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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 949702

My Blender is gathering dust now that I have legit maya and zbrush. What can I do with it?

Anonymous No. 949703

you can stop being a faggot

Anonymous No. 949705

what is wrong with you

Anonymous No. 949706

Anonymous No. 949707


the chair nerd No. 949709

Imagine being this smooth-brained.

Anonymous No. 949713

So, what is blender good for now that I'm industry standard?

Anonymous No. 949717

>Industry standard.
Polygons, vdbs, shader textures. Are universal faggot. You just got scammed.

Anonymous No. 949718

only serious post in a troll thread:
blender legit only has two uses:
(1) license generator: create in an actual (pirated) program => Import to blender => "made in blender"
(2) profiting off the fact that beginners are likely to invest a few dollars before giving up and making tutorials for a software you don't even professionally use yourself

Anonymous No. 949721

Should we tell him?

Anonymous No. 949722

>(1) license generator: create in an actual (pirated) program => Import to blender => "made in blender"
this doesnt make sense. You have to work within a pipeline when you work with others, not a blackbox.

Anonymous No. 949724

wow congratulations you now are paying 2 thousand dollars each year for programs that do the exact same thing as blender

Anonymous No. 949725

There he is!

>maya : 270/year
>zbrush - 900 one time purchase
Industry standard.

tell me you're poor without telling me you're poor

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Anonymous No. 949728

Thank god I'm poor enough to not get high off of sucking autodesks cock. Being paypig for them and giving them 1,875 a year to have an overrated program to model a toothbrush on is fucking retarded. At least argue that you can pirate the programs instead, because the price point for the average consumer is outrageous.

Anonymous No. 949730

maya is $270 a year, you underage idiot. If you make over $100,000 a year doing 3d your company pays the license for you, fucking troll. Go away kid


Anonymous No. 949734

Your dad farted cum into your mouth faggot

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Anonymous No. 949736

t. Pixar Employee

Anonymous No. 949741

This is your brain on wageslaving.

Anonymous No. 949742

>never worked within a pipeline, thinks "X (really made in Y) delivered in .blend" is acceptable"


Anonymous No. 949743

>If you make over $100,000 a year
>You may not use the license on any project valued over $100,000 USD.
>If your game has received funding over the threshold of $100,000 USD, you are not eligible for the indie products and must use the full commercial versions of the products.
>You are approached by an architectural company with revenues of over $100,000 USD to work as a freelancer creating a visualization for them. You are paid an hourly/daily/weekly rate till the project is done and the assets belong to the company – in this case you cannot use an Indie license.
lol. lmao even. Enjoy your soft as a service malware.

Anonymous No. 949746

Piracy is based

Anonymous No. 949747

Again, if you work in big budget your co pays your license fee for you on regular license. are too smoothbrained to comprehend indie licenses?

Anonymous No. 949748

When someone talks about working within a pipeline as the be all and end all to when it comes to the 3D journey, that's how I know you you haven't even talked to people who have.

That and Vicineko just needs that blender magic to make his multi-million viewed Genshin slime porn animations.

>shilling Maxon's perpetual licenses
You upgraded and got scammed didn't you?

Anonymous No. 949756

dont bring up garbage, dunce

>You upgraded and got scammed didn't you?
are you poor?

Anonymous No. 949762

Best case scenario you don't actually have Zbrush, which explains why you don't know what is happening about anything. This is who is lecturing on you /3/.

Anonymous No. 949768

You are mentally poor. Just feeding the oligopoly. You faggots don’t pay it either, you only suck your employers titties for the privilege of using your favorite bloat ware.

Anonymous No. 949771

Worse. He justed himself. Maxon did one good poetic thing and demonstrated how nu-money posters pay for their own unhappiness

Anonymous No. 949774

own nothing and you'll be happy about it.

Anonymous No. 949777

same IP

Anonymous No. 949778

or pay to own nothing and be unhappy about it.

Anonymous No. 949781


No just these


Continue stalling and groping around like a psychic con-artist. Maybe you'll up your shitposting game eventually.

Anonymous No. 949782

t. blendshill, "never been in production"

Anonymous No. 949784

No goalpost moving. Not giving you room to say "muh industry will pay for it.". Why would they? You're not a poor who needs to lower yourself to conditional usage are you? Stay on topic >>949725

Anonymous No. 949785

if im in a big production, my industry_ will_ pay for it. Get a clue, blendshill

Anonymous No. 949788

yeah that's what I'm saying you fucking golem >>949768

Anonymous No. 949789


Anonymous No. 949790

>just buy the 900 perpetual you poor
Haha need needs a third party to cover chump change him. What a poor.

Anonymous No. 949792

>first world problems

Anonymous No. 949793

Literal slave mentality. How's the whip wagies? You might be the reason why the cg industry lacks healthcare and normal work hours. The same reason why coomonwealth countries are filled with immigrants. Wagies cucking themselves under their favourite corporation, never aspiring to own their own gig, Autofags are the literal golem-slaves. Fucking Goyim KYS.

Anonymous No. 949795

>golem this,
>golem that

you have inferior software. You have never produced anything.

Anyone in this country can get obama cara for pennies on the dollar if not offered by their employer.

Anonymous No. 949800

OP is just posting bait Blender vs Maya bait and doing low effort trolling calling anons poorfags in his own threads.


