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Anonymous No. 941470



Anonymous No. 941472

>added: blur node
>for geometry nodes
i just want a blur node for texturing ffs

Anonymous No. 941489

>Viewport compositing
Fuckin nice. Now if only it could get proper LUT support.

Anonymous No. 941491

can they please just focus on performance / playback only

nodes are cool and all, but only autists know how it works

Anonymous No. 941493

Their rig evaluator algorithm hasn't changed since the original release. They'll never change it. It's worse than maya, meanwhile they keep tacking on just junk features that gets a rush of development until they're janky enough to say it's done then get put into maintenance

Anonymous No. 941498

>It's worse than maya
everything's worse than maya

Anonymous No. 941505

Did HIP-RT support (AMD's equivalent to Nvidia OptiX for hardware ray tracing acceleration) get added to 3.5 as planned?

Anonymous No. 941514

>hey keep tacking on just junk features that gets a rush of development until they're janky enough to say it's done then get put into maintenance
are you new to open source? this has been their mode of development since gnu started making a half-assed copy of unix in the 1980s.

Anonymous No. 941517

Useless updates for hobbyists only.

Anonymous No. 941544

>introduce geometry nodes specifically for shit like hair
>people too dumb to learn it
>spend all your subsequent time making a hair for dummies tool

Anonymous No. 941545

people rather use curves with volume, they should add one click solution to transform that into hairs and that's it.

Anonymous No. 941546

i dont get it. maya is clunky and sluggy as fuck.
I started with blender because it was the smoothest out of all the programs. But now it too started to feel clunky.
I have 32 gb ram with a r9 for fuck sake, why does it pause everytime I switch to material tab, the fuck is this shit

Anonymous No. 941547

because geometry nodes arent usable in other programs, so curves with volume or good old hair card is still the BEST when it come to hair.

Anonymous No. 941549


Anonymous No. 941550

that's cool and all, but my point was the blender team wasted their time doing geometry nodes in the first place, and then wasted more time trying (and still failing) to give people what they wanted

we need actually useful shit, like opencl/opengl/vulkan support for GPUs, or animation and uv tools that don't suck fetid donkey ass

Anonymous No. 941551

>we need
Blender development is tied to what the Blender studio """need""" for their short movies and that's it, blender is a multipurpose 3d app, I use it to sculpt minis, some people use it for archviz, others for videogames, some people make 3d animations with it, you can do 2d animation and video editing too ....

Anonymous No. 941553

It's tied to what they need to get donations from the artists parents, so they can live the illusion of having a job and what they need to import assets from other software.
Allegedly, in Minecraft.

Anonymous No. 941555
That's an issue that dates back to the 90s. It's nice of them to give it some consideration in 2023. Do they expect users to manually re-orient all their quads? Amazing.

Anonymous No. 941557

And if you read the comments, somebody suggests to export that quad orientation feature as a non-destructive integer property "in case n-gons tesselation needs to to be rotated more than once" or something like that.

The truth is Blender is a finished product. No development happened past the 2.7 series and no further development is expected to happen.

Anonymous No. 941558

You guys are delusional. Blender has been improving faster than any other 3D program in the past few years.

Geometry nodes is exploding in usefulness as people figure out more ways to use it. It has the power to speed up many types of workflows by automating creation of procedural geometry.

The new Blender hair features kick ass. And realistic hair is a completely different thing than stylized hair made using 3D tapered curves. They're not even comparable.

Blender is already the most responsive and stable 3D program with the most fluid and customizable UI. They're dropping huge new features like every few weeks and you guys are complaining lol.

Anonymous No. 941559

>>941553 >>941555 >>941557 is me BTW.
I'm the author of popular artwork around here such as >>939920

Oh look. >>941558 Shills to the rescue already. It only took minutes.

Anonymous No. 941561

>Blender has been improving faster than any other 3D program in the past few years


Anonymous No. 941568

>They're dropping huge new features every few weeks
Such as? The realistic Ton's Beard Simulator? I don't need it.

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Anonymous No. 941569

The new hair tools are a game changer

Anonymous No. 941570

>Blender is already the most responsive and stable 3D program.
If you're doing small scale hobbyists stuff - maybe, the moment it gets real and the complexity rises, Blender shits the bed, pisses himself and vomits all over the place.
It just DOESN'T scale.
I just waited 1 minute and 20 seconds for Blender to load 4GB of texture data - guess how long it takes in Maya or Houdini.
You can make the argument that it is "stable" because it just hangs for half an hour instead of crashing, but that's just cope. Stable doesn't mean shit when "unstable" programs like Maya and Houdini are used in the industry successfully and they get shit done Blender-users can only dream off.

