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๐Ÿงต /DAZ/ 3D General - Focusing On What's Important Edition

Anonymous No. 935985

Previous: >>932704

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin (Truebones)

Suggested Blender Bridge:

Similar programs:
Vroid Anime Tool:
Metahuman creator:

Hair Creation:!uywlSQqS!GzZTEOGcRhiEr8Ve5hwsfQ

MORE nft shit. But with chimp watches.

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Anonymous No. 935988

Anonymous No. 935990

How do I work with Daz models inside of Blender and Zbrush? I'm a pretty good sculptor, when importing with diffeomorphic sometimes I need to fix some shapes, but Blender sculpting is actual dogshit. I thought exporting the model without modifiers into zbrush, sculpting without changing topology and bringing back to Blender replacing the original mesh would work but I got texture errors everywhere. I don't have much knowledge in the 3d pipeline, can someone shed me some light? Is there a way to sculpt over the model and import into blender as a morph or something?

Anonymous No. 935996

This bitch look retarded fr fr

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Anonymous No. 935998

instead of replacing the mesh when you bring it back to blender you should probably turn it into a shapekey for the original diffeo imported one using join as shapes in the shapekey menu

Anonymous No. 935999

does dforce simulate hidden clothes?

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Anonymous No. 936000

she's wearing pants! how scandalous!
use simulate selected.

Anonymous No. 936001

Your OC vs Freja 9 in oil wrestling match when???

Anonymous No. 936006

Seriously you fags should try out advanced pussy and HD physic breast, they are good shit

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Anonymous No. 936011

kinda liking pants version.
maybe soon...

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pants2 bigger arms.jpg

Anonymous No. 936013

juicier arms, yes or no?

Anonymous No. 936018

hmm personally I like her more with less jucier arms

Anonymous No. 936028

where do you get pirated models?

Anonymous No. 936031

We don't pirate. It's immoral and illegal.
Go to some shady site like reddit and ask them.

Anonymous No. 936032

How do I make clothes look like my model is taking them off?

Anonymous No. 936033

VRAM size matters more for DAZ/Iray than the actual speed of the GPU, right?
So an older card with a lot of VRAM would be better than a newer card with less, right?

Anonymous No. 936034

Just like regular RAM, VRAM is also of varying speeds. More older/slower VRAM might not be inherently better than less/faster modern VRAM. It is why 4090 moggs some of the larger VRAM dedicated professional cards.
But generally speaking you are correct. Just make sure if the difference is really worth it.

Anonymous No. 936037

Speaking of which, why is the professional A-series so shitty?

Anonymous No. 936038

It's old, simple as. And it was also always made for companies that buy shitload of them to use them in dedicated machines, not much for a single card use.

Anonymous No. 936039

>Just like regular RAM, VRAM is also of varying speeds
yes but also like regular RAM: If you do not have enough to store the entire scene in the VRAM then IT WILL NOT USE THE GPU AT ALL.
That is why VRAM is so important and amount will 90% of the time be better than faster. Faster VRAM = faster render speeds. But if lack VRAM amount then it will be snails pace anyways.

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Anonymous No. 936041

Look for the GOZ module for ZB<->DAZ
It's a bridge.
Every times you move something in daz, send the model in zb or blender again or you'll have issues with your custom morphs.

Anonymous No. 936042

Just get over 12gb of Vram. That's what you'll need to render a single Genesis 9 with 8k maps.
If you can afford twice that, then do it.

Anonymous No. 936044

You edit the mesh's geometry in zb/blender and create individual morphs usable in Daz.

Anonymous No. 936046

A single G9 is 12gb??
That's nuts. Not switching from G8 any time soon then.

Anonymous No. 936047

Is there a way to make a metahuman character and then import it into Daz, or do you have to use Unreal to do anything with the character?

Anonymous No. 936048

have you considered simply not using 8k maps?

Anonymous No. 936050

you could do a zwrap of the meta human onto Genesis 8 / 9 and then just take that result and import it as a morph.

Anonymous No. 936051

GOZ is dogshit, doesn't support geografts

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Anonymous No. 936059

What does lewdlab do to make a model's skin look like this? There's this shiny/smooth look to the skin which I like a lot.

Anonymous No. 936062

hair creation link dead

Anonymous No. 936074

do any of the bridges support geografts? I tried the blender bridge two years ago and it didn't handle them well. Has that changed?

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Anonymous No. 936081

moar sarah

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MW Elisabeth.jpg

Anonymous No. 936111

MW Elisabeth is a cute dyke.

Anonymous No. 936113

Anyone know a work around for exporting a figure as a .obj file and the eyes going white?

Anonymous No. 936115

it's probably the transparent eye lens material not working in whatever you imported the obj to

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Anonymous No. 936123

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Anonymous No. 936131


Anonymous No. 936143

finally we have the technology to render realistic old, moist hags

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bridget 8 is not ....png

Anonymous No. 936145

Why do DAZ eyeballs always look so gray?

Anonymous No. 936146

Based Bridget enjoyer

Anonymous No. 936149

we don't post selfies here.

Anonymous No. 936150

Will DAZ be dead soon because AI scribblers?

Anonymous No. 936151


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Anonymous No. 936152

I have 24Gb of vram and i intend to use them.
Damn right.

Anonymous No. 936153

She needs to be thicker.
A LOT thicker.

Anonymous No. 936154

Minerva G9.
Show me.

Anonymous No. 936155

>render with denoiser
>it comes out blurry
>render without denoiser
>it comes out noisy
What do?

Anonymous No. 936156

render without denoiser
use external denoiser (intlel is pretty good)

Anonymous No. 936157

I use Topaz DeNoise AI

Anonymous No. 936159

Topaz is trash. So much it is not even worth a pirate. Intlel's is free, not to mention LOT better.

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Anonymous No. 936164

You have to survive the attack of this girl first.

Anonymous No. 936165

Bridget 8 looks like acute dyke that needs to learn to love the D.

Anonymous No. 936170

i use my hug attack to close the distance then tummy tickle to make her drop her weapons

Anonymous No. 936171

Bridget a best

Anonymous No. 936172

>Necdaz release foot morph 2
>It's $50
Man why is this guy a jew? He's making good money on Patreon and no idea how much he's making on Fanbox

Anonymous No. 936173

footfags get the rope

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Anonymous No. 936174

feets are so disgusting i don't know how there are people who like that

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Anonymous No. 936175

That will get you killed, anon.
I prefer poking attacks.

Anonymous No. 936178

Are you retarded/autistic? Legit curious.

Anonymous No. 936182

Aren't we all. Why?

Anonymous No. 936184

adorable, I'd watch an animation like this

Anonymous No. 936193

what's wrong with be special?

Anonymous No. 936208

Where's the /aco/ thread?

Anonymous No. 936210

what's the best eyebrow asset?

