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๐Ÿงต Why does my procedural texture stretch like this?

Anonymous No. 949168

I'm using object coordinates.
Is there a way to use object coordinates AND fix this stretching?

Anonymous No. 949171

Might I recommend one of these fine threads?

And this doesn't answer your question, but why don't you just unwrap with automatic cube projection?
If you want a fully procedural and automatic texturing approach, you can always use triplanar mapping.

Anonymous No. 949174

I'm the guy from the second thread you linked Lol. Still learning so bear with me.
Wouldn't there be a loss in quality if i use cube projection uvs?

Anonymous No. 949175

Go fuck yourself and your threads.

Anonymous No. 949177

You haven't provided enough information about your material to answer this question. If you premade a tiling procedural texture, then you should learn to make proper UVs to use that texture effectively.
If you are trying to create a smart material that directly generates unique data for any point in 3d space, object coordinates would be the correct approach, but it's difficult to answer questions about such a material without seeing the node graph.

Anonymous No. 949180

Please don't start a new thread for every question, this board is slow as molasses.
You said this texture was for a game. In which case just bake it to an image and use either triplanar mapping (which is really the only option for areas you can't texture by hand like generated geometry in-engine, but it's really inefficient as it samples the same image 3+ times) like the anon above said, or just manually unwrap your shit like you normally would for buildings. Unless you want to recreate the entire material in-engine procedurally using a shader, which is much slower than even triplanar mapping and is generally a bad idea.