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Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 12:04:44 UTC No. 926268
/wip/ - Works in Progress Black Hole Edition
Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.
Previous thread: >>921875
List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB
/3/ Discord for those interested: https://discord.gg/ujt5vtr4DE
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 13:05:43 UTC No. 926271
That's pretty awesome. Is it for a game or is it "just" a VRChat avatar?
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 13:13:06 UTC No. 926272
I've always had trouble with the hair
If anyone has tips or wants to doodle over it I would appreciate it very much
2nd one is unfinished, but I don't think it's going to turn out good anyways.
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 13:25:47 UTC No. 926274
vTuber maybe?
I really don't think I have the personality to do it though.
At least I'm having fun making this though.
This probably won't work for VRChat. Too much weird bullshit going on.
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 14:19:04 UTC No. 926280
Impressive. What engine? If Unity, where do you add the custom code to change rendering?
That hair mask is too much I think tho, perhaps make it smaller
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 17:08:20 UTC No. 926311
Starting to model an environment, the inside of a biomechanical spaceship.
Left is the highpoly and right is the Unreal Scene with test textures on the assets that are already retopoed and UVed
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 17:28:56 UTC No. 926319
>Post something
>Get no (you)s
Is this because it's alright, not great, not complete shit, just average so not worth a (you), is it because it's so shit it's not worth (you)ing, or can it be a combination of both?
I'm incredibly insecure so I need this answered.
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 17:35:35 UTC No. 926320
Are you the anon that made the giger coffin? How do you get your scuplts to look so sharp and smooth ?
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 17:36:50 UTC No. 926321
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 18:01:47 UTC No. 926323
I was just curious about it because I see it often and wasn't sure why.
I do have something to post that I'm having an issue with if you want to help me with that? I'm just not sure if it will look alright in the final render or not, though I don't think it will.
It looks too cartoony and I can't tell if it's because of my pathetic attempt at making the material or my pathetic attempt at splintered wood, or it might even be both. The material looks like cardboard and the splinters look too big. Like wood doesn't splinter that way, it's much smaller and more "needle" like.
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 18:03:04 UTC No. 926324
Looking at it now I could probably lighten the material inside the splinters too because it's always lighter there than it is outside.
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 18:25:31 UTC No. 926327
Yes, I sculpt the base details on a low subdivision, then I dynamesh with polish and no blur, after that i sculpt the details while slowly increasing the dynamesh resolution, after I have the major forms done and detailed I subdivide it 1 or 2 more times and use Smooth Peaks/Smooth Valleys and polish/flatten(on a pretty high intensity) on the areas i want to sharpen or smooth.
Another tip is to use Dam standard on the edges to make them sharper, although I didn't use it in this environment
(if you are sculpting using alphas/stencils you might want to start increasing the subdivisions earlier so they come out more defined)
another method if you are currently working with a dynamesh subtool, duplicate it, zremesh the lower subtool (maybe repeat with the 'half option enabled'). Project then divide and repeat until it matches the detail of your first subtool. You should find that you can smooth more easily, especially if you switch down subdivision levels, as well as large movements to big portions of the mesh with the Move tool at lower subdivision to rapidly modify the silhouette.
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 18:27:40 UTC No. 926328
Giving me some Death Stranding vibes
Ground and mountains are looking a bit low resolution though, might want to increase their polycount or refine the materials
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 18:33:56 UTC No. 926329
Its both, the wood material looks too monochromatic and there is not enough color variation on the inside and outside of the wood.
The engraving also looks too clean and perfect, adding some slight imperfections (Burn/slashes) around the outside of the engraving might help.
You might want to make some modular Splinter pieces to place along the places where the model is broken, there should be a lot of small needle like pieces of wood sticking out from under the big cracks
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 18:43:36 UTC No. 926330
Unity + Scriptable Render Feature
Are you talking about the notch in the head? I made it oversized because it needs to catch attention from thumbnails. I figured a bit of gore/body horror would work.
Do you think you would get used to it if you stared at it for a while? Or is it just too big?
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 18:43:52 UTC No. 926331
>Its both
I had a feeling that was the case. I think I'll just redo it to save the hassle. The first time I did it it was a lot better. This time I didn't do enough subdivisions and knew immediately I'd fucked up.
I'll just steal a material from somewhere. I probably have one saved already.
>The engraving also looks too clean and perfect
Do you mean the eagle? It's not really meant to be an engraving, it's supposed to be more like painted on with a stencil.
What I meant to do with that was sort of, I'm not sure what you call it with modeling but with real spray painting it's called overspray, you know like feather the edges so it isn't as sharp looking? I probably should have done that on the image itself rather than try to do it in Blender. Not that I've tried yet.
>You might want to make some modular Splinter pieces to place along the places where the model is broke
Good idea. I'll try that too and report back.
Thanks senpai.
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 18:51:55 UTC No. 926333
Do you have subsurface scattering turned on?
If you do, remember to adjust both subsurface radius and color
I also think the lighting isn't giving your work a fair chance.
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 19:18:57 UTC No. 926335
I don't have subsurface scattering on. It's one of those things I always forget about it. I'll try it with that.
I'm just using an HDRI for the lighting right now. I'll fix that up at the end. It seems to look a bit better when the other parts are in the scene for some reason.
Pic related is just a test, but it's a lot better r-right?
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 21:18:49 UTC No. 926347
Why do you have on and off switches? Usually with a switch when it's one way it's on and when it's the other it's off. Buttons sometimes have one for on and one for off, but I don't think switches usually do.
I'm not dabbing on you btw I'm just saying and being nitpicky.
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 21:39:08 UTC No. 926352
For safety, one disengages the other. Joking aside, texel density for that uv shell must be too low, finer print was too blurry so i just slapped this on. I'll have that in mind next time.
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 22:09:48 UTC No. 926358
>no more /wip/ OP image with all the cool things anons made cut out and strewn about in wacky ways
What happened? We used to have fun around here...
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 22:24:20 UTC No. 926360
Pretty sure some of the faggots started a hiss-fit about it and the admin got tired.
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 22:32:50 UTC No. 926361
Nah we love CollageAnon senpai, from what I remember I think he was just a little burned out from having other things going on in his life as well.
Last time we agreed that, should he ever return, that we should make transparent cutouts of our WIPs moving forward so that he can more easily make those sweet sweet collages.
But he's not forced to keep making those collages of course, and also nobody is stopping other anons from making collages for the OP should they so desire
Anonymous at Thu, 17 Nov 2022 22:58:10 UTC No. 926365
I imagine it's tiresome to maintain.
>Want to start a new thread
>Have to spend the next 30 minutes collecting everyone's images, editing the backgrounds out, and placing them in the image.
