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๐Ÿงต /DAZ/ 3D General - Uncertain Future Edition

Anonymous No. 939645

Previous hit image limit: >>935985

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin (Truebones)

Suggested Blender Bridge:

Similar programs:
Vroid Anime Tool:
Metahuman creator:

Hair Creation:!uywlSQqS!GzZTEOGcRhiEr8Ve5hwsfQ

>Daz banked with Silicon Valley Bank
Fire sale and acquired by adobe next?

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Anonymous No. 939652

post 3delight renders

Anonymous No. 939658

3delight is only used by third world pedos rendering underage bestiality comics like 3dxworld.

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Anonymous No. 939671

outfit 90% done.

Anonymous No. 939673

>That news
There won't be any good sales as long as tafi's still around. Adobe also kinda already has their own daz (Abandon) it would have to be someone with an agenda.

Lolifags use iray, cloud rendering, or export to something else. 3delight's mainly used for more stylized characters since it's the only engine where npr don't look like shit.

Anonymous No. 939674

what morph is this? For V4?

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Anonymous No. 939676

custom g8f morph

Anonymous No. 939677

great legs on that one anon

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Anonymous No. 939678

Care to share morph? Some sort of very attractive yet homely-ness to her. Reminds me of picrelated.

Anonymous No. 939680

>it's the only engine where npr don't look like shit.
smoothbrain take

Anonymous No. 939681

I admit, I never checked out the npr thread in a couple of years and didn't cltest out filament yet.

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Anonymous No. 939692

I just realized that too, I guess my desires for her leaked through when I was making the character.

here's the morph:


Anonymous No. 939693

You overrode my base G8F you fucking cunt.

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Anonymous No. 939694

>not quarantining morphs first
I haven't tried it yet but if its like other things just edit the morph file and change VALUE to 0 under the CHANNEL section

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sally hawkins.png

Anonymous No. 939697

>my face when he starts talking about parameters

Anonymous No. 939699

What a QT, I want to kiss those long cheeks!

Anonymous No. 939701

Thank you, anon.

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sally hawkins 2.png

Anonymous No. 939703

These cheeks are for Chad's cum only.

Anonymous No. 939704


Anonymous No. 939708

Not a DAZ user, just dropping in to say I like these images. Have a nice day.

Anonymous No. 939709

You certainly tired.
Is this a self portrait? You're a man right?

Anonymous No. 939710

That second one is obviously a photo. Get your eyes checked.

Anonymous No. 939714

I simply like girls with glasses, real or not. Sue me.

Anonymous No. 939734

I'm making a (non-erotic) game using Daz. Does anyone want to help? I need promotional art, dialogue portraits and maybe even cutscenes.

Anonymous No. 939740

How do you guys do interior lighting? Do you guys use the default lighting with the scene?

Anonymous No. 939743

this is what /3/ was made for, doubt any thread in this shithole has as much fun as daz generals.

Anonymous No. 939745

Oh no! I am too stupid to fix it! So I blame you for not doing everything for me!

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many g8f.jpg

Anonymous No. 939751

Imagine the smell.

Anonymous No. 939755

Damn, from did you manage to render that many characters without your GPU melting down?

Anonymous No. 939756

assuming they used glorious instance tool

Anonymous No. 939757

I did not know about that. Thanks

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Anonymous No. 939758

for indoor lighting I put the camera in the position I want and then create a couple of planes. Then I use the planes as light sources and then light up the scene like that.
Sometimes I place some ambient lighting like candles or lamps to give a soft ambient light (but never use that as main source).

Anonymous No. 939765

Here are your G9 breast morphs bro

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Anonymous No. 939767

what do you think of my render

Anonymous No. 939771

3DMark05 lookin' ass (love it)

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Anonymous No. 939777

>$14.99 for pulling vertices with proportional editing tool in blender

bro that's just a screenshot from the Destiny 2 DLC
I dont even play the game I just know because it was linked on /v/ over how stupid the character sounds:

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quinniray 1.png

Anonymous No. 939786

my bad bro
These are some awesome renders
I'm a guy who just like cute girls too.
thanks, this thread is always great, love seeing the work that are on these generals.

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Anonymous No. 939790

Cozy fantasy feeling. No gobbos in sight!

Anonymous No. 939792

I ported a boob morph from G8 to G9 using morph loader pro and the current "skinsuit" method but want to get rid of the base GF8 exported during the process. That way the boob morph still applies but without shaping G9 to G8. Ideas?

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Anonymous No. 939793

Ah, just had to have the G8F dialed into the target G9 when using morph loader and reversing deformations option.

Anonymous No. 939794

With the various base options for G9, it might be better to sculpt specific morphs for your nearly finished character since more universal morphs may be shaped differently depending on those base morphs.

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Anonymous No. 939796

Anonymous No. 939799

that's a woman just with a mans face and penis.

Anonymous No. 939824

I have a similar problem. I want to convert some eye morphs from G8F to G8M.

Anonymous No. 939826

Anyone here export daz models into blender?
Is there a way to do it without having retarded edge loops going all the way around from the face to the arm to the leg and then back to the face?

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Anonymous No. 939828

This garbage

Anonymous No. 939831

that's just how the topology is broseph.

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Anonymous No. 939833

Seeing Daz/Poser renders now with all the AI shit around makes it even more apparent how fucking done it really is.
Unironically think Daz will throw the towel soon since apart getting Applel support sort of working and maintaining their shop they do fuck all anymore already

Anonymous No. 939835

Pls go shit some other thread with your delusions, AIjeet.

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Anonymous No. 939836

The AI was probably trained on all those generic daz / poser renders
The assets & models are still decent as bases, there are alternatives like iclone but most of them are somehow even worse / don't have anywhere near the autistic amount of content you can get to dress up your generic virtual dolls in daz
It's been very dated for many years but there's also a lot of people who'll likely struggle switching, so the company will always have a small but steady stream of income from housewives & autists who don't have the skills or the mental capacity to move on

We're in a timeline where daz has a very real chance to become 'the retro videogame' of 3d.

Anonymous No. 939839

for sure bro, next ai will be making video games automatically, and making feature films. just two more weeks bro.

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fujo time.png

Anonymous No. 939848

Oh n-

Anonymous No. 939855

You're going to inspire me to lewd her at this rate

Anonymous No. 939867

Any recommendations for G8M clothing for hooligan type characters? Maybe alt/emo/skater type outfits. To give you an idea, I'm working on skate park gangbang and the guys assaulting the poor skater girl should look the part.

Anonymous No. 939868

There's some cholo stuff, could have some Mexican gang roll up with their shitbull.

Anonymous No. 939869

just get a random tracksuit for gopnik vibes.

Anonymous No. 939870

pretty funny idea also damn that looks low quality, i'd probably get better results stitching two planes together with cloth physics in blender

gotta keep that in my back pocket, I like the idea of creating an aesthetic with the male talent, usually people just throw in a generic male and focus all the detail and effort on the girl. I want to balance both while also keeping the faces of the men obscured by props, limbs, or hats because that's kino.

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Anonymous No. 939879

working on yet another medieval fantasy outfit... this shit is addictive.

Anonymous No. 939883

Yvonne's my favourite.
But Emma is pretty good, too.
In fact, your Emma work has made me appreciate her. How's that for size?

