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🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 918686

/wip/ - Works in Progress

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>915718

List of free resources:
/3/ Discord for those interested:

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Anonymous No. 918699


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Anonymous No. 918700

Zombie from Mixamo. Hero's courtesy of DAZ from SLC. Decided not to reveal shoulders. Got a short gig to do now but will be back in 6 hours to water the yard and work on this. Going to work on Zombie arms and plasma gas tonight.

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Anonymous No. 918714

Anatomy sculpt so far, been using sketchfab models for a guide. How did I so far?

Anonymous No. 918722

were you the guy with the inverted feet?
compared to what you last posted it is much improved, still looks like subpar amateur shit but you're on the right track

Anonymous No. 918726

Yeah the same guy, using a sketchfab anatomy refrences but I'm still having issues wrapping my head around the leg muscles and proportions.

Anonymous No. 918727

start with learning the skeleton
then learn all the muscle insertions and muscle shapes

anatomy is about anatomy, not proportions
if you know anatomy you can build an aesthetically pleasing model using any proportions you want

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Anonymous No. 918747

I had to do this for an assignment but i am thinking of making them nicer

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Anonymous No. 918752

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 918755

Anonymous No. 918764

Got nowhere on plasma.

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Anonymous No. 918765

working on a scratch world. first time really making one.

Anonymous No. 918770

Learn to draw. Don’t thank me. Just fucking do it.

Anonymous No. 918771

That looks really comfy. I want to sit in those bean bags upstairs with a good book.

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Anonymous No. 918778

This guy >>918771 is right. By learning to draw I personally mean make really quick sketches to focus on important stuff (under 10m), stop making up things you never see in real life and work big shapes to small. You can learn to draw in zbrush but its harder than 2d.

From what you have I'd say adding ligaments and bones would be really nice step up. You're missing both those things. Show the difference between hard bone and a soft tissue, even if it's a muscle.

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Anonymous No. 918780

Here's the idea. I've drawn tendons muscles differently. They should be very very distinct from each other on model muscular as this.

Anonymous No. 918791

I'll give drawing a go again. I'm starting my first year at university tomorrow so I'm going to join a few fine art classes.

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Anonymous No. 918804

I made a good Christian girl.

Anonymous No. 918807

She's so young but already has worn edges

Anonymous No. 918808

worn edges?

Anonymous No. 918809

Texturing looks like it's using curvature map to lighten sharp corners, also generally known as "worn edges"

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Anonymous No. 918813


Anonymous No. 918820

Eyelids are totally wrong and the hair on the scalp looks wacky. Also fix the material, she's too shiny.

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Anonymous No. 918831

Rough preview. Couple closeups, a shot of air flowing through the fan, a pricetag in some modern font and that should be it.

Anonymous No. 918832


Anonymous No. 918837

Maya arnold

Anonymous No. 918838

Brehs, you are the only people who seem to do shit in this board. /agdg/ fag reporting in. I have a question.

Is it easy to reuse and change the proportions of body members and "glue" them together that are already retopologized (I know high poly meshes can be glued easily with the Zbrush dynamesh option (for example)).

Let's say I make an enemy character, retopologise and all. And then I want to make another buff version of this enemy so taller and with more muscles. Do you think I can sculpt the head (that's gonne be unique) and just take the body (part by part or not depending if it fits or not) and just glue that shit together?
Will the vertices of the retopologised character be enough to make drastic changes in the proportions?

I'm trying to cut work on making a set numbers of human characters as much as I can.
Made a few character in Zbrush already but never retopologisez any to be animation friendly and ngl I'm scared of the process since everyone and their mother seem to hate it.

Anonymous No. 918852

it can work, but you'll have to make a few attempts before you figure it out. i'm doing a similar thing.

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Anonymous No. 918853

WIP train

Anonymous No. 918854

Please continue fucking love trains

Anonymous No. 918864

holy SOUL

Anonymous No. 918865

bloom is a little too hard core, try spreading it across a wider area

Anonymous No. 918866

yes just make sure they all share a skeleton and that the normals of boundary loops are consistent

Anonymous No. 918878

She is just wet.
Knowing this board, she is probably sitting on a giant demon dick (or worse).
The whole "good Christian girl" theme and the pose is sus.

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micphone 4.png

Anonymous No. 918881

im pretty new to blender and this is the first thing i finished.
starting out small because i started a huge project and never finished it and quit on the retop

Anonymous No. 918883

would benefit from better shading. if you want easy, pre-made materials your can slap on greyscalegorilla's tech something materials. it will have most of this stuff. you'll have to plug the maps in manually tho, cuz they build them for c4d.

as the other guy said, bloom's a bit much.
the framing (starts off too left-framed) + animation (motion too linear ) is a little weird as well if you're going for a flashy advertising style presentation. imo ofc.

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Anonymous No. 918892

Like what based on your experience?
Like the only thing I can think of for the moment (and before even trying) is to make sure that the "connecting" vertices of each part are layed out coherently so we don't disturb the edgle flow of the each parts.
> the normals of boundary loops are consistent
What? I honestly didn't get your answer. Also why would they need to share the same skeleton?
Well I was going to ask this in the future but yeah I'd also like to know if there's an easy way to transfer skeletons (and controls) trough characters that have different proportions. Or am I better off using the Maya quick rigging tool or write my own automatic rigging script?

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Anonymous No. 918893

I would never allow demons to touch my girls. She's sitting on a pillow. I cropped out her lower body because I've had trouble rigging the pelvis and knees properly, and I seem utterly incapable of making decent looking hands. Apparently her eyelids are screwed up too, but I don't really see how. Her lower lid might go too low, but I thought it looked cute.

Anonymous No. 918899

i hope thats a young adult

Anonymous No. 918907

Use smooth shading and a denoiser.

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Anonymous No. 918933

Their materials look amazing i may just acquire some. I'll plug in some roughness/color maps off the net for now. On the other hand look at the nvidia shit in the newest thread:
It looks rather flat and unsofisticated, except for extreme closeups, to my noob eye at least.

Anonymous No. 918934

you can have a mesh be made out of separate parts, but its important to keep the vertex normals at the joints consistent, otherwise you'll end up with obvious shading seams where the two meshes meet up
by sharing a skeleton, i mean make sure their skeletons are the same (same transforms, same names in the same order, etc.)
in unreal, retargeting animations is easy -- so if that's your engine of choice, you actually only need to preserve bone order and naming, transforms can be changed however you like
im not too sure about unity

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the chair nerd No. 918939

Just made a cast rose gold ring with a blue topaz for my mum's jewelry. The gold casting looks dull cuz the gold hasn't been polished I'll post the finished product once they polish it and mount the stone. ngkgn

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the chair nerd No. 918940

Here's the cast piece.

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mic test 4.png

Anonymous No. 918971

damn doing that made it look more wicked thanks.

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Anonymous No. 919052

Finally managed to get something "done" again...