Anonymous No. 936213

>he comes on this board
>to this thread
>to aks a question like this
lmao even

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Anonymous No. 936214

Good lord, he also went ahead and released a stirrup asset. Bye bye 75 dollars

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Anonymous No. 936216

damn didnt know focal length make that much of a difference
left is 120 right is 20 mm.
left is look mature and right looks young and naive

Anonymous No. 936217

Bridget acute

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Anonymous No. 936218

Genesis 9 still looks like dogshit.

Anonymous No. 936220


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Anonymous No. 936229

Wasted their budget on their NFT/Metaverse garbage

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Anonymous No. 936231


Anonymous No. 936232

>oh noooo a monke hand, I am going insane
Stop being a faggot.

Anonymous No. 936233

>Stop being a faggot.
>stop noticing absolutely everything being black on white every single time

Anonymous No. 936235

i cannot believe decals don't work on multiple objects. i CANNOT believe decals don't work on multiple objects.

Anonymous No. 936236

Like I said, stop being an annoying faggot. No one fucking cares about you "noticing" things, especially not "noticing" something that has been around for decades. Which is also something no one cares about at all, apart from mentally stunted /pol/darkie subhumans and their blackcel counterparts.

Anonymous No. 936237

i don't remember asking.

Anonymous No. 936239


Anonymous No. 936244

Good to see a little equity around here

Anonymous No. 936247

You seem to care a lot.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 936248

Yes, I suffer from /pol/nigger fatigue.

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Anonymous No. 936287

how the fuck do I get skin to look smooth and not like the surface of the god damn moon? like what is this shit why do they make characters with skin like this??

Anonymous No. 936288

reduce bump maps.

Anonymous No. 936289

>decals don't work on multiple surfaces
>4 layer shader doesn't support tiling or opacity
i'm going to do a mass shooting in the daz office.

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Anonymous No. 936298

so I tried turning bumps off entirely and it's still not looking all that great, is there anything else I can do here short of making my own textures?

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Anonymous No. 936299

and this is with bumps on for comparison

Anonymous No. 936300

look for bumps, normal or displacements. You dont need to remove the maps completely but can change the strength.

Anonymous No. 936301

the "grit" you see on the left side is from the roughness map. roughness is what determines how shiny the skin is. you can play with that, but removing it would make your character turn into plastic.

Anonymous No. 936302

yeah I've been playing around with all sorts of settings and I think it boils down to the skin textures being too low res most of all
turning down bump and roughness helps but the actual problem is that the gritty texture itself is not fine enough
guess I'll either ai upscale all the skin textures to 8k or curb my autism and leave it be

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Anonymous No. 936307

Cant decide on how this guy's waifu-wrecking penis would look. Suggestions?

Anonymous No. 936309

probably really veiny, and barbed.

Anonymous No. 936310

Are there any DAZ creators who will take commissions for character-creatures like this?

Anonymous No. 936312

I dont imagine you'll see much for the modern figures since only daz approved vendors have access to the hd morph kit.

Anonymous No. 936316

This guy ended up being pretty low detail for the "close up" shots. Materials around the crotch and ab area are fairly low res.
Are there any LIE or other options to add skin details? Open to product recommendations.

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Anonymous No. 936326

We definitely need more ugly bastards for DAZ

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Anonymous No. 936330

only scholarly femboys for my girl.

Anonymous No. 936331

You haven't shown us how she dealt with those big side effects of that faulty potion, anon.

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Anonymous No. 936332

it was a 48 hour potion, so she got them a 48 hour room.

Anonymous No. 936333

>48 hours
Poor bussy

Anonymous No. 936334

i'm sure after that experience he'd never make a mistake like that again.

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Anonymous No. 936337

Vicey bros...we won.

Anonymous No. 936343

Uncommonly decent lookalike.

Anonymous No. 936344

oh my

Anonymous No. 936345

is this supposed to looks like female bogdanoff?

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Anonymous No. 936346

LMAO-ing at them geneshit 9 user
I mean look at this shit.
top fucking kek

Anonymous No. 936365

What i often do is render without denoiser and then use the Intel denoiser to create a second image. In Photoshop i put the denoised image above the original and then reduce the opacity until i start seeing noise appear.
For areas with really high noise i use a layer mask to use more of the denoised image in those places.

Anonymous No. 936367

they seem very hit or miss. His taylor, nicki minaj, gal gadot and some others look fantastic, then others are completely off and I can barely tell who they are supposed to be

Anonymous No. 936368

Fuck yourself you mongoloid, no one gives a shit about your garbage role play.
Seriously? What is wrong with you?

Anonymous No. 936369

Sometimes the normal map is pitifully bad.
I recommand roaming through your Runtime/texture/ folders and pick what's decent. Edit, mix in photoshop save in your own resource folder.
Try all the preset material of all you installed characters and pick the best maps and shaders combination. Learn how the do it. Learn about PBR, Uber and RSL shaders.

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Anonymous No. 936371

I ended up upscaling the roughness and bump maps to 8k and toning down the bump and detail map weight by half
I'm okay with the result, also added metallic flakes out of curiosity and I kinda like it

Anonymous No. 936372

you seem troubled.

Anonymous No. 936374

Shut the fuck up.

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Anonymous No. 936375


Anonymous No. 936376

monstrously based

Anonymous No. 936379

First decent use of this software.

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Anonymous No. 936381


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Anonymous No. 936383

>tfw from daz youtube account
Based bleaching chads. I wholeheartedly welcome this kind of content.

Anonymous No. 936384

is that a jewish prayer ribbon

Anonymous No. 936385

why would it be?

Anonymous No. 936392

criminally based

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Anonymous No. 936400

Who the fuck is this

Anonymous No. 936403

I want to say Mila Yovovich but I'm probably wrong. It is a Daz character, after all, so who know but the sculptor himself.

Anonymous No. 936404

The author did a few models and such, I do get the Mila vibe but bogged

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Anonymous No. 936405

Jonah Hill becoming the next big content creator.

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Anonymous No. 936412

Character creator 4 is sadly still is meme. Seems truebones was right again.


Ever since daz joined tafi, they've done nothing but promote stupid nft and vr nonsense. I remember talks about daz wanting to do a major overhall for studio before tafi, but it seems the only thing that came from that was the new render engine.

Anonymous No. 936414

>Character creator 4
Double who?

Anonymous No. 936415

unfortunate but we all know Taytay is joining the bogs after she took that call

Anonymous No. 936434



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Anonymous No. 936436

Imagine paying for all this

Anonymous No. 936461

You dirty thief!

Anonymous No. 936464

jesus how long does your daz take to add figures?

Anonymous No. 936467

depends on the figure, more morphs = more time. I'm at over 3k installed but have got rid of most legacy V4 and prior things

Anonymous No. 936492

how do i send a daz model to blender, remove and replace the eyes with ones that aren't distorted, and send that back as a morph? doing absolutely nothing different, sometimes it fails, sometimes it works.

