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🧡 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 936854

/wip/ - Works in Progress - Tick Tock Edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>932540

List of free resources: (embed)
/3/ Discord for those interested:

Anonymous No. 936880

>not an image of a Hobbit house.
No wonder this thread was ignored.

Anonymous No. 936883

Remember everyone, shift+click Wip threads without the proper OP image to hide them forever.

Anonymous No. 936904

and go here instead: >>936902

Anonymous No. 936908

Why can’t the thread have a different image for once?

Anonymous No. 936909

Are you so deluded to think that you control this board?

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Anonymous No. 936914

Enchanted cave environment I'm working on for a character I made. I plan on adding more shrooms and ivy to the walls as well as a campfire.

Anonymous No. 936916

How did you make the rocks?

Anonymous No. 936917

Used an add-on to procedurally generate them then adjusted as needed.

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Anonymous No. 936925

Here's what I'm working on. If anyone could tell me how to create a nice stylised hair shader, I'd appreciate it.

Anonymous No. 936939

Advertising social media app is a sin on 4chan.

Anonymous No. 937037

Because you just can't, okay?!

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Anonymous No. 938685

my first hand

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Anonymous No. 938687


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Anonymous No. 939115

Why did you make a new thread already you stupid bastard. Retarded piece of shit

Anonymous No. 939117

And yet here you are bumping that thread you fuck. Sage.

Anonymous No. 939124

This thread is older than the current active WIP thread, you shit-eating ape.

πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 939127

I hope your mom aborts you even if you are 21.

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Anonymous No. 940548

new thread
new thread
new thread

Anonymous No. 940553

hey bud, for your first hand, maybe make your own, cause y'know, it's right there for you to reference.

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Anonymous No. 940556

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Anonymous No. 940640

I started trying to teach myself 3D modelling few weeks ago, and I've been struggling, it's possible I'm just not using guides and tutorials as effectively as I could be. Right now I'm trying to make the head of an anthropomorphic animal character and I think I'm having trouble with both topology and actually executing and creating the design. I'm using multiple references but it's still difficult, could someone give me some advice or point me in the right direction?

Anonymous No. 940665

Bumping the real WIP thread

Anonymous No. 940763

Looking good so far. Made any additional progress recently?

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Anonymous No. 941729

hair cubes

ZONE-EVIL No. 943757

you should better sculpt the head using a ball. I recommend you to pirate Autodesk Mudbox or Zbrush for a beginner, since those are software better suited for creating organic meshes, although Mudbox is much more simple and user-friendly than Zbrush.

Anonymous No. 944152

>yet another new /wip/ thread has been created instead of just using this one

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Anonymous No. 944195

Anonymous No. 944237


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Anonymous No. 944280

Anonymous No. 946886


Anonymous No. 947111


Anonymous No. 947113

Do you have an artstation or other art account?

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Anonymous No. 947222


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Anonymous No. 947223


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Anonymous No. 947225

Final shitty attempt at that bicep, sorry.

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Anonymous No. 947282

Bless you fren.
I started working on the clothes too, and adding more muscle definition on the body.

Anonymous No. 947919

Migrate (complete with new discord):>>947917

Anonymous No. 947921

>/3/ Discord for those interested:
outdated discord.

Anonymous No. 947946

>muh pisscord
Shoot yourselves

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Anonymous No. 947948

I hoard my cats. Though if you mean you want the base sculpt, I could maybe post that at some point.

Anonymous No. 948107

>Though if you mean you want the base sculpt, I could maybe post that at some point.
Yes please

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Anonymous No. 948120


...since a while i working on different geo node generators in blender for all kinds of shapes, meshes, etc, pic related is the current i working on.

this particular one generates rough non human spaceship like objects that can be used to refined in a later stage.

i based the semi/guided random process on this videos and be somewhat ok with the results ...

...the objects in pic are single shapes, the next step will be to combine a few and merge hem into something that makes sense, auto generated greeble that take place at the extrusions etc ...

...suggestions and critique is welcome.

Anonymous No. 948126

keep working on it

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bigman render.png

Anonymous No. 948414

this is actually gonna be part of an animation

Anonymous No. 948714

Looking good. Keep going at it.

Anonymous No. 949136


Anonymous No. 949137

fuck you retard, use the real wip thread

Anonymous No. 949146

This is the real WIP thread. Check the creation date.

Anonymous No. 949148


Anonymous No. 950255


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Anonymous No. 950271

reanimating the table scene for ballad of buster scruggs

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Anonymous No. 950378

A doll I made

Anonymous No. 950385

would love to see her in vr

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Anonymous No. 950387

I'll probably turn her into a vrchat avatar later, but it will be a pain in the ass because she has like 200k tris because I modeled slots and tunnels for wires to go through becaue Im 3d printing this later.

Anonymous No. 950397

now upgrade to 3.6 and use Simulation Nodes to make it jiggle

Anonymous No. 951103

Are you going to hotglue it?

Anonymous No. 951113

Are you the Halls of Torment dev?

Anonymous No. 951972


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Anonymous No. 953111

made some heads

Anonymous No. 953120


Anonymous No. 953121

Very good

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Anonymous No. 953173

anons, i am nearing completion of my gun model and as an autist who has used smart uv and cube projection for the most part with the occasional basic seam use for unwrapping cylinders and cubes i have no clue how to even begin unwrapping this, also would like some help on how to texture the diamond pattern grips in substance painter. also what should be the poly count for a gun ? everything is subdivded at 2 and i can bake it the high poly to 1x subdivided mesh so the tris cut in half.

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Anonymous No. 953174

the pattern in question

Anonymous No. 953176

>how to texture the diamond pattern grips in substance painter.
use an alpha

>also what should be the poly count for a gun ?

Anonymous No. 953181

>use an alpha
transparent image of a seamless diamond shape pattern? make it in photoshop ?
what is a low for a hero piece?

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Anonymous No. 953363

Almost done with my Hatsune Niku
What should I improve? I'm still working on weight painting since there's still some bits around the arms that don't work as intended, I also need to add a shape key for arms up position

Anonymous No. 953366

god she is trashy

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Anonymous No. 953370

How can I improve these folds?

Anonymous No. 953371

Cut down on those proportions.

Anonymous No. 953373


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Anonymous No. 953384

please rate my low-poly.

Anonymous No. 953388

best model on /3/ rn imo

Anonymous No. 953389


Anonymous No. 953413

In real life, cloth folds and creases for a reason.
When cloth is tight over the skin, it won't fold. In areas where the cloth is loose, it may fold.

Anonymous No. 953459


Anonymous No. 953464

Looks cool, interesting stylization. 8/10

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lain Large.png

Anonymous No. 953590

lain render wip

Anonymous No. 953611


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Anonymous No. 953613

Today I have created low poly humvee. I know the MRAP is a more capable vehicle but aesthetically I'll always prefer the good ol' humvee

No Hobbit hole in OP? Shamefur dispray

Anonymous No. 953643

No problem bro!