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 00:38:32 UTC No. 926375
When there is no precedent for the design you have laid out, the path has not been illuminated by others and you must light it yourself as you go- the design will sink or swim based on the creator's execution
The ultimate goal is to create strong media for others to experience and enjoy. The obstacles are never-ending, it is beyond just finding ways to express myself- I find expression natural- However, navigating these paths to execute that expression in the form of interactive experience, where creator meets player, in novel form, is what I find most difficult
Getting from A to B, and making sure it melds with all other point to point connections in the design
I don't feel scared, nor defeated. I feel lost sometimes, forgetting the course I've laid out to get from A to B. I feel overwhelmed at times, and frozen, unable to act due to the scope of my own designs.
About a year into this journey, myself and 2 friends. They are programmers . Wish me luck, we are working toward gameplay demonstration before year's end
This is some goodprocess xtras from my art side of the project
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 01:30:13 UTC No. 926380
You get used to used.
>Scriptable Render Feature
Thanks. Will check this
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 01:32:46 UTC No. 926381
Do some vagina doors like in Stars are Legion
What software are you using to paint it? People tell me you can do it in substance painter but it sucks
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 01:41:17 UTC No. 926382
To be honest, I am just using the Blender texture painting tool. It is kind of lackluster, but I am reasonably competent in Photoshop, if I want to touch it up. So far however, the only thing I have done outside Blender is upping the contrast a little bit with an adjustment layer.
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 02:10:22 UTC No. 926386
I was just about to ask you about your shoulders. I've been trying to make good shoulders forever. But it's like no matter what I do, it's never even close to good enough.
How is everyone making shoulders? Is there some ultra secret to bones that you have to pay for to learn?
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 03:46:50 UTC No. 926397
Great idea
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 03:48:11 UTC No. 926399
big improvement already,
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 10:00:07 UTC No. 926407
Your animation work is exemplary as always! Good luck with the game; love seeing your stuff.
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 13:12:26 UTC No. 926421
It's an anonymous image board, don't really see the point of being self-conscious of your work. You'll get good feedback, but if something isn't responded to then something isn't responded to. No real deeper meaning necessarily.
Every now and then even I'll post about while I'm learning, and my stuff is 99% flat planes that fail to capture the aesthetic I'm going for. Your work is already leagues ahead, so no point in stressing the small stuff.
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 16:23:55 UTC No. 926432
Trying to make my first npr scene. I don't think there's much else I can really add, however I'm also still not fully satisfied with it -- it's hard to try get that anime-esque look without just looking like bad 3d.
I want it to be all done in blender, so no after painting etc. Any criticisms or things I could add?
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 16:53:57 UTC No. 926435
That's quite nice!
I think the moon should be brighter, right now it looks grey and dull
Maybe the water could be either choppier or flatter, it looks a bit oily now. Or maybe it's a scale thing. Or it needs more variety.
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 19:27:43 UTC No. 926447
It's meaningless to overthink this, anon. Make art because you enjoy the process or the subject matter. If you enjoy wood and you like to see it broken, then do that and be happy with yourself. Not getting (You)'s just means anons had nothing to say about it at the time, no more, no less. The 'it got no engagement so it must be terrible' plot of land is not somewhere I would encourage you to build a home in.
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 19:37:01 UTC No. 926449
BASED world4jack post
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 19:49:53 UTC No. 926450
Hey thanks. I'll improve the splinters and try to do some modular splinters too because it'll pretty close to the camera.
I'm not really insecure I was just joking about that and I do normally get feedback when I post. It was just one of those things I'd noticed (not just when I post, but other people too) and often wondered about.
I like your aesthetic btw. I'm not sure if it's what you're going for, but it feels like the first Sims.
Thanks though anon, I appreciate it.
The funny thing is I only really do it because I enjoy it. I've left it much too late in the day to ever make a career of it or anything like that.
You are right though in what you say and, like I said to the other anon, I was only joking about being insecure. Really I just like to know if I'm heading in the right direction with things.
Truthfully everyone in /wip/ has helped me since I started and have never been anything but nice. Nice as in being helpful. Not as in blowing smoke up my arse telling me something shit was good just to "spare my feelings" or whatever.
Thanks bros.
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 19:56:58 UTC No. 926451
I think it's really nice, but you asked for ideas so I made a few tweaks:
- removed the mountains, added backlit clouds
- lanterns got a little more depth
- made indoor lighting pop more like the windows in the top left
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 22:24:42 UTC No. 926465
Yeah, the water was something I was having issue with, I'll need to play with it some more to get it right
This is super helpful, the small things like the lantern depth seem so obvious in hindsight. Thanks to both for the help!
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Nov 2022 22:51:11 UTC No. 926467
This looks awesome, great work anon
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Nov 2022 00:37:49 UTC No. 926473
Do you have any reference images collected anon? It's easier to compare what's wrong with the render side by side with the reference. Upon first impressions the textures are too uniform and don't have any surface imperfections. I am not really sure why the planks has spaces between em unless this is just a test render for the prop.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Nov 2022 02:57:46 UTC No. 926491
Good point actually I always forget to use references. I was just running off the logic of
>It's a wooden box how hard can it be
Like I usually do and I even know it's the wrong way to do things. Although the other part that I haven't posted yet I did use references for, but there's that many designs of it it was much easier to take some artistic liberties.
I haven't done the imperfections or nothing yet on the wood. Not on that one or the one I've replaced it with. I was going to do that later because I've never tried it before so I'm procrastinating with it.
One thing I am having an issue with is how intense the bump map on the new wood is. It's never been an issue before and it looks fine as long as no light is shining directly on it, but when it is it looks really intense and it looks way too shiny which I assume is the roughness map. It almost looks like skin that's cracked and then been candied. It's disgusting. I have a feeling it's just not scaled enough so I'll try that first.
>I am not really sure why the planks has spaces between em
From what I know it depends what they're storing. Crates that hold fresh produce have gaps between the blanks so fresh air can get to in and stop whatever is inside from going manky.
For me it's more of an aesthetic choice, I just prefer gappy crates. Although with the schizo headcanon I'm using for the scene I could make the argument for what's inside needing to be kept fresh.