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Anonymous No. 919063

Took me long enough, but after doing way too much UV unwrapping, because smart UVs suck ass, i got some textures on most of Mech Suit. The Squid needs a rework and some textures and maybe some decals. At leas the whole thing no longer looks factory new.
Some critique, sticker / patch suggestions
To make it look more space pirate themed.

Anonymous No. 919064

That is fucking awesome, squidbro. Nothing to add, really.

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Anonymous No. 919065

Looks nice. Keep going!

Honestly i don't like the design very much, but i like everything else.

Anonymous No. 919066

I wish you made cloth with marvelous or kitbashed something. Everything else looks great but cloth just doesnt look real.

Anonymous No. 919067

Thanks a lot man. Shame that no one ever talks about all the shortcuts you can take and tips on how to take them when making games and 3d models

Anonymous No. 919068

Its just a shitty viewport render.
I may sawp out the cloth texture.
But im not sure if a different cloth sim would iprove much, at least for me as going much higher in poly count to get some better folds or something will probably lagg my glorified spaceheater to shit.

Anonymous No. 919072

Nothing to do with viewport or polycount, it's the geometry. I know its hard to see sometimes and it takes time. It will come with more refs, just look at some spacesuits and fabric space stuff sometimes.

the chair nerd No. 919076

It's OK not my design its a rip off of a ring designed by Boucheron for a client.

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Anonymous No. 919112

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Anonymous No. 919178

fire extinguisher texture.
Any substanceCHADs could give me critique?
Is there any resources to making better textures?

Anonymous No. 919231

Omi!!!! :DDDD

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Anonymous No. 919280

Ever spend three days pushing sliders left and right and not really get anywhere? Also you were right, it going from left to right was retarded, this should be better.

Anonymous No. 919286

love the expression

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Anonymous No. 919289

Do this, then render, come back to show results, or il smack u.

Anonymous No. 919298

Plastic and hose are too clean, nozzle texturing is a bit off somehow. The main canister and handle look good, nice wear on the label as well.

But anon, how would one remove the nozzle from the plastic? Is the clip part on the backside?

Anonymous No. 919300

lol, I realized that while I was texturing and made like a plastic loop that indicates some kind of opening with height layer.
It was a big mistake.

Anonymous No. 919302

Haha well we live and we learn, I think the issue with the nozzle is probable texture size, probably needs more edge wear too. Good stuff though bud.

Anonymous No. 919306

Thnx mann

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Anonymous No. 919308


Anonymous No. 919310

where his penis

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Anonymous No. 919314

recent work i did inspired from the Sehnsucht thread on /wg/. kinda sucks that i cant really put psx stuff in my portfolio but making comfy-looking renders is pretty fun. gonna pick up unreal next and finally delve into making environments for games
damn i really have to practice adding more details and generally just pick up hard surface modelling. got any tips on how to add detail?

Anonymous No. 919318

>nvidia shit
the interior shots aren't great, but clients get what they want and if mirror reflections are the order of the day then you serve em up.

use an airange node to make those imperfections very very subtle, especially for close ups. clients asking for product vis want an idealised version of their product, definitely no smudges or scratches.

focus instead on normal detail resulting from machining or powder coating and the light set up/reflections.

also maybe look at the roundcorners node or better bevels on some of your parts.

definitely better. watch out for light flicker/pings from small parts though.

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Anonymous No. 919323

I'm revisioning a male basemesh of mine because I wasn't happy with the hands + arms.
Here's the hands in particular.
I'm pretty happy how it looks, but before retopoing I'd like to ask if you see anything weird with it that's immidiately noticeable? Second opinions and all

Anonymous No. 919334

Does anyone here use Physics Dropper? It's really handy, but I have this weird problem where after I drop something and apply it, the timeline keeps zooming on by and I have to manually stop it.
I don't know if I'm just a retard who can't use it properly, if it's something that supposed to happen for reasons I can't understand or if it's some kind of bug.
Can anyone give me a QRD on this if they do use it?

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Barrel (1) (2) (3).jpg

Anonymous No. 919337

Simple Barrel

Anonymous No. 919354

Lol what emotion is he expressing?

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Crystal (1).webm

Anonymous No. 919357

my first houdini project :)

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Anonymous No. 919359


Anonymous No. 919360

Pretty fucking cool. Up the samples or whatever houdini has and upload somewhere!

Anonymous No. 919367

Scratch that, I've already begun retopoing

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Anonymous No. 919410

this is the second project im working on. is this to much lines for a barrel and a iron sight?

Anonymous No. 919412

Yeh it is

Anonymous No. 919415

It's so pretty... I love it just the way it is

Anonymous No. 919417

Yeah there seems to be more edge loops than necessary. Ideally, in my personal experience, you want to put extra edges only when there's a change in the shape of the object, in that case you DO need that extra geo, but otherwise, let's say you've got a quintillion loops only for one single flat surface, personally it seems like a waste of polys. Now it's not all gloom and doom as extra polys usually result in prettier shading, but me I never notice that much of a difference. Also! The extra edges/faces will give your object better shading only if they also have nice topology, and in that regard your object is a bit messy with the topology in the front of the gun, or, if not messy, uneven

But shit son that looks like a cool ass gun. I suggest to finish it first and worry about topology cleanup later

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Anonymous No. 919426

yeah everything is mostly done. dunno how to use UV's yet. crease edges are a nice thing i just found out.

Anonymous No. 919428

much nicer, good work

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Anonymous No. 919436

Made some changes, body proportions are changed with morphs, still haven't figured out a system for morphing the face.
What's a good workflow for making clothes, I have a workflow, but I don't think it's very efficient.

Anonymous No. 919451

I want to have SEX with that topology, great work son

Would you fuck her? Hell I'd fuck her. Fuck her right in the pussy
Serious talk, great model anon

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Anonymous No. 919461

You could just use booleans. Takes 3 minutes to do something like this. Subd-workflow with creases and quads takes all day.

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Anonymous No. 919465

this was supposed to be in unreal but since it was first time trying modular assets, i kinda stayed within blender, still trying to do lookdev since the reference doesn't give any certain style. i wonder if blender has decals like unreal since i was planning on using that to add cracks and shit to the buildings.

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Anonymous No. 919467

le reference is blame! inspired, is there any free addons to make giant ass pipes? would really speed up everything since i take forever to set up catenarys and make pipes

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Anonymous No. 919473

plz fix the 6poles and the ngons

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Anonymous No. 919489

and its soulless, is it the roof tile textures? something seems very off, is it the composition?

Anonymous No. 919491

I think they're too big, like too wide. Just going off the scale of the door. You do get big wide sort of fabricated roofs like that, but they're usually on huge buildings.
Like think if you were lying on a tiled roof. You could easily fit between those tiles, but regular house tiles are like 10"x6".

Anonymous No. 919492

anything else I can fix?

Anonymous No. 919493

I'm not sure desu. I'm not really good enough to tell people how to improve things only things that really stand out to me as being off. Sorry senpai.

