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๐Ÿงต /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 930478

/wip/ - Works in Progress - nobody made the new thread so I did it fuck you edition.

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>926268

List of free resources:
/3/ Discord for those interested:

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Anonymous No. 930480

Finished modeling my tank. Texturing comes next.
Had to cut out some details to keep the poly count low , but I'm fairly happy with the result.

Anonymous No. 930482

Nice, I love it!

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Anonymous No. 930484

a siesta to keep the animating muscles pumping

i've learned a bunch since i made this model, it'll be fun to remake it soon. still not 100% sure how to handle hair/fur, though. hair cards look good for realistic models, but on a stylized character it can look a bit jarring. i like how modeled fur tufts can look, but it seems hard, and you have to do funky stuff with the normals to prevent it looking like weird growths from the body. a lot of things to try

Anonymous No. 930486

Crack and Bath Salt santa edition.

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Anonymous No. 930538


Finished texturing and added some basic post-processing to get somewhat of an effect.
Tomorrow will start looking into how I can get
"retro anime terrain". Last time I tried this I got fed up, am hoping I can stick with it this time.

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Anonymous No. 930540

What I want is a basic but somewhat filled in background where I can animate all these vehicles. I settled on a really simple city street like pic attached

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Anonymous No. 930542

,,,but since my camera is filming from a top down isometric perspective , I can't just to a gradient and call it a day. My street has to have some texture and grit like this aircraft carrier deck in pic attached. And making that is what I'm having a rough time with.
Some guy on youtube made a really good tutorial on "Gibli Rocks", and the effect from that is good enough, I just need to fiddle with it till I get something resembling "paint strokes"

Anonymous No. 930547

Do any of these videos help you out?

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Anonymous No. 930568

Anonymous No. 930569

bow legged

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Anonymous No. 930570


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sword1 redo.gif

Anonymous No. 930591

tightened up the timing and added more rotation to the body during the motion. lot more powerful and energetic i think

Anonymous No. 930592

This looks great , but is she supposed to be holding a weapon like a club or bat?
If she's doing an overhand strike shouldn't her hand be bashing down like a hammer?
Or , if she's supposed to be clawing, her hand should be open and doing a more arcing movement.

Maybe I'm just dumb and am not seeing what the intended attack is supposed to be

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Anonymous No. 930593

From what I can gather, she's doing a one handed version of pick attached?

Anonymous No. 930594

I've seen them, thanks.
That first one is where I first realized the problem of me not being able to just make a gradient texture for my asphalt.

Instead now I'm fiddling with a combination of a simplified shader from this:
And the paint strokes from this:

Anonymous No. 930595

it's meant for a weapon to be in her hand yeah. that long bone in her right hand is a placeholder "sword"

Anonymous No. 930599

>Notice I've missed something on model
>Go back and fix it
>Shouldn't even take 5 minutes
>An hour and a half later I'm still trying to fix it
>Looks worse than if I had just left it
>Non-manifold everywhere where there was none before

This is suffering. Does non-manifold really matter if you aren't printing it or animating it?

Anonymous No. 930600

Yeah, you'll get shading errors, baking artifacts etc.

Anonymous No. 930601

I did have a feeling about the shading errors. I'll see if I can repair it.

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Anonymous No. 930640

Im working on this model and Im having some trouble with everything above her tits and her ass. Any advice?
here are some more angles

Anonymous No. 930641

You have front and side view. Start by overlaying them on your model and making sure they match.

Anonymous No. 930642

draw very deep gauges. trace around muscles and fat pads and then smooth them out. The way you make the subtle transitions between bone and fat, like on a soft tummy, is to draw in a deep line and then smooth it out till it's almost gone

Anonymous No. 930643

and also she's bow legged. Girl's knees come together and they ankles spread apart.

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Anonymous No. 930644

Almost got the base (undersuit) model done, just got to add the back brace. I'm modeling each individual character head next and then doing the texturing, etc. later. been stuck in a rut where I don't know what to do with them: a animation, a game?

Anonymous No. 930648

anthro farm animal fighting game

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Anonymous No. 930657

Finished the shader I want to use for the street.
Tomorrow I'm modeling the buildings.

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Anonymous No. 930663

u rike now?

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Anonymous No. 930664

big improvement. It's surprising how crooked women's legs really are. If I may make an assumption that your character is meant to have exaggerated femininity, you might want to go a bit more than what is average in real life.

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Anonymous No. 930674

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Anonymous No. 930676

also this after playing through Rayman 2 and some Tomb Raider recently

Anonymous No. 930685

could we get a little animation with the light flickering and the flame movie?

Anonymous No. 930686

maybe when I wake up tomorrow

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Anonymous No. 930742

I made a castle with forced perspective instead

Anonymous No. 930743

>all these blendlets itt
it's really over, isn't it

Anonymous No. 930744


Anonymous No. 930745

model a stapler and post it

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Anonymous No. 930753

How to fix this wobbly effect and make things sharper? the ouline around the eye is wobbly, no straight line. the space for the eye is messed up instead of a nice curved spherical surface.

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Anonymous No. 930761

Don't try to fix the contour, just undo and try to get it right from the get-go. Little pulls and tweaks with brushes will always betray you if you're going for immaculate lines and corners, you're not a perfect machine, you're just amateur in his undies.
Use masks and polygroups, they make this a trivial one-minute affair. If you're on Blender though uhh glhf I don't know if it has what you need.

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Anonymous No. 930764

Anyone know how to fix this weird shading? Pics are self explanatory, but I'll give a QRD on how I ended up with this mess because it might be easier to explain how to fix it that way instead.