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Anonymous No. 953679

Anyone want to hook me up with a good eyelash texture? Can't find any that work really well.

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bandicam 2023-07-....webm

Anonymous No. 953700

Testing jiggle bones

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Anonymous No. 953768

This is my first time poly modelling a face. Can I get an honest critique on the topology here? I tried to define the main loops but something feels off here. I don't know if the five-star pole under the eye should be there or not. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 953771

Can I ask you why are you trying to re-invent the topology of a semi-realistic human face?

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Anonymous No. 953779

>google face topology
>first result
Yours looks a bit fucked because the cheekbones aren't flowing well. I think your brow region also needs a pole on the inside. You don't have to follow someone else's topology exactly, but it's a good idea to reference it as a base at least to some extent.

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Anonymous No. 953780

This is the eyebrow pole I'm referring to (from >>953679). It lets you do furrowing and raising shapes a lot more cleanly. And if your face is going to be more realistic than mine was, you shouldn't have to make too many concessions with weird-feeling spots that don't look weird on a decent reference.

Anonymous No. 953784

garbage tier, I'd recommend learning to draw before learning 3d since there's a lot of transferable skills that are necessary in 3d and are hard to pick up while already learning it

Anonymous No. 953787

Ok anon, thanks for the recommendation, would you like to maybe post some of what you're working on for the class to see

Anonymous No. 953788


Anonymous No. 953790

I think we may have incompatible senses of aesthetics anon

Anonymous No. 953792

Thanks a lot anon! I'll give it another shot tomorrow and see where I get along with that.

Anonymous No. 953801

Hmm... Something doesn't smell right to me. >>953679 does look kinda dorky mostly because of the mouth positioning, and it would be a good idea for them to learn how to draw, but I don't see why you would also need to compare two people's posts together like that considering there's so many other character models in the thread that also have a few issues. Then you clam to be the poster of one of the better models in the thread when someone asks you to pyw. To me it seems like you're a dramatranny trying to pit people against each other. Could you post your Miku again at a different angle to prove it's you? Maybe with a post number in the scene?

Anonymous No. 953808

Hey look man I don't really give a fuck if the guy who doesn't like some face I made for practice can build a rocket ship or do brain surgery or whatever. I just think if you're going to waste a post calling something shit with no constructive feedback you might as well post an update on your own model with it

Anonymous No. 953813

Well ok I suppose. It just seemed to me like >>953784 >>953788 was trying to start drama. I didn't say it looked like shit, I just thought he was being a bit harsh by calling your model "garbage tier" even though It could look better with a few tweaks. I guess I see why no one tries to be nice here.

Anonymous No. 953820

We would not have such rude manners in a proper /wip/ thread with a proper OP. Alas, the windows are broken and people are reduced to being base creatures of instinct.

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Anonymous No. 953823

Then just post a lot of WIPs until the thread autosages. Clearly, it's never getting deleted.

I'm going to try to figure out how to do texture animations for the eyes on this low poly lizard thing.

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Anonymous No. 953848

Added some more control bones so I could make it more expressive first.

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 953853

posted tits in wrong dying thread so i now post tits here, good day sirs2mws0

Anonymous No. 953885

is it worth the 40$ if I can do pretty decent rigs by myself?

Anonymous No. 953886

I like its face controller as a base and it's much easier to place and customize than rigify or manual setups. Its tail controller is nice but usually takes some manual weight tweaking. It's really good at placing fingers. It's apparently pretty easy to export to Unity/UE but I haven't messed with that yet. Those are the main features that I'd say you're paying for. You'll still have to do a lot of edits for more complex models to get good muscle and shoulder deformations.

Anonymous No. 953889

Lookin' good anon, i would like to see more of it

Anonymous No. 953898

Why does she look Greek?

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Anonymous No. 953945

Tried an elf today, not sure if I'll keep working on it. Ears on this one came out weird and I'm probably not good enough at texturing to salvage them that way. I think I'll do some Disney character studies next.

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Anonymous No. 953968

should i be worried about the tris? i cant figure out any other way to bevel to make a bathtub

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Anonymous No. 953969

is this a good unwrap?

Anonymous No. 953985


Anonymous No. 953992

what does that mean

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Anonymous No. 953994

not very efficient use of uv space and some unnecessary seams

try doing this and repack the islands

Anonymous No. 953997

le german troon mommies

Anonymous No. 954001

>not very efficient use of uv space and some unnecessary seams
what is efficient and not efficient? yup i heard the goal is reduce seams so it dosent appear like a cut off
>repack the islands
like manually? is there any principle i have to follow?

Anonymous No. 954003

>what is efficient and not efficient? yup i heard the goal is reduce seams so it dosent appear like a cut off
I mean as in how much of the uv space is used up, there is a lot of empty space and thats "wasted" information unless you put something else there.
and yeah its good to avoid unnecessary cuts, but in this case its better to separate this island because its too long to fit into a square box nicely

blender has an automatic tool called pack islands

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Anonymous No. 954025

default pack island settings and this is the result

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Anonymous No. 954031

how do I make the textures look better while in close? do I bump up it to 4k?

Anonymous No. 954036

Higher res textures, bump mapping, material settings.

Anonymous No. 954037

>bump mapping
is that the normal map anchor points? i have already used that
>material settings
isnt that the pbr maps? do i need to tweak pbr maps ?

Anonymous No. 954044

ay thats not too bad, you might want to increase the padding just a little bit so things arent too close.
you could do 4k yeah
if its a tiling texture which im imagining it is you could use the mapping node and increase the scale to tile the texture multiple times
this might not be the result you are after tho but could be fun to try

asking how to make things look better is pretty vague, cant really tell you what yo do if i dont know what you want it to look like.

Anonymous No. 954049

>>asking how to make things look better is pretty vague, cant really tell you what yo do if i dont know what you want it to look like.
thats true, i was in a hurry to learn the blender -> substance -> unreal workflow that i completely ignored collecting references. the more i learn about this i realize how dumbdowned blender is in general, its powerful and can get results but substance is so much easier to texture with and god knows how i am going to learn optimization with unreal engine

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Anonymous No. 954052

why code a 3d game when you can just make concept art all day and pretend you finished it?

Anonymous No. 954062

Because that's how you turn into Cris.

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Anonymous No. 954090

took me like half a day to model simple ass bathroom sinks. how can I level up my modelling skills? i start with a cube then get confused then start with a plane then look up tutorials

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Anonymous No. 954098

I am unreasonably proud of this wine bottle texture I made.
Despite owning it I prefer not using Substance and use Photoshop instead to mimick the way game devs used to make textures before 2014. Those perfect PBR textures seem too perfect and sterile to me, and I grew up with PS2/3 era games anyway so the style of those games resonates with me more

Anonymous No. 954099

I almost forgot to mention, I didn't create the texture from the ground up, I found a pic I liked and touched it up. I think games like Half Life 2 and Fallout 3 made textures that way

Anonymous No. 954144

This might sound retarded, but is it necessary to bevel edges if you're putting a sub div on something?