Anonymous No. 936512

>ones that aren't distorted

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Anonymous No. 936518

Kristina Grikaite
he puts the the name of the celeb/model in the tags

Anonymous No. 936519

>Kristina Grikaite
nice, thanks

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Anonymous No. 936520

Trying a bhv animation would be fun right? Well my person ends up upside down. I would need to invert the values on a group of keyframes and it would be fine. I'll just select them and make a script that will flip the selected keys! No, it will just crash daz!

var oSkeleton;

var start = 0;
var endFrame;
var range;

var ticks = Scene.getTimeStep();

function invertSelectedKeyValues (node) {

var props = bone.getPropertyList();
var keys;
for(var p = 0; p < props.length; p++) {
var prop = props[p];
if((prop.canAnimate() && prop.hasKeys() && prop.isNumeric()) === false){
range = prop.DzTimeRange();
start = range.start / ticks;
endFrame = range.end / ticks;
for(var k = start; k < endFrame + 1; k++) {
prop.setValue(prop.getKeyTime(k * ticks), prop.getValue() * -1);
var bones, bone;

oSkeleton = Scene.getPrimarySelection().getSkeleton();

bones = oSkeleton.getAllBones();

for(var b = 0; b < bones.length; b++) {
bone = bones[b];

Anonymous No. 936522

I was putting the same value in for every frame, I wasn't getting it at the selected frame, but that's a bug not a crasher...

Anonymous No. 936524

I'm with you. I can't see any reason to use it. There's an autofit for 9 clothes to g8 that works pretty well. So at least those aren't a total waste.

Anonymous No. 936527

Oh also I didn't save this I guess before it crashed I accidently pasted DzTimeRange where I should have pasted getSelectedKeyRange or something like that.

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Anonymous No. 936528

I'm aware of the "skinsuit" method to transfer morphs from 8 to 9 but is there a method to transfer materials yet?

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Anonymous No. 936534

can someone post cute girls pls?
asking for a friend btw

Anonymous No. 936539

export as obj with no subdivision levels, import to blender, fix eyes, export as obj (keeping vertex order), load with morph loader?

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Screenshot 2023-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 936541

Also keep vertex order on import.

Anonymous No. 936542

oh yeah true

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Anonymous No. 936543

i'm just trying to making some wholesome wonder woman renders and these cuirass textures are abominable. what am I supposed to do about this, photoshop them?

Anonymous No. 936546

waifu2x or another upscaler might help

Anonymous No. 936548

didn't work unfortunately. I'll do it the old-fashioned way and just stamp out those pixelated edges in photoshop.

Anonymous No. 936549

really? it works wonders for me even when things look like trash
post normal map

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Anonymous No. 936550

sure, try it out. I'd be thrilled if you got results. I tried waifu2x and couldn't tell the difference with the upscaled one, maybe I didn't set it correctly.

Anonymous No. 936551

the eyes are too fugged. i want to delete them entirely, and replace them with a non-fugged set from the same base model.

Anonymous No. 936552

show example

Anonymous No. 936553

there's an UV set
just switch the UVs and apply the materials I think

Anonymous No. 936554

that shitty pixelated look is coming from the bump map, make sure to also upscale the bump or normal map

Anonymous No. 936555

try following this tutorial

Anonymous No. 936557

i don't think you can but you could remove the morph(s) from the eye geometry then move the eyes into position with bones and bake ERC onto the morph again?

Anonymous No. 936558

the light color on the chest is denoising resistant so you'll probably have to paint with luminosity/saturation in photoshop to even it out then denoise it maybe
but >>936554 is right, most of the fucked appearance is from the normal/bump which should denoise ok

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Anonymous No. 936610

Im looking for a Model of the Mass Effect 2 version of Jack

I've found a Mass Effect 3 version model, but I'd much prefer a model with her ME2 design
Does anyone know if one exists/can link it?

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Anonymous No. 936627

looks like the gobbos caught her in the end

Anonymous No. 936630

inb4 janny paddle'n

Anonymous No. 936631

I did think that staff was a bit comically thick at first but now I think its just right.

Anonymous No. 936632

but its censored and you cant see much. Maybe its a bit too far now that I think about it. Oh well time for a vacation it seems...

Anonymous No. 936647

Is that... Is that a n-word? A n-nipple? Only barely censored?

Anonymous No. 936648

link?the tattoos look pretty nicely applied and that's like 90% of the difficulty of any jack model

Anonymous No. 936649

Into the trash it goes

Anonymous No. 936656

I've noticed that the skin in some renders have this distinct shine to them. An example comparison:
Not shiny
How do people get this effect?

Anonymous No. 936657

Skin material itself and how harsh the light is.

Anonymous No. 936660

>How do people get this effect?
go to surface tab and set the shader. Roughness is your key. When I am home later I can show it but its pretty basic

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 936664

the only place a white person feels safe to touch a nigger is in 3D. at least you dont have to deal with the nigger smell

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 936665

This is /3/. You are a nigger of the anon, /pol/troon. No one wants your smell around. Keep on the fucking topic of piss off back to your retardpen of a board.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 936666

gaslighting wont work, pajeet. your opinion sucks like your moms nigger boyfriend

Anonymous No. 936667

>ur opinion s-sucks!!
Just like the usual, /pol/tranny sounds like a woman, moreso than actual troons who TRY on doing that (and fail).
You will never be a man. Now fuck off back to your gay, double-digit IQ containment shithole, you subhuman garbage.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 936668

you never checked em ya schizo...

that how I know youre a nigger.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 936673

He's definitively a fucking dirty smelly nigger.

Anonymous No. 936674

>/pol/cel garbage so mad he samefags now
buckbroken, like the rest of the subhumans.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 936677

you didnt check em, so now you pay the nigger toll like your mom did

Anonymous No. 936679

Checked and i kind of feel for him you know? Must be hard to live with a skin with a shad of shit all over.

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Anonymous No. 936682

The absolute state of Poser

Anonymous No. 936683

Funnily enough, "Poser" means "To shit yourself" in my language. I always found it hilarious.

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Anonymous No. 936698

Is there a way to export a Blender model to DAZ? It seems like these are just modified Daz Models.

Anonymous No. 936713

That's the main tool to do it, the process is convoluted and takes a serious time investment but it works.
What sucks about it is that you don't just set it up once and use the same process for different models.

Anonymous No. 936729

you can technically set up a base model in blender then import head/body morphs onto it and switch the textures to make characters
that's how rigid3d makes his stuff

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Anonymous No. 936764

How about an apple instead?

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Anonymous No. 936767

I like it. what can i say?

Anonymous No. 936768

Woups! I fucked up the head translucency value.

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yennefer 2_nvidia.jpg

Anonymous No. 936775

Anonymous No. 936777


bitch, I asked a sandwich not an apple

Anonymous No. 936779

>tfw I'm still garbage at lighting my scenes
How can I fix this? Maybe an photography course?

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Anonymous No. 936794

Copy this first. Turn off everything even your HDRI and play around with it.