>Had already added bevel to the part before it drops down into that step part
>To add the step down part I extruded the upper most edge of the bevel down
>Deleted the other beveled faces that I wasn't using
>Put two loopcuts on the step down
>Joined the verts from the bevel to the verts from the loopcuts

I know that this sort of twists the bevel back straight just before they join up with the loopcut verts so I thought it might be that that's causing it?
If I bevel the edge where it steps down then the corner gets fucked up anyway because it doesn't bevel the corner the way it does if you bevel both edges at the same time.
I've tried marking sharp and edge crease to try and trick Blender. I've tried adding some kind of support loops, but they don't work neither.
I also get some really weird shit happening at a different part, but that's a separate issue so I'll probably shit the thread up more with that later on.
Also yes, I am this fucking retard >>930599 still stuck since yesterday.

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Anonymous No. 930770

another attempt at 2d paint over on 3d blockouts. would love any tips and advice on how to make the style better.

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Anonymous No. 930771

It took a lot longer than it should have, but finally finishing it

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Anonymous No. 930778

Anonymous No. 930782

Try to see if you have duplicate vertices or faces inside the volume, half the time it's them that fuck up shading. Other suspect is stored normal data, try to delete it. In principle, what you show here can be handled by auto smooth without issues (unless you also have subdiv, then it's a bit different story).

Anonymous No. 930787

you might want to blend the colors a bit more, it still looks very much like a 3D render, unless that is what you are going for.

Anonymous No. 930788

looks great, nose and face are kind of bugging me(too small)

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Anonymous No. 930790

cut up this madman's n-gon and it'll fix itself

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Anonymous No. 930791

a suggestion

Anonymous No. 930796

Nope, there's no duplicate faces or verts. That was one of the first things I tried.
>Other suspect is stored normal data, try to delete it
I have no idea how to do that. Is it just recalculating the normals or am I being retarded? I have tried recalculating the normals btw just just in case it is that (didn't work).
>unless you also have subdiv, then it's a bit different story
I do have subdiv ;_;

Friend, it isn't an n-gon. It goes like that once the subdiv is on. In the "before" pic you can see it's a quad.

Anonymous No. 930797

in the after pic I can see it's an ngon

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Anonymous No. 930800

How do I fix it when Blender tells me it's a quad?

Anonymous No. 930802

Blender still has masks and face sets (same thing as polygroups). You can also try the "sharpen" Mesh filter in sculpt mode, but it's not going to fix the uneven extrusion you have going on.

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Anonymous No. 930814

what's this?

Anonymous No. 930816

this is nice. can u post a video tutorial or something about your workflow?

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Anonymous No. 930817

ah n/m looking at it wrong.
I'd say there's some mystery hidden in these poles created by the dense edgeloops. Are all of these verts welded? Are there any squashed faces you cant see?

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Anonymous No. 930819

Is this something that can be usable for as a vidya asset/model? If not, what are your suggesting I do next and at what problems will I run into if I use this model?

Anonymous No. 930821

I thought about poles too and it didn't seem to be that, or not with what I know about them. I thought about the dense edgeloops too, but I've never had a problem like that with edgeloops before even when they are dense.
All the verts are merged. I've deleted all the faces and redone them several times just to make sure there were no hidden ones, but it was still the same.
Weirdly, at the opposite end there are lots of double verts because I beveled, didn't undo it, and then beveled again (or I assume I did something like that), but there's no issues with it at all compared to this part.
I even tried modeling just that bottom part with a separate mesh and then joining it with the main part, but the same thing still happens.
I might just fuck that part off and do without it. I'd really like to solve it because if it comes up in the future I'll know what to do. Doesn't seem like it's going to be the case.
Thanks for your help anyway. I appreciate it.

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Anonymous No. 930827

Man, I'm losing track of time doing this and it's a really nice feeling, I don't think I've enjoyed time to myself this much without constantly being on edge about *something* for like 6 years now

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Anonymous No. 930828

I wouldn't even call it a workflow, maybe though

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Anonymous No. 930830

sorry bro. w/e the problem is it's too obvious to see. Id suggest starting over

Anonymous No. 930833

it's really ugly
you'll have to make all the animations yourself since it's a non-standard shape
no mouth/eyes (unless you're using a texture sheet, which I doubt you know how to do)

Anonymous No. 930834

what might this be for, anon?

Anonymous No. 930835

Well it lacks detail for starters. It's not so low poly that it has that low poly look. So you need to either start stripping out polys or adding more details. You have that segmented geometry at the joints which is a low poly technique so maybe go in that direction.
There's nothing about this mesh that "won't work" as a game asset. It's just not done yet.

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Anonymous No. 930837

Finished modeling and shading for the street and trees.
Ok NOW I can start doing the buildings

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Anonymous No. 930838

Actually, a turnaround is a really bad way to showcase this, so here's a slow panning shot.

Anonymous No. 930845

is this all in blender?

Anonymous No. 930850

>w/e the problem is it's too obvious to see

That's usually the case.
I think if I do the whole bottom section again it should be alright. I fucked it up anyway with those double verts so it's probably easier than sorting those out or starting all over again.
I should probably use the bevel modifier from now on too instead of the hotkey so I can undo it if need be. I just don't like the way it applies to every edge. I'm sure there's a way around that though.

Anonymous No. 930856

Any specific areas i should focus on for blending the colors? I am still developing the style and my only goal is to make it appealing and eye candy to the viewers.

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Anonymous No. 930861

messed up my geometry trying to punch holes through the lid. can i fix this at this point or should i start over?

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Anonymous No. 930862

back side is equally messed up

Anonymous No. 930865

If it's subdiv then it starts to make sense. Subdiv likes to act out on concave angles, and you either need creases or enough proximity loops, neither of which seem to be there in your screenshot. Try removing the horizontal loops (which are not doing anything at least in this part of the model) and adding creases on edges that subdiv needs to keep sharp. I think that should help, but I'm not 100% sure; subdiv on concave angles sucks.