Anonymous No. 919502

I have a few ideas, some of it may be subjective so really just do whatever you feel makes the most sense.
The biggest problem I see is the flat angles, especially on the undersides of the buildings. The silhouette of the image is very stiff, in the source image the undersides of the buildings don't line up, and the pipes under them give the silhouette a very organic tapering. The arches supporting the buildings also have a taper and are slightly curved.
It's also very sparse, the source is dense and crowded, the buildings sorta hang over each other. You could try adding more buildings or bunching them together and moving the camera closer.
Your pipes are zig-zagging too tidily, in the source image the pipes are tied to the structure at specific points, some are higher or lower and they're not evenly spaced. Some of the pipes sag more, especially the bigger ones, that gives them more weight.

Anonymous No. 919503

barrel edge loop should be 16 (or 8) verts instead of 12 so the whole thing is symmetrical on the X axis

Anonymous No. 919505

how you do that kind of work with minimum edge loops like that, i dont really understand booleans that much but ill look more into it and yes this took me 3 days to figure out and i still got a lot of problems.
idk how to fix or know about 6poles yet ill look into that later on. ngons seem to always creates another one somewhere else on the mesh and its really annoying chasing it.
yeah i removed the middle edxg8rxnge loop while cleaning it up earlier today. ill prob work on it tomorrow.

thanks for feedback guys ill look this up and try to apply it on another project.

Anonymous No. 919509

theres no point in doing this on flat geometry

doing it with booleans usually means you spend the same amount fixing the topology as you would subdivision modeling
booleans pretty much only work when youre exclusively doing it for a render and dont have to care about topo

Anonymous No. 919510

brainless coomer, get off my blue board

Anonymous No. 919525

For pipes you can extrude along a path/curve. I don't want to discourage you but maybe try something easier. You have like 5% of the geometry needed, on top of it Nihei's style leaves much to imagination. Couple of shadows here and there looks great in a manga but if you're not a creative person you're going to be sitting there trying to think of decent looking greebles for days, like me.

Anonymous No. 919529

I'm not even making this for sex though.

Anonymous No. 919530

No anon you don't understand, She's naked! Such a sinful thing you have created...

Anonymous No. 919533

She's for a game where you can freely change outfits, but you can dress down to nothing instead of underwear.

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Anonymous No. 919558

Yeah i am purposefully tackling difficult projects because my renders up till now have very simple geometry. My degree finishes next year and i putting all my efforts into getting a job as a environment artist or something along those lines

Anonymous No. 919587

>and its soulless, is it the roof tile textures? something seems very off, is it the composition?
yes, yes and yes, but why do you ask?
It's painfully obvious...
If you fail to adapt a loose sketch like that of Nihei into an finished piece than I have some bad news for you.....
If you want a job as environment artist then you have to be able stick to reference as close as possible and fill in the blanks - you're showing a significant lack of ability to do either.
I don't want to demotivate you, but the expected skill level for an junior is much higher.
You better be able to turn a sketch like that into a nice image in under 72 hours next year or you will have to consider crunching and training art for another year after getting your degree. The degree is irrelevant, your skill is everything.
It seems like you're lacking fundamentals, which is the worst kind of skill deficit, it puts you in the lowest tier of potential employees.
Don't bite more than you can chew, go back to the basics.

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Anonymous No. 919597

Very nice render and fracture.

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Anonymous No. 919601

yea, I decided to drop the project.
>It seems like you're lacking fundamentals, which is the worst kind of skill deficit, it puts you in the lowest tier of potential employees.
what can i do to grasp fundies better?
>Don't bite more than you can chew, go back to the basics.
i thought i could try this out and really elevate my portfolio but it ended up just being a big waste of time but found a cool way to make clouds

Anonymous No. 919602

>really elevate my portfolio
Not that anon, but speaking from experience, stop thinking about retarded meme shit like portfolios. Do things because you enjoy making them, because you enjoy the process of thinking about it, of making it better. It may sound like a faggot cliché, but I think in art, which 3D is, the path is more important than the destination.
Great portfolios are a marginal side result of people loving what they do, not any other way.

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Anonymous No. 919603

idk anon, i really love ian hubert's way of doing things but it definitely won't fit in a industry pipeline. i personally like making comfy ass photographs and psx shit but i want to be a environment artist and time is ticking away and i want to make the most of it.

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Anonymous No. 919605

Then make environment art. In your own pace. Again, whoever first came up with idea that creative work should/could be divorced from enjoyment should have been shot in the back of his faggot head. Creativity is not a race, it is opposite of it. Ignoring that is how you will end up at some corporate draining fagjob, burning out after four years and hating any creative venture for the rest of your life. I am speaking from experience here.

Also your stuff looks better without the grain imo.

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Anonymous No. 919607

are you currently doing freelance? is work regular? is the demand for freelance artist greater than the amount of freelance artists?
>Also your stuff looks better without the grain imo.
really? i always thought it looked more comfy with the noise

Anonymous No. 919609

>Also your stuff looks better without the grain imo.
le noise one

Anonymous No. 919615

>really? i always thought it looked more comfy with the noise
Looks far better without the noise.

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Anonymous No. 919616

>really? i always thought it looked more comfy with the noise
I've added just a little bit of color in Photoshop and bit of smoke. Less than 2 minutes work. I have probably completely mangled your original idea, but I like it better this way. Then again, I may be a tasteless pleb.

Anonymous No. 919617

Is that render yours, anon? If so, then it is really neat. I really like it. Only little thing is to randomize the grass a bit more.

Anonymous No. 919618

>what can i do to grasp fundies better?
Don't ask me, I did it the long and hard way...I started to draw with 6 and to photograph with 10 and did that for years, by the time I was 16 I just knew everything through experimentation. That is surely the slowest method, but it goes quite deep.
For a start you could just watch tutorials from the internet or download proper art books about it. Pick a topic and engulf yourself in it for a couple days, follow your passion like the other anon said, you surely learn faster this way - then apply the new information in small and concentrated little exercises.
Here is 17 minutes of fundamentals in regards to composition.

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Anonymous No. 919620

What's up with that mark on the pages? It's like it hasn't rendered out properly or something. I'm just curious about how it's happened more than anything else. You can't see it in the OP but I think that's just because it's a noisier pic.

Anonymous No. 919622

I guess it is other anon's denoiser screwing up.

Anonymous No. 919623

Completely forgot about the smoke, now i am kinda dumbfounded i always assumed adding noise made my renders more comfy because the comfy thread on /wg/ is where all wallpapers come from and place where i found out about sehnsucht and the wabi sabi concept. I guess i will try eliminate the amount of noise in my future renders.
Thanks anon, will definitely tweak it since there are a bit too many flowers.
Damn kinda wish i started a bit more early in my journey. Thanks for the video tho
Photoshop's denoiser or content aware algorithm messing up i suppose. I used to clean/redraw for a scanlation group and these sort of glitches ocassionly popped up.

