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anime is now real.webm

๐Ÿงต AI anime is now possible

Anonymous No. 956712

This deserves It's own thread, since it's a major news.

Today anime video is basically a solved issue similar to the stage where Stable Difussion was when It released 1.5 model, back in October last year.

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magic edit.webm

Anonymous No. 956716

New model just released 48 hours ago.

Anonymous No. 956719

Go back >>951967

Anonymous No. 956723

no matter how much efforts techbros put into it it's still just as soulless as ever lmao
what's even their endgame? endless goyslop?

Anonymous No. 956729

This is just a boring tik tok filter

Anonymous No. 956741

Does she have a rat in her guts? Or she is high?

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the genius has sp....png

Anonymous No. 956747

doesn't matter, this nigga shit can't be stopped, LMAO!!!!


Anonymous No. 956748

why is her tattoo changing? Sometimes its there, sometimes its not there, sometimes it looks different....? What is your explanation? Surely...

Anonymous No. 956749


Anonymous No. 956750

lolwut, everybody knows that comfyui is much much worse

Anonymous No. 956751

there's a crazy motherfucker fixing it.

Anonymous No. 956752

just use SDXL, or you know, dont

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Anonymous No. 956753


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 956757

>it's scared.jpg
First /ic/sucks, now /3/chins
>I... it will never do hands!

Anonymous No. 956758

>it's scared.jpg
First /ic/ucks, now /3/chins
>I... it will never do hands!

Anonymous No. 956797

See >>956719

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Anonymous No. 958114

I mean yeah if anime is a bunch of 2 second clips strung together.

Anonymous No. 958185

Literally off topic.

Anonymous No. 958186

When does it stop

Please make it stop

Anonymous No. 958190

fuck off, cris, 4chan is not your blog

Anonymous No. 958245

What the fuck is that supposed to be?
Miku with down syndrome? Is moving into random positions and the interpolation change each frame, pure diarrhea

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Anonymous No. 958257

it's a tech demo showing how far we've come in this past year
pic related, this was the top of the line AI animation from anon last year.

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Anonymous No. 958258

And this is what random anons are capable of this year. This is completely AI prompted.

Anonymous No. 958270

Can you make something less stiff? I am not hating just asking because this can be done really simply with an Image in layers and depth map

Anonymous No. 958384

Why haven't you reported this retard obviously shitting /3/ catalog yet is the real question. He has 12 fucking active threads. How many threads does he need to make for you react? 12 more? Until the whole catalog if filled with his threads?

Anonymous No. 958390

wtf cute
Slightly janky but cute, hope it improves with thme

Anonymous No. 958481

This shit is fucking horrible, there's no temporal coherency. NVidia already has a decent way to handle this, why is every retard trying to do everything from scratch?

Anonymous No. 958485

>why is every retard trying to do everything from scratch?
>ok, we'll stop bro, if you can just convince NVIDIA to share their source code with us. Promise.

Anonymous No. 958523

I can convince them for you, let me call them!