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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Getting better is pointless

Anonymous No. 944291

Why the fuck should I put effort into my art if you're gonna call it shit anyway?

It's pretty stupid to put effort into my art when I get the same feedback anyway.

Imagine spending a month on a model and then get the same feedback I get when I make a 3 hours finished model.

It doesn't matter if I put 30 hours or 3 hours, I get the same feedback.

Anonymous No. 944292

Join a real art forum anon, this is not the place to go looking for feedback.

Anonymous No. 944293

Must be shit then if people say it's shit.

Anonymous No. 944296

Step1: Go to Artstation
Step 2: Compare your art to art on Artstation

People don't need feedback, people just need to use their eyes

This is a concept that fly over many artists heads, and why a vast majority of shared work on the internet looks like shit, people are shameless in sharing their slop because they don't realise it's slop.
Not to mention the lies of "It looks good" that are reinforced by others just to be nice.

If your artwork is bad but you think it's good, it's because your eye is untrained, simple as.
Beauty is 90+% objective.

Anonymous No. 944299

Nobody starts out like that anon. It's silly shit to think stage 1 is comparing yourself to people with decades of experience. Artstation is just where you post your portfolio when you're good enough to start looking for gigs. Polycount and places like that is where you earn your wings.

Anonymous No. 944302

>if you're gonna call it shit anyway?
Are you really making art for other people's comments and praise and not for yourself because it's something you want to create? In your case, I guess there really is no point in getting better.
Grow the fuck up. If you're so addicted and starved for attention there's better places to get it than spending time modelling something.
If you're looking for valid critiques, this isn't the place to do it, or at least it isn't if you're looking to be praised for existing.
One will give you valid crits and info, while 3 more will dogpile on you and call it shit because they're worthless jealous crabs who don't model, and are threatened by anyone doing work.
That being said, there's truth in even the worst crit, and you need to figure out what that is. Figure out why it's shit, or just ask them.
Stop being a little baby and posting for compliments. You're not 6 years old.

Anonymous No. 944304

You'd be surprised

Anonymous No. 944315

It's hard to say what the situation is if no one knows what your work looks like. If your work has been called shit many times, it wouldn't hurt as much to have it happen again. Your work may be terrible, but there's a possibility that your work looks nice despite being incompetent on a technical level. If you care more about enjoyment of the craft rather than performance, you may as well go to a different board or website because living up to the standards of some of the posters on this board can be a hard feat to accomplish, because here, even professional work gets called irredeemable shit over tiny flaws that could be fixed easily. The posters on this board value technical prowess over things like appeal, atmosphere, and aesthetics, then whine about how no one on social media wants to pay attention to them.

Anonymous No. 944316


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Anonymous No. 944330

>I've improved: literally sexo tier right now (one of your many other spam threads)
>getting better is pointless
the duality of cris.

nigger we all know you're incapable of improving. stop posting and fucking kill yourself you miserable third-world piece of human garbage

Anonymous No. 944332

Then it's already over, what else can I say :L

Anonymous No. 944336

I don't get this, I'm new here and just saw this, some guy is having fun doing what he likes and you shoot him down like that???

Not cool.

Anonymous No. 944337

Never mind wrong thread.

wait... Are you just spaming this image everywhere?

Anonymous No. 944339


So many exceptional individuals.