Anonymous No. 939885

>In fact, your Emma work has made me appreciate her. How's that for size?
well that is high praise anon! thanks and ill make sure to do more Yvonne stuff
This outfit is going to the be the under cloth of a armor outfit of something like a cleric/paladin.

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Anonymous No. 939887

base shape finished. Time to do some armor pieces.

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Anonymous No. 939917

whatever you say, nigger
oh yes

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Anonymous No. 939918

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Anonymous No. 939936

Something is very wrong with daz users.
Anyway, I'll go back to blender threads.

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Anonymous No. 939954

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Anonymous No. 939955

Oh my god, you fucking perv!

Anonymous No. 939959

Can you use StabeDiffusion to transform/retouch your DAZ renders into something either more photorealistic or "painting-like"?
Does anyone here have any experience with that?

Anonymous No. 939960

let me find out for you real quick.

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Anonymous No. 939962

kinda wack.

Anonymous No. 939963

also, you'd have better luck training a model based on your character. i just took some generic prompt that looked nice and used it in img2img.

Anonymous No. 939965

Go back to your containment, AIpajeet.

Anonymous No. 939979

will AI kill daz3d in the future? Or did they?
What are your thoughts? Cause both does the same thing, generated sexy images, right?

Anonymous No. 939988

I agree with you.

Anonymous No. 939995

yes, once the AI stuff gets more and more tools that control the result it's ogre. Whatever is in your mind will be generated with ease without the hours of fiddling with models, materials and iray.

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Anonymous No. 940000

>install hundreds of products over the years
>some of them had jcms that dialed in on the base figure and i never noticed until now
umm that should be illegal, pic is me btw

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Anonymous No. 940015

Posing hands can be so fucking frustrating sometimes. I guess DAZ devs haven't heard of opposable thumbs.

Nicu No. 940031

this is a nice image this nice tits

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Anonymous No. 940032

Anonymous No. 940033

you aren't doing a natural hand position that's why it's awkward

Anonymous No. 940035

What's your postwork? I use smart sharpen. Color correct the image with curves then use a LUT to get the desired color.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 940043

Pls stooop

Anonymous No. 940044

Hand and wand clipping through the sheets.

Anonymous No. 940047

I could push the sheet in zb, but i won't.
Shouldn't stop a quick wank isn't it?

Anonymous No. 940078

I gave it a go when SD was new, it's good at making hair look better.

Anonymous No. 940092

i made a dick which looked nice then i saved it as a shaping preset but when i apply it to other dicks the shape isn't right, am i retarded? i also tried saving it as a character and even then it doesn't keep the same shape as when i saved it

Anonymous No. 940105

I started to use daz, but i feel it's too complicated to make a pose. Do you guys have any good tutorial or shortcuts for make a pose quickly?

Anonymous No. 940109

there are premade poses, just use one and tweak it to get the hang of things
also if you've just started then pirate everything don't pay big money for daz trash

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Anonymous No. 940121

Genesis 9 still looks like dogshit.

Anonymous No. 940145

A lot of Dicktator/Futalicious "morphs" are classified under poses for no explicable reason. Is that it? Just save the dick as a Wearable preset.

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Anonymous No. 940162

Uh, I applied some outfit and turns it was masking the body of the character. Now I turn it off or delete it and it's only head. How do I unmask the body?

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Anonymous No. 940164


Anonymous No. 940169

Hold CRTL while clicking on making your character visible should make everything parent to the character visible, including the body.

Anonymous No. 940181

When you save the preset try unmarking everything and then use right click -> mark only modified.

Anonymous No. 940186

Doesn't work.

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Anonymous No. 940194

assuming the item hid the body the "normal" way, control and left clicking on the eye besides the character name should solve that. If you expand every branch of the tree, are all "eye" icons "open"?

Anonymous No. 940210

reminder to pirate and thank posters of 3duk's products, even if you don't use them.

Anonymous No. 940211

His products are so poorly done its not even worth a pirate, my wraps are a million times better (I haven't posted them anywhere yet and don't plan to distribute in the event that I do)

Anonymous No. 940213

Its mainly to see his tears on Deviantart

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Anonymous No. 940219

there is something cozy about doing low skill low poly hard surface stuff...

Anonymous No. 940220

Brings you back to simpler times. PPMs for Quake 3 and UT

Anonymous No. 940221

yeah, I never really got on the sculpting train since I went into the workforce at the time it became more prominent.
and now when I am back to doing 3d I still like to do things as if we are in 2006.

Anonymous No. 940241

Of all the Russian (the software, not the people) wrappers of late, 3duk is like the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the barrel. And there is competition. Merade, Ghuz, Shinteo, etc.

I mean, all Russian wrappers fuck up the PBR textures, it's like, they can't do it, at all, but 3duk fuck up absolutely everything. From choosing the worst models to Daz, to choosing 256 bytes textures, to just not caring at all. He did it all.

I can, grudgingly, thank Shinteo for some of his assets or morphs, because some of them are almost, barely, usable seriously. I can't even do that for 3duk.

Anonymous No. 940243

when i try to save as a wearable it only shows the shell not the actual futalicious object
however this worked well enough (still missing some foreskin morphs for some reason). ty

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Anonymous No. 940246

starting to take shape

Anonymous No. 940252

looks nice

Anonymous No. 940253

Yvonne is going to tackle some goblins, in armor? I'm looking forward to it.

Anonymous No. 940256

How can you be sure there's no malware in your pirated assets?

Anonymous No. 940257

even engaging with the idea that someone put malware in a .duf file, that only executes inside of daz, is silly.

Anonymous No. 940260

When saving wearable presets have the character selected.

Anonymous No. 940264

is genesis 9 worth it or just a meme? since stablediffusion came up, I haven't touched DAZ in months

Anonymous No. 940265

>muh ai
You faggots are getting on par with vegans, troons, and cyclists tier of annoying.

Anonymous No. 940266

who the hell asked your opinion, what a moron

Anonymous No. 940267

That is exactly the point, you abhorrent faggot
>hey guys I know this is a thread about Italian cuisine, but do you know that I also use SD?
You faggots just can't do otherwise, you simply have to talk about your faggotry. Just like these groups above.

Anonymous No. 940268

cringe, what a loser lol

Anonymous No. 940273

>since stablediffusion came up, I haven't touched DAZ in months
post your model that's 100% identical in 3 different poses and angles.

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Anonymous No. 940278

yeah, but not full armor just some parts. Also update on the armor.

Anonymous No. 940291

but he's the easiest to provoke
damned impressive, love the dirt and wear

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Anonymous No. 940312

thanks but I am still struggling with the look. Update on the armor

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Anonymous No. 940313

I chuckled a bit at the boob plate. Seems like its two forms you're fighting over. Rather than breast cups, I would suggest going with the angular look. Deflect blades and such upwards toward a more heavily armored collar or downwards towards some sort of waistguard.

Anonymous No. 940316

of course, warhammers and larger clubs could be problematic to the more angular parts.

Anonymous No. 940319

haha yeah I might just try too hard to sneak in some boobplate. Could always just go back to something more realistic

Anonymous No. 940320

She could put all her faith in her weapon and shield. Ornamental armor otherwise.

Anonymous No. 940322

yeah and I dont want her fully armored really. I want to do a full armor completely covered character but here I wanted the armor to just be pieces and something light.