In terms of normals, I don't remember the name of the button, but it's next to autosmooth properties and lets you delete information about normals. Google suggests something along the lines of "clear custom split normals data".

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Anonymous No. 930880


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Anonymous No. 930883

>raytraced shadows

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Anonymous No. 930887

couple of swords

Anonymous No. 930889

pretend they're painted vertices

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Anonymous No. 930891

I tried your suggestions, but none of them seemed to work. They improved a bit in some areas, but then I got weird shading in others.
Looked high and low for that clear custom split normals data and couldn't find it.
I got pissed off and deleted the whole bottom section that I had been doctoring onto to redo it, and it does seem like my initial suspicions were right about the beveling. When I bevel them all at the same time and then put the subdiv on its fine, or it's better at least. I just can't bevel the corner like that manually.
I'm going to try something that might save me a lot of time if it works.

Anonymous No. 930893

My little meme plan worked. It's not perfect, but I think it's a whole lot better.
Thanks for your help fellas. Sorry for turning /wip/ into /sqt/.

Anonymous No. 930914

is that just a giant ngon? Start slicing it now and you'll be done before next christmas

Anonymous No. 930915

I like them. are they original or did you base them off something you found?

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Anonymous No. 930933

Excellent hair anon

Anonymous No. 930936

Thatโ€™s in a weird purgatory between โ€œsoulโ€ and โ€œsoullessโ€. Iโ€™m conflicted.

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Anonymous No. 930937

how about now

Anonymous No. 930938

Now weโ€™re talking. Nice work.

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Anonymous No. 930943

Yes. I used to add some post-processing in Premiere, like a little film grain and the tiniest amount of chromatic aberration, but I've learned to make those in Blender Compositor.

Well , I made ONE building. Again, the problem comes from the shading. Modeling the things is relaxing, tweaking the shaders is kinda guesswork on my part.

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Anonymous No. 930947

Thanks for the suggestion, anon. I tried to make the mouth a little bigger and lower it, it's very difficult to translate Clamp's style into 3D.

Thank you! Sculpting hair is time consuming but fun

Anonymous No. 930949

anime is hard to trans into 3D. youve chosen a difficult path

Anonymous No. 930950

How do you sculpt the front bangs like that? I'm never satisfied with my results.

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Anonymous No. 930984

Geometrically accurate ogee arch.

Anonymous No. 930988

Both of them are based on preexisting designs but I made some alterations to make the shapes a tad more interesting

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Anonymous No. 931014

Just got done retopologizing a sculpt I made. I know it's shitty, but I like how it looks for a practice thing, overall. I still need to study a whole lot to nail a realistic look, but it's difficult without being an artist. Shittiness of the body aside, here I was trying to recreate the likeness of a softcore model I like, but it's really difficult to nail faces accurately and I failed every time so far, so I think this is gonna be a failure as well. It's kinda annoying that I can't really see what the face is going to look like until I add hair, eyebrows, a skin material and a quick face rig to see how the face deforms, and I'm not an artist to do quick 2d paintovers to visualize like I've seen some people do. I suppose I can just do tweaks after that, but it feels "unclean". I want to be done with geometry fiddling after the retopo, period. But I guess it's not very realistic to expect that. I think I need more experience to nail real people accurately. But to do that I need to make more of these. It's just, failing every time gets discouraging.

Anonymous No. 931032

are you using image planes? If you really need to get your mesh in a particular shape exactly you should set up image planes and copy from them as methodically as possible.

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Anonymous No. 931035

It's not perfect, but I'm happy enough with how it's coming along. Also noticed a couple of things that I know I can't do so I'm just going to exclude them.
Probably doesn't look much different from the last time I posted it if anyone remembers it anyway desu.

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Anonymous No. 931039

I've been texturrrrinnnng

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Anonymous No. 931040

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Anonymous No. 931041

Posting this here since I got no help so far in /agdg/, and this has to do with blender

I figured out that for some reason the bug of my animations exporting without any keyframes was that the armature object in blender SOMEHOW had a dependency in one of the meshes
and as I was exporting with just the armature and no meshes, whenever importing into Unity the object would be the first bone (ROOT) instead of "Grenadier Armature" just how it is right now (first asset on the left side of the image)
It works, sure, but I don't want to have to deal with such jankness, is there any way to "unlink" the armature from the mesh so it stops being its child? I have absolutely no idea what's going on

The other issue is that the model is importing with animations missing, I've checked on with my animator, and some other people, and they just say to click on the shield icon so it gets saved, and to make sure every animation has the F prefix from that. All of them have it.
Funnily enough, the broken export without keyframes due to it not exporting with the required mesh, makes it export one more animation that otherwise it would be missing as well

I have absolutely no idea what to do as I'm not an animator and not fluent in blender

Anonymous No. 931044

Grats now apply for fromsoftware to make the next armored core game.

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Anonymous No. 931052

I didn't make the armchair.

Anonymous No. 931057

It looks really nice anon, I think you're just running into texel density issues with the bump. Might have to do a sneaky masked detail normal map in engine

Anonymous No. 931072

I tried to trace from reference images when I was starting out, like basically everyone else probably, but it never worked out because perspective and imperfect angles always messed everything up. Photos aren't really shot in axis aligned ortho views. I've been just eyeballing everything since then. Now, I know you're actually supposed to put the reference picture in front of a properly aligned camera and look through that, but I have no idea how to work out a photo's camera angle/fov, and just approximating those just doesn't ever work for me. You did give me an idea, I should try projecting a texture straight onto a sculpt, I think it'll be easier to work out the projection angle that way since I could see the result from more than a single view. Thanks!

Anonymous No. 931073

>Now, I know you're actually supposed to put the reference picture in front of a properly aligned camera and look through that, but I have no idea how to work out a photo's camera angle/fov, and just approximating those just doesn't ever work for me.