Anonymous No. 954175

Hey look buddy what you're working with here is an art, this isn't a quick in and out thing, there's more to learn than can be beamed into your brain ahead of time via 4chan post. You have to take the initiative and go try something out and then post it here, and if people think what you did is retarded enough to matter they'll tell you so.

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Anonymous No. 954176

Oh fuck, Anon she's running towards you!

Anonymous No. 954179

You should reference a video, there's like no weight (ironically) in that step.

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Anonymous No. 954268

I scrapped that animation and started from scratch

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Anonymous No. 954281

I think that's somewhat better. The chest/shoulder area is animating weirdly now, maybe it needs bezier interpolation to look right. I think the hands should also flip back a little when the arms pull back to help exaggerate the motion. Since your model is blobby you could also experiment with adding some thigh/butt squash when the foot touches the ground, so you have to rely less on the head bob to sell it.

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Anonymous No. 954305

Who's thirsty? This one's on the house.
Inadvertently during touch up the sticker ended up looking like a skull, I like it, I'm leaving it as it is

Anonymous No. 954308

I want to sit upon that manta.
Have you ever touched a ray irl? Holy fuck.

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Anonymous No. 954344

I think it looks semi-decent by now

Anonymous No. 954349

not nearly enough chest bounciness

Anonymous No. 954350

I'm yet to add boob bounce physics

Anonymous No. 954351

technically, it looks bad, m8

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Anonymous No. 954352

It might not be the best, but for the moment it's the best I can do
I'm gonna do some other animations and come back to it once I get more experience

Anonymous No. 954382

Looking a ton better than your earlier attempts; if you're not putting things in her hands in Unity or whatever I would animate the fingers and hands a bit and then call it done. I guess the hair could be timed a little better but it's probably not a big deal.

Anonymous No. 954463

Sorry to be a nuisance here lads, but are you supposed to apply modifiers before you export for substance painter or do you export as is and then apply the modifiers after you've substanced?
Not a single video I've seen about a blender to substance workflow mentions it.
Also, can you just give anything any material as long as it's correctly named or do they need to be more or less the colour you want to use?
Using substance for the first time was the part I was looking forward to the most and now it's turned into a nightmare.

Anonymous No. 954464

are you talking about subsurf modifier?

Anonymous No. 954465

Subsurf mainly, but I have mirror, solidify on a couple, and array on a couple too.

Anonymous No. 954466

apply mirror, solidify, and array so you can make UVs.

there is a way to export a subdivided mesh without applying the subd, just look for it

Anonymous No. 954467

Based. Thanks dude.

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Anonymous No. 954567

Modeled and textured some display racks for mah gunz

Anonymous No. 954572

looking good

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Anonymous No. 954603

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Anonymous No. 954606

I know it looks like a Super Soakerβ„’, but I'm hoping the textures will change that. Struggling to make that carry grip look less shit if I'm being honest.
One thing pissing me off, and is filtering me, is the front grip/extension thing. It's all square at the top of the front because I had to add an extra loopcut so it would line up with the other part it's connecting to. Without it it's more rounded like the bottom part of the same grip/extension is, but then it doesn't line up with the part it's connecting to. If any of that makes sense. It's (partly) why it seems to curve up the way it does instead of continuing downwards.
If anyone can help with that I'd appreciate it.

Anonymous No. 954622

Thanks man!

Nice, looks like some sort of mini flamethrower

Anonymous No. 954642

Thanks dude. Yeah that's what it's supposed to be so I'm glad it's recognisable at least.
I like doing weapons, but I always struggle with them. Still, better to struggle and learn something than stay in the comfort zone and learn nothing.

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security cage.png

Anonymous No. 954672

Made a security cage wherein to SECURE mah gunz

Anonymous No. 954675

>dont 3d model for 5+ years
>randomly start 3D modeling during discord calls with friends cause videogames are fucking too much work and focus

Playing around with topology and shit. What do you guys think?
I dont know any actual theory so obv its not anything legit

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Anonymous No. 954676

and the fucking picrel I forgot to add

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P A L L E T.png

Anonymous No. 954781

Modeled 'n textured this mo'fuggin' pallet

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B A R R E L C R A....png

Anonymous No. 954788

And now I tex'd a FUCKING barrel and a FUCKING crate too.
Ubiquitous props in many games, true "bread and butter" kinds of models, it's easy to see why as they can quickly clutter up a scene without looking distracting thanks to their unassuming design

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Anonymous No. 954861

Getting started on something
Good stuff man

Anonymous No. 954863

That's awesome. Something about the body topology looks off to me, but none of that matters for an inanimate object anyway. Great work.

Anonymous No. 954879

as long as the edges look good, it honestly doesn't matter if topology is a bit off

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Anonymous No. 954925

Actual Previous thread: >>947917
New Discord:

Anonymous No. 954967

>when you're so proud of your model/texture that you stare at it for whole minutes instead of actually doing more work
Happens to the best of us

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meal time.png

Anonymous No. 955014

I'm practicing so much with doing textures, getting more confident, doing them isn't as scary as it first seemed anymore. Really proud of this stuff, I'm feeling like I'm making real progress and getting ever closer to actually doing my dR3am G4m3 (TM). They may not look like much visually, but the real kicker is that I'm able to pump these out in a reasonable timeframe and the look of them looks appealing enough to me

Anonymous No. 955015

I don't like how the products don't have labels

Anonymous No. 955021

I feel you, these are just blanks for the time being, I have yet to design actual labels yet

Anonymous No. 955027


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Anonymous No. 955076

Sculpted some lizard-ish type character months ago (left). Touched it up into a much less BOGGED version of it (right)

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Anonymous No. 955081

I keep working on this. No nips for now

Anonymous No. 955085

sexy, but add the scales

awful, hideous

Anonymous No. 955091

Not bad anon, I think she needs more skull around the eyes and back of the head. The eyes are in a socket after all and the head is egg shaped from a top down view where the smallest point on the egg is where the face would be

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Anonymous No. 955096

>sexy, but add the scales
Copy that, pic rel is what I expect this nigga to look like when it's retopoed + textured

Did you model that body?

Anonymous No. 955097

What sort of workflow are you using?

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Anonymous No. 955098

Why anon? I admit last time it was awful, I just didn't see it until months later, maybe it's the same now?
Yup. Attached is the (very) old version

Anonymous No. 955099

I think it looks quite good anon. Did you sculpt it?

