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๐Ÿงต Blender General /BG/

Anonymous No. 948007


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Anonymous No. 948030

>xpbd still isnt out

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Anonymous No. 948031

hi Cris

Anonymous No. 948032

>cris trying to get out infront of someone correctly identifying him as cris so he calls someone else cris
Only cris wouldn't want xpbd and a tetrahedralizer

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Anonymous No. 948048

Hey anons, what's the best way to animate hair in blender? I've tried a few things before like spring bones, cloth Sim, and just animating hair with bones/shape keys before but I always feel like the results also leave a lot to be desired.

Anonymous No. 948164

>logo is literally the white power sign
how did they get away with this?

Anonymous No. 948170


...never be afraid to be yourself!.... never!

Anonymous No. 948200

Confession: I never did the donut tutorial...
it was a different time, anon.
>1994 was (almost) 30 years ago...

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Anonymous No. 948281

exist an archive where someone make a simulation of breast for drawing reference?

Anonymous No. 948317

Does blender worth it to work with?

Anonymous No. 948318

Only if you aren't wanting to do there want.

Anonymous No. 948319

anyone here use boxcutter? i currently updated to 3.5 and can't seem to install it properly. i keep getting retrace error with it.

Anonymous No. 948321

Maybe your boxcutter is outdated? Works fine for me on 7.19

Anonymous No. 948395

i'm using 7.19, too

Anonymous No. 948516

i have an object with an keyframe animation, when i try to scale the object without the animation selected and then select the animation in the action editor it just returns to the previous scale, how can i make it stay?

Anonymous No. 948518

Your keyframe is including scale, so you have to readjust every keyframes scale to match or it will just keep reverting.

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Anonymous No. 948563

Is there any easy way to generate arcs and pilalrs and columns, ideally via curves? Ive only gone through a few basic blender tutorials and never found an option like that, I guess the node compositor could do something like that? I have been working with path effects in 2D vector programs for a while now and wanted to translate it to 3D
All I want to do is experiment with building some skeletenized buildings and stuff like that as a reference for painting over.

Anonymous No. 948567


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Anonymous No. 948577

okay, yeah, that looks cool and all, thanks, but I was really looking more for pillars and arcs that bend along curves or something that creates stress arches along edges.
It doesnt need to be finely crafted, just structurally shaped

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Anonymous No. 948581

try archimesh then, i think it is packed inside blender but you can easily make things like that, the arch tool in the colums sucks but you can use edit mode, the colums are quite basic too so you'll have to work a bit there.

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Anonymous No. 948616

Curves are kind of a pain for gothic arches, you're better off starting with overlapping mesh circles and joining/deleting vertices as needed. Then you can convert that mesh into a curve and use a bevel with a profile curve for details.

Anonymous No. 948702

Ay dudes, I'm trying to make a kind of wispy aura type effect, and I'm wondering if there's a way to adjust the UV position for the different "strands" in this. I'm saying "strands" for convenience, they're not actually hair strands, it's just a normal curve object.

Right now it's a single curve, and I'm using a bevel object (right panel) to add different strands to it. I'd like to use the UV coordinates to drive a noise texture to break the individual strands up, but I don't know where/how to adjust things based on the bevel object. Like ideally, each strand would have different places on the UV so that the breakup isn't the exact same on each of them.

Is this something I can do, or nah? Obviously if I convert it to a mesh I can just adjust things pretty easily that way, but I'd like to keep things procedural for right now while I nail things down.

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Anonymous No. 948703

Fucking hell, I forgot the image.

Anonymous No. 948788

My first SUV design :)

Anonymous No. 948923

shit, meant to ask >>948922 in here

Anonymous No. 948928

I was browsing the frontpage and saw that the post you are linking to had a reply but was the last post of the thread. That was bizzare until I realized the reply was in this thread.

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Screenshot 2023-0....png

Anonymous No. 948948

Can I make part of my mesh disappear during certain pose movements?
Like the mouth pose on the right, the teeth are too in the way, so when the mouth gets narrow I want them to just disappear.

This problem is fucking ungooglable because all the results are people asking how to hide stuff in the editor.

Anonymous No. 948949



Anonymous No. 948951

if the teeth are a separate object put keyframes on the eye and monitor icons in the outliner
if it's all one mesh, add the teeth to a new vertex group, use a mask modifier on that group (there's an invert prop next to the vertex group field if needed), and put keyframes on the eye icon in the modifier header
if you want it to be automatic, use drivers instead of keyframes

Anonymous No. 948953

Shapekey for the fangs of them getting smaller (or just scale them to 0), then add a driver for it based on the mouth. Then just adjust the driver until you get the falloff in the driver editor where you need it, i.e. the fangs don't shrink any time the mouth opens, just when it opens to that extreme.
Mask modifier could also work like the other anon mentioned.

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Anonymous No. 948995

thanks for the help.
I made some shapekeys of the fangs getting smaller because that seems to look good.
I'm researching drivers now but I'm new to blender so it'll take me a while to get it right.

Anonymous No. 949017

Drivers are a nice toe-dip into some more advanced stuff, but they're really useful once you get the hang of it. My advice to you is to not bother with scripted expressions (using complicated math stuff) unless you absolutely have to, since you can adjust the curve handles in the driver editor like you would an F-curve, and get 90-100% where you need it.
There's some pretty complicated stuff you can do with drivers, and they're pretty powerful (especially since you can use a driver on just about any property in Blender), but using 1 simple value to influence another is pretty simple and should be on any user's toolbelt. Custom properties are another good one to learn that goes hand-in-hand with drivers.

Anonymous No. 949161

holy shit why its so hard to slightly deform CAD meshes, i got to the point when i tried to use boolean to carve out shape and shrinkwrap the mesh but both tools are completely broken
is there a way to achieve good shape without spending months polishing a single object or completely anal raping topology?

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Anonymous No. 949182

>deforming meshes made in CAD
>... in Blender

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Anonymous No. 949187


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Anonymous No. 949188

can you guys recommend me any other blender tutorials than blender gurus donut series. Whenever I try it I always get stuck on video 4 with the icing I can never get it to work right.

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Anonymous No. 949192

Any suggestions on binding a macro pad for modeling? I'm learning the ropes with CGBoost and could use some insight on which shortcuts I'll be using most. I've got a Tartarus V2, for reference.

Anonymous No. 949196

Depends. What do you wanna make with blender? Objects? Characters? Horse midget impregnation animations?

Anonymous No. 949199

thats blender in a nutshell
>Rant; yesterday I waste 45min trying to figure out why
and thats pretty much my experience with blender whenever im trying to do something new and thats because most of the tools in blender were made to work in very specific situation. fuckers never go back and fix the old problems

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Anonymous No. 949200

Anyone using the MMD plugin and assets in Blender?
Is there a way to import MMD stages including the lighting?
What materials are you using for the models?

Anonymous No. 949201

never used macro before? you should change hotkeys or set up macro whenever you realize it can save you time and sanity

Anonymous No. 949205

I use macros all the time in digital illustration, I'm just not as familiar with 3D workflows yet so it's a bit overwhelming.
I'll likely figure something out in time, just wanted an idea of what other people are working with so I have something to think about.

Anonymous No. 949213

objects and characters

Anonymous No. 949214

personally, for now i cant imagine where i could possibly utilize macros in blender, but if ill stick with blender for longer, i will build up collection of add-ons and those require tons of different hotkeys

Anonymous No. 949216

Just don't worry about it.
Do some normal modelling and stuff, and pay attention to some of the operations you use and the frequency.
Is it something that you use several times in the span of a minute to 30 mins? Put that shit on there. Is it a jank ass key combo that makes no sense that you also use somewhat frequently? On it goes.
Is it something that isn't an operation, but would alleviate stress on your joints like offloading lmb/rmb/mmb? Slap it in.

The good thing about a programmable pad is that you're the one who knows what's useful to you.

That being said, having some shortcuts on a single button to snap the 3d cursor around (to selection, world origin, or snap selection to cursor) would definitely be something I put on there. So would frequently used modifiers like mirror or bevel.

Anonymous No. 949219

Got it, thanks for the input

Anonymous No. 949244

New SUV design, rendered in Keyshot

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Anonymous No. 949280

fucking fuck in fucking hell
why the boolean difference cant finish its work half of the time, it either doesnt delete the vertices and faces inside the hole or it doesnt do that + it doesnt delete the outer part of copied mesh
it does the connecting and cutting but the manual cleaning is very time consuming with more complicated shapes

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Anonymous No. 949305

Newfag here, I'm trying to make a smooth arch doorframe within this wall. I'm cheating by applying a boolean to the wall and hiding a cube and cylinder where I want the arch to be.
I'm worried that when I port to Unity the meshes wont be hidden.

Should I learn how to do arches properly or can I use this method when porting...

Anonymous No. 949310

Aren't modifiers applied when exporting to other formats? If so, just select the objects you're gonna export, hit export (let's just say .fbx for simplicity), make sure "selected objects" is checked on, and export. As long as you don't have the boolean object selected, it won't be exported with the shit that you do want, and the boolean modifier will be applied to the mesh you did export.
If you're not using .fbx, I'm pretty sure the process is mostly the same with other formats. Just pay attention to the options on your right when exporting to see what you can do.

It would also help in general to learn how to do that stuff properly, since messy bools can make shading errors if you're not careful.

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Wetness not working.png

Anonymous No. 949345

I can't get this wetness shader to work on this particular body.

To explain, Everything except the "Normal Map, Wetness Shader, Principled BSDF, Mix Shader and Yeet" comes with the model.

The idea with the wetness shader is to have it only apply the "wet" effect in accordance with the texture image inserted through "yeet". I've painted the outlying areas, but instead of ONLY applying the wetness effect to the designated area, it applies to the entire body creating a glossy finish that I don't want at all.

Is the mixing wrong? The order? The insertion? I'm stuck.

Anonymous No. 949360

Is there a particular reason that your diffuse texture is ALSO going into the roughness value of the wet shader? I feel like that's the reason it's fucked. Roughness is a 0-1 grayscale image, and you're plugging in a color one of a skin texture. Blender will convert the values to a 0-1 grayscale, but if the skin texture isn't a reasonable value for roughness (which it probably isn't), you'd definitely get issues like you're describing.
Unplug the diffuse texture from the roughness in the wetness, change the value of the shader to like 0.5, and see if the thing works then.

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Leg split 2.png

Anonymous No. 949363

This seemed to do the trick wonderfully. I had to change the Roughness from all black to all white in the Wetness shader, but now there's a different issue altogether. The body is overall split up into several segments with different textures. The main body of the model is it's own texture, and the seam between the thighs and the legs get this weird black aspect to it.

There's also this ugly highlight around the wet-spots that I can't seem to get rid off, no matter how much I tweak the "Border, Wetness, Flooding or Flooding B" parameters.

Anonymous No. 949385

>I had to change the Roughness from all black to all white
I don't know if that's a good idea, as that would make the skin 100% rough, which it shouldn't be if you're going for realism. If it's giving you the issue if you have it at anything but white/1.0, then there's something wrong with the shader.

>and the seam between the thighs and the legs get this weird black aspect to it.
Without seeing your issue I can't really comment. It might be an issue with padding or something maybe.

>There's also this ugly highlight around the wet-spots that I can't seem to get rid off
Looks like it's clamping your textures. So instead of a smooth gradient (that I'm hoping you have in your wetness map), it's crushing the values.

Overall there's a whole bunch going on that I'm not sure about since I don't fuck around with premade shit like that. I don't get why you have both the wetness shader, that I'm assuming has your skin textures and stuff, and then a secondary skin shader that's essentially doing the same thing. Seems like both of those things would fight each other.
In all honesty, I feel like you could accomplish like 90% of what you need by just plugging in your wetness map into the clearcoat part of the Principled shader. Then using a color ramp in between to adjust the strength.

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Anonymous No. 949423

wip geometry nodes that spawn randomized houses along a curve with adjustable variables like house width and density. don't mind the crusty assets, they're placeholders

Anonymous No. 949425

If I wanted to make a small cartoon with 3d characters I will model myself, where do I begin? I'm totally lost.
So I model and rig the characters, then animate? Is that it? Anyone willing to hop on discord and chat about it?

