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๐Ÿงต /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 907726

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Pointillism Edition -

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>905335

List of free resources:
/3/ Discord for those interested:

Anonymous No. 907730

randomize the rotation of the muzzle flare

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Anonymous No. 907742

Anonymous No. 907753

>chocolate jug

Anonymous No. 907780

It is currently tied via a driver to the current key* 90.
I might do noise.random() *90 or something, because I always want it to remain in that "plus" shape.

Anonymous No. 907803


Anonymous No. 907808

is this actual footage of the elves and dwarfs in amazons Rings of Power?

Anonymous No. 907815


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Anonymous No. 907824

So ground texture is done. It ended up being a massive pain in the ass, but I'm happy with the result.
Thanks to the anon who recommended GeoNodes.

I only have 2 more effects to create : Dirt being kicked up by the tracks for the walk cycle, and an explosion for the death animation.
Then I can start animating it.

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Anonymous No. 907829

I honestly think this thread is a really nice little community for 3D. Its not hard to find genuinely talented people here - which is surprising for a board with 30 active users - and others who actually give good advice and critique - which is surprising because 4chan. Maybe its the fact that everyone here has the same visibility, even if your art sucks and appeals to no-one. Sites like Reddit tend to just push forward uninspired and derivative renders because they appeal to the greatest denominator.

Anyway, just wanted to say this thread is nice. The only gripe I have is the anonymity. Like, when I see someone post a cool model I wish I could easily see their other work. A lot of people here don't post anywhere else, especially not WIPs.

Anonymous No. 907832

>The only gripe I have is the anonymity.
you could always join the discord

Anonymous No. 907833

A lot of people who post here have Instagram or Artstation or whatever accounts. If you ask them they'll give you it. If they don't have one and you ask them for it then it might just encourage them to create one.
There's a discord too, but I haven't heard it mentioned for a while so I'm not sure if it's still active.

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Anonymous No. 907835

Just finished the Cornerian fighter. I wish i could find a job in 3D :'C

i cry everytime

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Anonymous No. 907838

Yeah I find the wip thread very comfy. I can post stuff here like pic related that's never made it anywhere because I got too ambitious or I'm not very satisfied how it turned out.

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Anonymous No. 907852

It's poly-modelled from the top.

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Anonymous No. 907853

Still sorting out texture stuff. Not sure if too dark/grim.
Gotta fix the 'burned' look apparently.

Anonymous No. 907860

Make him shoot faster and the barrel spin faster.
It'd definitely feel more impactful I think.

Anonymous No. 907866

Glad you think the thread is pretty nice.
As far as anonymity goes, if you stick around long enough and you start to notice who's who without needing names.There's enough regular posters here to be able to pick out a style in their work, which I think is pretty neat.
I also think the fact that things are a bit less "permanent" here is pretty nice. You don't need to feel too restricted about posting something finished or sensitive because the board is so small, and threads don't stick around for too long (though it will for a month or so).
Like the other anon said though, most people have some kind of social profile somewhere, and they probably won't mind posting it if you ask nicely here or on the Discord.

The Discord is still "active" but there's maybe a handful of people that actively post there. Which is fine, since it was never meant to be anything more than a place to hang out at a different pace than the threads, without being too locked down by post/file limits.

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Anonymous No. 907867

Been a bit. Been trying to use textures only from IRL. Obviously low resolution but I think that's the point?

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Anonymous No. 907868

Must hard surface model a new captains chair.

Anonymous No. 907879

Almost done. The pressure is intense.

Anonymous No. 907880

that's what she said

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Anonymous No. 907885

i am making a base, this is the first thing i have ever done in blender, i need to learn topology

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Anonymous No. 907886

Update: she is no longer floating in default_blender_background
Wanted to also give her a facial expression like the other anon suggested but after a few attempts I realized facial rigging is hard :(

Other than that, I think she is pretty much done

Anonymous No. 907889

Looks very Borderlands-like. Is that what you were going for?

Anonymous No. 907893

Thats the plan! Although definetly not as good lol

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Anonymous No. 907896

attemped hands, too tired to attemp feet, been working on this for like 5 hours

Anonymous No. 907897

I think your Blender is slightly out of date

Anonymous No. 907907

I prefer 2.79

Anonymous No. 907920

plus shape looks good, I think so too
needs some kind of rotation though, the gun is even rotating yet the flares still come out of the the same spots every shot

Anonymous No. 907947


Anonymous No. 907956

just learn 3.0 bro, you won't regret it. it seems intimidating at first, I know, but just remember you can always search for the functions you want with the quicksearch menu

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2.79 boomer.jpg

Anonymous No. 907957


Anonymous No. 907958

applying blender's built in metarig + facerig isn't that hard even though it is still a little bit of extra work with some problem solving involved too.

Anonymous No. 907963

Did you post on /wsr/ yesterday?

Anonymous No. 907972


Anonymous No. 907994

maybe i will... i just know all the short cuts and keybinds for 2.79
no but i think i know who you are talking about, the guy whose topology was fucked up and refused to do anything other than box model lmao

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Anonymous No. 907995

Starting to study anime figures

Anonymous No. 907996

nice and jojopilled but make full body sculpts bro. Busts are meh.

Anonymous No. 908004

Very nice. Keep it up.