Anonymous No. 936799

I've already played around with three point lighting for a good while, but it is often insufficient. For example, it doesn't address how one is supposed to deal with the shadows that the figures cast onto themselves.

Anonymous No. 936800

I liked Donut Man's ted talk on lighting.

Anonymous No. 936802

>in the tags
where? product page or social media?

Anonymous No. 936803

you want there to be shadows
if everything is lit then it makes the image flat

Anonymous No. 936804

nevermind, I see the tags on his deviantart

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 936809

Made a new critter. Priestess for scale

Anonymous No. 936817

Is there a used condom with a knot prop for daz? Found this one for blender but have no idea how to get it working in daz.

Anonymous No. 936841

Read this

Anonymous No. 936848

send link Please for the autofit for g9 to g8.
I fucking hate Gensis 9 and am not gonna waste time on it.

Anonymous No. 936857

but muh gen9

Anonymous No. 936868

I hope you aren't pirating....
Otherwise you hate creators.

Anonymous No. 936878

I look forward to demonstrations of its abilities.

Anonymous No. 936881


Works pretty good for most items. Just like the G3 to G8 autofit it sometimes has problems with shoes and gloves.

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red bronze.jpg

Anonymous No. 936887

Anonymous No. 936897

i do hate creators actually, yes

Anonymous No. 936921

How do you anons prevent pubic hair from poking through the sheer underwear? Is there a geoshell for pubic hair available?

Anonymous No. 936926

if it doesn't have any morphs, i manually "shave" it with the geometry editor. alternatively, trace the pubic around the panties, so it only sticks out where you want it to, then add a pubic texture on the skin under the panties. for >>936887 i just traced the armor with the geometry editor.

Anonymous No. 936954

Thank you. I was hoping for a geoshell but this is a good workaround

Anonymous No. 936963

damn! Love the smug expression and silly conan tier outfit!

Anonymous No. 936974

How short can your characters be before they become sus?

Anonymous No. 936987

Sus, how? Pedo?
That's not about size, more about child-like features I would think. Otherwise you could scale up a baby to adult size and do porn with no problems.

But anyway, it's idiotic, since now matter how distasteful it may be, it's just pixels and polygons with no real people.

Anonymous No. 936989

>But anyway, it's idiotic, since now matter how distasteful it may be, it's just pixels and polygons with no real people
Not according to the fucking law idiots.

And damn right as it should be.
I hate pedos with a burning passion. They ruin everything they can, want to make GTS/shrinkfag/size play content? No that's not possible unfortunately because we got unwanted media attention because pedos were attracted to our software.
Happened with a popular adult game in the 10s and could happen with daz.

Anonymous No. 936998

>want to make GTS/shrinkfag/size play content? No

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Anonymous No. 936999

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lewd dude.jpg

Anonymous No. 937000

Advice for posing characters with human bases but not so human shapes? Most of the usual bones seem extruded or offset.

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Anonymous No. 937009

Here you go. Modern version.
Have tweaked her to reduce some of the goblinism she had in her face.

Nice to see someone appreciates my """art""".

Anonymous No. 937014

If you wanted to make a Patreon or whatever, there's got to be some minimum sized woman you can make before triggering their censors. Same is true for everything from /aco/ to Steam. So how short is too short?

Anonymous No. 937019

How many people have to explain it? It's about child like features.
You can make >>936775 any size you want,
>>936381 and >>936999 will be fine if they are portrayed as adults
and >>937009 will get you b& no matter how you spin it.
If you are asking for "younger" features just kys.

Anonymous No. 937020

That's how the anatomy works unfortunately.
"hooves" are equivalent to toes.
Daz armatures do have the "metatarsals" bones which you can use though.
You can move those to the right place with the joint editor. Will take a bit try and error but should work.

Anonymous No. 937023

>try and error
Seems just like any other daz thing then

Anonymous No. 937032

>will get you b& no matter how you spin it

She's taller than the man behind her and has large breasts, Karen.

Anonymous No. 937054

massive head and torso

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Anonymous No. 937060

Who is she? This is great.
> just a visitor of /3/

Anonymous No. 937064

Hey Meipe, thanks for releasing Dicktator for G9. But since all you did was refit the old prop to the new model, why not include the half-dozen expansion packs with it, since they're right there and you're already rehashing old material.

Anonymous No. 937065

>no futalicious
>still the same low res textures
>still the same atrocious cum shader
I sleep

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8.1 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 937066

original character.

Anonymous No. 937068

1. Futalicious is unnecessary because everything is monogendered now.
2. Yeah that sucks. That's why I want the expansions. Pumping Pole is a must. Just as a bare minimum he could ship with HD textures
3. This is an easy fix. I found one cum prop I liked, saved the shaders, and load the shaders on all other cum props. This is useful when using props from multiple sources, because it makes them look uniform.

Anonymous No. 937071

>I found one cum prop I liked
Please do share, wise cock-wizard. I have like three but they are all non-ideal.

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mods this is toas....png

Anonymous No. 937077

The shader came from the prop Moneyshotz Bellies, then I increased the Diffuse Weight to 0.10.

Anonymous No. 937079

Nice. Thank you, based strudelmaker.

Anonymous No. 937081

NTA but how do you save the shader/preset from the asset? I have the Bellies, but I have no idea how to use their shader with other assets.

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Anonymous No. 937085

Alternative outfit. Would you take her on a coffee date after work?

You are kinda right. I thought I had it fixed, but apparently not.
Will keep working.

Anonymous No. 937094

you gotta buy a bunch of expensive addons to have fun and do more than just pose the default model?

Anonymous No. 937100


Anonymous No. 937109

Unless you plan on working professionally or posting your "art" on some official site you can just pirate most assets.

Anonymous No. 937113

ohh.. now i gotta figure out how to import it

Anonymous No. 937114

>this is great
No, it really isn't.

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Anonymous No. 937115

Here's your genesis 9 bro.

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Anonymous No. 937116

Is this a bit better?

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Anonymous No. 937123

there's no need to be upset.

Anonymous No. 937124

Looks nice
which base and character is that?

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Anonymous No. 937127

Anonymous No. 937139

fat, ugly, henna tatted elves just what i've always wanted

Anonymous No. 937141

too old

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woman made of fro....png

Anonymous No. 937146

Select the object you want to save the shader from, then on the Surfaces tab, make sure to have the surface also selected. Then File, Save As, etc. When loading to your next target, again make sure to have it's surface selected on the Surfaces tab.

Anonymous No. 937147

>Now i am becoom

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Anonymous No. 937153

Anonymous No. 937157

Thank you, senpai!

Anonymous No. 937162

that's a man

Anonymous No. 937163

i'll make a man out of her if you know what i mean

Anonymous No. 937168

>no buttcrack hair

Anonymous No. 937179

You know, with this sort of thing, the end user is always right. It doesn't matter if her technicalities are not right. She looks good to me that I am not a sculptor/animator. That's enough.