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Anonymous No. 919629

A few more hours

Anonymous No. 919630

I think >>919602 is right.

It's easy to become an environment artist and fit some industry standards if you have an access to entry level job and can grow there naturally. If not, the only way is force yourself to follow "modular environment in ue4" kind of tutorials. But it is really, really hard if you don't already in love with it.

So the main goal should be finding what is easy and fun for you. Then find people who already went down that road and see where they started, where they are now, how long it took them and how far are you, personally. Use them as a compass. Take a closer look at pro artstation portfolios, realize that even most motivated artists spent 5-7 years to be where they are. Its gonna be hundreds and hundreds of hours. You should be ready to spend as much. Only way you gonna do so is if you really like it.

Comfy ass photograps, if you can improve on each one, bring them to photorealism eventually and can convey mood with a great vividness, are a great skill to have and a very scalable thing. Don't dismiss it like it's worth less than environment art. Just take time to bring it to commercial level.

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Anonymous No. 919646

R8 pls.

Anonymous No. 919656

gr8. How many tris?

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Anonymous No. 919675

Retopologized with unfinished rigging

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Anonymous No. 919705

I can't to fuck this up tomorrow when I try to give her hair.

I guess she needs shoes, too, even though I'd like to lick her feet. Oh well, at least her armpits are still accessible.

Anonymous No. 919706

That's great.

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Anonymous No. 919712

Finished the modelling. Time to finish up the UVs.

Anonymous No. 919726

Pretty impressive.

Anonymous No. 919729

damn that looks sick anon. cant wait to see the final product

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Anonymous No. 919731

>>919656 >>919706

>How many tris?
Pic. But I didnt try to lower polycount.

Anonymous No. 919734

>Then find people who already went down that road and see where they started, where they are now, how long it took them and how far are you, personally.
damn how do i find people like that?

Anonymous No. 919737

>yea, I decided to drop the project.
don't do this.
people like to pretend like skill progression is some smooth upwards slope and you just need to find the magical next thing that levels you up while not feeling overwhelming.
it doesn't work that way a lot of the time.
you hit a wall and you just have to work out how to climb over it. it fucking sucks, but those are the projects you usually learn the most from early on.

Anonymous No. 919738

>you hit a wall and you just have to work out how to climb over it
And even before that dopamine high from overcoming that obstacle even dies away fully, there is even bigger wall. There is always another wall to scale, people should not live without it. Embrace the suck, it will reward you greatly long-term.

Anonymous No. 919739

Many of top tier guys on artstation have very old works posted, dating a decade back. Take your time and dig through. Go through pinterest for pics. It`s actually a part of a job. You'll get familiar with meta and it will help with self-identity a lot.

Anonymous No. 919740

i'd say it gets less overwhelming over time.
there's always blockers, but seniority is just about having seen most of those blockers in the past and knowing ways around them.

Anonymous No. 919750

nude render WHEN

Anonymous No. 919755

thank you anons, I will give it a shot again, i have other ideas to fall back to and even if i drop this project. i will definitely come back to this because i really fucking love blame! and nihei's works
thanks anon, i will check it out

Anonymous No. 919758

I like trains

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Anonymous No. 919765

Just finished, guys.

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Anonymous No. 919767


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Anonymous No. 919782


Anonymous No. 919783

If i want to make something transparent but with painted overlays. How do I go about making it? Does substance painter have an option like that ?

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Anonymous No. 919809

Just got into 3d modeling
>inb4 smooth
>Inb4 symmetry
>inb4 shit
I probably won't much with it now aside from making poses. Using gravity sketch because I got a VR for free
Anyone familiar with gravity sketch?

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spaghetti nodes.png

Anonymous No. 919819

feels good

Anonymous No. 919823

It has alpha test, yes.

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Anonymous No. 919826

>Time to finish up the UVs.

Good Luck

Anonymous No. 919838


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Anonymous No. 919857

worked on it a bit more, le thoughts?

Anonymous No. 919860

Why not just write Python script instead? A mess like that is practically unreadable.

Anonymous No. 919883

Much better. You could try adding some volumes as well.

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Anonymous No. 919888

Got a section decently textured. Maybe I cot a bit carried away with the weathering though... oh well.

Anonymous No. 919889

Due to my lighting setup of hdri and a sun lamp makes the volume looks like absolute shit. Anywhere else i can improve upon?

Anonymous No. 919890

It should be fine if you keep it really subtle and give it a noise texture so it's not even everywhere. Maybe even restrict it to the lower third of your composition or make it look like it's coming from those vents.
I think what you also need is a mist pass to better separate your different layers.

Anonymous No. 919892

Pretty sweet, better than anything i could make. Although wouldn't a loco like that have it's body plates welded, instead of rivets?

Anonymous No. 919895

This actually is a prototype GG-1. It was riveted instead of welded like later ones. It was kinda what drew me to make a model of it.

the chair nerd No. 919904

This is perfect. Carry on ! Fuck do I love trains. Beautiful.

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Anonymous No. 919906


Anonymous No. 919911

>I think what you also need is a mist pass to better separate your different layers.
wait so i am kinda confused, is the mist pass a different way to add fog/volume?

Anonymous No. 919912

Yes, the mist pass is just a depth pass that you can use in compositing, it doesn't calculate any lighting or anything, it just colors pixels based on their distance from the camera.

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Anonymous No. 919916

Almost there, maybe 2-3 more hours for polish and final checks.

Look at the ref — all the buildings are different. Some are merged, some patched, look at the variety of windows, they spread very uneven. Pipes are cut with progressive decrease in length, some detailed and some are flat. This is the most important things for design and composition. If you make everything even and repetative it kills the vibe.

Try start with matching the diversity of the sihlouettes(roof and pipes) and countersforms (windows in this case).

And one of the Nihei's features is a lot of small details. Those details add a sense of scale and grandiosity to his drawings. And of course use clouds and atmospheric perspective.

Anonymous No. 919917

Sorry prevoius post was meant for this guy

Nice. Wish crab had fallen from something catchy like evil black goo or ugly parasite.

Anonymous No. 919919

>This is the most important things for design and composition. If you make everything even and repetative it kills the vibe.
>>Try start with matching the diversity of the sihlouettes(roof and pipes) and countersforms (windows in this case).
do you have any resources I can read or watch to better understand design and composition? this project was supposed to switch to unreal and use modular assets. hence the buildings look very repetitive

Anonymous No. 919920

Not really, not sure there's one good source. Maybe Jama's "Narrative concept art" could be a good start. Generally it's called "dynamic compositon".

Anonymous No. 919921

I've made a scene with lots of shit on it, but didn't do things to scale to start with so now everything is fucked up and I'm doing it by eye.
Is there an easy way to have everything at one scale or will I have to do them individually? Like for example

>Have X modeled at 3m when it should be 2cm irl
>Change it to 2cm
>Now have Y that is 1m but should be 5cm irl
>And Z is 10m but should be 3cm irl

Is there some kind of wizardry where I can just scale X to the correct size and have the others sort of magic themselves to a similar sort of irl scale by using X as some kind of source?
It's pathetic I don't know things like this considering how long I've been doing it.