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Anonymous No. 940323


Anonymous No. 940324

that is a nice look... might just use this for yet another outfit!

Anonymous No. 940325

>sisters of the SOMETHING heart
>they leave their hearts exposed in combat as a measure of faith torward their deity... or something?

Anonymous No. 940326

haha decent lore for some simple DAZ smut

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Anonymous No. 940332

made it more slim and toned down the boobplate. Better or worse?

Anonymous No. 940333

boss, your angry rooster chestplate is ready

Anonymous No. 940334

oh no, now I cant unsee it. Rooster knight?

Anonymous No. 940335

She is strutting around, cocksure as hell

Anonymous No. 940336

now we know why titcows can't be warriors

Anonymous No. 940348


Anonymous No. 940357


Anonymous No. 940362

i tried MD and i feel like a fucking retard. why do i need to know actual sewing to do this

Anonymous No. 940363

its a simulation based program so it wouldnt really work with traditional tools. Also sewing is a lot more intuitive and simple than working with faces and such.
I would just start with doing something simple like a t-shirt. Pick one up from the dirty floor behind you and check how the Indonesian child worker made it and recreate it in Marv.

Anonymous No. 940372

this character is so ugly wtf bro?
No offense but you have one hell of a strange taste in woman.

Anonymous No. 940416

Ghost light planes in a 3-point arrangement (main, rim, fill). Sometime a ghost light plane just below the ceiling of the room helps with general ambient light.

Anonymous No. 940418


I like the outfits you've been working on.

Been meaning to try out MD in my copious free time. Maybe after I get my pixiv comic in the books.

Anonymous No. 940420

You might have trouble with that bottom point gouging open her navel if she bends forward, assuming the armor doesn't deform.

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Anonymous No. 940432

I love AniBlocks

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Anonymous No. 940437

>body morphs make the long hair change shape
is this badly rigged hair or something? how do i stop this? i can unfit it but that creates a different set of annoyances

Anonymous No. 940439

wild how this lad's horse cock is so heavy it makes him step into carpet like it doesnt exist
show hidden morphs for the hair and zero the butt and other things you've added.

Anonymous No. 940441

aha tyvm

Anonymous No. 940442

also show me that jinx with the big booty

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Anonymous No. 940455

booty delivered

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Anonymous No. 940463

update on the "rooster" armor. Went back and started to redesign it based on the feedback on here. Still want to keep that rooster look now.
sure its silly and unrealistic. But lets be real so are my other "medieval" outfits as well.

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Anonymous No. 940464


Anonymous No. 940483


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Anonymous No. 940485

Anonymous No. 940492

I supposed that would be my face with that armor design

Anonymous No. 940499

I bet her internal organs look really cute.

Anonymous No. 940509

No snuff and no gore, please. This is a blue board.

Anonymous No. 940516

>Biala with the frightening body morphs again
Someone please euthanize him/it
>Daz Tokens expire every Sunday at 23:59
Are you fucking kidding me

Anonymous No. 940517

the timer has been at 0 for most of the day but I still have mine. Regret falling for their shill regardless.

Anonymous No. 940518

>buying things from daz

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Anonymous No. 940519

to each their own i guess, whats your taste in women then?

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Anonymous No. 940528


gibe Miranda Lawson

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eva bathing wet-5.jpg

Anonymous No. 940552

Anonymous No. 940577

Holy moly just updated daz to 4.21 and what the fuck is this, everything feels clunky, iray preview is slooooow as fuck. Gen 9 doesn't worth this.
What's your daz version? Did I pick the wrong one? Should I down grade to 4,15?

Anonymous No. 940584

I upgrade as soon as each one is released and have had no issues on any of my machines.

Anonymous No. 940600

Your girl has the flat face of asian, jaw of a man, manner and look of a savage nigger bro

Anonymous No. 940602

what's your fav pair of undies in DAZ? i can't seem to find a simple thong better than the gothic rebel one but it annoys me that i always use it

Anonymous No. 940606

My girls don't wear panties because they've always got their dicks hanging out.

Anonymous No. 940618


how do we check if jcms are getting dialed in?

Anonymous No. 940626

where the fuck do i download daz studio? clicking download redirect me to some DIM shit, I assume its like oblivion mod manager back in the day? fuck off where is my files bitch

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Anonymous No. 940638

>filtered at step 1

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Greets katya.jpg

Anonymous No. 940644

Yus an hello I am Katya here look for friend

Anonymous No. 940656


Anonymous No. 940658


Anonymous No. 940662

>parameters tab
>tab dropdown thing -> Preferences -> show hidden
>click currently used row
you should see a bunch of greyed out morphs being applied if you bend a leg or something.

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Anonymous No. 940672

Rooster knight "finished".
I am packing some of my characters next weekend.

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Anonymous No. 940673

works on my machine

Anonymous No. 940676

it deleted her muscle definition, and pubes.

Anonymous No. 940677

I worked off of a 512x512 jpeg, didn't even know she had pubes.

Anonymous No. 940678

what did you do? i remember getting it to "remix" characters once, didn't touch SD again for a month and completely forgot the process.

Anonymous No. 940679

Downloaded >>939962 image, cropped the render out, put it through img2img with captions describing it and how I wanted it transformed, then played with settings.

Anonymous No. 940692

really nice texture work on the armor

Anonymous No. 940696

Only absolute AIpajeets would manage to make a Daz render to look worse and still be delusional enough to even post it.

Anonymous No. 940711

I'm thinking of getting started in Daz, but I have two questions:
A) Do I have to spend any money? The shop looks pricey
B) Anyone get it running well on Linux?

Anonymous No. 940719

I'd keep the lips normal map and throw everything else in the trash bin.

Anonymous No. 940721

you don't want the hag wrinkle face normal too?
yes you can pirate shit and you should because everything is retardedly overpriced + misrepresented
no idea about linux

Anonymous No. 940722

ymmv, doesnt hurt to give it a shot as long as you have nvidia.

Anonymous No. 940723

Where can I get this model? Is it from smutbase or somewhere else?

Anonymous No. 940730

> 8k

Anonymous No. 940731

Are A-series cards or RTX-series cards better for DAZ/iray?

Do the A-series cards have anything special at all that Iray can exploit, or are they just a way of swindling companies out of their money?

Anonymous No. 940733

Yes if it is not 4090.
No, if it is.
The difference will get even greater when Daz stops being lazy nogs and add support for 4090 (if they didn't already, I haven't checked lately).

Anonymous No. 940742

Huh, what makes the A-series cards better?
Which one is the closest equivalent of the 4090?

Also, thoughts on the A3000 12Gb? I can get one for really cheap as things stand now.

Anonymous No. 940743

Just wait for the big Apple Metal update with Daz 5.0

Anonymous No. 940750


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Anonymous No. 940765

Why are you so angry? What did I ever do to you?

Anonymous No. 940769

>Are A-series cards or RTX-series cards better for DAZ/iray?
It depends on where your priorities lie. You will get objectively faster render times on a top-tier gaming GPU, but your power usage will be through the roof, you will have to contend with temperatures, and you're limited to 24GB of VRAM. An A100 on the other hand can have 80GB of VRAM and draw something like 120W under full load, so it's simply a better option for large-scale render farms.