Now I'm reminded of that one anon who used to do really good One Punch Man sculpts and other animuu shit a few years back. I don't think he's around anymore.

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Anonymous No. 908008


Anonymous No. 908010

Fucking soulful. Good stuff.

Anonymous No. 908026


Anonymous No. 908027

then copy over the shortcuts and keybinds, you're given that option when updating

Anonymous No. 908052

me too!

Anonymous No. 908058

sexy and nice

Anonymous No. 908067

looking a little bit wall-eyed



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 908069

Thanks anons, will try a full body next, still chosing the character

You're right, I also see something strange in the eyes. I think it looks better in clay, my paint job sucks

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Anonymous No. 908072

Thanks anons, will try a full body next, still chosing the character

You're right, I also see something strange in the eyes. I think it looks better in clay, my paint job sucks

Anonymous No. 908085

just fix the eyes and the roughness of the hair and suit and its good to go

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Anonymous No. 908119

Anonymous No. 908120

VERY cool

Anonymous No. 908123

which renderer?

Anonymous No. 908124

Based. Reminds me of Cuphead.

Anonymous No. 908222

Working on a nendoroid base. The final target is VR Chat (Quest) so I'll delete some redundant loops and hidden faces after I apply the subdivision.
I'm just not sure if I want to do the eyes with animated textures or geometry. I'm leaning towards geometry because that's what I usually do on higher poly models.

Anonymous No. 908225

Good night sweet prince

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Anonymous No. 908228

I am not getting enough sleep. Picture.

Anonymous No. 908229

Deez Nuts v.3

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Anonymous No. 908230


if you're still reading the threads we hope you;re ok dude. people care about you.

Anonymous No. 908231

what the fuck are you talking about

Anonymous No. 908232


looks like FEAR or butcher bay

Anonymous No. 908236

Is it possible to make the edge length etc fonts bigger? Mine are far too small. I've tried using that MeasureIt addon and it does absolutely fuck all.

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Anonymous No. 908246


This is done in Eevee with a bit of post-processing in after effects (mainly a tiny amount of chromatic aberration)

I finished more or less the final version of my move animation.
I will do the proper shooting animation next, which will probably be pretty easy since I tied everything to a single driver.

All that'd be left then is the death explosion.

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Anonymous No. 908248

Two days of work, still moves like shit. I think it's the knees, looks a bit like he's stepping over something. Anyway thanks for the tip about tangents, the graph editor is a beast.

Loving your bot, how did you make the dust effect? I could use something like that for a flame/aura.

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Anonymous No. 908249

Speaking of, for the explosion, I'm currently looking into a way of doing "impact frames" (see pic attached)
In this youtube video this guy is selling a pack of "filters"
Does anyone know how to do the effect at 26 seconds? Can this be done in the compositor?

Anonymous No. 908251

Something like this :

For the dispersion at the end I blended with a transparent shader, used a noise texture for the Fac , and tied the color point in the ramp to a shape key that also warps the smoke at the end.

Anonymous No. 908252

A shadow pass and distort frames in post (AE, premiere whathaveyou)?

Anonymous No. 908267

Wow, really good, keep it up and you'll be hired
can you post some in-progress pics next time?

Anonymous No. 908275

>Gunt bot

on a serious note looking good anon

Anonymous No. 908303

when will you stream again? it was comfy

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Anonymous No. 908304

Which version looks better?

Anonymous No. 908306

left just because the right wall has too much details on the other version

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Anonymous No. 908307


Anonymous No. 908339

I like both but I'll go with left. Feels like it's missing some bump tho

Anonymous No. 908340

Come to think of it. Some sculpted wear and damage on the geometric shapes would really push it even further.

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Anonymous No. 908370

how's this so far, lads.

Anonymous No. 908380

Scarlett Johansson?

Anonymous No. 908381

where's the nudes?

Anonymous No. 908385

yes if it looks like her, no if it doesn't. lel.
tb h i don't think i'm good enough for likenesses.

Anonymous No. 908388

Can you PLEASE say specifically how you did the mouth of this bust, it's very nice and mouth are one of the thing I struggle the most with with stylized character.
I usually use the DamStandard brush to make the upper lip and claybuildup for the lower lips but I eventually always fuck it up during the detailing.

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Anonymous No. 908411

Thanks anon, I really hope so. Sure, I'll post my process for the next ones

Did a quick video, but I use the same brushs as you plus inflate and sometimes pinch. I make the shape with a low dynamesh until I'm satisfied, then use Zremesher and subdivide as needed for the detailing

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Anonymous No. 908417

This was a good lead, I managed to do it just in the blender composite editor by messing around with separating the light and some sunbeams

Anonymous No. 908419

rooting for you, anon

Anonymous No. 908420

looks good man, you should finish it.

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Anonymous No. 908457

Sadly I wiped the ssd containing the files while reinstalling windows last year. Oh well, finished this one at least.

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Anonymous No. 908510


Anonymous No. 908512

Nice sculpt but why is the image compressed to shit? Also the heel doesn't touch the base.

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Anonymous No. 908566

This thread is also motivation for those prone to procrastinating. Seeing others make awesome stuff, urges one to also make something cool to put in this thread. One of the best threads on this site.
If you been working on the same thing for way too long people start to notice you as "that guy".

