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๐Ÿงต /DAZ/ 3D General - Pool Party Edition

Anonymous No. 932704

Previous: >>928636

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin (Truebones)

Suggested Blender Bridge:

Similar programs:
Vroid Anime Tool:
Metahuman creator:

Hair Creation:!uywlSQqS!GzZTEOGcRhiEr8Ve5hwsfQ

MORE nft shit. But with chimp watches.

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Anonymous No. 932706

I'm looking for a Shaundi from Saints Row 2 model, never used this software before I just want to convert it to blender as soon as I have it. I've searched online and can't find it, but I know it exists because I've seen other people make content with it.

Any help would be appreciated.

Anonymous No. 932709

easier to get the blender model than converting from DAZ

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Anonymous No. 932717

Pls share on zonegfx, SIRS

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Anonymous No. 932719

Rawr :3

Anonymous No. 932728

any pros here? I heard that, back then, in the old daz version, 4.05 or 4.5, you could use the HD morphs features freely and only later on it got locked out of user;s reach.
Can you download that old daz version and making HD morphs with it/? This is real game changer.

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Anonymous No. 932746

What's the "authoritative" Ellie model?
Is that guhzcoituz's Ellie?

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Anonymous No. 932758

Is amazon Ellie going to be alright? She looks worried...

Anonymous No. 932806

Any of you implementing AI shit like SD into your workflow?
I stopped making any renders I'm having too much fun prompting but now I wanna think about how to incorporate it

Anonymous No. 932807

could maybe use it for backgrounds but it would probably look disjointed with DAZ figures
I think it'd be cool if you could generate HDRis with AI models actually

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Anonymous No. 932822


thanks sir

Anonymous No. 932824

Anyone feel like daz has been stagnating for years?
The products in the shop are so much worse than they were like 6 years ago.

Can't epic just buy the trash already. I doubt they want the genesis figures, but the ecosystem could be valuable for their metahumans. Though maybe they can copy daz even without paying shit and all the creators just jump ship.

Anonymous No. 932841

It's just what's actually happening.
The software went through lots of hands in the last couple years, programmers came and went and each time they left shit the successor noped the fuck away from.
It's such a clusterfuck of shit running software that a complete rewrite would be the best way out but that would mean spending money on its development

Anonymous No. 932842

this type of software will either change a lot or completely go the way of the dodo.
at some point people will ask themselves why they should shell out hundreds on characters and clothes and time when the end result will still look like utter uncanny valley shit and AI can spit out convincing faces in seconds.
At the moment it's still sorta useful for character creation that will later be used in animation but I don't see how this shit will survive ESPECIALLY considering the absolute fucking stagnation.
>Studio 5 is just around the corner!
>its main feature will be....... APPLEL SUPPORT! WOOOOOO WOOOO!!!

Anonymous No. 932856

I've never seen a company hate their customers more than Daz Productions. Not only because a majority of them pirate assets, but they're also degenerate coomers. That's also why they're heavily shifting focus toward NFT garbage. They're hoping some sucker will buy the company.

Anonymous No. 932859

>Can't epic just buy the trash already

I have no idea how Epic is making any money out of their Unreal Engine store and Metahumans. They specifically said that they do not plan on making Metahumans into a Genesis like figure where independent creators can sell their own stuff through their store. And as far as the Unreal Marketplace goes it's a fucking ghost town. There's barely anyone there. Stuff gets added, sure, but nobody is really buying anything. Plus there's no real quality control. I saw some pretty impressive scenery and was interested in buying yet everyone in the comments section complained about how poorly made it was and the screenshots were misleading.

>Though maybe they can copy daz even without paying shit

What Daz does is make it easy to create your own character. It's a one-two click solution. Unreal Engine doesn't even come close to being that user friendly so Daz Studio has a huge advantage over Unreal Engine.

So I agree with the question, why doesn't Unreal just make a similar software? Here's my hot take: trannies.

Trannies are to blame. Not joking. Because of forced diversity, especially in IT companies, employers are have to hire less than ideal candidates: blacks, hispanics, women, gays, and trannies. Epic is unable to reproduce Daz Studio for the same reason Daz Studio has been stagnating as a piece of software: the diversity hires are not at the same level of the people who created the tech in the first place. This is also why MetaHuman was basically created by 3Lateral, a Serbian company. I won't be surprised if Lumen and Nanite were also developed by some Eastern European country.

Anonymous No. 932863

>still have a pair

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intimacy non nude.jpg

Anonymous No. 932880

this shouldn't have been a blue board

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Anonymous No. 932894

Even the Greeks didn't depict that most of the time.

Anyway this is a late iron age/early medieval reimagining of the myth, quite far removed from the Greek original.

Anonymous No. 932895

Is there a way to save a render before completion, then reopen DAZ later and resume rendering on the same canvas?

Anonymous No. 932898

dont say it like that, Its not like greeks is the peak in current day, not anymore. A modern day scupltor would put most of the ancient greek shit to shame, and the digital sculptor even more so.
we have long surpassed those faggots.

Anonymous No. 932901

I was talking about the presence or absence of tits, not the quality of the art.
Also, classical Greek art was amazing for it's time period and massively inspired the development of what we think of as modern art.

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Anonymous No. 932902

Looks like Ellie has been cornered.
Who is going to be the one to slay her?

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Anonymous No. 932903

>...seriously? what's with that skimpy outfit? embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 932904

Which one are you, anons?

Anonymous No. 932905

He's just jealous that HWNBAW

Anonymous No. 932906

I'm that blade of grass over there

Anonymous No. 932908

>What's the "authoritative" Ellie model?
They are all shit for various reasons except for the one I made because I'm a perfectionist retard. Just make your own bro.

The most on-model shape, respects in-game proportions with great transfer of limbs, hands and feet.
Extensive texture work, features a fully textured body with in-game scars.
Interesting use of the original teeth and tongue instead of G8Fs.
Hair is beyond fucked. Off-position and textures applied all wrong, worst Hair by far.
Since the proportions/shape varies so wildly from base G8F there are cases of poor deformation.
Mildly cross-eyed and iris scale is off.
unlocked Scale, Zero Figure Pose will fuck it up

Hair appears to have textures applied correctly (I didn't check thoroughly) and is positioned well
While everyone uses the in-game Eyebrows, only Shinteo uses in-game Eyelashes as well
Teeth shape fairly matches the original
Looks like a bloated bullfrog, I gasped when I loaded the model.
Deforms poorly because of a Youth Morph body that doesn't use Youth Morph JCMs.
Bad texture transfer, no work done on the body, lazy, but probably an early work so maybe he didn't know much.
unlocked Scale, Zero Figure Pose will fuck it up.

Somehow weirdly cute.
Deforms well, scale baked into the morph.
Hair has wrong textures applied.
Very cross-eyed, like she's fixated on your crotch.
Teeth are crazy off-model.
Appears to have lifted the face and body textures straight from Dazwraps Ellie according to Date Modified on the identical textures, tsk tsk, lazy.


Anonymous No. 932909

All the Pros mentioned
Very close in-game head transfer, retaining most of the details thanks to extensive post-wrap Blender sculpting and other techniques.
Properly walleyed with close to canon iris shape
Textures are custom baked using masks and other tweaks in Blender, strikes a balance between aesthetically pleasing and canon look.
In-game Brows and Lashes, Hair Textures rebaked with AO. Now that I think about it I could probably lift the tear line from G8F lashes and just combine that with the in-game lashes. Damn, pretty great idea.