I appreciate your help anon. Thanks.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Nov 2022 04:19:47 UTC No. 926501
Complete garbage.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Nov 2022 04:47:33 UTC No. 926502
I like it >:(
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Nov 2022 12:31:20 UTC No. 926523
fix the face please, it looks gross and unappealing
The braids are also have some very distinct edges you might want to smooth out, the rest of it looks decent though
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Nov 2022 12:58:50 UTC No. 926527
.... very puffy vulva
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Nov 2022 13:17:23 UTC No. 926531
You do have a decent grasp on anatomy, but the face looks somewhat unappealing personally. Eyes and forehead look ok, nose ok (I don't mind snub-noses or it might just be the camera angle that's giving the impression of it), but the area between the nose and the upper lip is likely the major culprit in this perceived ugliness of mine: it's too chiseled and looks Shrek-tier, might I suggest smoothing it out a bit? As it is it's creating some pretty strong and not very pretty shadows due to likely deep crevices, I think it might be worth trying to make those crevices shallower in that area. See pic rel to show what I mean. That's what I would do anyway, it's your model.
Other than that, lips look ok and chin looks ok.
Overall a good model. Sculpts always tend to look a bit off, but once you slap some textures on and put actual lighting on (you know what I mean like HDRI shit) it should look breddy gud
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 01:18:14 UTC No. 926601
I think the sparseness of the environment is actually fine if you're going for some kinda creepy vibe here. The chains are way too big and there's far too many of them though, just makes the whole thing seem a bit cluttered and silly. Also you did a good job with the whole 'sun being seriously obstructed by a layer of clouds' thing but then you put all these super thick ones at the top and it's a little weird.
Take the Suzanne head off. I know it's a preview and you're having fun with it but y'know... it's not that type of render.
Curious to see more of this and where you'll take it, anon. Keep it up.
Looks fantastic, mate. Texture work is super consistent to that PS2 era. Nice and roughed up and grungy in all the right ways, no extra channels making things clash unnecessarily. If this was one of those HD texture pack projects or fan restoration projects I'd be a little proud of it.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 15:09:36 UTC No. 926639
love this aesthetic!
AO looks good. Maybe a little AO where your model pieces come together? Like where the Hair attaches (or in between) to the head.
Awesome. Makes me want to play it.
Lighting looks really cool.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 21:12:36 UTC No. 926688
Just got a 3D printer so now I'm working on a post-apocalyptic vermin/ratmen army.
Weapons are based off of Anvil Industry's
The Ratmen them self's will look like GW's Clanrats but with a more human like upright posture. With softer features so when I make the female Vermin they wont look so out of place while trying not deviate too far from the original look.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 23:24:08 UTC No. 926701
Blocking out this little fella. Crab/spider/bagworm moth automaton, storing goods in his head trunk. With hooks in the back for attaching additional trunk. A bit like the one in horizon zero. I'm having hard time coming up with details though, can't suspend disbelief so to speak. Every joint has to work.
You're using geedubs models as a base to modify, or print entire characters and fit them with weapons?
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 23:37:02 UTC No. 926704
it shows, but you can get away with a lot by flat-shading the face later on
the thumbs go in the wrong direction but it kind of works if it's supposed to be a monstrous hand
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Nov 2022 23:39:31 UTC No. 926706
Cool. You should make all the eyes telescopic so it can give a lot of character.
Was just copying it because the original plan was to convert Skaven with there bits. GW screwed up my order so it came 3 weeks late and Anvil Indistrys wont let me order with a prepaid visa and not even through paypal. Which is weird because it worked before. And Skaven being $60 Can. I deiced to get an Elegoo Saturn 8k.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Nov 2022 04:21:03 UTC No. 926730
why are you here? You deserve better.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Nov 2022 05:29:54 UTC No. 926735
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Nov 2022 09:23:27 UTC No. 926752
Update on my Zaku 2 from a few threads back
Yesterday It took about 10 hours to unwrap everything. Its all ID mapped and prebaked for substance which is what I did today for the head.
The cockpit got some more greebling attention as did the exterior. It should look great.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Nov 2022 11:09:24 UTC No. 926758
How did you make her features change shape based on camera angle?
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Nov 2022 12:05:12 UTC No. 926759
It wasn't mine. I can't draw, much less draw well enough to come up with a character.
It's a character from a gacha game I like and play.
Thanks for the feedback.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Nov 2022 12:10:05 UTC No. 926760
Sweet, can't wait to see it finished. With some dirt and grime and whatnot.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Nov 2022 20:06:18 UTC No. 926832
I want to start making anime -esque tanks and experiment with NPR, but for now I'm a complete creative hack , and I can't help but feel guilty about really wanting to crib people's designs off pinterest like pic related.
I probably shouldn't because I have 0 plan to monetize my work and will give credit when the model is done.
What got me some motivation is the release of this thing :
Some guy made a 'custom build" of Blender specifically tuned for Anime style Shading.
It might be one of the first things I "buy" off Patreon, just to see how he handled the lighting.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Nov 2022 20:07:55 UTC No. 926834
Before I stopped having time for 3d shit, I made this rocket launcher bug robot, but I think I became discouraged when I bit off more than I could chew with the environment.
I wanted to have like..... an Neon Genesis Evangellion style city street and making all those buildings kinda crushed my sprit.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Nov 2022 20:09:42 UTC No. 926837
I'm aiming to reproduce this exact style, right down to the effects, post processing, "grit" etc.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Nov 2022 21:20:07 UTC No. 926850
>I think it's fine and you're a dumbass.
classic behavior
its not a sculpt
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Nov 2022 21:42:52 UTC No. 926856
Why not try ai designs? I can draw but ai makes things a lot faster
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 01:28:41 UTC No. 926873
I'm working on a bobble head of my Dad for his birthday, but the bike handle bar is kind of a weird shape so its just a blockout for now. I might go and sculpt it. So far I've made this through a mix of solidworks and blender because. The thought of bringing it to zbrush when it's already been through so much is kind of funny to me.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 02:22:28 UTC No. 926875
I wrote a little script for it.
All it does is:
Calculate the rotation from the head to the camera
Convert that to euler angles
Shove the euler angles through some AnimationCurve s
Apply the resulting values to the position, rotation, and scale of each face feature
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 02:35:19 UTC No. 926876
Looking good anon
If you're planning to do animations and stuff I recommend taking a look at this video.
The guy covers some important points about the limitations of 2D drawing and why certain movements in 3D anime look terrible.
The rest of the video is interesting too but not as important as that stuff.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 04:33:54 UTC No. 926879
I think it's looking a bit better now /wip/ chads. Still other things I need to do obviously, but progress is progress right? I still can't fix that normal map intensity btw so no bully.
Not related to this, but more to Blender in general. I've noticed a bit of an oddity with the HDRI. It's not really an issue, but I'm not sure why it's happening. Just wondering if any of you have came across it before.