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Anonymous No. 940781

>UE5 Metahuman delivering better realistic visuals in REALTIME while Daz has to spend 5 minutes to render some grey washed out shit
>AI perfectly understands skindentation, a feature Dazlets have to not only sculpt themselves but be on a goodgoy list to even get access to 'HD morphs'
I hope AI sinks this fucking garbage company already. The writing was on the wall with how outdated their shit is compared to Blender and Unreal. They are unironically holding real-time coom back by refusing to move on from their shitty Studio application and just turn Genesis into a drop-and-drop system with 1click cross-engine support and a marketplace that doesn't charge an 'interactive license' for some model files that still need to be converted for proper use in an engine.

Anonymous No. 940789

jinx? i'm sure there's several models around for blender and daz

Anonymous No. 940790

I am not angry, anon. I am just a little bit tired of delusional AI nogs shitting up every single thread. Like other anon said before, you are getting into furry/tranny/vegan tier of annoying. The fact your stuff is more often than not completely abhorrent is only a cherry on top. This is a Daz thread, not yet another thread for AI pajeets.

AI won't replace shit. UE5 is much closer (and I really would like it to replace Daz), but until it gets the same massive coom related network functionality and assets, it is not going anywhere.

Anonymous No. 940838

>person asks a question about using AI in their workflow
>i respond
>i get attacked for responding
Your behavior is, frankly, extremely entitled.

Anonymous No. 940839

>"I respond to a question by "works on my machine"
>I get attacked for responding
No, you get attacked for being an delusional AIpajeet.

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Anonymous No. 940842

What they said. Controlnet makes it even easier to maintain silhouette and pose

People trying to turn everything into "OH NO NO BROS IT'S OVER" are needlessly shitflinging. I'm loving using simple daz renders as bases. This one is literally default g8 with a shitty kitbashed outfit and a beard

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Anonymous No. 940843

The question was if it can be used to modify the appearance of a render, my "works on my machine" was in response to the person who tested it but was unable to affect such an outcome without completely changing the image, and I expounded on settings when asked. My post(s) were perfectly valid and on-topic. Your bitter, womanly breakdown at a four-post digression is pathetic.

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Anonymous No. 940844

And with an SD anime model plus a few artist/style LORAs I get this

Anonymous No. 940845

Which brings us again to the original point, that claiming it "works on your machine" and then providing the absolute piece of shit as an example, is, again, just another case of AIpajeet delusions.

Anonymous No. 940846

Again, why are you so angry? No one was talking to you, no one cares about your opinion, you obviously have nothing to contribute to the conversation, so why interject? Narcissism.

Anonymous No. 940847

To show you that you should go back to your containment thread.

Anonymous No. 940848

>abloo bloo bloo bloo
That's you, that's what you sound like. A little baby bawling his eyes out. You are so fucking new it hurts.

Anonymous No. 940849

You sound a little bit buttmad. Which is nothing new, no matter how smug your AIpajeet ass wants to pretend otherwise.

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Anonymous No. 940870

Ah, many new posts or replies today. I'm sure they're all very creative, constructive and of high qual-

Anonymous No. 940871

>finger on the trigger

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belf school 2.png

Anonymous No. 940877

What is this cute little schoolgirl carrying? Could it be a cello or a violin?

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belf school 3.png

Anonymous No. 940878


Anonymous No. 940879

A6000 Series is the same as a 3090 but has 48GB of VRAM. Once you get to the render speeds of the 3090, you need a card that can hold more VRAM since Iray doesn't let go of the VRAM. If you aren't having 4+ models with 4K textures and rendering in 4K, all you need is the 4090. Don't buy an Intel GPU Iray won't work on it the same as AMD. Iray only works on Nvidia

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belf school 4.png

Anonymous No. 940880


Anonymous No. 940881

>encouraging the reddit finger

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Anonymous No. 940882

if you aren't making money from this, or aren't making a game and just doing this for the occasional shitpost for anons, or aren't doing 10+ renders a day, then a 3060 is fine for your needs. 12gb is really good for daz.
Here are benchmarking results for DAZ
3060 has an insane value. It did 10 iterations per second compared to a 3090, which does 18 iterations per second. If you want the fastest render time go 4090

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belf school 6.png

Anonymous No. 940883

How can you shoot if your finger is not on the trigger?

Anonymous No. 940885

how did you light up that environment? I had difficulty lighting up that hallway since everything looked too bright and washed. Did you do post on your renders?

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Anonymous No. 940890

Nothing special. Just the ceiling light that's part of the environment, sun shining though the window, and a quad shaped ghost light pointed at the elf. Pic related.

No post per se, but I'm rendering with Octane that has built in bloom and ACES tonemapper.

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Anonymous No. 940894

new sorceress outfit WIP

Anonymous No. 940895

Neat, who's the boobamommy?

Anonymous No. 940896

just a custom I made a while back but never used. Improved her frontal tools and found a place for her.

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Anonymous No. 940904

boobs bump

Anonymous No. 940919

>5 day orc sale or event starts at end of week

Anonymous No. 940921

no accompanying elf sale? who are they gonna have sex with?

Anonymous No. 940922

This one came out last week, not very stylized or lithe though.

Anonymous No. 940923

fem-orc, the bussy destroyer today
The other anon's warrior woman seems far more threatening.

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Anonymous No. 940924

this looks more like some kinda jew inspired goblin than an orc

Anonymous No. 940925

>export model to blender
>do lots of work on it
>test the face out, eyelashes are totally fucked
classic merade

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Anonymous No. 940926

They haven't deviated too much from the basic human form with G9. Descent NORF FC lad though
>luv me anatomical maps
>luv me stretched UVs
>hate french torture anon always using me likeness (not raycis jus dont like em)
>simple as

Anonymous No. 940927

what can i do about two morphs with the same name? can i just rename the file or do i have to save one of the morphs again with a different name?

Anonymous No. 940928

The latter, I believe. Could always add a creation year to them.

Anonymous No. 940929

how annoying but ty. wish there were better standards for this shit

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Anonymous No. 940940

Anonymous No. 940942

>B) Anyone get it running well on Linux?
DAZ for rendering only makes sense when you have a Nvidia GPU. But the Linux support from Nvidia isn't great.

Anonymous No. 940943

>AI perfectly understands skindentation
Most of the time the skin folds in those AI images make no sense at all.

Anonymous No. 940945

Finally, some good fucking milkers. Pls use her exclusively from now on, thank.

Anonymous No. 940954

A 4090 with DAZ 4.21 does 22 iteration/sec
4.21 is slower than 4.16.03 (old iray libs vs new)

Anonymous No. 940955

>tfw 4090 arriving on Monday
Switching from CPU rendering, I feel this will be a pretty big change.

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Anonymous No. 940962

So, a G9 version of the fat old bastard who has appeared in countless wegs.

Anonymous No. 940967

Is there any Elon Musk lookalike model?

Anonymous No. 940968

What sort of evil are you planning? You may want to check sharecg

Anonymous No. 940970


Anonymous No. 940980

what the fuck

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Anonymous No. 940983


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 940990

kys tranny freak

Anonymous No. 941007

what the fuck is that

Anonymous No. 941008

did you make this

Anonymous No. 941011

By hovering my mouse on a random search result I just learned that Daz can actually move your figure in viewport to preview whatever poses or animation your mouse if shifting toward.

