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🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 915718

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- 3DGuy´s low effort edition-

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>912860

List of free resources:
/3/ Discord for those interested:

Anonymous No. 915721

what is the point of this "hobbit looking hole"? Shouldn't you work on your texturing skill more before trying to attempt a piece like this or at least, keep this kind of "result" to yourself?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 915724

You niggers say shit like this and people wonder why no one wants to come here.

Anonymous No. 915728

no one wants to come here because
1) you use racial and sexual slurs and putdowns
2) this place is known for being on the extreme far right
3) this place is known for doxxing people

Anonymous No. 915729

This entire website does those first 2 things, and /ic/ does that last one, but people still go there.

Anonymous No. 915730

people go to /ic/ because it is more popular in general. Most people there are absolutely terrible

Anonymous No. 915731

Muh racial and sexual slurs... go to reddit, u wont have any type of criticism or even a feeling that u talk with someone alive.. literal NPC conversations.

Anonymous No. 915732

I am a person of color who faces racism every day, who speaks 4 languages, knows 10+ programming languages, and has multiple people in my family who are non binary / LGBTQ. I dont have time this level of intolerance. You are the reason no one wants to post here. You would be cancelled absolutely everywhere else.

Anonymous No. 915733

Good for you, now post a WIP or go moral be a moralist prude somewhere else

Anonymous No. 915734

I dont post work on this hellhole, I only critique which is why I critiqued the OP for wasting time on that abomination of a forced meme

Anonymous No. 915735

/ic/ also has a shit ton of resources. The piracy general here is dead.

Anonymous No. 915737

you dont get good resources here from "piracy general". Literally the only good, relevant resources you can get are official recorded streams directly from SideFX, hosted on youtube

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Anonymous No. 915738

Posting a wip seems like a daunting task considering the direction this thread has gone. I may as well post my shitty deer-dragon thing in hopes it will encourage others to post their models instead of turning this into a drama thread.

Anonymous No. 915739

This post reads like a copy pasta, but I can't find it being used anywhere else. I plan to use it for my fun posting, though.

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Anonymous No. 915740

Here is my attempt at making this building in blender

Anonymous No. 915741

>I plan to use it for my fun posting, though.
Why "make fun" of someone else's struggle with being discriminated against on a daily basis and simultaneously whine about why "no one posts here"? You do know that hate and racism / sexism / bigotry have no place here, on blue boards, yes?

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addag of deh gond....png

Anonymous No. 915742

Okay, I think I'm happy with my Gondola rig. Some extreme poses deform in less than ideal ways, particularly around the knee cap, but I think it's fine for what I plan to use it for. I don't plan to ever do any extreme close ups, so I think I'm satisfied with this. Time to finish the scene tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 915744

>Everyone who disagrees with me is the same guy!!!

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Anonymous No. 915746

Easy night at work. Working on this. It's gonna look good.

Anonymous No. 915748

Stop avoiding and answer the question

Anonymous No. 915749

>Everyone who disagrees with me is the same guy!!!

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Anonymous No. 915751

I wanted to make an environment that was closer to the ps2 aesthetic. I don't know if I got it right, but I liked the result.

Anonymous No. 915752

that is nice

Anonymous No. 915754

very nice! It's relaxing to look at and I think you really nailed it. 9.25/10. A few tips if you want to further sell the aesthetic.
>Use vertex lighting
>Remember that ps2 textures almost exclusively had at most 256 colors per texture
>Render at a lower resolution
>Use a 4:3 aspect ratio. I know some games like Ace Combat 5 had 16:9 support, but this was unusual.

Anonymous No. 915755

Close enough for me to like it anon

Anonymous No. 915757

Looks good. Try some baked lighting.

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Anonymous No. 915758

I should be better by now, 3 fucking months

Anonymous No. 915759

dude relax, you're doing fine. Just struggle with it. That's what so much of learning is.

Anonymous No. 915760

thank you all for the feedback. I'll take a look at this vertex lighting and baked textures. I appreciate the advice. I like to rendering them in 16:9 because I use it as wallpaper sometimes.

Anonymous No. 915762

This is bait.

Anonymous No. 915763

This is neat. Actually thought it is from a game.

Anonymous No. 915765

m8 calm the fuck down and get over yourself, nobody wants to see your emo bullshit everywhere.
I think you've done a perfect job. Looks completely authentic.

Anonymous No. 915766

>nobody told me I have to put in at least 10k hours of mindful practice to gitgud at something wahhhhh.

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Anonymous No. 915767

No its not ok, I want to get pic related

Anonymous No. 915768

Do the arms how you did the legs

Don't stress about your topology, you can always fix that later, it's not a big deal for low poly. Just make points and edges and drag them where you need them. Clean up when the silhouette is solid and before rigging or UVs

Anonymous No. 915776

No, I can't. I am useless and talentless. I am inferior.
This is one of the tutorials I've been studying for 3 fucking months now

Anonymous No. 915790

Yeah just give up and shut the fuck up, never come back on this board again. Ngmi

Anonymous No. 915792

Ill kill myself this week by disemboweling myself, already going to quit my job for it.

Anonymous No. 915794

Will you stream it? I want to watch for proof that you'll never be posting again.

Anonymous No. 915816

Blender.Today Live is ready to stream.

Anonymous No. 915875

suck it up and keep plowing trough the valley of suck until it clicks for you.
Stop following the same tutorial for 3 fucking months, study as many character tutorials as you can, but you need to be focused and not distracted, or else your never going to make it.

Anonymous No. 915915

very nice. Are you the anon that did the nighttime bridge scene as well?

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Anonymous No. 915919

grooming and hair dynamics. would love feedback on the hair's clumping, frizzyness, etc.
skin looks bad and I'm not entirely sure why. it needs more imperfections for sure, but beyond that i don't know. break up the roughness? more bump?