Very nice. Is that slowdown at the end hand animated or just some elastic interpolation ?

And to the space suite that never gets done. After procrastinating way to hard with midjourney and other ai tools trying to outsource the creative part just resulted in wasted time and procrastination.
But i think i'm 90% done with the modeling. Some more cleanup passes / fixing funky geometry. Some overhauled shades maybe and then i finally get to rigging.
Finished the computer thing. Was a great warm up to get back into rigging / animation. Some critique is appreciated.
Also i know the hollywood hacking output is kinda cringe but i din't come up with anything better.

Anonymous No. 908567

>you even polyshitted it

You can fuck off to twatter if you dont like anonymity

>the furfag model from aggydaggy

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Anonymous No. 908581

it is mostly done,.I have to finish the belt and to pose it.

Anonymous No. 908589

Based squat enjoyer. If i may, shouldn't the kneepads be angled, just a tad? Especially considering his CIA power stance

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Anonymous No. 908590

The slowdown is hand-keyed, I'm not good at managing the curves of the elastic bounce yet.
Some progress I made :
>Since I'm going for a "retro anime" look, I decided to rip off Evangellion and make an intro. I wanted to show off the wireframe, and decided to have some fun with it.
>Re-made the terrain shader to make it more "picturesque" and have more varied color
>Tweaked the movement animation a bit.

All that's left now is to animate this thing getting shot and blowing up, which is what I'm doing tomorrow.
My question for the future would be:
Is there some fancy way to detect particles colliding with a mesh, and spawn/move an object to that position? If not, I'm stuck hand-animating all those bullet impacts.

Anonymous No. 908593

yes that's not posed, it is just a base to work with, I have to resize the arms too, it should be done tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 908615

Yeah, that's definitely NGE.
I think it orbits around the model after the NGE thing with the stats a little too long though. Like I think it should only last around half that time.

As for the bullet impacts, are you talking in a game engine or in Blender? In Blender I'm almost certain there's something you can do with geometry nodes. If not geo nodes, animation nodes for sure. Essentially what you're wanting to replicate is something like fireworks. Particles emitting particles.

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Anonymous No. 908624

After not working on this for a few months, I'm back at it and now working on the materials. I want to make everything procedural, with the exception of a few logos and texts

Anonymous No. 908650

If I remember it right, you can detect particles passing through a mesh with dynamic paint.

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Anonymous No. 908651

My dreams of my personal Gollum porn are soon coming true!

Anonymous No. 908652


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movement camera s....webm

Anonymous No. 908654

game is starting to take shape now :D
not quite /3/-related any more, though. i'll come back when making weapons and enemies.
this is AWESOME holy shit dude

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Anonymous No. 908667

And it is done.

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Anonymous No. 908674

A Slig from Oddworld

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Anonymous No. 908675


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Anonymous No. 908683

nice so far. fix your lights and levels tho.

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Anonymous No. 908692

I fucking love this, I have a recent passion for making old game models
pic. related

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Anonymous No. 908702

klonoa + 9s, textures to be added.

Got a blog/Twitter tracking this stuff bro?
Your prog is pog.

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Anonymous No. 908706

Did the Guardian Blade from AdventureQuest, I'm gonna do the Blade of Awe next.

Anonymous No. 908710

thankyou! i don't really update it with all my progress but i got a twitter here mainly for art though.

those boots and gloves are so cool, this would look great animated! also like the little pacman charm on the end of the sword :D

Anonymous No. 908739

bro.. AQ and AQW were key to my childhood

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Anonymous No. 908773

kot tobology

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blade of wow glow....png

Anonymous No. 908776

Same, never had Guardian growing up but I played the shit out of the game anyways.

Anonymous No. 908778

>Those feet
You're not really making a cat, are you Anon?

Anonymous No. 908779

at this point I don't even know what I'm making
a cat alien thing or something
this is what happens when you try to make a model without reference or design

Anonymous No. 908798

These are really good.

Dorf also very good.

Anonymous No. 908802

nice man
feel free to drop gamedev progress in the discord, handful of other people are already



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 908821

WIP anyone got some resources fรผr making lingerie or bathing suits

Anonymous No. 908823

thanks guys (:
means alot

Anonymous No. 908830

this is a christian board, sir. please cover your hooha

Anonymous No. 908831

>Dorf also very good.
ty, I'll work a bit more on him, I'll do a couple of heads and some weapon variations.

Anonymous No. 908843

Not him by why are modeled nudes not allowed? They're allowed on /ic/, and I know that's a nsfw board, but it's also an art board which is why they're allowed, but this is also an art board really.
Is it to protect /3/ from getting filled with coomers talking about sex with anthropomorphic canines?

Anonymous No. 908844

I wonder how many people here are furfags

Anonymous No. 908845

i have no idea why this is a blue board. t bh i was just joking - i don't think the jannies are too particular about non-porn nude stuff. if they are, they should lay off. there's like 10 of us on this board and no one cares.

Anonymous No. 908849

My guess is that the mods don't want this place to turn into a shitty daz porn dump.

Anonymous No. 908850

Consider that being a janny is one of the few very rare professions (if not the only one) in which your worth as a human is directly correlated to how much money you earn.
One could now loudly proclaim:
>"But how could that be, the janny works for free!"
And he would be absolutely right. The janny does work for free. Janny's wage is a nice round fat zero. Therefore, janny's human value is also a zero.

