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IMPOSTOR hobbit h....png

๐Ÿงต /wip/ - Works In Progress

Anonymous No. 958680

/wip/ - Works In Progress - SOULLESS Edition
Yes the hobbit hole isn't the original one but I asked for it and no one gave it to me, get fucked.
Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>936854

List of free resources: (embed)
/3/ Discord:

Anonymous No. 958681

Activity has been slowing down considerably recently. Don't tell me everyone is using the trannycord server

Anonymous No. 958685

I'll try to upload something this evening

Anonymous No. 958686

bump for new invite link

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Anonymous No. 958687

Made some general clothes related props for that fabled dR3am G4m3 everyone has

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Anonymous No. 958694

Working on muscles, did some R&D. This is a shitty cycles rendering. Roughness settings are wack. Hope to start on a new character in the coming days.

Anonymous No. 958710

Do you want an invite to discord?
Only troons there

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Anonymous No. 958728

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Anonymous No. 958731

I always get so unreasonably proud of an object I finish texturing, no matter its simplicity. I end up staring at these completed objects for entire minutes. I'm quite narcissistic.

Anonymous No. 958733

Is this porn?

Anonymous No. 958734

Yeah. Does it have "the look"?

Anonymous No. 958736

Not that anon but she looks like she's gonna suck my cock inside out

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Anonymous No. 958746


Anonymous No. 958748

how did you do the leather deformation/twisting?

Anonymous No. 958749

made the base in maya, exported to zbrush to deform it a bit, exported back to maya and did retopo. (Take the cube, extrude it, add few loops, scale down every second one, ad few support loops here and there, do one subdivision to get the organic look -> touch it up a bit with sculpting -> retopo)

Anonymous No. 958756

>/3/ Discord:

Anonymous No. 958757

that discord is dead, the new one is above.

Anonymous No. 958758

Here's said invite link: >>958756

Anonymous No. 958759

said the incel who willing to get fucked by White old men.

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Anonymous No. 958768

Gotta finish the bottom half of the model

Anonymous No. 958795

Damn that's awesome, great subject choice and artistic execution, this is gonna look mighty fine in your portfolio

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Anonymous No. 958799

i return to 3 with strange fruit from weird place

Anonymous No. 958800

I hope that shader won't be in the final build.

Anonymous No. 958807

This looks cool, what did you make it in anon? *nity? Godot? Unreal?

Anonymous No. 958808

Nothing wrong with that, they're cool objects, Anon.

Anonymous No. 958814

T-thank you anon kun

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Anonymous No. 958818

So I'm getting back into blender after drawing for the last 5 or so years. What I'm trying to do is build 3 main body types and use them modularly. My goal is a more simplified type models is it a good idea to make the model anatomically correct then simplify/stylize it? All the tutorials I see are modeling stylized characters but I really don't like the results. The designs don't translate well imo.

Anonymous No. 958827

Yeah I'm doing basemeshes for my characters too, finished the one for my males. I find it more advisable to only do 1 basemesh per gender but if you're feeling confident you can do 3, I just don't recommend it as I find it unlikely you'll be using all of them, chances are you may use all 3 in the beginning but then end up favouring only one of them. A lot of wasted work if you ask me, I've been there, not only that but if you're gonna make clothes as well you'll have to refit them for each body type! Trust me, just do only one basemesh for your males and only one for your females, Bethesda style, but hey you do you I ain't your boss.
To me the issue isn't so much that they're stylized as it's that the proportions are all over the place. I found my older basemeshes were inadequate due to their hands, feet, heads, arm, torso and leg had all unrealistic dimensions. You ("you" in general, not you specifically anon) can do stylized but that shouldn't be an excuse for shitty anatomy, the most important thing is for all the body parts to have realistic proportions

Anonymous No. 958834

I'm thinking of wildly differing body types like small/medium/large I just don't see how one base mesh can be manipulated to all desired proportions. This is for animation not for a game I have no desire try that again, Jesus.
>I found my older basemeshes were inadequate due to their hands, feet, heads, arm, torso and leg had all unrealistic dimensions.
This is what I'm trying to avoid by creating catch all models I can manipulate down the line to fit renditions of original and existing characters without having to go back and remodel from scratch every time.