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Anonymous No. 931074

the bump was set to zero from prior comments saying it looked bad. Now its at 0.5

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Anonymous No. 931076

i find the textures to be vastly different styles for some reason
made this cloud with that ghibili tree tutorial

Anonymous No. 931077

Hey, that's actually pretty cool. Didn't think there was a program that could do that. Thanks a lot, I'm gonna try it next time.

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Anonymous No. 931089

i've been working on a remodel of a character from a sonic ds game on the side. still need to do his coat and the little piece connecting the pelvis to torso, but im pretty happy with it. hard surface topology is a pain but once you get it right it feels so good.

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Anonymous No. 931097

The problem I had with those tutorials is that end poly size is too high. I had to heavily decimate my trees, cut more geometry out by hand and do a final manual sculpt smooth to get a halfway decent result.

Finished my street . I'm pleased with the result, but there are still two things I'd like to do:.

-Blur / smooth the edges of the buildings without adding extra loop cuts.

-For the windows, I want a simple way to add a gradient that will always go from the top of the face to the bottom, regardless of UV's , Normals, or Geometry. Anyone know what options I could use for a quick generic solution?

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Anonymous No. 931100

thinking of calling this shot a wrap, would love some feedback since i am going to make a short with this style for my final project.
>The problem I had with those tutorials is that end poly size is too high. I had to heavily decimate my trees, cut more geometry out by hand and do a final manual sculpt smooth to get a halfway decent result.
yeah my computer started chugging hard. my work flow is 2d/3d so the clouds are just a single rendered image. nice work anon are you going for 90's anime look or something like persona/psp games look?
>-Blur / smooth the edges of the buildings without adding extra loop cuts.
bevel modifier is the only thing I can think off
>For the windows, I want a simple way to add a gradient that will always go from the top of the face to the bottom, regardless of UV's , Normals, or Geometry. Anyone know what options I could use for a quick generic solution?
there is a gradient node hook it up to a mapping node and make it white to black from the top

Anonymous No. 931110

I think the body looks pretty good even if that's not exactly the look you were aiming for.

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Anonymous No. 931116

Made several changes since last post but there's still stuff to do.

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Anonymous No. 931123

This is 80's - 90's style anime backdrop.
For the gradients , I figured out that some of my windows had messed up normals. Was too lazy to fix it , so I just made a duplicate shader and re-adjusted the gradient.

Anyways, went back did some more tweaking of the shaders, added some extra bits and bobs like light posts ,and I think I'm more or less done.
Sure there are still some things I could do to make this look better. I create a couple of extra buildings, add some billboards to them to get some detail, maybe have a different shader for the sidewalk in between the buildings, but that's for a later time.
For now my backdrop is done, and I can finally get back to my tank and start animating it.
Was already starting get burnt out messing around in the shader editor for so long.

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Anonymous No. 931133

I use this custom brush to organize the basic shapes, then dynamesh everything together and detail

Anonymous No. 931136

>Photos aren't really shot in axis aligned ortho views.
They're hard to find outside of specifically made artistic reference materials. If youre trying to copy a porn star they probably didnt make those photos. Celebrities tend to take ortho pics of their face for one reason or another.
If I were you, I'd find one of those artistic reference photos with orthos of a face you generally like. Then once it is sculpted, modify it to make it more attractive how you want.
But if I REALLY were you I wouldnt be using photo refs for faces and would stick to stylised illustrations.

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Anonymous No. 931149

Just feels very empty, anon. I get that sometimes, an empty rooftop is just an empty rooftop, but you clearly wanted more things and more detail to be in there since you took the time to put the sock, the bucket and the wires coming out of the dish in.
Put some more stuff in there. Put an aircon unit, put a mop to go along with that bucket, put down a potted plant or two, put a folding chair and table in, put a metal fence on top of that wall, glue some flyers to the wall, put an airplane in the distance cutting a chemtrail through the sky, just put anything more in, else it feels like a crappy liminal space with how empty it is.
At the very least, grounge up that floor a little bit, add some dirt and grime, maybe a crack or two somewhere, it's just so flat and uniform right now. And maybe make the sky be a bit of a gradient instead of one solid color.
Or don't do any of these things if the intent was just to make a sorta empty-looking rooftop, that's fine too.

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Anonymous No. 931150

Polygons sneeded.

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lil sumn.png

Anonymous No. 931156

doin a lil sumn

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Anonymous No. 931167

I am creating a snoot game VR game on unreal. This is my current progress on making Fang. Any thoughts so far as I'm only getting started

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Anonymous No. 931169

I have been trying to incorporate a lot of things in here but the only thing i can think of is another blanket flowing in the wind. Aircons are usually on the side on the building from where i am from and the bucket is supposed to be what the person in question carried the rest of the clothes with. I will try adding in an airplane with chemtrails or a pack of birds. The crappy liminal stuff is definitely not what i am going. I was thinking more of pic related. Completely forgot about painting over the floor tho. The sky is a bit hard to do since it's sun set time but not sure if i should learn more into a blue or orange gradient. I always had the impression that stylized work was easier than pbr workflow but boy was i wrong.

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New Cansdfgsdrghas.png

Anonymous No. 931173

>Any thoughts so far

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Anonymous No. 931174

More bits before I go sleep.
These are mostly just cubes with a texture projected on them.. not about the size but the motion in the ocean.

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Anonymous No. 931183

Spent all day making an IK/FK rig. Trying to animate sword swinging with IKs is too janky. This rig can switch between IK and FK controllers on the arms.
Making a set of "light" sword attacks. Experimenting with "posing"

Anonymous No. 931202

Bevel all the border edges of every part of the gun and you'll see it'll look way better with just that simple operation.
The borders are too sharp

Anonymous No. 931204

the shadows are too dark for this style

Anonymous No. 931211

I already have ;_; it's just probably too subtle.
Like a dickhead I didn't use the modifier so I can't undo it. The modifier filters me so I never use it.