Anonymous No. 941571

Does the hair geometry correctly collide with the base mesh when combing/moving the hair or is it the same clipping bullshit like always.

Anonymous No. 941593

>Blender development is tied to what the Blender studio """need""" for their short movies and that's it,
You've put the cart before the horse. The movies are made to advertise the features

Anonymous No. 941605

a 4 minute advertisement is simply not a movie.

Anonymous No. 941606

They could use the money they waste on movies nobody watches and nobody asked for to make some useful features.

Anonymous No. 941612

they get the money from the European Union and Netherlands to make these movies and part of the budget goes to the program, that's how they have developed blender historically and that's what they do, yes now they get more more money from sponsors and other turds.

Anonymous No. 941613

I will say it again :

a 4 minute advertisement is simply not a movie.

Anonymous No. 941629

why is my remesh fucked, shift r and ctrl r don't work

Anonymous No. 941638

There are too many to list.

Read about them here.
It'll take a long time just to read through them all and there's an extremely high chance you won't be able to understand what half of them mean, but I can only bring a horse to water; can't make you drink.

2nd option is to watch youtubers describe the new features after they skimmed the release notes. That'll be easier to understand but they always miss 80% of the new features, and only quickly mention the big obvious ones.

Maya has crashed on me 10x more often when doing very basic tasks, for seemingly no reason. When Blender crashes, it's because you're doing something stupid like dragging the subdivision slider and quickly loading 100 levels of subdivision.

Anonymous No. 941639

anything in the new hair tool that could have me make hair card or hair curves that you could export to use in another programs?
I want to make some hair mods for skyrim.

Anonymous No. 941640


Anonymous No. 941650

>too fucking complex
>too retarded to set up to do anime hair with this

Anonymous No. 941653

>can't make you drink
You should stop drinking from Ton's hose.
>When Blender crashes, it's because you...
So when Blender crashes it's the user's fault. I get you.

Anonymous No. 941659

You have this, 36.18$, CGpeers hasn't the lattest version but it works with the 3.1 you can ask here >>928943

Anonymous No. 941660

is this the best when it come to card hair?
anything better? i dont mind spending some money as long as I got the best stuffs

Anonymous No. 941662

The addon is basically this

Anonymous No. 941669

damn thats good. Do you know anything good, to make eyebrows, pubes and stuff?

Anonymous No. 941670


Anonymous No. 941675

unusable shitware

Anonymous No. 941677

so 3DsMax too is unusable shitware?

Anonymous No. 941684

yes 3dmax and maya are clunky as fuck.
they were made for the 90s, not fucking 2020s

Anonymous No. 941694

Is Leopoly ok?

Anonymous No. 941698

tell me you never used up to date software,
without telling me you never used up to date software

Anonymous No. 941727

have they fixed the texture paint tool so that it's not completely fucking useless for pixel art yet?

Anonymous No. 941735

This truly does boggle my fucking mind.

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Anonymous No. 941736

Nope, jfmatheu has a prototype in phyton but he hasn't commited shit, because the new paint modes I suppose.

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Anonymous No. 941749

You could do that already. Don't even need a fancy tool to do it either.
Grab your tablet, use the grease pencil, draw out a bunch of hair strands, give them some thickness, and export those from top view.

Anonymous No. 941756

Sound complicated, any guides on YouTube? Sound like a good way to make eyebrow too

Anonymous No. 941772

>Sound complicated
It's really not. I just told you how to do it right there. Here's a spoonfeeding step by step guide. I can't offer any guides since I never used one. I saw someone else doing something similar a while back and decided to try it on my own. It's pretty simple.

>Add a grease pencil stroke object, go into edit mode and delete all the points.
You add as a stroke so the materials are already set up. You can add as empty though if you want to set those up yourself.
>Go into draw mode, enter top view, and draw some hair strands (ideally using a graphics tablet)
>Go into object mode, select the drawing, object>convert>bezier curve (or path)
It keeps the original stroke object, so you can delete that or hide it.
It might also be beneficial to simplify the curve by going add>simplify and adjusting the distance error till you get something that resembles your curve but with less points. I think that's part of the "extra curves" addon that's built into blender, so you might have to enable that. You don't have to simplify them though.
>Add thickness to the curve like usual (by increasing the curve's bevel)
You can taper the end by Selecting one of the endpoints in edit mode, turning on proportional editing ("O" button), and using alt+s to shrink the end.
>Set up an orthographic camera above the hairs, and render out whichever maps you need
Just find a guide on how to render normal maps, and depth/bump maps. There's a fuckton of those. No baking required.