Anonymous No. 958840

The video is damaged
I accidently left the video
in my bluejeans. I headed down town to get my bluejeans dry cleaned . I had forgotten I had saved the file inside the small coin pocket within the standard pocket on my bluejeans front Leftside

this is a mix up. No voodoo, no bullcrap. Im not into that crap

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Anonymous No. 958842

unity . its great to see the company men going after their fair share, their slice of the pie. About time they all start earning a decent wage. makes me proud to be so close, almost friends with the higher ups ever since istarted to make video game inside the Unity engine.

man id shoot myself if I had to moderate the unity forums for 1 god dam day and these men having been fighting in those trenches for years.. after the company makes one of the most well-calculated business decisions I've ever been so close to witness in my life, I'm struck with this overwhelming pride, in my position as an active user of unity techlogy, Im really getting to know these guys. my test to earn there respect was becoming a kick ass , all around crazy good game developer. and its like, im close friends with those guys at this point, we're in the same pond me and those guys

Anonymous No. 958845

your video looks obscene, in a bad way, though?

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Anonymous No. 958846

unplug your router for a second and it will be so much better after . some kind of a glitch on the mac mini over seas

Anonymous No. 958847

like, no offense my man but i think you should focus on getting a better technical result (since that is what we are going for here) in unreal engine than making low effort stuff in unity engine

Anonymous No. 958849

What the fuck are you talking about
Is this AI text

Anonymous No. 958850

man I cant do this anymore... here., listen its about time I just come clean. I owe it to the community
i tried to be a rockstar with my video- all of my lies about being best friends with the guys inside Unity headquarters . none of that was true...

the truth is that im not kick ass , all around crazy good game developer that I said I was. I lied about all of that. im not even on the map. You weren't having connection issues earlier , the site is fine... that was a lie .

what the hell im doing man
i got owned, face plant. done- humiliated within just 30 posts of the brand new W.I.P. thread on live TV
im ruined
square one. along the straight and narrow this time, no more lies

if you need me, I'll be in the cris general

Anonymous No. 958851

thanks anon :)

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Anonymous No. 958854

Need to model clothes next

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Anonymous No. 958864

Am I gonna make it /3/ros?

Anonymous No. 958865

the muscles look really unnatural

Anonymous No. 958867

yea, its a good start, but you still have much more to learn.

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Anonymous No. 958878

think of the serratus like a hand print that tucks under the lats. It hits 9 ribs but you can only see 4 and a half. Everything originates from under the shoulder blade and wraps around to the front into the the obliques.

Anonymous No. 958880

you're great, don't let anyone tell you otherwise
post more animation stuff, I love to see it

Anonymous No. 958882

Too early to tell, put in more work then we'll tell you

Anonymous No. 958891


Anonymous No. 958892

Thanks to you too. I'll keep at it.

Anonymous No. 958894

you only see the serratus on people that incredibly thin and or cut

Anonymous No. 958895

Shh troon, you are never going to be a woman

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Anonymous No. 958898

not really a wip, but I wanted to see how well caustics and energy conservation works in Blender 4

Anonymous No. 958899

That isn't entirely true. Someone with and average build can have a visible serratus but you won't be able to see the lacing of the obliques while the eye will be drawn to the isolated more pronounced hand print formation.

Anonymous No. 958900

the grass looks fake.

Anonymous No. 958902

It is

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Anonymous No. 958909

gave up making environments because the game's industry is so shit. guess i am going back to product based shit again

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Anonymous No. 958910

recently got into modelling vintage cameras. yours looks mighty fucking fine but how did you get that dirt texture around the leather part of the camera?

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Two handed cigare....jpg

Anonymous No. 958913

Changed the grip on the carrier and added some stamps/proofmarks (that you can't see) as well as some other things a kind anon suggested. I went fucking mental with that eraser to make the NFPA diamond look battered. I've never been good at picking the render settings so they always come out like shit.
I just wanted to try SP really. There's also parts that look worse because of my garbage unwrapping. Got filtered by the gauge so I ended up leaving it too.

Anonymous No. 958917

It looks fake mate. Stop it with the sarcasm or you will never improve past 90s renders.

Anonymous No. 958918

And you'll never get laid,
nor be in a military,
nor in office,
nor rich,
nor powerful,
you'll always be impotent for all eternity.

Anonymous No. 958934

based schizomaxxer
i remember when people were mistaking you for world4jack

Anonymous No. 958941

it has to be fake. there isno way to send real grass on the tv screen yet

this time is real the other guy was a crisis actor
i am the real jack

Anonymous No. 958945

haha i love this little guy

Anonymous No. 958959

combinations of grunge textures and dirt + edge wear generators with masks (concrete crack alphas for the edges) and tree bark alpha masks to give it that worn leather wear

Anonymous No. 958960

>it has to be fake. there isno way to send real grass on the tv screen yet _looks_ fake. It doesn't look even photoreal. You did a bad job with the grass.