Anonymous No. 949430

How involved are you looking to make it?
If you're going all out, it might help to make some character sheets where you write out important bits about each of the characters, some other documentation about the settings you plan on having, the general premise and background (what happens before leading up to your anim), and of course some sketches of each of your characters and environments.

After that I'd gather up a bunch of reference material to figure out a style, then start modelling the characters.
Once that's done, it might be a good idea to storyboard your animation completely, trying to get story beats and major actions nailed down before you commit to animation. Though you can do this before modelling as well, depending on whether you'd rather storyboard by drawing, or posing models. Storyboarding is also a good place to nail down the dialogue your animation might have, and will give you an idea of what is said and where. Which will give you some material to give to voice actors (if you are using them), and will make it easier to animate since you're syncing the animation to recorded audio and not having an actor sync up with an animation.

Once you're done with all that prep work, then it's time to buckle down and animate.
If you're not doing something as involved, you can probably condense, or even skip some of those steps. I'd still do blockouts/storyboards though, since it's a good way to stay on track and know your progress.

Anonymous No. 949436

How do you render different render layers at different noise thresholds? I'm playing around with motion tracking for an animation and like 90% of the render time is taken up by the background layer.

Anonymous No. 949460

where's a man gotta go to get simplicage pro for free?

Anonymous No. 949461

There's not anything for noise thresholds, but there's a sample value that you can set per layer (in the Overrides section of the view layers panel). The fact that there isn't a noise threshold probably means the devs forgot all about that feature.

Anonymous No. 949463

This discord is associated with vfxmed. They supposedly have a working crack of simplicage pro. Just join and ask in the "requests" channel.

Anonymous No. 949471


Anonymous No. 949472

What time do they usually release this shit? I've been waiting for a few hours already.

Anonymous No. 949473

Can you call me back when they'll release some useful functionality? Also, the alpha has been there for a while. Aside from a few bug fixes/bug additions you're going to get nothing new.

Anonymous No. 949484

Usually the late afternoon/evening EU time
So 3-6 hours from now

Anonymous No. 949486

the biggest thing is the Simulation Nodes, i don't use them so I don't care, they are finishing the refactoring of the Dyntopo mode starting the PBVH texture paint and working in the new brush manager, still no work in the texturing layers / smart materials or the multires, no new retopo tools neither, you still have to use retopoflow.

Anonymous No. 949487

Kind of weird they just forgot but setting samples manually worked pretty well anyway. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 949496

>no new retopo tools neither, you still have to use retopoflow.
They're rewriting some EEVEE code to have better display options IIRC so it'll probably ship with or after 4.0 and EEVEE Next

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Anonymous No. 949498


Anonymous No. 949499


Anonymous No. 949501

Yes, I know about the new overlays, no news about new edit mode tools sadly, neither about the cad mode, you have to use CAD Sketcher.

Anonymous No. 949507

Imagine using retopoflow, while vanilla blender is just better

Anonymous No. 949514

is not

Anonymous No. 949537

Yeah, I had figured you knew about the samples, but were specifically looking for the threshold.
No worries, glad it helped!

Anonymous No. 949538

>Blender now autofocuses on whatever window is hovered over
Jesus fucking Christ it's about time. That shit irritated me to no end. So many times I'd just pop over to one window, and do an action, only for it to not do it because I have to click on it.
Meanwhile tons of other programs do the shit without issue.

Anonymous No. 949542

I've tried topogun it's suck, I've tried retopoflow it's sucks, I've tried quad draw it's bad, Blender Shrinkwrap is the best manual retopology tool out there, i always ignored shrinkwrap until i realized it was real-time, i was able to get a clean topology with only double digit vertices, as far as I'm aware blender is the only one capable of doing this

Anonymous No. 949582

anyone know a good way to utilize view orientation to precisely adjust small mesh? shift + numpad doesnt help half of the time and idk of any way to quickly rotate elements i could use as a guide

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Anonymous No. 949591

Not sure what you're asking. Do you want to create custom orientations?

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Anonymous No. 949599

interesting, but this has the same problem as view orientation
simply I cant use a part of a mesh to create orientation and use the axis for precise movement, i use instances on points and since the curves are so junky i have to adjust every element by hand
what i havent tried yet is using cursors for snapping, but that doesnt help with rotation

Anonymous No. 949612

Anonymous No. 949627

Hello anons. I came from /t/ due to a recommendation. I plan to do 3d modelling and was thinking about a Ryzen 7 5800X but was told Ryzen 7 5700X performs good enough. I checked some videos and apparently does so, but for gaming. I kinda wanna save the money difference. What are you guys opinions?

Anonymous No. 949629

Unless you're planning on doing big simulations you're not going to get a lot of benefits from a powerful CPU. Your GPU will be way more important especially when rendering so get the best NVidia GPU you can and base the rest of your budget around that.

Anonymous No. 949630

I was planning for making just videos and games later, but it will all be amateur work unless I am a genius in modelling. My current GPU chosen is RTX 3060 VENTUS 2X 12G. Of course I'm trying to save some money, since I read a recommendation for RTX 3060 Ti.

Anonymous No. 949631

Friendly reminder that no matter how much money you waste on a GPU, Eevee only supports Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, which is very low quality and it's often unusable and Cycles is unusable for animations because it's way too slow, low quality and the materials don't even match between Eevee and Cycles, so you can't switch between the two midway through a project.

Until the Eevee regression is around, there is no rational reason to spend any money on video cards because they're not going to give you any quality improvement over integrated graphics.

Anonymous No. 949633

Also no matter how much money you waste on a GPU, Eevee shadows are always going to look like Minecraft levels, there are going to be light leaks, contact shadows are going to be sharp and misaligned.

The your video card brand and how much ram does it have is going to nothing to fix any of those issues.

Anonymous No. 949634

What is this Eevee you are talking about?

Anonymous No. 949635

Don't worry about it. Just buy more brand name video cards so Ton can afford a second personal cello player.

Anonymous No. 949647

Spoken like a true retard.
Don't get me wrong, Eevee definitely has some hangups and can be improved, but all of your issues are easily solved with the light probes. Granted it makes the shading static, but realtime rendering solutions rely on baked maps and probes anyway for detailed lighting.
Cycles being slow is a somewhat valid complaint, but it's not too slow if you're not throwing giant scenes at it, which not even professional studios do with other renderers. Passes exist for a reason.
I'm not a fan of either renderer, but your complaints are surface level as if you've rendered a single time and it took longer than a minute and started pouting, so you switched to Eevee and then lost your shit because it didn't look the same and you had to set up the lighting for a different renderer.

If you wanted to complain about something, complain about the shit like energy loss with materials, or the lack of global illumination in Eevee, or even the absence of light linking/groups (though I think that's being tackled in the new version).

Anonymous No. 949650

>all of your issues are easily solved with the light probes
Have you actually tried to use them? Don't call people retard when you are one. Have you seen how slow and low quality light probes are. They also don't work for animations. None of those issues can be "easily solved".

Except if you use Blender 2.7 where those issues are not issues at all because you have real Ambient Occlusione there. Can you explain why?

Anonymous No. 949651

That's right. It's because GPUs are scams that can't even do real Ambient Occlusion, which is mandatory for for any kind of architectural rendering.

So how is Eevee not a regression? Who's profiting from people having to buy expensive video cards that give reduced quality results?

>the lack of global illumination in Eevee
Real Ambient Occlusion as opposed to Screen Space Ambient Occlusion is the simplest form of global illumination.
Eevee does not support real Ambient Occlusion. Blender 2.7 did support real Ambient Occlusion.
So, you're complaining about the same thing I'm complaining about while calling me names.

Anonymous No. 949652

Can you explain this? >>949386 >>949387 Can you explain why there's such a visible regression between 2.7 and 2.8+? The answer is Eevee.

Anonymous No. 949654

>how can a lighter engine introduced in 2.8 not have a features from the full raytracing engine that is still available and with many improvements?

Anonymous No. 949655

Is it actually possible to tweak the friction settings for fluid sim? i have a moving object with liquid splashing on it. Is it possible to make the fluid that has splashed onto the surface to follow it as it moves? It all seems to just slide right off. There aren't any settings i see that can let me fiddle around with this

Anonymous No. 949657

>a lighter engine
With higher hardware requirements. How does that work?

But nevermind. If you don't understand, your deserve your Eevee. Feel free to enjoy it.

Anonymous No. 949665

What happened to all the excitement you had yesterday for the amazing 3.6 release? Did it already fizzle out?

But don't worry because in Blender 4.0 the next big item you're going to get is a Grease Pencil update.
That's right. Not any desperately needed feature, bug fix or UI imporvement.

But don't worry because as long as you have another 20 years of life to spare, I'm sure something good will be coming maybe in Blender 5.0, maybe Blender 6.0? Who knows!

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Anonymous No. 949667

I especially like the polygon-shaped stains on the console, light that abruptly ends in the middle of the floor, that misplaced polygon in the seat and the bad composing of the steering wheel.

Anonymous No. 949684

Holy schizo

That's more than good enough for now. Just start doing tutorials and upgrade once you know what you're doing.

Anonymous No. 949737

Is anyone having fun with the simulation nodes yet?

why did you spend your precious time on this earth making this post instead of making something cool in maya or 3ds?

Anonymous No. 949740

Because I'm a linux user and I don't have any of that nonsense. Instead I'm back-porting the few things I'm interested in (such as the fixes to the Cloth sim) back to Blender 2.79
Because looking at Eevee makes me depressed and also because of responsiveness of the UI.

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Anonymous No. 949772

Is it possible to see Vertices and Edges in Sculpt mode?

Anonymous No. 949773

Not vertecies, but you can turn on the "wireframe" and "all edges" in the object's viewport properties, which display in sculpt mode.

Anonymous No. 949780

Appreciate the response!
Roger that on wireframe, but i found the "All Edges" in Object properties -> Viewport Display... but doesn't really seem to do anything. I'm guessing there isn't a way to see edges during sculpt mode and still have Solid and Material Preview modes on? Googling isn't bring up anything.

Anonymous No. 949783

>more render cycles
>more grease pencils
>more nodes
Sculptors are trying to exodus to Blender. Maxon handed sculpting to them on a silver platter on top of Zbrush being pseudo 3D with fake lighting. Take the goddamn opportunity.

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question vertice ....jpg

Anonymous No. 949844

Noticed while weight painting and editing that there's a copy button for a specific vertice's weights. How does one paste that data onto a different vertice? I tried clicking the individual paste buttons next to eachbone here, but nothing happens.

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Anonymous No. 949846

Not sure what to tell you, mine works. Even in material preview.

Anonymous No. 949849

>I've tried quad draw it's bad
Based take.

Anonymous No. 949865

It's not a "copy, then paste" type of deal here. What it does is copy the weights from the "active selected vertex" (generally the last one you select, the one that's white as opposed to orange by default) to the rest of the selected vertices.

Anonymous No. 949875

Any Shader people here?

How do you emulate PS2-style aliasing and texture blur?

Anonymous No. 949881

is there a reliable way to use boolean only to remove vertices and nothing more? i have ~20 identical elements after going through boolean intersect, but i need them to be open as if it they were done after boolean difference

Anonymous No. 949883

you can see vertices you are aiming at when using yellow tools

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Anonymous No. 949891

Here's a geo node setup for deleting the intersection of a difference boolean. I think that's what you want if I'm interpreting your post right...

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Screenshot 2023-0....png

Anonymous No. 949926

What's the quick rundown on hardware ray tracing for AMD and Intel GPUs in 3.6? Are non-Nvidia GPUs decent choices for Blender now?

Anonymous No. 949927

Can substance painter be obtained for a substantial "discount" iykwim?

Anonymous No. 949930


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Anonymous No. 949969


Anonymous No. 950041

Yes. If you know where to look.
Used to have a student version for free, but since Adobe took over they don't do that anymore. Nowadays you have to sail the high seas.

Anonymous No. 950098

I see what you mean, thanks for the tip captain.

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Anonymous No. 950128

Is there a way to get a single pixel brush working in Image Editor mode? I'm at the lowest, but as you see, single clicks make dots with a 2 pixel radius.

Also, I noticed Erase Alpha doesn't follow the Constant fallout. Although I haven't looked into the settings much there, yet.