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Anonymous No. 908851

Shouldn't this part have a bit of thickness? Looks razor sharp and pretty dangerous like that.

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Anonymous No. 908855

Rate my hand

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Anonymous No. 908897


Anonymous No. 908901

you are right
i just started making the pants a few days ago and didnt have enough time to give them love and details
im going to finish retopologizing the guy and then work on the pants again
and then pose and texture him

Anonymous No. 908904

looks really good!
i think the hair needs a bit of smoothing and more polygons
cant way to see it finished bro

Anonymous No. 908915

will you share the files for this?

I want to 3d print it

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Anonymous No. 908919

them animations look good. Cant wait to fuck up mine.
Started the rigging process today. And performance is horrendous during animation. If i simplify the scene i have 100k ish vertices and the view port is choppy when in posemode. Sorry for not paying too much attention but whats your poly count like?

Also here is my "Final" model,as in feature complete. for now. A bit lopsided with all the gear on the left.
If any of you want to see some polygon gore i can post some previews of the messy IK stuff i am working on.
>>908566 maybe i'll do a better standalone render on this for social media...

Anonymous No. 908920

why are you using screenspace reflections for an offline render?

Anonymous No. 908925

>>908920 not sure what you mean with "offline".

But I leave it on because it looks better. The reflection on the floor may be a bit scuffed, but with some light probes that should be fixed.
Also if I rmeber correctly you dnned that turned on for glass shades to look correct. Otherwise the transmission looks really funky.

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Anonymous No. 908927

glad you like it, it is done, i should do variations to do a squad maybe but i want to sculpt other things next, maybe after, who knows ...

Anonymous No. 908929

what's happening bro? what are your thought processes?

Anonymous No. 908931

Just ignore him bro. He's probably another schizo tranny shitting up the thread with his "progress" who thinks people care about his micro-adjustments. He'll keep coming back if you give him attention.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 908954

Sorry anon, already sold the model to a small studio so I can't

Anonymous No. 908956

Sorry anon, already sold the model to a small studio so I can't

Very nice, great work anon

Anonymous No. 908959


Nah, man I like seeing his progress. I was merely curious as to what his ideas were behind these latest updates.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 908971

>Three threads ago
sorry for the delay

Anonymous No. 908983

I missed you

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 908986


Anonymous No. 908987

welcome back, king

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 909020


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Anonymous No. 909021

Kinda starting to get burned out on this one, want to start a new one.
>Tweaked the shooting animation
>Added the bullet impacts
>Added the initial explosion and the deformation for it

Still need 2 effects. A crater, and a plume of anime-esque smoke coming out of it and it's done.

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Anonymous No. 909037

I'm trying to replicate it in maya, thanks for the tip. Gotta find the right noise texture and make it deform upwards, more like a fire than a blob.

Anonymous No. 909042

GOD it is good to see your work once again

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 909051

( อกโ—‰ อœส– อกโ—‰)

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anna tricount.png

Anonymous No. 909084

>what's your poly count
good question, i've never actually checked! i got no idea if this is "good" or not, i'm not aiming for a super high res game or anything. i'm planning to do a revision to her model to smooth out mainly the torso and legs a bit, so i'll probably end up witha 15-20kish vert count.
your model looks insane dude, really cool! i dunno if it'll help, but for animation/game models it's usually a good idea to make a copy of the blender file, and delete faces under clothing and whatnot to both prevent clipping and reduce vert count (cos the faces would never be seen anyway). maybe could help you trim the polycount a bit?
gunbot is cute, i want a pet one that scoots around my house

Anonymous No. 909087

Is there any reason to use an array over linked instances assuming that you wont be editing any of them individually? I've just started used linked instances and this feels like witchcraft.

Anonymous No. 909107

I got a VR headset
I wanna try making assets in my spare time to put on my lil avatars and maybe sell some for fun but it's all a bit overwhelming at the moment I don't really understand what the metaverse is

Is there a market somewhere for that kinda shit? Everything i search leads me to nft shit

Anonymous No. 909110

biggest english-speaking avatars market is on gumroad, and 95% of that is repackaged assets, not very encouraging.
right now "the metaverse" is a marketing term that means nothing, so don't worry about it
also the WIP thread isn't really the place to ask about this

Anonymous No. 909111

>I don't really understand what the metaverse is
nobody really does as it doesn't exist - its a buzzword created to rip off investors with the idea of a virtual reality.
The idiots @ Facebook thought they can just build a cheap VR chat clone and the people will come flock to them - they didn't.
They lost billions and I can't stop laughing at their stupidity.

Anonymous No. 909118

Thabsk, I know it's not really the place but we don't have a stupid questions genera anymore and didn't think it deserved its own thread.

This is what iv come to understand. A pity. I was hoping there would be some games kinda like secondlife where people could put stuff up.

Anonymous No. 909124

You need better edgeloops.



Anonymous No. 909127

Blender noob here, usually able to find tutorials for what I need but right now I'm stumped.
Trying to ready this model for 3D printing, having issues with the beard. Left is what the finished model looks like, middle is the actual model.
On the right I used subdivide and displacement with UV map and got this far. I've got the texture on the beard mesh itself which is good, but it's still got the untextured areas.
Is it possible to conform the mesh to be like the UV texture?