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Anonymous No. 937184

working on a new outift. Early WIP

Anonymous No. 937185

make the strap orange for those Fifth Element vibes

Anonymous No. 937186

hah I see what you mean. But that strap will get worked into a belt with buckles and such

Anonymous No. 937187

i downloaded some models but they all spawn in bald
how do i add their own hair

Anonymous No. 937190

Great medieval-ish tomb raider feelings

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r hero.png

Anonymous No. 937192

I wasted my whole morning on this.

Anonymous No. 937208

(I don't this language (Javascript but for models?)
But are you sure you need the bones.push(oSkeleton) in there, since with getAllBones you should have the array of bones at that point?

Anonymous No. 937209

also the param of the first function "node" is unused after that . . . you meant 'bone' there I'm sure.

Anonymous No. 937211

Hairs are separate assets.

Anonymous No. 937239

I could do that in 30 mins

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Anonymous No. 937241

some bideo jame character

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2B 3-2.jpg

Anonymous No. 937243

Anonymous No. 937245

post butt

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Anonymous No. 937252

It gets the bones but I realized I need to do the properties on the base figure too. So I just dumped it into the array. I could rename it nodes or something.

Anonymous No. 937268

I'm thinking about getting into Daz. I've played around with Honey Studio before, but have no experience with the real stuff. Is it worth trying?
I love this character. How did you make her and can you post more of her?

Anonymous No. 937273

>the real stuff


Anonymous No. 937332

What is the right/best way of adding a bit of extra gloss to a character skin?

Anonymous No. 937335

Decrease dual lobe spectacular roughness.
Don't mess with reflectivity values ever when using path tracers (physically inaccurate means rendering artifacts)
You can add top coat for a quick fake water layer. (Again only tweak roughness, not reflectivity)
If you want to really go ham with the moist skin look you can add a geoshell with a water material (ior 1.33, 99% transmission) and a displacement and alpha texture for droplets.

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Anonymous No. 937340

It's 3duk's Sarah Miller (from TLoU).
But I've only dialed the face/body to 35%, so the original character is way younger looking.
Plus I've made a ton of other small changes.

Anonymous No. 937341

you're the amazon anon ,right?
I gotta ask, and don't take this the wrong way but...

Why do all your characters look so bored?
You never seem to dial in any expression or "do" anything with the faces.
If it's a personal choice sure why not, but otherwise yeah I see it every time

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Anonymous No. 937342

>so the original character is way younger looking.

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watch it lug nuts.png

Anonymous No. 937368

In memory of the manfaced lesbian anon from years back

Anonymous No. 937398

>Coom with me if you want to live.

Anonymous No. 937399

I don't know why I laughed so much from this.

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Anonymous No. 937405

Does anyone know what hair is this?

Anonymous No. 937406

what character what textures is that?

Anonymous No. 937412

That was some time ago, nowadays he would be labeled trannyanon or some such

Anonymous No. 937437

Am I the only having weird fireflies fucking everywhere when using Raw Saquatch for Genesis 9?

Anonymous No. 937477

How does one make genitals work with the "Ultimate Skin Moisture Shell" asset? Specifically XY and NGV8.

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Anonymous No. 937499

If I remember correctly, the problem is that the script that adds the geoshell will generate additional surfaces for each "not out of the box" element of your model.

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Anonymous No. 937500

But while it will add the correct Iray UBER shader for the "default" surfaces of your model......

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Anonymous No. 937501

It will do a default shader for the parts of the shell related to your new geometry

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Anonymous No. 937502

So you have to manually assign an Iray Uber shader to the new, generated surfaces.
This can be found under :
My DAZ 3D Library\Shader Presets\Iray\DAZ Uber\!Iray Uber Base.
Then, just copy the shader from one of your correctly done surfaces (the torso, for example) , over your freshly assigned Uber Base on your new surface

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Anonymous No. 937580

own character with 2B clothes and other lingerie stuff

not butt but see this

Anonymous No. 937662

This general is too quiet, even for /3/. I know you're up to something... Post it!

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Anonymous No. 937665

here's an old render for now.

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Anonymous No. 937668

oh my. love this. what's yo @

Anonymous No. 937684

Who can I commission to convert a game character? I have the game character ripped already.

Anonymous No. 937685

Blue board, holmes.

Anonymous No. 937687

Shinteo on Patreon takes commissions.

Anonymous No. 937701

Where to get good femboy trap model?
Quick search give nothing but gay looking butch dudes or ugly masculine trannies

Anonymous No. 937702

What model is that?

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Anonymous No. 937703

You simply make your own.

Anonymous No. 937704

H o t n e s s

Anonymous No. 937705

Just start with a chick and flatten the chest.

Anonymous No. 937711

How do I edit the body shape?
Stupid Daz wont give me sliders to adjust shape of body parts

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Anonymous No. 937733

sure are interesting products on renderhub

Anonymous No. 937737

What's wrong with it? It's a nice horror model.

Anonymous No. 937743


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Anonymous No. 937759

Anonymous No. 937763

god damn daz renders are so shitty. Its like giving children a bunch of crayons.

Anonymous No. 937764

What do you use for rendering, then?

Anonymous No. 937766

Usually I render my cum on your moms face.

Anonymous No. 937768

So you know fuckall about the topic and just came to shitpost.

Anonymous No. 937769

yeah sure anon, whatever you want to believe. Keep fishing for crumbs...

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Anonymous No. 937772

>%My Daz3d Library%>General
What the fuck, theres videos, wallpapers and random extras

Anonymous No. 937773

>succubus lady
Post more Mammario.

Anonymous No. 937775


Anonymous No. 937799

Have you given her a name yet? Still waiting to see her mudwrestle Freja

Anonymous No. 937803

>funding finished for Marie-Claude Bourbonnais for over a year.
>No Marie yet

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Erin Leia Slave 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 937810

This is the way

Anonymous No. 937812

You have to get shape morphs separately.

Anonymous No. 937814

ok. thank you. i did some googling earlier and i saw something about morphs
how do i get the shape morph options though?

Anonymous No. 937825

How do I get good at animating in daz?

Anonymous No. 937827

>animating in daz
stop that futile attempt

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femboy wizard 2.1.jpg

Anonymous No. 937830

femboy enjoyers, RISE UP.

Anonymous No. 937840

Depends on what you want.

All a "morph" is is a distortion of a base mesh shape (for example, the Genesis 8 base figures). Every "character" is a full body morph. You can get morphs for individual body parts of all sorts.

There are lots of freebies to get started with on Deviant Art and ShareCG. You just install them and then dial up the sliders to taste. The more you have, the more you can mix and match.

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Erin Leia Slave 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 937843

More Erin

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Anonymous No. 937854

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Anonymous No. 937859

>so many femboy enjoyers itt
Based beyond belief.

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Anonymous No. 937891

nice. I want to create a character like this too.
or something like Skykliker's Jessie [picrel]

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Cowgirl Erin Femb....jpg

Anonymous No. 937929

As long as everyone is enjoying...