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Screenshot (446).png

Anonymous No. 950137

why the fuck is my doughnut missing a section? How would I got about fixing this?

Anonymous No. 950141

With Blender, how do you assign a certain set of vertices to a different image? Like 2D eyes for example; I don't want them to use the same image as the rest of the model.

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Anonymous No. 950142

With the model selected, you go to the material tab, add or create the material for the eyes.
While in Edit mode, select the vertices for the eyes and click Assign in Materials

Anonymous No. 950143


Anonymous No. 950149

How to you render a viewport animation as a video? Like, I specifically want a viewport render but it only gives me the option to save an image.

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Anonymous No. 950150

It's an option in the viewport you want to render

Anonymous No. 950160

Lighter because it can produce a noiseless image in a few seconds instead of several minutes. But if you don't like eevee, just use cycles in 3.6 or whatever

Anonymous No. 950163

>it can produce a noiseless image in a few seconds instead of several minutes
Meaningless statement.

Anonymous No. 950463

Does the new pack of base model assets come with bones so you can pose them or do you still have to spend the time rigging them?

Anonymous No. 950464

Is there anyway to get 3ds Max levels of retopology in Blender?

I just tried 3ds Max for the first time after years of using Blender and holy shit, the retopology modifier in Max is unbelievable.

Anonymous No. 950484

there isn't.
Pay vs free software at its finest.

Anonymous No. 950486

>texture painting
>every time I need to blur something I need to save texture, open it in krita and blur it, then go back to blender to reload texture
seriously, who the fuck made the blur tool. It's so slow it's unusable and it leaves some weird artifacts after using it

Anonymous No. 950488

using blender's texture painting tool is like trying to eat cereal with a fork. Just because Dave Ramsey says it will help you save money on your grocery bill doesn't mean you should do it.

Anonymous No. 950495

Ohhhhhhhh okay. I wouldn't have thought of that on my own.
Does this tool work between two different objects that are both selected and in Edit mode?

Anonymous No. 950498

From what I have seen:

Anonymous No. 950506

In Blender the remesh tab that is under the object properties is different from the remesh modifier.
The difference being that the Remesh modifier doesn't work, the remesh under the object properties uses quadrifow. The voxel mode is useful sometimes if you want to fuse objects made of multiple parts.

I'm also surprised that you remesh maniacs never mention:
which is pretty much the best.

However, keep in mind that re-meshing, re-topo-ing and so on is never useful in practice except maybe to satisfy your all quads obsession.

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Anonymous No. 950507

Quadriflow standalone:
If you want it, but that's the same thing that's already included in Blender.

Anonymous No. 950508

Because, see, the Blender developers are trying to trick you by giving you a modifier that doesn't work at all and making it more visible and more accessible to hide the good stuff that barely works instead.
But now you're wise to their tricks.

Anonymous No. 950510

With rigging, let's say my character's eyes are 2D planes, and the irises are circles placed on those eye planes.
What is the simplest way for the irises(circles) to track an eye target? Keep in mind they are not on a spherical eyeball.

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Anonymous No. 950511

Why would anybody want to retopo/remesh when superior tools such as Decimate exist?

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Desktop 2023(11x9).webm

Anonymous No. 950513

To clarify: I'm talking about fixing this.

Anonymous No. 950516

You can set the bone/origin point really far back, so the eye more-or-less pans around the socket. Just limit the range so it stays inside.

Anonymous No. 950520

I would love an answer to this. I don't think they do, and it would be fine but it seems rigify also doesn't match it directly lol. You'd think they'd match the size and pose with the rigify default at minimum.

Anonymous No. 950556

can't even tell if trolling or serious anymore

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Anonymous No. 950564

But I hear you say: "but decimated models can't be posed and animated".
They can. Decimate carries over your weight paint just fine. As long as you have enough resolution left, you're fine.

But then you say: "but my edge loops need to coincide with my creases".
No, they don't. In fact a topology that renders well and a topology that deforms well are two orthogonal things. You can't have both.

But then you say: "but I need to solve the puzzle of topology to please my gods".
In order too properly please your gods, you need to buy a cello, learn to play it and perform at the Blender Foundation. That's the proper way.

I wish I was.

Anonymous No. 950587

Your shit is going to get fucked if you're rigging to an armature that has weight sliders

Anonymous No. 950588

Good thing I don't even know what weight sliders are.

Anonymous No. 950598

And yet here you are, filling the thread with underdeveloped opinions without a drop of concern.

Anonymous No. 950622

is that blenderkit thing safe to use? is anyone using it?

Anonymous No. 950624

No, a command prompt opens up for a split second every time I boot up my pc now and it generally runs slower. You will get malware

Anonymous No. 950653

>underdeveloped opinions
That's one of the weakest insults I've ever received.

Anonymous No. 950658

Does anyone here use Auto-Rig Pro?

Why doesn't the addon allow you to use leg FK bones?

Anonymous No. 950667

Extrude the middle point down the z axis and then fill with two faces

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Anonymous No. 950669

Some dumb questions:
How would I make a render like these (not necessarily animated):

I'm also wondering if you can render stuff like alcohol ink or paint marbling.

Anonymous No. 950672

Easiest way is probably dynamic paint and displacement with dynamic subdiv in the shader.
It's also an excellent excuse for a geonodes simulation zone if you absolutely want to have the paint be it's own geometry.
You can first measure the volume of the paint by converting the paint mesh to volume, distribute points in volume, points to volume, volume to mesh for output and in the simulation zone move the points according to geometry proximity with the brush object.

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Anonymous No. 950685

Can someone tell me what setting I need to use or check or whatever to make this like it appears to be when I watch tutorials and stuff?

I'm trying to practice and work on making armor/clothes/retopo/whatever this leads to.

But if I follow a tutorial I just run into problem after problem it seems like lol. The current one is that once I set up the mirror modifier, shrinkwrap modifier, and snap to face when I'm in edit mode the vertices don't cling to the object like they do outside of edit mode and it's really hard to shape around an object from a distance and obviously when looking at youtube videos and stuff this is never the case. So what am I doing wrong?

This is blender 3.6 BTW, although I still have 3.5 installed. I was going to practice on the new human asset pack bundle body. Pic related.

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on cage.png

Anonymous No. 950687

Press this button

Anonymous No. 950688

Thanks dude!

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Anonymous No. 950691

Thanks again, now I just need to practice and figure out how to design armor pieces I guess. Went ahead and made this freestyle off that base orb I was testing with real quick.

Anonymous No. 950692

reminder that using mirror modifier is dishonest cheating

Anonymous No. 950698

using modifiers in any way, shape, or form is dishonest soul

Anonymous No. 950700

I literally only have 3DS Max license for
1) Using their retopology tools
2) Checking .fbx exports work properly.
All other modelling is done in Blender because it feels easier for me.

Don't be a purist. Literally any professional 3D generalist will happily move between programmes and I've never met a collegue who had the almost religious fervour that some people here seem to have for their own particular favourite 3d programme.

Anonymous No. 950713

Are there good workflows for making clothing quickly? I usually sculpt them, because sewing works like ass 99% of the time and is too difficult to get a good, optimized (for video games) result.
I can make human base meshes without many difficulties, even if I'm not extremely good at it, but I get cockblocked from making a good, final result, by clothing.

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Anonymous No. 950715

I HATE rigify in every way possible. It's way too bloated, user unfriendly, and my own custom made rigs are always better with their strategic use of IK constraints and Auto IK

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Anonymous No. 950716

Cloth simulation and stitching.
There's the cloth weaver plugin which basically sells you the workflow for 50 bucks so don't buy it.
What you do is create planar meshes and stitch them together. You probably want better topology than picrel but apart from that this is the concept.
It's possible to create pretty detailed clothing with multiple parts that way and use them on multiple character meshes by just re-running the simulation.

Anonymous No. 950718

>sewing works like ass 99% of the time
You proper topology and low res meshes and it works fine. You're not supposed to create details like wrinkles or folds with it just the overall shape.
If you don't like to waste time sculpting details in get good with geometry nodes.

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Anonymous No. 950744

>me who uses like 4 of them to model the barest minimum of the object

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Anonymous No. 950757

Just started giving blender a try again (last time was in like 2011). Glad to see they finally fixed that ass backwards interface. I can now actually do basic things without needing to look up a tutorial for even the simplest shit.

how do I fix the render window from being larger than my screen? picrel

Anonymous No. 950765

Windows key + right arrow?

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Anonymous No. 950771

cool that'll do it for now.

Anyone know why picrel is colliding with the ramp but not the tub? They're the same object/hierarchy so I dunno why the physics would apply to one part but not the other

Anonymous No. 950772

forgot to say thanks......thanks!

Anonymous No. 950774

i can no longer deselect an object by just clicking no objects, where do i find this setting? i have select box and set to new selection

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Anonymous No. 950780

Okay, so I imported an image as a plane using bpy, but unfortunately what I really want is a plane with two different images (both are of the same resolution btw) on its opposite faces and I don't know how to do this. How do I do this using python bpy?


Code for anyone who is interested >>>/g/94541478.
/g/ and /3/ are both slow but I'm going to geuss that someone on /g/ will answer my question before anyone here. Idk, I appreciate any help regardless.

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Anonymous No. 950783

Not sure about the code, but the material of the plane would have to look something like this. The 'backfacing' socket on the geometry node can be used as a factor for a Mix Shader.
Again, I don't know if you can automate this with a script. But you could save this material template as an asset maybe.

Anonymous No. 950786

Thanks, I'll definitely look into this further.

Anonymous No. 950794

is blender good enough for character animation that i shouldn't install maya? i'm making character animation and i want to export it into unity to test some procedural stuff like changing the proportions of the rig but still reading the same data properly.

Anonymous No. 950795

If you have to ask then it's good enough.

Anonymous No. 950805

also this only happens in my specific project, opening a new project doesn't do this

Anonymous No. 950807

I don't think this is even a setting that can be changed. Make a back-up copy of your project, delete absolutely everything in it, make a cube, and test if it happens again

Anonymous No. 950809

>Code for anyone who is interested >>>/g/94541478.
>/g/ and /3/ are both slow but I'm going to geuss that someone on /g/ will answer my question before anyone here. Idk, I appreciate any help regardless.
/g/ is way faster than /3/

Anonymous No. 950837

how do you snap vertices to the center axis of a model that has a mirror modifier applied to it? i don't want to use the merge threshold because it doesn't affect the original mesh and i can still see it all offset, which is annoying as fuck.

Anonymous No. 950862

Can't you just use the local coordinates in edit mode instead of global ones?
Depending on your mirror axis (let's say X), you can just move the point to local 0 on the x axis in the "N" menu.
Apart from that, there's always just having the 3d cursor at the origin and scaling to 0 on the given axis with "3d cursor" set for the transform pivot point. I'd suggest that method before the other one.

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Anonymous No. 950865

How do I make the more intricate details on stuff like this?

Anonymous No. 950866

Normal maps.

Anonymous No. 950869

Curves snapped to the surface with normal blending

Anonymous No. 950870

Like curves with skin modifier so they are thick?

Anonymous No. 950873

Curves with a custom bevel profile
Then you convert them to meshes, select the faces which are close to the mesh's surface, add them to a vertex group and use the DataTransfer modifier to copy the armor's normals to the vertex group

Anonymous No. 950874

Thanks dude, I've done something similar with the draw tool to create vines before.

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Anonymous No. 950893

Another question from this retard....

How do I get the armor to match the armature deforms accurately? As you can see in pic related the armor is fine in the default pose I modeled it around but when I try to parent it to the rig and go to this frame of the pose it's not accurate and for some reason the curve bevels I added don't seem to follow at all (even when converted to mesh and joined into one object).

Anonymous No. 950897

Your probably don't want the armor to actually deform, right? I mean like bending. You just want the individual pieces to follow the bone it would be attached to. The armor should be separated into individual pieces and use bone parenting, not vertex groups/weights.

Anonymous No. 950918

noob question, so i did some basic animations in blender before where i basically modeled a human in tpose and then added a simple armature and automatic weight painted it
it's fine for very basic animations, but how do i do something like animation where i want the character to have bouncy boobs when walking or animate some benis in vegana action since i can't exactly just do that with ordinary basic bones i have been using
how are these things usually done?