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Anonymous No. 909128

Wrong picture.

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Anonymous No. 909156

How do people charge for comissions? I want to comission a 3d model of Belfast. FULLY modeled, rigged, for use in UE4...
The hard part is her face since I would want it in actual 3d and not anime style. That means filling the empty spaces about what her face would look like in real life.

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Anonymous No. 909157

The ballpark numbers i remember for character models are 25k-ish for the csgo player models. And 65-100k ish for your AAA visual spectral cut scene model.
Compared to that my model is very fat.
But when i simplify i got 178k and i had smooth rigging performance with that in the past. I was just sloppy with my modifiers. All it took was a single shrink wrap that slowed down any animation.
But i remember your post about getting rid of anything under clothing some threads back and incorporated this pretty heavily into the workflow. But sadly most of the messy subdivision stuff is not going to be cleaned up as the more aggressive simplify has higher performance than clean geometry.
Also i am going to downsize some textures. I was mass downloading all the CC0 textures in the largest formats available cause bigger is better.
But compiling shaders takes forever and 12GiB RAM on load and after some work with a couple GiB more after some editing in the Undo History is too much.
compared to the 200 MiB at with no sharers loaded. 8k textures are a bit overkill. Also the glass shading on Alpha Hashed is slow and buggy in the preview. But at least the renders no longer flicker. As Alpha Blend tends to fuck up Z Ordering of materials.

So back to rigging with 30-ish frames. That is good enough. But i will still sort my objects differently into detail groups so i can hide most of the crap when i'll be trying my best at animating.
But the goal to learn something by doing something bigger / better than some half assed models has been archived. Now it just needs to move.

Anonymous No. 909159


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Anonymous No. 909169

Trying to make something

Anonymous No. 909174

Wrong thread idiot.

Anonymous No. 909224

nice proportions

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Anonymous No. 909229

So I've been working on mobile trying to recreate Manny Pardo from Hotline Miami and this is what I got so far, the hair is nowhere done because making messy hair is nightmare and the eyes are just flat colours.

Anonymous No. 909247

You need to do something about the hair, poly hair is not the way to go with the style you have.
learning Xgen or haircards would be a good step to improve this

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Anonymous No. 909253

Here's something I just modeled

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Anonymous No. 909259

>play video games for 2 days in a row
>feel guilty
>get back to practicing and overdo it hurting my body in the process

oh god not again.

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Anonymous No. 909262

i'll be cheeky and keep posting gamedev progress because i'm having fun with it
hey getting there, rigging is definitely a bit of a slog. good luck!



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 909263




๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 909264



tractor final a.png

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 909265


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Anonymous No. 909273

1hr 30 minute skull sketch. Never sculpted a skull before How I do bros?

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Anonymous No. 909275

If you push the jaws a bit back (picrel for reference), it will be bretty gud, skull-anon.
>tfw still own a real skull my father stole from black plague ossuary in the 70s.

Anonymous No. 909276

thx kind anon. I noticed the nose socket is too low as well but I'm too sleep deprived to fix it kek.

Anonymous No. 909277

Nomad doesn't have the ability to generate xgen hair or to create haircards. I can bring this into zbrush and Maya to do that, it just defeats the challange and point of only using my phone.

Anonymous No. 909304

throw some physics on that tail

Anonymous No. 909306

not sure if shading, but needs more volume around the philtrum area imo.

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Anonymous No. 909311

sir yes sir

Anonymous No. 909312

now make a nude webm.

Anonymous No. 909325

Looks good. What is it?

Anonymous No. 909326

Looks either like a head-dress or back of a 18th century ship to me.

Anonymous No. 909333

i got banned for that last time :(

Anonymous No. 909335

just take the temp ban. We all know why we're here except the larping mods.

Anonymous No. 909336

i'm here to laugh at bad models like this one >>909311

Anonymous No. 909340

I wish I was a productive autist.

Anonymous No. 909341

We all know why you're here at least. To shit up the place.

Anonymous No. 909345

Your work does that well enough

Anonymous No. 909347

Post my work.

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Anonymous No. 909350

Reworking a model for my game. The one on the left is the new one. Proportions need work when i get some free time.

Anonymous No. 909352

This is nice, but I'd have two suggestions:
> Use more beveling and experiment with the bevel settings to get rounded corners. Nothing really has sharp angles like that
> For your pipes/ handrails, there are places where the pipes don't "hold" their thickness, they get thinner as you bend them at more sharper angles. In edit mode, if you select a ring of edges and hit ctrl+right click, it will extrude the edges to your point, AND change the angle automatically so it holds their thickness.

Anonymous No. 909354

Xe has already posted xer twitter. Get xem to upload it there.

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Anonymous No. 909360

it's a mask.

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fuck this shtifg.webm

Anonymous No. 909361

i'm not really here for porn desu. i don't find 3d an appealing medium for it, usually really uncanny

Anonymous No. 909362

the checkbones look weird, other than that good job.

Anonymous No. 909364

i'm talking to the other guy. as long as you don't indulge him i have no problem with you



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 909367

I made this random alien creature I always see on the Rorschach test. I'm practicing animation with it. I'm thinking about doing some fluid simulations next.