Anonymous No. 958962

to add on to this, you want photoreal looking grass? Look at the op pic.


Anonymous No. 958968

That's a photograph though

Anonymous No. 958969

mate that _is_ real grass. I said this :

>the grass looks fake.
it looks like fake grass. Know the difference and stop posting low quality crap you made in 2 minutes in blendur like its the next hot shit

Anonymous No. 958973

Don't forget to dilate that hole

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Anonymous No. 958985

Trying to make a bat gargoyle but I hate the face

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Anonymous No. 958993

What music does /wip/ listen to to fuel their creative sessions?
For me it's russian orthodox death metal, song is Batushka - Litourgiya:

If you're gonna share music I highly suggest to not put just a link but to specify at least genre, artist and song name; whenever people share just a link in other boards' treads I just gloss over them because the chances of clicking a link for nothing are amplified, at least if the poster says beforehand what their link is about one can more easily engage with it or ignore it altogether instead of clicking only to find out it's shit to them

Anonymous No. 958994

Might as well post just the headphones too. They're more heavy than I liked at 700 faces, a bit too much but going lower that just makes it look shit so I won't. Besides, headphones are not seen very often so they're not a high use prop, thanks to their rarity they can afford to be a bit geometrically heavier

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Anonymous No. 958995

Fuck forgot pic

Anonymous No. 958998

jack, meds now! keep it up tho, dont listen to the haters

Anonymous No. 958999

>tree bark alpha masks to give it that worn leather wear
Neat. Nice job thinking outside of the box like that.

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Anonymous No. 959000

There you go fuckhead.
Also my last post was >>958902 the other ones were by somebody making fun of you being a retard
Show me how you would do it

Anonymous No. 959005

>Show me how you would do it
Not that anon but this is where the line is drawn between genuine criticism and a crab. Let's see which that guy is

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Anonymous No. 959016

almost done with my uohbarb.blend, been learning this sw for 2 years and the 1st jap tutorial was the one with i made the most progress until now

Anonymous No. 959022

it looks better (honestly anything would look better than the first one), but it still looks like astroturf.

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Anonymous No. 959039

more definition in the shoulders and the forearm doesn't feel as loose. Getting less noise in the skin. Got the desired look of lower bodyfat and denser and harder.

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Anonymous No. 959048

worked on the texture and shader a bit
ill probably add a bit more detail to the clothes, but i want to get a better idea of how shaders work for now

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Anonymous No. 959084

Redpill me on Blender's Alpha modes anon kun.
I'm trying to make some very simple game-ready water, so just a scrolling texture with transparency. This setup in pic rel does what I need it to but I heard my computer working quite a lot just to render like 3-4 water planes. Am I doing something wrong? My Material settings are:
- Blend Mode = Alpha Blend
- Shadow Mode = None.
I'm just surprised to hear my computer struggling over what seem like such light settings, there aren't even shadows involved for crying out loud

Anonymous No. 959089

This isnt blender general. Delete your post

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Suck mah balls doc.png

Anonymous No. 959092

Suck mah balls dock

Anonymous No. 959097

I'm pretty sure the game approach would be just to have a single plane (or more detailed water mesh) with a shader on it scrolling and distorting a normal map

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Anonymous No. 959128

I don't know much or anything about sculpting and I'll redo the hands from scratch. Does anyone know or have any tips about modeling cotton, drapey clothes, and hair as in the pic referenced?

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Anonymous No. 959129

I've gotten this far and might just switch to learning about uv maps.

Anonymous No. 959150

>too retard for UV mapping
>can't handpainted texture
how do i cope

Anonymous No. 959178

Looks rubbery, you need to make it crease.

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Anonymous No. 959192

how the fuck am I supposed to pelt this but keeping texture continuity?
are my seems to simple for the job?

also it take forever for peel mode & I have 3080ti, starting to suspect peeling doesnt support gpu

Anonymous No. 959194

can't believe i need 30 minutes to make crescent moon, i really need to learn a lot of tool

Anonymous No. 959196

Very cool! How did you create the outline?

Anonymous No. 959198

I wouldn't say so. If it had "the look", it would have looked more feminine, had way more detail and way more glossy/shiny.

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021 - Fritz The Cat.png

Anonymous No. 959199

We're not rated x for nothing baby!

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Anonymous No. 959201

Yes, I am aware of how messed up the proportions are.

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Anonymous No. 959204

trying to lower the bodyfat, but if i go too high on the pressure the bones stick through the skin.

tried again to make the forearm skin less loose

Anonymous No. 959205

* the muscles stick through the skin

Anonymous No. 959207

I finally found someone who uses 3ds Max.
Lately I only see Blender users in this piece of shit!