Anonymous No. 950919

The only think blender is good at is making a dรณnut anything else it suck if you Want something good learn cinema 4d industry standard.

Anonymous No. 950924

shouldnt you be trying to hide the fact that you are trying to shill overpriced software?

Anonymous No. 950932

how does blender compare to other software for animating?
i really want to get into animating stuff, and blender is free which is great
but i have to say i am super demotivated by seeing the rapid progress of AI, it seems like learning modeling and animating is a waste of time since these skills will be deprecated by AI in matter of just few years, so literally the exact same time i would get good at it would be the time for AI to put me out of a job

Anonymous No. 950935

any way to make the road travel move or at least look fast? I know about keying it with more distance in less time but it cuts down the runtime too much, unless I make the road even longer

Anonymous No. 950939

Wider fov on the chase shot, lower camera so it's closer to the ground (like flying games where you look slow high up, but really fast when you're low), motion blur, more inertia/follow through on the tank that's running away with some quicker movement from left/right (you've got some good touches on the 1st cut and last turn)... and for GOD'S SAKE, keep the camera a single speed when chasing, cut to a chase cam with the chase cam already moving (you can have it start slower than the tank and catch up so you have that "tank coming past" shot), and cut to a better camera that shows the action when the tank drifts out of it at the end like you have at the start for a nice bookend and to make the action a bit more dynamic.
I'd also maybe make the road a few blocks longer, but I think you can sell the speed a bit better with those suggestions above. Adding more blocks will work, but it won't sell the speed any better without better cinematography.

Also, your tank shells are moving way to fuckin slow during the chase shot, they look like you could run faster than them irl.
I recommend looking at some impactful chase scenes in other movies and take note of interesting things they do to sell the speed. A lot of times they're not actually going faster than 30 mph.
For what it's worth, I think the 1st camera and action are alright, they just need a bit better pacing. The big tank takes a tiny bit too long to come into frame after the smaller one zips off, which makes it seem like the small one would be way further down the road by the time the big one stops and lines up the shot. Some more polished movement overall would help the scene immensely, but if you're a beginner do what you're capable of doing and don't sweat the small stuff if you're over your head.

Hope it helps!

Anonymous No. 950941

Yeah that's what I'm going for but it doesn't seem to be working properly when I parent object to the bone.

Anonymous No. 950945

yea the shells during the chase shot are placeholder while I figure out how to make the driving better first
but I'll try your suggestions, thanks
I have little over a year in animation experience but never in this kind of thing

Anonymous No. 950959

So I got it working by doing the process of:

>duplicate bone I want it connected to ie shoulder
>rename it to pauldron or whatever
>set the bones parent to the original bone
>now select pauldron in object mode then select rig
>in pose mode select the new pauldron bone and ctrl p to bone

It's working but that seems like so many extra steps for no reason, is that really the method?

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Rally Drift.webm

Anonymous No. 950961

>I have little over a year in animation experience but never in this kind of thing
No worries, I feel like all I do is animate cars, so I figured I could share a few tips that I had to figure out the hard way.
The biggest thing is to think about how it would be filmed irl. So generally it'd be a lead vehicle or a chase vehicle with a bunch of cameras attached to it. Generally these are pretty low to the ground. You do get aerial drone shots from time to time, but I feel like a lot of these are more for wide angle shots that show more context to the rest of the scene (like footage from a police heli) than chasing the vehicle from behind.
A nice little thing that I like to do to accentuate turns a bit is to angle the camera, but be careful to not go overboard with it.

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Screenshot 2023-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 950963

Hey guys,
how the DICKS do you get Weight Paint to have a wireframe mode. Purpose is to designate mask areas for weight painting. I set it to wireframe mode and can't figure this shit out. Box selecting the surface isn't enough for me here. And I swear, if its some EZ mode answer, i'm going to feel like a
[spoiler] billy [/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 950969

sure, I'll try that
and I'll see how it looks from the front as well

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Anonymous No. 950970

>how the DICKS do you get Weight Paint to have a wireframe mode
Like this?

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Screenshot 2023-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 950972

Not quite. Unless I'm missing another option.
So in edit mode, know how you can go to wireframe mode to box or circle select through the mesh?

Does that exist while in WeightPaint mode for masking?

Anonymous No. 950973

Does that lag less in versions >3.4?
Runs like shit on my machine, despite having a good home rig.

I rather just use Marvelous Designer and deal with the bullshit controls. I swear to god, its going to take an overlord AI to give us similar controls on Blender, MD, Zbrush, SubPaint, etc...

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Anonymous No. 950974

i love meshmachine & machinetools but wtf is machin3 thinking when making curvemachine? did he not realize that blender already has existing feature but better? is he running out of ideas?? i can replicate his 10$ addons using built in addon curve tools, can someone tell me what makes curvemachine so special?

Anonymous No. 950986

By the looks of it, fillets aren't the only thing you can do, but I agree it doesn't seem to add much to what's already in blender. You can do procedural fillets with simple geometry nodes, which I think has way more use cases than whatever destructive shit Machin3 is doing.

Anonymous No. 951014

What tutorials would you recommend for learning how to make low-poly game scenery assets?

Anonymous No. 951026

can someone explain what PBVH means? I've been looking for 10 minutes now and I still have no fucking idea...

not as far as I know... you can select the geo you want masked in edit mode and switch back to weight paint. It's really frustrating how with the selection tool in weight paint mode is so barebones, you can't select loops, backfaces in xray mode or expand your selection either

Anonymous No. 951057

That's a shame. Highly advise you and others to give Marvelous Designer a try. It runs so smooth despite doing so much. I haven't tried 3DS or ZBrush before though. So no idea if they can do cloth stuff better.

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duck this.jpg

Anonymous No. 951068

had a similar issue with soft body ducks instead of a fluid, it seems that if the faces are too close, they can go through (not sure, i'm still learning)

I found no way to make a box work and just added random stuff and tested a bit until it worked...

Anonymous No. 951081

You should be able to parent them to the original bones, idk what you are doing wrong. Didn't you maybe invert the parent/child relationship?

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nodes points.png

Anonymous No. 951082

Quick dumb question. But how do I change the size of these points? I tried googling it 10 different ways, but I get a ton of interference, because I don't know how to word it in a way the search engine understands. But basically, the odd lumps here are those points that show up for geometry node, when you distribute points onto a mesh, or convert a mesh into points. Except, they're WAY to fucking large. How do I scale them down to a reasonable size? I already tried the Set Point Radius node. It can make them bigger, but not smaller. But I'm pretty sure there was a better solution than that. I just don't remember what it was.

Anonymous No. 951084

>I already tried the Set Point Radius node. It can make them bigger, but not smaller.
It works fine for me, you must be trying to scale a duplicate set of points that are overlapping, which make it look like the points can only get bigger

Anonymous No. 951085

Fuck, you're right. I was. How the hell did you even guess that?
Anyway, thanks.

Anonymous No. 951086


Anonymous No. 951089

If I do that the armor pieces fly off to a different spot and the origin is no longer attached to the body. ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

Anonymous No. 951091

Where do you find alphas for paint brushes? Spent a week trying to find some textures to use for brushes when texture painting but can't find anything in the right format or free.

Anonymous No. 951093

shit was meant for >>950972

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Anonymous No. 951115

So I'm a complete beginner, no tutorials or nothing just opened blender and wanted to make a cool roman helmet. I worked off a reference image. I know it's shit but it's at least mine, and I want to add some cool textures and shiny metal effects. I know there's "materials", and I've figured out how to make a texture, but how do I make it so certain parts are shiny, for example. Also, bump maps, can I add those?

In general, how do I "fake" a lot of detail without actually having to model it? I'm talking scratches, metal effect, dirt, etc. Like I don't even know what to google.

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edge wear.png

Anonymous No. 951129

with shader nodes you can mask certain areas, merge procedural effects and output them on your model based off the geometry rather than unwrapping it, you still need a retopologized mesh to bake your texture afterwards though

for example using the "pointiness" output from the "geometry" shader node, you can make it so rust/grime/wear only appears on sharp edges or in cavities

it's really fun to play with when you get the hang of it but I'd recommend a shader nodes tutorial because it's not exactly intuitive and pretty daunting at first

it's been ages since I watched any tuts so I'm afraid I can't recommend any off the top of my head

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Anonymous No. 951136

I'm mainly learning to model (aside from it being a fun hobby) to mod games. Now, I understand that every game does things slightly differently, but I want to stay conservative. I'm guessing a model + UV map + base texture + bump map is going to be something all games understand. Somehow I have to get all that fancy shader node stuff out of Blender into a file that can be understood by something else, and I don't know how to do that. I *do* know how to drag and drop texture files though!

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blender texture p....webm

Anonymous No. 951142

Will blender ever be able to texture paint in 3D space like substance painter?
- as in your brush is painting onto the geometry, and will wrap around the topology, rather than projecting it into everything like a flashlight.
I never hear anyone talk about this in blender texture tutorials, yet I feel like it's one of the major things it's lacking at the moment
I know about normal falloff and occlusion and all that, but that doesn't help that much
I don't understand how this exact paint method is implemented in sculpt and vertex paint - but not the texture paint mode.
anyone know the exact term of this thing? It might make it easier to search up on.
>inb4 just use masks

in the meantime anyone know a decent torrent for substance painter?
my good old student license ain't working anymore

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moai bake.png

Anonymous No. 951150

that's the beauty of it!
you can generate your normalmap, roughness, metallic, base colour or anything else from the end result of your shader nodes - either onto itself or a low-poly version
pic related is a high-poly sculpt textured only with a shader tree material, and next to it is the retopologized version with a seperate materieal that uses actual PNG textures that I baked from the high poly meshes shader result

baking textures is a bit of a mess on, you're gonna get weird errors if the two meshes are misaligned, and the textures don't actually save when you save the blend file which is dumb as hell (you have to edit - save all images in the 2d view) - and blender's method of baking is extremely tedious compared to substance painter unless you mess about with addons, but personally I like to understand how the base version works before installing a complicated tool.

you're right about the pipeline though, I don't know anyone who actually converts their shader tree into a game engine, and even then they're usually tech artists who know the process inside and out - and at that point you're basically programming your own shader.

I found a decent video going through the process, might save some headache with finding where to start.

Anonymous No. 951156

how do i split something apart?
for example lets say i model an ass as a solid pice and i want to cut the verts in the middle so i can spred them apart and create the asshole, how can i do that?

Anonymous No. 951177

Y in edit mode should split verts.... or it's V.
I always get confused, but it's one of the two.

Anonymous No. 951185

knife tool

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Anonymous No. 951193

>So I'm a complete beginner, no tutorials or nothing just opened blender

Anonymous No. 951235

What's the point of doing it in code anyway? isn't that just harder?

Anonymous No. 951243

From what I've heard, Maya is much better for animation. If you have access to it through school or piracy or w/e, it's probably worthwhile if you're serious about animation

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Anonymous No. 951245

i cant model the back rest, send help. when i adjust top view the front view goes off and when i adjust the front view its hard to model the side view

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Pasted image 2022....png

Anonymous No. 951250

Properly split up your reference image instead of having just one plane?

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Anonymous No. 951251

Vellus hairs align with pores which are arranged roughly in a hexagonal grid with creases running between them. How the FUCK do you do this in blender???

If I do the pores and creases with displacement shaders, them I'm SOL for getting the hairs to align. The reverse could be done with point density except for the cubic memory cost. Trying geonodes, my only two ideas have been a bust. If I try distributing points on the mesh and using proximity to store the distance and/or coordinates of the closest point in a vertex attribute, the shading looks like an abstract mess unless I pump up subdivisions going IN to the modifier, but for a character mesh, I want to be using adaptive subdivision to minimise unnecessary micro-geometry. I also can't figure how to connect the pores with creases in that method. Alternatively, I copy the mesh, triangulate and use the vertices and edges to form the creases, but that leaves me with the problem of how do I "pillow" the mesh between these creases without subdividing the mesh to absurdity again. As an aside, there's the problem of placing hairs individually to spots, since I'd rather use the hair system and its physics than build from scratch in particle nodes.

FUCK blender why can I never do random shit like this without some stupid gotcha?

Anonymous No. 951256

>since I'd rather use the hair system and its physics
Why the fuck would you need physics for that?
Just bake your displacement map and use it in geonodes with an image texture node to place your hair.