>Use the same HDRI all the time just for the lighting and always make my HDRIs transparent
>Sometimes forget to do it and just do all of the lighting at the end
>Start noticing my usual HDRI being reflected in some objects even when I'm not using an HDRI
>Maybe I'm just seeing things
>Use different HDRI for this project that's snowy (for obvious reasons) while the usual one is more like a sunny forest
>Shade something smooth and the HDRI is reflected in it
>But it's the sunny forest one and not the snowy one that I'm using
>Turn autosmoothing on
>HDRI reflection changes to the snowy one that I'm using
Like I say it's not something important it's just weird.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 07:02:36 UTC No. 926882
I'm a newbie myself. And truth be told, I don't really understand what you're asking. What is the "crumpled" part exactly? But in any case, I think I see some oddities here.
The two small circles show stray edges suddenly ending. Shouldn't you resolve those? Or is there some advanced topology technique I'm not aware of?
The long circle on the bottom is just me noticing that two edgeloops are really close together. You can probably get rid of one. Unless it's serving a function I'm not aware of.
The hatching is me notcing that there's an extra row of quads on the bottom of the mouth, but not on the top. Not really a problem if you did it on purpose. But the lack of symmetry just caught my eye.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 13:30:39 UTC No. 926898
opened up an old project I had but the topology of everything is fucked so i cant unwrap and add proper textures with mixer.
iirc didn't the ps2 use gouche shading? how do you make textures in the ps2 era since newer software have sort of accurate lightning?
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 13:42:14 UTC No. 926899
I like it! You could try giving the image a more "large scale" look by making the chain links smaller the further away from the cam they are and keeping the overall chain length.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 13:49:34 UTC No. 926900
The crumpled part of the mouth I circles it desu. It's probably hard to see.
I use ngons in places where I want to leave smooth/undefined. The topology usually solves it self when you smooth it and it tends to look way better than just terminating it with a triangle or something.
The long circle part are places where I need sharper, more defined edges on the tire arch.
As for the bottome squares it's just to hold the shape of the mouth when I smooth it. Probably what's causing the problem but I can't think of an alternative
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 19:40:53 UTC No. 926991
The lighting is done using standard lights, such as Omni and Spot type. A Skylight is needed as a complement. It controls the dark parts of the scene to avoid absolute pitch where the light cannot reach (see the attached image). For the background texture I used self-illumination. Shadows are turned off. What looks like a shadow under the car is actually a plane object with opacity. As for the texture, I make it 256px and then convert it to indexed color with 128 colors.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Nov 2022 22:15:32 UTC No. 927011
Wow you sketched those?
That's cool as fuck. Nice job anon.
Anonymous at Wed, 23 Nov 2022 01:29:46 UTC No. 927038
very nice. I liked the blue car sketch, it has an interesting design.
Anonymous at Wed, 23 Nov 2022 02:13:22 UTC No. 927039
Just model the tank, anon. It's a fine sheet. I doubt anybody besides you cares that much. If you actually finish it and want to upload it somewhere, you could always just name the artist or link back to the page you found the sheet somewhere. I wouldn't call it necessary if it's free but I'm sure they'd think it's a nice gesture.
Anonymous at Wed, 23 Nov 2022 04:13:42 UTC No. 927046
Anonymous at Wed, 23 Nov 2022 06:41:48 UTC No. 927056
Oops I thought I was in /mu/...
Anonymous at Wed, 23 Nov 2022 17:44:08 UTC No. 927106
yes you do, at least you are trying anon
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Nov 2022 12:01:35 UTC No. 927203
Move the irises closer to the middle of the face. More space on the inside of the eye than the outside makes it look crosseyed.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Nov 2022 22:44:46 UTC No. 927236
Those are possibly relationship lines? The objects you moved, are related to some objects that haven't moved. And the lines merely indicate that there's a relation between the two.
I'm not sure what program you're using. But in Blender, the option to toggle the lines on and off, is in pic related.
Anonymous at Thu, 24 Nov 2022 22:59:09 UTC No. 927238
Ah that would make sense. I think I turned the selection and visibility off on the paths I used so now they've been left behind.
Thanks. I'll turn them off when I go back on Blender.
๐๏ธ Anonymous at Fri, 25 Nov 2022 01:00:10 UTC No. 927254
The 4chan mods are gaining energy and aren't deleting this post.
A bunch of demons are trying to send people to hell in this place. A group of absolute legends are trying to stop them.
Easy to prove what I say, just saying the following line out loud or in your head:
"My aura is altering all aspects of my being to emit infinite -% energies of an innocuous (not evil) nature into the world."
For More Information:
https://pastebin.com/s v s f j W 1 s
Just remove the spaces.
My name is Clay Cobb
I live in Santa Fe, NM
My mother works for Los Alamos
I am a diaspora Jew living amongst the White Gentile population.
I am seeking protection from world instability from any entity who can provide it.
I am especially interested in the Chinese, Japanese, Israeli, or Russian foreign governments.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Nov 2022 02:36:31 UTC No. 927365
Update. Had to start over for a third time, but now I have more then half done. Need to work on Rat design now.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Nov 2022 16:25:56 UTC No. 927407
absolutely loving these.
are you going for High poly PBR or lowpoly handpainted?
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Nov 2022 17:43:43 UTC No. 927419
Nice, how'd you do the bump map for the neck? I figure it wouldn't really show up in the render anyways, but I couldn't think of a good way to do it procedurally.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Nov 2022 18:03:52 UTC No. 927420
This might be more of a preference thing, but I think you're focusing too much more on the fatty deposits vs. the edges that define certain areas. In 2d drawings you'd want to do that, but 3d bodies always looks better to me when they've got shaped flat planes breaking them up. Not my work, but take this one as an extreme example. Barely any focus on fleshy blobs within the silhouette, just a few flat planes (ribcage, knees/shins) and that's enough to give it all the appeal it needs.
It's an extreme example, like I said, and you could say it isn't your style, but in general I think finding ways to work in those flatter areas will help. Not just in terms of design, but in terms of making the mesh deform well once you're actually using it.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Nov 2022 18:07:31 UTC No. 927421
>post i'm replying to was baleeted
Oh. Well, I hope you stuck around to see my post anyways furry guy.