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Anonymous No. 955101

Thanks. I modeled it. I have to redo the stomach tho, looks a bit weird

Anonymous No. 955102

the anatomy is just horrible, even for stylized. Crack open an anatomy book and grind your fundies

Anonymous No. 955103

I guess you mean both look bad huh. I don't think it looks that bad but you're probably right. Last time I worked on the model was the first time I opened an anatomy book. I specially dislike how the stomach ended looking. Will work more on it.

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UVs textures.png

Anonymous No. 955112

I'm modeling in Blender, and texturing by external software, in my case Photoshop Elements 10 (it's ancient, came out in 2011, but it works for me).

For those who didn't know, you can link to Blender ANY 2D image editing program you want and you can edit textures that way:
Me, I'm using PSD files for my image textures, I use 2048x2048 texture atlases.

A slightly more detailed walkthrough of my whole process is this:
1) make model WHILE keeping in mind how it's going to be unwrapped later
2) when model is done, I Mark Seams
3) I assign a Material to my model > I attach an image texture to my Material; said image texture is going to be a texture atlas, 2048x2048 pixels and in PSD format (I have a whole bunch of texture atlases depending on the kind of model, so my tin can models' texture atlas for example I have called "PSD_PropsFood")
4) in the texture atlas, I drag and drop an image of the thing my model is made of: so for my tin cans, I have utilized my metal image texture of choice I have found on the internet
5) now I Unwrap my model > I edit my UVs and straighten my islands where needed (to do this, select the edges of your UVs > Right Click > Align X or Y or Auto, depending on the orientation of the Edge). While you move your UVs, make sure your texture looks good on your model: sometimes the image projection gets funky and you get some ugly distortions; if the texture you're using appears distorted on your 3D model it means you need to fix your UVs or seam and unwrap your model in a different manner altogether
6) now that I have arranged my UVs neatly together and have decided how much space they're going to take up in the texture atlas, I start making the textures proper in Photoshop, editing, touching things up, drawing, etc. I go back and forth from Blender to Photoshop: I draw in Photoshop, hit Ctrl + S (save), reload the texture in Blender (Alt + R in UV Editing Mode) to see how it looks

Anonymous No. 955113

For stylized characters these are pretty good, second one is already an improvement: more defined textures, better arm length (they were too short before). You'll get better with each iteration, and that's the kind of work modeling is: quite iterative, you get better only by doing, as you are. Brushing up on anatomy like the other anon suggested is always a good idea but you're already on the right path. Keep up the good work

Anonymous No. 955114

The number 1 essential advice I can give for when you make textures, is that an image texture is essentially made of 4 things:

1) a base. This is the overall image texture of your model, so if the object you're modeling is made of, say, wood, that there is the base

2) edges. This is where your model will be worn out the most, take the most damage, which results in these areas looking lighter colored than the base. You can see this here especially >>954781. Edges are very handy because I use them to hide image texture seams: right at the edge of my UV islands, I run a single color at full opacity (that color being the brightest color present on your base, use the color picker tool for this)

3) highlights. This is where light is most reflective, this is where your object would realistically appear the brightest. I use a full white color for highlights, visible especially on the drinking glass here >>955014. But there are other instances where highlights are used much more subtly, for instance if you look next to the drinking glass and see the drinking tin can, you'll see the edges of the can's body have a faint white tint to them, that there is also a highlight, just less obvious. On the handles of the cutlery you can also see some highlight white, on the ridges of the food tin can etc. You'll have to play with the opacity of those whites to find the best result

4) darks. This is where your object would realistically be lit the least, or where contact shadows would be on your model. Also this is where grime could build up on your object, also making it look darker in that spot. I used dark gradients on the bottom of my cans: those gradients are darkest at the bottom of the object, and weaker the further up they go

Lastly, for finishing touches, you can put some smudges here and there for either dirt or damage on your object

Anonymous No. 955115

That’s pretty impressive, anon. How’d you manage to animate it so well with only one hand?

Anonymous No. 955116

In general if you smooth out planes and your model looks better it means that you have the wrong shapes in mind to begin with. Good planes and angles are a lot of what make sculpts good. The less your model's features are separated from a sphere you might put them on, the less striking they're going to be, if that makes sense to you. I would recommend looking at some other reptilian models and identifying key shapes and trying to work them in because right now your guy looks kind of like a Machoke with a tiny mouth.

Tear duct probably won't look good if you do it this way - I think you should expect the eyelids to meet a lot closer, and probably pull the sides nearer the snout back so they curve more around the eye.

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Anonymous No. 955129

I made balloon :D

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Anonymous No. 955144

little gnome i'm working on

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Anonymous No. 955147

current project. remade the model and i am very pleased.

Anonymous No. 955150

>he photographed his own screen like it's 2007
Breh have you ever heard of screenshot programs? Get Lightshot, I use it myself, it's pretty God.
Nice model by the way, reminds me of Jak And Daxter, you know, the elf looking fellas that are everywhere there, reminds me of them in a good way not like I'm accusing you of plagiarism or shit like that

Anonymous No. 955164

im aware of screenshots lol, but this was the only pic i had of the character. now that you mention it this model does remind me of Jak 2's characters lol

Anonymous No. 955166

Actually it doesn't have any texture, it's just a flat color. Yeah I'll keep working on it. Thanks

Anonymous No. 955184

3DGuy, is that you?

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Anonymous No. 955185

No, I'm just some dude that gets off to balloons.
Although I am flattered that you'd mistook my work for it.

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F O O T.png

Anonymous No. 955200

Today I have created anatomically accurate and proportionate feet. At 27cm long and 10.2cm wide it appears to be what people would consider normal and average sized, for men

>now that you mention it this model does remind me of Jak 2's characters lol
Based Jak & Daxter enjoyer, it's nice to see other people who played it. Though successful it was never really "mainstream", and having released so long ago it's hard to find people today who played it back then

Anonymous No. 955203

merge and retopo

Anonymous No. 955204

Aye aye captain! Will do, soon (TM)

Anonymous No. 955324

>google user
your google search results are curated based on your interests, so almost nobody using google images will get the same results for the same search. you aren't wrong about using a references from a search engine, but just FYI.

Anonymous No. 955326

looks like machop

Anonymous No. 955332

Ye, that was my inspiration for this nigga

Anonymous No. 955371

If i try to make a business on 3d modeling and 3d printers is that going to be a sucess

Anonymous No. 955377

> 3d modeling
ai will come for us all and the bar for getting into a proper, non-pajeet studio asset factory is pretty high

>3d printing
you can make decent side money from dnd people, figurine addicts etc.

Anonymous No. 955380

>results curated based on your interests
Only if you login to your google account.