Anonymous No. 951263

>or it's V.
perfect, exactly what i needed, thanks
i wish blender UI wasn't so trash so the only way to find about existence of functions like this weren't by somebody randomly mentioning them to me

Anonymous No. 951264

I'm getting into animation and despite it not being really hard, you just pose and record a keyframe, i find it incredibly tedious and borderline suicide inducing. I wanted to do a 10 minute animation and i will be glad if is retain my mental sanity after a 1 minute one.

Anonymous No. 951267

The hair system has grooming which is nice, and vellus hairs do react to the air so physics is also nice to have.
>image texture node to place your hair
Genuinely how? Trying to drive placement via density input hasn't worked as far as I've tried - not unless I want multiple hairs per pore.
>bake displacement
This is good tho, thanks. I'll give it a try. Didn't think to try this route.

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Anonymous No. 951282

i must be retarded but i can't fucking find the rig tools addon anywhere i checked the offical site and blender addons site and it's nowhere to be found. All i found is the main paid one, but no traces of the free one they mention here.

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Anonymous No. 951287

nope i did that i just suck ass in modelling whenever weird ass curves come. my brain cant computer how to transition from the front view to the side view to adjust the verticies

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Anonymous No. 951298

Okay, so I've hacked together some code to do just what you said and this shit doesn't let me do material previews. This is despite the fact that I did it manually and material previews worked just fine before. Here is the code:
I don't fucking know why either, it's actually sending me over the edge. Maybe somebody here can try it out himself in the script window; just change the image paths if you do obviously (ideally the images you use should be two distinct images of the same resolution).
It's just faster and also reusable in the end which I consider to be worth it.

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Anonymous No. 951301

There's menus that are perfectly visible. Just like any other program.
Unlike any other program, hovering over the operation tells you what it does and what button to press.
Blender's UI isn't among the best, but don't blame it in this case because you weren't willing to open up menus that you'd open and look through in any other program.

Anonymous No. 951316

Yeah, maybe I'm just coping about my own lack of experience but that's just a little too good for me to believe that someone just opened it and made something that good. Unless they mean this is their first time with blender specifically and they have experience with some other tool instead.

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Anonymous No. 951319

Hello, what is the effect called when a 3D model or something continuously gets more defined, until the human eye cannot tell the difference till a certain point.

I remember there was this diagram about how a statue of a head getting more and more detailed until it you couldn't tell anymore details from it from a certain point.

If you could provide the image of above it would be great.

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Anonymous No. 951327

noob here
how do I make it smooth instead of angular?

Anonymous No. 951328

User smooth shading, right click it and it should work, you can also try applying ting the subdivision or skin modifier or some other modifier.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 951332

How do I bake something big onto a simple flat surface, like in pic related? I don't remember the method.

Anonymous No. 951334

Can't you just render an image?
If you need it like in orthographic view, just set the camera as such in the camera settings.

Anonymous No. 951335

Lmao I'm retarded, thank you

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Anonymous No. 951337

bit better

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Anonymous No. 951339

how come i don't see that when i select verts?

Anonymous No. 951341

subdivision surface

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Anonymous No. 951342

I started learning to model and animate in blender and i am having fun but i gotta say it's hard to keep the coming AI doom out of my mind. I can't help myself but think i am just wasting my time, because it takes several years of consistent practice to get really good at this and at the same time several years is about the time AI will be able to do all this and much better and faster than humans. The same way midjourney is crushing drawfags, we will be next.
How do i keep my morale up in times like these?

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Anonymous No. 951343

Is there any easy way to concatenate two motion capture animations that have location keys on the the root bone?

Anonymous No. 951344

The code doesn't even work for me even though I set up the paths correctly. It just resets the scene to only a camera, which I don't know why you're doing anyway if you want to import something into an existing scene.
>It's just faster and also reusable in the end which I consider to be worth it.
Just save the double-sided material as an asset, learn how the asset browser works if you haven't already. You don't need an entire script to do this.

Anonymous No. 951350

That's the only way it could possibly make any sense. There's no way someone is opening blender off the bat first time user and going "ah yeah I know and understand modifiers"

Anonymous No. 951351

If you want the cylinder portion to be even smoother maybe add some loop cuts

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Anonymous No. 951354

> The code doesn't even work for me even though I set up the paths correctly.
Run the code again and look at the shading tab. If you click on the material for the leaf object you should see a set up that looks like this >>950783 (although you have to move the nodes around to get it to look like that because they spawn in all on top of one another) which is the one that you need to make a plane with two faces. In a sense the code sort of works but it doesn't for some reason (hence my confusion and need for help).
> It just resets the scene to only a camera, which I don't know why you're doing anyway if you want to import something into an existing scene.
I don't want it to import stuff into the existing scene, I want the ability to run it a couple times without it piling up a bunch of garbage into my scene so I need I used a function to clear some stuff away first but the function also deletes the camera so I added the camera back in later. Also, I guess you're talking about the rendering? Right now I'm more concerned with making sure it works. The render preview function isn't working, it just makes the bottom of the plane brown for what reason I don't know.
> Just save the double-sided material as an asset, learn how the asset browser works if you haven't already. You don't need an entire script to do this.
I don't know how the asset browser works but I'm going to guess you can only save *particular* models as assets; but I don't see how that would help me when what I want is a way to automate generating planes for any two images of the same dimensions so that one image is one face and another image is on the other. I guess if I knew how to change the textures and dimensions of said asset in python I could still automate it but unfortunately it seems impossible to get the plane to be the correct dimensions for a particular picture. I think the dimension depend on a pixels to blender meter conversion which also relies on the resolution of the screen? idk.

Anonymous No. 951355

>The code doesn't even work for me even though I set up the paths correctly. It just resets the scene to only a camera
Wait a minute, you should also see a plane. Do you have the addon import image as plane enabled? I think that might also fuck shit up if you don't have it. My blender version is 3.5 or something.

Anonymous No. 951356

I got your script working by using a different format for the path, could be a differences in operating systems, I don't know. I'm using windows. Everything seems to work like expected now. Can you take a screenshot of your problem? I don't know what you mean by the bottom of the plane looks brown, or even what window/area you're looking in

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Anonymous No. 951357

I don't get it. I am watching videos on topology and the guy went through this laborous process to do all this shit just to extrude those 3 ridges from the face at the end. look at all that extra edge stuff at the top.. why?
Why not just do it the way i did it at the bottom left where you just split the face and extrude the ridges?

Anonymous No. 951358

I'm guessing the guy in the video is restricting himself to quads only. Your model isn't quads only, it has N-gons.

Anonymous No. 951359

why does that matter though?

Anonymous No. 951360

>why does that matter though?
It doesn't and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Anonymous No. 951361

If you're autistic, it matter a lot. n-gons can easily cause sensory overload because not knowing exactly how many sides a polygon has is unacceptable, so you have to count them manually every time.

Anonymous No. 951362

And just a quick reminder that Pixar does no recommend any ALL QUADS topology:
Only cello players at the Blender Foundation do.

Anonymous No. 951363

It's cleaner, makes editing complex meshes easier, won't have as many shading issues, will subdivide in a predictable way, will deform properly.

Anonymous No. 951364

where do i find that tool he uses to basically paint a square on the face of the cube and pull it out as extrusion?
Normally i would have to create a cube and then merge it with boolean modifier but he somehow does it directly with a mouse

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 951365


Anonymous No. 951367

It's not Boxcutter I should've actually looked at the UI before jumping to the first conclusion

Anonymous No. 951369

Anyone having issues with blender crashing sometimes with 3.6 and then being unable to reopen afterwards?

Anonymous No. 951370

Try 4.0 alpha from:
3.6 crashes for me too. The alpha is more stable.

Anonymous No. 951371

Damn there's already a 4.0? I thought 3.6 was supposed to be a consistent version for a while.

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Anonymous No. 951374

Nevermind >>951343 I've already figured it out by myself.

Anonymous No. 951377

Which program is this?

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Anonymous No. 951378

Blender with some Mixamo motion capture data.

Anonymous No. 951380

If you really believe what you've said, I feel bad for you. You've been deceived by evil tutorial makers.
If you like to mislead other people, then there's a special place in hell (i.e. this board) for you.

Anonymous No. 951381

Hmm I hadn't heard of mixamo, is the cost worth it for animations? You could essentially pay once and have the rigs forever right? I see it's adobe so I know it's possible it's bullshit.

Anonymous No. 951382

It's free. It also auto rigs and auto weight paint your models.
The hard part is to use the NLA editor in Blender to chain several motion capture data. Let me tell you it's hard.

Anonymous No. 951385

Interesting, more difficult than just doing it all from scratch? I just used the new default blender asset pack for models this might make bunch of my animations easy I dont need too many

Anonymous No. 951389

If you don't like Adobe there's also:
It's a lot of free motion capture data and you can load it directly into Blender but motion re-targetting and NLA editing and animation in general is really hard. Especially on Blender. You'll see.

Anonymous No. 951395

I've done a bit of my own animating in blender and it wasn't too bad other than actually rigging proper movements that don't look weird/wrong. I export my animations as png's though for my game so I don't have to worry about 3D environment stuff.

Anonymous No. 951399

Did you specifically use the NLA editor? Because I don't think there's any way to avoid it while working with motion capture.

Anonymous No. 951404

I don't believe so, is that where they store all the data or something?

Anonymous No. 951409

In a way it's similar to the video editor.

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Anonymous No. 951412

what am i doing wrong here? I want to insert frame for one bone, so i'm pressing I but i am getting this menu and none of the options do anything.
In youtube tutorials they get much different menu with options like locrot and stuff.

Anonymous No. 951414

Add a wave modifier to your most recent model and post the result (with wires) right now.
Show me your most recent model with a checker pattern or lines matcap.
Show me how you deal with N-gons or tris when you have to select a bunch of quad loops.

Anonymous No. 951415

I'm tired right now. What do I win if I do?

Anonymous No. 951421

You win the internet argument which makes your e-peen bigger.
Nice excuse, is this your go-to when ignoring basic topology common sense?

Anonymous No. 951425

Your basic topology common sense is a social construct.

Anonymous No. 951426

Select bone in pose mode in the scene, press i and you should have the options.

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Anonymous No. 951428

No fucking way. It's because I have a shit computer isn't it? I'm also using windows 11. Fuck. What do you mean by different format for the path? I thought the code should work but it's actually rage inducing to think it will work only for people other than me.
> Can you take a screenshot of your problem? I don't know what you mean by the bottom of the plane looks brown, or even what window/area you're looking in
Fuck, now it's not even showing the preview of the material isn't even showing anything. Fuck me.

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beyblade action.jpg

Anonymous No. 951457

That's a very good question that I don't have a good answer for. I had always figured it was there, it definitely should be, but never used it since I knew about "v". To be fair... or not fair, there's a bunch of other vertex options in the other menu that aren't in the context menu. I'm sure there's a dumb reason why it's not there, but I bet you can bring it up to the devs and they'd fix it.
I guess maybe they expect beginners to use this shit on the left.

Anonymous No. 951459

Realize that AI is just a tool, and so are you for being afraid of it as a beginner.
If you're having fun and you like it, there's no reason to stop. Fun won't become obsolete.

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auto smooth spiral.jpg

Anonymous No. 951484

Hard to tell what's going on without a wireframe, or knowing what program you're using. I don't think you need to make more loop cuts like the other anon says.
Check if auto smooth is on. If it's on, then turn it off.

I never made a spiral before, so this was a learning experience for me as well.

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Anonymous No. 951489

Note to self in future:
Alt Z to turn on X-Ray mode in Edit mode.

Anonymous No. 951498

You can just right click on the object and shade smooth.

Anonymous No. 951501

What's the best way to animate a path of an object that's already got it's own animation as well? Like if I want fish to swim or birds to fly kind of thing.

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Anonymous No. 951502

that did help quite a bit

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Anonymous No. 951503

here is the wireframe

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Anonymous No. 951507

how would i do this in blender?
I have a character and i want to have a ski mask like this that fits to his head shape.

Anonymous No. 951509

Add a plane, add mirror modifier, add shrinkwrap modifier and make it above surface like .05 or whatever, extrude around the head shape, add a subsurf and solidify modifier, go into sculpt mode and use cloth brush to create folds.