Anonymous No. 949809

I dont post on /ic/. My Blender _is_ literally functioning as a dust collector. The fact that the majority of /3/ casuals appear to be blender users doesn't concern me. What can I do that I cant do in industry standard software?

the chair nerd No. 949810

You need better bait anon.

Anonymous No. 949812

Good for you coming out of the closet.

Anonymous No. 949813

so, nothing then. I'll just uninstall it, free up some space. Your reaction?

Anonymous No. 949815

You are missing a few dollars in investment, why while you are there buy a substance painter-designer, mush3d, Russian wrapper, 3dsMax, toobboom, and Houdini- instead of dealing with all that inside a single package. There fag, that way you can actually have all the functionality of a free software with the plus side of filling your head with more garbage shortcuts and UI's.

Anonymous No. 949816

I have substance painter, substance designer, r3ds, and dini. Whats your point? I'm industry standard and ahead, you are literally years behind on free 2 play shit

Anonymous No. 949817

hahahah half a gig of efficient coding. You can do whatever you want fag.

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no you.png

Anonymous No. 949818

I guessed right. Faggot.

Anonymous No. 949820

where is the API, asshat?

Anonymous No. 949823

And where are the original code developers for Maya faggit?

Anonymous No. 949826

dont care, its commercial software and has corporate "culture", sweetie

Anonymous No. 949827

das right, no wonder its a bloatware.

Anonymous No. 949828

There is more functionality in every release instead of nothingburger Blendshit

Anonymous No. 949829

oh yeah cite some sources

Anonymous No. 949830

don't have to.

Anonymous No. 949832

This is boring. Up your game if you're going to shill for Maxon perpetual licenses that you won't deny upgrading.


Anonymous No. 949834

you can't compete with zbrush

Anonymous No. 949836

Cool. Still don't have to live with getting tricked into paying $700 for the slime bridge.

Anonymous No. 949839


Anonymous No. 949873

oh no, a replaceable tool that you might need once or twice a year. you convinced me, switching to blender right now.

Anonymous No. 949892

Oh sarcasm used to imply superiority in a debate. You convinced me to switch to zbrush using your same argument of a replaceable tool that I might need one or twice in a year that is already bundled in a free software.

Anonymous No. 949898

this. omfg brutal ownage

Anonymous No. 949899

woah anon DESTROYED that guy

Anonymous No. 949941

>using zbrush once or twice in a year
you are not an artist.

Anonymous No. 949960

Zbrush was a mistake. If you were a true artist you would have realized by now that is faster to do base modeling with proper topology than sphere sculpt your way trough a blob monster. Reinventing the wheel doing backwards procedures like retopo unless you have your personal Ching Chong wagie to do the retopo for you. Fucking literal man children that moved from doing figurines from plasticine clay and boogers to digital and now have an artist grandiose sense of ego. Not realizing that there are higher iq procedures like procedural shading that result in the same level of high density detail than doing it all by hand. Go back to play with playdoh and leave the modeling and node networks to for the adults. “Artist”

Anonymous No. 949962

The most retarded ones are the hard-surface zbrush artists. Don’t be retarded and buy zbrush like this “artist”. Get the real deal using your money wisely and spend it on hardops and remesher addons. Oh sorry what’s that. That the magic of zbrush remesher is already out in other 3d packages? What’s the point of zbrush anyways if the thing that made it unique has slipped through their fingers like sand.

Anonymous No. 949970

epic, no actual work itt
you're all fools

Anonymous No. 949973

>make over $100,000 a year
lol, lmao even
prompt engineers only cost $5,000/y and their english is good enough

Anonymous No. 949974

and this is why you are unemployed.

Anonymous No. 950002

What a funny way to spell employer.

Anonymous No. 950009

you are LARPing, sir

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Anonymous No. 950058

I fuck you BLOODY

Anonymous No. 950720

>comparing prooompters to maya professionals
you are not only equal brained to any CEO, the only reason why you are not an employer you larpnigger, is because you dont know what it takes to make a product.

Anonymous No. 950876

enough bickering ladies PYW

Anonymous No. 950887

These threads are the reason /3 and /ic are stuck from being great.

What camera is better, nikon or fuji?
Should I paint in oil or guache?

Dudes going to sculpt better by hand than you do in zbrush all day because he is actually focusing on the craft.

Anyone who has a somewhat decent background on 3D will tell you by now, that Blender is 'all-round' objectively superior to all other proprietary hard-surface modeling tools. And only because it is a jack of all trades. However most shortcomings a skilled artist can overcome and it will still be more efficient to use Blender.

You've got a crazy niche use that blender is not as good in? You use a different tool as aid.
Zbrush is only more 'efficient' than blender because of how it handles object data while sculpting. And that is not going to change soon.

Yet again, who owns a legit copy anyway. You priate until the company buys you a license.

Anonymous No. 951074

Neither do you apparently as prompting right now can be used to replace script writers, concept artists and music composers (not fully but a company could greatly benefit from having efficiency rather than actual larpers like yourself just keeping the bench warm and wasting good studio resources). Hopefully soon enough to replace 3d bitchwork. So fuck off kid and go back to waste the studio money you work for. As I wouldn't hire close minded idiots like you.

Anonymous No. 951104

>prompting right now can be used to replace script writers, concept artists and music composers
you dont understand how the industry works. Actors dont give a shit about the script. They forget and dont learn their lines all the time. See Vinny Diesel.