the roof etc. are all different metal sheets that have seams in between each other, you should add such detail. Also usually windows on vehicles have a small black rubber edge. Also add a grip to the door, add a fuel cap, perhaps some grills at the bottom front, add another smaller version of the logo and so on. Plenty of realistic details one can add without cluttering it.

Anonymous No. 907257

Based immersion anon.
You and me, we are both brothers.

Anonymous No. 907272

>That feel when you know you're looking at world4jack from just 2 frames of animation.



Anonymous No. 907286

I Just learned some stuff from Ian Hubert tutorial
Ignore the neon I'm too lazy

Anonymous No. 907287

>Ian Hubert tutorials
I've just found the dude few days ago and I have been tremendously enjoying his videos ever since.

Anonymous No. 907288

I don't get the hype around this guy. He's using an extremely common method which was all but necessary as little as 15 years ago.

Anonymous No. 907289

Lazy Tutorials are peak content. In one minute, you can learn ridiculously lot. Good memes too.

Anonymous No. 907298

I think it was the lazy tutorials that really elevated him. Now everyone does short tutorials, but before him they were like 20 minutes to an hour long.
Also he does that mad dystopia series thing so he was already kinda popular. I still like him though.
The only quick tutorials I hate are the ones by cgmatter. He blasts through them at a stupidly fast speed and 75% of the video is him talking about the sponsor and telling people to join his patreon.

Anonymous No. 907301

hate his shit, soul vs soulless



Anonymous No. 907302

yes she is I want to create those kinds of animations for a living someday
this is a tennis scenario I'm working on

Anonymous No. 907303

Hate whose shit, Hubert or cgmatter?

Anonymous No. 907307

Why is it naked

Anonymous No. 907312

Did you just make an Army Men: Air Attack reference?

Anonymous No. 907314

>I don't get the hype around this guy

He teaches you a lot, very quickly. You don't have to scrub back and forth through a lengthy video looking for the relevant part, he shows you everything in a matter of seconds.

I like Royal Skies for the same reason. Fast, effective.

Anonymous No. 907315

One day I will squash and stretch and exaggerate on this level.

Anonymous No. 907332

cgmatter is the meme channel, his actual tutorials are on Default Cube channel, although as of recent his thumbnails and titles are getting really faggy like "How to EXPLOIT this Blender SECRET" with the typical clickbait thumbnail



Anonymous No. 907337

My first time trying to create an anime character. It only took few hours to get to this point from scratch, which is pretty cool. This style is something even a complete beginner could replicate no problem.

Anonymous No. 907339


Anonymous No. 907345

I think those types of details would depend on how the vehicle is constructed. Sometimes a vehicle may be cast into two parts and be attached via welding or bolts, creating a seam down the middle. Paint can also cover up many details like that depending on how small the gaps are.

Anonymous No. 907348

why do clothes often look really 'floaty' in final renders that i've seen online especially smaller pieces like bras and stuff like that, am i the only one who finds this annoying?

Anonymous No. 907353

Broken rocks with technological parts hidden underneath them

Anonymous No. 907374

concrete floors are made that way.



Anonymous No. 907378

I think I'll have a couple of Squats ready to print this weekend.

Anonymous No. 907379

Looks cool- do you paint them also?

Anonymous No. 907384

sometimes, but it is more an excuse to sculpt models that I like really.

Anonymous No. 907386

That looks really cool. Anon a question if I may. Since you used like gorillion of cylinders, how do you treat the whole thing later? Like do you join them all and then manually remove all useless parts which are inside or such? I am very new to modelling, but this has been boggling my mind - I model something, trying for a clean topology, no ngons and all that. And then when I want to use the model for texturing or something, wouldn't the fact that the object is made from shitload of primitives hinder that process?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 907388

>how do you treat the whole thing later?
>apply all the modifiers > join > remesh > decimate, I never retopo, it is good to make a copy before all this to do different variations. Anyhow to do things like that it is mostly hard surface modeling with a couple of organic things.

Anonymous No. 907389


>how do you treat the whole thing later?
Apply all the modifiers > join > remesh > decimate, I never retopo, it is good to make a copy before all this to do different variations. Anyhow to do things like that it is mostly hard surface modeling with a couple of organic things.

Anonymous No. 907390

Neat, I'll study these things. Thanks anon and good luck with the spacedorfs.



Anonymous No. 907392

Update on this guy:
Fully re-shaded him. I started out with a really basic toon shader, but went back and did a complete "guilty gear style" shader. Now he only has one material, and I can control the lighting on him through my texture maps
*Did a basic rig for his arms and gun
*Re-made the tracks to be functional and also rigged them.
*Made it so my shader can interact with external light.
*Did a very basic, projectile-less shooting animation.

