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๐Ÿงต Blender General /BG/

Anonymous No. 952838


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Anonymous No. 952844

My Blenders looks strange today.

Anonymous No. 952855

is it possible to find out what in cycles is taking most time to render? like for example some glass jar with subsurface on that is slowing the render time down?
since i need to run quick test renders and they are painfully slow with a full scene so i would like to find who the offenders are

Anonymous No. 952857

what you're looking for is probably a UV heatmap. never used one myself but I'm pretty sure it exists

Anonymous No. 952867

Enable the debug sample count render pass if you're using noise threshold rendering.

Anonymous No. 952870

when i have array modifier which repeats a mesh is it possible to have vert group that only contains start and end verts of that mesh? without having to apply the array first

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Anonymous No. 952885

This was a cool feature. Of course it was removed.

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Anonymous No. 952891

Hi /BiG/uys,

I'm trying to design an STL for printing because my kitchen is missing a piece of an end and I don't want the landlord to blame me for it. It's also a challenge to get better at Blender.

I've done a few simple STLs before but just things I can easily form from geometric shapes and the Boolean modifier.
Making pic related seems like a bit of a harder challenge though, particularly because it needs to be the correct angles and radius on curves to match the skirting it's going on.

Can you tell me what kind of workflow I should plan for this? Then I can go find tutorials on the specific techniques referenced.

I did start out in FreeCAD which has a decent chamfer tool but kind of ran into issues and switched to Blender because it seems like it will be easier.

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Anonymous No. 952892

I expect the posts and lip would be reasonably simple extrusions, I'm mostly interested in how to make the 2d shape as a nearly complete noob.

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Anonymous No. 952893

tried to recreate a look from Fantasia by taking a sample, adding a gradient color overlay and then using an emission material with the image texture
didn't exactly work. is this a bad method to even attempt or am I missing something? are there better ways to go about it?

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Anonymous No. 952896

Is this the place to ask animation questions? I really want to git gud at animating in Blender but man it's hard. Are there any channels you guys might recommend? Preferably ones that show the animation process rather than just discussing the principles.

Anonymous No. 952911

Put that thing back where you stole it.

Anonymous No. 952918

based 2.37

I started with 2.32 or 2.26, I can't remember anymore. Feels like home.

Funniest thing is when I hear people moaning about the UI. I don't understand it at all. When I tried to switch to Max many years ago I thought *that* had a clunky UI because I couldn't seem to customize it as easy as blender or fly around like sanic with hotkeys. DESU I didn't spend a lot of time learning it though, and it's probably all fixed now anyway.

Anonymous No. 952919

I'd just trace it onto a piece of paper, then in blender manually account for a mm or something of error. look into box modeling and go through a tutorial where you use simultaneous front, side and top views. You should be able to accomplish this in a weekend, hell maybe an afternoon.

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Anonymous No. 952920

just use a musgrave node or something to make a procedural input. Your issue with the stretching is because that image only exists in 2d and you'd have to unwrap it to get it to look the way you want. But it's basically just a noise texture, which blender can generate in 3d, so do that instead.

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Anonymous No. 952922

How do I make a sign rotate?

Anonymous No. 952923

do not use blender for technical designs, use fusion 360

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Anonymous No. 952926

how do i fix this?
i have 32gb ram no way a mesh this simple is maxing it out

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Symphony of Sorcery.jpg

Anonymous No. 952944

I don't know if you'd find it interesting or not, but Kingdom Hearts 3d had a Fantaisia world that might be worth taking a look at.

Anonymous No. 952947

>apply skin modifier to vert string
>apply texture to it
>doesn't look right
>ask on blender forums how to fix it
>"oh you have to apply the modifier and make a copy of the obejct before you do in case you need to edit later"
is that some sort of joke? i thought this was a mature software.
in a proper industry 3d design tool you NEVER have to apply modifiers, an incredibly destructive thing to do, preventing any proper future edits withotu keeping million clones of the original object
i am THIS fucking close to pirating maya

Anonymous No. 952949

The person who answered you may be retarded, in what way doesn't it 'look right'? There are definitely ways to apply textures to un-applied modifiers.

Anonymous No. 952950

so how do you change UV on the skin modifier so the texture is drawn correctly on it?

Anonymous No. 952951

If you're using a generic tiling texture, which I assume you are since you're applying it to a skin modifier, you avoid UVs altogether and use 'generated' coordinates. Combine that with box projection on the image node, and you have a seamless texture that's applied evenly on the mesh. This video explains it well

Anonymous No. 952957

>I'd just trace it onto a piece of paper, then in blender manually account for a mm or something of error
Is this using View->Background Image and then use it as a template to deform a primitive or is there a scan->mesh function I should look up?

>do not use blender for technical designs, use fusion 360
Not available for linux. FreeCAD works but is way harder to use than Blender.
I've used both for simple designs but I find Blender's UI way easier and faster to use.

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Anonymous No. 952959

No matter how hard i try i just can't get it to work properly, i tried to box project the UVs but no dice, also every time i google it i find people claiming you can't texture skin modifier for shit and have to apply it first
Here, if you can figure it out, you are a chad
The left stick, which is just a string of verts with skin modifier applied, should look the same way like the right stick

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Anonymous No. 952960

Ah, you're dealing with ropes, you should have mentioned that. The rope pattern is much more tricky because it has to perfectly align with the flow of the mesh. For this you wouldn't use a skin modifier, you would use a curve. I left you a version with geometry nodes and one without. The one with it tiles better when you stretch out the curve. Play around with both of them, you'll see what I mean.

Anonymous No. 952961

thanks i'll check it out

Anonymous No. 952964

what animation have you made in blender that took you the most work? was it worth it?

Anonymous No. 952991

Jesus, i am making my first proper animation and it makes me want to kill myself.
It's just a simple one minue animation of a character walking around a room doing some shit like pikcing up objects and despite it being so simple it's taking fucking forever keyframing it all, and setting up the scene and all the models and shit, it's gonna take me like a week at this point jut for this simple thing.
I now have new found appreciation for SFM artists, this is crazy, how the fuck do they make full feature length animated movies in studios without mass suicides from animators?
The only thing even more suicide fuel that this would be stop motion animation.

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Anonymous No. 952997

>black nails
What does he want to communicate with that?

Anonymous No. 953028

I have a mathematical function that spits out a sequence of vertices.

How do I put it inside blender?

Anonymous No. 953030

It's a common fashion now. Don't look too deep into it.

Anonymous No. 953031

Don't worry, I won't. It disgusts me too much

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Anonymous No. 953032

Took Vicineko (2 people) 3 months or so to make a 9 minute Genshin slime porn animation. AI is creeping its way into animation, so I'd just hang in there before vomitting out my insides to death.

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Anonymous No. 953065

thanks, toyed around with this today and got kinda close. I can't make it look particularly good but it's nice to know

Anonymous No. 953075

ask chudgpt to write you a python script

Anonymous No. 953077

people on /3/ hate AI because they know it will take away their jeeeerbs same way it's now doing to drawfags. But i mean, animating and modeling is so tedious i can't hate it. If animating a 2 minute porn animation will take as long as normies with nod 3d animating experience think it takes instead of the actual time which can be weeks to months then fucking yes, give me that sugar AI daddy.

Anonymous No. 953102

I can pose the mesh just fine but after I make the first keyframe the mesh get distorted. any fix?

Anonymous No. 953104

It just changes the task from doing shit with a mesh to configuring the AI and explaining what shit you want done with the mesh.
If you look at configuring and prompting SD then tweaking models and shit to get things that don't look like cosmic horror, it's just a new kind of job. You produce faster which ultimately means less animators/modellers/whatever for the same amount of work output but traditionally, this tends to mean same numbers of people doing higher quality or more work.

Anonymous No. 953105

Do not use shitty cloud trash for anything. Blender is fine for this kind of shape and fitment.

Anonymous No. 953117

>I'd just trace it onto a piece of paper, then in blender manually account for a mm or something of error. look into box modelin

I gave Fusion 360 a go but it's not available in linux and runs like shit in a VM so am sticking with Blender.
I worked out how to set a background image and set one, then created a box that covers the template outline and switched to edit mode...
...set the box to invisible and then I click with the knife tool to trace a cut along the outline and Blender crashed.
Tried it three times and as soon as I click with the knife tool, Blender crashes, not sure if it's because I'm trying to cut an invisible object or it thinks I want to cut the background image.

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Anonymous No. 953122

trying to find answers for this problem has been a nightmare.

i have a plane with a video playing on it, how do i get it to show up in my render?

Anonymous No. 953123

literally 2 seconds on google, nigger

Anonymous No. 953124

royalskies LLC maybe Doodley

Anonymous No. 953125

im using Evee

Anonymous No. 953126

what the fuck is wrong with you? use cycles ffs

Anonymous No. 953134

thanks for the help

Anonymous No. 953137

To give actual help...
I think it is showing, but the offset is messed up and it actually ran through it before you rendered (or it hadn't ran through it yet at all).
Hit the cyclic button. It'll repeat the animation for the length of your animation.
If you don't want that, just mess around with the offset. The offsets are fucking retarded and even though I work with video textures all the time, I still have no clue how the fuck they're supposed to work. I'd just mess around with the numbers until something shows up.

Anonymous No. 953139

Its only showing up in material view, not in render view.
when i press render image to get an actual render its the same.

cyclic just makes it repeat.

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Anonymous No. 953148

Thanks for your help, with the keywords from the replies, I watched a few tutorials and read up on background/reference images and got a template image from a traced outline and knifed up a rough shape and cleaned it up a bit, extruded a bunch of stuff and printed it.

It's not my cleanest work but it's good enough, in the unlikely event I have some time then I might make it a more polished part.

Anonymous No. 953152

you are welcome.
frens don't let frens use shitty evee.

Anonymous No. 953154

Dumb question, but is the plane disabled in rendered view?

Anonymous No. 953158

the fuck, without doing anything my vieport fps when animating dropped form 24fps to around 8, i don't get it
i disabled phys sims and all that shit, so what is doing that

Anonymous No. 953165

what the fuck? the thing that has been taking my fps was just a simple boolean using a 50 poly mesh

Anonymous No. 953167

Let me guess, the boolean was set to Exact

Anonymous No. 953168

yes, they all are by default

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Anonymous No. 953182

why is the blender manual lying?
it claims that if you cut a hole with a boolean then the hole will inherit the texture and UVs of the cutting object
in the picture you can see a boolean hole made by the dark wood cube, and yet if you look into the hole, not only doesn't have the dark wood texture applied to it, but not even the original gray texture of the rest of the cube.. the whole hole is literally just a single color gray

Anonymous No. 953189

try this

Anonymous No. 953192

holy shit that fixed it
i have been stuck on this for so fucking long

Anonymous No. 953196

The Blender manual says that collision balls for physics simulations are vertices' "personal space".
Unfortunately the whole thing is so bugged that vertices commit "consent accidents" during collisions all the time.
Somebody should get outraged and declare emergency.

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Anonymous No. 953212

am i using bevels wrong? i got the rounded shape but the only way i can get a loop edge on the top is by using the knife tool which creates triangles but no shading issues so far

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the chair nerd No. 953219

Correct geometry. Red loops control the corners, green loops also control the profile of the corner and blue loops control the limit of the curve. Ishoul'dve added another loop to limit the effect of the curve but you get the point

Anonymous No. 953224

do i need to get a second monitor?
arranging panels around for animations in any comfy way seems to be impossible on a 27" monitor

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Anonymous No. 953229

I'm going insane. How come for ALL of the joints in the other leg, I got a dotted line to appear when I parented them to their bones, but with THIS leg I don't?

Anonymous No. 953232

nevermind I found where I misclicked

Anonymous No. 953238

>Correct geometry
wait really? but i can't seem to get the red loops without the knife tool also can you recommend some good uvwnrap tutorials? should i start learning rizzomuv?

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Anonymous No. 953244

How come the knee won't pop out? I just want the knee to pop out and then rotate the target to change which direction the knee points in. I tried using a pole but since I technically have a chain of three joints it gets fucky.

Anonymous No. 953248

you have to give the joints a small bend in edit mode so they know which direction to bend in

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Anonymous No. 953250

I locked all but 1 direction so I thought they'd figure that out on their own. Picrel solved my problems though, I can just twist the target instead of adding a pole. this way I can control which direction the knee points in as opposed to just the angle, plus the shin also tries to match the rotation of the target now so I can just bend the target back and it pops.