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Anonymous No. 915922

Looks like you know what you're doing. Work on it some more, I think you have a strong model. I'll be doing more topology tonight.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 915925

Studying some new polygroup techniques from Youtube videos, great for crispy plated looks.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 915931

trying mesh adding, some exhaust elbow thing

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 915933

>texture painting
it´s like 1999 all over again :3

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Anonymous No. 915934

what do you think of this pose?

Anonymous No. 915958

>5 nights at freddy´s/10

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Anonymous No. 915959

Started this guy recently, I was going for stylized hand painted textures meant for unlit shaders, next is his sword and then I have to rig him now which is a pain. does anyone have any good tuts for that in maya or blender?

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Anonymous No. 915960

here's his head

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Anonymous No. 915961

Still in the process of retopo-ing the rest of his armor. Anyone got tips on weight-painting chest armor like he has without major clipping?

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Anonymous No. 915962

Looks solid man! Love the edge-master/demon warrior look and the painting is fantastic.

His arm tattoos

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Anonymous No. 915966

Damn that dumptruck ass. Nice low res textures tho!

Got most of the structure finished.
Legs also got most of the secondary details. The arms still some work tho.
And a tertiary detail pass for then entire model. Then to shading / texturing.
But i somewhat failed this 30/70 rule of mech design to keep 70% simple and only cover 30% in crazy detail. But i think the main point of this is to not have uniform detail to avoid visual noise.

>t. scifi smut writer

Anonymous No. 915967

I really love this.

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Anonymous No. 915968

Progress has been a bit slow due to a lack of free time. But i am still making progress faster than expected. Mainly because i just use placeholder materials.
And put 0 thought into colors and such. Just modeling.

Anonymous No. 915981

looks cool, you should post a higher res screenshot, for the chest piece you might want to just add a separate bone that controls the chest armor

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 915996

Beautiful squid is beautiful

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Anonymous No. 916001

Thanks. Moving to smaller detailing now/ introducing asymmetry. I'm planing to do some heavy weathering on this one to make it look like well-worn industrial equipment. The place holder materials are all just to pristine.

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Anonymous No. 916048

Work in progress

Anonymous No. 916049

You know, if you went metal imperfections you could knock that up a few levels. Same thing I need, also.

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warriorbot final2 .webm

Anonymous No. 916069

Love the winch, i can't wait for more details.
Anyway i think i'm done with this little guy. Time to either learn how to put it in unity or just make something else.

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Anonymous No. 916072


Anonymous No. 916075

you baked too "deep" in comparision to your actual geometry, you'd need to have a least one level of bevel on the edges of your low-poly object.

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Anonymous No. 916077

i made one level and it still looks questionable

Anonymous No. 916094

uncheck average normals.

Anonymous No. 916101

I did a scene like that a few months ago. It was a bridge in a snowy environment at night, with a building in the background that had a clock on the roof.

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Anonymous No. 916107

Wow, those thrusts, love em. Might get "inspired" by them.
And more detail is on the way.

Today i manage to defeat one of my archnemesis, the hand. Got a bit carried away so now it got 6 digits.

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Anonymous No. 916111

the for ever problem of hard edge vs average normals
the reason you got those lines is simple, since your central point is under the gemetry you bake it twice, think on it, if you look from top you see the bevel, if you look from side you see the belevel and if you look from front you see the bevel, you bake it 3x
scale up high or scale down low till the edge is pefectly in center of the bevel, but tahts a 2005 tier workflow
bevel edges and weight normals, is what people do those days

Anonymous No. 916112

also for begginer just dont use hard edges, use auto smoothing at 180 degree angle
weighting edges and spliting vertexes is high level play

Anonymous No. 916114

i rike this model, looks bretty cool

Anonymous No. 916116

man I wish I could exercise version control as well as you

Anonymous No. 916119

>version control
When ever i feel like i made significant progress is do a quick and dirty render.

But on larger projects its more useful to save in stages. Blockout, Detail pass, and so on.
Having backups is very handy if some changes turn out to be garbage just appending an older version is a quick way to continue.

Saw these progress shots on artstation and i wanted to replicate that.

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Anonymous No. 916143

I was gonna ask how you accomplished this, but I think the simple secret to that is just to compress your textures to shit. Fantastic work son

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 916150

New universal girl: polygroups-lives-matter edition

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Anonymous No. 916152


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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 916154

Density and remesh - VERY delicate step

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 916159

More than ten attempts to reach this result.
I was almost switching back to my old model.

Anonymous No. 916160

ZRemesher can be very frustrating at times

Anonymous No. 916161

I'll save you a step! Those white boxes to censor can be omitted. I am not an animal. A vertex is will not make me lash out in a tempest.
I wish I had ZBrush. Blender feels laggy on high poly counts. I feel like I'm stuck in a rut here. Hopefully tofday I can get moving forward.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 916171

UV Master. Unwrapping was one shot, rarely bugs out (but it happens)

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 916179

apparently, there are no problems.
usually all my models result in a 45K poly shadow of their former selves, this one´s 65K and have most of the original topology intact, plus muscular and other anatomy grouped into preserved polymeshes.

Anonymous No. 916191

Your UV map being one giant contiguous island like that is bad for both warping and resolution, because you can't pack it efficiently into a 0..1 square without compromising one. I know you do your own painted diffuse only thing so it probably doesn't matter, but if you find yourself encountering issues with the aforementioned problems, split the UVs up into multiple UV tiles (UDIMs) for a better pack without as much warping.

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Anonymous No. 916208

I make a house

Anonymous No. 916211

Ah skechup, fond memories of doing stuff without knowing anything.

But The thing that jumps out immediately: Roofs overextend past the wall so rain does not flow form the roof down the wall cording / staining the wall.