I've done Daz for a decade, now. Never seen that.

That's like, high tech. Also what the fuck. What in the highest hells is fucking happening. My figure is moving in my viewport, in real time, and I didn't click anything. What is the story behind this hidden feature?

Anonymous No. 941012

Daz documentation is one of the worst I've ever seen.
Same with holding CTRL when applying the pose. And then there are even people who don't know about holding ALT when placing things.
And I am not even talking about the fact that you can actually set the Daz to behave like Blender, or Maya or any other 3D software with actually good, sensible controls.

Anonymous No. 941013

But why isn't all pose sellers using that feature? I'm looking at my figure doing a dance in the viewport while I've clicked on nothing, I just put my mouse on top of the pose file. And my figure fucking preview it.

10 years of Daz. Experienced more or less all the kinks of the software. And now I learn you can preview poses?

But no one use it? Is it forbidden lore? Why? Seems you can at least provide alternate files with real time poses activated.

Anonymous No. 941051

That is the vendor's default character type
found after a google search of musk and daz3d

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trisha bra-5.jpg

Anonymous No. 941109


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Anonymous No. 941166

4th outfit done. Now I just need 1 more to fill out the 5 man RPG party

Anonymous No. 941178

the crimson chin

Anonymous No. 941265

Same thing happened to me, halfway through finishing my shitty game. Was annoying to fix but felt so good to unfuck everything. So many problems came from it, glutes turning into disgusting muscle abominations, eyes not closing properly, expressions becoming junji ito panels. One thing I kept was some random face morph that got glued to default G8 and made every model cuter.

Anonymous No. 941446

>sculpts primarily with clay brush

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Anonymous No. 941475

With ControlNet and the right merged model, AI is a great tool to finish your render and give it an "almost painted" feeling.

But AI is years or decades removed from simply materializing your scene into screen with any degree of accuracy from what you had in mind. What you see demonstrated is the product of highly optimized remerge/pruning of several models until it just works, along with ControlNet and the best of hundred of attempts. It is highly impressive, but you definitely lose in precision.

What you need is a Daz-like poser using ControlNet-like diffusion models to help pose your character and customize its cloths/face/quirks with a great degree of precision. We're a decade removed from that. It will be possible eventually, be sure of that, but we're still nowhere near it.

For now and until then, Daz can serve as an input for AI drawings adequately enough.

(And yes, the future of Daz is the same software but where you pose stick figures, type "redhead catgirl" as a caption, drag and drope the "sand outfit" diffusion model on that same figure, the "catgirl ears" difusion model on it, and get pic related, but again, not for a decade, kiddo).

Anonymous No. 941476

Any AI based on written/verbal input will inherently always get btfo by the actual human imagination.

Anonymous No. 941477

That's what ControlNet is for. It's a way to forcefully activate/deactivate part of the model to get what you want. We can already pose figures using it, forcing the model to pose the result in a certain way. In the future, if you want, say, a wedding dress, you'll only add the right diffusion model to your scene, maybe with natural language modifiers (aka "a white silk wedding dress with huge frills").

But again, for that, a decade minimum, and for that particular example, two or more.

Anonymous No. 941478

That is like slapping a band-aid on a blow off leg and saying "good enough."
Anyone who ever created anything worthwhile will tell you that what they can define with words is ridiculously limited compared to their imagination.
What I am saying is that keyword-based image generation is tremendously subpar to what even slightly above average human imagination can do.

Anonymous No. 941479

What's the difference between loading a .duf file containing a wedding dress with several shaping modifiers and loading a ControlNet file containing a particular wedding dress with several rendering parameters?

No, really.

What's the difference?

You pose a figure, you click on the wedding dress, you knob the "frilly" knob at max. What's the difference? You can't preview the output? Then make the software generate a preview, and a button to regenerate it. With level of constrains on what the diffusion model is about? And what you want as a result?

Again, it's future stuff. But it will happen.

Anonymous No. 941480

The difference is that I can open maya/blender/max/whatever and make whatever wedding dress I want, exactly to how my imagination sees it. And then put it to daz.
Then there is the whole creative process itself, that often produces even more interesting results during the work. These two are the vital steps that keyword-based AI lacks. And will always lack.

Anonymous No. 941487

Creativity is good. And creativity will be most likely valued much more as we approach a total AI software rendering period, which will likely not happen before twenty/thirty years. Given most of the studies on the subject.

But again, the more the control is deep in the Neural Network, the more you can push knobs and do stuff, the more it is known, the easier it will be to create knobs and tools. And sometimes, when you're likely retired (so do not fret about your job until you're a grandpa), it'll replace what you do.

>The difference is that I can open maya/blender/max/whatever and make whatever wedding dress I want, exactly to how my imagination sees it.

And what when you can open a random software and make your wedding dress exactly as you want, exactly to how your imagination sees it, just by clicking on the right diffusion models? And the right parameters?

Which is absolutely terrifying, anon. But that's the truth. It's a highly far away truth - you won't feel it, you'll be probably retired by then. But it's a truth. Which is being explored at a_very_ rapid pace.

Anonymous No. 941488

>exactly to how your imagination sees it
It can't. And it will never be able to, because imagination is not something quantifiable. And by "never", I mean for as long as we are unable to link directly into brains and analyze and properly translate related data. Which is even at this point a pure science-fiction.
The imagination/creativity flows without any semblance of order, even with highly creatively productive people. And even then, the original idea (which already AI cannot replicate) is only the tip of the iceberg, as the creative process itself is nearly always fluid, often creating the best part during it. There is a reason why so many artists throughout the history usually end up believing their imagination/creativity is something only borrowed from somewhere else.

Anonymous No. 941495

Is it possible to change the noise pattern between frames? Iray documentation says it should be possible, but I don't see any option for it in DAZ.

Anonymous No. 941536

yeah not for another decade, just by hardwares's limit alone so >>939833
pAIjeet, fuck off if you will

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Anonymous No. 941537

2 new cunnys dropped
cunnoisseur bros we eating good tonight

Anonymous No. 941578

>le 3duk wrap
The only thing you'll be eating tonight is shit. Gottem.

Anonymous No. 941580

pedos love eating shit, nothing new.

Anonymous No. 941601

They do? Oh my!

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 941602


Anonymous No. 941603

What's the character based off?

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Anonymous No. 941618

>hello fellas

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Anonymous No. 941627

now with Cycles

is it over for DAZ?

Anonymous No. 941628

wake me up when they get uploaded to the zone

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Anonymous No. 941632

Anyone familiar with ultra terrain? Half my content generates pretty fubar. Even with default options.

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Anonymous No. 941633

Maybe I'm just missing some products or some terrains work better than others. Either way seems like there are probably better options to throw a scene together. Maybe even just move to unreal?

Anonymous No. 941641

poser after being dethroned will always be a meme
what do they offer that daz dont?

Anonymous No. 941642

ngl that blue brat looks kinda cute, and not made by 3*uk

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Anonymous No. 941661

explain this

Anonymous No. 941663

3duk still seething

Anonymous No. 941668

wait thats nikki model from guardian of the galaxy.
I have been looking for this model for ages, them soi cvck on deviantart dont even extract her model for fear of muh child porn.
Only some nips on pixiv has this model and they dont share shit, fucking gook

Anonymous No. 941671

Hey pedo, what are you going to do with that model, anyway?
Maybe, just maybe, those "DeviantArt soi cvck" were right about your kind?