Anonymous No. 909368

You weren't the one who posted your twitter? I was using the xe and xer because whoever posted it claimed they were female and I was doubtful of the claim.
I have no problem with what anyone posts here. If people want to post furry stuff then so be it. I'm just wary of the poster who always asks you to make your wolves sexual. I'm not even 100% sure if he posts any of his own stuff here.

Anonymous No. 909373

How disturbing. Is that geometry nodes or modifiers?

Anonymous No. 909377

Sweet man. Yesdev confirmed.

Anonymous No. 909383

It's a real struggle. I do that shit all the fucking time. My fingers are constantly aching.

Anonymous No. 909409

just put a sims-style pixelation box and itll be fine

Anonymous No. 909410

i post my stuff here :^)
at this point its just to bait you because its funny to see someone have a melt down over furry titty

Anonymous No. 909411

alright, coombrain
settle down

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esoteric chubes.png

Anonymous No. 909413

some Esoteric Chubes for platforming on.

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petricore tower.png

Anonymous No. 909414

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Anonymous No. 909419

Ok so Gunbot is more or less done.
I might do a final pass on the way the smoke fades out to make it look more random and less "bubbly" , but I think this is close enough.
I might also tinker around with the effects, but yeah , I consider this project to be done.



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 909422


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Anonymous No. 909426

It has modifiers, shape keys, invisible meshes etc. First time I'm doing this. It's a total mess.

Anonymous No. 909427

this is why i switched back to 2D for the most part

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Anonymous No. 909430


Anonymous No. 909432

Seriously awesome shit. I want to hang that up on my wall.

Anonymous No. 909434

are you a zbrush streamer? kek

Anonymous No. 909442

is that unity? How are you doing hair physics?

Anonymous No. 909443

It looks fine and thic to me. Post yours.

Anonymous No. 909444

this looks fucking sick

Anonymous No. 909445

thanks I'll be fixing that

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Anonymous No. 909446

implying I make any money with my art

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Anonymous No. 909456

Final version of Gunbot.
Time to start a new project.

Anonymous No. 909458

Congrats anon, looking forward to your next one

Anonymous No. 909459

Good work anon, proud of u.

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Screen Shot 2022-....png

Anonymous No. 909461

Raccoon in central park. What do you guys think?

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Anonymous No. 909464

giving me creature comforts vibes, probably just because his face looks like grommit but not a dog
i like it

Anonymous No. 909465

looks AI generated

Anonymous No. 909477

The texture uses alpha maps. You're likely going to have to model it yourself if you want it for 3D printing. None of it is going to work as you want it to with just going from Textools to printing. Learn how to model/sculpt.

Anonymous No. 909485

this one!

Anonymous No. 909492

those effects are fancy

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Anonymous No. 909493

premature shading test
but helps with where i need to sculpt more

Anonymous No. 909495

Neat! Are you making a full cartoon or just doing short animations?

Anonymous No. 909501

Pretty swell. Remove the background, animate it a bit, save as low res gif. I can certainly see it making waves.

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Anonymous No. 909519

Pass A at rendering this thing. I just need some pointers in the right direction.

A+ anon


Anonymous No. 909534

Holly fuck that's awesome. Will try it.

Anonymous No. 909536

haha what if he had a cute little bulge anon

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Anonymous No. 909544

Trying to make some chainsaw man models for shitposting. This is a bitch and a half to make.

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Anonymous No. 909552

config is super easy too, great for hair
WOAH this came out really good, those details are crazy
it was fun to watch you make this little dude

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bell tower.png

Anonymous No. 909568

bell tower level

Anonymous No. 909586

too kind. do you sculpt your clothes or do them in something like marvellous? i'm clueless so just assessing my options rn.

9/10 so far. absolutely hate it.

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Anonymous No. 909587

I studied some rigging today. The bones in this stick are hooked to a track, so they always go through the correct hoops regardless of where the root bone is.

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Anonymous No. 909588

>too kind.
bruh human work is no easy thing, the fact you've gotten this far is very impressive.

It's polymodeled, all of it.

Thanks :))

Anonymous No. 909590

>It's polymodeled, all of it.
mental. i'm going to take the coward's way and just sim something i think lel.

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Anonymous No. 909595

Looks awesome but if you canโ€™t make itโ€ฆthe rest of us r fuk

Bretty sick, looks like a next gen sonic game or part of promotional art.

Trying the full rounds from sketch to finished model.

Anonymous No. 909604

where's that anon who seethes about furries? isnt this coomer content?

Anonymous No. 909606

it's obviously the coomer retard trying to get a rise out of people but being too much of a pussy to post the stuff he's whining about not being allowed

Anonymous No. 909608

huh? but isnt he posting coomer content right now?

Anonymous No. 909611

That's a bit too biological to be coomer content

Anonymous No. 909612

so i can post full on P(enis) I(n) V(agina) sex if its x-ray?

Anonymous No. 909613

if you think so you can report it and let the mods decide

Anonymous No. 909615

it looks like it could be part of a medical visualisation imo. the rig is actually interesting. also, who cares.

Anonymous No. 909616

im talking about Seething-Anti-Coomer-san, does it pass his test....