Anonymous No. 919924

Ok i found a few good links to begin with

Anonymous No. 919984

God damn it

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Anonymous No. 919993

Denoiser sucks in motion, or i'm doing something wrong. Don't get those fireflies with it disabled. But then the image is, well, noisy and it already takes 15 minutes to render a frame.

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Anonymous No. 919999

Naked Snake bust, sculpted on zbrush. Available for sale, btw.

Anonymous No. 920000


Anonymous No. 920010

1. too dark
2. use redshift and save yourself a few hours of render time

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Anonymous No. 920014

Completed a revamp of my old male basemesh.
Body alone (including the head) is 7400+ faces total

Anonymous No. 920018


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Anonymous No. 920041

Upper hull finished for the most part. Gonna need to fix the normals on the window later because I got lazy when modelling.

the chair nerd No. 920043

Top work dude. Nice shit. Yeah that window looks odd but overall 10/10.

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Anonymous No. 920045

Working on a vintage camera and lenses for it to use as doll accessories for 3D printing.

Anonymous No. 920048

Nice to see good stuff across the entire thread again, it has been a while.

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Anonymous No. 920053

The leaks are a bit to much, I would show them in less areas, overall great work.

Making progress too, still enough to do but I feel like I am on a good track

Anonymous No. 920054

Looks great, you're using megascans for the rocks or?

Anonymous No. 920059

jeah, only minimum self modelled, my main goal with this is to learn all the new UE5 features

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Anonymous No. 920066

Damn. For comparison, just converted shaders to redshift and placed the same HDRI. Same-ish quaity sample wise i guess. 2:45min a frame, with cleaner depth of field vs 15 minutes.

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Anonymous No. 920078

I'm learnding.

idk. I'm absolute beg tier.

Anonymous No. 920080

Looks clean, better than my first model. A lot of the areas are just solid color, you could safe tons of UV Space here. Every Color could be just 1 Pixel on the grid where you map all related UV shells too. Go ahead and make a hole series of these LP characters with only 1 Texture, that would be cool

Anonymous No. 920083

still too dark.
a bit chunk of your image is just solid black.
the darker your scene the longer it takes to clean up noise as well.

>cleaner depth of field
arnold DOF is very slow.
consider doing it in comp with zdepth if you want to continue using arnold.
if you're rendering on cpu for arnold and can use plugins / you're using a farm, see if they have this:

better DOF + faster DOF. maybe the best in-camera DOF for any renderer.

Anonymous No. 920087

Always use some good picture as a reference, compared them side by side, use photoshop if you need to and check levels, histogram etc.

For reflective objects you want some light and environment around it so it can bounce from the surface, you can try using an HDRI. Otherwise if there's a black voide around it, this will happen, the surfaces will just be pure black.

Also check out pbr charts and make sure you have a correct albedo value for everything.

Anonymous No. 920088

As an absolute beg, i have to deciefer what you mean.
Youre saying since a lot of the UVs are the same color, i can place UVs on top of each other that have that same color. To save space.
Thats a cool idea, but how do i add the shading that im painting on individual pieces? Like the breastplate and knee braces?
Either or, ill be doing a lot of these Final Fantasy LP characters. Up tp the rigging process so i can learn how to topologize when movement is involved.

Anonymous No. 920090

Everything thats unique needs its own space of course, but you get the idea.

Anonymous No. 920139

much better. keep going.
rake some light across the the suspended section. consider using a cloud gobo for dappled light.
and maybe rotate the hdri / env map a bit because it's unpleasant looking at an image where there's huge bright blob in the middle of it that you're not supposed to be looking at.

tone down your bump values across the board as well.. consider proper displacements for foreground elements instead of this vidya stuff.

Anonymous No. 920140

The scale of the tiles on roofs look inconsistent, they look too big overall on a horizontal row of buildings.The normal intensity on the facade on the right is too strong. Also those random diagonal leaks don't make sense t b h. Some atmosphere / fog in the background will help with a separation, the building in the bg could fade out a bit. Window frames could use some wear, they seem like perfectly clean white windows everywhere, while the facades are old and worn down.

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Anonymous No. 920142

Finished the model for the time being. Still not quite sure what I'm going to use it for, but I'm sure I'll figure something out.

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Anonymous No. 920152

That's all folks

Duplicate your mesh, mirror it, and move all UVs on duplicates +1 tile on any direction. This way you'll have symmetry to see the result and will be able to paint and bake everything inside Painter without awkward overlap artifacts.

Nice, looks like a solid $60+ stock model. Missing decals and some variety in wear and leaking, maybe some repainted, replaced or cleaned up parts.

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Anonymous No. 920157

How do I fix the wobbliness? (see red arrows). I can never get a sharp edge or line in sculpting? What brushes will help? Am I at too high or low a resolution?

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Anonymous No. 920161

drawing and value study is pretty hard but thanks for the links. value is 100x more harder than drawing

Anonymous No. 920164

Nice. You're going straight down the Charles Bargue drawing course. Check it out.

Separate hair clumps, remesh them to lowest possible polycount, then subdivide again and add detail. Or increase resolution and straighten everything out by hand. Right now your mesh resolution is somewhere inbetween.

Anonymous No. 920165

the smudged clay look is unavoidable if you try to fix it with small brushes or move tool.
in my experience the cleanest option for stylised hair is to work very low resolution with liberal use of creasing.
otherwise (can't name a specific tool since I'm a zbrush user) try to make an angled plane scrape tool with "string drag" "lazy mouse" or whatever blender calls it. sweep along the hair and avoid retouching afterwards.

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Anonymous No. 920166

cloud gobo? toned down all the bump to 0.5. using procedural textures for the pipes and shit so no displacement textures. moved the hdri a bit but still kept in on the left side so i can get me some bloom.
changed the roof texture, fixed the building streaks a bit and added some wear to the windows. was trying to work on mist pass but it just dosent work properly, the render in my image is scaled in so i cant see the full picture.
>Nice. You're going straight down the Charles Bargue drawing course. Check it out.
is that a good thing? i have only read keys to drawing and it actually helped a lot. can i make stylized 2d textures after i get the hang of values?

Anonymous No. 920167

>Check it out.
is this the book? or is there a better/modern version?

Anonymous No. 920174

I see some bounced light on the bottom of the bg building which is nice, you could enhance that kind of light gradients to separate shapes - dark, light, dark, light etc. layer by layer.

I'm still not sure about leaks, the long horizontal lines mean there was something there the leaks were coming from, and in your case they are just appearing randomly in the middle of the empty flat facade, and some are still angled. How could it leak at an angle? And if for some magical reason there was a splash of some liquid there, then it probably wouldn't create a clean straight line where leaks stars. I know you're trying to add some unique details there, but you may consider replacing this with something else that may be interesting. Leaks could be right under the windows or maybe at the top, but not scattered randomly. And if they are under the window, they would be shorter, from one edge of the window to another.