Anonymous No. 953251

Should my model use IKs and stuff once it's rigged? What's the importance and whats the best tutorial?

Anonymous No. 953255

go ahead, try to make an animation using FK
you will commit suicide

Anonymous No. 953263

UV tutorials aren't necessary at all.
It's a box.
Learn how to unwrap a box.
After that the only other shapes you'll come across are cylinders and spheres. Learn how to unwrap those and anything else is a combo of those 3. No tutorial is going to help with that. Just start cutting up primitives.

Anonymous No. 953264

What's the difference? I currently have made animations by just moving and posing the bones.

Anonymous No. 953276

waste of time
just use smart UV unwrap it does everything for you

Anonymous No. 953283

Why is BF so eager to shit out new numbered versions of this shit? 4.0? Nothing ever fucking changes thats worth a new release so often.

Anonymous No. 953284

Any pose or keyframe you can make with IK you can technically also make with FK. You still want IK if you don't want to be doing any math. Consider a character whose feet are planted on the floor, and imagine twisting their hips sideways. On an FK rig you'd have to twist the hips then work your way down each joint and pick the right number of degrees for the foot and the floor to eventually line up. On an IK rig you just twist the hips and the feet stay.

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targets on floor ....png

Anonymous No. 953306

What's the best way to keep the feet on the floor? I'm not even trying to make this guy walk yet, I'm just going for airhockey hovering. I can always twist the target to make the foot eventually line up with the floor but I'd rather not eyeball it. It would be easier if the target twisted on its own as I moved it to make the ankle's height match.

Anonymous No. 953307

DESU I should just make a longer ik chain since I need the foot and not the shin to match the target, then I think I'll be good if I uncheck "use tail"

Anonymous No. 953308

>all caps desu
has this always been a thing?

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why isn't th....png

Anonymous No. 953310

why isn't the leg like this when I drag the bone all the way out

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 953316

I'm starting to remember how this all works again but I still don't get why the IK solver wants to point BC at the ankle instead of AC. Here is how I think this should work:

>point AB along AD and inherit its roll
>point BC along AD and inherit its roll
>if the length of AC > AD, bend the knee until AC = AD matches without changing roll
Like how hard would it be to make my own solver, really?

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Anonymous No. 953317

I'm starting to remember how this all works again but I still don't get why the IK solver wants to point BC at the ankle instead of AC. Here is how I think this should work:

>point AB along AD and inherit its roll
>point BC along AD and inherit its roll
>if the length of AC > AD, bend the knee until AC = AD matches without changing roll
Like how hard would it be to make my own solver, really

Anonymous No. 953320

disregard I'm a retard I just needed to add 1 to chain length

Anonymous No. 953322

undisregard this, if I have a 3 chain the pole fucks up and if I have 2 then the chain doesn't aim right it's absolutely stupid

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Anonymous No. 953324


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Screencast from 2....webm

Anonymous No. 953325

Is this the kind of movement you're looking for?

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Screencast from 2....webm

Anonymous No. 953330

I threw on a mesh and realized that the hip joint drums need their own magic bones to react to the pole moving.
This was a good exercise, maybe I'll use the rig for something.

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Anonymous No. 953336

This is what I was going for. I'll probably put a pivot on the floor in the long run though. I like your octagons but you don't have the same rotation locks I do, like at 15 seconds look at the thigh.

Anonymous No. 953341

>smart UV unwrap it does everything for you wrong

Anonymous No. 953343

I think Rigify sucks

Anonymous No. 953344

my dream is it eek out a living by making lewd animations in blender, but i don't know, the 3d lewd scene seems pretty saturated, lewd websites are full of it, do you think i would be wasting my time?
Cycles would be my advantage since a lot of what is see is crappy SFM, which cannot compete with the chad cycles light quality wise

Anonymous No. 953345

there is never enough porn

Anonymous No. 953347

you know what really fucking annoys me in blender? all the time i click on an object and find out there is a random keyframe on it, like what the fuck? i didn't do that, where do they keep coming from?

Anonymous No. 953349

is it possible to turn a driver on an off in an animation?

Anonymous No. 953350

I don't think you can animate any animation properties due to weird recursive shit, is what I'm guessing

Anonymous No. 953351

shieeet. it's annoying running into these kind of limitations that i thought would be super easy to do such as turning drivers on and off in the animator

i have another more annoying issue i can't figure out tho.
i have downloaded a rigger character and it works fine but there is one issue, the IK bone for the hand is parented to the root bone so when i move the root bone the ik bone moves as well, which is correct, but i instead need to parent the bone to the hips bone so it moves when i move the hip bone, any idea how to do that?
i tried the typical Ctrl + P set parent, but that had no effect

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Anonymous No. 953352

that it do
the base concept and original versions by cessen are great, just needed a few updates to enable easy regeneration when id properties became a thing, but instead the new maintainers fucked the whole thing up

Anonymous No. 953353

the fuck? are you telling me i just watched several hours of rigify tutorials for nothing??

Anonymous No. 953354

If rigify is shit then what am i supposed to use?
some models i downloaded use mustardui rig but it seems overcomplicated as fuck it comes with a big menu and a bunch of python scripts

Anonymous No. 953356

idk if anything changed lately, i dropped it a while back when it started using materials for bone group colors and shit like that. never tried any of the newer alternatives myself, either. guess it depends on your application, if you need to export to a game engine or something like that.
i'm just making rigs for myself that stay in blender, so it's quicker to just build it by hand, set up the constraints on one limb at a time and use the "symmetrize armature" operator. ymmv

Anonymous No. 953357

>i'm just making rigs for myself that stay in blender
i am conflicted
on one hand i like to make my own armatures since pole and ik target for hands and knees is all i need for animation
but every time i see a professional animator stup they use these crazy rigls with millions of circles and squares and shapes than control the bone positions and rotations and shit and every time i try them it feels cluttered as fuck and pointless, but the pros are all using them so they must be good so if i don't want to be a peasant i must use them too

Anonymous No. 953387

Doing what math? I usually just grab my bones go into pose mode and move them around and save poses?

Anonymous No. 953403

If it isn't intuative why you'd want IK try imaging doing all your motions irl with FK instead of IK. Imagine thinking to lift your thigh, shin, and foot in that order instead of just lifting your foot. You would be constantly stubbing your feet and hands on things.

You don't need all of that, you just need to make sure your rig doesn't neglect anything. Leg rigs without pole targets can't twist their thighs.

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Anonymous No. 953414

when i select object in the scene that is child of some object is there a way to show that child object in the outliner? because it's super hard to when i select a child all i see on the outliner is this on the parent, which is barely noticeable and then i have to manually jump through the hierarchy, is there any way to jump directly to the selected child in the outliner?

Anonymous No. 953416

Yes, hover over the outliner with the object selected and press "."

Anonymous No. 953417

thank fucking christ
i was seriously about to switch to another 3d program because of how annoying this was
now all i need is for blender to treat hierarchies properly so when i click the eye icon on parent all children also dissapear or when i move parent to another collection all children also move
blender has the most unintuitive UI i have ever seen

Anonymous No. 953418

>when i click the eye icon on parent all children also dissapear
Hold down shift when you click it

Anonymous No. 953419

Yeah the way blender treats hierarchies is weird, they basically force you to use collections instead

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Anonymous No. 953443

Are there recordings of the blender meetings or are these just never released?

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Anonymous No. 953445

i'm having a weird issue, when i went into the cycles mode it was working fine before, but now when i go there it doesn't render lights for some reason, it renders all the models, but no light source is emitting any light
just now i got this error i havent seen before as well
also another strange thing is that in cycles it's showing a wrong texture on the floor, i replaced that material some time ago with another and in material preview it's showing correctly but in cycles it's showing the old material
what the hell is going on here? i tried restarting blender an all to no success

Anonymous No. 953446

>Hold down shift when you click it
Thats not as good because if you have some children that are disabled and you click the parent off an on with the shift then those disabled children get reenabled

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Anonymous No. 953449

I am so fucking confused.
I opened new blender and tried quickly adding a cube and some lights to see if the light issue in cycles was only it that one project and in this new blender instance it rendered just fine.
So i copy pasted those lights into the "broken" scene and they fucking work there, what the fuck?? how??
look at this shit, on the left the lights work just fine, but on the right it's totally dark, fucking how?
so i duplicated the working light and dragged it over to the dark scene to see if it's just the existing light sources that got fucked, but nope it has no effect
how in the fuck can lights be broken and working at the same time in the same scene? frens pleeese help

Anonymous No. 953451

>select hierarchy skips any hidden objects
yet another retarded illogical blender quirk

Anonymous No. 953452

>Are there recordings of the blender meetings or are these just never released?
Nope, Pablo Vazquez would be interested in livestream or upload them maybe, he does the blender weekly report thing.

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Anonymous No. 953457

Why the fuck is my editor so slow, don't tell me this is a lot
I have seen single models that have way more polys than this and this is my whole scene

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 953458

Retard here.
How to set my weight paint brushes to default ?

Anonymous No. 953483

Every time i see a blender render using evee it fills me with unimaginable rage.
Why the FUCK do people still use that inferior worthless piece of shit rendered when the masterrace cycles exists?

Anonymous No. 953485

Try rendering a long animation in cycles, retard. People mostly use Eevee for NPR anyway.

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Anonymous No. 953490

How many unique background characters do I need to make a somewhat convincing city?

At the moment, I've got a procedural system that randomly generates a character's
>hair color
>eye color
>skin color
>shirt color
>pants color
>shoes color
Problem is, their hair style and actual body/face are the same. I only have three unique models so far. How many would you say I need to make large crowds not look like shit?

Anonymous No. 953498


you need a body type slider with many many types of variations

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Anonymous No. 953524


Anonymous No. 953527

The magic number is seven. You need seven variations of each distinct thing, and then people can't immediately tell that your grass textures of tree models repeat.
>7 adult male bodies
>7 adult female bodies
>7 faces for each sex
>7 shades of every hair color
>7 hair styles for each sex
If you make a set of variations that numbers seven but appears to repeat at a glance, then some of the variations are too distinct and you'll need to either separate a quality into a different set or replace the most distinct variation with something more average.

Anonymous No. 953534

Holy shit. ye olde blender, back when right click was the default.

Anonymous No. 953541

This. Most people are too lazy to use AI. I had to tell my friend what ChatGPT is last week, and we're both under 30. And think about photography. Until modern technology reduced the effort to a single button press, almost all amateur photos were disposable camera quality, at best. Even now, most people don't bother to learn the fundamentals. That's why Google had to put out that thing about better algorithms for processing images of dark skin. Most people have no idea that photographing dark skin requires additional considerations.

Until AI can make creating animations as simple as using a snapchat filter, there will be room for artists.

Anonymous No. 953549

Very helpful, thank you

Anonymous No. 953553

is the Fundamentals playlist in OP still relevant for 3.6?

Anonymous No. 953560

suzanne be lookin like a scrotum with cataracts

Anonymous No. 953561

>This. Most people are too lazy to use AI.
It's not normies you have to worry about, it's bosses.

>animating and modeling is so tedious

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Anonymous No. 953569

True. Plus with 0 production cost, no barrier to entry besides a PC, competition skyrocketing. Any artists left are going to be fighting for scraps.

Either way, I'm trying to learn Stable Diffusion now, and watching AI news closely.

>nothing spetchul but im learning :)

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Anonymous No. 953574

Not super satisfied with the cloud, it looks a bit soft and flat. Is it the lighting that needs changing or the settings/material of the cloud itself?

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Anonymous No. 953576


Anonymous No. 953583

The cloud needs more detail for one. Like on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being mush and 5 being too fucking detailed to the point it's unrealistic, you're at a 2 (maybe 1.5). You need to be at a 3-4.
I'd also say that the cloud is a bit too dense and could be dialed back a bit.
Then again, I'm not sure what you're going for and what scale it's supposed to be.

Anonymous No. 953618

>typing a few keywords is art

Anonymous No. 953620

>learn Stable Diffusion
Have fun not being an artist and ALWAYS being limited by your tools.

don't lump me in with those hacks, I don't even like to use AI denoisers.

Anonymous No. 953621

every day i use blender i find at least one more retarded thing in the UI that makes no logical sense

Anonymous No. 953625

Why is bloom showing up in material preview window but not in cycles?

Anonymous No. 953627

Cycles uses the glare node in the compositor instead of bloom

Anonymous No. 953639

Luddites spotted. Same as the faggots who said computer animation isn't real and you should draw every cell by hand. Same as musicians who think "computers automate the whole process". Time has shown what that mentality brings.