Anonymous No. 937930

>them child bearing hips

built for impregnating

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Anonymous No. 937931

Twink-kun is built for huge futa cocks.

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piggyback ride.jpg

Anonymous No. 937936

Anonymous No. 937937


Anonymous No. 937973

>"Which is also something no one cares about at all..." he said during his autistic tirade.

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Tay tay02.jpg

Anonymous No. 937994

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Anonymous No. 938030

My new babe

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armor test.png

Anonymous No. 938032

was working on this armor, but lost interest.

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Anonymous No. 938070

any recommendations for better tay characters, the vicey one isnt that good in my opinion.

Anonymous No. 938075

you can literally shape her face however you want. id start with that.

Anonymous No. 938086

What Assets to recreate Cammy?

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Anonymous No. 938087

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 938111

Emmanon, is that you over there shitposting on /v/'s Mass Effect thread?

Anonymous No. 938115

What's a good fem genitalia for g8f?
I'd like one with the insides like most models on smutbase have

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Anonymous No. 938118

Advanced pussy has fired every other genital. It's so much better. It does a weird thing with thicc thighs though.

I came to post my about how I thought I was so clever with my wet effects and it made her look like she has jizz in her hair. And I managed to make the most complicated lighting situation possible or something. What the hell is going on here with these render times?!!

Anonymous No. 938119

It doesn't have public hair though and does some weird wrinkles on the thighs when it's spread

Anonymous No. 938122

I don't know about the spreading thing? But I've just let autofit go for many rando pubes and, I dunno it just works. I have no complaints. Oh, also, transfer the morphs from "street panties" which is available as a free download in various places. These free underpants solve so many fitting issues in general.

Anonymous No. 938123

But I do agree on Advanced Pussy

Anonymous No. 938127

just tried it, it does look great but unfortunately yeah, it straight up doesnt play nice with the thighs

Any morph packs for g8f base genitalia?

Anonymous No. 938135

ran out of vram, so it defaults to cpu rendering which takes 900 years.

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Screenshot 2023-0....png

Anonymous No. 938138

No, it's just being silly, I even have cpu fall back turned off. At 3 hours and 35 minutes it still says it's 0% done.

Anonymous No. 938179

water caustics?

Anonymous No. 938180

any good marvelous designer tutorials/short courses?

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Anonymous No. 938194

I'm starting to think all of you all are gay because none of you know what a sexy woman's body looks like. This right here is the ideal female form.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 938198

you may not like it, but this is how peak performance looks like.

Anonymous No. 938242

Which 3d benchmark tells you the most about how well a card will perform in Iray?
Blender Classroom?

Anonymous No. 938243

You didn't make this in Daz.

Anonymous No. 938249

Yeah, that's what it was..

Anything that measures cuda performance.

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Pubes aligned per....jpg

Anonymous No. 938305

After talking about these underpants morphs yesterday I made a script that puts them onto a selected figure. You just have to have the duf file in the normal spot it installs to. They're a dl free on renderocity, other places. Copy this and save it as a .dsa file.

!function(){var e=function(e){if(e.isEmpty())return"";var t=App.getContentMgr(),r=App.version64>=0x400090000002e,s=DzContentMgr.AllDirs;return s=App.getImportMgr().findImporter(e)?r?DzContentMgr.PoserDirs|DzContentMgr.ImportDirs|DzContentMgr.CloudDB:DzContentMgr.PoserDirs|DzContentMgr.ImportDirs|32:r?DzContentMgr.NativeDirs|DzContentMgr.CloudDB:32|DzContentMgr.NativeDirs,t.findFile(e,s)}("People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/yukatanhouse/StreetPanties/Street Panties.duf"),t=new DzUri(e);App.getContentMgr().openNativeUri(t);for(var r=Scene.findNodeByLabel("SPanties"),s=r.getPropertyGroups().findChild("Actor/Adjustments").getAllProperties(),n=0;n<s.length;n++){s[n].setIsFavorite(!0)}var o=Scene.getPrimarySelection(),i=new DzTransferUtility;i.setSource(r),i.setTarget(o),i.setMorphTransferList(s),i.setTransferMorphs(!0),i.setTransferSourceMorphs(i.Favorites),i.setOverrideExistingMorphs(!0),i.setTransferTemplateMorphs(!0),i.setFitToFigure(!1),i.setLockViewOnTransfer(!1),i.setParentToFigure(!1),i.setRemoveUnusedTargetBones(!1),i.setRespectHiddenFacets(!1),i.setSmartLeftRightHandling(!1),i.setSilentImporters(!1),i.setAddSmoothModifier(!1),i.setAdjustTargetBase(!1),i.setConsiderLinesAsRigid(!1),i.setTargetReplacesSource(!1),i.setTransferBinding(!1),i.setTransferFaceGroups(!1),i.setTransferMaterialGroups(!1),i.setTransferRegionGroups(!1),i.setTransferSelectionMap(!1),i.setTransferUVs(!1),i.setUseNearness(!1),i.setUseSpecifiedContentType(!1),i.setUVSpaceProjection(!1),i.setVertexFirstP

Anonymous No. 938342

So glad theres a 3d general

This is my new home now
I'm white so i'm allowed here

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 938347

Watch it, white boy.

Anonymous No. 938403

Where are the cute and funny models

Anonymous No. 938411


Anonymous No. 938495

How do you anons even use that asset? Even loading it into my scene makes the texture shaded view unusably laggy.

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Anonymous No. 938498

no. Could have been but not this time as ive been too buzy to shitpost on /v/

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Anonymous No. 938573

Is 16GB the highest amount of VRAM you can find with a laptop GPU outside of egpu options?
Looking at "mobile workstations" and most of these seem to have thermal throttling problems.

Anonymous No. 938608

I think there is a RTX A6000 mobile with 24 GB but laptops with those are crazy expensive and never worth it.

Anonymous No. 938635

Maybe a Lenovo legion pro 7i or equivalent with a 16 gb mobile 4090 could be an option for you (if you have the dough).
I'm looking into one myself.

Anonymous No. 938636

While we are on this topic, does anyone have any experience with egpus?
How well do they work for DAZ and how clunky are they to use?

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Anonymous No. 938638

Continued: I'm currently stuck between a Legion Pro 7i with 16Gb 4090 and a Thinkpad P16 with a 12Gb A3000.

The P16 is way shittier but the thing is that I can get it for free from my workplace. I was thinking I could then maybe spend the money I would have spent on the Legion on a proper 24Gb 3090/4090 egpu.


Anonymous No. 938640

Egpu is probably the way to go. I've tried a few different enclosures and have the most consistent success with razer core x. Other egpus had issues detecting in windows despite the 4 gpus I tried. Ended up rma'ing the enclosure. It will just show up as another GPU in daz

Anonymous No. 938643

Stupid question, do you have to restart the computer every time you hook up the egpu?

Also, so would you recommend the Razer Core X? And is there a thunderbolt 4 version out yet?