Teeth can use some work, pleasing but not necessarily on-model.
It's a private project.
Nobody has seen it, literally no one.
I'm not making any money off my work.

The takeaways here: pay the closest attention to the eyes and mouth of your projects, they go the farthest in terms of selling the look.


Anonymous No. 932911

post yours please

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Anonymous No. 932913

After the battle. Ellie just needs to rest a little. She will be just fine.

Anonymous No. 932920


what do you think?

Anonymous No. 932921

can I download this one anywhere?

Anonymous No. 932923

Damn fine work on the hair, Anon. Good job.

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penis check.png

Anonymous No. 932927

Dude, I already told you, little girls, gingers or not, taken from video games or not, with no muscles whatsoever, aren't amazons.

I mean, that's your fetish, but I fail to see the point of dressing a 4 foot tall 12 years old in random amazon chainmail. Is that pedo gap moe?

I don't judge. It just never occured to me to put little babies in chainmail bikinis. That's out there, even for me. Although... Wait a minute.

No, still doing nothing. What's your pedo gap moe internal philosophy? Genuinely curious.

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Anonymous No. 932937

Have an idea for a Daz3D game. Just renders, Thinking of using a bunch of vauge plots from these types of movies and then the slug from slithers would be used to enter the vulva.

I just don't know if it's do-able with Daz3D or if, I have to make it from scratch in Maya myself.

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Anonymous No. 932938

Maybe even larger types of creatures that don't.

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Anonymous No. 932939

Along with tentacle walls, Evil dead tree's and other things.

I just don't know if it's worth bothering with.

Anonymous No. 932941

Anyone else finds that daz makes big asses look weird and unnatural when bending? Is there any way to fix this?

Anonymous No. 932946

>pedo gap moe

Anonymous No. 932947

sounds based

Anonymous No. 932948


There is. you can set up the equivalent of drivers in blender.
>Select you model
>open the Property Hierarchy Pane
>find to the bone you want to affect (it's alphabetical it will take you a while)
>There's ERC options there, find the one that is affected by the bone and change the value.

*I just realized this wouldn't work for asses but works for tits as they have their own bones.
You should be able to setup a custom ERC with a morph that corrects the shape.
You have to drag the Parameter from the "Parameters" panel in edit mode into the place you want.
This is highly convoluted I know but before I type a letter lets just see if you can figure it out from that.

Anonymous No. 932949

post close up of the big elf.

Anonymous No. 932950

How did you make the hair look that good? So shiny and smooth. High res textures? Any tips?

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Anonymous No. 932962

Anonymous No. 932976

Are that some fingers coming out of her belly?
Is that how babies are born?

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Anonymous No. 932988

>dressing a 4 foot tall 12 years old in random amazon chainmail
Ahem.. I'll let you know that I aged up my Ellie quite a bit. The base ellie body dial is only set 45% or so. So she should be around 5'5.

Gib hair.

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Anonymous No. 933013

Do you also think that this eye is too "glassy"? I have noticed in other renders besides this one that it is hard to see her pupil. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this? Should I increase the transparency of the eye or something?

Anonymous No. 933014

see if you have any eye specific morphs in daz, sometimes there are iris/sclera/whatever the fuck it's called morphs that can change the way the eyes reflect and refract light

Anonymous No. 933016

Make bobs bigger

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Anonymous No. 933017

Does this body look "off" to you? Specifically the placement of the breasts to the torso. I feel like they should be higher up on the chest, but I'm not sure.

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Oh hell what now.jpg

Anonymous No. 933020


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Anonymous No. 933021

Anonymous No. 933033

what the actual fuck is this lmfao
how fucking desperate are warner bros and hbo

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Anonymous No. 933047

Stop right there, criminal scum! You are under arrest for the murder of dozens of innocent amazon girls.

Anonymous No. 933053

Base'd or not, I still need to know if it's possible.

Anonymous No. 933066

>Game of Thrones: Build Your Realm was designed, developed, and produced by a multicultural team of artists.


Anonymous No. 933073

Model and hair?

Anonymous No. 933074


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Anonymous No. 933078

It's just sausages.
That's what the birdies are waiting for as well.

Anonymous No. 933088

>Game of Thrones: Build Your Realm was designed, developed, and produced by halfwits

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guardswoman3 r035.png

Anonymous No. 933092

Morphs: 50% P3D Portia, 50% Zsazsa
Texture maps: P3D Portia
Hair: Cute Bob Hair

Anonymous No. 933093

Meant for >>933073

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Anonymous No. 933117

It's not murder if amazons are killing, raping and pillaging their way through the realm.
Not to forget kidnapping and enslaving young men.

Anonymous No. 933118

Also, pick your waifu I guess.

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Not Bussan.jpg

Anonymous No. 933120

Absolutely NOT BUSSAN

Anonymous No. 933134

Honestly I think the skin being too smooth is a bigger problem.

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Anonymous No. 933140

Anonymous No. 933144

where to cop the sausages, are they part of a pack that's available

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Anonymous No. 933150

What's the point of Daz anymore when SD gives you results like these? The only downside to SD are scenarios that include hands

Anonymous No. 933170

More control, you can create exactly the waifu you want as long as she's in 3D.
SD is great for inspiration though.

Anonymous No. 933176

its not yet reached that point yet. Until the day you could tell: cortana, i have this pic of this girl, model and render her gangbanged, then daz would be dead

Anonymous No. 933178

now add an ugly bastard goblin with a grotesque dick and make it so the bitch doesn't share features with the disgusting little rape bastard

Anonymous No. 933192

It's funny that you mention dicks. It seems most are pre-occupied with making waifus, but penises still look grotesque. That's what happens when straight guys don't want to train their models on dicks.

Anonymous No. 933193

but even then you can't have more than one waifu without both of them merging certain features, like you can't have Rei and Asuka posing together without creating two Reisuka twins
now multiply by 4 or 5 , group shots seem like an impossible nightmare for AI currently

Anonymous No. 933211

eww is she supposed to looke like 45 year old hooker ?

Anonymous No. 933214

What's bussan?

Anonymous No. 933215

baka senpai, no cap

Anonymous No. 933228

The guts are from the old V4 organ pack, but have been morphed to hell and back.
There is also an Iray materials pack available for the set.

Anonymous No. 933230


Anonymous No. 933258

Bussin is what happens when no cap, fr, fr, no cap, absolutely no cap whatesoever, and they were bussin all along.

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Anonymous No. 933264

big viking gfs

Anonymous No. 933265


Anonymous No. 933266

The sausages work fine, but the skeleton and breast glands stick through skin when used with G8 figures. Anyone know how to fix that?

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Anonymous No. 933270

Sometimes it is relaxing to render DAZ environment even without half-naked amazons in them.

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Anonymous No. 933271


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Anonymous No. 933273

There bones though, they didn't come out of nowhere. Could it be that there are cannibal amazons living in the house?

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Anonymous No. 933277

she's training

Anonymous No. 933285

Cute face, which base character/material?

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Anonymous No. 933292


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Anonymous No. 933302

Anonymous No. 933310

I'm starting to lose patience with DAZ 3D, the program does not seem viable for either entertainment or serious professional work.
I haven't modified anything in the program, but from yesterday to today it started presenting a problem that didn't exist before. When I add a genitalia to a female model, it does not remove the original geometry, and the two overlap each other. Now even when I load old scenes that worked correctly yesterday, this problem is present...

Anonymous No. 933311

What Hunt Showdown map is this?

Anonymous No. 933312


This one. Beware the cannibal amazons.