>typing a few keywords
Okay, bud. Tell you what, I'll give you a specific commission. If you can generate an AI image that satisfies the criteria I specify, I'll never touch AI again. The skill element is not being able to generate a one-off image through random luck, it's pinning down and refining variables until the specific image you want emerges. The image I posted is 3 different generations using over a dozen models, and then merged via photoshop. Was it as difficult as learning digital painting? Hell no. You got the balls to try it? I doubt it.

>being limited by your tools
Are you retarded? Mind telling me how you subvert the limitations of your tools as a traditional artist? They're limitations. Go ahead, draw something you've never seen before. Draw a picture of my boss. I won't show you what he looks like, and I won't give you "a few keywords" to describe him. Best of luck.

Anonymous No. 953642

> I don't even like to use AI denoisers.
Honestly thats the one thing where AI actually helps. IOD is mind boggling

Anonymous No. 953645

You will never be an artist.

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Anonymous No. 953646

should i use cuda or optix?
i googled them and optix is the new and improved one but from test renders i tried, it seems like optix is way slower than cuda

Anonymous No. 953647

And nobody will care that you are.

Anonymous No. 953649

What are you using for a test? Light files will show almost no difference.

Try this one:

I doubt the 3060 will even be able to run it in CUDA, it uses almost triple the memory. My 4090 was sweating.

My times:
>CUDA: 08:36.47
>OPTIX: 00:27.10

For more test files:

Anonymous No. 953651

>draw something you've never seen before
I do this every day
>Draw a picture of my boss. I won't show you what he looks like, and I won't give you "a few keywords" to describe him. Best of luck.
So drawing with pen and pencil is inherently limited because I don't magically know what your boss looks like? AI can't do that either. Are you retarded? That's a limitation of reality.
Is drawing bad because it isn't a time machine? Would drawing be better than AI could draw a spaceship and fly away?

I like to draw in photoshop on my gaming PC with a nice drawing tablet, photoshop, my custom brushes. What happens when I'm not at my PC? Say I have a biro and napkin, what happens? I just draw the picture. Similarly with 3D, you learn skills you can take from place to place, to different software, to different fucking professions.

Now what happens when a prompter doesn't have access to code that runs on someone else's machine? Uh oh, looks like you have zero utility. Your composition looks like shit btw, which is fine you're just learning, but you should focus on learning something like that instead of playing roulette thinking you're learning skills. You're not getting a leg up on the competition by demonstrating you can use software that doesn't have a learning curve. You know what happens when you spend hours trying different prompts, and you post it online thinking you worked hard (lol)? Someone sees that and says "wow look what AI can do!"
You're not in the picture.

Anonymous No. 953655

>I do this every day
No you don't. Not in any way that AI doesn't. Unless you're only making avant-garde crap, your work is derivative. You aren't inventing techniques, you aren't making something totally unrecognizable from what we've seen before. Artists are lucky to get those moments once in their lifetime, let alone every day.

I take your point, real art skills can be utilized with limited resources, but that doesn't invalidate AI creations. With a napkin and a biro, you're not going to be able to do the same things you can with all your art equipment. In the same way you can doodle on your napkin and then take it home to give it the full treatment, I can write down ideas for a prompt, and refine it at home. Again, I'm not comparing the skill required, so don't get your feelings hurt.

>code that runs on someone else's machine
Not that it matters, but I generate locally.

>your composition looks like shit
What's so bad about it? Composition was always something I was hit-and-miss on, no matter the medium.

>focus on something like that
I am. You seem to think that utilizing a tool means I'm relying on only that tool. When you see construction workers hammering nails, do you think they're trying to build a house using only a hammer?

>playing roulette
Except that's not how it works.

>software that doesn't have a learning curve
My challenge stands. Seriously, have you ever tried using it?

Anonymous No. 953658

>Except that's not how it works.
yes it is, you don't get out exactly what you put in. if I make something then every pixel is where I put it. You're hoping that it puts the pixels somewhere appealing. There's some happy accidents with art of course, and mistakes, but it's all me. When it's not you, it's a gamble.

I meant compositing. The composition is generic enough to be fine.
>lighting doesn't match
>depth of field doesn't match (there's an AI trick for this but I'm not going to tell you lol)
>platform she's standing on doesn't make sense, not as a platform and not as something in that scene
>words and signs are gibberish
It's fine, you're just learning. But get better at this. Learn how light works IRL, pick up photography. If you want to at least be better than other prompters you'll need to do stuff like this.

>My challenge stands. Seriously, have you ever tried using it?
I tried midjourney when it first came out. Won't use it again because I consider it distasteful.
I have skills that take people years to learn, I don't think this shit has a learning curve.
Sure it has some, but way less than dark souls game for instance. I basically consider it trivial.

Anonymous No. 953660

Is it possible to repeat animation in the NLA? but not in the way you think.
Say i have a simple animation, cube moves up then back down, 3 keyframes.
I push it down into NLA and then i can set repeat and stuff. But is it possible to repeate it inside of the animation strip?
Say the strip with the animation is 3cm long, i set it to repeat 3 times and and it's now 9cm long because the animation repeats 3 times in it.
So i don't want to repeat the strip 3 times, i want to repeat the animation inside of it 3 times so i can copy paste it around the NLA timeline and have spaces in between

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Anonymous No. 953661

here is what i mean, the animation in the strip is set to repeat 3 times, but then i also want to repeat the whole repeated strip several times

Anonymous No. 953665

>yes it is
I'll make this point again; the skill aspect comes in minimizing that RNG element. I agree there is less control, but I don't agree that it invalidates it.

Fair. That was something I was unsatisfied with. I also now realize that I fucked up. That's my first draft, not the final version. I did more work after this, and the final version does address some of your points, but you have no reason to believe that I didn't make a bunch of edits just now, so I won't use that as an excuse.

>learn how light works IRL, pick up photography
Although that piece doesn't show it, I actually am pretty good at this. I know 2/3 point lighting, how to emphasize form, color theory, etc. One thing I get regular compliments on with my 3D work is lighting and shader realism.

Is me, for something I'm a little more satisfied with. Didn't make the model, but I do know how to make it look good.

>words and signs are gibberish
Fair. That's a limitation of the tech. One that is going to be eliminated soon, by the way.

>won't use it again
I guess that's your prerogative. I think it comes down to usage. If you train an AI on an artists work, then use that AI to generate similar imagery, and then compete with them in the same marketplace, there's no question that's scummy. But if I want to make a game, and I can't afford a concept artist, why would I not use it? Should I limit my ambitions? If I want to make a chicken sandwich, and I have a chicken generating machine, is it wrong to use it? Should I be forced to either pay farmers, or raise the chicken myself? Idk man, just seems like luddite pearl clutching to me.

Anonymous No. 953672

>you have no reason to believe that I didn't make a bunch of edits just now, so I won't use that as an excuse.
I'm not testing you anon, people are at different skill levels. It's fine not to be as good as other people, progress is what matters.
>If you train an AI on an artists work, then use that AI to generate similar imagery, and then compete with them in the same marketplace, there's no question that's scummy.
I think putting another artist's work into the machine without their consent is scummy full stop. It's not economically bad, but I do find it very distasteful.

>But if I want to make a game, and I can't afford a concept artist, why would I not use it?
Purely for concepting for your own stuff? I think it's fine but I wouldn't do it. I think putting ai assets in any kind of finished product is unwise, especially as an indie dev who needs be charming to have any kind of success.
>seems like luddite pearl clutching to me.
Luddites were smart people. They were looking out for their own best interests as workers, which is something most wagies neglect to do today and they wonder why their lives are getting worse.

On the subject of labour saving devices, my opinion is this: we have never seen advances in productivity reflected in the wages of workers. Every year productivity goes up, wages stay the same, or fall. So why would I be happy about technology that doesn't bring anything new to the table, and can only supress my wages? There are some applications for the technology that are useful, like noise removal, but generally I think it's bad, and I don't fuck with people who want to see it have a wider adoption. I want customers to reject AI "art" as the inferior product that it is.
And beyond all that, some jobs are always going to be bad, like digging ditches. If we could do away with them and look after the ditch diggers, that'd be great. There's no perfect world where humans stop creating art. The job should never be automated.

Anonymous No. 953673

>progress is what matters
I agree. I was just saying that I don't suck as bad as that first image would imply.

>I do find it very distasteful.
Agree to disagree. But I hold the same standard for my own OC.

>putting ai assets in any kind of finished product
Again, I think it depends on the individual implementation, and how much you use the AI as a creative crutch instead of a tool.

>lives are getting worse
By what metric? I see people making minimum wage spending money on fucking OnlyFans. They're not going hungry, they have AC/heating, they don't live in squalor. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think entry-level workers were living luxuriously 100 years ago. Yeah people aren't growing economically, but that's because living at a lower economic level is getting more and more acceptable, as technology improves living conditions.

I also think it's futile to fight the tide. AI will dominate productivity soon. When that happens, even far-right figures agree there's a solid argument for things like UBI, universal healthcare, etc.

Anonymous No. 953674

You could use the cyclic f-curve modifier on the stuff in the strip, and when you go to specify how long the NLA clip is you can make it an arbitrary length. So for example, if you had that 3cm strip, and extended just that single strip to 9cm the animation would keep repeating because the cyclic modifier is on in the keyframes for that strip.
Obviously you'd have to cut it at the loop points, but I think what I described is what you mean.

Anonymous No. 953675

>By what metric?
Housing. Debt. Life expectancy.
Phones and TVs are cheaper now, but your economic level isn't just about toys and gizmos. Owning a house is becoming a pipe dream for many middle class people.
You mentioned hunger. Hunger is a solved problem. We can feed the whole world easily. Hunger is still a problem in America, as is the related issue of food insecurity. America is a hard working country anon, there's no shortage of people working every hour god sends them, and a lot of them are struggling.

>When that happens, even far-right figures agree there's a solid argument for things like UBI, universal healthcare, etc.
You can't get liberals to agree on universal healthcare right now. We're not in a situation where we can sit back and expect problems to be solved, the people who will benefit the most from automation will damn sure work their asses off to make sure people like us don't benefit from it at all.

Anonymous No. 953676

Housing is a problem, but not one caused by automation. Inflation is the problem, but I don't think either of us have time to solve that in this discussion.

Food insecurity is overblown. There are two levels. The widespread one is when people need to make changes to their food spending. If I go from buying wagyu ribeyes every week to buying prime, I qualify as that level of food insecure. That's not an exaggeration. The level of food insecurity where people actually struggle to get food is incredibly rare.

Can you elaborate on life expectancy? The only data I know is that it goes up every year.

>you can't get liberals to agree right now
Right now. If there's a massive unemployment crisis because of AI, things WILL change. People profiting from automation don't continue to profit if nobody has any money to spend.

Anonymous No. 953681

Not interested in having a political debate here, but you're right that those issues aren't caused by automation.
But what these problems are caused by, and that includes inflation, is bosses having almost complete power to dictate terms.
Right now actors and writers in unions are striking, and some of their demands include drastic limitations on how corporations can use AI in those industries.
That is the right move, that's people looking out for themselves, protecting their careers. I just wish visual artists were in a position to make those kinds of demands.

>Can you elaborate on life expectancy? The only data I know is that it goes up every year.
google it.
>things WILL change
if things change, it's because people take action. People with power are going to fight things like UBI as much as possible, because they would have to increase wages to compete with it. Nice things don't happen unless people fight for it. We wouldn't have things like weekends if people didn't fight for them.

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outline w.webm

Anonymous No. 953692

any idea why I can't get an outline to work on this?

Anonymous No. 953698

Can you post your .blend?

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rotated endegesa ....png

Anonymous No. 953699

fucking spam detector wouldn't let me link it raw
not sure how to make it so the image texture I used sticks with the file

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snow capped tree ....png

Anonymous No. 953701

Well this is weird. It worked for me immediately. Did you try saving and restarting Blender?

Anonymous No. 953702

Messed around with it until I could reproduce the bug you're getting.

Try this:

Edit Mode > Select All > Alt+N > F

Or in the menus:

Edit Mode > Mesh > Normals > Flip

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Anonymous No. 953703

restarting it seemed to work, but I get this weird shimmer effect
was just trying the flip normals thing before you mentioned it. when I flip normals before applying the outline, the outline I try to apply doesn't work, and when I flip normals after I've got the outline working, it makes the outline disappear

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Anonymous No. 953705

oh ignore that I'm retarded, it's because I had the shadow material casting shadows
thanks for the help Anon

Anonymous No. 953706

Good shit. Glad to help. Mind telling what your project is?