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Anonymous No. 951512

thanks it sorta works, altho subsurf modifier had no effect on the plane so i had to subdivide it manually in the edit mode

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Anonymous No. 951515

If subsurf isn't showing anything just raise the levels in the viewport?

Anonymous No. 951516

Did you do that thing, where you're already in edit mode, and so subsurface doesn't show, and you have to return back to object mode to actually see the difference?

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Anonymous No. 951517


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Anonymous No. 951518

so it's kinda weird, i tried opening new blender window adding a plane and subsurf mod to it and it worked fine
but when i try that same thing in the .blend project with my character it doesnt work. I'm in object mode.
It must be some weird setting or issue with the blend file since i downloaded it from one of those sites where you can get free characters for animating and it came with it's own python script and stuff so since it probably broke it for some reason. No idea.

Anonymous No. 951519

yeah, i tried adding the subsurf mod to other meshes like icosphere etc and it does nothing at all.
Looks like a bug in blender maybe

Anonymous No. 951520

Looks like some sort of weird setting you've got ticked? The plane obviously isn't smooth edged anymore but it's also not showing the modifier properly.

Anonymous No. 951521

i just figured it out!
the blend file i downloaded came with bunch of its own python scripts and custom menus and one of them had an option called Simplify which optimizes the scene for animation and posing by turning off a bunch off performance heavy things to increase viewport FPS, so when i turned the Simplify off the subdivision is working now

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Anonymous No. 951525

Ok so your script is creating an empty material slot on the plane before adding the pages material. So by default the plane has no material assigned. If you remove this empty slot, the pages material gets assigned.

For the paths, I used bpy.path.abspath

Anonymous No. 951526

is there any specific reason why you are using plane instead of a sphere? since sphere seems better as its shape already resembles head

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Anonymous No. 951530

okay i have one last question, how do i prevent shrinkwrap from wrapping to vertices i don't want?
here i only want it to wrap the head, but it's also sticking to the shoulders
The shrinkwrap has a vertex group option but that is for the wrapping object it self, not for the target object.
Is the only way to do this to cut the head off from the body mesh and then shrink wrap around that?

Anonymous No. 951531

you have to paint vertext groups and to use them in the modifier

Anonymous No. 951533

>weight paint
oh no, the nightmare returns
weight painting always makes me want to kill myself but looks like there is no escaping it

Anonymous No. 951534

You could start with a sphere if you really want to, but if you start with a plane and extrude around the head you get the base of a half sphere as well, then you extrude up and size down to the top of the head.

You don't need to weight paint lol. Apply the modifier once you get most of the head wrapped, then just extrude the bottom loop down to the neck line and use sculpt tool to shape it.

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Anonymous No. 951536

learned another cool trick called stitching and i made this shitty vest with it, this makes clothes design so much easier, i bet it will produce a better ski mask as well
altho i had a lot of issue with the vest completley clipping through the boobs when i ran the cloth simulation

Anonymous No. 951539

before i waste my time, how hard is to make a skin look wet? like if someone just had a shower kind of thing is that something very hard to do in blender?

Anonymous No. 951544

Not hard at all if you already have texture maps for the skin. Just play with the roughness and specular value. I assume that's what you're looking for and not having each individual droplet of water rendered

Anonymous No. 951545

i would like to have both, the skin looking wet and also drops of sweat but if i can get at least the wet skin by itself that would be cool too
i have skin texture but nothing else (normals etc)
so i'm gonna try out the specular thing then

Anonymous No. 951546

You really need a normal map at the very least, otherwise it will look pretty shit, like they're made of plastic.

Anonymous No. 951547

Would love any info on this

Anonymous No. 951548

Parent the animated object to an empty, and animated the empty instead.

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Anonymous No. 951594

i'm still stuck on trying to get the clothes sim to work properly ;_;
my clothes keep getting crumpled up like this
any idea why?

Anonymous No. 951597

Add a subsurf modifier?

Anonymous No. 951598

tried with and without but it still looks like shit
i don't fucking get it, i did it the same way like in youtube tutorials i watched and theirs looks fine but mine is shit

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Anonymous No. 951614

finally i figured it out
i watched ten million clothign tutorials all claiming they will teach me all the tricks and not single fucking one of them mentioned you have to bend the template mesh to match the curves for optimal simulation and i had to figure it out myself
useless gay ass tutorials

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Anonymous No. 951634

yay success!
i finally got it to work exactly the way i want without having to fix it later with shrinkwrap and shit
now i can finally move on with my life.
fuck it's 3am i have to go to bed

Anonymous No. 951647

If you have a character already, you'd got 90% of a ski mask already.
Dupe the head and get rid of the loops where the eye and mouth holes are. Ez pz. Then maybe solidify for thickness and subsurf to round it out.

Anonymous No. 951650

Does someone knows why When i texture in the viewport the brush is so lowres? it's like it lacks antialiasing, when i paint in the texture paint window it looks fine, i havent been able to find a solution for this

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Anonymous No. 951651

Texture painting like this? I don't have any resolution problems comparing the viewport and painting window

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Anonymous No. 951654

Dont roast me too hard, my first day doing 3d got to episode 10 of the donut. Found getting the drips really difficult.

Anonymous No. 951655

how do i make a bone follow something during animation? Say i want to have two characters hold hands so that when i move one chars hand the other char's hand will move along with it

Anonymous No. 951659

Child of constraint on the bone, parented to whatever you want.
Hope you have an IK setup going so it can naturally move with it.

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Anonymous No. 951661

i guess i'm retarded but where is the reset option in the hook modifier? i can't find it

Anonymous No. 951662

Do you have nodes for that texture?

Anonymous No. 951663

>"The following settings are only available in Edit Mode"

Anonymous No. 951664

shieeeeet can't believe i missed that

Anonymous No. 951672

yeah it's just a generic fabric texture from polyhaven

Anonymous No. 951684

seems like a good solution for simple stuff like connectiny two IK hands or picking up a mug, but what is the standard solution for something like having a whole character ride a horse? do i use child of on the base bone or such?

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Anonymous No. 951686

any tips on how to deal with cracks while sculpting?
and no im not increasing polycount

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Anonymous No. 951700

Great. I think "" instead of "[ and leaf.material_slots.remove(material_slot) for material_slot in leaf.material_slots]" on line 44 fixes the first issue (really don't know why I didn't write it simpler the first time) but I'm not sure about the paths (I am retarded). Can you upload the altered code so I can see what you did? Thanks for looking at the code by the way, I really am glad it's working for somebody, I thought I was going crazy for it not working like I thought it should.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 951702

So inside main() I changed the import_image_as_plane() function call to [code]import_image_as_plane("//image-1.png", "//image-2.png", "leaf")[/code]
Then inside the import_image_as_plane() function itself, I removed the check for the existence of the images because I couldn't be bothered to figure out how to do it in this new way, then I added these lines at the top:
image_path1 = bpy.path.abspath(image_path1)
image_path2 = bpy.path.abspath(image_path2)
Just a quick and dirty way to get it to work

Anonymous No. 951703

Alright I guess no code blocks here, let's try again

So inside main() I changed the import_image_as_plane() function call to import_image_as_plane("//image-1.png", "//image-2.png", "leaf")
Then inside the import_image_as_plane() function itself, I removed the check for the existence of the images because I couldn't be bothered to figure out how to do it in this new way, then I added these lines at the top:

image_path1 = bpy.path.abspath(image_path1)
image_path2 = bpy.path.abspath(image_path2)

Just a quick and dirty way to get it to work

Anonymous No. 951706

You know, I think the code should work now but my computer is so ass that it's still not rendering correctly. Thanks though, bro. Once I get access to a decent computer I'll try again. Glad that it works.

Anonymous No. 951712

what is the best way to do my own library?
such as textures or models so i can quickly reuse them in new blender projects

Anonymous No. 951714

Blender's Asset Browser. It's a surprisingly unintuitive system (especially with linked libraries and overrides) so you will need to spend some time figuring out how it works and leaning.

Anonymous No. 951715

why the fuck every time they add a new feature to blender their number one priority is to make it as confusing and horrible UI wise as humanly possible

Anonymous No. 951716

Because most things that a designed always make sense to the person who designs it, not the person who uses it.

Anonymous No. 951717

It's not THAT bad. For simple use cases like pulling in shit you use frequently into new projects it's fine. You just have to learn how to 'register' your assets for the asset browser.

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Anonymous No. 951720

why is the library not showing thumbnails for my material?

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Anonymous No. 951721

Try go to the panel on the right side of the asset browser window and hit this button

Anonymous No. 951722

yep that did it, thanks

Anonymous No. 951724

If everyone starts a new project by deleting the cube why do they keep putting the cube there in new blender versions?

Anonymous No. 951725

Most people have a preset default file that's different than the default one I'd assume. Mine is completely different camera and view for my game for example.

Anonymous No. 951726

So I'm checking out the Mixamo stuff out after that anon shared it.

Seems the only way to actually get good proper use from it is to make sure it's literally the first thing you do with your model before doing anything else. That way you can get it rigged to the Mixamo rig.

Then you can begin adding clothes/armor whatever to that rig and any time you want to change poses to your model you import a separate fbx rig that you can save to the pose library and reapply to your original rig?

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Anonymous No. 951740

noice, i'm making steady progress, i render my first animation and learned how to use clothes physics and made a phyics cable out of them attached to a moving plug
but damn, this 2 second animation took several minutes to render, i fear to think how long would one that is several minutes long take, probably hours

Anonymous No. 951746

Tried the top rated substance painter file on the high seas... didn't work. Anyone know one that does?

Anonymous No. 951756

Yup, have the root bone of your character parented with a child of to the saddle (or ideally an empty target that's a child of the saddle).
I'd put some target points on the stirrups for the feet to kinda use for support (using the same method; child of constraints), so when you pull the root hip bone up (say the horse is running and the character is standing up a bit on the saddle), the feet stay planted in the saddle and IK handles the leg movement.
Since the root is parented to the saddle target, the whole rig will move with it, but you can still move individual bones around and all that.
Once you're satisfied with everything, it might be a good idea to bake all of it to keyframes, getting rid of the constraints but keeping their influence. Though that's only really necessary if you need the character to do something else in the same scene like get off the horse.

Like make them more... crack-like? I'm no sculpting expert, but I think the pinch brush is what you need (assuming it's an ass). It should work fine with that polycount. If you mean drawing cracks like stone, I'd say you need more geo. But like I said, I'm not a sculpting expert.

Asset browser is actually pretty easy. You can either set your library to be wherever you put all your blend files and just chuck shit in, or you can set up a specific library folder and do it that way. The distinction is pretty stupid between global libraries and local ones, but I see why they made it. I think it's like that mainly for poses and shit.

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Anonymous No. 951763

It's only noticeable when using "constant"

Anonymous No. 951768

I was just thinking about cracks the other day. I don't really sculpt. I box model, and then use sculpting tools to push vertices around. So the other day, I was trying to shape the belly button. And I was wondering why I was having so much trouble making it look deep with only a few loop cuts(trying to keep a low poly count) Then it came to me. That the hole of the belly button is creating a lot more surface area than I realize. So all I had to do, was just stop being stingy with the loop cuts. Adding some more, I was able to push it in more nice and smooth.

The concept seems to obvious to me now. Like duh, burying a hole means greater surface area, because it's curving inward, rather than cutting straight across. It's a farther distance, so it needs more loops to maintain volume.

Now, again, I don't really sculpt. But maybe you should consider that you might *need* more polygons. If you can't create more, then perhaps you can pull surrounding geometry closer toward the crack.

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Anonymous No. 951776

Yeah the asset browser is pretty straightforward if you only use the append mode. Just a few quirks that make it different from other 3D software's asset browsers, like not being able to edit properties of assets directly from the asset browser. Once you start getting into 'linked' assets do things start becoming more confusing. But, the linked libraries system is really powerful once you understand it fully.
I found what's causing it, the texture paint window has an extra anti aliasing option in the advanced drop-down, which is turned on by default. If you turn it off the two windows become consistent, but I assume you want anti aliasing turned on for both instead of turned off for both? I don't know how to help you there sorry

Anonymous No. 951783

Yeah exactly that, i cant find an antialiasing option for the viewport, so i dont really know, thanks for replying.