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paper doll.png

Anonymous No. 959208

The basic theory of UV unwrapping is that you have to view it like cutting a paper doll with scissors: the paper doll is your model while the scissors are the UV seams.

When it comes to texturing, what 3D software does is flattening your model so that it may PROJECT an image texture onto your 3D model, and it will do it regardless of how well you cut your paper doll: if you cut the paper doll making it so it can be spread nicely and flatly on your table, then the image will look not distorted; but if you didn't cut your paper properly, then the software will do the equivalent of squashing and bending your 3D model and flattening it that way in order to project the image texture, needless to say this way the projected image texture will look distorted as hell.

As for your model, personally I almost never use the Subdivision Surface modifier, but I'm pretty sure it affects UV unwrapping in its own way. Look up on Google what common issues UV unwrapping a model with Subdivision Surface there are and how to fix them, I'd help you myself but I'm very inexperienced with Subdivision Surface. Maybe another anon can help you there.
What I can say is that you definitely need to add more cuts to your model, I'll show you how I'd do it with a screenshot

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Anonymous No. 959211

UV continuity is overrated if you ask me. Your number 1 priority in UV unwrapping is making those islands nice and flat, number 2 priority is hiding seams. As a beginner you can 100% afford to make a shitload of cuts to flatten those islands, you'll get better with practice but first you gotta wrap (heh) your head around this stuff on a purely conceptual level

Anonymous No. 959212

ye I know the basics I guess

no idea how texture continuity is impossible for semi complex objects to this day

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Anonymous No. 959214

You know what let me jump into Blender real quick and show you how I did it personally
>no idea how texture continuity is impossible for semi complex objects to this day
Don't worry about it man it's not important, it's one of those things you'll get better at over time

Anonymous No. 959216

Also you'd want texture continuity only for things that warrant it, chairs aren't really among them because they are made up of multiple pieces, they are NOT one single object, there are exceptions like those single-piece plastic chairs but most chairs are not like that. What kind of chair are you trying to make? Are you using a reference? Can I see it?

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Anonymous No. 959218

it's referencing anything, just out of memory
problems start when you add subdiv for UVW unwrapping

Anonymous No. 959220

>out of memory
Bad idea, always use references bro, good referencing is half the work when doing models, without a good reference most models will look like ass

Anonymous No. 959221

ye I know, I just came back from a year hiatus & usually I do lowpoly stuff & was wondering how it's higher poly

Anonymous No. 959222

I was a 3ds max user too, back when they added the ribbon ui and iray. Had some great features I'd love to see in blender, but overall I've become full blendlet. Sorry bruh

Anonymous No. 959223

I know the quality of Blender and the ease of modeling, but currently I use 3ds max because of the corona render and some job openings that always ask for 3ds max as a base.
I'm trying to live in 3D, so I opted for 3ds to try to fit in better with everything.

Anonymous No. 959224

how do I make the leather conform to the wooden seat by the way?
tried cloth but it doesnt conform if it's already geometries already overlap

is ProBoolean the only way? cuz I really dont wanna use that

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Anonymous No. 959225

I seem to have run in to the same issue ai had previously. The mouth looks wrong, and the ears are placed weirdly, I donโ€™t know why I keep doing this. Pls give advice ;-;

Anonymous No. 959243

get some references of bats and gargoyles

Anonymous No. 959245

What's the matter? I see nothing wrong about this, in fact it's a pretty cool model, bats and gargoyles are cool and you did those things justice

Anonymous No. 959246

Can anyone tell me to how use stencils in substance, but to color them? I don't mean like when you do stickers and things I mean more like if you have a text that you want be, for instance, blue. I know you could do it the same sort of way as you do stickers and things, but what if you want to change that blue to a red to see how it looks? There must be an easy way to do it without having to make a new stencil every time.

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Anonymous No. 959247

ye no worries m8, you do you
I'm just a programmer who does 3d for fun and to see the tech evolve. Probably 3DS max reminds me of my very bad first projects too much

Anonymous No. 959259

it looks cool
you obviously dont have a texture yet so maybe try using a material thats close to the colour of his skin?

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Anonymous No. 959264

polished up my metallic shader a bit
I'm just using the solidify modifier technique for that

Anonymous No. 959273

I wish there was a more efficient way. If I may ask, what's the poly count?

Anonymous No. 959312

Try taking specularity and reflections off your eyelash texture. Make it matt black

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Anonymous No. 959321

ad libbed some expressions I could think of.

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Anonymous No. 959322

and experimented with just sliding the hue on the texture to make different ghosts. This is easy enough to repaint though.

