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Anonymous No. 939225

Has anyone tried Bryce3d or other retro software? How does it hold up?

Anonymous No. 939367

old 3d tools are no less capable than nushit. they're just slower.
comfy irix >>>>>> autojew
any day of the week.

Anonymous No. 939369

is that a blender addon? nice render.

Anonymous No. 939907

I got it from some Russian website last year, pretty nice if you just want some shitty low poly hills.

Anonymous No. 939952

bump for interest

Anonymous No. 939956

>mfw old enough to have used bryce back when it came out
i know there's like a few other anons here older than me as well

Anonymous No. 940232

why are zoomers so obsessed with bryce3d?

>old enough
nice larp.

Anonymous No. 940276

It's cool

Anonymous No. 940298

what do you need to do to get this to run on your pc?

Anonymous No. 940300

>why are zoomers so obsessed with bryce3d?
It started blowing up when the YouTube algorithms were recommending people 90's Drum & Bass albums, most of which have Bryce3d renders to accompany the music.
Sometimes people joke that zoomers like 90's and 80's stuff because they wish to go back to a time before the world was ruined, and things like the internet were still being pioneered and weren't packed with all the crap you have to deal with today. As a zoomer, I think there may be some truth in that. I love consuming retro media because a lot of industries back then thought they actually hade to make something good if they wanted people to buy their stuff.

Anonymous No. 940337

that's actually a based viewpoint. it will only be cringe if you get into one of those yesterweb circles who long for the old internet and yet they insists on revisionism/denialism as if the old internet is not homophobic/transphobic unlike the current social climate, which is of course not the fact beause it is actually the opposite.

Anonymous No. 940344

Better question is why would you use something ancient when you can just replicate the style with modern software?

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Anonymous No. 940345

There's been some interesting and stimulating discussion surrounding Bryce here >>>934428

Anonymous No. 940408

for authenticity