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Anonymous No. 931230

Mew from Scratch

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Anonymous No. 931231

complete with mouth.

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Anonymous No. 931240

I made a geometry node setup to add snow to trees, it's heavy as fuck but pretty flexible.
I need a better way to generate trees, I think it's time to buy The Grove.

Anonymous No. 931242

no this is Mew from Pokemon

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Anonymous No. 931244

Nevermind, mtree is pretty good and I found a way to make my snow much cheaper and it looks better too.

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Anonymous No. 931246

It's complete

Anonymous No. 931247

i think the TVs would be hugely improved with a little extrusion pushing in the screen.

Anonymous No. 931255

Is this going to be a VR recreation of Snoot Game or just a VR interactive simulator type game?

Anonymous No. 931258

How light should I make it? anything else I can do to make the style more appealing?

Anonymous No. 931260

Will do

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Anonymous No. 931273

It's just an interactive simulator type of bonus scene (for now) depending on what reception I get from it.

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Anonymous No. 931303

Trying to make an anatomically stylized character but he looks too much like a doll.

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Anonymous No. 931323

little mousy for a secret santa gift :D

Anonymous No. 931334

I don't like anthropomorphic stuff but this is sovl.

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Anonymous No. 931337

With hair, eyes and eyebrows and a little bit more of detailing done, I'm done for today.

Anonymous No. 931338

Can anyone recommend a good unbeveling addon? Preferably free, but a paid one is fine if I can pirate it from somewhere.

Anonymous No. 931343


Anonymous No. 931349

Unbeveling? Just select the edges perpendicular to the bevels and collapse them

Anonymous No. 931350

Textures, wrinkles, veins, bumps, scars. Also hue variation

Anonymous No. 931352

That's what I am sort of doing, but it's taking forever. It's only a three segment bevel so I've been dissolving the two outer most ones.
Should I have collapsed them instead? Have I made a cunt of myself again?

Anonymous No. 931354

> hue
> bumps
Any tips on that?

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Anonymous No. 931361

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Anonymous No. 931364

based and sakaki pilled.

Anonymous No. 931365

youve got this big bright blue sky which is raining down blue light from all directions. There are environment lights which shine inward from an imaginary infinite sphere around your scene. You could aim directional lightsin opposing directions to your sun light. Or even set up an ambient light.
Once youve got w/e light you want set up just increment the brightness up and down till it looks good. Then take a walk, come back, and see if you still think it looks right.

Anonymous No. 931366

try a "select edge ring" tool. In maya you select and edge and press UP

Anonymous No. 931367

You can paint a map with very vibrant red, yellow, and blue and apply it as an overlay with a very low opacity to simulate how skin changes based on the amount of muscle, fat, and veins are underneath it. Ive been looking for good references for this myself but IDK if this has a special name. This color distribution should be the same for every humanoid so if you find a good reference you can just reference it whenever you need to do this particular job.

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Anonymous No. 931372

Space Baby is completed

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Anonymous No. 931374


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Anonymous No. 931424

is the blanket too out of place?
damn shit that looks great, can i see full pic?

Anonymous No. 931432

In the end I just selected the outer most loops and dissolved them. Seems to have worked alright and I can't see any fuck ups. However it's getting a bit fucked up in some areas when I bevel things again.
Thanks though lad.

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Anonymous No. 931438

i dont have a full pic, the body is ripped from the videogame so i should probably redo the shit looking textures

Anonymous No. 931451

needs some folds in it, just looks like a big ass rectangle right now. Maybe have it slightly smaller so it doesn't go out of the grame as well.

Anonymous No. 931457

I've never used Substance before. Can someone give me a QRD on the best way to save models and such for use in it? I have a model with seven modifiers on it, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to apply them all before opening it in Substance or if I'm not supposed to apply any. It seems like applying subdiv would make it much harder to work with. At the same time if I don't apply the mirror modifier I'm only going to have a quarter of the model in Substance to work with.

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Anonymous No. 931459

Got these 100% finished. They're 2200 tris total. Also replaced the brand logos and screen images with my own.

Anonymous No. 931481

Model a dense plane, and run a cloth sim on it to drape it over the clothes line.

Anonymous No. 931482

yeah that very slight parallax on the screens helps a lot.

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Anonymous No. 931486

So I lost the original file and decided to start ovcer and to try and follow the advice of >>930641 , >>930642 , and >>930643 . I think its better than the original but I find something is wrong and I dont know what. also how the fuck do you sculpt hair?

Anonymous No. 931495

forgot to include the other angles

Anonymous No. 931497

separate that tummy from the pelvis. IMO adding abdominal creases into a fat tummy adds to the attractiveness. Deep gouges, smooth them away. Like youre trying to trace the separation between every fat pad, muscle group, and wherever the skin attaches to bones.

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Anonymous No. 931498


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New rt hrthCanvas.png

Anonymous No. 931499


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Anonymous No. 931500


Anonymous No. 931503

>how the fuck do you sculpt hair?
It's a lot easier to do it with curves, but that may not be adequate depending on the style you're going for. It generally works well for cartoony/anime characters though.

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Anonymous No. 931507

I dont think I did it right. it looks closer to a roid gut than a soft tummy.

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Anonymous No. 931508


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New Caasdfasfasdn....png

Anonymous No. 931513

the abdominal creases are more pronounced than the division between the tummy fat and the trunk sides and the pelvis. Those divisions are the most important.

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Anonymous No. 931514

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Anonymous No. 931518

Her legs are seperate from her body since i think it will make retopo easier otherwise I think her tummy is good, but I wil probably look at her tomorrow and notice that i fucked something up.
also where did you learn your anatomy?