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Nov 2022 18:33:15 UTC No. 927428
Anonymous at Sat, 26 Nov 2022 19:20:28 UTC No. 927432
rayman if he genderbent sexy furry and had legs
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Nov 2022 00:21:15 UTC No. 927469
Reminds me of the Mantorok room from Eternal Darkness. Doesn't really look that much like it to be honest. Just the overall circular design, with what looks like organic matter lining the walls, and the general feel that you're summoning an ancient god. And correct me if I'm wrong, but there seems to be an eye motif going on. Like the whole room is inside of one giant eye.(google an eye up close) And then the centerpiece is another eye, with the coffin acting as a slit pupil.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Nov 2022 01:36:49 UTC No. 927473
I'm surprised /3/ even gets archived
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Nov 2022 04:07:12 UTC No. 927490
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Nov 2022 04:28:36 UTC No. 927492
Did you make the I/O/II symbols? This kind of thing is hard for me to find without copyright, I always have to do it in photoshop and the result is never perfect, borders too defined or inconsistent, disproportionate and things like that.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Nov 2022 04:46:28 UTC No. 927494
You are pretty much spot on, this is the resting place of an elder god(the coffin and the spirit inside it) the eye motif wasn't intentional but it fits very well with the environment actually, going to push that a bit more in the future
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Nov 2022 04:47:30 UTC No. 927495
very good
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Nov 2022 12:13:09 UTC No. 927526
Ear version 2.0. I'm trying to make a clean base mesh ear. My first ear looked pretty much like an ear, but the topology was a little tangled with loops intersecting themselves. Ear V2 has improved topology. There are no self-intersecting loops this time. Though, I feel like it could be improved. For now, I'm just happy to have closed off all the gaps with clean loops.
Critique welcome.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Nov 2022 12:40:36 UTC No. 927530
WOW, looks like Fluffy_Keflar designs.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Nov 2022 12:43:03 UTC No. 927531
Was going to 3D print them off for ratman army.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Nov 2022 15:38:00 UTC No. 927549
those wet floor signs are looking a little conspicuous
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Nov 2022 16:58:07 UTC No. 927561
got sick of grinding pbr scenes and came back to psx again. i have no clue how light night scenes for psx other than pre baked lightning. liking it so far and just need to replay signalis again.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Nov 2022 17:19:37 UTC No. 927563
that's right, clean it up janny!
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Nov 2022 17:40:50 UTC No. 927567
Hey my sister has one of these for her back. Why are you guys making them?
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Nov 2022 18:45:37 UTC No. 927577
looks more like a low rez monkey island or adventure games of the early 90s than anything from the PSX
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Nov 2022 19:38:15 UTC No. 927582
very cool anon
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Nov 2022 01:33:30 UTC No. 927622
looks very nice
could fit right into Legend of the Dragoon of final fantasy 8-9
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Nov 2022 05:07:02 UTC No. 927633
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Nov 2022 06:57:38 UTC No. 927638
maybe try projecting the texture of the moon onto a low resolution sphere?
other than that i dont have anything to add
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Nov 2022 07:32:33 UTC No. 927642
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Nov 2022 18:08:02 UTC No. 927681
why are you watching some gimpy shit when you can watch the best in the world work:
๐๏ธ Anonymous at Mon, 28 Nov 2022 18:37:14 UTC No. 927687
>Wales to win 4-0 is 200/1
>England to win 10-0 is 200/1
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Nov 2022 18:45:43 UTC No. 927688
Expression is very nice, now do the rest of the head anon
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Nov 2022 19:07:31 UTC No. 927691
Me and my frens finished this funy animation all origano in blender
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Nov 2022 19:11:46 UTC No. 927692
Some more progress. Trying out different toon shaders. I like how the hair turned out, but the body is fucking impossible because my topology is trash. I sorta like the plastic look honestly.
Anonymous at Mon, 28 Nov 2022 20:58:22 UTC No. 927699
Hey, fellow Vtuber. Rookie 3d designer here. If you would be so kind, could you list the guides you used from scrap?
At least the first ones. I want to use mine for VRchat too, so I don't need to do holy job like you.
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Nov 2022 03:30:51 UTC No. 927733
>it even shades like a bad mexican dA upload
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Nov 2022 04:20:04 UTC No. 927737
In this model the facial features are painted as textures right? If i want to make a similar low poly model with a facial rig what would you guys suggest? Something akin to megaman legends ? Anything else you guys can think of?
Anonymous at Tue, 29 Nov 2022 16:21:55 UTC No. 927780
thats just using a spritesheet that has all your facial expressions in a grid like layout and offsetting the uv with an animation
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Nov 2022 08:11:11 UTC No. 927863
Well, if you were going for a slightly more technically impressive Alone In The Dark look, then you've certainly achieved it.
I mean that not as an insult but in the best way possible.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Nov 2022 08:18:24 UTC No. 927866
Giant space anus
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Nov 2022 08:35:14 UTC No. 927869
Apologies for deleting the post anon.
The character in question is supposed to be a bit chubbier than usual and that's why I decided to focus on the more subcutaneous features to accentuate that. Not to say that I know how to balance the like but I totally understand your point.
Still WIP obv.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Nov 2022 08:46:55 UTC No. 927870
Initially i wanted to go for a psx look but ended up liking pixel art style more.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Nov 2022 08:48:03 UTC No. 927871
Truly the ultimate cosmic horror. The cosmic fart
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Nov 2022 09:40:13 UTC No. 927875
I just want to coom anon, anime timelapses are nice... thanks, I'll slowly work through this
thanks anon I'm just speedrunning these so I nuke the file after I've capped them. I'll eventually get to other features once I get the hang of faces. Here's tonight's sketch, looking at monolids. Eyes are probably way too far apart
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Nov 2022 10:03:35 UTC No. 927876
start using spheres for eyes so you get used to wrapping lids around them and placing them properly. best to get used to it early.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Nov 2022 13:40:14 UTC No. 927889
I tried slamming spheres straight onto the base mesh and building round em for this one. I know there's meant to be 1 eye distance between eyes, is that for the eye as a sphere, or for the visible portion of the eye only? Getting some fishfaces here. Also need to take a look at how eyelids wrap around on 3/4, looks weirdly flat
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Nov 2022 15:27:08 UTC No. 927893
push the lower orbit (bony bit below lid/top of cheek) outward and raise zygomatic/cheekbone
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Nov 2022 15:34:16 UTC No. 927895
also this line that you're following; it doesn't exist.
zygomatic arch is a horizontal line from bottom of orbit to just above ear hole
recommend you watch this some time
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Nov 2022 21:24:04 UTC No. 927930
Anon, make sure you are not cooming too much. I did that and pretty much burnt out making waifu models.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Nov 2022 22:03:08 UTC No. 927939
Biceps are way too large relative to triceps and her anterior deltoids are not there. Collarbone and traps are kind of hidden by fluff but I think they're out of place too. Aside from that it looks alright, though I think you might want to either add more ab definition or more fatty sag below the bellybutton.
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Nov 2022 22:37:15 UTC No. 927941
Really cool anon
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Nov 2022 23:33:16 UTC No. 927953
Thank you. Going to try out blocking technique I been watching.