Anonymous No. 955402

>3d modeling
I'm not an industry expert but, reasonably speaking, as one can infer from observation, your only way of making money from 3D modeling is either if you become a archviz guy, go into some big AAA movie or game studio or go the indie vidya dev route, and even than it'll be for your game that they're gonna give you money, not really for the models themselves (although art direction does play a crucial role in games, no one is gonna buy it if it doesn't make the customer go "wow, this looks cool" or "wow, I wanna jack off to this")
>3d printers
This anon is pretty spot on >>955377

Anonymous No. 955403

Oh yeah one more way to make money from 3D (both virtual and printed): furfags.
So long as your style looks fuckable, those guys have some pretty deep pockets they'll be willing to spread open for their precious uwusona

Anonymous No. 955406

>I'm not an industry expert but
So why don't you just shut up?
The pay you to corrupt yourself, because that's their fetish, not because they like your art.

Anonymous No. 955407

And again, you should really need to wait until you're at least 15 before giving advice to other people.

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Anonymous No. 955422

how do i make the uv cubes straight?

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Anonymous No. 955426

meh somehow works. godbless substance painter

Anonymous No. 955441


Anonymous No. 955442

Funny that you accuse me of being a 15 year old when you're the one butting in being needlessly confrontational and emotional, because that's precisely what 15 year olds do. Are you projecting, perchance? Still I'll clue you in regardless:
1) I prefaced I'm not an industry expert because I don't want to mislead the anon that I'm some sort of authority on the matter, even so I do frequent 3D centric spaces so although I'm no expert I do have reasonable familiarity on the matter. With this information, the anon can then decide whether to read what I have to say or not
2) some furshit is pretty great, you don't need to be insecure, I won't judge you for trying it anon-kun

Anonymous No. 955445

UV Editing Mode > select an Edge of one of your UV islands > Align Y or X or Auto, depending on your needs

Anonymous No. 955450

No. Go back to Discord.

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Anonymous No. 955459

Modeling some STRONK man. Idealized ahtletic male body, with this iteration I tried to be as proportionately accurate as I could

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Anonymous No. 955460

And then, the fucking hands, also as anatomically accurate as possible.
Hands are the final boss of 3D modeling: for FPS games you just cannot afford to fuck them up even one bit or it'll look stupid. I find myself with this very conundrum gentlemen, wish me luck

Anonymous No. 955467

nice femboy

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Anonymous No. 955469

Is this a good anime face?
I tried to follow various mmd models as closely as possible

Anonymous No. 955470

Upper head is too big that's some Megamind shit brah, but the rest looks ok. With the fabled anime style it'll be textures and shaders that will make all the difference

Anonymous No. 955471

Fuuuck it's that obvious? And here I thought I had made a more "masculine" body this time around

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Anonymous No. 955546

Quick and dirty rigging test, to get a taste of how the finished model is gonna look like and deform, to fix any last glaring issues before potentially wasting hours to retopologize shit that ain't gonna look good anyway.
They say you can't skin a sculpt, but that's not true, so long as your sculpt has relatively few faces. I think my model here is like 40k faces-60k, didn't check, but I assume 100k is the max before your computer starts stuttering or downright freezing.

Looks good, will start retopoing

Anonymous No. 955549

Or you could just decimate your model and be done. Nobody will ever know the difference.

Anonymous No. 955552

Mmmmh tempting, I'd save a lot of time and effort, but Decimate is too approximative for my liking. When retopoing I like to go along the crevices so as to preserve at least to some degree the elevation details of the original sculpt. I also make sure to follow the shapes of the pecs, abs, glutes etc., as if I were "drawing" those shapes in my retopo work. It's some fussy work, but considering this would be my male basemesh it's worth the effort

Anonymous No. 955553

just use retopoflow

Anonymous No. 955570

why does it have double eyebrows?

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Anonymous No. 955577

what are some good free uv packing tools for blender? baking AO in painter always gets me overlaps

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Anonymous No. 955586

is it easy to add text and shit in substance painter or should i just use photoshop?

Anonymous No. 955594

Never used it (yet), but I watched a video of someone doing it so I would have a clue what to do and it looked a complete piece of piss.

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Anonymous No. 955650

Working on expressions now
The proportions are good, once I add the hair it should look okay
all anime girls have double eyebrows you silly

Anonymous No. 955651

It's easy, though adding extra fonts does require the use of Substance Designer.

Anonymous No. 955652

Skill issue

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Anonymous No. 955660

apparently substance doesn't have the ability to round text so i just made it in photoshop and just added it in substance.

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Anonymous No. 955693

my textures are pretty flat, boring and ugly
right now I'm just finding images and using them as textures, often manually adjusting the contrast and such in photoshop, but it's painstakingly slow
is there a better way?

Anonymous No. 955698

Nice camera nigga. What kind of game are you making?

Anonymous No. 955701

>>955693 is your best friend of you want photorealistic materials or you can find a good diffuse or albedo map then make the rest of the pbr maps.
Thanks Anon, learning unreal so I can try my hand at archviz or environment design. It’s really frustrating to be so used to blender’s pathtracing then switching to UE4 to learn baked lighting. If I am making a game it’s gonna be 3d psx styled megastructure game kinda like rainworld

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Anonymous No. 955715

Anonymous No. 955719


Anonymous No. 955736

>high tower: spoopy edition
Cool sky by the way, I should experiment with scrolling textures myself some day

Anonymous No. 955750

I feel like there isn't enough contrast in that scene

Anonymous No. 955760

Surprised this thread is still going, i actually finished the animation some weeks ago

Anonymous No. 955761

You are probably right. It looks a bit different on my phone screen than on my PC screen (which isn't calibrated or anything).

Anonymous No. 955762

How does the switch from Blender to UE look like? You make meshes in Blender and then texturing, animation, and what not is in UE? What if you want to go back and modify the mesh, you have to redo everything?

Anonymous No. 955763

Contrast and stuff you could maybe do with nodes in Blender (assuming it's Blender) which would save a round trip/to Photoshop. Also the model in you pic maybe needs some displacement or normal map to not look flat.

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Anonymous No. 955770

man i had an idea with the camera for this scene but i completely forgot what it was and now it just looks empty. what will fit in this scene?
my current workflow is blender - substance - unreal. there is a reimport option in unreal for tweaking meshes but setting up materials in unreal is a lot longer than blender which is just a matter of dragging in textures. a lot of technical stuff carries over but the lightning system is hard to configure for me to get good shit unlike cycles which looks great out of the box.

Anonymous No. 955781

Thanks. Does UE allow to make procedural textures, like nodes in Blender do? (Although if you're using substance painter, I guess you're not making procedural textures in Unreal anyway).