Anonymous No. 941672

i thought deviantart was full of weirdos extracting little girl models

Anonymous No. 941683

thats what Iam talking about. For some reason those fucker refuse to extract Nikki model.
none of your business, fucko

Anonymous No. 941691

It was supposed to be Luna...

Anonymous No. 941703

>And what when you can open a random software and make your wedding dress exactly as you want, exactly to how your imagination sees it
Would only work of the AI can literally read your mind. Everything else us just you making compromises.

Anonymous No. 941730

And you're not when you're forced to choose the Daz outfit that match more or less what you want, but not perfectly? Or when you can't exactly get the morph right? Or assuming you're modelling from scratch, or Marvelous Designer or whatever, when your lack of knowledge or lack of resources prevent you from making the hundredfold wedding dress of your dreams in 8k, because you literally can't animate that much cloth? Or render it?

All art is compromises. There are very few artists that don't compromise with their art, I can name one, and even he probably compromises in ways I can't see. The point is to hide the compromise, and when you're good, use the limitations as another way to move forward. True art flourishes in limitations, it's a truism of the Oulipo, and just as right as the first time it was written.

I'm becoming pedantic, but the point is, especially for Daz users: you're playing with dolls with a few tools now. In twenty years, you'll be playing with dolls with other tools. The result will be alike, with more or less the same control, and the process will be mostly the same, and the limitations the same, although the range of style will be far better.

It'll happen. You can embrace it, you can ignore it, or you can seeth all days long that it'll never happen and it's not true art and the knobs aren't real knobs and the poses aren't real poses and it's ain't real. Mostly, most "artists" decided to take the third approach for now. Or the other retarded doomseer approach that they're going to be replaced in two years by the AI unless they do something Right Now.

Or the equally retarded approach that because we had a dozen interesting developments into this burgeoning field those past four months, we can sustain that level of progress forever.

Usually, for that kind of change to happen in a profession, you need one or two generations anyways, even putting aside the numerous technical issues present in this instance. You've got time, kiddos.

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Anonymous No. 941733

Even the store is complete trashy junk to browse

Anonymous No. 941752

Next thread user challenge: render your interpretation of 3DUK seething in his favela

Anonymous No. 941782

>And you're not when you're forced to choose the Daz outfit that match more or less what you want, but not perfectly? Or when you can't exactly get the morph right? Or assuming you're modelling from scratch, or Marvelous Designer or whatever, when your lack of knowledge or lack of resources prevent you from making the hundredfold wedding dress of your dreams in 8k, because you literally can't animate that much cloth? Or render it?
I never said using premade assets is much different but when you make something yourself you are only limited by your own skill which you can train to get better. No matter how good the AI will get it can't read your mind.

Anonymous No. 941783


Anonymous No. 941786

this post is AI

Anonymous No. 941800

they're getting to be worse than crypto shills at this point.

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Anonymous No. 941819

I need you ppl's help.
Does this look like shit?
I've been starting at it for 20 minutes, and the uncanny valley effect has set in and I can't tell if it looks good or not

Anonymous No. 941836

That doesn't look like shakira at all. The jaw and eyes are so different

Anonymous No. 941837

For starters, those eyes are way to large for a real person.

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Anonymous No. 941850

Midjourney and moreover Firefly are going to destroy DAZ creators, this is unacceptable

Anonymous No. 941864

>port daz model to blender
>the clothing weights are massively fucked
>the eye bones are in the wrong position
>the eyelashes are fucked
>the hair weighting is fucked
people pay money for this shit

Anonymous No. 941865

Daz, Blender, and the bridge are all free. So people aren't actually paying money for this shit.

Anonymous No. 941867

they pay money for models with shit weights and bones in the wrong place

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Anonymous No. 941920

What's the go-to preteen girl model? No, it's not for lolifaggism.

Anonymous No. 941923

Depends on which gen and personal preference. I adore Teen Josie 6 but she's quite dated and a bit toon-y.

Anonymous No. 941944


Anonymous No. 941956

that's a teen though
any of angel wings models are good fren

Anonymous No. 941963

anything by 3D Universe of course, make sure you also dial in the head morphs too since they were crafted with exceptional skill and care that befits a true 3D artist.

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Anonymous No. 942091

Anonymous No. 942103

don't know where to ask so i'll post here, where can I find 3D poseable realistic models? like models with realistic muscle contraction and movement and the polygons dont clip into eachother when you bend an arm or something
can daz do that?

Anonymous No. 942104

Finally, upgrading to a 4090 from 2060. Holy shit, It feels like the shackles are off. Previously I could only do 2 G8 models without any environment.

Anonymous No. 942105

Nope, Daz is terrible for collision. Blender is more of what you want. Daz is for quick character creations and posing. Blender is better for Collisions or a Physics system.

Anonymous No. 942138


Anonymous No. 942206

DAZ is freaking disgusting... what the hell are you all thinking. Must have a fetish for ugly.

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Anonymous No. 942286

Does anyone know what the model and hair assets used here are?

Anonymous No. 942297

Nydo hair for G3F

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Anonymous No. 942327

Model looks like a slightly changed Victoria 9.

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Anonymous No. 942383

Anonymous No. 942450

Where do you guys get your architectural assets? The Daz store seems to have a pretty limited selection, is Blender hard to learn to make interiors for my Daz scenes?

Anonymous No. 942451

Simple interiors/exteriors are literally the easiest shit to do in 3D. Especially if you use Ian Hubert's method of just extruding photos.

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Anonymous No. 942469

Miss me yet?
A couple of young amazon cattle raiders from the bronze age. Can you protect your flock of sheep from them?

Nice to see people are reposting my renders. A little surprising given how much flak I get.

Anonymous No. 942513

I can' tell, this render suck dick.
Try rendering the same scens in both engines, with the same lighting then we'll talk.

Anonymous No. 942515

would a nvme raid 0 setup improve daz character loading significantly or does the single core program limitation bottleneck still?

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Anonymous No. 942517

1000s in 4.21
600s in 4.16
I bit less contrast in 4.21 as well.
The fuck is wrong with the clowns at daz?

Anonymous No. 942518

I've seen sex dolls with better skins.

Anonymous No. 942519

Which version of Ashley is this?

Anonymous No. 942521

The skin also but edited. Shader modified.
The morph also zbrushed to fuck and beyond.

Anonymous No. 942523

Ah, the eye makeup is what caught my attention.

Anonymous No. 942525

I toned the make up down in PS, removed the brows, reworked the hair and fiberlashs shaders.
got a better sclera+iris combination.

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Anonymous No. 942532

Anonymous No. 942550

It is mostly the program holding everything back.

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Anonymous No. 942552

Do any of you have this and could tell me if it's worth getting? Thinking about buying it since the piracy sites don't have it.

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Anonymous No. 942568

Anonymous No. 942569

Built for Uroboros

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Anonymous No. 942578


Anonymous No. 942580

My virgin eyes!

Anonymous No. 942581

>No tentacles/oviposition
You had one job!

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Anonymous No. 942606

Emmanon has some interesting previews on f95, cant wait to see this elf get split.