Anonymous at Thu, 1 Dec 2022 06:54:00 UTC No. 927990
now model rally vincent to drive it
Anonymous at Thu, 1 Dec 2022 07:44:54 UTC No. 927994
I don't know what it is but something is off in these faces. I liked the first ones you posted better tho.
I'm liking the body but the face is a bit harsh
Very nice. Of the times I tried I never could get a smooth surface
I'm really liking the proportions. It's kind of cute
Looks cool. I'm guessing you will work on highres versions? otherwise why leave the normals so round
The lips are sticking too much. I guess cell shading would make it less apparent. Hands are weird. Too pointy fingers.
Face looks bad. Body is ok. I think anime faces are flatter with not much definition to the lips. Look at anime statues.
I'm not liking that pose very much, specially those 'tails'. Model looks great tho.
Didn't like it much at first but these last images have changed my mind.
Anonymous at Thu, 1 Dec 2022 08:29:40 UTC No. 927996
>I'm guessing you will work on highres versions?
Nah fuck that lol, just gonna run Materialize on some image textures and be done with it, I don't like to spend hours on a single prop, especially considering I'm pumping out like 10 models a day of these sort of little items, if I used the high poly > bake workflow I would never see the end of it. And besides, these are low-mid poly items the player will hardly stop to admire, no point going that high quality for this kind of project
>Looks cool.
Thanks bro, 'preciate
Anonymous at Thu, 1 Dec 2022 11:45:43 UTC No. 928012
Lel, I was listening to gunsmiths op when I was doing this
On and off it for like a few weeks I think. First time with a car. Did not expect it to be this hard desu
Me neither, I posted about it last thread asking about the topology. Removing and adding edges again seem to help a lot tho idk
Anonymous at Thu, 1 Dec 2022 12:51:30 UTC No. 928017
o nice, thanks anon that's really handy. Just got absolutely mogged in the first 5 minutes doing that skull from memory exercise
Anonymous at Thu, 1 Dec 2022 13:58:03 UTC No. 928024
Those surface reflections look very aesthetic anon
Anonymous at Thu, 1 Dec 2022 19:52:35 UTC No. 928047
Yeah the lips look kinda weird. The hands are supposed to be like "monster claws" or something. thanks for feedback tho
Anonymous at Thu, 1 Dec 2022 21:19:47 UTC No. 928058
Anonymous at Thu, 1 Dec 2022 21:26:46 UTC No. 928060
how many times are you going to make this exact same mesh lol
Anonymous at Fri, 2 Dec 2022 10:15:47 UTC No. 928128
Loving the design here
Anonymous at Fri, 2 Dec 2022 20:05:13 UTC No. 928170
how much more belly fat? Are you sure you're adding enough?
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Dec 2022 04:01:38 UTC No. 928354
Awesome job! I love it.
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Dec 2022 04:03:00 UTC No. 928355
>r*d matcap
I hate it...
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Dec 2022 04:35:20 UTC No. 928356
Really cool although I think the boundary between the hair and face should be much sharper
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Dec 2022 14:52:34 UTC No. 928408
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Dec 2022 22:01:30 UTC No. 928457
Abdomen enters the room in her stars and stripes onesie, producing a silver platter of colored vials, each labeled with the face of a great NASCAR driver from the golden age, the Earnhardt years. Plantatia squats close to the floor in the perfect balance between yoga pose, and tactical battle-stance.
Abdomen nods.
"When I was born, I had a vision. George Washington was there, and he was my father. He would pour milk on the ground and say, 'Surely by now all this milk must be spoiled!' Plantatia, we will drink these poisons that were sold to me at fair market value by a trusted e-friend. We will imbibe this putrid mess and we will micturate into the public water supply. Our bodies will be life taking amphoras of heinous fluid."
Plantatia stares at the vials intently, careful not to look Abdomen in the eyes.
"I would like the Jeff Gordon one."
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Dec 2022 23:13:03 UTC No. 928469
my man
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Dec 2022 20:36:26 UTC No. 928618
ask again after you add toes
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Dec 2022 21:25:34 UTC No. 928626
or slap on a sock texture
Anonymous at Tue, 6 Dec 2022 01:53:03 UTC No. 928656
im in love
Anonymous at Wed, 7 Dec 2022 10:18:29 UTC No. 928827
shitty edit and it depends on what you want of course, but the mouth looks a bit better with it being wider on the bottom. Something looks a bit off with the head this way.
Very nice work though, im jealous
Anonymous at Wed, 7 Dec 2022 10:56:16 UTC No. 928832
Anonymous at Wed, 7 Dec 2022 14:53:48 UTC No. 928846
What? Is there a thread? I wanna do something, once i finish the fucking robot
Anonymous at Thu, 8 Dec 2022 00:00:30 UTC No. 928915
It's nothing really official, we just thought the uConsole looked cool and took turnns at modeling it, we're on the discord server in OP's message, you're welcome there :)
Anonymous at Thu, 8 Dec 2022 02:34:17 UTC No. 928927
you pull the latch in the normal map
Anonymous at Thu, 8 Dec 2022 11:22:08 UTC No. 928951
yes josh i will
Anonymous at Thu, 8 Dec 2022 11:41:31 UTC No. 928955
sell the 3d files with the unity project file for $100 and you will unironically make a quarter million. I am not joking.
Anonymous at Fri, 9 Dec 2022 01:25:48 UTC No. 929029
Thanku <3
here -> https://discord.gg/ujt5vtr4DE
Anonymous at Fri, 9 Dec 2022 05:47:00 UTC No. 929044
Trying to do Robocop's gun.
Guns are always a big challenge for me so I like trying them. Particularly the handle and grip as you can probably tell.
Hasn't helped that I used a bunch of references this time, but didn't realise until I was almost done that they have slight differences in them.
Anonymous at Fri, 9 Dec 2022 19:00:02 UTC No. 929077
Eating Mexican food the movie.
Anonymous at Fri, 9 Dec 2022 22:23:54 UTC No. 929091
>be away from /3 for a few month come back, quality of wip rises ...
...wtf? what happend?
Anonymous at Sat, 10 Dec 2022 00:20:00 UTC No. 929107
uh oh. now that you're back they'll go down again
Anonymous at Sat, 10 Dec 2022 01:04:09 UTC No. 929114
kek gottem
Anonymous at Sat, 10 Dec 2022 11:53:18 UTC No. 929167
>following on 3dguy's footsteps
holy based
Anonymous at Sat, 10 Dec 2022 11:54:30 UTC No. 929168
Bevel them edges ffs
Anonymous at Sat, 10 Dec 2022 13:46:19 UTC No. 929176
Give me a chance pal I've only just blocked it out. Flipping heck.