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Anonymous No. 953707

just trying to figure out low poly modeling so I can get to work on a game. looking at games with flat shading, cel-shading and such for inspiration since it's easy to make for a beginner
the game I have in mind is a combination of Jumping Flash and Jump King, which doesn't seem 'too' difficult to make. in my head I just see it as needing a win condition at the top, and then the actual jumping mechanics
first-person view, hold a button and release to jump and work your way up into the sky. each jump is committal, meaning you can't change trajectory once you've let go; if you miss, you could fall right down to the bottom
I'd like to use diegetic HUD like in Metroid Prime, for example a bar fills up showing you how high you'll jump as a gauge on the inside of the visor. adding stuff like rain drops hitting the visor would be nice too
tentatively called Pogo Robo

Anonymous No. 953711

I like your style. Making basic movement fun and engaging can carry a game on its own. Mirror's Edge is one of my favorites.

I also love diegetic HUDs and immersive shit like that. The Metro series is a great example, where you can get coom on your visor, and you need to wipe it to see again. Really makes you feel vulnerable in tense situations.

Anonymous No. 953723

if i have a driver attached to some property is it possible to affect it in an animation? for example add a variable into the the drive which i can cnage the value of during an animation?

Anonymous No. 953725

>for example add a variable into the the drive which i can cnage the value of during an animation?
Yeah, you should be able to add a custom property into the driver and animate the custom property value

Anonymous No. 953726

oh yeah, i could just like do * custom property i guess that will work fine

i have one more issue though, in the scene i want to have tv model which on the screen is showing the footage from the scene camera, is this possible? wasn't able to google anything gainful

Anonymous No. 953739

There might be a way with texture mapping and the UV pass in compositing

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Anonymous No. 953757

Quick question
i have uv mapped texture like this and i want to apply emmissive shader, but only to that red dot, what is the easiest way to do it?

Anonymous No. 953760

Interesting, i have never used compositor before, does that mean i won't be able to see this working in the editor, only after rendering?

Anonymous No. 953777

How to make blender not include some bones when using automatic weights?
I don't want my IK handles to have weights, it's a pain to clean it up

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2023-07-31 10_06_....png

Anonymous No. 953782

I'd throw the image in photoshop and make an emission map.

If you want to do it all in blender, I'd use a Separate Color node, and run the red channel through a color ramp like picrel. The disadvantage to this is it only works if the only red in the image is the part you want to glow. So you couldn't have red paint and red lights on the same map. I'll post an image of the result next.

Anonymous No. 953783

Don't select them and/or move them to another layer.

Anonymous No. 953786

how did you make the lines so tidy between nodes?

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Anonymous No. 953789

Here's the result. As you can see, the selected vertex also glows, and the non-monochrome nature of the light makes it look iffy. There is probably a better way to do it procedurally, but honestly the photoshop option is just so much easier.

Node Wrangler. It's a built-in addon.

Edit > Preferences > Add-ons
Type "node" into the search

Then in the node editor, hold shift and right click and drag across the node path. It should generate one of those little dots, which you can then position however you like.

I'd recommend watching a video on Node Wrangler. As soon as you use it, you wonder why they don't have it enabled by default. It's so insanely useful.

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Anonymous No. 953798

>says until next time
>actually doesn't do a Blender Today next time
>repeat this over and over

inb4 "alright guys it was a good run, someone feel free to take over the format I'm done here"

Anonymous No. 953806

Are you going to start obsessing with nodes topology too? Or are you already?

Anonymous No. 953811

This is wrong >>953783
All you have to do is uncheck the "deform" option on the bone. Bones with the deform checked will contribute to weighting, while those without will be ignored.

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Anonymous No. 953866

what is the point of this setting when it doesn't shop up on renders?
only in the editor
How do i make it show up in renders?
I tried Alpha over in compositor but its shit and only put the image under the rendered images not on top

Anonymous No. 953867

>I tried Alpha over in compositor but its shit and only put the image under the rendered images not on top
Have you tried spending 5 seconds figuring out how it works and swapping the input sockets so the image is on top?

Anonymous No. 953872

modeling on a slow pc is truly suicide fuel
having the viewport lag every time i turn it makes me want to rope

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Anonymous No. 953873

Its hard to get anything useful from it

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weight painting.jpg

Anonymous No. 953875


Anonymous No. 953876

why? weight painting and uv unwrapping are the most two relaxing activities in modeling i always look forward to doing them

Anonymous No. 953878

I've completely fucked up my weight painting 2 times already, I've come to learn that automatic weights + some small adjustments work best, if you try to make big changes it will fuck the model up and trying to fix it will take more time than starting over

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Anonymous No. 953901

lies! i have 8GB vram and the scene isn't even that big

Anonymous No. 953911

dang turns out the models i downloaded from asset store were unoptimized as fuck, like for example broom handle which is just a cylinder had like 5000 faces, fucking gay as fuck
I put decimated mod on it and most other models and reduce the poly count by 96% without noticing any difference in the model, wild. Fucking shitty designers can't topo for shit.

Anonymous No. 953913

Ever since I discovered baking normals I've never done anything else. Depending on the complexity of the object you can get it from hundreds of thousands of polys down to a few hundred with no real difference. Obviously if it's a bit more complex it might be a few thousand. Either way I prefer it.

Anonymous No. 953921

what should i look for in a drawing tablet if i want to use it for modelling/rigging/animating with blender? in a pure gamedev context if that distinguishes my use case in any way

Anonymous No. 953948

If it has a screen, don't skimp on the size. 12-13" might be cheap, but you're not doing yourself any favors when it comes to using it for work (both in terms of room, and screen detail). 17" and up is where I'd aim for.
Besides that, they're nice as a second screen, but for "modelling/rigging/animating" you won't be using the drawing functionality of it that much. If you're doing texturing and sculpting and stuff you will though.
If it doesn't have a screen, I'd still opt for a nice sizable one so you have room to work with. It's less important though since your movements are extrapolated to another screen.

Anonymous No. 953964

xpbd still isnt out but im sure they are cooking up something good haha!

Anonymous No. 953983

when i put a driver on a color it creates 3 separate drivers for each r g b, is it possible to only use one driver and set the color all at once? such as #ff0000

Anonymous No. 953991

thanks for the input
not sure i can afford a screen one honestly, i'm quite poor and even secondhand ones seem fairly pricey...
i'm also quite sensitive to latency but i imagine a tablet with a high report rate would mitigate that, right? i was looking at a huion rtm-500 the other day and it seemed like a nice fit in that regard (300hz i think, and more than enough "lines per inch" to map to a 4k screen), and my monitor is very low latency too, so at least for sculpting and texturing something like that could be good for me
my desk is rather small so a smaller one is probably better for now until i can afford to rebuild my whole workspace
i'd kind of like to be a one-man army in as many ways as i can manage, which i know is an insane aspiration but i've got nothing better to do with my life

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Anonymous No. 954004

how do I pose her? I cant figure it out

Anonymous No. 954005

man i love drivers, i don't have to deal with the retarded blender ui and its limitations, i can just program that shit straight in with python to do exactly what i want, it's saving me tons of time, but man, blender is a 3d modeling app and so far my project is like 40% model 60% code

Anonymous No. 954012

Post the image reference if you have used one, right?

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Anonymous No. 954029

Please, please, please help me. I have an animated shader on a character that I want to always flow down the global Z-axis, but when I animate her in pose mode, the shader rotates with the rig and winds up flowing sideways or even up her body.

Using object texture coordinates works perfectly when everything is still, but causes the texture to spaz out when animating because it's using the model's mesh origin instead of its updated pose location. So I have to use generated coordinates and they cause this problem.

I'm fucking around with vector transforms and nothing is working. Please take pity on this retard.

Anonymous No. 954032

Are there any creative ways to reduce flickering in fluid simulations without baking at a higher resolution? For this instance I'm also using turbulence and harmonic force fields and zero gravity.

Anonymous No. 954058

Can't you just use an empty for the object coordinates then? That's why there's a little box to specify what object is used for the coordinates.
After that just put a copy location constraint on the empty to do exactly what it says, copy location (of the rig). You probably don't want copy rotation, since you'll run up against the issue you're having now. Parenting would also cause the issue.

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Anonymous No. 954063

does it look like good cum noodle physics?
i am making a lewd animation and animating realistic cum physics is harder than i thought

Anonymous No. 954064

Use Camera from the Texture Coord node as the input vector

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Anonymous No. 954066


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Anonymous No. 954075

what is this red circle? it's causing my hook modifer to not work properly

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Anonymous No. 954076

okay the circle was skin modifier so not realted to my problem, so why it's not working? look how the hook pulls the second vert more than the first one, both of those verts are assigned to the vertex group assigned to that hook modifier so they should both move

Anonymous No. 954077

nevermind i just fixed it, despite those vertexes lighting up when i selected the vertex group only one was part of it so i remove and added them again and now it works
mature software my ass

Anonymous No. 954078

Selecting a vertex group extends your current selection, not replace it. So yeah, add it to the list of things that are misleading or illogical to new users.

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animation 5.gif

Anonymous No. 954082

My first turntable animation.

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Anonymous No. 954118

How the FUCK do you even get rid of all grain in cycles, there is always some grain left. I followed every advice on the first 3 google pages and there is still grain reee

Anonymous No. 954132

Cool robot

Anonymous No. 954136

i'm thinking about getting into making tutorials, mostly for abstract and motion designy stuff. what are some things you guys love/hate about blender tutorials?

Anonymous No. 954137

Your light fucking sucks.
Also, try to avoid tiny point lights where you can.

Anonymous No. 954139

I hate tutorials that drag on for ages when it really isn't necessary and I hate when there's no screencast keys on, but I think that's just my autism.
One thing that I really can't stand, but it isn't specific to 3D tuts, is when someone uploads a tutorial and leaves their mistakes in and undoes them in the video or hasn't really prepared for the video at all.

I like things to be simple, straightforward, and to the point.

Anonymous No. 954140

100% agree with all of those

Anonymous No. 954142

There's nothing worse to me in porn animations than those shitty cum strings that are attached from one point to another and don't break or anything throughout the entire animation.
The shit is so viscous in those animations it's like you could make stalagmites out of your dick the moment it comes out.
It's like they got covered in spiderman webs, not cum.
If you're fine with that, the yeah, I guess it'll work.

If denoising doesn't work and it's a still image, stack a few renders at different noise seeds (ideally with denoising on), at like 50%, 33%, 25%, etc opacity.
It might also be a fundamental problem with your scene (can't tell without seeing it). If you're using emissive objects to fill the scene with lights, stop. Use the emissives, but also supplement it with actual lights. If it's a dark scene with like one tiny light, make the whole scene brighter and make it darker via exposure or post processing.

>what are some things you guys hate...
Faggots that feel the need to put a webcam feed on their shit like I'm there for them and not the information, indian accents, faggots with intro animations, faggots that don't show the end result at the start of the video so I can tell if they're full of shit or not, retards that spend 90% of the video droning on and on, and the tippy top, retards that are doing advanced stuff still going over basic bitch hotkeys like I haven't been doing this shit for 10 years. Special mention for retards that are regurgitating the shit they've read in the manual for views or have only the most basic knowledge of the shit they're going over and don't know what the fuck they're doing.

Granted, most of the stuff I watch now is more workflow and theory oriented (the whole "why didn't I think of that", type shit). If I do dip into basic rundown tuts though, it's for things I haven't done in ages and forgot, or some corner of the software I haven't touched like the rigid body constraints or smoke sims.

Anonymous No. 954151

>d from one point to another and don't break or anything throughout the entire animation.
well excuse me, do you have any idea how hard it is to make breakable ones? it's a massive chore and extra work where with these regular ones i can attach them turn on cloth sim and forget about them, where with custom ones you have to animate each cum string individually, and i'm not fucking pixar i ain't got time for that

Anonymous No. 954160

I want to have several custom properties which i'm using in drivers around the scene and i want to have them in one place what is the best way to do this?
Just add a cube and attach the properties to it? Or script some sort of custom blender tab? I want to have them all in one place for easy access

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Anonymous No. 954164

I'm trying to swap the colors of a hair texture with a custom driver
I have 13 colors (ramps) to apply on the texture, I made it work with 2 using mix, I think i could probably make it work with more colors using this method, but it would become a nightmare with so many nodes for the color ramps.
Is there an easier way to do this? Idk how to code in python yet.