Anonymous No. 916216

do not try to reason with the mentally insane

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Anonymous No. 916239

finished his textures pretty much

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Anonymous No. 916240


Anonymous No. 916254

You are replying to a pedophile, and people with such disturbed minds tend to be incapable of logical thought.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 916257

No need. Maybe a extra one for the head, but areas like nails/fingers/lips/ears have been inflated by the UV - also, the map is painted on Zbrush directly, not in a paint program, which would demand that the model conformed to a planar square map.
bodypaint stage 1

Anonymous No. 916263


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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 916264

skinpaint stage2

Anonymous No. 916272

Bros... No one told me that modelling airplanes and helicopters was going to be so difficult... Why do fighter jets have to have such complex shapes?

Anonymous No. 916282

Have you no taste? Moooo. Moooo.

Anonymous No. 916283


lel, getting time-splitters vibes here m8

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 916297

made me google, is beautiful
>playstation exclusive
The hair. Standard pigtails for her.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 916319

Adding a bikini, so now i don´t need to censor anything.

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Anonymous No. 916325

First try at face sculpt with zrbush. Going for tf2 type style head.

Anonymous No. 916327

>person of color has multiple non binary / LGBTQ family members.
that's fucked up.. i hope you will do better in next life, my negroid friend

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Anonymous No. 916348

No! I REFUSE to get filtered by airplanes and helicopters. Here's my lowpoly F-16. It won't subdivide well, but I think so far this is my best aircraft. I don't think there are any ngons, but (obviously) there are a few tris.

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Anonymous No. 916386

is this supposed to be his belly button?

Anonymous No. 916387

C-zero-zero-l. Good work. I was blown away to be sitting it a cockpit of the F-18 via Oculus 2 in Digital Combat Simulator. Old enough to remember the first MS Flight Simulator. Also remember trying CG art on those old computers. Well, here we are, 2022. O. M. G. Gag me with a spoon.

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Anonymous No. 916390

>>916114 thanks, just wait for me to mess it up with bad texturing.

Secondary detail is done. Sure there is always more gizmos to add, but i'll call it done, except the upper arms. They still need some more shaping.
But after this its time for texturing.

Anonymous No. 916393

Forgot to mention the scale / need some feed back on it. The human is 1.83m (6'0") and the mech, not counting the antenna 2.6m (6'9").
Should i scale down or keep the size? Eye Height roughly matches with the squid.

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Anonymous No. 916394

Not sure if this counts but I built this on top of a model already made from Runescape. It's an old project that I abandoned some time ago.

Anonymous No. 916395

2.06m, i'm retarded, well the freedom units are still correct.

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Anonymous No. 916407

This "collapsed wave function" thing is all the craze so here's my take. There are interior rooms and hallways. So lots of wall peices and intersection tiles are redundant, but still only the appropriate kind of walls and floors connect to each other.
There's no intelligence about like placing hallways or conditions for rooms at all. It just begins with a first randomly selected tile and then works from there.

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Anonymous No. 916408

not much to look at. I wanted some assets that looked interesting but didnt spend as much time as id need to on them.

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Anonymous No. 916411


Anonymous No. 916419

Cool shit. What's this for?

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 916428

Making the bikini tight around the fat.
That´s a morph i haven´t done before.

Anonymous No. 916433

Thanks anon. Yeah, at-home flight sims have come so far in the modern day. It's very cool.
If I want to get better, should I try to model the F-16 again, or move on to another plane and then revisit the F-16 afterwards with newly acquired skills?

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Anonymous No. 916458

Keep going Anon it took me 2 years to properly model aircrafts in Blender

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Anonymous No. 916474

Anonymous No. 916476

good thing to see your quality stayed the same in last 5 years

Anonymous No. 916482


Anonymous No. 916488

Its real good. I wouldn't bother posting here. Its all republicans with rotten brains that secretly jerk off to fury and trap porn on /b/

Anonymous No. 916496

fuck off cris
you used to have the decency to stay out of WIP and question threads, but you've single-handedly killed this board

Anonymous No. 916508

Love it :)

Anonymous No. 916522

cant wait for the nude render

Anonymous No. 916552


Anonymous No. 916553

We don't talk about RapeApe here on 4channel.

Anonymous No. 916555

looks both good and bad. Paw/fingers are kina weird, biceps look a bit too blocky and big, and the nasal bridge & muzzle could use some work

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Anonymous No. 916558

Background for the Jackalope.

a white man No. 916571

I've been a lazy fuck throughout this project but I have all my models created and all I need to do is rig shit up and make the trailer then release

Anonymous No. 916583

3 is no longer a factor since there's rules against this, and 2 is limited to far right rhetorics to where most were contained to /b/ and /pol/. The only truth in this post is #1 as Tranny Nigger and Faggot are commonplace.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 916611


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Anonymous No. 916643

Might retopo soon

Anonymous No. 916650

Why would you want niggers, spics, kikes, gooks, chinks, poos, sandniggers, faggots, troons, and jannies here though?

Anonymous No. 916655

You need to be over 18 to post here, noone's impressed by all the new swear words you learned during recess.

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Anonymous No. 916664

Anonymous No. 916665

I see improovement from last one, personally I belive the face propotions could be more appealing. but overall good work, keep going!

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Anonymous No. 916668

hey guys this is my NFT wallpaper, please do not mint on the blockchain, i WILL SUE

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Anonymous No. 916670

okay guys i made another one, PLEASE DO NOT MINT THIS !!!!

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Anonymous No. 916674

Another gunt .... PLEASE DO NOT FUCKING MINT !!!

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Anonymous No. 916678

candy gunt ...

Anonymous No. 916679

sexy ass mf

Anonymous No. 916680

You will be seeing my lawyers soon...