Anonymous No. 933313

That's why I moved on to Stable Diffusion.

Anonymous No. 933314

Okay, it was my fault. I was using the Mesh Grabber and while the tool is selected all geometries are visible, even in the renders!

Has Stable Diffusion reached a point where I can make the same character in different poses? Keep the clothes, etc? When I tested it there was none of that, so I preferred to wait a bit.

Anonymous No. 933322

>Has Stable Diffusion reached a point where I can make the same character in different poses? Keep the clothes, etc? When I tested it there was none of that, so I preferred to wait a bit.

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Anonymous No. 933323

Unfortunately that's a different model from the one in my image. It's pretty low quality with a ton of clipping. I actually found this download previously and I'm actually half way through creating a headswap with it because I think the real model might be gone forever. I've had to go in and create a bunch of vertex groups for the hair because the dreads were clipping through her face etc. It also is missing her fringe hair for some reason.

If there's actually a Blender model I'll accept that too, I've searched a lot and haven't found one yet.

Anonymous No. 933324

Realistically, what is the minimum VRAM size I would need for rendering of medium-to-small scenes with 1-3 characters?
Would 12GB be enough?

I'm weighing between the options of getting a mobile workstation from my employer with an nvidia A3000 (12GB) and privately buying a gayming laptop with a 16GB 3080 Ti (that can also be used for gayming).

Either would be an improvement since I'm stuck CPU rendering with a 8 years old computer now.

Anonymous No. 933325

SD is getting constant updates and keeps improving month by month. Meanwhile, Daz Studio has stagnated and the owners only care about NFT garbage.

Anonymous No. 933327

How can any sane person look at the NFT circus and think it's a good idea to drag your business into?

Anonymous No. 933330

If both mobile options I think max vram options are still 12GB. Though there's always egpu options if your device has thunderbolt.

Anonymous No. 933331

No, the Legion does come with a 16GB 3080 Ti.

Anonymous No. 933332

Oh, not bad but not a huge difference. For your scene capacity question, it really depends on your characters, clothing, scene and the author's choice of texture size. Like another anon said, use scene optimizer. I would say 12GB should be the minimum starting out on this coomer hobby.

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Anonymous No. 933346

The shipborne amazon raids have been particularly heavy this summer.
A group of teenage amazons have taken to robbing and killing people on a vital bridge, probably trying to prove their martial prowess to their clan (and for the sake of that sweet sweet gold jewelry the merchants carry).

They've killed all the warriors sent to deal with them and now it's your turn.

>Exposition end

What do? Roll to.....

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Another Emma.jpg

Anonymous No. 933363

What is it with Emma autists and Daz?

Anonymous No. 933372

I cannot think of any other real person who has more rule34 of them than Emma.

Anonymous No. 933390

Sounds like you have a tool active that doesn't support geoshells. Happens for me when i use Meshgrabber but as soon as i go back to the rotation or translation tool it goes back to normal.

Anonymous No. 933475

daz noob here,
why tf daz has no keyboard shortcut on navigation? wtf is this shit

Anonymous No. 933476

Setup the shortcuts yourself

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Anonymous No. 933478

sarah miller amazon pls

Anonymous No. 933489

Dazbros, where would one get "female anatomical elements" from for free?

Anonymous No. 933496

Free with purchase of pro bundle.

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look at the top o....jpg

Anonymous No. 933501

>Fanbase is 1/3rd men doing amputee porn and autistically trying to calculate the most correct amputee morph.
>1/3rd girls playing with dolls because playing with dolls is fun when you're a 30+ years old girl
>1/3rd just normal people (with a family and stuff) you just banned in the great banning of 2021.

With that fanbase, you still did this. Explain yourselves, Mormonts. Does Mormonts even EGL? Why would you even at this time in that format for what purpose? Your book about Jesus is fake, Mormonts. I don't want to make you sad, but your book about Jesus is surely AND definitely fake.

Anonymous No. 933503


Anonymous No. 933528

>extract censored model from daz to blender

>model no longer censored

I can't believe this works.

Anonymous No. 933541

Hey guys, I have this problem with gens (whether female or male). When I apply the materials, everything works fine, but when I load the scene later, the models' genitalia are all white. This forces me to keep importing into the scene a subset of the naked characters with the gens working correctly... Does anyone have a similar problem?
I'm using the Victoria 8 gens and the problem is in the two layers it adds (color and effects).

Anonymous No. 933553

do you have any shells on? you can turn it off for genitals.

Anonymous No. 933555

>but when I load the scene later, the models' genitalia are all white.
That's totally due to a geoshell.

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Anonymous No. 933565

I dont know. But know you made me go a head and do some house-elves that can rebel and jump poor old Hermione!

Anonymous No. 933567

>dobby uses the sock as a condom or gag
based stinky semen sock

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oot hairline bug.png

Anonymous No. 933638

What exactly causes this bug? OutOfTouch hairs are the most affected

Anonymous No. 933639

most common hair bug, adjust haircap's forhead depth slightly.

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Anonymous No. 933640

My Dragon Ball Z OC

Anonymous No. 933646

you have surface overlap. Either remove he hair cap 100% (not needed for that hair and that angle) or adjust it to actually fit the model.

Anonymous No. 933648

actually interesting / 10

Anonymous No. 933650

nice kit-bash. Perhaps add some battle damage / scaring to the right shoulder armor / right side of the chest armor. Sort of burned / scorched by the power of that monster arm.
Also maybe add some different paint colours to the armor? Some accent colour to fit with the monster arm and cool blue hues of the medusa head.
I really like it anon!

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Anonymous No. 933666

Where do YOU go for scene or character inspiration, anon?

Anonymous No. 933676

Does anyone have MEGA Updo 2 Hair for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Females? I can't install the first part of it, always throwing errors on DIM because of install failure.
Already tried a few versions online but it seems to be always the same version.

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Anonymous No. 933686

Sakimichan or look at league art and try to recreate it.

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Anonymous No. 933709

not a bad idea anon. Well my shitty version of the HP house elf is done.

Anonymous No. 933712

amazing work from the humble maya beginnings

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Anonymous No. 933720


Anonymous No. 933721

anyone here making money from daz3d?
how was it?

Anonymous No. 933722


Anonymous No. 933734

Why the fuck are pose files disabling rotation limits by themselves? I have the limits on for a reason. Is there some hidden setting for "enable limits but disable them when I'm not looking lol". this fucking program

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Anonymous No. 933738

I was right they literally made a setting to do that hidden away in preferences and not next to any ui where you work with limits.

Anonymous No. 933745


Anonymous No. 933768

Post more of the big tiddy elf, or at least say where did you got it.

Anonymous No. 933777

Is there any way to convert an non-genesis 8 outfit (in this case it's a Victoria 4 outfit) so I can use it with genesis 8 body? Sorry for the dumb question I'm new to daz.

Anonymous No. 933782

as someone who doesn't use daz but been doing 3d as a hobby for about a year now,

why do you use it? what is its purpose?

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Anonymous No. 933800

> he said calmly

Anonymous No. 933801

>what is its purpose?
Pussy, pussy, sex, sex~

Anonymous No. 933806

Any reason why Daz DIM not showing some of the Zip content files that are ready to install? Seems a few of them have this problem? Is there anything I can do around this?

Anonymous No. 933810

yes but for a good result you will need another program than just DAZ. You can do it in DAZ but it wont really work that great for most outfits.

Anonymous No. 933814

assuming that I'm ok with having a less than stellar result, how do I do it in DAZ?