Anonymous No. 959323

Very expressive and impressive! Could you please show us the wire frame of the model?

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Anonymous No. 959332


Anonymous No. 959340


Anonymous No. 959342

the topology is horrible

Anonymous No. 959344

Yeah it's just what zremesher pooped out. Given the character's design I don't think it's going to cause problems. I don't like how the mouth came out especially even though I used control painting it ignorned it and just did w/e

Anonymous No. 959345

It could be better, but its perfectly fine for what its used for.

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Anonymous No. 959356

I've seen a few other ways to do it, but solidify tends to be less brain damage and "just werks"
yea you're right. i forgot about that.

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Anonymous No. 959357

Painted some maps to further tighten up and suck in areas of the skin. Changed renderers. Getting some high frequency noise in the mesh even with a relatively high amount of substeps (3)...hmmm......

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Anonymous No. 959359

Anyone have any blender add-ons they like? I've been looking at a few like riggify, Bpainter, retopoflow. I'm more worried about rigging and uvmaps/texturepainting as that's always where I had hangups.
Isn't shape keys better for this type of thing?

Anonymous No. 959360

>Isn't shape keys better for this type of thing?
I'm trying to do build and sim believable muscle rigs, like Avatar.

I have to find out why I'm getting this noise on the mesh and why my edges keep showing up hardened in the render.

Anonymous No. 959361

you could have a monochrome mask for the "highlights" and then color both individually
>why I'm getting this noise
maybe some weights fight each other or something like that? I don't know how your sim works

Anonymous No. 959362

Will you be using it for animations or some sort of simulation? I want to know the payoff more so to learn use cases more than any sort of critique.

Anonymous No. 959364


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Anonymous No. 959369

a 3-head proportion chibi basemesh (trying to make it less baby as possible).

Anonymous No. 959370

have a reference for what your end goal is? Unless you NEED it you could make it less baby by making it more top heavy. Bigg chest, broad shoulder, narrow hips and thinner thighs. Like a muscular man but tiny.

Anonymous No. 959371

I have a sketch, but making her cute yet adult is the hard part; I was thinking somewhere in the 3-head portion while going on the vein of Viewtiful Joe/ Wonderful 101.

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Anonymous No. 959373

maybe like this then?

Anonymous No. 959377

yeah, like that.

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Anonymous No. 959379

Spitballed hair and changed their static facial expression to see how much personality i can get out of what ive made so far. I can make some surprising faces from mixing what I did.
Each ghost should have their own face for wandering, chasing, and fleeing. Then they make a face when they see you, either to begin chasing you or running away. Those could be unique too.

Anonymous No. 959384

I have to be honest and you may hate me for this but Please listen. I am not getting ghost vibes from these. You cant even see through them. They appear to be moving ontop of a ball instead of flying.

Anonymous No. 959385

Yeah they're gonna be moving on top of some balls if you know what I mean

Anonymous No. 959386

They have cunt and asses on them, do they?

Anonymous No. 959387

Ok i dont mean that theyre the manifested spirits of the dead. I mean their function as the bad guys from pacman. I wanted to make characters that look like this and i have contrived an excuse for them to be that way.

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Anonymous No. 959389

i don't know how to UV map, so it's finished i guess

Anonymous No. 959391

Thank you very much. I suppose you're right. It's much more reliable and versatile than using the grease pencil or freestyle. It just works. Also, I really like your model!

Anonymous No. 959396

That doesn't mean you can't give the model materials.

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Anonymous No. 959400

I added more details and tweaked the proportions. What do you think?

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Anonymous No. 959402

no bully

Anonymous No. 959403

I had no intention to bully. I am sorry if it came off that way. I really like your model.

Anonymous No. 959409

thank you

Anonymous No. 959410

honestly I think the topo is fine. I've spent a lot of time on perfecting topology, and I really think that it could have been better spent on improving my sculpting and texturing, as nobody actually sees the wireframe in the end.

I think they're looking great! - though I get what >>959384 means, I'd definitely try adding a scrolling displacement texture or two, on a second UVmap so it can be controlled manually, it could get some subtle waves and wobbles to affect the silhouette and bottom skirt(?)

Anonymous No. 959411

You're welcome. I really like the color scheme.

Anonymous No. 959412

watch pretty cure

Anonymous No. 959413

>as nobody actually sees the wireframe in the end.

Mate... I am cringing. Topology only becomes less relevant for static, non animated objects, NOT faces of all things.

Anonymous No. 959416

Now that I see the source material, your render looks washed out. Have you tried changing the Color Management settings?