Anonymous No. 907396

Cool, but the longer I look at it the more questions I have.

Are those ammo boxes in the back? It's a machine, why don't they feed directly into the gun? Those tiny T-rex arms can't even reach that far back, how does it reload?

Is it a human or alien design? Military green boxes in the back + conventional gun suggest human but the rest looks like something the Covenant from Halo would build.

The center of gravity looks very high, the tracks should be wider at the base so it doesn't fall over when decelerating. But it looks like the tracks have some kind of exotic suspension system, are those struts articulated? Some kind of obvious helical spring thing, hydraulics or scissor suspension would better communicate how it functions.



Anonymous No. 907402

I can answer a lot of these by answering this:
>Is it a human or alien design?
It's a "low tier" basic robot drone made by an AI. It's cheaply designed....like a battle droid in Star Wars.
I actually did think about things like reloading via some bullet belts coming from the boxes into the gun, and making a more complex suspension system, but eventually I decided the more detail I put onto the thing, the more complicated it would look, which was the opposite of the effect I was going for.
I have a sketch for a "medium tier" tank once I finish this, which will have complete, realistic tracks, cables going from the battery into the laser gun and so on. But for this thing I thought
"It's a mook made to be killed by the dozen, it's fine the way it is".
For the tracks though, I did made is to the base can actually slide, so if when animating the move I find that it is too front heavy I can always slide the tracks forward, like pic attached.



Anonymous No. 907407

Yeah, I think the viewer can at a glance figure out what the purpose & power level of this thing is, but in my opinion stylistically it does have a bit of an identity crisis, see pic. Maybe a more uniform color palette would help tie things together?

Anonymous No. 907411

Military equipment doesn't have a logo, only numbers. and maybe the brigade number.

Anonymous No. 907415

High tech Nasa-style and the Matrix machines are on point for what I'm going for, the military stuff not so much. I'll end up re-coloring the ammo drums into a dark grey. Ty for the observations

Anonymous No. 907417

you use too many colors you got black, white, grey, red, green

I would drop the grey or the green



Anonymous No. 907421




Anonymous No. 907423

you need this character in your scene

Anonymous No. 907425

just give your character a little personality. Let her show a little emotion. good work.
Nice model. You should probably stop using archaic software to model in tho. And no, you won't be getting extra weeaboo points for using this.



Anonymous No. 907433

Yep, it looks much better with less colors.
Also did the projectile shooting. I think it turned out ok.
I need to do the bullet impacts next.
I'm thinking, either learn how particles are affected by fields, or cheat and do it with masks and emission shaders.

Anonymous No. 907434

perfect time to learn particle systems.

Anonymous No. 907435

looks fuckin' A bud.



Anonymous No. 907438

Made some Rough textures for the buildings, going to finish making all of the props and small assets then start improving the base textures and models

Anonymous No. 907439

One time I just added the bullet and fire effects as a shape-key and just kept playing it. Though I had a static camera so it was fine. Definitely wouldn't work for a game.



Anonymous No. 907442

need to do teeth etc.


But I.jpg

Anonymous No. 907443

Someone in this very thread once said that if they'd have to do it again they wouldn't model finger nails as part of the main model.
I remember myself thinking it can't be that hard.
All I had to do was listen...

Anonymous No. 907444

Awesome dude, very nice texture work.

Anonymous No. 907447

shark's teeth might look better than human teeth. what is this guy?

Anonymous No. 907449

Supposed to be a fucked up Kirby.



Anonymous No. 907452

what? this little feller?

Anonymous No. 907453


Anonymous No. 907461

Fuck yeah syndicate



Anonymous No. 907474

metaseq is the most comfortable to polymodel with. i use pen tablet and the navigation can be done with the pen alone,
no need to press alt or anything, the commands is very well organized in panels
it is the most comf i just lay back and model stuff.



Anonymous No. 907484

Anonymous No. 907489

honestly i see the opposite, a particular concept done with an anime girl subject gets more attention than with a furry subject from what i've noticed. but i don't follow many anime artists so probably don't have a balanced exposure to it to give much input.

imo i think anime style is WAY hard to pull off in 3D, so it usually doesn't get as much attention due to just not looking good. the symbols like eyes and mouths that anime relies on so heavily doesn't translate to 3D well at all.
whereas furry (and one of the reasons i enjoy it so much) has soooo many different artstyles and interpretations, so it's easier and more "accepted" to bend things to look good in 3D: there isn't this risk of losing the anime style.
not totally related but hot damn i love this sort of style ahhhhh

Anonymous No. 907511

>using metasequoia in the year our lord 2022
>using a pen tablet for poly modelling

You're putting yourself through so much unnecessary suffering, holy shit.