Anonymous No. 933820

Using the generic autofit but there are v4 clothing converter products.

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Anonymous No. 933864

How do I model a chain link fence gate? I was thinking of searching yt "how to model x" x bring any similar objects. But I don't know what object is like it. Using blender

Anonymous No. 933865

Bring -> being

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Anonymous No. 933871

squarepeg3d releaesd a thing based off the dragons crown beastmaster
but i wanted to remind you all that he also did the amazon and she's still free

Anonymous No. 933872

what's the USP for using Daz as a SEX ENGINE, when you could just sculpt the shit in blender?
can someone fill me in on the feature that sells you on using DAZ for SEX SEX PUSSY PUSSY as one anon put it.

maybe i should just see for myself and stop asking how about that.

Anonymous No. 933907

Check if you've already installed the files in a previous bundle or something. Also make sure the formatting is correct. I've had cases where the filename was just formatted incorrectly, like
works fine whereas
A lot of times there's something wrong with the Manifest file, but I have no clue how to fix that. I just manually install the ones that don't work with DIM.

Anonymous No. 933911

I just installed manually like you said, it's weird.

Anonymous No. 933926

Daz is a great way to create characters quickly. Just click and pose. You can use it with blender and export the models there since it's easier to animate and pose in Blender.

Anonymous No. 933940

post cases of:
>DAZ face syndrome

Anonymous No. 933971


Anonymous No. 933996

So, what GPUs do you guys actually have?
Are you all rtx 3090 enjoyers?

Anonymous No. 934003

Started this coomer hobby with a 980 and Genesis 2, currently 3090

Anonymous No. 934004

The 3090s seem to be impossible to get hold of these days, especially in Europe.
What gives? I thought cryptominers stopped buying up all the cards.

Anonymous No. 934005

got a 3090 on back order coming in a couple of weeks hopefully

Anonymous No. 934006

what gives is that the newest generation of cards is so expensive and shit that people rather buy last gen cards instead

Anonymous No. 934009

Hey, can you guys explain something to a newbie?
The 3090 cards have different manufacturers like ASUS, EVGA, ZOTAC - are all of these still compatible with iray? Any that are particularly good or bad?

Anonymous No. 934010

Newest generation being the 4080 and 4090?

Anonymous No. 934011

it doesn't matter, it's all nvidia
any of them will do, all that matters is the 24gb of vram

Anonymous No. 934012

Anyone here tried rendering on an i9 CPU?
How terrible/not terrible is it?

Anonymous No. 934013

Really depends on the cpu, i9 is a broad range but GPU rendering is a multitude of times faster.

Anonymous No. 934015

i9-12900HX. My employer is offering to buy me a mobile workstation with one.

Anonymous No. 934016

To compare using blender cycles. Various configs with that CPU running the Blender BMW benchmark takes on average 260 seconds. Where the 3090 does it in 25.

Anonymous No. 934017

Heh, still better than the 9 years old i7-4900MQ that I render with now.

Anonymous No. 934024

done it with a 13700k overclocked and its slow as molasses. Nice for viewport though

Anonymous No. 934025

ran with a 2060 for most of my stuff. Recently upgraded finally but to some bad stuff (got it cheap though so its okay and I knew what I got). Better than a 2060 but still not good (3080ti).

Anonymous No. 934046

>tfw daz abominations are being sold for 20 dollars a piece
nah i think i'll pass.

Anonymous No. 934062

>still not good
How? Too slow, or problems fitting your scenes into the available VRAM?

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Anonymous No. 934126

Maybe later. I'm playing around with this lady now.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 934141

Anonymous No. 934144

at least her nipples are protected.

i like the ingenuity that went into transforming her leather straps into a bra.

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Anonymous No. 934148

wrong background :^)

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night patio test2....png

Anonymous No. 934150

Does this lighting look remotely convincing for "nighttime on a balcony/nighttime porn shoot"?

Anonymous No. 934159

I hate you.

Anonymous No. 934161

same speed as a 3090 but hamstrung by lack of VRAM. At full price they cost about the same so I only use it because I got it cheap. Its like a shitty retarded version of the 3090. Half the vram makes it a 100% meme shit card because its not useful for gaming and its now also not useful for 3d...

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Anonymous No. 934165

Is this older amazon Sarah acceptable to you?

Anonymous No. 934167

So, how many characters can you put in a scene?

Anonymous No. 934169


Anonymous No. 934176

Damn she's gorgeous, more?

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Anonymous No. 934181

Would you like to see her triumphant or defeated?

Anonymous No. 934182


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Anonymous No. 934186

How do I get my shit to look like this? Do they render with bloom or something? How did they light it? Even with Photoshop I can't get renders to look like this.

Anonymous No. 934207

what exactly do you mean

Anonymous No. 934214

I know at least 5 valid purposes.

>1. Get free models and clothing and export them to other software like blender or UE4/5.
>2. Use it as a drawing aid. Get proportions right and learn how to draw difficult poses using the mannequin as reference.
>3. Use the renders as input in stable diffusion img2img/inpainting to "extract poses" or difficult body parts like hands or to force consistent character.
>4. Make nice quality art using somewhat shitty software. Requires lots of knowledge and post processing to get nice results.
>5. Coom. Low effort renders or sometimes without rendering anything just pose the barbie and coom.

Anonymous No. 934215

No, and iray doesn't deal well with dark scenes.
You can use that HDRI but crank the intensity, add light sources to make it look like a daytime/evening shot.
Then you can make it darker and less saturated with adjusting highlights and blacks, saturation and color temperature.
You CAN however go full retard and choose physically accurate values for brightness (or lack thereof) and crank up the exposure it will look good eventually but expect several days of rendering a single image.

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CORTANA 2.1 2b.jpg

Anonymous No. 934222

does this look like cortana to you?
im trying to make cortana in daz

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Anonymous No. 934224

what base should I use for a M3gan model?

Anonymous No. 934228

is it possible to pirate figures on the store?
would they know im using one?

Anonymous No. 934229

try yandex

Anonymous No. 934240

aiko 7 or 8, and dial in some western character

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Anonymous No. 934273

Hmm, ok.

The son of the local lord is at the mercy of the savage amazon. Should she take his head?
And will someone save him?

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Anonymous No. 934284

How will it end?

Anonymous No. 934302

Thanks for being constructive anon.

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GPUs are gay.jpg

Anonymous No. 934304

Why do I get this add when browsing for GPUs?

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belf sofa 3.png

Anonymous No. 934314

Anonymous No. 934316

looks off model. You should aim to be even better.

Anonymous No. 934317

genocides have been somewhat lax of late.

Anonymous No. 934324

never mind that, why are you paying in kromer?

Anonymous No. 934352

It will end.

Anonymous No. 934371

det ved jeg ikke. Hvorfor er du bรธsse anon?

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Anonymous No. 934378

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Anonymous No. 934382

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Anonymous No. 934391

Not bad
you should make a morph of Lexa Doig
And then combine the two.
Since that is the original inspiration for Cortana.

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Anonymous No. 934398

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Anonymous No. 934400

Anonymous No. 934402

ay where do i get this panam? the one on zonegfx looks completely different in the previews

Anonymous No. 934415

Is this what internet looks like without adblock nowadays? Damn.

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Anonymous No. 934419

The trusty archer comes to the rescue.

Anonymous No. 934422

She's all over Stable Diffusion too. Together with Taylor.