Anonymous No. 938645

Some computers I tried with it needed me to cold boot in order to see the GPU, despite bios settings. Tried with a few ThinkPads. Def the core x, you don't use as much bandwidth as gaming would so a few egpus should be an option depending on your machine.

Anonymous No. 938646

So, did you ever find a Thinkpad/egpu combination that didn't need to cold boot?

Anonymous No. 938648

T15g gen1 after some bios fiddling but this model has a terrible thermal throttling problem with the CPU despite repeating.

Anonymous No. 938650

So, in practice you will always need to restart, especially if you don't like messing with the bios?

Anonymous No. 938651

There's a specific thunderbolt setting I haven't been able to narrow down but reboots will usually work 100%

Anonymous No. 938656

That sounds impractical. Now I'm swaying more towards having a gaming laptop with a somewhat decent internal GPU, honestly

Anonymous No. 938657

Basically a sffpc is the least worst option. Specially when you start looking at vram options over 11gb

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Anonymous No. 938659

Over the last year I ran though a lot of options for mobile rendering. Best option is to have a good render machine at home and then use parsec or similar to remote into it. Though I dont mind the 8GB 2070 on the T15G for quick single character outfit render ideas while on-the-go and questionable internet. I've used a few laptops with the core x as well as a sffpc with thunderbolt, Intel NUCs should work just as well.

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Anonymous No. 938660

Even with a large enough man purse to carry everything, I still felt like picrelated when going places with the SFFPC, portable display and peripherals.

Anonymous No. 938671

Emmanon, is that you?

Anonymous No. 938675

nice kristen

Anonymous No. 938691

How much VRAM do you need for comfortable use?

Anonymous No. 938699

Not him but a fan, the Parsec advice was from him and is great advice.
I dont optimize much so prefer 8-11 for 1-2 characters and minimal backgrounds. Using a 3090 on my main machine and have yet to put a scene together to max that yet.

Anonymous No. 938700

Somewhere in the last few years of daz updates, iray got really gpu hungry. Daz has always gone full retard with 4-8k image maps for jewelry and such

Anonymous No. 938719

Who made this Kstew? Emma-anon?
Is she available?

Anonymous No. 938720

Some BR chad on DA. Forget the name, will check when I get home.

Anonymous No. 938721

What's the base, G8.1?

Anonymous No. 938722


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Pink Bed clothes.jpg

Anonymous No. 938723

I put a dress on her and a bandaid on her crotch to post this here.

Anonymous No. 938724

Bratz tier

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battle car 001.jpg

Anonymous No. 938727

respect my space hooker girl gang!!!

Anonymous No. 938734

what zero vram does to a mf

Anonymous No. 938736

its a great Kristen clone in my view. Got the right look even all zoomed in like that. Awesome

Anonymous No. 938739

Just don't go for VRAM size.

I do pretty good renders on 4 GB VRAM with multiple people. Scene optimizers + subdiv. Before that I did it in 2 GB VRAM. It's a hassle, but then it's also three clicks away. You don't need a master workstation VRAM to render, I literally do it on a potato PC.

And I've done really crazy stuff. Like a 9 girls 4 boy scene. I spliced the rendering in that case, though.

Anonymous No. 938740

Post work?

Anonymous No. 938741

After investigating the issue I know what lines you're talking about. The weight map zones for the labia are making "lines" way up the thighs in certain poses. It looks like they did this to make it stretch enough to accommodate a brontosaurus dick with room to spare. If you change the weight maps to remove the lines the vag starts to clip into the thighs when stretched. Maybe making a morph of it with it stretched to the max and then fixing the weight maps might be the best of both worlds.

Anonymous No. 938743

Yeah. You can simply render three different scenes with the characters you want, and as long as they don't meaningfully shadow each others, or you can smooth the edge, no-one gives a fuck. Use the perspective.

The post-work isn't even that difficult.

But in any case, VRAM can always be optimized. You can simply say "fuck it" and buy the card with the best VRAM in the market, but you also can in two clicks divides your VRAM usage by 2 or 3 or 4. As one that potato PC render, think about your render times, as long as you're comfortable with your VRAM.

Anonymous No. 938746

I meant to request examples of your work, oops

Anonymous No. 938748

New thread: Celeb edition
Off-model not welcome

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Anonymous No. 938769

Same energy

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Anonymous No. 938786

Why can't I find a tuxedo for G8F? It's like they don't even want me to have a 1920s Vaudeville lesbian gf.

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Anonymous No. 938795

Anonymous No. 938796

pretty sure there was one for 8.1 around the time they released all the LGBTBBQ+ mustache unisex items a year or two ago.

Anonymous No. 938804

Not quite what I remembered but catty and the bundle was more cringe than I recalled

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twins 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 938818

More Bratz!!

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Anonymous No. 938833

too risky?

Anonymous No. 938836

Depends on how butthurt the other posters are. Pretty sure jannies dont bother coming this way unless reports.
nice! Though I feel the left breast would rest differently, maybe have the arm goblin grab a handful as a workaround to gravity simming it.

Anonymous No. 938837

yeah I think ill redo the breasts pose. Seems "off" its true.

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Anonymous No. 938844

>Depends on how butthurt the other posters are
ill be on the safe side then

Anonymous No. 938854

Is this anon around? Mind dropping a link to that KS morph?

Anonymous No. 938861

Oops forgot about that, sorry.
on Deviantart

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tux bistro.png

Anonymous No. 938897

Looks pretty mid.

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Anonymous No. 938990

Own Bruce and Selina

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Anonymous No. 939010

It took 432 days for the campaign to be completed but she's out as of yesterday for G9.

this is fucking amazing, Emma Roberts when???

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Anonymous No. 939014

zonegfx be like

Anonymous No. 939016

Does anyone have any experience using the same DAZ library located on a portable disk on different computers/different DAZ installs?
I mean like setting up a scene on your laptop at work and then rendering it on your home desktop.
How smooth is it?

Anonymous No. 939043

>I mean like setting up a scene on your laptop at work and then rendering it on your home desktop.
just use parsec for that, you can control your home pc remotely from your laptop.

Anonymous No. 939056

I don't get why people are still using the same host that gets taken down everytime.

Anonymous No. 939088

What if you don't have good internet at home, for instance?

Anonymous No. 939089

parsec needs like 5mbs.

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Anonymous No. 939120

damn what a shit site

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Anonymous No. 939142

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Anonymous No. 939289

gobbos, huh?

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Anonymous No. 939317

they are a real menace. Nice outfit but I can help but feel something like sandals would work better with the whole look ;)

Anonymous No. 939323

Your other characters are way hotter than your Emma. I don't know why nobody ever points this out.

Anonymous No. 939325

fair enough but since i do this as a hobby I tend to favor my own ideas
>I don't know why nobody ever points this out.
a lot of people point this out so I am aware

Anonymous No. 939328

Is that Eva Green?