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Anonymous No. 916681

The sculpt

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Anonymous No. 916682

pickachu nft please DO NOT FUCKING MINT THIS !!!!!!!!!! i will get my dad.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 916684

Morph targets for facials

Anonymous No. 916693

Thanks for the encouragement anon. I'm going to resume the grind tomorrow. Probably an A-4E or MiG-29

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Anonymous No. 916694

Took a 4 month break from learning max. Trying to rebuild my skills.

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Roundtable dof.webm

Anonymous No. 916734

Might as well use it to learn other things, mash particles and xgen grass. Grass that is going bonkers, i need to bake in the wind somehow. It has 0-1 xyz direction, can't rotate it with the rest of the scene
This thing is making me hungry

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Anonymous No. 916745

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Anonymous No. 916746

Anonymous No. 916747

Super cute. Those long strands in the back are stylized hair or like a leaf/flowe?

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Anonymous No. 916754

The pain of stylized hair

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Anonymous No. 916755


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Anonymous No. 916756

how it looks in designer vs unreal
how the hell do I fix this? is unreal using an entirely different color space or something?

Anonymous No. 916771

people don't show nearly that much of their teeth when they talk
though I guess if you fixed that you wouldn't be able to pretend you're just being ironically bad anymore

Anonymous No. 916772

I am 31 ;)

Anonymous No. 916773

What do the shader nodes look like? it looks like your bricks are metallic in the first picture, so it could be an issue with your scene instead of the material.

Anonymous No. 916783

It's kinda sad you act like that on the internet despite being 31 years old.

Anonymous No. 916785

WIP please

Anonymous No. 916788

>What do the shader nodes look like
as basic a setup as it gets + POM
>it looks like your bricks are metallic in the first picture
um, not really no
>so it could be an issue with your scene instead of the material
like what?

Anonymous No. 916789

>Ran into a single problem
>Couldn't find a way to solve it
>Haven't open Blender in about 2 months

Why am I like this bros and how do I stop being like it? It wasn't even something I was having difficulty modeling, the model was done, it was importing a texture to it which is even more pathetic.

Anonymous No. 916797

a dungeon crawler game

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ghetto sneed small.gif

Anonymous No. 916809

Sneed mograph ( text will be changed for the final thing )

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Anonymous No. 916814

S2g aspie you're everywhere.

Think about the delts, connection is off. A little lumpy in the hair but you're on the right track anon, solid face but seems more like OW Mercy instead of Jinx. But why paint before you connect the meshes?

Anonymous No. 916824

Love you sneed bro
Keep up the good work

Anonymous No. 916845


Anonymous No. 916854

>solid face but seems more like OW Mercy instead of Jinx
ill take that, thanks

>But why paint before you connect the meshes?
its really just to see the volumes better, going to merge & repaint after the final pass

Anonymous No. 916891

Cute wip, anon

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Anonymous No. 916917

Mushy I've been working on.

Anonymous No. 916952

send nodes?

Anonymous No. 916956

he looks like a fun guy

Anonymous No. 916978

I love his cheeky grin

Anonymous No. 916998

Too much noise.

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Anonymous No. 917010

Continuing to study anime figures, this time trying to make a cute girl

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Anonymous No. 917020

jiggle physics

Anonymous No. 917031


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Anonymous No. 917077

I plan on taking this through to a full textured and rigged model. I don't know the best way to do anime hair and am using half shape flat curves that I will convert later, hopefully without problems uv editing.
i also have the alive animation course and hope that is goes into good topology and the like.

Anonymous No. 917080

>being this new

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Anonymous No. 917083

Ninjato I did for a project I started and should've finished 2 years ago

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Anonymous No. 917129

Am I wasting my time?

Anonymous No. 917139

Are you having fun?

Anonymous No. 917142

Yeah, fair

Is it cute at least?

Anonymous No. 917144

It really is (not in a pedo way)

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Anonymous No. 917153

What's the best way to turn a crudely drawn fantasy map like pic related (this is just some random image from google) into a 3d sculpt?

My first idea was just subdividing a huge square and sculpting it to match the coasts, valleys and mountains, while leaving another huge square just there to represent the sea, all of this while tracing the original image. it's doesnt feel very practical.

Maybe adding single vertices along the coast and then turning them into a huge face and subdividing it?

Anonymous No. 917155

Haha used to do the same thing till I could see beyond the textures to just the mesh. Best of luck anon.

I would just color in the land and find a way to map it to height that way. Seems like the least work.

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Anonymous No. 917156

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Anonymous No. 917157

Anonymous No. 917158

this is why i don't go into poolrooms

Anonymous No. 917175

Please go back to cartoon ducks.

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Anonymous No. 917274

I'm trying to make a model for a vtuber friend, I made a sculpt as a proof of concept but I'm worried it will look uncanny as fuck and his audience won't like it.
He wants it with a guilty gear type of shader. Yup.

Anonymous No. 917280

It looks alright. When in doubt try to give your model an expressive face and a quick pose, it will immediately look better.

Anonymous No. 917281

Maybe not uncanny, but the facial expression doesn't look like I can empathize with him. You may just have to ask your friend and his audience how they feel about it, and ask them to be honest so that you can actually improve it if they think there's a problem.

Anonymous No. 917282

It's really hard to gauge other peoples fetishes.

Anonymous No. 917289

Right now the character looks extremely stiff- In its proportions and style- I think the gut/abdomen is too large (takes up too much focus- also reminds me of an out of shape karate instructor or something)-- The arms and hands look solid- But the legs feel so restrained- so plain. I know you can do something with them, whether that be with the pants themselves- the amount of loose fabric- taking some of it away- making the legs longer- I know you have to work in the framework of a Vr avatar rig or whatever, but there is lots you could work into the form going forward.