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m three gan.jpg

Anonymous No. 934423

nah, they just don't got the right shape for it
after looking at some figures I was much more inclined for SASE's uncanny anime child dolls
this ones in particular, leaning more towards Poppy and Arella atm

Anonymous No. 934427

How do I stop clothes from exploding in MD?

Anonymous No. 934458

Yup, got some decent results with this:

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Anonymous No. 934462

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Anonymous No. 934467

Saved at the last moment.

Sorry, the triumph was a bit short lived.

Anonymous No. 934468

Model? G8 based?

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Anonymous No. 934469

M3gan v1.0
opinions phamalam?

Anonymous No. 934470


Anonymous No. 934479

bros, she's doing the scary tiktok dance
I'm scared stiff and crying rn.....

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M3gan danc3s.jpg

Anonymous No. 934480

fuck, I'm so scared I forgot to post the image...

Anonymous No. 934489

She's not naked in any of these photos.

Anonymous No. 934498

cute and funny, literally art

Anonymous No. 934514

It's shit, Sarah shouldn't have breasts
This is cunny adulteration

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Anonymous No. 934516

It's all fun and games until someone takes an arrow in the gut.

She is a little too big to be truly cute and funny.

Anonymous No. 934521

wat program is dat?
g8 is based
g9 is for onions boi

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Anonymous No. 934522

I export to Blender
I like Cycles more than Iray and posing/animating feels so much better

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Anonymous No. 934523

it is Twitkiss's model and textures, from patreon. Unfortunately some of the textures around the genitals are screwed up but other than that it's the best model, that I can find anyway.

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Anonymous No. 934525

In the port city of Dazz, amazons come to hire themselves out as mercenaries and bodyguards to wealthy clients.
Which one of these ladies would you hire to watch your back?

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Anonymous No. 934528

Take your pick.

Anonymous No. 934541

young enough in my book

the ginger one, cute girls are always the strongest

Anonymous No. 934567

If your so great make torpedo tits.

Anonymous No. 934598

face looks too rough, kinda like a man, need to soften the facial features a bit

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Anonymous No. 934599

does anyone recognize the hair?

Anonymous No. 934600

Search for ponytail on daz store, should be around page 9-10 or something

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Anonymous No. 934604

personally going for the dark haired shieldmaiden

Anonymous No. 934608

>More Knight content

Anonymous No. 934624

low test

Anonymous No. 934630


Anonymous No. 934648

gen9 is still dogshit garbage without any good female morphs

what the fuck was daz thinking with that breast topology

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Anonymous No. 934659

My take on your character.
Body: 50% Portia, 50% Zsazsa
Head: 50% Portia, 30% Zsazsa
+ A ton of small tweaks to make her cuter.

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Anonymous No. 934691

Anonymous No. 934703


didnt see it

Anonymous No. 934704


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Anonymous No. 934713


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Anonymous No. 934743

Can somebody explain why Iray Preview is not working? It's infinite loading, like it's run out of memory, but GPU-Z says it's only taking 2 GB. Daz is such a fucked program

Anonymous No. 934745

Does DAZ really not allow saving images with more than 8 bits per channel?

Anonymous No. 934747

Cute! I'm gonna use that as an NPC for my game.

Anonymous No. 934754

can anyone of you guys buy this for me please?
I dont have a credit card.
I swear I will make normal for your OC with this, its only 8 bucks.

Anonymous No. 934759

Use what?

Anonymous No. 934763

>suddenly a dozen hair product updates on DIM
What the hell happened here?

Anonymous No. 934776

Chin bottom slighly too narrow I think

I don't fucking understand how everything going through this software can struggle to compete with fucking abandon-ware 10+ year old software on a 20 year old engine for bad looks like it's nothing and it's driving me fucking nuts. SFM looks like shit but I keep looking through these threads every once in a while and 10, 15%, you'd swear it never touched Daz because the other 90% struggle to get a single thing right. Composition, lighting, color, deformation, proportions, environment. At least 4 just have to be awful every single time.

How does Daz do it? Is it the increased detail that just puts all the flaws front and center? Do people caring about quality just skip it as a stepping stone and go straight to other software ecosystems? It looks worse than the sum of its parts. How?

Anonymous No. 934782

Almost nobody uses DAZ professionally, anon. It's just the tool we use to play with. That's why you won't find much professional level renders, although it is perfectly possible to achieve them.

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Anonymous No. 934789

face needs work but the hair is actually pretty good for the character, what hair is it?

this one is mine. i dont like it, looks like weird barbie doll bimbo girl instead of a scary robot that will make me piss my pants in terror. I also create in daz and bring it into blender.

Anonymous No. 934790

What a cutie. Reminds me of Josie 6

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M3gan fac3.jpg

Anonymous No. 934797

been messing with her face for like an hour now, I think it looks pretty accurate now or at least as accurate as I can get it whatever
also these are all the pieces I used

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Anonymous No. 934819

Pregnant amazons on the battlefield. Not an uncommon sight - numbers have to be replenished.

Anonymous No. 934820

psychological warfare at its most potent.

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Anonymous No. 934823

thanks for the hair bro, she's starting to scare me now

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Anonymous No. 934826

Which one is your war-wife?

Anonymous No. 934835

Are the "professional" A-series cards even marginally better for iray/blender rendering compared to the rtx "gamer" cards?

Anonymous No. 934836

Depends on what "gamer" card are you asking about.
If it is 30xx then they are better.
If it is 4090, then no. Big no after Daz actually starts supporting the card. Even though they have more vram, it is also older/slower.

Then again, they are made for workstations where you deploy more of them, not just one. But from an individual standpoint, you are better off with 4090 if you are looking for maximum performance, but also looking at things like temperature/cooling, power consumption, etc.

Anonymous No. 934848

So an A3000 would be a bit better than a RTX 3080 for instance?

Anonymous No. 934849

No dude the for something comparable to the 3080 is an A6000. A3000 is old as shit

Anonymous No. 934851

Oh ok.
Have the option of getting an A3000 or a 3080Ti, both mobile.
So, what you are saying is that the 3080Ti is going to be way better, even without considering VRAM sizes?

Anonymous No. 934853

the 3080ti will beat it in pure performance hands down. Not even close. Ofc the A3000 is 10x as optimized so it uses much much less wattage.
But if you are only looking at performance numbers then go with the 3080ti.
fair enough. But do NOT expect desktop performance. Also cooling is a major issue for laptops as 3d work can have long high wattage render times. So make sure you can cool it or even under voltage it a bit if needed.

Anonymous No. 934854

Why not just get a Desktop for your Renders?

Anonymous No. 934855

Not really an option for me.
I spend way too much time outside of home (work/commute) and I don't really have a lot of space in my apartment either.

Anonymous No. 934856

NTA, but hear me out.
Get a good desktop. Keep it headless if you are really that pressed for space. Then use remote desktop with your laptop. Parsec for example is awesome for 3D work.
t. been doing the same

Anonymous No. 934857

100% recommend this

Anonymous No. 934871

seconded and currently typing on my potato laptop to my home render pc

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Anonymous No. 934875

Just made a clean install of Daz using the DIM and now I opened DIM and show no software is installed. Does someone know why this faggot ass software did this?

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Anonymous No. 934879

people just render stuff for fun and do not really care.

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Anonymous No. 934880


Anonymous No. 934884

I just make some bump map for the lip, but my gpu died. Does anyone want to test it out and do some render with it for me?