Anonymous No. 955794

Look up Ben Cloward on YouTube, he has a series on UE4 materials

Anonymous No. 955838

I have a few UV questions if someone could be kind.
>If UVs aren't square/rectangle, but there's no stretching according to the display stretch option then that's cool right? They aren't ngons or nothing, but they could be asymmetrical rhombi for example
>If the islands only take up a small portion of grid (I don't know what it's called, the square part where the UVs cover in the UV viewport), should I stretch them to fit the "grid" or is it best to just leave them as is with lots of wasted space?
>Why is it that on some objects, before I unwrap them, they look like they've already been unwrapped in the UV viewport and look perfect, but when I do actually unwrap them they turn to complete shit?
Yes/no answers will do because I don't want to take up anyone's valuable time. Except for the last one which doesn't really have a yes/no answer.

Anonymous No. 955868

Good UV’s have to be square, Look up Texel Density which will explain the 2nd question. Not sure what the third question means but I assume scale is not applied hence it looks fine in the viewport. It’s better to ask questions on other sites like polycount where you can see what level the person helping you is at. Use /3/ more like a feedback place. It’s very rare to find the highly experienced people and I found most of em in archviz threads

Anonymous No. 955905

Thanks bro. Usually I just stick a smart UV unwrap on it and call it done. Actually doing it manually is much more difficult than I ever imagined. I've watched videos on it and everyone seems to do it with total ease. I was even going to try drawing the UVs by hand on paper just so I would have an idea where to put the seams.
I guess that's probably best, but I like staying anonymous so no one knows how much of a retard I can be.
Thanks for the help. I'll check out Texel Density too and hope that can help me.

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Anonymous No. 955926

I've been working on this garage kit for a while, finally finishing it. Still have some details to do

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Anonymous No. 955938

>Usually I just stick a smart UV unwrap on it and call it done. Actually doing it manually is much more difficult than I ever imagined
yeah i started doing it that way but there are situations when it just dosent work at all. i am still learning but i started manually uving according to that basic shap. for example lets say a part of my model close to a cylindrical shape, in that case i try the basic cylindrical seam layout and most of the time it works. learn to unwrap basic objects like cubes and cylinders and try applying it more complex models.

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Anonymous No. 955943

Texturing WIP of a 80s/90s inspired low poly computer I'm working on. Photographed my own images from an old 90s computer still hanging around in my grandma's basement. I only edited the keyboard for now and holy shit I'm never fucking creating a keyboard texture ever fucking again I spent a whole afternoon on this. Pretty satisfied with the result though. Will need more work, I'm already noticing at least one wrong looking key

Anonymous No. 956002

sharpen your normals bro

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Anonymous No. 956003

i think i am ready to wrap this project up, with some dust particles and some more blood on the walls to call it a day.

Anonymous No. 956024

>i started doing it that way but there are situations when it just dosent work at all
I never really noticed as much until recently, but I think that's because I normally do scenes where everything is so far away you can't tell anyway.
>learn to unwrap basic objects like cubes and cylinders and try applying it more complex models
This is one of those things where basic shapes I can do no problem, but the second the difficulty gets bumped up a notch I'm all over the place. Even worse is when I get something with the difficulty bumped up looking right, but then when there's a subdiv on everything goes to fuck and the checker pattern looks almost smeared.
I'm just going to keep plugging away at it because I have to get it right at some point.
Thanks for your help.

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Anonymous No. 956026

yeah my best advice is to just keep practicing it, another tip is to place seams where there are in real life usually sharp edges and such. its better to make the uvs straight (via follow active quads method or some uv addon) but in my case i was just putting together a scene for unreal so i just kept as it is since it worked well enough in substance.

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Anonymous No. 956054

I know it looks kinda alien but does this look like the reference image in the pic at all? All I have is one view (it's the only canon pic of that character), so the shape of her face is hard to read, and I'm not very experienced.

Anonymous No. 956067

I was sure it was a guy. You know how it is, elves and their androgynous looks...
Anyway, sculpt looks pretty on point with the ref, good work

Anonymous No. 956098

post on X literally wtf are you doing here this deserves more 10000 likes from the japanese figurine coomunity.

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Anonymous No. 956108

would love some thoughts on this scene, does it feel comfy but at the same unsettling ?

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Anonymous No. 956109


Anonymous No. 956145

I'll take that advice on board thanks. Still getting filtered, but I'll get there.
I promise this is my last question since you mentioned substance, do you apply the subdiv before marking the seams or do you just mark them without the subdiv and export with smoothing?

Anonymous No. 956183

Never mind, I'm retarded. I think I fixed it.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 956234

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1289
Butt Stacking Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 956259

It looks like a good game main menu.
Also, IDK how you could find this place being comfy, it's looks like post Apocalypse bathroom.

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Anonymous No. 956270

this is the concept i am going for
>Also, IDK how you could find this place being comfy, it's looks like post Apocalypse bathroom.
that's fair, i have only been making comfy looking render's like pic rel and my brain thought golden hour = comfy. but the overall tone i was going for is ominous so that works

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Anonymous No. 956401

Finally it's done, a huge pain in the fuck to figure out how to properly texture an electronics item but I'm happy with how it turned out.
With my current setup I can change what's being displayed on screen by simply changing the UV coordinates, I could even animate a 4 frame animation if I wanted to, maybe more than 4 frames

Copy that, I did that but only for the screen (I Marked Sharp the edges of it, specifically), I actually like the shading on the rest of the object

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Anonymous No. 956402

This is my UV setup. By changing the UV coordinates by 0.25 increments I can jump from screen to screen

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Anonymous No. 956403

And lastly this is the Shader Nodes setup I used to actually change the UV coordinates on the fly. I stole it from this video (3:00 onwards):

Anonymous No. 956423

Looks like a normal Tex Cord setup

Anonymous No. 956433

Looks pro, and that's why you really shouldn't be posting here though. Any links?

Anonymous No. 956435

Looks soulful man.

Anonymous No. 956440

Needs a lightning flash once the top of the tower is in pov.
Looks cool, got that comfy movie suspense feel to it. The kind you get when watching traumatic/adventurous shit happen under your comfy duvet.

Anonymous No. 956442

Maybe just a few distant rolling lightning flashes between the clouds. It has a very foreboding effect that some of my favourite movies employ. A scene very similar to yours unfolds. Events up until that moment has revealed that the protagonists are about to set their plans in motion, or something big is going down.
The implied storm that is brewing is also very symbolic. It's usually unexpected. It implies hard rain/ hardship. But it also brings with it a sense of hope - cleansing/ new life after the rain.

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Anonymous No. 956468

Thanks guys, I have sometimes posted my progress in studying anime figures since Tomoyo last year. This will be my first garage kit, we intend to exhibit and sell it at events like Wonfes in Japan, if approved. In picrel it's being promoted at an event in Taiwan

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Anonymous No. 956566

How do you make ass fangs? Picrel is the topo I have atm

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Anonymous No. 956580

Finished that idealized male body model I was working on, all Retopo'd up and good to go (except for the head, as this is "just" a basemesh). I want there to be sex appeal to this model but I tried to avoid freakishly hypersexualized distorted proportions.

