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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 951098

What's wrong with tracing over your reference image when you model? This puts you 100% on model from one view and then you connect the rest with relative measurements if you don't have additional aligned orthographic references.

Anonymous No. 951106

anyone care to explain?

Anonymous No. 951107


Anonymous No. 951108

I don't think anyone has ever said this is wrong

Many beginner tutorials literally have you tracing an image in 3d from the front and side view

Anonymous No. 951109

someone said it was wrong just a few days ago

Anonymous No. 951110

On the internet? You shouldn't listen for 3dcg advice on the internet. Try on your local church 3dcg meetup or an uncle or an aunt that knows their workflow.

Anonymous No. 951111

Do you believe everything you read on the internet? Who the fuck cares what they think? Just fucking do it anyway. You don't need permission to do shit like this is your parent's house. Man-up and get shit done.

Anonymous No. 951112

Pff lol similar comment. Yeah agree. What we are trying to say is the obvious. You seem young and inexperienced in 3dcg.and you hust have entered an already mature industry that seemscto have 'industry standards and practices' I'm a pretty old fag doing 3d and I tell you there is no wrong way to use a reference for 3d. If you wabt to do you ai generated car thingy just do it. No one is stopping you from experimenting its just polygons not marble.

Anonymous No. 951114

No no no no no no. There is a difference between using a reference and tracing over a reference.

Anonymous No. 951116

Nononononono there is not. Hell I could model that car even without any tracing over. Due If you feel too insecure to model an object becausecyou only have a single image then makecyourself usefull to yourself an draw some ortographic views. Why are zoomers suddenly born with a bureaucratic switch on? Not every thing in your life will be correctly done. Have your tranner friends fucked over your sense of what is good and wrong? Just try it for yourself and figure it out you retarded imbecile.

Anonymous No. 951117

it's not wrong to do that unless you try to stick so hard to your reference that you end up prioritizing accuracy to that specific angle over the overall look of the model from other angles and it ends up looking janky as fuck
unless you're modeling something where only the front view really matters
it's very circumstantial and shouldn't be taken as some kind of rule for everything

Anonymous No. 951118

I swear to you everything is aligned to raise a generation of drones. I lurk in 4-5 crafts threads and I see the same problem everywhere: zoomers incapable of making a judgment for themselves or solving a logical problem.

Anonymous No. 951119

ironically tracing is drone-like behavior, same as in 2D

Anonymous No. 951120

3d artists that no longer want to think in 3d. The end is nigh.

Anonymous No. 951121


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Anonymous No. 951123

Weak bait anon lurk more.

Anonymous No. 951124

as someone still learning to model however, I've always found that whenever I learned a method of achieving something, I always end up finding out there's a better and even more optimized way of achieving the same result
so it often results in me asking retarded questions like op so I could just figure out that "better method" first without having to waste my time with my "weaker method"
I wonder if its just that, being overwhelmed by information and just wanting to make sure they're doing the right thing the right way or something
.... or it could just be laziness and/or autism

Anonymous No. 951128


you just _admitted_ to being a tracer

Anonymous No. 951130

Yes you are overwhelmed. Spoiler alert.When you have 2 decades of 3dcg modelling on your back you'll realise that optimal workflow is never achieved and its fine.

Anonymous No. 951148

Overlaying the reference to the model ensuring it matches that view and is ok at other angles is the daily task of a modeller. Orthographic views are a luxury.

Anonymous No. 951169

Kill yourself AI nigger

Anonymous No. 951170

Why are you giving OP good advice? You must be new here.

Anonymous No. 951181

better to have a good ref to start from than a shit ref

Anonymous No. 951207

I didn't say it was wrong, I said in the context of recreating celebrity's likeness, it's not the best course of action. Since as a beginner it's a pitfall to think you can 1 to 1 recreate someone's likeness by tracing a bunch of photos, without some kind of knowledge about how faces actually look. Since with photos (especially of celebrities), you'd be dealing with a lot of different focal lengths and other shit with photos that can skew and distort a face. Unless you explicitly know about that and have the anatomy chops to work around that, tracing a picture is only going to get you so far, like I said. Generally a complete beginner won't know how to deal with that shit out of the gate.
It's as if you only read the first part of what I wrote and then took it as gospel.

Anonymous No. 951219

Fuck he's right. Not that poster but I'm gonna crave in and give them awfull advice from now on.
Yeah. I'm sorry that your good will just became another proof that they are gullible as fuck and have the attention spam of a goldfish.

Anonymous No. 951227

You weren't the one who said that, sweetie.

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OP asks the same ....jpg

Anonymous No. 951237

Well sure I was.
The condensed answer was "You can trace a picture of a face, but if you don't know a bit of anatomy it'll only get part of the way there since a photo can only tell you so much".
Never did I say it was "wrong". Just that it's easy for a beginner to fuck up since there's more to it than simple connect the dots.

Anonymous No. 951259

>Op asking the same question twice
You can feed the trolls but never feed the schizos specially after midnight.

Anonymous No. 951266

Again, you were not the post i was referring to.

You are Not a special snowflake.

Anonymous No. 951270

So you are telling us that you are more interested in denouncing anon for not being the author of the post that made you think retardedly about modelling than actually getting a legit answer for your shit question.
Yeah this whole thread is bait and OP is not only a faggot he's an imbecile.
Great job anon I hate you already, you won you fucking cave troll.

Anonymous No. 951271

kill yourself, Cris

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 951372