Anonymous No. 959417

>Have you tried changing the Color Management settings?
how? i only know how to model

Anonymous No. 959418

there's no need for that, I actually agree with you, but that anon's ghost model has perfectly serviceable topo for facial animation. See >>959321 it sounds like you thought I meant topology isn't important at all.
Sure you could spend hours remaking the whole thing for immaculate deformation, but the end result will look exactly the same to the average player.
I just don't think the time and effort required is worth it for such a borderline unnoticeable improvement.
If you're making a game all by yourself it's so easy to get trapped with using your time on things with the least importance.
I speak from experience...

Anonymous No. 959420

please, no more slop. Do not promote slop

Anonymous No. 959421

please, tell me what you mean by that.
Do you think I'm encouraging fucking garten of banban-tier quality?
It's obvious anon's making something out of passion, and understands that "good enough" doesn't equate to a raw sculpt with 8million tris

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Anonymous No. 959422

You can find that setting along with other useful settings in the render properties tab (small camera icon) on the right side of your screen, bellow the scene collection tab.

Anonymous No. 959423

Stop promoting zremesher for facial topology. You are making a fool out of yourself.

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Anonymous No. 959424

cool, the color look better now, thank you

Anonymous No. 959427

You're welcome.

Anonymous No. 959428

good stuff, though I kinda like the bigger shoulders even if it wasn't what you were going for. you plan to rig that?

and you are being an ass who keeps spouting claims without any kind of explanation, nobody will take your opinions seriously if you're not going to elaborate.
Or just keep parroting things you heard from elsewhere it's up to you mate

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Anonymous No. 959430

I am planning on rigging it after I model the other two alternate faces. Although the bigger shoulders do fit the character, I am trying to stay as close as I can to the animation model.

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Anonymous No. 959432

This is one of my references.

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Anonymous No. 959470


Anonymous No. 959489

which youtube tutorial did you do?

Anonymous No. 959490

it's a timelapse, i watch it with 0.25x speed

Anonymous No. 959492

thanks nibba, i hope i'm gmi like you

Anonymous No. 959493

good luck

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Anonymous No. 959495

Seriously, no one uses plugins here? I'm about to start retopo and I'm debating whether or not I should get an add-on.
Nice job

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Serpentinite Clay....png

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 959497

I made a bunch of matcap and this one is by far the best.

My matcap is objectively superior to any matcap you are currently using.

If you are not working with a matcap like this you are handicapping yourself.

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Serpentinite Clay....png

Anonymous No. 959498

I made a bunch of matcaps and this one is by far the best.
My matcap is objectively superior to any matcap you are currently using.
If you are not working with a matcap like this you are handicapping yourself.

Anonymous No. 959499

i don't know how to draw, i didn't learn anatomy, but i can make character with poly modeling, what are the chance i can make a good character sculpt?

Anonymous No. 959500

Your chances are high and your future is bright. Do your best, anon!

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Anonymous No. 959503

>Learn how to make pic related last year without tutorial video
>can't remember how i did it
god damn it

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Anonymous No. 959510

started the rigging process.
neat! i like the dress design.
using a shrinkwrap modifier works just fine. but you could try retopoflow, or if you have an ipad, cozy blanket is an option. I've never tried the latter personally though, and i found retopoflow's performance to be lacking.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 959512

how can i manipulate the torus to get that mouth shape to make shape keys with ? i am so stumped since proportional editing isnt working and the only method i can think of is rigging the torus but i have no clue about the bone placements

Anonymous No. 959531

How big is this marble/how microscopic is this grass

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Anonymous No. 959533

I kneel

start from scratch
cement the learning in your brain
every time I come back from a 6 month break I find it easier to regain the lost knowledge
it's obviously better to just keep practicing and improving constantly but that shit can be exhausting

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Anonymous No. 959541

Anonymous No. 959542

Can you point out some specific issues with the facial topology of >>959332 instead of just saying "it's bad"?

Anonymous No. 959547

I really love this design. Belly looks great, legs go all the way down. My only nitpick is that the place where the lioncloth connects to the belt looks strange. The contour with the belly is great though - maybe if the belt went all the way around with the white coming from underneath, or if the white cloth somehow looked to be draped over the belt?

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Anonymous No. 959549

I finished the other two alternate faces. What do you think?

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Anonymous No. 959550

The other alternate face. What do you think?