Anonymous No. 954167

You can make a node group with the color ramp and then instance it.

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Anonymous No. 954169

Thanks. It's the Nod Avatar from C&C 3.

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Anonymous No. 954171

i'm not sure what i did but my rendering stopped working, when i hit render it just finishes instantly and show a blank screen like this
When i switch to another scene i have in this blend file and try to render there it works fine
What the fuck happened? i never changed any camera settings as far as i'm aware
google told me to check clipping distance and that surfaces checkbox is checked i did both and those settings are find, so why am i getting this?

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Anonymous No. 954172

nevermind, found this
fuck this little cunt, it was the cause of the issue i don't remember ever checking it

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Anonymous No. 954177

i dont know what awaits once i jump into blender so i want to ask some things.
i plan on doing the topology in blender with the shrinkwrap function, is there a way i can punch out a hole for the mouth while doing that or should i seperate the jaw in zbrush beforehand?
and how do i maintain the detail i have in the sculpt when topologizing. i plan to do some animating and i dont want the face looking like n64.

Anonymous No. 954178

>how do i maintain the detail
bruh there isn't much detail to begin with

Anonymous No. 954180

thank you

Anonymous No. 954182

I have 3 positions in the scene and during animation i want to be able to tell camera to move there and look in that direction smoothly, what is the best way to do this? So then during animation i can simply switch between these positions smoothly at any time

Anonymous No. 954185

How can I rotate my 3D view around the current view point (limited to pitch and yaw like in FPS games)?

Anonymous No. 954188

I figured out you can enable walk mode with shift+`, but this caps the framerate at about 100fps so it's not ideal.

Anonymous No. 954190

Also it's a mode, rather than a modifier key, so it's inconvenient to use. There should be some modifier I can hold to make the MMB rotate around the current view instead of the center point.

Anonymous No. 954205

How can I automatically scale an empty cube to fully contain a selection?

Anonymous No. 954210

am i doing something wrong with path curves for hair if moving an end into another mesh causes the whole thing to rotate

Anonymous No. 954221

You can delimit whatever vertices you want shinkwrapped using a vertex group and then do whatever you want with the ones not affected by the modifier.
And you maintain detail primarily by baking a normal map and any other maps like AO or whatever from the sculpt to the retopologized mesh. If you want actual geometry detail you can use multires, a modifier like subsurf that stores vertex offsets from higher subdivisions while letting you manipulate a low polygon version.

Anonymous No. 954223

I made a path curve and used the follow path constraint so the camera follows it, but once it arrives at the end of the path how do i make it stay there? if i turn the influence of the constrain off the camera jumps to different position
and also while the camera is moving along the path it's position in the item menu is not changing so i can't keyframe the final position, so how do i smoothly leave the path?

Anonymous No. 954225

I'm just saying not to leave it there the whole time.
Shouldn't be hard to keyframe the hook on one end to drop, and then the other some time later.

Anonymous No. 954231

i'll do some research about it, thx!

Anonymous No. 954237

Why the FUCK is it possible to select bones that are in invisible and protected layers and modify their roll? My whole rig is fucked AGAIN!

Anonymous No. 954239

blame Pablo lmao

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Anonymous No. 954242

literally just starting out, only previous experience is fucking around with pre-made models (sims 4 shit, you know how it is). anyways this was the vivid mental image i got when i got hyped over figuring out ho to extrude edges.

for the record the last time i tried making a model I was like ten and only managed to add a monkey to the scene. so this is impressive to me at least.

Anonymous No. 954247

pass docs 4 blender as fucking top tier VFX for video

Anonymous No. 954293

i hate animating
when will AI do the animating for me
why are all animation packs so shitty

Anonymous No. 954295

Can you guys rec some good guides on architecture with blender

Anonymous No. 954297

Congrats you are at the beginning of a long and masochistic journey. Most people quit within 3 months. Some people stick to the hobby but never progress because they are permanently trapped in tutorial hell. 1 out of 100 blendfags will make it and you are not the one.

Anonymous No. 954374

Ryzen 5
8 GB of RAM
Win 10 Pro

On a scale of 1 to 20, with 1 being Space Quest 1, and 20 being Devil May Cry 5, at what level of complexity will Blender give my computer a heart attack?

Anonymous No. 954375

I also just started out, too, anon. I made a cube go across the screen, and then I made it fishtail like a car going out of control. I felt like He Man.

We can do it, anon.

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Anonymous No. 954398

how do i get consistent uv density/ texel density in blender?

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Anonymous No. 954399

ryzen 5, 1650 and 8gb can do this

Anonymous No. 954401

Pls give me a concise tutorial with a project to follow that covers modeling, UVing and texturing with Blender?
I learned the basics of all that years ago but never opened the software since then. So I actually remember the operations of modeling and all but need a refresher. Never did any UV and textures stuff tho.

Anonymous No. 954402

There's an addon called texel density checker that does it iirc. You put the values in and it makes them all the same or something like that, I could never get it to work so I just fucked it off. It does work though. I was just too much of a brainlet to be able to use it.

Anonymous No. 954403

its literally in OP
thanks anon, wonder why its not built in

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Anonymous No. 954408

Cheers lads. I've got the gumption to stick with this little endeavor for now. I was already an artist before hand so some skills have translated over. Here's another thing I'm working on - I needed a good 3d model of an alligator head for a character of mind, but the only one available in the clip studio material catalog was pay-to-use so I'm just. Making my own.

Also been dissecting models from games who I hope to emulate, mostly ps2 era shit since nostalgia goggles are on. It's wild seeing how different models can be - also funnily enough re4's models seem way less dense than sh3's. not what I expected given how nice both games look.

Anonymous No. 954410

what do i need to know to follow a blender -> substance-painter -> unity workflow?
i am aiming to create stylized game-ready assets
i also wont be creating anything too complex or highly demanding technically
lets see if i am correct
i need to be careful about the scale i use, learn topology, convert models to tris, unwrap the model, export the unwrap to substance painter, apply the painted texture on the model, bake texture details in substance, apply the normal mask as well, export the model to unity and put the masks in the proper slots
is this all?
tutorial recommendations would be highly appreciated, thanks!

Anonymous No. 954413

Out of curiosity where are you getting the models from? Are you ripping them yourself?

Anonymous No. 954416

I have driver on an X axis position of an object, but the problem is i also need it to be drive by an animation.
How would that expression look like?
For example if there was no driver and the position was 5 then with the driver it's 5 + var, so basically i need to somehow get the value it would be if there was no driver.
I tried doing this
self.location.x + var
But that doesn't work correctly since it seems it kinds of recursively add the positions together which causes the position to just become some high nonsense number.

I just want
position_if_it_had_no_driver + var

Anonymous No. 954418

There's a handful of sites that have vidya models up. models-resource is great but sparse. I do have copies of the games myself and a model ripper if I need something specific.

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Anonymous No. 954424

Never really 3D modeled anything before but I had a horrible idea and I just HAD to see it become a reality. It took a long ass time. I took measurements of the real thing, this should in theory be 3D printable and subsequently made into a mold. How did I do guys?

Anonymous No. 954425

I hope a swarm of locusts manifest under your foreskin.

Anonymous No. 954426

I honestly can't say I blame you, may well be the single worst thing I have ever created

Anonymous No. 954431

Keyframe the same animation on an empty object, and use its animation data as a driver variable.

Anonymous No. 954440

Don't ever fuck with expressions unless you're doing something actually complex with drivers. It's an easy pitfall to get into when learning drivers.
Just mess around with the driver graph curves till things work fine. 90% of the time, it's exactly what you need.

Anonymous No. 954447

thats too cumbersome, i am using that driver for an armature bone and having the animation on an empty would make it a huge chore when animating the armature

i am already using the drivers all over the place since they are so powerful, i have to since i need a bunch of thing to be procedurally animated based on a music fcurve (without it i would have to keyframe all those movements manually which would be a nightmare) and then i'm trying to add my animation on top of that

Anonymous No. 954448

Thanks anon

Anonymous No. 954489

I'm trying out some animating and it makes me want to kill myself.
Is it always this tedious? Just moving bones and pressing I for hours upon hours? Jesus fuck, it's not even a good animation. I have seem some AAA tier lewd animations from patreon artists are you telling me they sit there for a month moving bones and pressing I like retards? How do they stay sane?

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Master Controls.webm

Anonymous No. 954509

>i need a bunch of thing to be procedurally animated based on a music fcurve
Oh that shit is "easy" (easy being subjective). I did a whole music video like that with a bunch of little background things pulsing to different parts of the music.
The trick is to have a few master controls (empties) that sync up with the music, doing something simple like moving from 0-1 on the Y axis with the music (webm related). Then for everything else you just use those empties to drive what you want. Again, you don't need expressions for those, or what you're driving, (apart from plugging in the variable), tweaking the Driver's F-curve is all you need for any of them really. Especially when zeroing out values.

I should also mention that using multiple tracks, like the melody, bassline, drums, etc are a good way to keep things separate and have a bunch of stuff moving in more ways than just a single channel, and you have more control over what moves when and with what part of the music. In cases where I don't have those, I usually just go into FL studio and make those tracks myself. They don't have to sound perfectly like the original song, it just needs to be enough to move stuff with the instruments.
I also did a few "quantized" tracks, these are the same as the normal tracks, but I intentionally make the notes short so they go on/off quickly. This has a different effect than the normal ones that stay on during longer notes. Pretty useful when you want to sync something up to the melody or bassline but keep things pulsing rather than lingering between notes (watch the difference between the normal bassline/melody and the quantized ones to see what I mean).

Anonymous No. 954510

the fcurve itself is easy, the issue is when i need to combine the fcurve with animation keyframes, but i figured it out i just need to diable the driver when i'm keyframing
what do you use separate the song into separate instrument channels? some online tool?

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Anonymous No. 954522

I wanna make one of these things. What would you guys do to make the lights? A light emitting panel between each tile?

Anonymous No. 954557

when i download a blend file with a character model and it has rings and custom scripts and all that in it, how the fuck do i set up a scene with several characters like that? i have several blend files one with each character but how do i put them into one? if i try just copy pasting it doesn't work since it doesn't bring all the scripts and shit with them

Anonymous No. 954558

>the issue is when i need...
Ahh that's what you were having a problem with. I was having trouble trying to figure it out. Yeah, disabling the driver is what I'd suggest.

>what do you use separate the song into separate instrument channels? some online tool?
Ideally, I'd get the musician to give me the stems (each instrument on their own track), but as said before, if they can't give those to me or I don't have the stems, I'll just remake the track by ear in FL Studio. I've got some experience making music (I used to make shitty dubstep back in the day when that was supposed to be considered "cool"), and I used to play guitar, so it's not too difficult to piece together a song depending on what it is. Like I said, it's not too important to have the instruments sound perfect (if you can get close, great), it's mostly important to have the sounds and notes match up since those are what's driving your animations. No one will notice if an object in your anim is vibrating in a way that when you analyze the frequency of it it doesn't 100% match the instrument in the original.

I'd just put some emissive spheres in a square and use an array to make them repeat downwards. Throw a plane on top with the grid and glass and that's it. If you want to go even more simplistic, you can even just use a texture for the lights. or even further beyond, a procedural gradient texture.
As for the the way the light is cast, just put a rectangular area light near the top.

Append the collection that contains the character so it includes everything. Usually if there's custom bone shapes, they'll come too automatically.
You can use File>Link instead, but fucking around with library overrides is a headache you probably don't want to be dealing with at this stage.
I don't think there's any way to import scripts with the charater (I've never tried), but if the other ones don't just append to a copy of the file with the one that does.

Anonymous No. 954559

The effort is the payoff, anon.

Anonymous No. 954563

Two questions for you guys:
- Has Blender managed to give a nice animation environment yet? (I had a bad experience with it years ago)
- Best follow along tutorial to make game asset (hard surface stuff) that covers the complete workflow (from modeling to texturing) please?