Also the normal detail on the metal pipe in the foreground is pretty crunchy and also low res, same for the facade. You can use megascans btw if you don't have high res textures. it may also be an improperly set up shader.

Keep in mind I'm assuming you're going for a realism and not trying to stylize certain elements. You may also try using fog cards, simple planes with some gradient mask that you can control better and place it by hand around the scene. Getting some gradient in the bg vertically could be nice too.

Can't believe I'm posting feedback on /wip/ again, it has been a while since good stuff has been posted. Keep going everyone.

Anonymous No. 920176

Thats not a bad thing for sure. Your proportions and form simplification would benefit a lot.

Yes. Just keep it as clost to the original drawing as possible, same line width, angles and contrast.

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Anonymous No. 920190

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Anonymous No. 920261

>You may also try using fog cards, simple planes with some gradient mask that you can control better and place it by hand around the scene. Getting some gradient in the bg vertically could be nice too.
Can you explain this and the fog card thing? Fixed a few of the issues you mentioned and decided to wrap this up. Gonna take a break from nihei's stuff and come back to it later after i understand his style more.
Also thanks to all the anons who encouraged me to keep working on this project instead of dropping it in the middle.

Anonymous No. 920278

>Also thanks to all the anons who encouraged me to keep working on this project instead of dropping it in the middle.
i'm that person

>decided to wrap this up
anon, this isn't even half finished.

Anonymous No. 920280

Just search on youtube fog cards and you'll get a couple of videos in unreal. But the same thing applies anywhere - basically it's just a plane and you put some sort of a transparent material on it where the mask alpha drives the opacity so there are more and less opaque parts. For example if the alpha is brighter at the bottom than you'd have a plane that is more opaque on the bottom and more transparent on top. Depending on how good the mask is, you could achieve some nice natural haze / fog effect with it. Just place the planes around the scene because that way you can achieve a local fog and have more control where you put it, which helps with the composition.

Ok, here's an example:

Anonymous No. 920293

i don't know exactly myself but i find
a. clay brush with auto smooth on is really useful for keeping things straight
b. a mixture of
-flatten brush
-multiplane scrape
-draw sharp in invert mode (additive)
-pinch obviously
c. upping the res normally, but in this case i don't think its the solution.

disclaimer: i'm a beginner

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Anonymous No. 920294

I'm sculpting more 40k dwarfs again, this time with an scan as reference, this should be finished this weekend, I think I'll change the base maybe....

Anonymous No. 920297

>anon, this isn't even half finished.
fuck, is it that bad?
thanks anon

Anonymous No. 920304

>is it that bad?
it's just not done imo.
you said you wanted to be an environment artist.
environments for what? modern vidya? film?
look at your work and compare it with the work that you admire and do an honest assessment.
is it up to standards set by the best in your field? it probably won't be, but does it even get most of the way there? or even do a half-way decent impression?

you've got low res textures, super shiny, but corroded pipes attached to weird featureless boxes etc, no neat little details or areas on interest that make me want to look around the image.

be harder on yourself, nigga.

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Anonymous No. 920305

Made this a few weeks ago but I dread going deeper and adding finer detail. Also suck at texturing. Is Substance painter any good for organic materials?

Anonymous No. 920313

>you've got low res textures, super shiny, but corroded pipes attached to weird featureless boxes etc, no neat little details or areas on interest that make me want to look around the image.
yeah you're right anon, i am gonna be harder on myself more. also regarding textures what sites can i use? only gives 1k and sometimes 2k textures for free

Anonymous No. 920316

as the other anon suggested, use megascans.
you can make an epic account and use the megascans bridge to download anything now.
technically you should only be using it in unreal, but it's just personal portfolio stuff so no one cares.

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Anonymous No. 920330

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Anonymous No. 920336

This one maybe not polished enough for render but i think it was on the wrong track from the beginning so that's it for the girl. Will take another look in a month or so.

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Anonymous No. 920344

quite cool. eyelids on the dude are a little wobbly + would benefit from a sharper transition + more planar on what's marked as tarsal plate on pic-related

Anonymous No. 920345

Thanks. You're right, maybe I should remesh him and boost crispness a bit. Was too lasy and left him a dynomesh. I remember tarsal plates from Scott Eaton course!

Anonymous No. 920359

looks like she has down syndrome

Anonymous No. 920361

You can also use substance source if you're not pirating it. There are some other libraries like polyhaven etc. but I don't think they're really that good. Megascans and Substance Source are the best IMO.

Anonymous No. 920362

>Scott Eaton course
maybe one day you'll be lucky enough to be in the gallery abominate, anon.
on second inspection, maybe add a pupil and spec highlight for the lady sculpt, unless you're planning on texturing.

Anonymous No. 920364

You probably mean fetal alcohol syndrome? Have no idea how to fix it, sorry.

I probably will not, but I wish I could get that good and popular.

No, no texturing for this one. They only deserve a remesh to fix wobbliness and a geo highlight.

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Anonymous No. 920383

I think I am almost done with this one, any comments before I call it finished?

Anonymous No. 920384

If I had to complain about something, the crab does not convince me and the contrast in general in the scene

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Anonymous No. 920409


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Anonymous No. 920412

I would say that the crab is probably too lit, and there's something weird going on with these

Anonymous No. 920427

based blame! fan
add a black and white filter, some fog and post it here again

Anonymous No. 920428

it's looking much better. good thing you didn't give up. now add a manga filter for the fun of it.
Also were there birds inside the megastructure? Unless those are the stingrays.

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Anonymous No. 920434

last thing i’ve actually finished, such a bad habit of never finishing

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Anonymous No. 920435

tried out some ai manga filter thing, unironically soul.

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Anonymous No. 920436


Anonymous No. 920438

Thats very good anon. Reminds me of Florent Lebrun. Maybe missing some mountain backdrop to push the scene, but overall its porfessional and has a great vibe.

Anonymous No. 920439

i'm sure you can design it with a better filter(something like obra dinn), but looks great
what will you do next anon?
i saw something about unreal being used, any reason on why unreal over unity?

Anonymous No. 920442

Congrats u can now make manga backgrounds that u can sell to some mangaka.

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Anonymous No. 920453

>i'm sure you can design it with a better filter(something like obra dinn), but looks great
i really need to finish obra dinn but it did make my eyes after playing a bit
>what will you do next anon?
>i saw something about unreal being used, any reason on why unreal over unity?
i have some assets from a older project that i am going to retexture in quixel and basically learn the blender-quixel-unreal workflow. most of the game companies i looked at has UE5 listed instead of unity and real time rendering looks very sweet. might work on another psx render to take my mind of photorealism then go back in with a fresh mind. no more half assed projects, gonna be harder on myself.
is that an actual thing?