Anonymous No. 934890

go ahead drop a link

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Anonymous No. 934891

okay, plug this to surfaces->lip->base->normal map

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Anonymous No. 934892

this to surfaces->lip->geometry->displacement strength.
subd displacement: 3 or 4.
minimum displacement: -0.1
maximum displacement: 0.1
keep the strength between 0.4-0.8 depend on your liking.
if you could please make some close up render, maybe turn up the lip gloss a bit

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Anonymous No. 934893

Looks like they've been surrounded.
But don't worry - according to amazon beliefs being slain in battle while pregnant ensures the best possible afterlife as a handmaiden of the Great Goddess.

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Anonymous No. 934905

Here's a render with your Lip Bump Map

Anonymous No. 934907

bitch needs some chapstick

Anonymous No. 934911

>the absolute jewishness around selling 3d models, sometimes just game files ripped with no alterations
i can't stand it any more bros

Anonymous No. 934913

i hope they don't be taken as prisoner

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Anonymous No. 934914

i tried the blue one but had to dial it up to 1.7
did you use the black and white map? it gave me some weird bump on the lips? the blue one is fine tho

Anonymous No. 934938

suggest me some good black widow (scarjo) hair please

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Anonymous No. 934941

>Hey, slave boy, care to pull these out for me so I can get back out into the fray?

Anonymous No. 934947


have you considered seeking the help of our lord and savior, Jesus Christ?

Anonymous No. 934955

more close up if you could, please

Anonymous No. 934966

too bratty still need a correction

Anonymous No. 934967

Or as an alternative. Get a cheaper laptop without a dedicated GPU and buy an external GPU.

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Anonymous No. 934975

The nomal map alone is enough imo. You don't need an extra displacement map.

Anonymous No. 934979


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M3gan stomps you.jpg

Anonymous No. 934980

M3gan corrects you

Anonymous No. 934986

Dick sucking lips
Add some cum and render, if u dare

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Anonymous No. 934988

Anonymous No. 935011

What character, what's the textures mate?

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belf matrix 3.png

Anonymous No. 935018

You are just used to seeing games and movies with tons of bloom, blur and color filters. Most pictures ITT are raw renders without any post processing.

Anonymous No. 935020

Does Daz studio works on linux?

Anonymous No. 935021

But remote desktop is your friend.
t. linux laptop, windows with daz at home

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kara irina4.png

Anonymous No. 935040

did you dial the normal up? I dialed it up to 2 but the effect didnt look as good as your?

Anonymous No. 935058

>a doll that looks like a 12 year old girl stepping on me
o no, someone help me! even i can see under her dress, i am so scared!

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Anonymous No. 935064

>Add some cum and render, if u dare
Didn't save the original scene. I put this together in a few minutes.

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Anonymous No. 935065

Mix of BJ Caprica MSO Echo and and few more morphs. Diffuse texture is Young Ellie from guhzcoituz.

normal is at 1.

Anonymous No. 935069


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Anonymous No. 935081

Umm, is this a church or something?

Anonymous No. 935086

sound hot

Anonymous No. 935090

imagine the smell

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Anonymous No. 935093

Is left better as a redhead?

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Anonymous No. 935110

How do they smell?

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coom get some.jpg

Anonymous No. 935111

Elves > amazons

Anonymous No. 935112

fruit shampoo

Anonymous No. 935116

yes, but brown hair amazon is cuter

Anonymous No. 935118

any magnets for renderotica stuff?

Yes, I wanna try Daz 3D for what it really was made for, kek

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Anonymous No. 935130

This is pretty good, had to make the displacement really small to not make her lips look dry, I'm gonna use this for all my renders now, thanks.

Anonymous No. 935131

>want to use big cat 2
>no iray materials
>no converter fixes the fucked gamma
>have to do it all manually

Anonymous No. 935136

Does anybody know how to use an iray materials hair but not in iray. I mean it has bump/spec/transparency/texture maps. Shouldn't I be able to manually assign those?
I have the opposite problem

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Anonymous No. 935152

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Anonymous No. 935181

>fruit shampoo
>early medieval fantasy setting
I would guess that it would be mostly girl sweat, a little bit of cum and a little bit of blood.

Anonymous No. 935193

Does anyone know what assets Visual Novel creators generally use to get decent nipples?

Anonymous No. 935195

breastacular or HD nipple

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Anonymous No. 935198

Teenage amazons may be cute, but they are dangerous opponents that must be taken seriously.

Elves are known sluts.

Anonymous No. 935201

I Soto's breast utilities.

Anonymous No. 935224

>a little bit of cum
why? don't amazons only have sex when they want to reproduce?

Anonymous No. 935256

Any sites where you can get Daz3D models/tools/etc free? I'm kinda new to 3d stuff in general and I want to use this one for starters since I don't know much, specially with modeling.

Also bump

Anonymous No. 935268

Whatโ€™s sd?

Anonymous No. 935269

Just another notch in a long line of AIfags delusions.

Anonymous No. 935271

Stable Diffusion. The underlying technology behind all the art AIs you see.

Anonymous No. 935300

Pirating is illegal, please turn yourself in to the nearest dilating FBI agent

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Anonymous No. 935304

Where could I find free +18 poses for Genesis one and two?

Anonymous No. 935305

Try one of the usual sites. Most of the ero stuff is for G3 and G8, but remember seeing sets going back as far as V4.

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Anonymous No. 935341

working on a new fantasy priestess outfit. Still very bland though

Anonymous No. 935345

Reminds me of the Pilgrims to North America

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Anonymous No. 935350

I can see what you mean. Might be a bit too nun inspired

Anonymous No. 935352


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Anonymous No. 935359

and other things

Anonymous No. 935367

are there any good high res normals for dicktator/futalicious? specifically for the balls which always seem to look like trash. i found some by zerocgii but they didn't help

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Anonymous No. 935368

ghouls are nasty creatures that should be killed for the safety of nearby settlements, coin, and fun.

blessed outfit.

Anonymous No. 935370


I'm only spoonfeeding because this is a creative community and I want to promote that spirit. You'd better make and post something decent.

Anonymous No. 935371

>something decent
You fool! You've set the bar too high!

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Anonymous No. 935374

Genesis 9 still looks like dogshit bros...

Anonymous No. 935375

it's 10 minutes old.

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Anonymous No. 935417

and the outfit is nearly done. Made it less nun and more fantasy!

Anonymous No. 935419

Looking ready for gobbos! Love the body shape

Anonymous No. 935424

Here is a theoretical question:
>converting existing G8M into G8F, allowing G8F morphs to be used.
Was it ever done? If so, then how?

Anonymous No. 935428

you can do gen 3 female, to gen 3 male, and then on to gen 8 male, so technically yes.

Anonymous No. 935429

But I want gen 8 male to gen 8 female.
>inb4 ywnbaw

Anonymous No. 935430

so do gen 8 male to gen 3 male to gen 3 female to gen 8 male. it's completely retarded, yes, but it works.

Anonymous No. 935434

I will try it. It sounds retarded enough to work. Thank you, anon.

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Anonymous No. 935435

Those damn gobbos!

Anonymous No. 935437

NTA but how do you convert gen 3 male to gen 3 female?

Anonymous No. 935438


Anonymous No. 935439

Noice, thanks.

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Anonymous No. 935443

I made the top render a year ago. I remade the bottom render today.

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Anonymous No. 935446

Taking a little break from amazons.
Here's a pair of guerilla fighters.

Which one would you?

Anonymous No. 935448

>FAS facial features
I think these are american southerners

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Anonymous No. 935465

always get your healing potions from reputable sources, like mysterious femboy wizards.