Anonymous at Sat, 10 Dec 2022 14:49:25 UTC No. 929184
Due to the lack of a proper blender thread I am posting this here
I'm not an animator but a programmer so I'm kinda retarded
Trying to export these animations from this model into Unity, I am indeed baking animations
exporting only the armature (as the mesh with the armature has already been exported in a fbx only), as I want only the animations
All the animations clip appear in unity, but for some reason they don't have any motion at all and the model is just laying down in a ref pose
I am just selecting the armature object in object mode, all the motherfucking youtube tutorials say this, and just vary in a few export options, which I already have specifics of
I am doing anything wrong here? Am I stupid?
Anonymous at Sat, 10 Dec 2022 14:53:08 UTC No. 929187
Should've mentioned that I'm using the latest version, and as thinking that this was a blender issue, I downgraded to 3.0
That didn't do anything
Anonymous at Sat, 10 Dec 2022 16:50:52 UTC No. 929195
Some anons think this is the finished projects general
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Dec 2022 07:25:12 UTC No. 929277
Very nice
Whatโs this art for? Are you trying to generate collages?
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Dec 2022 10:43:05 UTC No. 929297
Pretty neat. The sternum area still needs work, i'm guessing you're getting there.
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Dec 2022 13:09:19 UTC No. 929307
I have an idea for an animation, that I'd like to share with you for free:
A piece of corn sings "I will survive" while we join it on its journey through the digestive tract.
Go bonkers.
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Dec 2022 20:11:27 UTC No. 929359
i know you can have audio play when you scrub but if i were you i would write a short script to place markers according to a bpm
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Dec 2022 20:14:19 UTC No. 929360
oh hey look someone already wrote one
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Dec 2022 20:29:59 UTC No. 929362
yeah I have the audio playing while scrubbing but I was still finding it challenging
I don't know anything about scripting but I'll try to figure out how to use that, thanks
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Dec 2022 07:44:39 UTC No. 929407
honestly looks better than what the art team did for that overwatch clone lmao
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Dec 2022 07:46:50 UTC No. 929409
Hatch open, power off glory shot
I could do a comparison of the two. For all that its worth, G : EVO was my introduction to Gundam and without it I wouldnt have face first dove into all the great OVAs that exist
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Dec 2022 14:10:31 UTC No. 929434
Haven't used Blender before but:
Maybe check that Unity is indeed assigning the start and end animation frames correctly.
I would also try making sure both fbx are imported as Humanoid (Inspector->Rig->AnimationType->Hum
You can just drop the animation fbx into the scene to check if it's actually exporting the bones and to check the structure.
You could also just export the model+animations, I think only the used meshes/animations are exported when you build the project.
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Dec 2022 14:16:09 UTC No. 929435
Didn't saw the pic lol
Why are all your animations starting at 0??
I export 1 animation per fbx. I guess you can try having all in the same fbx but they can't overlap.
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Dec 2022 15:23:43 UTC No. 929443
IMO, with those ears and horns, I'd rather say her face should be uglier and less human-like, more like a female Shrek type face. Maybe eyes could look a bit more rounder and with large lashes and pronounced eyelids, rounder face and smaller mouth with bulging lips. Good job!
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Dec 2022 21:17:30 UTC No. 929464
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Dec 2022 22:14:29 UTC No. 929471
Check I checked it with /agdg/ and someone gave some help, turned out to be that the FBX wasn't even exporting with any keyframe at all, for some reason.
Then doing a bit more experimentation while exporting, it does export the animations if one specific mesh gets exported along with it, so it stops being an armature + animation export only
An armature export only would show the ROOT bone as top object in Unity, meanwhile an armature + specific mesh makes it the ARMATURE object, just like it should be.
So somehow the Armature object has a dependency on one mesh, and if that mesh doesn't export, the armature object doesn't either? It's extremely weird, and I have no idea
>I would also try making sure both fbx are imported as Humanoid (Inspector->Rig->AnimationType->Hum
Yeah both my imports have the appropiate Generic rig type.
The animation import is set to use the same avatar as the model import, that's why the model even appears in the bottom preview, else it wouldn't.
>Why are all your animations starting at 0??
They start at frame zero because it's what is most reasonable, imo?
If I wanted to delay the start i'd put a empty "buffer" entity state in the animator, not bake it in the animation asset
>anime girl pinups inside the cockpit
based, other than that the extremely low res normal map giving the monitors and control panels (mostly on the right side) a wear-out looks kinda bad, reminds me of asset-flip horror unity games for phones that have grunginess on the materials put to the max
I'd expect the inside of the cockpit nice and tidy since it's not something that gets exposed to the outside and its a pilot's own personal space
Anonymous at Tue, 13 Dec 2022 00:15:32 UTC No. 929482
Anonymous at Tue, 13 Dec 2022 00:21:45 UTC No. 929484
there are tons of free fighting animations
Anonymous at Tue, 13 Dec 2022 04:41:58 UTC No. 929514
yeah thats the height map doing that. Luckily that shit doesnt matter for unity I just always like to put on everything I bake out in blender
Anonymous at Tue, 13 Dec 2022 17:22:52 UTC No. 929563
if you want you should remove the fan and add a vent, or move the fan back and add a vent over it with the fan visible inside
no machine leaves the fans open on the outer shell like that
Anonymous at Wed, 14 Dec 2022 04:36:10 UTC No. 929629
He looks like he's about to create the industrial revolution
Same. 3d is sometimes annoying, like you master modeling and you feel good about yourself but you realize you have to learn how to texture, render, animate, etc. etc.
It gets taxing but we keep doing it because we enjoy 3d enough to keep going along.
That's some pro shit right there. I assume you work in the industry- but regardless its really good.
Anonymous at Wed, 14 Dec 2022 22:51:57 UTC No. 929680
nice air conditioner
cute tummy
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Dec 2022 14:28:34 UTC No. 929746
Looks pretty swell, it would take me a fucking month to make this. That's one shitty jpeg though i can't see if the rear end is a separate piece, it should be, like the front. I mean a single normal map line would do the trick
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Dec 2022 15:47:11 UTC No. 929756
thaanks ;D
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Dec 2022 16:02:44 UTC No. 929757
its ok but the blurry textures and blown out lighting are distracting and the fact that its not an original design are "well"
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Dec 2022 18:40:58 UTC No. 929779
I sort of wish there was a finished projects general, but at the same time I like watching people post their "journey" in here and posting the finished thing at the end. Although a lot of them don't seem to do that and we never see how it looks in the end.
Also can someone send me halp with this? It doesn't seem to matter how much beveling is done to it, whether it's shaded smooth or flat, whether auto smoothing is on or off, nor how much subdiv it has it stays like this.