Anonymous No. 909617

Yeah nothing about it is even remotely arousing so if it's supposed to be coomer content he's doing a terrible job so far.
Having said that, caring about coombrains shitting up every board they come across is a benefit to everyone but the coomers. If you disagree then you're probably a coomer yourself.

Anonymous No. 909618

yes, that's me

Anonymous No. 909619

You're going to need to start posting with a tripcode. We need to check in with you before we post, lest we incur your wrath.

Anonymous No. 909620

Just use your brain instead of seething about being banned for posting coomer shit.

Anonymous No. 909622

im not the furry gamedev bro... i think you got a problem with furries, not coomers...

Anonymous No. 909627

i don't have a problem with the guy modeling the wolf girl, i have a problem with the retard always requesting porn of people's models

Anonymous No. 909629

How do you know it's porn? It could be purely anatomical nudity -- or even just a simple challenge to the artist.

Anonymous No. 909635

Flawless and logical equivalence. You got me.
I guess when you put it that way we should just ignore that it's a sfw board.

Anonymous No. 909642

Safe for work is a subjective phrase, anyway. You shouldn't be on 4chan at work in the first place. Barring hard-core pornography, I dont think that idea should even apply to an artistic board.
Benign nudity is nothing to clutch pearls over.

Anonymous No. 909645

>moving goalposts

Anonymous No. 909646

its not exactly moving the goalposts when other people have said they dont give a shit or dont think its worthy of getting slammed under the nsfw rule

Anonymous No. 909647

No shortage of people have commented on the coomer shit previously, not just me.
Porn is not safe for work.
Follow the rules or go.

Anonymous No. 909650

and we're back to "what is porn"
i swear people who get this worked up over a nipple really should just apply for janitor, the lack of a wage shouldnt phase them

Anonymous No. 909651

we're not back to what is porn, by their own admission people have already been banned for indulging coomer shit. the rules seem pretty clear for most people as the board is largely clear of overtly pornographic images
would be great if it remained that way

Anonymous No. 909666

oh my god can you two fags shut the fuck up who gives a shit,if its porn it'll get removed. Jesus Christ if it bothers you that bad just hide the post you're both so retarded

Anonymous No. 909669

>argument passed an hour ago
>let me revive it to show how superior i am

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Anonymous No. 909672

Just experimenting with some stuff

Anonymous No. 909680


i like it, it evokes a good combination of eras.

Anonymous No. 909682

jesus man

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Anonymous No. 909687


Anonymous No. 909693

Thank you all for your kind words.
I'm trying to make a new robot now, but I'm stuck at a really dumb design decision.
Basically, I'm trying to make some kind of centipede/worm robot ,with a profile vaguely like pic attached. But I can't for the life of me figure out how it's gonna move.
I feel like lots of tiny centipede bug legs would look stupid and be a bitch to animate.
So I'm combing through pintereset to find an alternative idea.
So far I'm looking at either tracks that go around the body in a corkscrew pattern , and it moves like a worm, or spherical wheels, and it moves normally, like... one of those giant military trucks that caries ICBM's.
It's a really dumb thing to get hung up on, but I feel that if I solve it the rest of the design will fall neatly into place.

Anonymous No. 909694

pic didn't work for some reason, so here's the url

Anonymous No. 909736

knocked it out of the park again

Anonymous No. 909737

artstation, now

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Shin guard.jpg

Anonymous No. 909750

Crossposting from the CAD thread. Does anyone here know what the proper way to create this compound curve surface in solidworks? I don't usually model with surfaces and I'm struggling to think of the right tool. Boundary surface doesn't work or just shits itself and I can't just extrude a curve because of the compound bend.

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Anonymous No. 909755

What exactly would be the point in manual retopology for a prop that would usually not be animated?
Do studios still use manual retopology for this kinda thing?
pic related took about 2 days for manual retopology and just a few seconds with decimation, the decimated version has even lower polycount and probably better accuracy, so the only down side would be maybe UV's are gonna take a bit longer to do but still, 2 days....
looks a bit nicer for a portfolio piece but still I don't know if I'd do it again.

Anonymous No. 909756

We would most likely just decimate this kind of stuff.

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Anonymous No. 909760

well that's good to know, cause I just wanna create some art ang get a bit more into doing textures, but all this time consuming stuff just keeps getting in the way, and also doesn't help how it's been drilled into my head to do topology by hand, I mean I get it for stuff that deforms but then for props it just doesn't make much sense.

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Anonymous No. 909761

back to the rabbit,

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Anonymous No. 909762

I made an orthograph:

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Anonymous No. 909787

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Anonymous No. 909788

Making a model for someone, bootleg nendoroid

Anonymous No. 909791

>Censoring your wireframe
Lol what

Anonymous No. 909796

Ah a true CAD, Cardboard Aided Design chad.
Not sure about the Solidworks workflow. But it should not bee to different from other cad packages where you loft between splines to get your compound bend.

Anonymous No. 909798

anti coomer fag has people paranoid he'll go on another rant

Anonymous No. 909799

you're still seething about being banned? grow up, kid
take the L

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Anonymous No. 909810


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Anonymous No. 909811


Anonymous No. 909812

it looks painted

Anonymous No. 909850

It's called a sense of humor. I thought it would be funny to censor a super deformed body, despite not having genitalia.