Anonymous No. 907515

revolt against the modern world



Anonymous No. 907538

in more relevant news we got a dodge roll now

Anonymous No. 907540

You're not relevant at this point. But okay. I understand. No, really, it's cool. And who is 'we'? Pat on the back to you, just you. And me. Together with some coffee and smokes. Me and you....

Anonymous No. 907541

How do I unsubscribe from this blog.

Anonymous No. 907547

what is the wip thread for if not for wips
if people really don't want to see this i'll stop, sorry.

Anonymous No. 907555

how long have you been animating? your animations are pretty good.

Anonymous No. 907556

why are you guys being assholes? If you don't like a post just ignore it.

Anonymous No. 907558

You need to go back.



Anonymous No. 907559

I tihnk i got it looking like something out of risk of rain. toon shaders with tonemaps. I could enable rimlight or colored edges as well.
I can't figure out how to make IK solver that respects joint limits. The shoulder for example is 2 elements, one rotates in x axis, the other z. The moment i disable one joint axis the IK goes out the window. Hence the wonky, manually keyed arm movements.



Anonymous No. 907560

I use to say the same thing myself. But all you're doing is applying mocaps. I can get the same animations from Mixamo. We could all use friends. But you come off as a teenager, confused about sexual orientation. One or two other cummers giving you props? Well... Good for you. But this is NOT WHAT THE WORLD NEEEEDSSSS!

Fucking look around you. You have got to apply yourself towards the betterment of mankind, not towards some furry warmy hairy cult of tolerated perversion. Don't you get it? I get it. You need somewhere to post. I get it, I really do. But you are not going to help mankind until you help yourself and get a wife. Does the word VOTE mean anything to you? You are wasting your time. Aim yourself. Apply yourself. While there is still time.

I'm going to put Hanna in the captains chair posing with a snake. We'll see each other down the line. And I better see something good with this furry or I am coming to find you. And fuck the GOP.

Anonymous No. 907563

So what does the world need?

Anonymous No. 907564

Nations with strong, secular democracies.

Anonymous No. 907566

>Still believing in democracy

Anonymous No. 907568

Typical Onions Boy.

Anonymous No. 907569

Haha yeah



Anonymous No. 907570




Anonymous No. 907576

Anon, did you get enough sleep last night?

Anonymous No. 907580

Real democracy has never been tried in modern times lmoa

Anonymous No. 907581

>can't contain himself from posting shitty off topic reaction images
Wip thread. at least model a reaction image



Anonymous No. 907590

How can I improve? I feel like the butt is especially bad but I cannot figure out how to fix it...

Anonymous No. 907591

look at reference

Anonymous No. 907596

I was looking at a reference (a base mesh I found online) and still this was the best I could do.



Anonymous No. 907600

If only there were something else you could use too.



Anonymous No. 907602

>using a pen tablet for poly modelling
try it in maya. its fun



Anonymous No. 907612

I finished the bullet sparks. I tried it via particles but it didn't work. Basically, I can't get the particles to both stick and warp around an object, and maintain their speed. So I used an emmision shader with a mask.



Anonymous No. 907613

What I'm really stuck on now is the ground texture.
Basically, I want pick attached, but I don't want to texture paint.
I found this guy's tutorial on doing "Gibli style" rocks, and I was able to obtain somewhat decent paint splotches, but it looks way too amateurish.


It looks fine on rocks , but I can't apply it to a ground plane. I'll probably use some of those techniques , but I don't know how to do those strokes of different color paint.
Anyone here have any experience with this kind of stuff?


lost city.jpg

Anonymous No. 907616

reminds me of this cut Halo 3 level

Anonymous No. 907617

looks an awful lot like one of the multiplayer maps in infinite. I bet they repurposed it.

Anonymous No. 907619

never liked 343 forerunner shit esp hexagons. why did they do it and why did they stick with it for 10 years.
bungie pretty much nailed it from halo 1 onwards notwithstanding the fucked up uvs and normals from finishing the game in 2 weeks. even when copying stuff 343 still makes kinda crap designs

Anonymous No. 907620

looks nice tho idk if you want to keep the slight pause while shes about to hit the ground before the roll

furry haters seething right now ...