Anonymous No. 931519

I learned anatomy at art school but utilized 0% of what I learned there to draw my suggestions. Anatomy is a meme.

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Anonymous No. 931521

If everything is quads or tris and relatively low, does topology really matter? I don't want to spend 8 million years retopoing because my stuff already looks scuffed as it is, it's kind of part of my games style at this point.

Anonymous No. 931522

Post wires for topo critiques. Topology determines how the mesh will deform. It becomes more important at lower resolutions

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Anonymous No. 931532

i forgot to change the location of the sock shadow so ignore it.
yeah that was a still frame
i just slapped a dense plane against the 2nd rope line, used the top vertex as a vertex group, and ran the simulation.

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Anonymous No. 931533

Goblin pirate I'm working on, still blocking in props and tweaking the face.

Anonymous No. 931534

make it fall hard on the line

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Anonymous No. 931538

i am assuming you're talking about the blanket in which case it just a plane and the backside doesn't exist, the cloth sim happens with the help of the vertex group

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Anonymous No. 931542

Any suggestions to fix this topology without breaking the highlighted edge loop? What is the actual problem with degree 6 vertices, anyway?

Anonymous No. 931545

quads are for subdivision and ease of modeling, if you intend to keep it lowpoly I would instead triangulate that long quad so it deforms the way you expect it. if blender or whatever decides to use the shortest diagonal it will look very odd

Anonymous No. 931546

addendum: I'm not saying the topology is good, but the pole isn't necessarily the problem
a surefire way to check is to bend the model manually or with a temp rig and make an informed decision

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Anonymous No. 931564

Finished my final turnaround and my "move" animation, the only thing left is to do a "shoot" animation.

I realized that these scenes I'm doing are gonna have somewhat boring camera angles, but the look that I'm going for is that of a isometric RTS game, where like, I'm showcasing the units.

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Anonymous No. 931565


Anonymous No. 931566

Niiice, I love the skidding wheels when it's braking.

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Anonymous No. 931574


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Anonymous No. 931579

I'm trying to bake a paint base but the texture turns out black

Anonymous No. 931580

Are you baking lighting in a scene with no lights?

Anonymous No. 931581

I have lights, I experimented with them for a while with no results

Anonymous No. 931582

ive seen this problem in blender before but unfortunately I dont remember the fix. Are your normals all pointing out?

Anonymous No. 931583

The normals are ok, Also I found out I can generate a shadow map, but most other maps I tried turned out black

Anonymous No. 931597

Oh shit, is that the RenderHJS Textools?
It might only be compatible with blender 2.79

Anonymous No. 931599

last update was like 3 weeks ago
check the github cause the version on their page is terribly outdated

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Anonymous No. 931600

Finally got around to making UVs, now i throw shit at it in painter, see what sticks.

love this little fella like you wouldn't believe

Anonymous No. 931601

How are you supposed to sculpt a :3 mouth?

Anonymous No. 931602

Can you fucking explain what you mean by that
If you want a human :3 mouth, just sculpt some normal lips and pull them into a :3 expression by pulling the middle left and right sides downwards and the corners upwards

Anonymous No. 931604

thanks, I was overthinking it and trying to sculpt lips around a 3 shape instead of just making the lips then making the expression like you said.

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Anonymous No. 931605

I've now inflicted her with Sparkle Dog Syndrome

Anonymous No. 931606

not enough colors to be a sparkle dog, more like a glimmer dog.

Anonymous No. 931607

Gotta agree with >>931606, it needs more sparkle.

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Anonymous No. 931608

To be honest, I wasn't planing to make her more of a sparkle dog than a Isekai Pokรฉmon. This is what I'm aiming for.

Anonymous No. 931614

Very cute

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fixed topology.png

Anonymous No. 931639

I discovered that my weird topology here resulted in edge loops spiraling around my model. Fixing it definitely improved how the geometry deforms and subdivides. There's still a 6-pole underneath the shoulder blade, but it doesn't seem to be causing any issues.

Anonymous No. 931651

Looking good anon, just slap some base color variation on

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Anonymous No. 931652

How long do you guys usually go for modeling/sculpting on a typical day? I can put in about two hours of concentrated effort every day, three if I push it but then the brain gets kinda fried and it's hard to do anything else productive that day.
I ask because considering there is such a thing as a job in 3D and the typical work day goes for 8 hours in a perfect world where crunch doesn't exist, I can't help but to feel two hours seems really kind of short at face value and I'm just not putting in enough effort or something. I know humans aren't perfect efficiency machines but I do wonder what a normal average of time is.

Anonymous No. 931659

I'm lucky if I'm allowed 2 hours in a day. If I had all the time I wanted I could model from waking up to going to bed. Restrictions on time increase motivation.

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Anonymous No. 931663

Holowear test

Anonymous No. 931664

....If you're planning to animate said model, then you have no choice but to retopologize the entire mesh.

Anonymous No. 931670


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Aligator Gar man.png

Anonymous No. 931673

/tg/oid here, I've decided to learn how to sculpt for 3d printing.

Learning by sculpting a funny alligator gar creeture.

Anonymous No. 931675

cool design. Is it yours or did you find it? The sculpt is very nice especially granted the rough sketch.

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Anonymous No. 931676

Just a funny doodle I did. I'm hoping to sculpt a whole modular kit of odd little animal guys. Luckily it seems like you really don't need to dick with most of the technical aspects of /3/ for printing, this little funny face shield I made on the right printed very easily.

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fuck up.png

Anonymous No. 931688

Will anyone notice my fuck ups?

Anonymous No. 931689

It's an easy fix. Just merge your vertices.

Anonymous No. 931690

Why is Vampire Santa in Bilbo's house?