Anonymous No. 942613

One decent post per page, most of it is the typical daz stuff. You can only block so many people with poor taste

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Anonymous No. 942620

Alternate Max. No upload for this one, for some reason.

Anonymous No. 942627

well on f95 you can post NSFW

Anonymous No. 942694

They carbon copy each others. So you end up looking at the same thing over and over.

Anonymous No. 942725

Futa, futa everywhere. headlamps, headlamps and fireflies everywhere

Anonymous No. 942730

Can you make modern street thug girls?

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Anonymous No. 942731

proof of life. barbarian posting will begin at a later date.

Anonymous No. 942732

Is GIMP decent for doing post-processing of renders? Can't really justify paying for PS right now.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 942733

Sure. Maybe. Same girls?

What kind of outfits, leather or schoolgirl gangster type?
And would you be averse to a lethal outcome for the young thugs?

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Anonymous No. 942734

Sure. Maybe. Same girls?

What kind of outfits, leather or schoolgirl gangster type?
And would you be averse to a lethal outcome for the young thugs?

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Anonymous No. 942741

Before we move on to the modern day, which amazon aesthetic do you guys prefer?
The quasi """realistic""" bronze age aesthetic (>>942469), or the early medieval fantasy thigh-boots and chainmail aesthetic?

Anonymous No. 942743

I like krita but only really do basic post stuff. Really depends on your knowledge with the software.

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Anonymous No. 942747


Anonymous No. 942775

I was thinking of a few Xanax-adddicted zoomettes trying to rob someone. What happens to them is up to you.

Anonymous No. 942776

I'm having a issue with this specific model. Everytime I load her and turn on Iray Daz just crashes. I've been using her in my game that I've been developing for a year so I don't know why this is happening.

Anonymous No. 942777

So it loads in morphs correctly but when I add in the base textures It crashes from windows The only way I get it to work is through a scene subset and I have to manually add in textures from the surface pane. Why is it broken?

Anonymous No. 942778

I could open the character in 4.15 but I can't in 4.21. WTF is wrong with Daz

Anonymous No. 942779

Interesting, just pirated it to test and crashed too. I suppose as an honest paying customer you should submit a service ticket.

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Anonymous No. 942802

does anyone know what the armor on her arms and shoulders is here?
I know the boots are Bootleggers 2 and top is X Fashion

Anonymous No. 942833

>does anyone know what the armor on her arms and shoulders is here?

Anonymous No. 942834

Damn good catch, I've never looked past the first image of that product.

Anonymous No. 942837

I could recognize the artist's style. Not many on the Daz store do such detailed work.

Anonymous No. 942838

>Not many on the Daz store do such detailed work
Agreed, suppose I just dont have much of their content.

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Anonymous No. 942845

no gobbos at the office.

Anonymous No. 942857

Gobbos must be middle management

Anonymous No. 942860

yeah not sure how long I can keep myself from loading in some gobs...

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Anonymous No. 942893

still no gobbos

Anonymous No. 942894

Loads of cuties, how does anyone get any work done there?

Anonymous No. 942895

well I sure dont...

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Anonymous No. 942912

Christina Hendricks when???

Anonymous No. 942915

the mother of the titty meat? well one day I need to create a good redhead anyways

Anonymous No. 942950

Vicey's too busy making busted bimbos and Toto doesn't charge anything less than 50 for his morphs + textures. It's a shame, really.

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Anonymous No. 942962

Does he also sells the buckets to throw up in?

Anonymous No. 942963

Me again, I've found two models i would call good. And "his textures"? Just tweaked photo projection, it shows and it SUCKS.
Mediocre at best.

Anonymous No. 942970

That's a very accurate summer cummings. He has plenty other WTF examples

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Anonymous No. 942973

Here comes another Emma!

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Anonymous No. 942995

you cant have too many Emma clones.

Anonymous No. 942997

Emma cinematic universe!

Anonymous No. 942998

Who's the milkmaid? Also cute cat.

Anonymous No. 942999

well just an unfortunate milkmaid stuck in gobbo lands.
I should get around to making a small game with all the crap ive got now.

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Anonymous No. 943004


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Anonymous No. 943012

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Anonymous No. 943016

one more of the cute cat

Anonymous No. 943017

need to fix the hair though. dforce broke doing sim.

Anonymous No. 943019

Your shit still looks a multitude of times better than other daz shit. I figure mostly from the custom clothing.

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Anonymous No. 943035

I love your stuff and hope you keep posting. Do you have any social media?

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Anonymous No. 943048

taking that little extra effort and not using stock assets or at least edit them a bit sure helps. At least you can have a consistent look then as using assets from 10+ different vendors in a scene, each with their own style, tend to make it messy.
Also I fixed the hair in post:

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20 09 2022 lfklgf....jpg

Anonymous No. 943076


Anonymous No. 943123

So I downloaded this Daz studio and I can't change much from the model. What do I need to download in order to give the model bigger tits?

Anonymous No. 943124

body morphs for the series character you have

Anonymous No. 943125

Growing Up Girls for Genesis 8 Female

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Anonymous No. 943201

Anonymous No. 943202

When creating characters for a /weg/, does something like Dicktator make life much easier or if I don't plan on making anything crazy would just using the regular gen 9 anatomical elements suffice? The Gen 9 Dicktator doesn't support many models right now, and messing around with textures seems like a nightmare to learn.

Anonymous No. 943203

Where can I go to pirate the assets? CGPeers don't have the ones I want.

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Anonymous No. 943205

Genesis 3 and 2 seem to have prettier stylized characters while Gen 8 has absolute uncanny valley abominations. What happened?

Anonymous No. 943237

geniune question: how long does rendering take for a 4090 in comparison to a gtx 1060? I want to render some pictures for fun but holy shit, a 3500x3500 takes legit 50 minutes to render. Just with 2 models of quite high quality and some sunlight. Considering iray is nvidea shit i guessed that the newer cards are faster than just the higher percentage they get in benchmark tests. I will wait for the 5xxx series but i still need to know how much faster the rtx 4090 is.

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Anonymous No. 943262

well compared to a 1060 a 4090 is a whole different beast. Also since the silly RTX meme can be used in IRAY you will have a significant upgrade in performance by simply using any of the 2000+ series cards.
How much faster would it be? Not sure but we are talking day and night here. A 50 min render could be a 4-5 min render or even less.

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18 12 2022 lkvflb....png

Anonymous No. 943263

much much more faster ( around 12 times ), but the price of a 4090...

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20 09 2022 lfklgf....png

Anonymous No. 943265

uncanny valley or bad color range or bad ligthning, it depends

Anonymous No. 943287

It took me 2 hours on 1060 which takes me 20 mins on a 4090. + Viewport is near instant which is amazing for doing lighting when I had to wait 5+ mins to even see any changes.

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Anonymous No. 943290

I download a mega pack of assets. But I have no idea how to install it all without going folder by folder and copying one by one to /My Library/. HELP

Anonymous No. 943292

Separate your libraries so its easier to track down broken shit. If you dump everything into one library you will always end up with some rogue morph that auto applies across a character and is a pain to narrow down.

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Anonymous No. 943293

A couple of girls from the infamous Black Cat gang confront you and ask for your phone, card and pin-code.
What do?

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Anonymous No. 943302

goblins, huh?