Anonymous No. 907621

you could try and use a geometry node. -position - splitXYZ -math divide - math power -color ramp with different colors at different positions to give you different colors at different depths determined on a certain axis. Combine this with your texture of course. You'll have to play with the math node values to get the effect you want.
I used this specific technique to bake a hair texture that changes color the further away it is from the camera. I haven't played extensively with this but theoretically you should be able to use parameters other than depth to effect the color change, angle for example - you could read up more on the geo node to get some ideas.

Anonymous No. 907624

you're getting ik popping on the knees here



Anonymous No. 907625

Is this ok for a low-poly game?

Anonymous No. 907627

Looks good. But texturing is 90% of the model.

Anonymous No. 907628

Only the biggest one looks even slightly low poly.

Anonymous No. 907629

5k polys is max i would count as low poly on a character/animal.

Anonymous No. 907630

5k tris?

Anonymous No. 907631


>new thread when?

Anonymous No. 907634

I usually wait until page 5 to post a new one. This one can still have images/text posted, I think. It just can't be bumped.
I'm gonna be out for the next few hours, so if I'm not back before this hits 5 or it hits a hard lock, someone can make a new thread.



Anonymous No. 907635

>texturing is 90% of the model.
How do I texture paint the model?
I mean to paint on the model, but with textures instead of just uniform colors

Anonymous No. 907639

not him, but look this up:

Anonymous No. 907641

Geometry nodes is what I'm currently investigating.

I was stuck on making sand dunes , since the easy way involves making displacement via a voronoi, but Evee doesn't support that.
With Geometry nodes , it seems I can use that exact method, and use noise and such to add detail to the dunes.

The thing I'm really hyped is re-using the textures in geometry nodes as masks in my shader editor.
Ty anon. I've never used Geometry Nodes before, but it seems very intuitive with how the shader editor works



Anonymous No. 907645



Anonymous No. 907657

Anonymous No. 907659

What am i looking at?


share 4.jpg

/3d/ anon No. 907681


Anonymous No. 907683

i was keeping it to get an "impact" feeling but it might be a bit too janky, i'll smooth it out some
oo. i'm not sure what IK popping is. is there a way i can avoid it?

Anonymous No. 907688

>i was keeping it to get an "impact" feeling but it might be a bit too janky
itll work alright if you're going to transfer root motion to the controller, but if your dodge is just a simple "move in a direction linearly" there'll be some sliding
>oo. i'm not sure what IK popping is.
IK popping is when you fully extend an IK limb past its maximum, so it jumps to its fully extended position

Anonymous No. 907690

also nice, what is it exactly

Anonymous No. 907691

>root motion
i was going to just do the latter yeah, i'm honestly not sure what root motion is. i've heard the term and know it's something about making the animation move the object in-engine, but dunno how to implement it or anything.
and i see what you mean now yeah, i'll go through and loosen them up, thanks!

Anonymous No. 907692

root motion is when unity takes the animation from the root bone of the skeleton and applies it to the gameobject, so you can do things like have canned animations actually move the player so theres no desync between the model and the actual player


root motion roll ....gif

Anonymous No. 907698

ahhh i think i get you. so if i had a dodge roll animation like this, i could tell unity to move the gameobject along with the root bone, in this case that spine bone on her hip. i'll import both this animation and the in-place one to mess around with how it looks. thankyou!

Anonymous No. 907699

buddy you're making star trek porn

Anonymous No. 907700

yes exactly, however do keep in mind this limits how much gameplay tuning you can do from code and instead ties it to the animation
imo its only good for things that arent gameplay, like, say, a character interacting with a switch

Anonymous No. 907701

that was my main concern yeah, i'd want to tweak movement speed and stuff in engine rather than having to change animations and reimport and blegh. this is really cool though, i finally learned what root motion means lol. i'll keep your suggestion in mind and might do it for things like idle animations and smaller things!

Anonymous No. 907713

when you roll you should land with your shoulder and head is tilted to one side. otherwise you injure your neck and spine. check dark souls rolls

Anonymous No. 907727

New thread

Anonymous No. 907804

This type of texture can be done inside of substance painter and designer, just start with some noise and grunge textures and play with the sliders untill you get something that looks like brush strokes overlaying your base texture, then you can put that into a gradient map and play with the colors untill you get something you like.
there are some "Arcane Style" tutorials that might help you.
And there is a Ghibli style substance designer tutorial in the artstation store that might also help you out.

Anonymous No. 907805

looks really good, some of the shadow transitions are a bit harsh, trying to make it softer will make the entire thing feel cleaner

Anonymous No. 907807

looks great, are you the anon that was trying to make models in a similar aethetic to Killer 7?

Anonymous No. 908163

i dunno man, it looks a bit goofy