It seems "complicated" because I typed it all out, but it really would take like a minute or two to do. Most of the time is spent trying to get your strokes looking nice. Not trying to make fun, but if something like this is considered complex for your skill level, you'd be having a worse time trying to make hair cards with a dedicated tool since those can go pretty deep on their own.

Anonymous No. 941773

>...beneficial to simplify the curve by going add>simplify...
It's in add>curve>simplify, if that wasn't clear. No clue why it's there, but I'm guessing it's because the addon makes a new curve from the old one.

Anonymous No. 944294

i switched to blender for that too having started in maya but now maya performance is better than blender.

Anonymous No. 944450

this is why I use a package manager for my desktop applications wherever possible; I just run an update from the command line once a day and it saves me the trouble of manually checking all of them. winget, chocolatey, brew, you can't go wrong.

Anonymous No. 945404

No thanks I like my 2.79 just fine.

Anonymous No. 945450

you can kinda fake it by adding a very high frequency noise to the uv vector. It actually adds a little noise to the texture too, which can look better than actual blur.

Anonymous No. 945451

do you use eevee in the viewport? It has to compile the shades for that. with a cycles viewport I get instant visual feedback

Anonymous No. 945452

>I have 32 gb ram

Anonymous No. 946866

Geometry Nodes was the death knell for regular updates to Blender, half the fucking development goes into that gimped Houdini shit now

Anonymous No. 946879

You do realise, all of the industry is using node based approach as its most pipeline friendly?

Anonymous No. 946881

if blander doesn't fix it's component mode perf by 4.0 - it's a fucking joke

Anonymous No. 946885

Too many updates. They need to stop looking at geometry nodes and focus on things that actually fucking matter for a change

Anonymous No. 946887

They only go for the shit that makes waves on Twitter now.
First it was sculpt mode bullshit, now it's Geo Nodes. Performance doesn't mean jack shit to the trannies on Twitter.

Anonymous No. 946889

I thought studios still modelled in Max because its stack is better by leagues than Blender. Am I wrong?

Anonymous No. 946894

>Too many updates.
They were at V 2.x for literally TWO DECADES.
Then something fucking snapped and now they're pumping out releases by the second.

Anonymous No. 946895

And its only used for modelling.

Anonymous No. 946921

Not sure what that has to do with my reply, but I'll try to answer anyway.
I'm pretty sure a lot of it (for the big studios anyway) they've got deeply ingrained workflows that have become so optimized that ripping it up from the root and changing to Blender would be such a colossal expense and undertaking that it's just not worth it, even if Blender was somehow better at the task (not hating, but I don't really think it is). That's of course one perspective on it. Another is simply that Blender isn't suited to large productions in the ways that they need it to be.
In a hypothetical situation; if Blender were 1 to 1 comparable to Max/Maya, all things were completely equal, established studios would still be using Max/Maya because of the workflow thing I mentioned but new studios and smaller ones would absolutely be using Blender because it's free and would save them money.
That's not really the world we live in though, and while I like Blender and use it, it's not cut out for the job on a scale like Pixar/Dreamworks or AAA game devs. It's the scrappy underdog, and that's perfectly fine.

I just wish the devs would get their head out of their ass and work on performance. That'd be a huge step in getting it to be better for productions. Blender in the 2.7x days had the edge, but now it's not only lost it but fell way behind its prime in terms of performance.

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Anonymous No. 946974

Who fucking cares if you just want to make anime girls of figurines or game assets rigged for mmd and vrchat blender is all you need. Screw the big studios people need to look at themselves as to why you wanna work for troons in an art style you despise kek. Blender is the go to for anything anime fuck triple AAA fuck disney for making the little mermaid bl4cked fuck ubisoft, they do not matter in this generation anymore. It’s all anime now and blender is in the forefront of it all.

Anonymous No. 946977

>makes anime girls for vrchat
>calls other people troons

Anonymous No. 947014

What does that have to do with his question though?
All he asked is why studios aren't using Blender, not why hobbyists use it to make anime girls. I gave him a reasonable and unbiased answer, in my opinion.
Sounds like you just wanted to complain about some nonsensical issue and used my response as a soapbox.