Anonymous No. 931693

Looking for the ring

Anonymous No. 931696

Too cute for a goblin >>931533

Anonymous No. 931697

For me quads only matter if you plan to subdivide. So for realtime I dont care

Anonymous No. 931698

Looks a bit weird and stiff. I would make the arms shorter.

Anonymous No. 931699

Would suck his dick

Anonymous No. 931700

Too stiff. Go watch a video an basic animation principles first.

Anonymous No. 931701

Reminds me of JoJo's characters

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Anonymous No. 931739

Working on this bird. I wanted to learn some archviz style lighting in unreal but haven't found any good tutorials yet reeee

Anonymous No. 931826

I love this guy he's amazing, literally cover exactly what i needed.

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Anonymous No. 931831

is anyone familiar with Blender drivers here?

I want my controller to move up, which makes the hatch move up, then rotate out. At the moment, it moves up, and rotates inward simultaneously. How can I make it so it waits for the rotation while moving, then rotates (correctly)?

Anonymous No. 931842

is in this from the viewport? looking pretty great

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Anonymous No. 931851

Try editing the driver curve to something like this using 3 points, so that it maps to 0 for some time and curves up after that.

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Anonymous No. 931853


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Anonymous No. 931878

Your crab bot looks cool
If you need inspiration for a color scheme:

Shoot animation for my guy is done.
Only have one thing left: A reverse shot where I show the impact of the cannon shot.

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Anonymous No. 931879

Nah it's just the iray render from substance

Anonymous No. 931887

8-12 undisturbed, although that might just be because I know I can only get a couple hours in on a normal day.

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Anonymous No. 931890

Opinions on the Migu?

Anonymous No. 931894

Undress her, add hard nipples and rig the tits, vagina.

Anonymous No. 931895

Fuuck, I might do that but I need some resources on modeling vagina and butthole

Anonymous No. 931899

Lips look a bit too thicc but maybe it's just because of the shading and they're not posed. Other than that it's bretty gud

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Anonymous No. 931900

that might just be what I need to bust

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Anonymous No. 931903

New character project.
Tell me what ya think.

No idea how to do the hair tho. Either thin planes with a hair texture or solid like overwatch.

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Anonymous No. 931919

Mew's done
Onward to the Clone

Anonymous No. 931935

thank you big time

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Anonymous No. 931945

kot. also how do I do skirt bones, I don't know how they are even supposed to be arranged.

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Anonymous No. 931953

Lacks detail
I like the face but the forehead feels too small
I don't like the shoes design. Armored shoes? For a warrior boots would make more sense.

Body looks nice. Face looks off. Nose bridge looks too wide/too defined. smooth it a bit. Also move the nose tip down a bit or move the mouth up a bit. Anime faces are flatter around the mouth, I can see depressions around the mouth (I think they are called laugh lines? Not sure)

2d looks better. I don't like the abrupt transition between the lips and face/ face and eyebrows. The 2d face design looks a bit rounded. The 3d one is a bit longer but I think it looks nice.

Face looks off. Also too round everywhere. Box modelling? For some reason I imagine the low poly mesh has very few polygons and looks boxy. Try adding more detail to the low poly version before subdividing.

Face is a bit weird but appealing. Looks a bit unhinged. Very cute(?) actually.
When I was checking the model YandereDev is using in his game it looked like this. Works ok for a short skirt. I haven't tested this but I think if you are going to add physics to it you need more bone branches

Anonymous No. 931955

I think you took a basemesh in a completely unrelated style to your illustration, added a janky-looking third eye, deleted the hair and called it a day.
You can do better than this, anon. If you can't a proper basemesh, use vroid studio or something and make your own. And actually try to get something basic like head shape correct too.

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Anonymous No. 931982

First try at retopo for a game character, how do you think it looks so far?

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Anonymous No. 931987

thanks, that makes it more clear. the model just has the skirt have weights shared with the legs atm.
>Face is a bit weird but appealing. Looks a bit unhinged. Very cute(?) actually.
haha thank you, she's supposed to look a little crazy, since she is modeled after picrel.

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Anonymous No. 931988

I haven't been in here since so long after finding a job. I'm working on a 3D piece for my portfolio, the concept comes from a 2D drawing somebody made (I don't remember the name rn) heres a wip from unreal. i'm focusing on the front at the moment
I'm also waiting for my new pc to come because i literally can not open ue 5 with my gtx 980 anymore

Anonymous No. 931990

Think you can split your fore/mid/background more, it's all reading as one blob of the same value

Anonymous No. 931991

you're right it's a bit of a blob. the lighting isn't done but in the original it helps seperate it more. heres the original :
I've had so much trouble importing displaced mesh to unreal with my shit pc i kinda put the higher poly asset on standby

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Anonymous No. 931992

something is wrong with her face and i cant figue out how to fix it.
here are some more angles
reminds me of fallout one.

Anonymous No. 931993

You should try harder to make the eye sockets work. If you're using spherical eyes on cartoony heads, you need to swivel around the model and make sure it looks good from lots of different angles, otherwise it just looks wonky. It takes a lot of tweaking - the easier option is to use some kind of lattice to make the eyes less spherical, but that can get annoying when moving to a game engine.

Anonymous No. 931994

I get strange feelings from the left and right sides of your picture. Like there's nothing there to anchor me and I could fall off either side and never return.

Anonymous No. 931996

cool fallout is definitely a vibe i like and would like to portray in my images

I see what you mean, in the original the effect is even more pronounced imo, with the forest and tree mesh it won't be as obvious

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Anonymous No. 931997

It's a lot easier to use 3D models as reference and make tweaks to make them more like the 2D character than it is to work straight from 2D references. Anime stuff in particular gets very weird and even shader-dependent when you want to make it 3D. I'd try finding a model that you can try to emulate - here's a recent one I liked.