Anonymous No. 959552

you've improved a lot with this, but something about >>958694 really creeps me out. I'd love to see this technique used on a horror game monster, like an amorphous but vaguely humanoid creature - it would be great at amplifying the fear of the unknown, it would be difficult to pin down what it actually looks like since it has no definite form
just imagine that thing pursuing you in the dark using procedural animations to push against walls, grasp around corners and move around in horrific ways

I've not looked into baking simulations for use in engines, but I'd assume it ruins the effect if you're coupling them with procedural animation

the addons I use mostly are:
textools for a couple of Quick UV features
bone manager and game rig tools for rigging
and a few that come with blender like looptools, extra objects, bsurfaces and node wrangler

rigify is too overwhelming for me, maybe I'll give it another go once I understand every nuance of its inner workings
retopoflow feels way too intrusive, I like some of the tools, but it really shits itself when you're already using one of its hotkeys, and the fact that it demands a whole mode really pisses me off, I use industry standard keymap and camera controls (alt+ mouse buttons) and retopoflow didn't take kindly to that for some reason, maybe it's different now but I've since learned to retop pretty quickly without its help
global brush and texture presets
why am I only just learning about this
I hate how blender works with brush presets, are there any addons that aren't 6 years old that just has that feature? I can't seem to find any other than bpainter

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Anonymous No. 959562

Anonymous No. 959565

How is that bad topology? Explain or you're a salty crab

Anonymous No. 959570

damn i wanna see them feet

Anonymous No. 959576


Anonymous No. 959579

Top notch mate. This shader is pure sex.

Anonymous No. 959580

Thank you for saving me 80 bucks I have an android tablet I'll look to see if cozy is compatible.
I kinda figured bp was a must, I really appreciate your list.
>rigify is too overwhelming for me
There was a few more rigging plugins I'll do more research into those. I just really want the rigging to be as painless as possible.

Again thank you to you both. It's a big help.

Anonymous No. 959583

First person PacMan?

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Anonymous No. 959590

that's a lot of knife tool involved

Anonymous No. 959594

4th ghost concept. got last minute inspiration on a different facial expression though
3rd person
not feet. they float
the lips brow, and no edge loops around the mouth. I SHOULD have redone it by hand but i chose not to. dont be like me

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Anonymous No. 959595


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marbles_better gr....png

Anonymous No. 959597

what about this?
I agree it looked wrong, but the point was testing caustics which is difficult with realisticly large grass

Anonymous No. 959599

you really need proper roughness maps

Anonymous No. 959600

this looks much much worse

Anonymous No. 959603

i need a map to your heart

Anonymous No. 959604

Silky smooth

Anonymous No. 959606 cute japanese girl teach you how to make stuff, mostly anime girl

Anonymous No. 959612

This. It reminds me of stretch Armstrong and it might have to do with the compression of the forearm and elbow joint

Anonymous No. 959613

Looks good from the front but the side still needs some work

Anonymous No. 959614

prove you are jack NOW

Anonymous No. 959615

prove you are NOT Jack Now

Anonymous No. 959638

how you motivate yourself to make another 3D model after finish previous model?

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Anonymous No. 959643

what do you think of this base for a space marine? Its just the common basic shapes all space marines have, now I want to refine it further but theres infinite variations in design to choose from

Anonymous No. 959644

If I'm really stuck I like to make a little story up in my head. Doesn't matter if it's a scene set in a room, outside of a building, a whole street, or just things someone would carry. My little story isn't complete until I make all the models for it and bring that scene from the story to life.
A lot of the time I'll think "that might be cool to model" and then I think it would be better with more things around it. A bit like how fish and chips are nice, but salt and vinegar makes them better. For instance, one of the first things I ever modeled properly was a gold bar, but then it went
>A gold bar is cool
>But a lot of gold bars are better
>Gold bars in crates are even cooler than that
>But who keeps crates of gold bars?
>I know, Nazis
>But where would they keep gold bars?
>In a spooky cellar hidden away from the Allies
>Maybe those crates have been hidden away until after the war and weren't found until later
And that was the first thing I ever posted on /wip/. It wasn't very good because it was the first thing I'd made that wasn't low poly, but the point is that I made a scene based on what started out as basically a rectangle. Thinking of that scene motivated me to model more things rather than just leaving it as a single gold bar.
I don't know if that helps, but that's the way my autism does it.

joe mama No. 959651


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Anonymous No. 959657

turns out that none of my automatic muscle relaxing and contracting was working...had to rebuild all my curves. This was why the bicep was not contracting. Now the issue is the tricep contraction is reversed.

also found out that i had to do a "unsmooth" and then resmooth operation from the new maya 2024 commands to get rid of the hard edged banding from r3ds....