Anonymous No. 920454

>is that an actual thing?
>UE5 listed instead of unity
is that the case in India?

Anonymous No. 920456

>is that the case in India?
yup and uae

Anonymous No. 920488

oho, they have airtel in uae?

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Exercise 23 getti....webm

Anonymous No. 920505

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Anonymous No. 920546

I have a bit of a weird problem if anyone wants to help me out.

>Modeling a dagger (or trying to)
>Added some subdiv surface on the handle (it's just just more or less a cylinder) and have these sort of rings wrapped around it (10 of them) like a grip
>As soon as I have the subdiv modifiers active Blender starts running like complete shit
>Turn them off and it's okay again

Pic included for some kind of comparison because I thought I might have too much stuff going on. The one on the left is the dagger that makes things run like shit. The one on the right is a full scene that runs completely fine. Which makes me think it wasn't what I thought it was.
I just don't get it. Where am I being retarded?

Anonymous No. 920550

Apply modifiers => problem fixed?

Anonymous No. 920551

God you guys suck so bad. NGMI.

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Anonymous No. 920552


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Anonymous No. 920555


Starfleet No. 920560

No WIP? Kick rocks.

Anonymous No. 920564

Is someone taking out their frustrations because they lost a battle in another thread?

Anonymous No. 920567

I ripped a vertex into two vertex but whenever I move them seperately now they still act like they're joined and they move together, any help?
I don't have proportional editing on.

Anonymous No. 920573

Nope I'm just amazed how embarrassing these works are, they're almost as bad as my classmates. It's not my fault you're salty because of your inability to produce actual professional work.

Anonymous No. 920576

might be x-mirror tool setting

Anonymous No. 920577

>no actual feedback
>no wips posted
Post ignored

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Anonymous No. 920583


Anonymous No. 920585

What you're doing is kinda weird considering that most people who know anatomy don't run around the internet bragging and being an asshole about it. It's almost as if it's not a huge deal as long as you're not a retard who takes 2 years to learn it. A lot of the people on this board are still learning, and some of them are almost there after a few months. No one is born knowing anatomy, and what you're doing is like ridiculing a baby due to it not knowing how to walk because you're an insecure little bitch.

Anonymous No. 920596

Hope you wiped with DNEG job offer and kissed yourself in the ass after, self-esteem not gonna hold on shitting on amateurs alone. Oh, wait, you dont have a porfolio.

Nice, very clean and great silk. Missing ornaments and trims to trame the face better, bare strips just not doing it for me.

Anonymous No. 920598

Thanks anon! It's planned for when I get to texturing the whole thing, just a high poly mesh for now

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Anonymous No. 920602

Wow you're mad, you must suck so much.

Cope moar.

Anonymous No. 920603

t. comes here to boost his self worth by clowning on people who are still learning
Please don't reply to him anons, you're only feeding him

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Anonymous No. 920609

Not much progress has been made in the past few hours, but I do like the tweaked proportions.

Anonymous No. 920611

I'm currently studying too, I'm being truthful here most of ya'll are NGMI. I don't even study or practice like one of them chinks, design is an innate talent to me. I pick up stuff quick and i know how to make shit look good. You deserve to be treated like the trash that you are, if you're unable to produce good work.

Anonymous No. 920612

>he is still trying to get attention

Anonymous No. 920614

>he is still feeding me attention

how about you go practice more or perhaps just fucking cope.

Anonymous No. 920615

>he is still trying to get attention

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Anonymous No. 920620

>he is still feeding me attention

Anonymous No. 920621

t. your no portfolio, no works, no self-esteem, toxic classmate who will beat his wife in his 30s to proof his strength to someone

But from my experience he seeks any attention, even if it is derogatory, because he cant get over his mom being dismissive and dad not loving him

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Anonymous No. 920627

oh my how did you know?!

i think might just go back to self-harming just to gain more attention from mommy and daddy.

Anonymous No. 920631

>he is still trying to get attention

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 920633

not yet, ma and pa haven't arrived home yet. ETA 45 mins before my beloved parents arrive. In the meantime continue to cope sir.

picrel me in 45 mins when they arrive

Anonymous No. 920635

You should do some vertical cuts next time, silly.

Anonymous No. 920637

nice tweaks on the face.
chest is actually worse.
hips and thighs are a bit much unless you're catering to some weird fetish.

Anonymous No. 920639

No way, I know my self worth. I'm not that worthless and incompetent like the lot of you. Imagine being so useless that you're worse than stinking pajeets. With third-rate artists you larpers call yourself, AI will definitely take over one day.

Anonymous No. 920640

Im making 35 an hour outside US and use Stable Diffusion trained on my own dataset every day. Imagine thinking AI is a bad thing, not a tool to get ahead of everyone else.

Anonymous No. 920645

Wow, buddy, you're really going full retard on this, huh? Here are your (You) for effort

🗑️ Anonymous No. 920647

making 35 an hour with AI piggybacking you, what a full fledged larping faggot you sure are.

what can i say, god do i just love dunking on sewer shit brains that think they'll actually amount to anything

also fuck jannies

Anonymous No. 920650

Nah it's me who's piggybacking AI at this point.

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Anonymous No. 920656

how to improve head? It looks weird but I'm not quite sure how to fix it.

Anonymous No. 920659

Eyes too close together and too big for one.

Anonymous No. 920661

Nah. Just went into the silhouette and tweaked it to be more cartoony -- but the last cartoons I saw was Dexter's Lab and Samurai Jack, so... yeah... Those proportions kinda wormed their way in.

Anonymous No. 920664

Thanks that works. It's just weird that there's the same and more modifiers on the second scene that aren't applied but it doesn't run like shit.

Anonymous No. 920682

subdivision modifiers are intensive and can cause weird issues when they're unapplied
the short explanation (probably slightly wrong) is that when the base mesh is modified the subdivided mesh gets regenerated, sometimes this can happen every frame even when you're not modifying the mesh, couldn't say why

Anonymous No. 920685

what the other anon said + slope from the bridge of the nose to the cheek should be more gradual, ear should be further forward I think
looking good though

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Anonymous No. 920686

My take on Carter Goodrich. It's a mile off for now but i'll fix it tomorrow. Hard concept to follow.

It's actually nice, focusing on overall shape and not the detail is great. Please do the toes and fingers, now it breaks the character too much. Also you have a strange pecs, delats and armpits, but it's easy to fix.

Anonymous No. 920688

Ah I see thanks.
I know Blender can be a bit weird at times. Like I've had the issue I've got now before, but a simple restart has fixed it. Then sometimes, like now, it's fucked until it's applied or if it's inactive.

Anonymous No. 920696

What causes this? I'm having the same problem when rendering in cycles. Why does his yellow jacket flicker like an old cartoon? Any help?

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Anonymous No. 920698

I have to add a couple details here and there and to do the base, but it is done.

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Anonymous No. 920722

It's the denoise algorithm. I can live with it because I don't want to tie my computer up for hours on a reaction render.