I think the Feet should be way larger- Like 2x as big (!) Frog feet are huge. Okay so my lasting thought would be: Shrink the torso, shrink the head- Elongate the legs, double the feet. The arms just need to link back to the shoulders and then your proportions could be looking great and I bet it will look great

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Anonymous No. 917290

i'l Post 2 crazy 3d frogs of mine

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Anonymous No. 917291

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 917304


Anonymous No. 917313

honestly sick, love how much you pushed it

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Anonymous No. 917325

really need to learn how to use sculpt

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Anonymous No. 917327

This is where I start tonight. Will share with the class when I retire for the night.

Anonymous No. 917330

>caesarian scar topology
now that is attention to detail

Anonymous No. 917332

nips really like that kind of topology

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Anonymous No. 917333

I made a shenron ages back and that really gave me a sense of false skill because all it was was just curves and arrays. I'm trying to get some modeling going on without going into sculpting right away. Too scared of being shit so I keep starting over because I don't wanna be Cris. I think the legs and arms turned out okay enough though but not sure how to tackle the head which was my issue with Shenron as well.

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Anonymous No. 917334

Fixed the contour on the front half of the lower hull. Will have to delete the vertices on the back, cut it off at the edge loop and go again but alas it is late, busy day tomorrow. I'll get there, feel like the form is almost wrapped up. Then shaders, decals, details, we know the drill. A good week has gone into this, but you can't have a Starfleet comic without a ship. That's why this is important. Giving this model some love. Okay, see you all back on Twit and Red Blender threads, right, whatever. We can't make it there. Besides, the volume on those threads is high but you hardly ever see anything real. Nothing jumps out at you. Fuck off.

Anonymous No. 917337

very nice bro

Anonymous No. 917341

I might try that the next time I show a prototype to a client, I'm always anxious with showing unfinished stuff

Thanks man, really good feedback. I'll do some of those tweaks and get started retopologizing
I think there's a way to rig it with bent legs as default, that would make it froggier.

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Anonymous No. 917359


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banel lines :DD :....png

Anonymous No. 917362

New approach. I think this is a massive improvement so far. I think individual panels make a massive difference.

Anonymous No. 917364

I want to buy stickers of these.

Anonymous No. 917366


Anonymous No. 917367

circle jerk in progress

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Anonymous No. 917372

goodness gracious

Anonymous No. 917373

I was dropped on my head as a kid.

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Anonymous No. 917413

I'm trying to replicate this
but i think there's more to it than just particles with some turbulence converted to poly. Might be fluid converted to nparticles then to poly.

Anonymous No. 917415

You just need two wires.

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Anonymous No. 917416


Anonymous No. 917417

not often enough

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Anonymous No. 917434

I realized I suck at drawing so I’m trying to get into 3D. Here’s my first donut, I’ll add some sprinkles when I learn how to not have to do them individually.

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Anonymous No. 917435

Haven't done anything in about 6 weeks so I thought I should get back in the saddle. I'm trying to do something for Halloween.
Not happy with the cloth, I might try a different one. It looks like a shiny carpet. Not sure if it needs more subdivisions or if I just need to take the displacement down and increase the roughness. I think a "bump" in it would make it seem more realistic.
I really wish I had done the measurements to scale in the first place too because I'm having to eyeball everything.
Can anyone give me some advice on the candy corn btw? We don't get it across here so I'm not sure how it should really look as far as the colour and subsurface scattering go.
There's other things to add, that's why there's all that wasted space on the left.
I think it's coming along okay though. But I always think that then someone with a much better eye points out all of the glaring errors I've made.

Anonymous No. 917440

i want to see it in motion

Anonymous No. 917442

Unless the cloth is wet it should have 1 roughness.

Anonymous No. 917443

rule #1 - dont steal IP and put it in your render. Make everything unique.

Anonymous No. 917444

I'll do that. It has a roughness map with it but all my roughness maps seem to be like that (too shiny). You seem to get better results by doing your own.

What do you mean? The only thing I stole instead of making is the red cloth texture. I suppose you could say the pattern on the back of the cards and the ouija board design too, but that would be a stretch. The card pattern is just a generic pattern and the ouija board is a classic design that there's no point in recreating when it already exists.
Unless you mean make a totally unique design, but for what I'm doing this for it wouldn't be worth the effort. And it's always hard as fuck for me to do anything other than fonts because I'm using a kb+m.

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female head.jpg

Anonymous No. 917446

Any recommended zbrush head sculpting tutorials? Free or paid.

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Anonymous No. 917447

First time I'm sculpting this much cloth.

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Anonymous No. 917448

Helping a friend with his man cave design.

This is before...

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Anonymous No. 917449

This is what I sketched

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Anonymous No. 917450

this is what we settled on.

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Anonymous No. 917451


Anonymous No. 917452

Different medium, same information.

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Anonymous No. 917469


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Anonymous No. 917479

I thought about doing a real complex retopo but I think I'll just do a lazy symmetrical mesh and bake.

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Anonymous No. 917482

downloaded the Adobe Substance 3D Modeler beta
my only real sculpting experience before this was Dreams on the PS4 which is very easy to use, and this seems to follow a lot of the same design ideas, such as not getting too bogged down by technical things as you might in Blender
anyone else tried it? just shat out pic related, absolute beginner just playing around on my own at the moment, haven't watched the tutorials yet but seems promising

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Anonymous No. 917487

Slow board tonight. Let's try a relation to this picture.

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Anonymous No. 917504

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Anonymous No. 917543

Here's my alien dude.
Is the only way to get better to keep making character models over and over? because I restarted this guy like 4 times.

Anonymous No. 917546

>Is the only way to get better to keep making character models over and over?
Basically, yes. This video describes a good technique:

Anonymous No. 917548

>Is the only way to get better to keep making character models over and over
This applies to every single thing in life, anon.