Anonymous No. 951785

how do i add a sound to play during certain moments of animation? for example when object falls and hits the ground?
Is the only way to do this by placing the sound in the timeline in the video editor?

Anonymous No. 951805

How do I properly animate unsheathing a sword, and having it stay with the hand afterwards for further animations? I know how to set child constraint and get it withdrawn, but once the arm starts heading back to the other side of the body the sword wants to fly around from the hand at the original distance it was from the object.

Anonymous No. 951806

Personally if I was using sounds/audio I would render the video from blender then import it into other software to do the sound editing.

Anonymous No. 951810

I figured it out I believe. You have to have to versions of the object and you hide them depending on the frame.

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Anonymous No. 951820

Got another very specific case. I'm converting a low poly model for vrchat quest, and because it can't do transparent materials, my other option is to cut the mesh out.

I don't suppose there's a smarter alternative then manually cutting it. Like anything that could cut a mesh using the alpha.

Anonymous No. 951826

stop cattering to questlets and use pcvr like a real man

Anonymous No. 951828

is there any point in using high samples in cycles? like difference between 10 and 500 is huge, but between say 5000 and 10000 is basically none

Anonymous No. 951829

NTA but that crash course is pretty neat,, you can probably bounce off of that and into other more specific courses

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Anonymous No. 951831

i'm finally learning the shader nodes and man this is so cool, you can mix shaders and stuff and apply patterns to the mixing etc, and it's to easy to do as well, i can't believe how easy this shit is, i was scared of nodes for so long but it's actually very simple

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Anonymous No. 951852

Little update. I tried popping the texture on a plane and dividing it enough, so every pixel has a face, but the cleanup is so bad, I might as well be cutting it out manually.

Cool story, /v/. I'm just here to make avatars that work on either platform.

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weird rig.jpg

Anonymous No. 951910

What do you guys think about this?
youtube /watch?v=Zx2LtlZqG3g

I'm no expert in rigging so maybe someone has some better insight on this.

Anonymous No. 951911

The only way I can find is to convert your pixel art into SVG files using some program that can trace bitmaps like Illustrator or Inkscape. Then you can import the SVG into blender as like a cut-out of the shape. After that would be converting the SVG into a mesh and making sure the UV lines up with the original pixel art texture. So it's not ideal because of the amount of steps, but if you have a LOT more to go, it could be worth it

Anonymous No. 951915

i have considered that, the problem that im confused about is that instead of getting a crevice i have this flattened depression. i could use smaller brush size, but that makes a huge difference in shadowing as only a small portion of mesh is moved.
for now i think ill stick to scaling on single axis and the vertex pushing

Anonymous No. 951917

this is pretty homo, the cloth sim seems to work much better when i scale my model up 10x, but that sucks since i have them at realistic scale, like a person at 2meters and to get a good sim i have to make him 20 meters tall

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Anonymous No. 951923

i keep grinding away at learning the cloth simulation and cloth modeling that works well with it and it's getting much better, when i began i was getting this horrible wrinkly pixelated mess and now i can actually get proper realistic looking shirts and stuff, yay
this is fun

Anonymous No. 951927

Anonymous No. 951932

What's the secret?

Anonymous No. 951933

you have to find the sweet rande for the collision settings, and .. and this is super annoying as i mentioned above, you have to scale the shit out of your object.
If you work with real size objects, such as shirt that is about meter tall the cloth sim simply doesn't work right, you have to make everything giant, at least 10 meters tall and then it works no problem.
This is fine for animation, but super annoying when you want to export models for game engines, or 3d printing or import models into the scene because everytihng is giant or tiny and you have to readjust.

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Anonymous No. 951935

Can i get some advice please?
When i try to apply materials with fur i downloaded from blenderkit they always look flat.
The cube is subdivided a bunch of times, and yet it looks completely flat, it's supposed to look like in the preview. What am i fucking up here?

Anonymous No. 951936

nvm figured it out, i'm just retarded

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Anonymous No. 951938

Okay, I actually got it to work on my end to (fucking finally) but the problem was that I put in the line
> mat.use_nodes = True
in my code for some idiotic reason and that's why the bottom was brown and the top was untextured grey/gray.

Anonymous No. 951939

No, not True, I meant
> mat.use_nodes = False
at the end of the import_image_as_plane(image_path1, image_path2, name) function. Fucking hell.

Anonymous No. 951943

so turns out animating hair is very easy, you just click one checkbox
i don't understand why all the models i downloaded use bones for hair, it just makes it look worse and is more work to use

Anonymous No. 951950

Is it possible to add like a little slider button on the screen where i can slide it and it say moves a cube between position A and B?

Anonymous No. 951957

Yes, using constraints

Anonymous No. 951980

rendering videos makes me want to kill myself
i only did pictures so far which was easy, even if you crank that shit to like 8000 samples at 4k, no worries, takes like few minutes since it's one frame
but with videos it's fucking 24 images per second, or today more likely 60 per second so that is literally fucking DAYS of rendering
fuck that noise
i'm gonna crank that shit down to 1000 samples at 720p to stave off suicidal thoughts for little bit longer

Anonymous No. 951982

aaand it keeps crashing after like minute of rendering the video.. great
why the fuck, i have 3060ti and 32gb of ram and rendering at 720p it should not be a problem

Anonymous No. 951983

looks like it always crashes after it finishes rendering the first frame of the video

Anonymous No. 951987

Rendering video should take the same amount of time as single frames times the amount of total frames though.

Anonymous No. 951996

please halp i can't figure out why it's crashing when i try to render an animation
rendering images works fine but when i try to render an animation it crashes either right away or after it's done sampling the first frame
i tried opening another blend fle with just the cube and there it renders the animation fine so it seems like something in the scene is causing it but what could it be? it's a simple scene with one rigged character and a few simple meshes

Anonymous No. 951997

Does it still crash if you completely delete the rigged character

Anonymous No. 951998

Hmm, it doesn't.
But if i don't delte the character but only turn it off by disabling it in viewport and rendering it still crashes.
So i tried opening the blend file where i have this rigged character by it self and render an animation and it worked fine.
I just don't understand.

Anonymous No. 951999

Show us all your rendering settings?

Anonymous No. 952000

I don't know how this could cause a crash, but it could be the specific animation in the main scene. If you delete all the keyframes, does it crash or not?

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Anonymous No. 952001

tried that but no change

it's nothing fancy basically default stuff

i am just going to start over and try to rebuild the scene and since it's only about an hour of work lost, and along the way will keep triggering the render animation to see if when it will start crashing

Anonymous No. 952002

Have you tried png's over jpeg? What's with the ! in your file folder name?

Anonymous No. 952011

I use ! In names of important folders because folders are sorted by name and this makes sure they get always shown on top in file browsers

Jpg png makes no difference

Anonymous No. 952017

I'm trying to generate a paint base using textools but the result is all black
I already have lights in the scene but I doubt it's related to them

Anonymous No. 952026

Try Window -> Toggle system console and see if there's any error message in there when it crashes
Do you have Persistent Data enabled in your render settings?
Does it also crash when you do a viewport render?

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Anonymous No. 952032

i can render images fine, it only crashes when i try to render video

i managed to find the error log but honestly i have no idea what that means

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Anonymous No. 952033

more detail

Anonymous No. 952050

So yes, the Blender Foundation has fired the sculpt mode guy again

Anonymous No. 952053

how many samples do you use for rendering animations in cycles?

Anonymous No. 952055

wait what do you mean by fired from blender? i thought blender was an open source project worked on by volunteers, it's for free so they aren't making any money from it, so how can someone get fired?

Anonymous No. 952063

Maaan i gotta get a second monitor, animating and shit on a single monitor is such a pain in the ass when i need to have several different panels open

Anonymous No. 952067

the blender fundation gets funds from donations to develop the program, they also get paid developpers from google and Unreal among others and the money from the short movies from Netherlands and the European Union.

Anonymous No. 952075

Well shit

Anonymous No. 952077

so guess leaderships of even open sores programs are full of assholes in suits

Anonymous No. 952095

Png is full lossless compression, jpeg is not. It absolutely makes a difference.

Anonymous No. 952096

Dude kind of sounds like an insufferable whiny baby. Probably a huge pain in the ass to work with.

Anonymous No. 952098

>It absolutely makes a difference.
i meant for the crashing

Anonymous No. 952099

Do you think blender will ever fix how transparent renders fuck up lighting effects? It's such a god damn pain in the ass to render every glowing animation twice in transparent and with a black background and export to gimp and turn layer to transparency yadda yadda.

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Anonymous No. 952100

guess i'm retarded but i can't figure this out
i have curve in the graph editor like this and i need to increase its amplitude, by that i mean to scale it 2x height wise, so those peaks will be 2x taller

Anonymous No. 952127

Are you talking about bloom? You can have bloom on top of transparent backgrounds using blender's compositor
select all the control points, press S to scale, press Y to scale only on the Y axis, then press 2 to scale by 2.

Anonymous No. 952128

there aren't any control points on that curve i think it's because it's from audio

Anonymous No. 952130

What do you mean it's 'from audio'

Anonymous No. 952131

Everybody knows how the review of code works in blender, you have to make small patches so the guy reading that can understand the fuck are you doing, yes it is a pain in the ass if you have been working a year on that shit and you have to redo it to acomodate a new reviewer because that will take 2-3 months more, all the review is slow as fuck too, you have to add that they usually need several coders helping them and they usually have different priorities.

Anonymous No. 952138

>updated Blender version like 2 months ago
>start thinking I might need a new GPU
>realize I never set it to GPU rendering in the new version

Holy FUCK I am a retard and now things make so much more sense for why it's taking forever.

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Anonymous No. 952169

I mean, it can be bloom sometimes if that's an effect you're going for. It's anything transparent though. Pic related is an example of how, say, fire looks if you don't do this process. Which is a pain in the ass if you want to animate this transparent object because you have to render double frames AND then slowly process them in gimp.

Anonymous No. 952174

how can i set up a driver to move object along its normal? for example when i set up a driver to manipulate the Z movement axis it moves it along the global Z axis, but i would like to move it along the normal/local axis with the driver
is this possible?

Anonymous No. 952175

one way i found is by making the object child of empty and then rotating the empty, but thats kinda gay

Anonymous No. 952193

i have few years old i5 cpu and recently updates gpu to rtx3060 and it's totally fine for gaming even new games, but jesus ever since i started using blender i just want to go drain my bank account and get i9 and 4080. Having just one rigged character with physics controlled bones on it and when i already fall down to 15fps when playing animation in the editor. Just suicide fuel. I few how sluggish it will be once i add more stuff to the scene.

Anonymous No. 952198

Blender seems to use like no resources at all when just running the program, it's really frustrating.

Anonymous No. 952238

so there is blender for modeling, and audacity for sound but what do i use for video editing? is there any open sores program for it?

Anonymous No. 952239

I don't think there's a good high end video editor that's open source/free/cheap. Personally though as someone who does music more than anything else Reaper is the best DAW imo as well. [spoiler]Not that it matters every DAW is the exact same it's all about work flow but reaper is super customizable as well[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 952242

so should i just pirate sony vegas or adobe after effects?
i want it to cut and post process my blender animations

Anonymous No. 952245

seems like from what i checked online people are busting fat nuts over kdelive lately, it's open sores, might be worth a try

Anonymous No. 952246

Personally from what I've heard from friends who work in video and use high end equipment the best thing after Adobe is Davinci Resolve.

Anonymous No. 952248

Don't know if they've made a newer video or not but this has a lot of insight

Anonymous No. 952250

i am so fucking tired of watching youtube tutorials on modeling human bodies and seeing the faggot youtuber just sculpt and model this perfect human model in like 2 minutes so effortlessly and every time i try it it looks like the toxic avenger, i don't get it, why is it so easy for some people and so hard for me? i know how i want it to look in my head but i just can't make it look like it on the screen for some reason

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Anonymous No. 952251

I don't know what your root issue is, I played around with some smoke effects with various lights and it worked fine on transparent backgrounds. But anyhow, manipulating the alpha channel is not hard in Blender's compositor.