Anonymous No. 920730

You are bad anon, worse than your classmates but they just don't have the heart to tell you.

Anonymous No. 920732


Read the following link:

Scientific proof that souls exist.

Anonymous No. 920762

nope as far as i know, do you work in the 3D field as well anon?

Anonymous No. 920763

is this a sculpt or subdiv modelling? looks fucking great mate

Anonymous No. 920779

Left fingers of that non-binary person are lame but right are greatly tied in fist

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Anonymous No. 920786

I'm glad you liked it, yes it is mostly basic modeling, solidify and booleans with a bit of sculpting to adjust.
The head, the hands, the .... foxes? and the tassels are sculpted from spheres.

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Anonymous No. 920816

Almost there

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Anonymous No. 920837

Figuring out retopology.
It's not as easy as it would seem.
I'm not 100% sure where I need face loops and stuff, but I think what I have currently is okay. Watching many tutorials, but they're all slightly different.

Anonymous No. 920874

i wish

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Anonymous No. 920904

i know this isn't the thread to ask but how do you achieve the look of the lingerie here (and hair/shoes) it looks way better than normal and actually caused me to think it was a real picture at first until i saw the face.

Anonymous No. 920906

You were bamboozled twice, dear anon. That IS a real photo, but the woman is not woman but a sex doll.
What a time to be alive, isn't it.

Anonymous No. 920907

god damn it that's kinda funny to be honest.

Anonymous No. 920908

Quite so, quite so. Gave me chuckle actually. Especially since it might have been me who originally posted that pic on a different board few months ago.

On the other hand, we are not far away from a moment when people will start suffering from mass depersonalization-derealization-disassociation combo, along with other issues stemming from constant inability to recognize what is real and what is not.

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Anonymous No. 920922


I wanna see the final already!

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Anonymous No. 920928

Do any of you know why I'm getting this weird shading when I have a subdivision surface modifier on? I know things can get fucked up if you aren't working with quads but it is a quad. Tried shade smooth and auto smooth too, but it's still weird. Normals are all correct too.

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render mania.png

Anonymous No. 920944

I don't know how to render...

Anonymous No. 920965

things i do to trouble shoot are check the modifier stack and make sure subdiv is 2nd most of the time under mirror, apply scale and rotation then shade smooth and turn on auto smooth. then lastly normals. considering you have done most of these steps can you share your edit view?

Anonymous No. 920971

is that you, mr brazillian

Anonymous No. 920973

I just opened it to do that and now it seems like it's fine. Not sure what was wrong or how it fixed itself but I'm happy it has.
Thanks for your reply anyway.

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Anonymous No. 921014

Trying to work out how to pose this thing more efficiently. Scaling the chain length up and down is a pain in the ass the way I'm doing it now, but at least it swings.

Anonymous No. 921015

Should probably go faster. Slow like this, it makes me feel like it is fucking giant.

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Anonymous No. 921016

The problem is that the way I'm doing it is by animating a cloth strip and deforming onto it. Because Blender's a bit shit, I can't set vertex weights by group as far as I know, so it doesn't know that the bottom part with the watch is heavier than the chain part. I haven't played with the cloth settings much to hide that but I think I'll be able to figure something out, even if it means just extruding a bunch of dense useless vertices out of the bottom.

Anonymous No. 921021

I am looking forward to the smut

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Anonymous No. 921022

it's all fucking wrinkly and ugly
what am I doing wrong

Anonymous No. 921023

Cars can be upwards of 300k polys in games.

Anonymous No. 921024

I mean is there a way to make the normals smooth and nice?
Averaging them just fucks em up more
and softening them just makes it all lumpy

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Anonymous No. 921027

Trying a dagger because I've never really tried weapons before. It's based on one that really exists, but I realised that I wouldn't be able to do it like for like so I had to put my own spin (read: cope) on it.
I do still have that weird shading issue thing going on on the blade that I thought had gone. Fortunately I worked out what it is I think. Unfortunately I'm too retarded to fix it.

Anonymous No. 921036

Anyone got any advice on how to model feet? Specifically the part where the toes and the foot connect.

Anonymous No. 921037

sir this is the wip thread you at least have to pretend to try and show a model first

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Anonymous No. 921041

I was told that I sucked at making feet. I have no idea what I'm doing.

Anonymous No. 921043

why not just animate it by hand with an FK chain of bones? or try one of the physics/dynamic bones addons, just pick whatever's most recently updated

Anonymous No. 921047

Have you tried sculpting feet?

Anonymous No. 921048

I was box model feet so I could try and practice topology

Anonymous No. 921050

box modelling*
I should sleep

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Anonymous No. 921055

My lighting setup is making her cry. And this is the last time I ever rig a face with multires, holy fuck.

That looks fine until you do something like drop it. Or bounce it. Anyhow, it turns out that the chain was just too long for Blender's solver, this method looks pretty natural with a short chain.

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spycrab witnesses....png

Anonymous No. 921164

Anonymous No. 921165


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Anonymous No. 921216


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Anonymous No. 921221

I "designed" a gun (more like ripped off the aesthetics/visual style of several CZ models and mashed them together).
I got free arms from the web, I rigged all that stuff up and I am now attempting to do some FPS reloading and firing animations while having no real experience with animating humans/humanoids, creatures or anything organic and more complex than non deforming hard-surface models and environmental effects.
Despite my lack of experience, I will knock this out of the park with the first (or maybe second) try and deliver a great result for an beginner.
Bold but true precognition or Dunning Krueger speaking?
....we'll see.

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Anonymous No. 921292

Tried out Animal Crossing style with mild booba

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Golgotterath WIP0.png

Anonymous No. 921423

Going to make a large scale environment based off of one of my favorite locations in fiction, Golgotterath an alien demonic ark that is the last bastion of the damned, that would usher hell unto earth so that they could attempt to salvage their souls from damnation

Anonymous No. 921430

Interesting. Synchronizing.

Anonymous No. 921559

So all you have to do to get rid of it is crank up the samples?

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GIF 10-10-2022 5-....gif

Anonymous No. 921625

My textures are screwy. Something with the way I layed out UVs and modeled.
I was going to go ahead and rig it, but fuck it, I want to make better textures/models first.

Going to move on to another Final Fantasy Character. Black mage. I'm going to take a different approach. I'm going to focus on one piece of the model at a time until its just right before modeling the next piece .Break it down into smaller chunks.
/blog post.

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Anonymous No. 921762

The demonic aliens that live here

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Anonymous No. 921793

Ima gonna do amazing quality full production (((TRANSGENDA))) character to piss y'all off

🗑️ Anonymous No. 921876

New Thread


Anonymous No. 921877


Anonymous No. 921881

>Why not just write Python script instead? A mess like that is practically unreadable.
additionally you will never ever be able to debug it nor version control it

Anonymous No. 923238

I like it a lot.

Anonymous No. 923239

Would love to see how many verts and looking at it in wireframe view as well.
Looks like you have great topology