Anonymous No. 943303

just started and tried daz for the first time yesterday and got this. It's actually really easy, turns out these weggers are just lazy and get all poses of f95. There is some bugged hair but I honestly posed it in like 3 minutes and clicked render after fucking around with the lightning settings. The problem is the render time. It took like a hour. I want to use this for fun but the problem is that it'll take WAY too long to get one picture if i have to wait 10 minutes for a regular picture. That's why i'd like to buy a 5xxx in the future

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susie 420 iterghvcg.jpg

Anonymous No. 943305

keep in mind that the iray version used in Daz usually lags behind a few months in regards to support for new architecture. When I bought a 2080 at launch it was completely unsupported by Daz. Took two months for a beta to support it. I don't believe the same was the case for the 30xx but have read that 40xx isnt as huge a jump as it should be in Daz due to old iray versions. I would assume that is resolved by now.

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Anonymous No. 943306

I am afraid so... pesky little buggers
yeah, the viewport performance I forgot. Really makes it easier to work with.
>just started and tried daz for the first time yesterday and got this
welcome to the pits of the 3d realm anon.
>It's actually really easy, turns out these weggers are just lazy and get all poses of f95
yes... its one of the things that annoy me about all these wegs: they all look the same as there are next to no custom work done.
well obviously a 1060 is a bit old for 3d work now and not even that great for gaming. But if you do not even know if you want to spend time on DAZ and such then buying something as pricey as a 4090 (or 5090) is a little overkill. Test the waters first anon and try simpler things that does not require insane render times.

Anonymous No. 943312


Do you make your models in Blender or using Daz morphs? I am starting out making characters but want to do it "Right" instead of just using characters off the Daz store as they look very generic and I have seen Jill from BaDIK in so many games.

Your stuff looks very nice, I am just curious if you have any tips for starting out.

Anonymous No. 943315

The goblins look too mean. They should smile more!

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Anonymous No. 943316

I use maya mostly because that is what I am used to but nothing I do in Maya cant be easily done in blender.
If you go the blender route there are some nice plugins that lets you port the g8 / g9 base model from and to DAZ studio so you can easily make morphs. Keep in mind that you can only work on the base mesh and not any subdivs.
For cloth I use marvelous studio mostly and then take the cloth in maya to finish.
As for texturing I use 3dcoat because FUCK adobe (I still use photoshop though...)
If I was use I would start out trying to just do some basic morphs and get the hang of it. Then slowly move to trying to recreate a face you like.
Or you could try and create an outift. L made these shorts a while ago and it was basic -> marv -> maya -> 3dcoat -> DAZ and then setup and such.
jannies wont let me post the parts that make the gobbos happy.

Anonymous No. 943331

I like your stuff but i hope nothing bad happens to that cat.

Anonymous No. 943332

im impressed; he even got her busted nose right.

Anonymous No. 943366

You know Substance Painter is free right? What's the issue?

Anonymous No. 943367

Goblins love raping cats.
Haven't you seen emmanons secret stuff?

Anonymous No. 943368

RTX 4090 is minimum entry level for Daz since at least 2020.

Anonymous No. 943378

Wrong, what you want is more than 10gb of ram and a 400 euro 12gb 3060 serie is a viable solution.

Anonymous No. 943379

As explained here.
4.16 > 4.21 for rendering.
I personally work in 4.21 and render in 4.16

Anonymous No. 943394

Lolno, now with G9 out you need an RTX 5090 with 48GB VRAM.

Anonymous No. 943396

How do you get 2 different versions of Daz?

Anonymous No. 943399

Just install it elsewhere and create shortcuts for each?
Mines shares the same Libraries, you can go as far as making them use their own.
I also tried to make GOZ work with ZB in both version at the same time and failed, Hence why i still need the 4.21.

Anonymous No. 943400

I was expecting this. But eh, you never know for sure...

Anonymous No. 943403

I spit on Adobe and I will not use their shitty products if I can help it. For over a decade I have had to deal with them professionally and now I wish only for a pack of wild feral faggots to gangbang them into oblivion.
If I see the name "creative cloud" I get ptsd

Anonymous No. 943431

Even if free? Is it political grudge? Personal?

Anonymous No. 943436

>Even if free?
I dont care if they paid me. Mostly its personally but also because they are the biggest incompetent and largest idiots ive ever had to work with. They make Mircosoft look like a friendly little company when it comes to dealing with them as a business. Also I hate it twice as much if their software runs on MacOS as its even more screwed here for some reason.
I went out of my way to pay up front for 3dcoat so I would never have to use their "substance painter" corpse.

Anonymous No. 943514

Setting up scenes with props takes me so long in Daz, is there a way to drop a prop on a surface quickly? I know about alt dragging a prop onto the scene and ctrl-d but both of these drop the prop to the floor.

Anonymous No. 943519

Use the align tool

Anonymous No. 943551

I'm currently CPU rendering.
Would the increase in RAM usage associated with starting an IRAY render be a good reflection of how much VRAM the scene would require, or should I look at the total RAM consumption of DAZ?

For example: after I turn on DAZ and load a scene the memory consumption by DAZ is 8,5 Gb. When I start rendering the scene the memory consumption of DAZ increases to 14,5 Gb, i.e. by 6 Gb.
Does this mean that if I had a proper GPU the scene would need 6 Gb of VRAM? Or would it need 14,5 Gb of VRAM?

Anonymous No. 943555

>Does this mean that if I had a proper GPU the scene would need 6 Gb of VRAM?
not 100%. Less ive found and DAZ uses all the memory it can and will bloat with more memory.

Anonymous No. 943556

I read something once about saving morphs and characters in a different folder because sometimes they can unintentionally apply morphs to gobbos + cause slow down, but I forgot to save it. Did they mean that in DIM I should be installing Chars+Morph sliders to a separate folder, or did they mean something else.

Sorry if that's a bit cryptic, I remember reading it once and I am hoping someone knows what the fuck I am babbling on about.

Anonymous No. 943577

Each person has their own method but I prefer to have all first party daz3d stuff in the default my library directory, installed by Daz Install Manager and not the garbage daz central.
From there, I have a different library for each marketplace. Renderosity, renderotica, etc. Aside from that, I also have several temp libraries where I manually install non content to test before throwing it into its appropriate library. Though I have not needed to do this much lately save for a few things from indy creators and the odd renderosity snafu that is usually fixed in later version from the author.

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Anonymous No. 943579

Meanwhile at Daz3d headquarters...

Anonymous No. 943583

I imagine our resident torture frog's renders are what goes on in the lower levels there.

Anonymous No. 943632

So for G9, Daz released an official penis and vagina, but no textures for them? These mormons crack me up.

Anonymous No. 943633

Depends on the character

Anonymous No. 943635

If I download a female G9 character, what are the odds she'll have maps for male genitals?

Anonymous No. 943641

Depends on author, I think Victoria 9 has both but Josie had only female

Anonymous No. 943687

Nice. Please post more.

Anonymous No. 943705

>That foot slide
It's like watching someone fail to reverse moonwalk

Anonymous No. 943712

Any good optimized outdoors environments?
I know I can use HDRI, but what to use for a floor?

Anonymous No. 943753

How do you guys do animations? With the active pose tool or you manually go to each body part and move it.

Anonymous No. 943791