Anonymous No. 952254

It's not a 'me' problem. Take the image out of blender and show it in something else. Windows viewer, etc. You'll see the transparency isn't properly registered. This is a common known issue.

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Anonymous No. 952260

Ok, the image on the left is the render straight from blender, and on the right is the image imported into Krita, and I adjusted the checker background to match Blender's checker background for a fair comparison. Maybe there's a tiny difference? But definitely not like your fire image.

Anonymous No. 952262

Open it in file viewer. Try rendering a fire with a transparent background as well. Put an object in the middle of the fire to show. It will not render properly, I assure you lol. Or just do a simple cube of volume.

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Anonymous No. 952264

I will say, it's more glowing stuff than volume stuff. Pic related shows a shield item I made that has a glow effect. The left side is the render from blender on a transparent BG. The Right side is once I take both a transparent and black and combine them in gimp then on the black layer color to transparency black and re-export.

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Anonymous No. 952265

Not to say, I don't like both ways and it leads to interesting combinations and ideas of things. It's just such a pain in the ass if I do want it to look exactly like it does in blender. Related webm shows the difference between the two. The first animation is raw blender transparent BG. Second is after processing everything, but is exactly how it would look in blender.

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Anonymous No. 952266

And a last final example. The left still looks really cool (and honestly reminds me of the fantasy art I'm inspired by). The right however, is what it looks like in Blender.

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Anonymous No. 952269

You're right, a glowing fire effect is much more difficult with transparency. The glare node in the compositor just refuses to save with the output image file. And trying to isolate only the fire, separate from the smoke seemed tricky too. Lots of complexities to this one that I didn't know about.

Anonymous No. 952281

jesus how do i speed up cycles renders?
doing a video render makes me want to commit sudoku
i can crank down samples and resolution but that makes it just look like shit so is there some sort of best practice for this?

Anonymous No. 952282

what is the difference between setting step value to 2 and setting frame rate to 12, wouldn't they both produce same results?
a video that is 12fps?

Anonymous No. 952286

okay so if i understand it correctly if i set video to 24fps and step to 3 it will render every tenth frame and then play them at 24 fps so that is 3x faster
so in order to have it play at "normal" speed i need to set step to 3 and fps to 8, which will give me normal speed video which plays at 8fps
fuck man there is so much to learn, where am i supposed to get all the free time needed to learn all this shit? ;_;

Anonymous No. 952288

>every tenth frame

Anonymous No. 952293

shieeet i am missing something, so i did just that, set step to 3 and frames to 8fps, and i rendered the video, the video played fine at correct speed and frames but for some reason there is a like a 20 second long part of the video at the end with no animation or nothing, not sure why, the video should end after 8 seconds but it's instead 24 seconds long. This matches the reduced framrate since 3x8 = 24, but why? i set it correctly to 8fps with step at 3, so the video should be 8 seconds long and play at 8fps.

Anonymous No. 952297

That's a broad question, what's your scene like? How complex is it? How are you lighting it?

Bake what you can
Try different noise thresholds
Use the compositor to vary the amount of denoising per object/material
Buy a better GPU
Go dumpster diving and build yourself a ghetto render farm

Anonymous No. 952305

i can't afford better gpu and i already mostly baked things and stuff
the worst part is when i burn a whole day on rendering shit and then i notice i forgot one small thing somewhere, like having some object turned off in rendering i didn't notice and then i have to do it again, it's maddening, there must be a better way i hope AI comes to the rescue

Anonymous No. 952310

what is the easiest way to add bouncy boob bones to my character during movement? is there some physics driven way to do it so i don't have to animate it by hand?

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Anonymous No. 952329

Cloth sim with internal pressure on low poly mesh, vertex group on the breasts, mesh deform modifier
Or geonodes, see the pudding example file on blender's download page
Or a physics bones addon

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collage low poly.png

Anonymous No. 952386

been following a low poly course, also just making my own stuff from scratch, only about 3 days in
not using any lighting or anything, just emission material and coloring faces manually. helps me avoid any UV unwrapping mess

Anonymous No. 952391

This isn't a blog.

Anonymous No. 952404

what is the best way to retopo?
no way i am doing it manually by extruding quads one by one like some peasant

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Anonymous No. 952406

the second i see this shit in a blender video i am closing the tab
stylus artfags are insufferable

Anonymous No. 952407

The Mesh: F2 plugin makes it a little faster. Alternatively, you could start blocky and add edges, but you'd have tweak them afterwards anyway.

Cool? It's just an input, guy.

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Anonymous No. 952408

I'm just trying to plant some trees and this thing is already chugging like a mf on my new pc

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Anonymous No. 952411

Tree itself is decently low poly with a particle system for the leafs.
Maybe I should use the geometry node instead of the particles? Would that make it lighter?

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Anonymous No. 952418

why is the fluid leaking out of the container?
i followed a tutorial step by step and baked the animation, and his works fine, but mine is leaking for some reason

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Anonymous No. 952419

nevermind, turns out it's the same issue as with cloth simulation, you have to make the mesh GIANT or the simulation will not work properly
this is so fucking annoying when i need to work with realistic size models so they can be easily imported exported without having to constantly resale them

Anonymous No. 952422

That's definitely not the case, you definitely don't need giant models lol.

Anonymous No. 952425


Anonymous No. 952433

yes you do, i have tried it many times and when i googles these issues the forums were full of people complaining you have to scale up the meshes
so stop making shit up

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Anonymous No. 952434

I'm not making anything up though.

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Anonymous No. 952435

Try running this sim
for me it goes straight through the mug

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Anonymous No. 952449

anyone else having problems with Smooth tool in sculpt mode making bumps? i believe dyntopo can help a bit, but im trying out multires and it doesnt allow dyntopo

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Anonymous No. 952450

So I didn't run your simulation because I'm lazy and just made my own. My guess though, is that on the cup you don't have a collision level high enough to stop the liquid.

webm related

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Small Ass Cup Wit....webm

Anonymous No. 952456


Anonymous No. 952457

Dumb blender noob here.

Lets say I have mesh 1 and mesh 2

I choose an arbitrary face on both meshes.

How can I easily rotate mesh 2 so both faces are co-planar?

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Anonymous No. 952458

Lmfao, okay guess I don't know how to get a blender video output into a webm for 4chan lmao

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Anonymous No. 952491

How do I get rid of this thing? It looks like the render region in the output tab but messing with that does nothing.

Anonymous No. 952499

Does your mesh have a lot of poles or kites?

Anonymous No. 952508

In blender when i run the cloth simulation the cloth falls down and works fine.
But the thing is i have a peice of cloth and i need it to fall to the side, as if the gravity wasn't pulling it down but towards a side instead, is this possible for just that one cloth object or do i have to change gravity for the whole scene?

Anonymous No. 952538

no idea what a pole is but if you are asking about bad topology then yes there is some mess, both remesh and dyntopo(painting and fill) creates a mess

Anonymous No. 952542

i have a moral dilemma
there is this 3d artist with quite unique art which i really like, i like his work so much i started to make stuff in the same style as him, over time i have so good at it that i can produce works of same quality as him and since i put so much effort in i want to release them online for free. the issue is this artist is the only one who does this unique style of modeling and animation and has a patreon and makes a living off of it, if i start cranking out my own stuff for free it could be problematic as it would be basically ripping him off and hurting his income, i would cite him in my works as an inspiration but still..
is it morally wrong to do so? do you think he will be mad i copied his niche style?

Anonymous No. 952547

fuckening lolz

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Anonymous No. 952555

trying gradient texturing, very easy to do
model wasn't built with it in mind so it looks a bit off. a lot quicker and looks kind of better to me anyway

Anonymous No. 952558

just use AI my dude, it can shit out low poly like a machine gun

Anonymous No. 952562

>Just use AI
I swear, every person who says this has never actually used it, and think it's some 'computers in movies' shit.

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Anonymous No. 952597

So...what comes after doughnuts and teapots?

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Anonymous No. 952603

anyone have some advice on converting low poly into smoother meshes?
I've tried Shade Smooth, turning on auto smooth in Data > Normals, as well as the Subdivision Surface modifier but it's all fucked in its own way
I just want to avoid seeing the actual mesh, it makes it look like there's color banding. right now there's no real consistency when I try to apply it

Anonymous No. 952605

What's wrong with the one on the right? Do you want no sharp edges or something? Try a bevel modifier

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Anonymous No. 952607

yeah, a mixture of the middle and right would be ideal. used the bevel modifier, only seems to work at angle 0 or 0.1, anything else breaks it
I can get it to smooth the window with the bevel but it doesn't smooth anything else properly, and trying any other smoothing methods on top just breaks it

Anonymous No. 952609

Getting good bevels is like a skill in itself, you have to pay attention to your topology and why it does or doesn't play nice with bevels. You could set the limit method to weight in the modifier, then go around the various parts of your mesh, and change the bevel weight of the edges. Basically make the bevel apply to only the places you want it. Or, you could just do destructive bevels in edit mode with ctrl+B.

Anonymous No. 952641

it really annoys me how blender does so many things that go against obvious intuition
for example, i have several child objects under a parent object, i click on parent press M a select collection to move it to
everyone expects it will simple take this parent with its children and move it to that other collection but nope.. it removes all the children, leaves them in current collection and only moves the parent to the new collection, so in order to move children too you have to select hierarchy first
and yet when i click on parent onbject and press G to move it also moves the child objects under it without me having to select them first, these workflowks completely clash with each other and blender is full of illogical shit like this and it's super annoying. The asset browser does the same thing, if you mark parent object as asset it will only import the parent object not the children.

Anonymous No. 952642

Yes it's counter-intuitive because you expect this functionality to be apart of parent objects, as that's how it is with other 3D software, and it's definitely a flaw in Blender in terms of UX. But the functionality you're looking for is with collections - moving a collection to another collection brings all the objects, duplicating a collection duplicates all the objects, marking a collection as an asset includes all the objects.
You have to understand that parents are just drivers of the childrens' transforms, and not much more.

Anonymous No. 952645

I'm still surprised that blender, an open source project, still has some weirdly half-baked features, despite all the people complaining about it.
Like the image editor window. There are browser based paint programs, that have more features than it.

Anonymous No. 952646

if i don't bake physics then pressing play will result in laggy fps, but if i do bake then any small change in the scene connected to the physics will make the physics wrong and i have to rebake which is annoying
i literally cannot win, is the only solution going into debt and getting a $5k pc?

Anonymous No. 952648

Probably because 2D image editing is the most easily separable process in the pipeline? There are no challenges at all in opening up your favorite dedicated image editor and making the changes there, then going back to blender.

Anonymous No. 952683

Nope, still need to bake on high end if you want to see high fps results.

Anonymous No. 952685

in blender i can put in sounds in the editor manually but i have to manually place them on the timeline is it possible to automate this? by that i mean say i have a hammer aniamtion hittin anvil is it possible to trigger a sound to play every time the hammer animation reaches a certain position? for example every time
z movement axis > +5.2
play the sound

Anonymous No. 952699

i'm too scared to commit to cutting pernament holes into my meshes so i just end up with millions of boolean modifiers on every mesh ;_;

Anonymous No. 952705

thats the CAD way of doing 3d

Anonymous No. 952718

How would I go about making sure the edge of a texture is always the same color?

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Anonymous No. 952784

so far i have only done done simple extrusion based modeling so i have no idea how to get this effect, can anyone help please?
i have two surfaces and i would like to make it look like in the pic where there is this this layer of liquid on them and it's connected together via those slimy noodles
i have been stuck on this for a long time, any advice is appreciated

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Anonymous No. 952790

why shitty shading around the top of the trigger? normals are fine, auto smooth is on and no duplicate vertex

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Anonymous No. 952792

Do you have custom split normals data?

Anonymous No. 952793

i have never opened that tab unless i might have accidentally clicked on a shortcut but i ended up fixing it by deleting the faces and reflling it, really wish i get to know what i did wrong

Anonymous No. 952797

try going into edit mode, select all, then select smooth shading. in edit mode, not object mode.

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Anonymous No. 952807

hmm it's not amazing, but i got it pretty close to looking like poon juice and tuned the cloth animation so it moves very slime like, for what i need it's good enough

Anonymous No. 952830

Did rock generator get removed from 3.6?

Anonymous No. 952839


Anonymous No. 953460