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Anonymous No. 954568

every time i append a rigged character i get a bunch of this orange shit
is there any way to stop that? i can just delete them, but why are they getting imported in the first place? i don't see them in the original file

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Anonymous No. 954573

what the fuck, the guy who made that model didn't even bother to delete the default cube
thats sick

Anonymous No. 954575

Those are the bone shapes, put them in a collection and hide them.
>default cube

Anonymous No. 954576

>put them in a collection and hide them.
why keep them? the character already has rig on it made from these shapes, these loose ones don't seem to do anyhing

Anonymous No. 954604

I joined an intermediate 3d course with sketch up, anyone has any ideas on how to use it, am i gonna make it? I don't have experience with 3d modeling, is sketch up as good as blender

Anonymous No. 954613

So do you not read or what?
>Usually if there's custom bone shapes, they'll come too automatically.

>these loose ones don't seem to do anyhing
They ARE doing something. Those are the shapes the bones are referencing to have the rig "made from these shapes". Get rid of them and the rig will no longer be made from them. Because the rig ISN'T made from them. It's made of bones, and the bones are just set to look like those objects.

Anonymous No. 954621

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Anonymous No. 954623

i'm so fucking tired of it
someone buy me nonpotato pc

Anonymous No. 954625

>physics module meeting doesn't feature notes this week is just straight up didnt happen
>no blender today stream last monday
I am up to date :)

Anonymous No. 954688

what is a good place to get free human models at? various generic ones like say man in a suit etc

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Anonymous No. 954691

What now?
is there any way to find out what is taking most VRAM in the scene?

Anonymous No. 954696


Anonymous No. 954701

thanks fren, i guess i'll have to add cocks and stuff manually, but at least i don't have to make the whole model from scratch

Anonymous No. 954704

SFMlab has a lot of blender stuff, despite the name. They link to a nsfw version of their site there, too.

Anonymous No. 954708

So i started rendering my first animation and i wanted to do it at 4k 60fps but every frame took like 10 fuckings minutes, so i reduced to 1080 12fps and it's still slow as shit, what am i supposed to do now? i can't play games and shit while i'm rendering and at this pace it will take like two days to finish. This surely can't be right, is there a way to speed this up?

Anonymous No. 954709

you can try turning down the samples and using denoising

Anonymous No. 954710

i'm already using de noising and only 256 samples per frame
my gpu isn't even shit it's 3060ti, i can't believe how slow this rendering shit it

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Anonymous No. 954713

I'll just leave this here. Of course this functionality was first broken and later removed.

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Anonymous No. 954719

Anonymous No. 954721

de noising in blender is not temporal stable so do NOT use it for animation. I repeat - do NOT use denoising for animation

Anonymous No. 954722

it's not like there is any other choice.
if i render at 256 samples without denoising it looks like a mess of rgb dots, without denoising you have to run that shit at at least 4096 samples which would take fucking weeks to render
the noise isn't really very noticeable anyway, plus you can use AI gimmicks to remove it

Anonymous No. 954723

>it's not like there is any other choice.
use a non-toy renderer

Anonymous No. 954725

Start disabling render view in collections and figure it out.
If you're using fuckhuge 4k textures for little pebbles that's a big contributor as well.

4k60 is going to take forever no matter what. You're rendering an extra 30+ frames for each second of footage, at 4k. Unless you have a 3080/3090 4k60 is astill going to take a while. Get some points on SheepIt and have the people with beefy rigs render it for you. Or at the very least you'll have multiple people rendering at once.
You'll have this problem with any renderer.
All that being said, while 4k60 is nice, I highly doubt you fucking need the extra fps. No one does.

You "can" if you keep the noise seed the same. Some frames here and there might need re-rendering but on the whole denoising in animation is fine if you keep the noise seed static.

Anonymous No. 954726

>You "can" if you keep the noise seed the same. Some frames here and there might need re-rendering but on the whole denoising in animation is fine if you keep the noise seed static.

so its not stable. I accept your concession

Anonymous No. 954727

you do realize that this is garbage? its like making an actual meal vs some faggot putting frozen food into a microwave (even worse than that)

Anonymous No. 954728

its mainly used for architecture stuff

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Anonymous No. 954730

First serious attempt at a landscape in over a year. For 6ish hours, I'm relatively happy with it. Ready to move on.

Anonymous No. 954733

The high contrast smoke looks weird. It stands out against the sky more than the volcano itself.

Anonymous No. 954736

you could do this a thousand times better with industry standard megascan workflow in real time to boot. Shame.

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Anonymous No. 954743

Is the RTX 4070 a good GPU for Blender? Looking to upgrade from a GTX 1060.

Anonymous No. 954744

I think you're right. It seems to command a much greater amount of attention that it really warrants. It's just a simple volume scatter shader, so it'd be easy to change.

Yeah, I hear you, but I enjoy making my stuff from scratch. I definitely want use some actual textures instead of simple 10-minute procedural ones next time. The ground and rock face would have benefited tremendously from it, and even the grass. However, the process of modelling a bunch of things for the scene is fun in itself.

Anonymous No. 954745

You might also consider RTX 4060 16GB if you're short on memory, otherwise it's a good choice

Anonymous No. 954751

>if you keep the noise seed the same
This. Don't listen to the other anon. Unless you're a richfag who can afford a render farm, the tiny bit of artifacting is nothing compared to the render time saved. Just put more samples into volumes and transparencies.

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Anonymous No. 954754

Any free plugins that can just do automatic shapekeys/ rigging? Ive been trying to learn for months and I feel like a retard I give up. Easily the hardest thing when modeling IMO

Anonymous No. 954756

You need to get a non toy renderer that conserves energy, can do temporal stable denoising, and function as a hydra delegate. Forget about cycles. You need good renders that will stand up in native 4k, not blurry, mushy,.shifty garbage

Anonymous No. 954762


Anonymous No. 954763

make sure whatever you get has at least 16gb vram i have 8gb vram and keep running out all the time and it's fucking annoying as fuck

Anonymous No. 954764

>If you're using fuckhuge 4k textures for little pebbles that's a big contributor as well.
is there any way to find out?
Let's say i have scene with a bunch of models i downloaded, is there any way to show some sort of list of how big all the textures in the scene are?
Because i would have to check like 200 objects manually otherwise

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Anonymous No. 954771

in fact it would be idea if i could set a texture limit for everything in the scene except selected objects
so do pic related, but hand pick some of the objects where this limit won't apply to them

Anonymous No. 954777

I've wanted something like this too, so I decided to get gpt-4's help writing a script that prints out the list of your images and their size info.

For listing all images in the blend file:

For listing images being used in the current scene (only checks object material slots, not geometry nodes or anything else)

Anonymous No. 954784

i'm gonna try it thanks
i really hope it's not some trick and you aren't planning to steal all my buttcoins

Anonymous No. 954786

You dont need 16gb of vram, idiot. Render smaller scenes and composite them in a industry standard compositor like we do in actual production

Anonymous No. 954789

>industry standard
Yeah i don't think so you amateur. Pros have actual render farms and don't need to use cheap gimmicks like splitting the scene into multiple batches because their poorfag 3090 potato with 24g vram can't load all those textures

Anonymous No. 954792

Learn how compositing works in production, crayon

Anonymous No. 954804

hmm when i render my scene with lots of moving camera at 24 fps it looks stuttery i thing activation motion blur is probably mandatory

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Anonymous No. 954821

>Sit down take time to learn Blender proper.
>Didn't follow Guru this time since every time I say I'll learn Blender I at most make the Donut and cup and drop it for months time.
>Finally finish and enjoy my result even if it's not a best.
>Don't know what to do next.
I guess I keep making random objects and scenes until then (I do wanna get into characters/animation)? I kinda feel bad I didn't think I get this far. It was enjoyable though. Also nodes seem like a giant clusterfuck even if I did basic ones, if I wanna get more complex with a texture, it seems huge.
Pic in question Eevee, I'm unable to use Cycles

Anonymous No. 954834

Even without denoising you'll run into issues where some frames need re-rendered.
Besides, 5 or so frames that need redone out of several thousand, I'd say that's pretty fucking stable.

Anonymous No. 954835

Nodes are pretty simple when you take the time to learn them. It seems overwhelming and complex, but if you've used anything like Photoshop layers and filters, it's not really all that different. It's just presented in a different way.
Just start small and do simple things like changing a texture's colors or something and work your way up.

As for your aimlessness... Just make fun scenes or something. Scenes are better for learning since you have to make a bunch of objects, and not just single ones. It also gets you learning composition and stuff as well. It's been close to 15 years since I was at your stage, but at the time I was just making shitty animations to show my friends.

Anonymous No. 954839

Yeah, I'll keep going on making fun scenes. Maybe an environment this time.
Also, what's your 3D work now?

Anonymous No. 954843

Any recommendations? I actually have wanted to shift away from Cycles ever since I found v-ray for doing physically realistic caustics.

Anonymous No. 954845


Anonymous No. 954867

>Also, what's your 3D work now?
Making shitty animations to show people online. But now I get paid for it.

Anonymous No. 954872

>you can't animate turning a collection on and off
every day blender disappoints me in some another way

Anonymous No. 954897

I just cannot get satisfactory cum string results.
It always looks more like a string than good, which makes sense since it's a cloth simulation, so the results always look okay but never truly amazing. I wonder how the other artists do it, they probably don't use cloth sim, but fuck me if i'm anything cum physics frame by frame

Anonymous No. 954900

okay 2 minutes to render a frame not too bad... but wait at 24 fps a 3 minutes animations... thats... jesus christ
i just want to go back to doing still frames

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Anonymous No. 954902

I just cropped out the render preview in blender because blender would crash when i try to properly render it is it noticable?

Anonymous No. 954907

there is a reason it's crashing, find it and fix it. don't become complacent, don't compromise, accept only the best and finest.

Anonymous No. 954923

Yeah it's fucking horrible. I think it's because collections themselves don't have a data block to animate like objects do.
Pretty sure you can do it with linked collections though.

Anonymous No. 954936

Yeah, its because my PC is friggin' 4GB of friggin' RAM.

Anonymous No. 954937

Get a job - LOL

Anonymous No. 954946

Making indistinguishably canon FNaF commissions IS my job BITCH

Anonymous No. 954985

if you get paid then buy more ram pleb, ram is so fucking cheap you can buy 8gb if you skip lunch

Anonymous No. 954986

Oh yeah? Then maybe I WILL

Anonymous No. 954999

what is the difference between scenes and view layers?

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Anonymous No. 955004

motion blur or vector blur?

Anonymous No. 955005

no blur. Remember, Spiderman : Into the Spiderverse and its sequel, Beyond the Spiderverse (both of which used blender in production) did not use any motion blur.

Anonymous No. 955025

and they both had that annoying low frame stuttering which made it look worse

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Anonymous No. 955039

I made this today.

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Anonymous No. 955056

Made another landscape. About 4ish hours on this one. I wish I would have added some kind of familiar object to the foreground help communicate scale. I am fairly happy with the level of detail in the foreground, though. I also think that this one has better depth than my previous one. I think the clouds are kind of sucky. I don't know. I think they need to be more detailed. Looking at it now, they look kind of bloby. I think the mountains could also have benefited from incorporating another rock texture. One seems passable but breaking up the surface uniformity with a second or third texture probably would have helped.

Anonymous No. 955057

Looks nice anon. I think a rim light to help separate the apples from the background would benefit the image. Also, the text on the knife is mirrored. The fabric looks nice. If you have a displacement map for it, you could make it appear much more 3D. Keep making diverse scenes.

That's a pretty good model. Do some simulations and crush it.

Anonymous No. 955064

Motion blur is preferable imo, but I do hate rendering something only to find out it turned out terribly. If I could save the motion blur vectors separately or something and composite them after I'd be a happy camper. Vector blur is kinda that, but it just doesn't look as real to me and sometimes has weird errors.

Anonymous No. 955077

Does anyone know whether two graphics cards will increase render speed? I have a second one but would have to upgrade my motherboard as well to utilise it.
Funny that. I came from Max and thought Blender weird. There are some really weird things I still don't get in Blender though. Like, why can't I just delete materials I don't need. But once you can wrap your head around shit the rest is kinda intuitive in both

Anonymous No. 955078

blunder denoising is very impressive
i legit couldn't tell a difference between 128 samples and 2048 samples pic after denoising

Anonymous No. 955079

Thats a great way to make yourself sick of 3d modeling and leave it forever
Don't model this boring shit
>look at me i'm extruding cylinders someone kill me please
model actually fun stuff like hot naked girls with dicks

Anonymous No. 955082

the fuck is up with lights, i have room with ambient ligfht set to 0 and i'm using only point lights but they seem to penetrate very poorly, like i have to crank them up to 100W to actually do a semi decent coverage, while in my basement at home i am using 10w bulbs and they put out way more light
All the models are scaled to be real world sized

Anonymous No. 955084

its not temporal coherent nor accurate. There is a big loss of a detail and it doesnt hold up in animation. Simple as.