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man sculpt.png

Anonymous No. 932001

artistic realization of a human male. i just found out you can paint in blender sculpt mode. (when did they add that!!?)

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Anonymous No. 932004

Critiques on the topology of this face (disregard the ears tho) please. I kind of finished it following a guide but I have no idea if I ended with a good enough result. How do you even know btw?

Anonymous No. 932005

looks pretty ghoulish

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Anonymous No. 932011

He's supposed to but I'm only after topoloy critiques bruh

Anonymous No. 932071

how you approach making the face has to be completely different

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Anonymous No. 932076

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Anonymous No. 932077

Any CC lads?
First time sculpting any sort of skin tight clothing, or any clothing at all.

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oscar 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 932079

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oscar 3.jpg

Anonymous No. 932084

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Anonymous No. 932089

something was off but i couldnt see it till the colors. You're uncanny. Got your foot in the cartoon door and in the realistic door. You gotta pick a side

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Anonymous No. 932091


Anonymous No. 932096

I see what you mean, thank you.
I'm trying to get to a level of Leslyzerosix or bspined, eventually SLASH_Art so more semi-realistic stuff.
My anatomy knowledge is still extremely limited, all you see there is reference and coomer instinct.
Does anyone have any advice for studying anatomy, and what things in general I should really know?

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New Canxcvzxvvas.png

Anonymous No. 932105

lesly uses bump noses and bspined's noses are still very abstract and simple. Noses really lock a character on one side or the other of the valley.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 932107

>Face looks off. Also too round everywhere. Box modelling? For some reason I imagine the low poly mesh has very few polygons and looks boxy. Try adding more detail to the low poly version before subdividing.
More or less using the same topology I used for every other models I made

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Anonymous No. 932108

>Face looks off. Also too round everywhere. Box modelling? For some reason I imagine the low poly mesh has very few polygons and looks boxy. Try adding more detail to the low poly version before subdividing.
More or less using the same topology I used for every other models I made.
Here's the mesh with texures on it:

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Anonymous No. 932110

Made a new shader to handle my 2D eyes. It uses RGB channels to mask where the eyelashes and iri go. Just got eye tracking working.
Previously I had a custom shader, but I had to slice out geometry for the eye lid, and the iris was another mesh that sat behind the eyelid which was alpha-cutoff. Now it can be one continuous geometry with multiple materials. So no more need for custom normals which were always a pain.

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Anonymous No. 932132

Making Mae for practice. realize now that I forgot the shirt logo and the hair tuft.

Anonymous No. 932133

Nice. I've just started playing it. I would make her more feminine tho. When I started the game I had no idea she was a girl.
In any case I think the model body is too thin and long.

Anonymous No. 932136

I did not know it was a girl lol. I haven't played the game, I just found a reference picture on Pinterest that looked this way.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 932169

I'm coming for you, NOMURAAAA!!

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Anonymous No. 932177

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Anonymous No. 932203


Final shot finally done.
I might tweak the smoke clouds a bit.
Right now they're all pulling their effect from the same texture so it looks samey.

Anonymous No. 932216

absolutely based XSI poly modeler chad

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Anonymous No. 932218

Hey guys, just wanted to come by and say I spent an entire day trying to figure out why my normals were inverted on one part of the texture - turned out I didn't check "normal map" when baking the texture.

I love this job haha.

Anonymous No. 932230


Anonymous No. 932240


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Anonymous No. 932264


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coomer shit.webm

Anonymous No. 932267


Anonymous No. 932268

That's the black&white pass like with your previous small bot or effect in post?

Anonymous No. 932272

It's the same effect , done in compositor in blender, but a bit differently.
For my original effect, I wanted the entire screen to go white and have only the outlines remain, which I distort.
Here, I want the image to desaturate from the bloom of the explosion, creating a "white out" pass over the whole image.

Reason is , my original effect was too ...extreme I think.

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Anonymous No. 932283

And final version is done.

This project took a lot longer than I initially thought, but I'm gonna re-use my city street for every project from now on, so this 'll save me a ton of work in the long term.

Anonymous No. 932284

why are you like this

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Anonymous No. 932290

I made a 3d model of a happy merchant)

Anonymous No. 932293

turning the screen black and then black and white doesnt make sense and ruins anything you had going for it.

Anonymous No. 932297


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Anonymous No. 932316

born to jack, forced to coom

Anonymous No. 932319

>hey goy, would you like to purchase an upgrade?
>cost: $40,000
>+20% damage
>-30% damage when moving
>-30% damage when standing still

Anonymous No. 932353

It'd be like
>3% chance to cast ice nova on hit that dealt over 35% elemental damage but only if you're not wearing a helmet

Anonymous No. 932415

based keep me updated

Anonymous No. 932428

Shut it down!

aromasculpt No. 932449


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aromasculpt No. 932451

some turntable^-^

Anonymous No. 932457


Anonymous No. 932471

Thatd make a handsome porcelain figure

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aromasculpt No. 932480

wip with tyrone sheeeit)

Anonymous No. 932481

The goyim know

Anonymous No. 932483

i am reporting this to the admins immediately.

aromasculpt No. 932484

no please no

Anonymous No. 932490

too late, image limit.

Anonymous No. 932492

where do i get to keep up with this

Anonymous No. 932494

I just started posting to the Smutbase discord (invite link is on, and discord tag is wolfhard#4478. Also might start a twitter, idk

Anonymous No. 932596

Since a new thread is needed anyway I just wanted to say that I never thought I would get this filtered by trying to do skateboard trucks.

Anonymous No. 932785

i checked it out more and i love the work you put in. what id recommend for you is to make a mouth hole for the tounge to move around a bit and have more movement in the iris

something cute you could add is a shapekey that reshapes the iris into heart eyes when ejaculating

good work coom soldier