Anonymous No. 935466

what if that potion gave her a fat cock haha just as a prank

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strange potion.jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 935469

this wasn't a healing potion!

Anonymous No. 935470

On the contrary, everything is now as it should be. Now to find that treacherous femboy and punish him properly!

Anonymous No. 935474

oh no

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femboy wizard.jpg

Anonymous No. 935475

our wizard is concerned he may have given the strong barbarian woman the wrong vial...

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femboy wizard 2.jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 935478

oops! our wizard forgot his normal maps and muscles.

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femboy wizard 2.1.jpg

Anonymous No. 935480

oops! our wizard forgot his normal maps and muscles.

Anonymous No. 935498

Holy fuck, he actually did it. Now we just need to get all the other OC posters to take the futapill.

Anonymous No. 935499

it was either a potion of dick growing, or a bottle of femboy cum.

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Anonymous No. 935501

>futa on femboy
Truly the most patrician combination of all.

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Anonymous No. 935529

>why? don't amazons only have sex when they want to reproduce?
I think my amazons take pride in their fertility and skills as lovers as much as they do in their martial prowess. Stealing or seducing hot men and getting laid is one of the main reasons for raiding neighboring countries for them.

That is super gay.

Anonymous No. 935537

Welp, musclebro is banned.

Anonymous No. 935538

Highly retarded on janny's part, doubly so on part of that faggot who reported it.

Anonymous No. 935540

no fun allowed on 4chins!

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Anonymous No. 935551

see you on the other side of your forced vacation anon!

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it was only a war....jpg

Anonymous No. 935552

they left the cell unlocked!

Anonymous No. 935553

Dangerously based.

Anonymous No. 935554


Anonymous No. 935557


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Anonymous No. 935579

Teenage amazon working as a guard.
Can you find her better employment?

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Anonymous No. 935580

Is this chainmail too short?

Anonymous No. 935582

aren't you tired of doing the same renders every time? don't you ever wanna try something different?

Anonymous No. 935583

A bit. But janny doesn't like it when I post gore or nudity.

Anonymous No. 935584

My system also sucks a bit right now, so only certain types of compositions/lighting modes work well for me.

Anonymous No. 935585

I feel your amazons are missing something in the chest area

Anonymous No. 935586

Not these ones >>934893 >>934819.

Anonymous No. 935587


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totocandy1 pureru....jpg

Anonymous No. 935588

What do we think of totocandy1's commissioned characters?

Anonymous No. 935589


man I struggled hard with the same issue for months
just change "Instancing Optimization" in the optimization tab on render settings to "Speed" instead of "Auto"

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Anonymous No. 935591

you have to go bigger
luckily your local healer is ready!

Anonymous No. 935596

I'm more of a hip man personally.
I almost always end up dialing up hips and thighs of the characters and reducing the breast size.

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Anonymous No. 935598

>reducing the breast size.
that is a sin anon
>dialing up hips and thighs
very based and cultured of you

Anonymous No. 935600

nice body, what character's body is that?

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totocandy purerub....jpg

Anonymous No. 935602

GF 8.1, the morph and material are custom by totocandy1. "Pury78" its supposed to be Pure Ruby 87

Anonymous No. 935604

>totocandy1. "Pury78
nah i know that body
he stole it from zoro_d
that is Chameleon ROse2 for Genesis 8 Female's body
cant lie this eye which has sampled ten of thousand of daz contents.
fucking thief, that one.
renderotica com/store/sku/62878_Chameleon-ROse2-for-Genesis-8-Female

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Anonymous No. 935605


Anonymous No. 935606

Almost fit to the T. The thief clearly did some small adjustments but that small belly button, that ass form, he can't hide

Anonymous No. 935630

boobs looking kinda lumpy

Anonymous No. 935637

tried to add some physic to them but meh.

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Anonymous No. 935644

local healer is ready for adventure!

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Anonymous No. 935654

time to kick some gobbo arse

Anonymous No. 935661

delicious flat chest are ok

Anonymous No. 935663

What system are you running emma-anon?
What is the size (vram-wise) of your larger scenes, like the ones with the goblins and multiple girls?

Anonymous No. 935672

ive just upgraded since my old system when down in flames after 5+ years. So I changed my i7 7700k to a i7-13700k. Since I use it for actual work I got 128gigs ram.
I havent upgraded my graphics card yet so that is still the old 2060S 8gigs. My biggest scenes take up to 9gigs VRAM (but I cheat and render them in 2 parts and then sew them together in photoshop). Normal scenes with 3 female and 8 gobbos take up about 7 gigs.
But really you can squeeze in a lot of stuff if you do not mind making your own textures, outfits, backgrounds and such. Since most of the store items are just bloated as all hell (insane poly counts, 8-16k textures in TGA/PNG formats with alphas and so on). I have even seen people put in full 8k maps of just black pixels to handle the metalics.... like why? Just set it to 0 sine that map is now loaded into vram for no reason.

Anonymous No. 935673

also make liberal use of normals and baking. No need to have every single detail actually sculpted.

Anonymous No. 935682

it's amazing how far you can get with 4k normal maps saved through photoshop at high, vs max. my muscle girl's normal maps are a combined 6mbs or something. honestly, since no one is rendering at even 4k, you can have lossy jpgs in almost every scenario, and no one would know.

Anonymous No. 935683

for tangent space normals you do not need high resolution really. For clothes and such you can get by a decent 1024x1024 and for bodies / important clothes 2048x2048. Only for faces and such do you need the 4k and perhaps a lossless format.
As for bump, roughness and colour maps I always use lossy formats because the little amount of random noise added either does nothing or introduce some minor artifacts that are actually fine.
>my muscle girl's normal maps are a combined 6mbs or something
that is pretty good anon ;) also are we going to see muscle girl beat up some gobbos or a troll soon? Conan the barbarian style

Anonymous No. 935684

Where do make your own outfits ? Blender ? Maya ?

Anonymous No. 935685

she's hunting ghouls right now >>935368
i'm thinking of redoing her in genesis 8.1 or 9, she's still on 3. i'm looking for some eyebrow resources, then i want to make her skin all custom. right now it's an edited mallorie, using edited normal maps from scar 8, and some mmx eyes. the problem is her file size is a bit dopey because of the 9 billion sources. i want to make her mostly custom everything, some scars, and a bit of a natural tan an adventuring girl would have. then i have to make her hair dforce compatible, and now she has a new femboy party member, so i'll have to do him too. daz is kind of a job lol.

Anonymous No. 935687

well my process is in no way "pro" or the correct way as I do this as a hobby for DAZ. But I just look around for pictures and such for inspiration and then draw some sketches in free hand.
Then for the base mesh I use Marvelous designer for cloths and Maya for hard surface.
After I am done with the base shapes I merge them in Maya and setup UVs.
Thn I go to zbrush and then manually just sculpt some free hand details as I see fit.
After that I go to 3dcoat and bake my normals and then just draw / setup my textures.
After that I import to DAZ and setup inside DAZ (Dforce settings mostly). I do not bother with rigging for clothes as I use dforce to 100% fit and move my clothes around.
And then I have an outfit.
I have played around with blender but I never got the time to get any good at it. I am used to Maya so I just kinda stuck here. Also Maya have great tools for UVs and decent tools for poly modeling / hard surface.

Anonymous No. 935688

that ghoul render is sweet and I already saw it (just wanted more). I feel like she could use a chain mail skirt or something to really show moment when in the air like that.

