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Anonymous No. 940576

recommend me a 3d modeling program (free (as in foot-fungus freedom)) that isnt too terrible for CAD work, doesnt require years to learn, and runs with opengl 2.1
i need to 3d print more swastikas.
oh yeah and it should run on a 15+ year old potato computer without too much lag, thank you i vill not buy ze modern backdoored hardware.

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giphy (6).gif

Anonymous No. 940582


0/10, low quality bait.

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Anonymous No. 940585

what bait?
i dont have a gl3.3 gpu

Anonymous No. 940635

Autodesk Inventor

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Anonymous No. 942498

depends, for printing i use old and super simple 123D design. Yet it lack some things, and can crash for no reason (i bet thay crash it remotely so u abandon it and buy NEW ALWAYS OLNLINE CRAP 3D CAD), so save every minute...

Anonymous No. 942539

Paint 3D

Anonymous No. 942555

consider setting yourself on fire

Anonymous No. 942556


Nobody will care if your autismpad can't run gl3.x
You figure it out.

Anonymous No. 942557

Anonymous No. 942558

Or Blender 2.7. Nothing of value was added since 2.8+, unless you want to 3D print a reproduction Ton's beard for personal use, you're not missing out on anything.

Anonymous No. 942559
for parametric modeling
for format conversions