There's no doubles or nothing like that neither. I just can't seem to get it smooth.
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Dec 2022 21:20:01 UTC No. 929800
it does what I need it to do, why should I come up with an Original design when I want a Zaku 2? I have other original projects
its the bump thats causing the issues, so heres it removed.
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Dec 2022 21:36:56 UTC No. 929802
soften the normals maybe? idk
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Dec 2022 21:59:50 UTC No. 929805
based and zeon-pilled
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Dec 2022 23:04:29 UTC No. 929818
did you bevel the edges making up the curve of the trigger? Maybe you selected all the edges and hit the bevel tool by mistake.
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Dec 2022 00:00:46 UTC No. 929833
Post wireframe, what the mesh look like
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Dec 2022 03:38:29 UTC No. 929864
Where is the head?
Gives me kingdom hearts vibes i like it
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Dec 2022 04:01:56 UTC No. 929866
That's what it was. Thanks fren. I always make some retarded mistake and need my /wip/bros to clean up my mess.
Other anon solved the issue for me. Thanks anyway lads.
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Dec 2022 04:46:48 UTC No. 929873
Not made yet, still heavy wip. Thanks, big shoes and zippers will do that
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Dec 2022 20:08:34 UTC No. 929939
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Dec 2022 03:45:08 UTC No. 929980
Finally finished my first model that isn't based off of following any tutorials
The shapes were pretty simple so it wasn't hard to piece together
I just hope the clipping parts won't show up too badly when I do the colors
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Dec 2022 03:47:05 UTC No. 929981
How do you get that dirty gritty look?
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Dec 2022 06:02:27 UTC No. 929984
>I just hope the clipping parts won't show up too badly when I do the colors
You can use a boolean and it will look a lot smoother. Where the wings meet the body for example.
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Dec 2022 08:15:04 UTC No. 929987
are you the furry war crimes guy?
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Dec 2022 22:46:43 UTC No. 930051
Thanks for the tip anon, I had no idea what boolen did. It's super helpful.
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Dec 2022 00:31:05 UTC No. 930061
be careful using booleans. They'll make messed up geometry that can cause crashes. Save before.
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Dec 2022 04:51:41 UTC No. 930077
You're welcome. There's some short tuts that will show you how to get the best out of booleans and like the other anon says, be sure to save because they can cause crashes if your geometry goes too fucked up.
Another thing you should do is make a duplicate first if you're trying something new. Just for example, duplicate the wings and body and hide one set of them. That way if you fuck something up and you've ran out of undos you can just delete the duplicates and you still have a backup. It just saves you from trying to fix the mess you've made and can't undo or modeling the object(s) all over again. I probably wouldn't suggest making backups of every single thing though because it's not necessary. Just do it if you're experimenting with something you haven't tried before.
You can also change the undo limit. I think the limit is around 30, but I increased mine because I always fuck something up. Just remember it takes up more memory so don't change it to like 2000 undo steps or something if you do change it.
One thing I have noticed, looking back at your model, is that it's gone kind of flat but in the reference it's still more rounded. You've probably noticed I'm not very good at explaining things so pic related might explain it a bit better.
In the reference it tapers a bit at one end whereas yours is more the same throughout. It's more kind of "puffy" in the ref if you know what I mean, but yours is more flat.
I'm not giving you a hard time I just want to help you.
Btw take everything I say with a pinch of salt. I'm acting like I'm some expert in the industry, but I'm not and I'm probably just talking a load of shite. Always get a second opinion from someone else whenever I give advice.
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Dec 2022 05:29:10 UTC No. 930083
>You can also change the undo limit.
Are you serious
Holy fuck I literally did run into that exact problem and was cursing my shit luck
I didn't even think that was an option since I'm so used to doing regular art
But ye I did mess it up already by applying subdivision surface than doing stuff than realizing I had to go back but it was too late
And fixing subdivision surface with it's millions of points is impossible to do
I chalked it up as a learning failure and going to try making other stuff
But seriously thanks for the tips
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Dec 2022 06:00:37 UTC No. 930086
>applying subdivision surface than doing stuff than realizing I had to go back but it was too late
>And fixing subdivision surface with it's millions of points is impossible to do
Yeah I was always a victim of that myself. It's always best to not apply subdiv until it's necessary just to avoid that kind of thing.
Remember that where your modifiers are in the stack makes a difference too.
One thing you might want to try before replicating directly from a reference the way (I think) you have is by blocking things out with images. It's so much easier and keeps things in proportion. For instance dimensions.com you can use. It'll give you a a front view, side view, the real world dimensions, and all of that shit. And it saves you from doing it by eye. You can change your units in Blender too to feet, inches, mm, or whatever. It's handy for real world scale. It's cumbersome when you know something is 10cm irl, but the units you're using in Blender are 1m.
Keep it up bro.
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Dec 2022 08:21:08 UTC No. 930091
The garish bright tone of pink superimposed onto my Zeon atrocities machine gives me severe clownish whiplash... the least you could do is paint that bad boy a nice shade of army green.
No, I don't care that there were pink Zaku out there somewhere. It looks gay and those pilots probably like cock.
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Dec 2022 21:49:20 UTC No. 930142
use zbrush's uv master, and just accept the results it produces
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Dec 2022 22:18:16 UTC No. 930146
You're actually doing it, that's great. I'm UVing my spiderbot.
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Dec 2022 22:23:43 UTC No. 930149
Good luck with your spider bot, He looks dope.
I like how you arranged the eyes on him.
Anonymous at Mon, 19 Dec 2022 00:27:56 UTC No. 930161
>Pink is a military color
You mean a GAY military color...
Anonymous at Tue, 20 Dec 2022 03:40:30 UTC No. 930278
It looks good but the pink one was nice too.
Anonymous at Tue, 20 Dec 2022 04:26:17 UTC No. 930288
i still have it! dw
Anonymous at Tue, 20 Dec 2022 07:50:09 UTC No. 930308
A bit redundant
Anonymous at Tue, 20 Dec 2022 21:28:13 UTC No. 930404
>bump limit
>Image Limit
New thread when?
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Dec 2022 00:48:32 UTC No. 930441
This is neat anon, I like this kind of aesthetic. Just replayed legend of dragoon too so this makes it so much cooler.
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Dec 2022 02:18:12 UTC No. 930448
I wonder what brave souls will bake the next thread
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Dec 2022 09:22:21 UTC No. 930479
I did it.
If i messed up anything, fuck y'all and make your own damn thread.
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Dec 2022 12:43:45 UTC No. 930488
Thanks anon, this piece was inspired by signalis. would highly recommend the game if you like survival horror and this pixel 3d aesthetic with a sweet yuri story