Anonymous No. 917550

>Is the only way to get better to keep making character models over and over?
It's a way that works, but there are less effort-demanding ways of improving. Everyone has the ability to tell whether or not an artistic depiction of a person looks wrong, but a well-trained artist also has the ability to know what looks right. Part of being an artist is about training that natural intuition to be stronger.
Tank autists (people who play tank games and obsess over tanks, me being one of them) spend a lot of time looking at tanks, and so they develop a better intuitive sense for what a tank should look like than your average person would. They develop this sense without ever designing a tank, and in my experience, this same thing applies to the human body. Sometimes it helps to look at your subject until you understand it intuitively.

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Anonymous No. 917583

Has anyone ever used Nomad? I was messing around with it when I realized there’s a huge chunk of the glaze inside the donut which I’d like to delete but don’t know how. I tried to Voxel Merge, it works but that also fucks up both the model and the paint.

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Anonymous No. 917584

Been using shape blocking for anatomy Practice, how did I do so far?

Anonymous No. 917600

I'd upload it but I'm afraid of someone taking it, even if it's ass. Let me see if I can make a semi-decent webm

Anonymous No. 917605

Looking good, nice planes.

Nomad is best for making really basic sketches, if I felt like I was having to debug something in it I'd move to another program or start the model over.

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Anonymous No. 917620

Work: I talked about revealing the shoulders with a mature adult woman friend and showed her this, she said that I should go ahead with it. I trust her, she has good judgement. So if I were to continue the dress mesh must be accurate. I could definitely position it enough for one angle camera shot but this is 3D- it's in the contract that we do 3D. It would be more valuable if we could turn table it. Alright: the easiest method would be to sculpt it.

Anonymous No. 917647

That is one broken shoulder. Is that what happens when you mode in T-Pose?

Anonymous No. 917657

It's what happens when someone is a delusional and self-important faggot who doesn't know anything about character modeling because he plays around with DAZ models that look like little girls, but thinks he has the authority to talk shit.

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Anonymous No. 917658


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Anonymous No. 917660

I posted a jackhammer in one of these threads many moons ago, and now it is done.

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Anonymous No. 917661

Got it. Thanks.

Horrible. Judgement lacking WIP. F minus.

It's.. beautiful. The pull string gear should extrude out a bit. Looks like the starter coil is competing for space inside. Texturing is spot on.

Anonymous No. 917681

This looks really cool anon

Anonymous No. 917685

>I know a lot of rude shit gets said here, but insulting a talentless nonce? Bro that's too far.

And that project you're working on definitely deserves an F minus.

Anonymous No. 917693

>Is the only way to get better to keep making character models over and over? because I restarted this guy like 4 times.
learn to make humans before aliens

Anonymous No. 917704

fuck off faggot jew or i'll post your home adress

Anonymous No. 917709

You learn anatomy through guided repetition though.

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Anonymous No. 917734

Working on the hair a little, now to the clothes

Anonymous No. 917737

thank you anons, <333 may your projects come to fruition

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Anonymous No. 917741

Update on my anatomy piece

Anonymous No. 917761

Here's a list of every wrong muscle insertions: all of them

You even have him an extra pair of abs, and inverted his feet lol

learn some anatomy pls

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Anonymous No. 917769

Anonymous No. 917772

Shit, looks like we're going to have to pay the light bill and keep this place lit for a minute or two.

Anonymous No. 917782

Only the abs and feet are wrong everything else is shape locked into place. Easy fix just to make on toe bigger than the other and smooth out the muscles.

Anonymous No. 917796

Nice man. Looks awesome

Anonymous No. 917889

You came here to laugh at us?

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Anonymous No. 918026

made a skull and worked on the shoulders/back.

Anonymous No. 918036

No he needs to learn how to draw.

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Anonymous No. 918086

I'll try making a product presentation reel, like in those stupid commercials. Object blowing up, showing all the neat parts, depth of field, slow motion closeups.

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Anonymous No. 918110

I'm feeling kinda bummed and cant really get to practice
Do you guys have any motivation tips on how to keep making art in this AI clown world

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Anonymous No. 918111


Anonymous No. 918116

Your first models will be shit and take longer to make. Nobody gets into 3D and makes anything decent for a good while. Keep modeling and you'll see each model is a improvement from the last.

Anonymous No. 918118

Remember Satan?

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Anonymous No. 918143

This is a base character for a game that I've been working on for a while, this is like the 6th iteration of the character, but iterations 1-4 were scrapped entirely, mainly because I'm constantly learning new things, the character is stylized so things like the eyes and hands are disproportionately large.
The character has a lot of features, there's body morphs for customizations and plans for head morphs too, as well as a rig to generate facial animations, and it has a full IK/FK rig, and they are fully modelled, and there's a male counterpart, but they are being modified thanks to changes made to the female body.
I think the censor effect is nice, it was fun figuring out how to make it, definitely can't wait for Viewport compositor in Blender.

Anonymous No. 918144

>censor effect is nice
Why not just add it in photoshop? Takes under a minute.

Anonymous No. 918145

Firstly because I thought it would be fun to figure out how to do it and secondly it's more efficient to generate it at any angle or if I wanted to render an animation and it's pixel perfect every time, you can see the outline of her nipples, male is funnier because you can see the outline of his dong.

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Anonymous No. 918146

Old version of my work.

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Anonymous No. 918156

Neat, but the wird knees gotta go, man

Anonymous No. 918158

what about him?
and how do i get rid of it
(am jewish so i dont think jesus 'ell help)

Anonymous No. 918159

looks like the nuclear apocalypse outside. What's going on, man?

Anonymous No. 918172

I like it but the forearm insertions are weird and the silhouette of the thighs/knee area can use some work. Also I don't know if you're putting this character in shoes or not but you should fix the rest position of the toes so that they sit together/overlapping, and adjust their scales so they look right in that pose.