Anonymous No. 935689

my biggest inspirations are conan and frank frazetta's art for her, so i need her to be as naked as possible, since physique is the most important aspect. been thinking about a chain bikini with some kind of leather, or fur underwear. probably gonna cheat with duplicate layer clothes and high quality normal maps. maybe i'll do that before moving onto redoing her entirely.

Anonymous No. 935690

>i'll do that before moving onto redoing her entirely.
WHAT? explain yourself anon

Anonymous No. 935691

moving her to genesis 8.1, or 9, redoing her skin and normal maps. just upgrading her, not really changing anything. she's gen 3, so her materials are like a decade old at this point.

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Anonymous No. 935692

ahh well since you are moving I am not sure if I would go with gen 9 or 8.1. Properly 9 just because its newest and might as well get used to it.
I am still on 8.1
>frank frazetta's art
forgot to mention that I love his art. He is a master of organic and human shapes.

Anonymous No. 935697

Is there any place that has his stuff up for download?

Anonymous No. 935698

Did you make the outfits in Marvelous designer?

Anonymous No. 935699

I've not seen any of his stuff on a site yet. He has had a freebie or two on his DA. Having commissioned him once for a past product, I'm unsure if I would do it again. Outside of the specific lighting preset he uses, they aren't stellar.

Anonymous No. 935700

a good part of the work was done in Marvelous for the robe and such. Still you need another editor like Maya/Blender for good UVs and fixing topology. You dont need zbrush but its easy to use and you can do alot of easy smaller details and hand work with the folds.
Also something like 3dcoat and photoshop for texturing.

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Anonymous No. 935705

Looks like you are fighting amazons in this battle. Can you survive?

Thank you for sharing Emma-anon. You are a gem.

Anonymous No. 935711

is getting a zonegfx account just a matter of applying and waiting for approval? are there some secret code words i need to drop in my application or some shit?

Anonymous No. 935712


Anonymous No. 935714

is there any way to import an fbx pose into daz? the posing tools drive me mental, and i could make everything a lot faster outside of daz.

Anonymous No. 935716

You have to sacrifice a black goat on video (during full moon) and send it to them.

Anonymous No. 935727

>sacrifice a black goat on video
Wrong, it's a baby and a FBI agent.

Anonymous No. 935752

>dforce preparing for 10 minutes
>clothing explodes on frame 3 with no visible clipping
i hate dforce so much it's unreal.

Anonymous No. 935756

make sure the mesh is actually usable in dforce (check wireframe for density and sharp angles / to many loops close together).
You can try and brute force it by setting bending to 0.25 and stretch to 0.4. Also if that does not work set dynamic strength to something like 97-99%.
Lastly increase simulation fps to 3-5 instead of 2.
And if all that fails well mate time to export the mesh to maya / blender and fix it.

Anonymous No. 935757

i'm just gonna fix it manually. where does daz dump imported clothing morphs?

Anonymous No. 935759

if you used the morph loader they are only added to the scene in the parameters for that instance and only in memory as far as I know. But you can just apply the morph and then export the obj

Anonymous No. 935767

LOL just export everything to blender and do clothes simulation there and then re import the simulated clothes back

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Anonymous No. 935778

ill stop working on this and move on to my knight outfit. Last image because she got spotted by the horde of gobbos!

Anonymous No. 935786

>knight outfit

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Freja 9 booba.png

Anonymous No. 935796

Freja 9 kinda bussin

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Anonymous No. 935810

anyone happen to know what these undies are? or the name of other high cut ones like this
looking kinda androgynous

Anonymous No. 935811

Looks like something from VAM or secondlife

Anonymous No. 935812

it's a cyberpunk mod but most mods, VAM and secondlife just use daz clothes anyway

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Anonymous No. 935824

the diffeomorphic blender addon has this option under the posing menu, never used it myself though

Anonymous No. 935884

could i save all my daz stuff on an external ssd? anyone think save and load times would be any worse? my library is on my c drive, and it's taking up a cool 400gbs, with project files taking another 50gbs.

Anonymous No. 935886

i have 2 4tb external hdds sitting around, but i figured those would definitely be slower.

Anonymous No. 935892

I'm doing everything on an external 2tb ssd. Works fine for me, would recommend.

Anonymous No. 935893

cool, thanks. i was thinking of grabbing a 2tb ssd, putting that in my pc, and using my most recent 1tb ssd as an external daz drive.

Anonymous No. 935901

it's cool when i load up scene optimizer and find a fuckin' axe with EIGHT KAY textures.

Anonymous No. 935903

New thread when

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Anonymous No. 935904


Anonymous No. 935905

never. it's over.

Anonymous No. 935906

Breaking news: I tried advanced pussy, its superior compared to ngv8 and Golden palace.
Also tried physic breast by kaluma, its superior to breastacular in term of textures, tho the shaping morphs are inferior. Overall very good to have.
Best pussy: advanced pussy.
Best breast: breastacular and hd physic breast.
You don't need anything else.

Anonymous No. 935907

But I only use G9

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bed time 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 935910

she had him in the amazon position the whole time.

Anonymous No. 935911

Sucks to be you then, g9 sucks ass

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Anonymous No. 935912

Ah, the trusty spear saves the day. Those barbs really get the job done.

Anonymous No. 935913

iray decal for the blood?

Anonymous No. 935914

Made it myself.

Anonymous No. 935917

new thread = totocandy1 appreciation thread

Anonymous No. 935919

Fuck off totocandy your shit are shit

Anonymous No. 935920


Anonymous No. 935921

Kaluma also has his own cock, Male Genitals For Genesis 8 & 8.1 Male And Female. Anyone try it out? From the images it looks pretty good at making average-to-small dicks, which I think is a weakness of Dicktator/Futalicious.

Anonymous No. 935922

guhzcoituz appreciation?

Anonymous No. 935926

No you
The faces are ugly as fuck, the bodies are stolen from somewhere else

Anonymous No. 935927

Dictator is just too good both in term of textures and morphs, really

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vikki 9.png

Anonymous No. 935928

we can meme on gen 9 if we want, but vikki 9 looks fantastic. maybe i'll remake my muscle girl wit her shaders as practice.

Anonymous No. 935930

That look like shit

Anonymous No. 935931

you shit why attack right none subtract

Anonymous No. 935932

post work.

Anonymous No. 935933

Fuck off shill, gen 9 is straight up dog shit compare to 8.1

Anonymous No. 935934

The fuck does that supposed to mean
Doesn't matter it looks like shit
The skins textures just like every other 8.1 char
The body topology is straight up dog shit

Anonymous No. 935935


Anonymous No. 935936

Fuck off retard
You don't have to be a chief to know the food is shit
You don't have to be a pilot to know shits fucked when you see the helicopter is on fire
I don't have to post shit to know that gobbo looks like shit

Anonymous No. 935938

Spoken like a true secondlife basic bitch.

Anonymous No. 935939

head looks kinda massive

Anonymous No. 935949

Ugly fuck

Anonymous No. 935954

>he skins textures just like every other 8.1 char
>The body topology is straight up dog shit
just for females char

Anonymous No. 935955

Your picture shows nothing that couldn't be done with G8 or even G3.

Anonymous No. 935964

someone make a new thread. this reached image limit

Anonymous No. 935979

The last time I tried, some autist unleashed shitposting bots to hit bump limit so they could create their own.

Anonymous No. 935982

The objects in my renders look like they have no 3rd dimension. Almost like they are just flat. What causes this?

Anonymous No. 935986

ok i did it.

Anonymous No. 935991