Anonymous No. 909873

no, polyshietted

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Anonymous No. 909875

WIP. Still retopo-ing this sucker

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Anonymous No. 909876


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New Project (38).jpg

Anonymous No. 909877


Nice, you actually gave me an idea because of this comment.

Current WIP, testing more stuff. The scene itself doesn't matter as much at this point, I'm just playing with some stylistic ideas.

Anonymous No. 909884

v. nice. those feet are a bit blobby, but i'm sure you're on top of it.

nice. reminds me a bit of the look of the witness

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Anonymous No. 909903

im making a Dragonling

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Anonymous No. 909904


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Anonymous No. 909905


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Anonymous No. 909994

Dig it, reminds me of a dog I was doing earlier.


gg, but I find polymodeling clothes to be the easiest part.

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Anonymous No. 910019

You could create a lightsaber katana, similar to the rapier in the Legendary Star Medal

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Anonymous No. 910026

why is it whenever I sculpt a woman it always ends up like a man?

Anonymous No. 910032

could pass for a girl tb h.
maybe shallower brow.
your jaw line seems to disappear a bit b/w the jowls and chin area.
nice lips.

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Anonymous No. 910036

bruh that would have actually been a good idea in retrospect.
I did add in huepow eventually lol.

Anonymous No. 910037

Thanks man. I ended up just using a two part filled surface which did a nice job. The lofted surface was flipping out when I tried influencing it with splines. It also didn't help that SW was basically shitting itself at this stage because of the man, many surface features.

Anonymous No. 910040

subconscious homosexuality

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Anonymous No. 910046

thx anon. I added bazookas so I don't mistake her for a man.

Anonymous No. 910068

The one you did probably shades better.

Anonymous No. 910082

what's the name of the book there in the pic?

Anonymous No. 910085

mastering portraiture

Anonymous No. 910093

Those are very strange tiddies, anon.
Portrait fine.

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Wisp 2.webm

Anonymous No. 910100

I think it starts to resemble cartoonish fire now. Grey stuff is particles, with right settings maybe i can make it look like stylized smoke. Don't know how to mix transparency in there, but a rotating aiClipGeo blob does the trick.

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Anonymous No. 910101

The Low Poly Vehicles.

Anonymous No. 910102

Fuck off with your coomer shit. Go to /aco/.

Anonymous No. 910103

Imagine being this braindead.

Anonymous No. 910104

>sperg pretends to be me to cause outrage
fuck off, butthurt coomer

Anonymous No. 910106

nice. you may enjoy this if you haven't seen it already:

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Anonymous No. 910111

Eternal wip that I'll never finish.

Anonymous No. 910135

I guess donuts are the only thing you are good at anon?

Anonymous No. 910141

how to tell someone you are mentally retarded without telling them you are mentally retarded

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Anonymous No. 910142

probably, i'll try both just to see how much of a difference there is.

Anonymous No. 910147

Anon I want to be like you without ever going to the industry it is rare to see a hobbyist with the quality of a professional.

Anonymous No. 910148

How do you know he's not one of those other supposed anons you mentioned earlier that agrees with you?

Anonymous No. 910149

>i'm being a retard on purpose
that's how

Anonymous No. 910151

Making a distinction based on that logic doesn't really make sense since the things you say also seem like someone being retarded on purpose.

Anonymous No. 910152

>no u
don't expect another response, kid

Anonymous No. 910162

haha well it's not like I wouldn't wanna be in this industry but it's just not been the case just yet.

Anonymous No. 910164

Would it matter if you have a baked normal map from a HP?

Anonymous No. 910168

Do you do everything in blender?

Anonymous No. 910172

slap Jama's clay shader on that

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Anonymous No. 910177

Tried to add hair using clumped planes and its causing issues with the shadows bleeding into the model.

Anonymous No. 910179

i think it looks kinda cool, you're only going to get a low level of results if you're working on mobile
could try exporting if you wanted to clean it up for a render in anything else

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Anonymous No. 910184

Tried using a madcap instead of using PBR. Managed to get the post process to not flip its shit but I would've liked to using three point lighting.

Anonymous No. 910186

Beautiful bust of the great, manly and brave detective Manny Pardo who's always on the case and definitely NOT the Miami Mutilator why would anyone even suggest such nonsense is beyond me, well done.

Anonymous No. 910209

trying to do a long female groom for the first time and getting filtered so hard right now, bros

Anonymous No. 910210

Then get back to it instead of venting on the 4chins.

Anonymous No. 910212

you're right. maybe i'll go ask all the women in my life for advice haha...

Anonymous No. 910213

You're not the real t, FAKER

Anonymous No. 910227

*I would like to I mean

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Anonymous No. 910282

Sell ur models to Tesla, i bet elon will love ur work.

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Anonymous No. 910288

Making landscapes.
I have no idea what the fuck i'm doing.
Duplicating a load of shit like trees, grass and shrubs. I want this shit optimized.
Don't know where to find good textures, or how anyone goes about making them.

I don't want those tree packs or whatever, i want to make this stuff from scratch, but honestly, I don't know what the fuck i'm doing.

Anonymous No. 910304


Posted it early, since I'll be out tomorrow and don't know when I'll be back.

Anonymous No. 912177

I think I have some dirt in my eye...