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🧵 Stalman animation dancing to GNU music

Anonymous No. 910790

I literally spend an entire fucking day making this from scratch, lmao.

Almost like 14 hours of work.
But is a masterpiece.

>why he flicks his body
raw mocap data, not properly cleaned up.

>why it looks like 240p
No clue why Natron output such shitty resolution when the input sprites are HD.

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Anonymous No. 910807

Anonymous No. 910812

Can someone please explain to me exactly what this mental illness is? What's going on in the brain?



🗑️ Anonymous No. 910894

Now I learned to export in lossless and also composed a GNU song for the video.

It's a masterpiece.
Chuds BTFO.


Anonymous No. 910895

i dont not like it

Anonymous No. 910896

>No clue why Natron output such shitty resolution
because you told it to, tranny

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Anonymous No. 910898

cris BTFO

Anonymous No. 910900

you're not much better

Anonymous No. 910902

pajeet BTFO

Anonymous No. 910912

Schizophrenia combined with low intelligence.

Anonymous No. 910913

Can anyone tell me why cris has not been rangebanned from this board? The faggot has basically singlehandedly ruined /3/. Of all his non-accomplishments, this one is certainly the most impressive.

Anonymous No. 910914

Cris has posted and done more work than this entire board will ever.

Anonymous No. 910915

Anti Cris bros... How can we ever recover from that?

Anonymous No. 910916

I don't mind him at all. You are busy with software war threads all day long while Cris is modelling.

Anonymous No. 910918

t. cris

Anonymous No. 910937

Board too blue for my workposting

Anonymous No. 911038

I haven t touched a 3d software in 2 y and I ve done better than those "models"

Anonymous No. 911057

Cris is improving. Everybody will either be better or worse than you.

Anonymous No. 911104

>haven t touched a 3d software in 2 y and I ve done better
and you've gotten worse

Anonymous No. 911170

You haven't seen him a decade before then lmao

Anonymous No. 911325

do americans really?

Anonymous No. 911327

It’s what they post when they don’t have any arguments.

Anonymous No. 912152

you might as well be posting in hindi while you cope with your fellow pajeets

Anonymous No. 912192

do you really believe anyone disagreeing with you on the internet has dark skin?

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Anonymous No. 912193


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Anonymous No. 912195

nice shitpost

Anonymous No. 912207

Ramesh, when is the new blender tutorial coming out?

Anonymous No. 912208

clay more faggot

Anonymous No. 912209

But I subzcribed to ur ootoob channel. Blender is great sir you need to help us sir. Punjabi hibdi nr 1 superpower?

Anonymous No. 913128

We care about quality not quantity

Anonymous No. 913194

who is "we", faggot?

Anonymous No. 913206

your "quality" is literally just WIP modelling or sculpting.

cris has finished animations and 3D gameplay.

Anonymous No. 913301

Post cropped pics
3DGuy blows him out of the water in that regard.

Anonymous No. 915196


Anonymous No. 917071

no way bro

Anonymous No. 917138

Stop necrobumping these shitty threads with your worthless replies, you massive fucking faggot