IF you want a good denoiser it has to be created via ai machine learning with multi frame sequential images (~7 frame sequences should suffice)

Anonymous No. 955087

when i make instance to scene from a collection it places the origin of that copy at some retarded location in the scene and i can't change it, the fuck?

Anonymous No. 955088

>There is a big loss of a detail and it doesnt hold up in animation.
there isn't and it does
i just used it to render an animation and no noise is visible during playback
so this would only be issue in some super high detail scens

Anonymous No. 955094

>there isn't and it does
you are blind and inexperienced. You lost all your detail, your result looks soft af and it doesnt hold up in animation.

Anonymous No. 955104

i have tried it both ways and it looks the same and my eyes work just fine
for most animations the temportal noise is simply not an issue, but whatever grandpa keep rendering your shit at 24000 samples for 10 years while my render will finish in 3 hours and be just as good

Anonymous No. 955106

I'm literally rendering my results at 8 samples on a production renderer by Pixar and denoising it with their production proven AI denoiser used in actual full 3d animated movies. You don't know what you are talking about

Anonymous No. 955110

anon please that was my third model ever and I had fun

Anonymous No. 955119

texture it you little bitch
then load up HDR background add 2 more area lights so the lighting doesn't look like shit and then use some mesh nodes to add droplets of water on the surface of the can
then render and show us the result
aim higher than a silver blur inside of a white circle with a black blob around
it's time you learn that we, blender anons in this threat, won't accept anything less than absolute perfections

Anonymous No. 955121

>>955057 this guy said it looked good

Anonymous No. 955122

he was just being nice, but sadly niceness breeds complacency
it makes you think "good enough" when in reality if you walked into Pixar and show them that, they would kill you on the spot.

Anonymous No. 955137

Watching an animation being rendered is like watching paint dry
i'm just praying i didn't forget to turn one some physics sim somehwere or some shit coz i ain't rerendering this shit

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2023-08-14 16-21-07.webm

Anonymous No. 955141

Anything I should fix about the mesh before moving on to textures?

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Anonymous No. 955160

I'm not sure, but I feel like at that point you're limited by your CPU. After all you still have to wait for the shit to compile before it's sent to render.
If you have a really good CPU with overhead when rendering with 1 GPU, then yeah 2 would probably give you gains, but if you're skating by with your CPU, 2 GPUS might actually be around the same speed or slightly faster than you have with 1. Actual "RENDERING", like putting pixels down would definitely be faster, but that bit right before that sometimes takes longer than the time it actually takes to render the frame will be the deciding factor.

>why can't I just delete materials I don't need
You can. In the little dropdown in the outliner, change it to "Blender File" and you can completely delete any datablock in the file. Hitting the X on materials just removes it from the current user. If a material doesn't have any users when the file is saved and reloaded, then it's removed from the file (unless you click the little shield icon).
You can skip all that by just doing the shit in the Blender File though. It's actually pretty useful when it comes to all sorts of shit. Particularly remapping a material that a bunch of objects use but you can't see all of them, to another material.

Anonymous No. 955161

>render at 4k with denoising, with a sample count that renders in a comparable time to target resolution
Please just kill yourself at this point. You haven't given any good advice to people except telling them wrong information.

Anonymous No. 955172

Fucking this. I hope the industry doesn't start copying that. A whole generation of future artists are being influenced by it now. It's like watching stop motion, but there's no excuse for it looking like shit.

Anonymous No. 955174

the resolution does not matter. You do not need to render very high with Pixar's state of the art denoiser.

wean yourself off of toy renderers

Anonymous No. 955193

Anyone know how to take 2 actions and blend them together in the NLA editor?
When I do it the armature spazzes the fuck out.

Further context (it's porn shit, so fair warning).
Got some tentacle action going in every hole. I had it all on a single action, but I decided I might have some better control over each part of the anim if I separated each out (ass/mouth/vag) by just duplicating the action and deleting the keyframes on the other tentacles, and then blended them together in the NLA editor. In my head, I figured that the bones that don't move would be unaffected and stay put, and the tentacles that do move in their respective action would just do their thing, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

It's just the tentacles that are moving (the rest of the bones are keyframed but in static positions), but when I go to add them all together it makes every bone spaz out (same happens when using combine).
I'm guessing it's because each action has the rest of the armature keyframed for the static pose, it's combining those as well and throwing the whole thing off.
That being said, I'm not sure what the approach to fix it is. Have an action with ALL the bones (including tentacles) static, and then overlay the actions with the tentacles moving (and delete all of the other bone's keyframes)?

Anonymous No. 955194

I feel retarded now for typing all of that out and asking since the time it would take to test it out would have taken the same amount of time.
For anyone wondering, yeah, removing all the keyframes but the tentacles on their actions, and then making a "pose" action and removing the tentacle animation from that works. I don't even need to change blending modes, they just overlay naturally.

Anonymous No. 955201

if i understand it correctly to use animation like mixamo i have to use their rig, because the animations are keyframes for the rig bones, so what if i have my own custom rig? can i somehow transfer thos animations?
like the mixamo has keyframes on the leg bone, and my rig also has a leg bone so can i just put it on that somehow?

Anonymous No. 955202

The word you're looking for is "retargeting"
There's a addon called Rococo or something that can do that for you. I don't remember the exact name, but it was supposed to be used in conjunction with a mocap suit they offer, but the retargeting works without it, and the addon is free.
I've never used it though, so I can't speak for how well it does its job.

Anonymous No. 955212

addon? is it not a thing that is commonly done and thus a built in blender feature?

Anonymous No. 955219

the fuck is this gay shit?
blender should ban this shit
plugins that can work offline should not be allowed to require stupid ass login

Anonymous No. 955223

is it possible to set object A to always render in front of object B? Even if B is in front of A?
Any other objects should be unaffected, just these two. I simply need A to be always visible in front of B.

Anonymous No. 955226

render? no.

comp layers, yes.

Anonymous No. 955232

is it possible to do it in a way where i don't have to render the scene twice every frame?

Anonymous No. 955233

attach the compositors output to your render chain

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Anonymous No. 955235

if you mean like this, that still causes the frame to render twice once for each view layer

Anonymous No. 955236

you have to mask your objects dude

Anonymous No. 955284

>is it not a thing that is commonly done and thus a built in blender feature?
I don't think so. But I'm not an expert on mocap or retargeting. I always figured when you mocap you do it for the rig you're intending to use the data for.
Theoretically, I think blender just checks for bone names when importing mocap data, so I think you can just use the data as long as your bones are the same name, and it'll ignore the ones it doesn't have. I might be talking out of my ass though.

>plugins that can work offline should not be allowed to require stupid ass login
I agree. I didn't know it needed all that, I just knew offhand via word of mouth that it handles retargeting.
I figured something is better than nothing. I'm sure there's other addons that do the same thing, that's just the only one I knew of off the top of my head.

Anonymous No. 955286

>I figured something is better than nothing
can't you just simply use bone constraint that copies location and rotation for each bone?

Anonymous No. 955288

Yeah I don't see why not. It's just that the process is a good bit of manual tedious work since you have to do it for every bone. Or at least just the ones you want to move.
I guess you could write a script for it that checks for names or something.

Anonymous No. 955333

fuck i'm dumb, i have 3 minute animation where 10 seconds of it character looks at a phone screen that plays a video from a scene camera
so i had compositor with second render node setup which means i was basically doubling the render time of each frame since it had to render 2 each time when the phone screen is only visible 10 seconds, i realized i could just render it without it and then after that just delete the frames with the phone and only render those with the render bubble on saving myself two days of render time
good job retard you played yourself ;_;

Anonymous No. 955358

Ya gotta love it.
Bonus points, if the scene where the phone was largely static (like it's just a close up of the screen), you could have just rendered like 2-3 frames, looped it and then comped the screen on top.

Anonymous No. 955359

shieet i keep restarting the render, having it run for several hours, then find some flaw in the animation, stop the render, fix it, restart render
this will take forever
but i am glad i'm going back to fix those errors, they are only small, people probably wouldn't even care, but they would annoy the living shit out of me seeing them every time i hit play and it will feel so good after its done knowing i took all the extra time to fix it
and then i will get probably 3 views on the video and rope

Anonymous No. 955362

>shieet i keep restarting the render, having it run for several hours, then find some flaw in the animation, stop the render, fix it, restart render
If I had a dollar for every time that shit has happened, I'd actually be able to say I "made it" with 3d.
It's a never-ending struggle. Best advice I can offer is if you can just render a section of the offending area and patch it over your existing footage, it'll save a ton of time.
Granted, a lot of the shit I do is loops from a single angle, so that shit is pretty easy, but it works for anims where the camera moves as well.

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Anonymous No. 955378

is there a way to get around this texture stretching when using Project from View?
this method is super easy but it's failing here since I'm just slapping a 2D texture onto a 3D object

Anonymous No. 955385

use industry standard tools like Adobe Substance 3d Painter

Anonymous No. 955404

Not like that. If you want it to be even, you're gonna have to make sure your UVs are even. The model you have now is super easy to unwrap. Excluding the windows and the top and bottom faces, you can do the whole thing in a single seam. Just plop one down on any of the edges, and a ring around the top and bottom. For the windows just put some seams in the corners and that's all you need.
If UV unwrapping is still too daunting (it's incredibly simple) for a texture like that and how you're doing it, I don't see why you wouldn't use something like object coordinates. Can't be any worse than what you're doing now.

Just fucking stop. SP won't help fucked up UVs.

Anonymous No. 955428

>Just fucking stop. SP won't help fucked up UVs.
yeah, they will actually. Its called triplanar projection, blendie

Anonymous No. 955432

The time i allotted for completing the animation i wanted to do was 5 days.
I am now on week 4.
How do i make it stop?

Anonymous No. 955434

do your animation in industry standard maya with animbot

Anonymous No. 955437

Blender has an equivalent (box project on image texture nodes). And from what I've seen, SP's triplanar projection doesn't change the UVs, it avoids using them by using a different projection method.

Anonymous No. 955438

exactly what you want

Anonymous No. 955440

Ok, so don't pretend triplanar projection is SP's gotcha over blender. Brag about the texture painting or something like normal.
>inb4 seeth blendie x3
I think Substance Painter is very good from the small amount I've used it, actually.

Anonymous No. 955444

>so don't pretend triplanar projection is SP's gotcha over blender.
Painter is industry standard for a reason my guy

Anonymous No. 955452

Yeah it is, and it's leaps and bounds above Blender in many areas. But triplanar projection is not a +1 for SP, blender has something that is functionally the same. Up your shill game, disapointing.

Anonymous No. 955454

Dude, triplanar in Painter is one click. You're going to have to try harder.

Anonymous No. 955458

use AI

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Anonymous No. 955466

what is the difference between these two?

Anonymous No. 955503

Blender 3.6.2 LTS August 17, 2023


Anonymous No. 955505


Anonymous No. 955512

Give up.
Or make a ton of excuses.
Or just suck it up and start working. If you're drained on grinding the same part of the animation, shift to another part of it and work on something small so you feel like you're making some kind of progress. Every step forward is good, even if they're super tiny shuffles.

Anonymous No. 955521

The model looks good, but that schizo is right about you needing textures. There's no real excuse for not downloading a label and putting it on your can.

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Anonymous No. 955523

So I'm using blender to edit a model for genshin to use with GIMI. The model looks fine in blender (right img), but in-game (left img), it looks distorted. I've adjusted the weight paint, the vertex groups, and the UV maps to no avail. When editing the model, I had to connect the midriff to around the middle of her breasts since there were no vertices or faces under the dress. I would understand if those parts were distorted, but the top half of the breasts wasn't edited. Any clue as to what might be part of the problem? Not asking for fixes, just general opinions on what might be causing issues so I can look in that general area.

Anonymous No. 955531

how does the multilayer open ex file format work?
if i have render node in compositor going into vector blur node going into file output node which saves is as multilayer ex does that mean the blur is saved on different layer so i can remove it later if i want?