Do you see anything out of the ordinary? Any glaring issues? I'm thinking about putting more meat to those legs for starters, they're a bit too skinny

Anonymous No. 956581

welp, abs dont look like that. Start again

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Anonymous No. 956625

add more geo, look for references

Anonymous No. 956627

jesus man!!!! This is a blue!!

Anonymous No. 956658

I prefer puffy assholes

Anonymous No. 956668

I wanna stuff her cunt with my cum

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Anonymous No. 956676

I'm thinking of getting into 3d printing. Anyone know if the Halot-Mage 8k is any good for small minis like warhammer or D&D. Also, should I get the washer+curing station combo?

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Anonymous No. 956677

Thanks for the pic. Well, there was an attempt.

Anonymous No. 956680

You might be better off asking on /diy/. They have a 3D printing general.

Anonymous No. 956681

Thank you anon, much more polite than the fa/tg/uys in their 3d printing general.

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Anonymous No. 956684

wow, day and night with the las pic
really good

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Anonymous No. 956687

shape a lil better the legs and add more thigh
also another view
*last pic

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Anonymous No. 956711

So I stopped working on my girl model for now. Working on a pack of sorts. The character model is an old repurposed model I made before.

Anonymous No. 956722

as well as

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Anonymous No. 956725

just started my first rigged character. fucking rotation in blender is awful, half the time the cursor gets all fucky and it glitches the limb out. texture is a wojak for the time being until I learn how to do UV and texture stuff

Anonymous No. 956727

Cris garbage belongs in /cris/ containment

Anonymous No. 956728

ankle joints look a lil fucky wucky, maybe just me but I would put then way down at the heel bone

Anonymous No. 956730

damn is it that bad

Anonymous No. 956760

>another rigger
show us some movement man! use webmcam or something
I don't get what you mean with the rotation though, you mean the 3D cursor or just your PC cursor?

Anonymous No. 956761

As a placeholder, I hope. Stupid fucking "meme" models are a waste of time and I hope you'll do something more imaginative than the creative wasteland that are wojaks and all its fucking derivatives.
Is your model some kind of robot?

Anonymous No. 956764

Any good resources for environments?
Like greyboxing lighting etc.
Idk, anything from tutorials to speed proccesses or something like that

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Anonymous No. 956765

it's like when I press r and drag with my mouse sometimes the rotation doesn't follow my mouse and instead just kind of jumps around
robot that I'll probably use in the background for something for some animations I want to make. Not my primary focus but more of just a learning experience for when I start to rig the character models I made. wojak is a placeholder just so I could work on the cel shading. I'm still working on mapping the UV map thing right in picrel, so far only worked on the main pod

Anonymous No. 956769

>wojak is a placeholder just so I could work on the cel shading
Phew, thank God.
Nice robot dude, best of luck with UVing / texturing. Making good seams on an object and UV unwrapping it nicely takes a bit of getting used to but you'll get the hang of it

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Anonymous No. 956807

Today I have created low-poly knee-high combat boot at 320 faces. God having a basemesh feels so good, really makes creating this stuff so much easier.

Next up, the pants

Anonymous No. 956897

post base mesh

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plate n bowl.png

Anonymous No. 956908

Mealtime continues, this time featuring a plate and a bowl. Textured off of dinnerware I got at home

My basemesh is this >>956580 plus some minor adjustments to make it more balanced (torso was slightly too large and legs were slightly too thin, now they've been adjusted but changes are so imperceptible that it's not even worth posting a pic of it imho)

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Anonymous No. 957031

made this model for a vrchat event. I kinda want to make some porn animations with her.

Anonymous No. 957034

You some kind of gargoyle-kobold fucker anon?

Anonymous No. 957036

I fuck many things. I also made >>950378

Anonymous No. 957037

It's called been a degenerate, but I guess you are right about that

Anonymous No. 957040

I like the model but it's really too fat

Anonymous No. 957041

Yes I found the porcelain doll especially peculiar, in an interesting way, you sure do have a hard-on for hard materials eh, first porcelain, now statues. Keep up the weird work anon

Anonymous No. 957042

I really like these anon!
I haven't made an avatar since before the stretch/squish physbone update, I know marble/porcelain doesn't jiggle, but I don't suppose you've had a chance to play about with the new bone types yet?

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Anonymous No. 957044

Its not that exacty, I just thought it would be more interesting to give what is more or less a fat kobold with wings a marble texture than a lizard like one. and my next project is going to be completly unrelated to hard materials.
the physbones are pretty powerful. I even used them to emulate soft body simulations on the tummy and ass by limiting rotation to one axis and adding collision to them

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Anonymous No. 957047

This is the early stages of a cupcake. I finished the blender donut tutorial, so now I'm trying to build something on my own. The next thing I would like to try is find a way to deform that bottom cylinder so that it's ridged, like a cupcake wrapper would be. It currently has 32 faces. I know if I do that with the mesh, it will probably really push the render time. So it would probably be better to do that with textures. But it would be nice to know how to do it, if anyone has any insight.

Anonymous No. 957048

do it with the mesh and bake it if you want it to render fast

Anonymous No. 957049

Thanks anon

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Anonymous No. 957059

Is it looking dogshit bros? First time I've used Substance so I just I went mental with that "aged" look.
Notice the grips looks brand new in comparison because I was out of my depth.

Anonymous No. 957060

Post some jiggling anon

Anonymous No. 957078

The textures on the grips and carry handle trigger me, because they're different sizes (the "diamond" shapes I mean). I strongly suggest to make them all roughly the same dimension, preferably the way they are for the front grip as it more closely resembles a pistol grip. Have you looked up references of actual pistol or rifle grips when working on this model? If you didn't I highly suggest you do it.

I'm not particularly fond of blue for the "rear tank" there because it makes me think too much of a super soaker. You could either change color or add more details that sugggest it is not in fact a super soaker's water tank.

Lastly, the main body (that whole yellow central piece) seems a bit too plain personally, I think it could use some more details. Maybe you could put the classic "flammable" or other warning signs there, the signature of the maker of this weapon (tool?), serial numbers, place of production, instructions of use, some paneling, ridges, hollows etc. Looking up real weapons and studying the detailing on their bodies for inspiration is always a good idea.

Other than that, it's a promising model with a good silhouette to it, a compact and as far as it seems practical design. Keep up the good work

Anonymous No. 957096

I did the carry handle first and couldn't give it that "distressed" look that I wanted. I planned on going back to it, but totally forgot. Same with the grips really, I wanted those to be similar to the rest of it having clear signs of wear, but because I couldn't do it with the carrier grip I knew I couldn't do it with those so I just left them as is.
Similar thing happened with the pipe thing so it looks bright and shiny because I didn't know how to age it.

