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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 956571

The /3/ discord link in /wip/ expired was gonna join but alas. What do you guys think of my sculpt so far?

Anonymous No. 956608

I'm pretty creeped out by the face, DESU

I want in on the discord since I heard of the Frenchie and EU situation regarding this site

Anonymous No. 956644

that looks like shit fuck you and pisscord

Anonymous No. 956675

were you the guy making the buff dude with the same-ish looking face in maya
i think last time i saw you post you were trying to figure out how to constrain the white of the eye to the face for a rig

Anonymous No. 956678


Anonymous No. 956696

Yeah that was me I ended up scrapping that probably for the better my anatomy was still wonky

Anonymous No. 956697

you can find a link in the watch wip thread (rip hobbit hole), just dig around

Anonymous No. 956953

Get feedback there.

Anonymous No. 957425

Put a bag over her head and she’ll be fuckable.