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Anonymous No. 955583

I've started unwrapping the UVs and slapping them over the image texture, seems to work for now, stops the texture stretching at least

Anonymous No. 955592

fuuuuck i ran out of space on the hdd which means the last 1500 frames i rendered didn't save.
i can't believe blender didn't fucking toss up a warning and made me think everything was fine
so i basically wasted a full day

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Anonymous No. 955606

just bumping the thread. WIP Oddworld structure from Scrabania

Anonymous No. 955629

wow i disabled cpu so the render is only running on gpu and by pc stopped lagging and render time dropped by 20%
good job blender, you failed me again

Anonymous No. 955669

I deleted some frames form an animation, unchecked the overwrite files in render settings and hit render animations and isntead ob blender instantly skipping to a missing frame it's moving incredibly slowly through the time line at like 1fps, what the fuck? why can't it skip to the missing file directy?

Anonymous No. 955670

thats not how deleting frames work, kiddo

Anonymous No. 955673

well it is working just fine, but what annoys me is how blender goes frame by frame instead of scanning he directory and quickly checking for the next frame number that don't exist

Anonymous No. 955679

It usually does skip to the missing frames, it must be doing something else like outputting something you're not aware of

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Anonymous No. 955690

done with this for now
there's probably much better ways I could be texturing besides just finding an image online, throwing them in blender and then having to tweak in photoshop if they look bad, takes ages this way

Anonymous No. 955694

That's your fault, not Blender's.
See the bit in >>955160 about using 2 GPUs to render. It's a similar premise.
You're using the CPU to render frames, AND compute for both itself and the GPU. You're giving the CPU double the work, but I doubt you have the overhead to do it. So no shit your computer started "lagging", and renders took longer.
1. You have no CPU power to spare for you to look up gay furry vore porn, and 2. Your GPU has to wait for your CPU to finish rendering so that the CPU can calculate the next frame for it.

>there's probably much better ways I could be texturing
Substance Painter might blow your mind then.

Anonymous No. 955697

Learning addon basics will help you a ton, though you could also use geometry nodes, extra objects or extra curves also supports it IIRC but not sure in which dimensions

Anonymous No. 955699

Get the cheapest non-screen one you can afford, I'd say. You may well find that you'd just rather use your mouse for rigging.

Then you can upgrade based on what you've discovered using the cheap one and make sure you spend based on what you need.

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Anonymous No. 955700

When I'm in cycles, the skin of this model has a greenish and reddish look to it that I can't seem to get rid off in any other way but to disconnect the SSS and set it to 0. Without SSS, the skin looks weird up close, though. As I understand, I would have to fix it via the subsurface radius. But I can't get to that option. That option is only found under principled bdsf shader nodes but that's not what is used here, what do I do?
Left is with SSS connected, right with SSS disconnected and far right is how the whole thing is set up, it just begins with image textures. Idk how to bring subsurface radius into the mix.

Anonymous No. 955710

Click on the little node icon with the '8' on it in the top right corner of the MorriganSkinCycles node. That will bring you into the custom node group where you'd get access to the underlying BSDF nodes.

Anonymous No. 955732

I am making a donut. I am currently animating it, and I can't figure out how to get the animation to loop smoothly. When it goes from the end (final frame is 300, final keyframe is set to 301) back to frame 1, there is a jump, and I can't figure out how to eliminate that so it's a smooth loop.

Anonymous No. 955734

Linear interpolation?

Anonymous No. 955747

how do i make a scene look as if the camera is under water?

Anonymous No. 955771

do I really need to learn manual UV mapping and how to use seams for texturing low poly?
why can't I just get away with using unwrap, smart UV project, a bit of cube projection and project from view? what's the downside?

Anonymous No. 955777

look inside the node group

Anonymous No. 955778

Study reference. Thick blueish volumetrics l
(to emulate absorption of shorter wavelengths aka red light) lots of floating tiny particulates (possibly highlighted by godrays), water caustics.

Anonymous No. 955779

Compositor vignette, chromatic aberration (stronger toward edges) and blur on near-edge objects, lens distortion may also help sell it but I'm not sure

Anonymous No. 955783

That's what I needed, thanks

Anonymous No. 955791

I tried that on the first keyframe. I am going to try it on the final keyframe.

Anonymous No. 955806

taking days to render an animation is so damn annoying
i can't even do anything else like play games on the pc during render so i just sit here watching anime and feel like i'm wasting precious time
i am very tempted to use evee but cycles just looks so much damn better

Anonymous No. 955809

Have you really done everything in the book to reduce render times? How long is that animation, dayum

Anonymous No. 955813

>Have you really done everything in the book to reduce render times?
yes i looked up several tutorials, the animation is about 3 minutes long and i'm even cheating and only rendering half of the frames frame and interpolating rest with ai

Anonymous No. 955869

after 3 weeks of toiling away i have finally finished my first lewd animation and now i'm about to post it on lewd sites but i am stuck on coming up with my lewd artist name since i can't use my usual nickname for obvious reasons
fug this is hard, since i'm gonna be stuck with it forever, so i need to choose carefully

Anonymous No. 955872

I used an anagram of my usual nickname

Anonymous No. 955906

Rig it. See how it deforms.
Before moving on to textures.

Anonymous No. 955960

No, you can just announce it, link it in comments or whatever. At worst, you'll lose a couple of followers if you really want to change.

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Anonymous No. 955981

is there a way to place down textures from a preset palette of sorts, without having to manually set the UVs?
sort of like how it works in 2D engines, pic related
it's taking me way too long to make shit like this when I know the textures fit perfectly into 1:1 ratios and squares
having to line up UVs perfectly to the edge of the image texture just feels silly

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Anonymous No. 956010

So you're not using snapping? In the toolbar of the UV editor window, turn on snapping, set to Increment, tick Absolute Grid Snap. Then over in the overlays menu (picrel), set to Fixed and then adjust the subdivisions to suit your needs.

Anonymous No. 956011

Also adding that you may want to turn off absolute grid snap if your UVs are snapping to the halfway points of where you want them to go

Anonymous No. 956032

I'm seriously considering getting a 3060 for my second, older computer, just so my main machine can spend its time rendering, and the second machine can allow me to keep animating/modeling/etc.

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kinda neat to be ....png

Anonymous No. 956033

Had fun making some cracked glass. If I wanted to animate a crack in the glass snaking its way through the glass, how would I do that? The shattering is simple enough with physics, but I've got no idea how to animate the cracks spreading throughout the glass. I get the feeling its beyond the scope of Blender. That, or it'd be best to just use a 2D effect for the glass cracking, then transition to a cell fraction for the animated portion, and add a bit of dust so people don't notice the pieces aren't the same as the cracks spreading.

Anonymous No. 956103

looks like an oil painting, very nice

Anonymous No. 956117

jesus why are facial expressions so hard
animating normal limbs movement and shit is fine, but facials are such a pain in the ass
either you can't tell the emotion or it looks straight up retarded

Anonymous No. 956136

Blender actually assumes lights are 100% efficient, so 100W in Blender is brighter than any real 100W light. The reason it looks dim is because your eyes automatically adjust exposure by changing pupil size. Blender lets you change exposure manually in Render Properties tab, Color Management, Exposure.

Anonymous No. 956169

yayyy my lewd animation i posted already has almost 2000 views, i know it's not a lot but it is to me, i thought it will get like 20
it feels amazing knowing people enjoy my work and bust nuts to it
it's giving me this huge drive to jump right back into blender and make another one
this is such a huge difference with the non lewd animations i made and posted on youtube, nobody gave a shit about those and it killed my motivation
it's true what they say, animation porn is working on easy mode

Anonymous No. 956171

use a facial muscle system

Anonymous No. 956198

If i have armature in blender, make some animations for it and then let's say i have copy of that armature, same amount of bones, same bone names
How can i take the animation from armature 1 and put it on armature 2?

Anonymous No. 956199

yeah just use WETA bro it's so easy bro just become billion dollar animation studio

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Anonymous No. 956202

How can I get the mishima sky texture sun to line up with the horizon and not have its own. is there a better way to do sky disks

Anonymous No. 956213

i'm not sure what am i doing wrong here, i downloaded a model from blendswap, i opened it in blender and the model is there but the textures aren't visible, even when i go into material preview or cycles preview the textures aren't visible
when i click on the model go to edit mode and then UV mapping tab, i can see the texture image and also the correctly unwrapped faces from the model placed on that texture, so why don't i see the texture on the model? it's just white

Anonymous No. 956215

over 7k views now, holy shit this feels so good, i bet those bigger animators who get like 1m views per video must feel like gods
alright i'm starting a new project, i'm charged with energy and i'm officially a smut animator now

Anonymous No. 956231

Go to the shading tab and check the base color slot on the Principled BSDF node. It should be hooked up to an image texture. If it is, check that the image texture node is correctly pointing to the image.

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Anonymous No. 956287

>trawling through the archive
>find an Anon saying he uses Sprytile and that all his textures are 64x64
>too retarded to figure out how that even makes sense, since not all objects in his scenes are perfect squares
how do you use a 64x64 texture on something like a locker or a light in this pic? I wish I wasn't retarded

Anonymous No. 956375

You're in a texture view, right? Not in solid view, right?

Anonymous No. 956409

yes i'm not a retard

the vsdf node was there but no image node so i added it and it works now
but it's weird the author of that model surely made it correctly so why did blender fuck it up

Anonymous No. 956417

is there any hotkey or something to quickly switch between cameras?
Say i have 5 cameras in the scene and i want to quickly toggle which one is the active one without having to right click it and set as active.

Anonymous No. 956420

You can if you set camera markers in the timeline with ctrl+b, which is meant for switching cameras during animation, but can work for your purpose if you set a hotkey for jumping to the next/previous marker.

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Anonymous No. 956441

Critiques, please

Anonymous No. 956443

the ceiling beams seem a bit too glossy and reflective, the amount of light it's picking up from the fairy lights seems off
other than that, looking good

Anonymous No. 956453

Is 3.6.2 fucking bugged or what? I was working on my scene and when I hit bake for the cloth physics it took 2 fucking minutes for one single frame to bake, and that was with the default settings, without self collisions. Decided to test it on a new file, added collision to the default cube and put a plane made of 256 faces above it with cloth psychics, quality set to 3, no self. Same shit, 1 minute per frame, which is unreal, a month ago I could bake 5 frames per second with better settings. Looking into task manager shows blender barely uses the gpu or the cpu during bake. I'm retarded, and have missed a setting, or is it like this for everyone else?

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fuck it all.webm

Anonymous No. 956465

it's such a joke. it's set to Global, Snap to Increment, Absolute Grid Snap, affect Move, Rotate and Scale
yet it still fucks me, either with insane sizing like in this webm, or just deciding that the grid I want it to use is no good so it'll do an insanely smaller one that might as well not be a grid
even getting it to stick to the floor grid is a nightmare. and when I scale down the cube, it just decides to ignore the grid entirely

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Anonymous No. 956466

pic related, piece of shit giant cube scaled down that now decides it's too good for any kind of grid that's useful to me, because fuck consistent sizing and actually doing what it's told

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just why.webm

Anonymous No. 956467

another one. want to extrude some faces along the grid all at once? go fuck yourself, no grid for you
whoever made this was on crack

Anonymous No. 956476

I don't really understand this one, the huge cube seems to be snapping to the grid, but in smaller increments because of the scale of the cube? Isn't that what it's supposed to do, unless you want the grid to dynamically change based on the scale of the object?
Hold ctrl while you extrude

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Anonymous No. 956612

How can I select the surface of a very complex cavity without having to manually navigate the camera inside the object to select all the parts?
I tried using the wireframe visuals, but then I have to manually deselect the exterior

Anonymous No. 956618

>pablo skips another week
I hate blender today so much its unreal.

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Anonymous No. 956641

mark some edges with uv seams and limit selection in the callback panel of "select linked" operator

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collage bigger.png

Anonymous No. 956698

just messing with styles. I can't art for shit so I'm keeping it simple

Anonymous No. 956842

not sure what i did but somehow i managed to make a text window in blender fullscreen and now i don't know how to exit, esc and f11 aren't working

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Anonymous No. 956976

I created a cone, then I duplicated the bottom face of the wide end in wireframe, brought it down, and used F to create faces between each set of 4 vertices, one by one, so the result is what you see there, a cone with a cylindrical base. Was there a faster way to do this?

Anonymous No. 956978

E to extrude?

Anonymous No. 956979

Would that have created additional verteces with the associated faces? If so, then it seems that would be the answer.

Anonymous No. 956980

Yes it keeps your mesh manifold, meaning no holes, and no unwanted faces inside the mesh

Anonymous No. 956981

very nice. Thanks anon