Anonymous No. 918174

Ah, these must be Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannons.

Anonymous No. 918192

Legit nice and unique.

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Anonymous No. 918193

Found a nice design and decided to turn it into 3d

Anonymous No. 918195


Anonymous No. 918204

get off my sfw blue board, coomer

Anonymous No. 918207

I censored it, and it's not even for a coomer game, it's for an adventure game, I just personally have a distaste for soldered on underwear in video games, and the character being fully modeled is because the game has mod support, I've even considered just sealing off that part, the labia minora and anal cavity are on separate textures, I can just remove them completely if I wanted to.

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Anonymous No. 918208


Anonymous No. 918222

bring the forehead forward so it makes her brow look less prominent and trannyish. women have vertical forehead's that are rounder.

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Anonymous No. 918237

cool worm

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Anonymous No. 918257

worked on the thighs and knees and blocked out the feet/hands a little more.
Do most people sculpt the hands separately and glue them on or just do them in place?

Anonymous No. 918286

Personally I start the hands separately starting from a little below the wrist and remesh them together after i have some detail.

Anonymous No. 918287

it’s not cute (at all). it reads as an ugly baby. make the eyes bigger or something

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Anonymous No. 918290

Anonymous No. 918291


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Anonymous No. 918292

google ecorches and look at anatomy models on sketchfab, most of this is wrong as >>917761 said
smooth the bony areas, she’s a healthy weight but the bones stick out like someone underweight
use a basemesh for the hands desu it saves a lot of time. 99% of hands look similar, i don’t know anyone who makes them from scratch
stop poly modeling. start drawing irl and sculpting
nice! proportions seem a little off but textures are great
very nice don’t add any more details, the conservation of detail is perfect as it is. as for its height it depends on the context of the character. is it intelligent? does it think it’s superior to humans? is it a brainless squid?
you have a unique style that isn’t present in anthro art. smoothing the details of the face wil make her more attractive though. it’s a bit too anatomical to be sexable
bulbous cheeks look retarded and red tones too strong on skin but otherwise great
legendary gunt…..
no idea what gender it’s supposed to be
this shit is the best ITT but no one will say so b cause it’s furry. >>916746 is genuinely incredible
change your shader to skinshade1 haha, looking good though
baste star trek fan, im not sure if you’re recreating an early trek look but add some areas of smaller detail if you’re going for a modernised early look
this seems like you’re too cautious. be brave. make hundreds of shit models until you get a good one
read art books. draw until you can ‘feel the form’. it directly translates to sculpting ability

pic is a random asset from a game im helping with

Anonymous No. 918294

looks like hitman

Anonymous No. 918298

was looking at this again, smooth the nasolabial folds and other harsh details of the face and let the texture do the talking

Anonymous No. 918299

>modeling genetials for a real game
absolutely based

Anonymous No. 918302

>You learn anatomy through guided repetition though.
doing the wrong thing over and over wont make it right, alien features are exaggrated features of the human body which is what you're going for, if you're just learning anatomy u should learn the correct one first

Anonymous No. 918303

oh no no no no

Anonymous No. 918309


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Anonymous No. 918327

i came here to treat you to some chardines

Anonymous No. 918361

Question is >>918143 considered good and employment worthy, because I can make this shit with a hand tied behind my back.

Anonymous No. 918365

Depends on whether you want to be employed for over or under $1000 a month.

Anonymous No. 918368

are you indian?

Anonymous No. 918370

It's multiple grades below employment worthy, you should consider showing your own work to ask whether you are ready for employment or not.
Just based off of that picture alone I can say with great confidence that the person who created that gets paid by the hour.

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Anonymous No. 918379

>you should consider showing your own work to ask whether you are ready for employment or not.

Unfinished/Half Abandoned sculpt, made with a mouse. No tablet, have it retopologised somewhere but don't remember where.

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Anonymous No. 918380


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Anonymous No. 918381

Can't post stuff that I intend to finish but I mostly do hard surface and can do soft/sculpts.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 918382


Anonymous No. 918383

>not retopologized
>not textured
>not rigged
You're miles off, and your work quality isn't even good, what the fuck is with the fingers rest position, did you just sculpt over someone elses work? lazy/10, work harder, get more skills and practice significantly more and maybe you will get somewhere, why did you detail the character with veins when the underlying detail isn't even complete, it's really mush too like you sculpted the whole thing at the highest level of detail or something.

Anonymous No. 918384

>did you just sculpt over someone elses work?
The hands/fingers are mine. I have 1 pair of hands for male sculpts and 1 pair for women.

>not retopologized
>not textured
>not rigged

Irrelevant things, have it retopologised somewhere, no rig since this was a mousesculpt test. I don't really do organic shit.

>practice significantly more and maybe you will get somewhere
Show your work, boy.

Anonymous No. 918386

>Can't post stuff that I intend to finish
You will only get a job if you can actually finish your work, saying you will do it someday is not good enough.
>Irrelevant things, have it retopologised somewhere
Yes of course it is.
>Show your work, boy.
We are talking about your work, you want a job, you just failed the interview.

Anonymous No. 918391

Yes, I'll surely get a job on fucking 4chan.

>Yes of course it is.
I can retopo dude, it's the most basic shit. I'm paranoid that the way I do things might dox me. Wouldn't be a problem but don't want to be associated with 4chan more than the minimum possible.

>We are talking about your work, you want a job, you just failed the interview.
Of course, because I'll obviously go to an interview with a gray sculpt, lulz.

What I'm sensing here is that you're a noob that can't spot things, actual people with 10+ years in the industry can tell me if I'm on the right path or not, you're not one of those people, salty beg.