Yeah, I even said when I posted the model originally that I thought it looked like a super soaker kek. Do you have any suggestions on what I could add to it rather than changing the color? Or a color you you would suggest instead? Originally I was going to make the tanks more of a glass, but that seemed impractical and I always really struggle with putting liquids in glass so I didn't bother.
I'm not sure what happened with disc above the red tank neither, but the map seemed to get all fucked up and it's just solid black instead of looking like the other dark parts.

There was something I wanted to add to that main body, but I think it might have looked retarded so I didn't bother with it. Although I do plan to add the things you suggest (signs, serial numbers, makers marks etc). I just rushed it towards the end because it was 4am and I was impatient. I haven't even put a dial or anything on my little gauge yet.
I'll remember for next time to use more references. I always forget to do that.

Thanks anon, I appreciate the feedback. I'll see if I can finish it tonight.

Anonymous No. 957097

I need to fix the rigging on the left titty, and tweak the jigglyness of some things.

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Anonymous No. 957101

Progress of the dinosaur I'm currently working on. Just modelling but should probably start with sculpting

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Anonymous No. 957105

Working on finally putting some clothes on mah nigga. Clothes are meant for a post apoc setting, trying to making it stylish and tacticool, as if some civilian walked into a gun store and grabbed whatever leftover surplus he could find

>Do you have any suggestions on what I could add to it rather than changing the color?
Same as what I said here really:
>the classic "flammable" or other warning signs there, the signature of the maker of this weapon (tool?), serial numbers, place of production, instructions of use, some paneling, ridges, hollows etc.
Should work pretty well there as well

Centre and rightmost tric look like they saw a voluptuous female specimen. Leftmost saw a t-rex

Anonymous No. 957133

where's the full, uncensored nude render?

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Anonymous No. 957136


Anonymous No. 957137

oh not rotational jiggle! there was an update a few months ago that adds the option for bones' length to change dynamically too
they can also be squished when collided with
I've wanted to experiment with the new settings, but I have to finish my model first

Anonymous No. 957150

she is ment to have an outline and other shadding stuff like in >>957097 but I dont know jack shit about shaders beyond dropping in image textures.

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Anonymous No. 957305

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 957330

i don't even like bloons

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Anonymous No. 957352

Trying to create body textures makes me want to delete system 32 folder on my fucking life. I haven't known the true meaning of suffering until this very point.

Anonymous No. 957387

Please tell me that vampire is at least 500 years old

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Anonymous No. 957405

how do I make all of my islands have the same sizes relative to their parts on the model? I'm doing pixel art on top of this and I need each island's size to be relative to their size on the model. The two islands in picrel should be the same size but I'm tired of resizing them all by hand

Anonymous No. 957438

select all - UV - average islands scale

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Anonymous No. 957507


Anonymous No. 957537

Oh god I love your normals man
(teach me)

Anonymous No. 957560

Stop posting pedo shit, nigger

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Anonymous No. 957568

oh no you called me a nigger
it's just a cartoon of a human being

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Anonymous No. 957763

Work on meine neger continues, little by little. I'm close now

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Anonymous No. 957836

kobold I'm working on

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welding time.png

Anonymous No. 957851

Don't talk to me or my son ever again.

I WILL sex this kobold

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dhead and prosybil.png

Anonymous No. 957952

trying to remake a model to fit witihin a game mod. The skeleton doesnt fit and warps both its legs due to how narrow she is

Anonymous No. 957985

Is yours the one on the left or the right?

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Anonymous No. 958007

I am not inspired when it comes to clothing.

Anonymous No. 958019

Then why not just leave her naked?

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Anonymous No. 958024

How can she take her clothes off if she has no clothes? But yeah I guess it ain't a huge deal. I went with this and now I am too tired to do anything but maybe fix up the face to be a bit less off looking.

Anonymous No. 958172

Any anatomy guides that arent full of dumpy old men?

Anonymous No. 958180

Sketchfab and Google Images

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Anonymous No. 958184

the half finnished base sculpt for a model im working on

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Anonymous No. 958189

I've been messing with shader nodes to make a customizable spiral, but I feel like I'm making it more complicated than it needs to be, I still don't know the difference between sphere and quadratic sphere gradients...

anatomy for sculptors has been quite helpful to me - I still use is all the time since I keep forgetting the basics
you can have this copy I yoinked

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Anonymous No. 958194

and the rest of the tree
the value over time that's added is just the current frame divided by the total frames to get a 0 to 1 value depending on the frame number, you gotta multiply it by 2pi so it rotates seamlessly though
then you can just multiply it by as many times you want it to loop over your timeline

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test 2.webm

Anonymous No. 958261

right. not the lady on the stand

Anonymous No. 958271

Are there plans to sell it online?
Also, blog (twitter, or pixiv, or ...) ?

Anonymous No. 958273

Is the one on the stand up for grabs somewhere?

Anonymous No. 958282

not that i know of. some guy posted on a thread. i guess he used the ingame modeler or something

Anonymous No. 958297

I'm just curious if anyone here sells their assets or anything online? If you do do you get many sales?

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Anonymous No. 958313

"The world has ended in nuclear armageddon. The remnants of sapientkind band together in bickering gangs. The mutant swarms have overrun the ruins of California. Brave scavengers search them on the lookout for valuable resources that can keep going whatever vital infrastructure is left standing. Survival is not guaranteed."

At long last I'm almost done with my WIP, now all it needs is textures and I can start working on animation hell yeah

Anonymous No. 958324

I wish the board had this level of quality but who am I kidding lmao this is a dead board that attracts schizo blender hobbyists all over the world. GL anon.

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Anonymous No. 958361

a bit of progress.

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Anonymous No. 958375

polished up the clothing a bit
I don't have a reference so I'm just free balling it
nice tanks. is that a welding mask hanging off the side? nice touch if so.

Anonymous No. 958571

Does anyone have the hobbit hole image saved? I'm thinking of making a new thread, bump limit was reached ages ago

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Cable Car~2.png

Anonymous No. 958582

polyrendr is awesome, I just finished his maya tutorial using blender, what do you guys think?

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Anonymous No. 958589

it's Sybil from Pseudoregalia
someone rigged her and was kind enough to share it a while ago
I'm just passing it along

good stuff! looks like hell to unwrap though

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Anonymous No. 958754

added some color to the body
i dont know much about shaders so the face shading looks a bit fucked

Anonymous No. 958760

Neat. Are you the usual train guy or a different one?

Anonymous No. 958809

idk who that is, I rarely post on /wip/

Anonymous No. 958852

Nice, I like your stylization. Would love to see the textured version.

Anonymous No. 958853

Model looks AAA. I think the shader looks fine. Could it be better? Sure. But I think it looks decent for a toon shader.

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Anonymous No. 958948

doing my best with youtube tutorial i watch last year