Anonymous No. 939329

nope but I can see some resemblance

Anonymous No. 939331

The eyes and the scowl remind me of her, a little.
Is she meant to be someone recognizable, or just a waifu you made?

Anonymous No. 939333

so a flat chested tomboy?
basically the same if you ignore genitals and acknowledge the androgyny of both

Anonymous No. 939336

>just a waifu you made?
just that but she is clearly based on a few women I find very beautiful like Eva Green

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Anonymous No. 939340

WIP archer outfit

Anonymous No. 939341

She looks cute.
I follow your work on Pixiv, too.
I love your work.

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Anonymous No. 939346

Thanks anon. Sorry I havent posted much lately but been busy. Also been more into creating outfits and such than doing actual renders

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Anonymous No. 939362

WIP 2. Fully dforce controlled now. Time to add details and get to texturing. Also need to fix the feet of the boots (add heels and such).

Anonymous No. 939363

It's international Woman's day apparently, lets see those renders!

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Anonymous No. 939384


Anonymous No. 939386

>the subtly erect nipples fighting against the fabric of her top

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Anonymous No. 939394


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Anonymous No. 939399


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Anonymous No. 939404

Anonymous No. 939405


Anonymous No. 939411

haha oh yeah

Anonymous No. 939414

i need to see amazonian women choking and head scissoring kristen stewart

Anonymous No. 939416

is that MD? any tips you have on getting started? alternatively what tutorial or course did you use to learn it

Anonymous No. 939417

seconding this.
Also is there a way to simulate skin-tight clothing (like leggings) from .obj without it inherently shitting itself?

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Anonymous No. 939418

snap a gobbo's neck.

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Anonymous No. 939422

>is that MD? any tips you have on getting started? alternatively what tutorial or course did you use to learn it
yes its MD. Tips for getting started? Well the way I started was just opening the program and then making something really simple as a plain shirt. That will force you to figure out how it all works.
Also there are like tons of videos on youtube going through how to X and Y in MD. But before diving into that try and test the waters yourself and then when you hit a brick wall do a google search for info.
>Also is there a way to simulate skin-tight clothing (like leggings) from .obj without it inherently shitting itself?
yes but you need to cleanup and keep the obj really clean. MD uses the UVs of the obj to create the cloth planes so keep that in mind (no overlapping, no weird layouts and such). Also keep the mesh density similar and do not get too high res.
But really if you want to create skin-tight clothing like leggins just do it from scratch in MD. Properly faster and not really hard to do.

Anonymous No. 939424

poor little gobbo just wanted some love

Anonymous No. 939425

it's a training dummy, you can tell because he has no slimy monster cock.

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Anonymous No. 939431

phew got scared for a moment. Also working on adding dforce strings and such to the outfit. Works great (WIP warning!)

Anonymous No. 939432

Thanks anon, have a nice day!

Anonymous No. 939435

how do you set those strings up for dforce? just add dforce to everything but the part that touches the shorts?

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Anonymous No. 939440

>just add dforce to everything but the part that touches the shorts?
that wouldnt work as I want the shorts to dform and sim normally.
You can do this two ways:
Use attachment points and then either use surfaces or a dforce modifier to free the top of the strings.
just build the mesh so its dforce friendly and then attach the strings to the actual mesh and dforce everything.
I prefer the option two as the first options can be buggy and heavy on DAZ. Its still very useful to add hardsurface objects to dforce cloth (like buttons and such that must not deform).
Problem with 99% of DAZ content is that its not optimized for dforce so you kinda have to do it yourself.
>pic related took 1 min to sim from T-pose

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Anonymous No. 939441

and as you can see from this quick and dirty pose if dforce is use correctly it can even handle multi-layered cloth quite easy. There are some minor bugs still but then again this outfit is still WIP

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Anonymous No. 939443

interesting. i've been meaning to mess around with marvelous designer and dforce. dforce has always been 50/50 for me. love the new outfit! have a secretary.

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Anonymous No. 939448

>dforce has always been 50/50 for me
that is mainly because things need to be setup and made with simulation in mind. Cant really take a mesh of the shelf and use dforce.... that tends to give bad results. In this quick render I tried to do some lace for the "shorts".
Love the glasses are they your creation? Also the top vest looks great on that body

Anonymous No. 939452

>Love the glasses are they your creation? Also the top vest looks great on that body
nah, just a set i used for a quick render.

Anonymous No. 939466

How do you guys pose your figures? I manually set the bend/twist/side-side sliders for pretty much everything. Is my method inefficient?

Anonymous No. 939468

Are you going to make this outfit available?
Also, what's the material on the shirt - some commercially available shader or OC?

Anonymous No. 939469

when its done I can share the obj files sure.
>Also, what's the material on the shirt - some commercially available shader or OC?
just a single normal map and some noise for roughness and a black white map quickly done in photoshop for opacity. You can easily recreate that look in no time if you want.

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Anonymous No. 939471

making dforce belts and such is a bit of pain but the results are quite good I think

Anonymous No. 939481

Get a base pose from one of the pose packs and tweak it with the posing tool. If you're manually posing with sliders you're deranged.

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Anonymous No. 939486

outfit mesh nearly done. Missing a few things before its time for some detail texturing

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Anonymous No. 939488

Anymore of this girl?

Anonymous No. 939504

Does anybody know a good horse wang with balls that could be used with a humanoid figure?

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even further beyond.png

Anonymous No. 939505

brother i like your work but this forehead is like beyond even a 5head

Anonymous No. 939510

its cute!

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Anonymous No. 939523

well it was not really a render about the model but 100% just the outfit.
But yes I just picked a random hairstyle premade from the library and threw it on there.

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Anonymous No. 939545

>admiring the absolute 5head
you are just jealous anon because you are not a chad cranium enjoyer

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Anonymous No. 939546

> smoll env asset made my mely3d
> 3duk fag dmca'd mediafire link for some reason
he's still butthurt it seems...

Anonymous No. 939551

based seething 3D(C)UK
Those unhinged rants on Deviantart were great

Anonymous No. 939560

>still using victoria4
Hehe now you understand why some of us still use outdated figures. If you're really intent on not moving to a new figure I'd strongly advise collecting/hoarding/not pirating a shit ton of G8 stuff now while you can...

Anonymous No. 939563


Anonymous No. 939568

> that wall of text
a fucking assblassted faggot :/

Anonymous No. 939569

>my product
Game ripped, poorly rigged

Anonymous No. 939570

>my product
some of them are taken from shinteo lmao
he left the shinteo5 folder in a few of them

Anonymous No. 939610

Imo all the materials look too thin. Looks like some cosplay instead of the real thing.

Anonymous No. 939627

if the topology is clean, daz has a thickener script that works great.

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Anonymous No. 939634

well it was a WIP. Only just finish the shorts, vest and blouse now.
Still need to work on the belts, shoes and gloves.

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Anonymous No. 939636

dios mio...

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Anonymous No. 939638

She's cute. You wouldn't happen to have her number, would you?

Anonymous No. 939646

Image limit reached