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Anonymous No. 918392

Does anyone have any learning resources I can use to make better buildings? I have gotten my modeling skills to the point where I can make these pretty easily, but they just seem boring to me and I don't know what's wrong with them.

Anonymous No. 918394

>Yes, I'll surely get a job on fucking 4chan.
Hypothetical, you think anyone looking to hire you will accept any of this shit? so why act like that's the case>
>I can retopo dude, it's the most basic shit. I'm paranoid that the way I do things might dox me. Wouldn't be a problem but don't want to be associated with 4chan more than the minimum possible.
>Of course, because I'll obviously go to an interview with a gray sculpt, lulz.
Excuses don't get you a job, practice and improvement does.
Absolutely fucking retarded, you will remain a little bitch until you learn the most basic things. I'm done talking to a person who's only pro is in procrastination.

Anonymous No. 918395

You need to work on a lower subdivision level and concentrate on your primary forms so they don't come out mushy, wait at least two years before adding veins again.
And check out Raf Grassetti's tutorial, it will help you.

Anonymous No. 918397

Love it. Are you making a Half-Life mod or something?

Anonymous No. 918398


About 10% of what's in this thread is comparable to my sculpt, the rest are Chris tier.

>you will remain a little bitch until you learn the most basic things

What basic things?. A baked texture from this high-ish poly and a shader node?. My boy, the easy thing is the shading/texturing/retopo/random rig (debatable, I'm not implying I'm a rigger).

To be fair, I dont know how to do UDIMed unwraps, I can unwrap but can't master it Punjab pajeet style.

>I'm done talking

Good. Shut up.

Anonymous No. 918399

>wait at least two years before adding veins again.

Some info on this? I've had vains that were mushy IRL and I've seen vains with insane separation from the muscle, like vines on a wall. The veins were smoothed because those are the only vains I know.

Anonymous No. 918405

>leading with excuses
Not ready for employment.

>that thigh anatomy
Definitely not ready.

Anonymous No. 918406

>that thigh anatomy
I agree, its unfinished, literally a placeholder and the region where I didn't give too much thought. Even the vains were an afterthought.

>leading with excuses
I need input from people that know their shit, so I can improve, not some retard implying that I'm Chris tier. I'm clearly somewhere between a noob and a god, someone that knows where I'm at should tell me.

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Anonymous No. 918412

Going to make a Dwarf, because I hate the way that Dwarf Fortress looks now, going to try Blenders new sculpt painting tools too, sounds fun, maybe finish rigging it tomorrow.

Lots of easy mistakes here, I think your arms are too short and your legs too long, you've put way too much into the muscles at the back/sides of the neck, the collar bone goes way too high or maybe starts way too low or a combination of both, you tend to carve in the areas around muscles more than pushing the muscles to jut out, I also think that you need to redo the stomach muscles
Here's a sculpt I was doing for a dwarf body, notice the silhouette at the edge of the pecs on the left, you probably want a shape more like that for your pecs, that said there are loads of errors in my work, some intentional but also lots of unintentional ones I can see myself, so don't just follow that. Always use reference, and remember to look at your character from many angles constantly, even when sculpting a single a single thing, you are working in 3d.
Consider splitting your work into separate pieces and focusing those down.
Don't be afraid to destroy a part of your work and start again.

Anonymous No. 918427

>more excuses
You only want attention.

Anonymous No. 918442

He didn't make this, its a showcase from a blender tutorial channel, baka.

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Anonymous No. 918445

Little enemy for a game I'm working on. Still need to figure out the texturing though, I suck at that. Is 12k faces too much for a little gremlin like this? There are going to potentially be lots of them on the screen at once, not sure what a good target polycount is.

Anonymous No. 918457

i have a somewhat decent render i want to get torn apart by /3/, its too big for the board though so how can i get is on without breaking anon? kinda the main allure of 4chan ngl.

Anonymous No. 918458

by somewhat decent I meant absolutely horrible, but good by my standards.

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Anonymous No. 918467

It's a nice start, but you will get almost nowhere with poly modeling. Its very outdated, limiting and dull, unless its a blockout or a cookie cutter medieval building. Check out Ali Eser and Quentin Mabille, they have videos and assets you can download and play with. Try to copy something simple from them to get a grip on a new tool.

Im working on a KILL HER JERRY lady btw

Anonymous No. 918469

>1) you use racial and sexual slurs and putdowns

Anonymous No. 918473

Actually the building on the left is pretty cool, has a distinct shape to it. Only issues I personally got with it (and keep in mind this is just personal preference) is:
1) simply not enough details, personally I'd put some more extrusions on those windows for example and put a base underneath, some stairs too perhaps, maybe some foliage crawling up the walls
2) materials/textures are too basic, too clean; I'd personally put some damage here and there especially around the edges, maybe some exposed bricks, some cracks.
But your building is a really good starting point, definitely lots of potential.
Look a lot at buildings you like and possibly that have a similar aesthetic: by the looks of it, sumerian, moroccan and aztec architecture might be good candidates

Anonymous No. 918475

you mean the jinx sculpt?

Anonymous No. 918477

not the same guy, but couldn't find them on yt?

Anonymous No. 918479

Go to their artstation, there are links to gumroad, you can buy or download from torrents.

Here's a demo from youtube:

Anonymous No. 918488

a C&C Zero Hour Shockwave fanpatch

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Anonymous No. 918535

Im really tired but happy with the result. Will finish it later.

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Anonymous No. 918580

I wanted to do the outline with a shader but the one I usually use doesn't pick up the details I want to show, like the collar of the kimono
I might have to use an inverted hull, I'll have to dissolve some edge loops to stay under 70k poly so I can tell my dude that it's VR Chat friendly

Anonymous No. 918594

I strongly approve of the goose.

Anonymous No. 918687




Anonymous No. 919701

>knows 10+ programming languages
lmao holy shit u are retarded