Now I have to deal with the high frequency noise....basically from what i have read they say that there is a setting that controls this and if you reduce it the noise goes down but the stability of the sim drastically goes down as well

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Anonymous No. 959662

Damn I really wanted to nail this character but I guess my powerlevel is too low to succeed. I got around to partially retopoing this >>956054 and did a zillion tweaks afterwards but it's still not right. Might have to scrap it and try again in a year or so.
What really annoys me is how I have zero idea how a sculpt will look with eyelashes, eyebrows, hair and a material with sss. When I first retopo'd it, it looked absolutely retarded (I mean it still does, but much more so) so I had to do the annoying process of adjusting the sculpt, then adjusting the retopo mesh to fit the changes to see it if looked better, then again and again until I got this. Do you think this is salvageable or should I really get more experience before hoping to nail a likeness?

Anonymous No. 959667

This is interesting work, looks like a lot of fun.
What project are you actually going to use this for? Or are you going to try selling it as an asset?

Anonymous No. 959669

i'm trying to learn the system which I think is really fascinating. Once I have a stable sim I want to try to add further sim on top with clothes made with Marvelous.

The arm was originally part of the human base mesh included with the package from 2017 but to be able to use it you have to be a subscribing member and do a ton of modifications and use all sorts of scripts and read a lot of documentation... There are a lot of parameters in FEM

Anonymous No. 959671

Why not use premade assets?

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smol (1).jpg

Anonymous No. 959688


Anonymous No. 959694

Looks similar but more waxy. I think the main problem is the skin textures and the whole hair tho. Keep working on the skin and redo the hair.

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Anonymous No. 959696

meant to post this

Anonymous No. 959708

I canโ€™t even fap to this

Anonymous No. 959710

You problem is the source image.
That face is a mess
one eye is straight the other slanted and there is too much space between the eyes and the mouth making the nose strangely elongated.

Staying close to this reference will always result in a wonky 3D model.

Use the face more as an loose inspiration.
And most importantly don't make the face so long.

Anonymous No. 959716

true cockmongler energy

Anonymous No. 959730

What are you talking about this is excellent anon, it does actually look like the reference image, the reason why you feel it doesn't it's because it's lacking all that stuff on the hair (those laces and jewelry there), the hair is much more bushy too, as it stands your model has too few and thin hair strands. The hair strands are also too perfect: if you look at the reference image you'll see that it isn't all neat and orderly but there are also some hairs out of place, he does have that kind of "bed hair" style in places. Keep up the good work, don't worry about your model not looking 100% exactly like the reference image, it doesn't have to

>And most importantly don't make the face so long.
Don't tell me, you're one of those anime style faces modeler aren't you? The one with those ridiculously miniscule babyfaces? Only someone with such a warped sense of proportions could give such misleading "criticism"

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Anonymous No. 959732

ignore chris >>959730

proportionality is key when you don't want a face to look misshapen

Anonymous No. 959734

Thank you for posting an image that proves my point, it's funny when people give credit to your thesis without them even realizing

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Anonymous No. 959737


Anonymous No. 959740

This isn't bad anon, it just looks like the son (daughter? Can never tell with the gender with these fuckin' elves) of OP's model. OP's model looks like an adult, this looks like a child

Anonymous No. 959741

Genuinely curious why this reads as porn to you guys. Looks like some random pink ghost eneny to me

Anonymous No. 959743

I'm the 3rd anon you quoted, I was just shitposting when I said that. I just look at porn too much and make jokes about it like everything I see is secretly about porn / someone's poorly hidden fetish, is all

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gr8 g8.png

Anonymous No. 959747

I modeled and rigged this seemingly simple metal gate so that I can open and close it.
Maybe it was simple to model, but it was tedious as fuck to rig, this motherfucker has like 60 fucking bones if not more to move all those little fucking rods and lattices in tandem. I'm glad it's working, but never again lmao

Anonymous No. 959753

You could have done this extremely easily and quickly in houdini or with geometry nodes

Anonymous No. 959756

Is that so? How exactly? Does Houdini take care of rigging as well?

Anonymous No. 959757

educate yourself in proceduralism young padawan

Anonymous No. 959758

Completing a model should be motivation enough to proceed to the next, otherwise perhaps reflect on why it hasn't? Could be the subject matter, complexity, workflow chosen.

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Anonymous No. 959761

Got the tricep contracting correctly with a rest shape and a cv curve length node. Reduced some of the noise in the solve.

Anonymous No. 959769

Im the second quote and i am the creator.
I was answering the question
>is this porn?
>follow up question
Does it have "that look"?

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Anonymous No. 959774

Thanks! I reduced the sss somewhat so it should be less waxy and added some voronoi noise to the skin. I largely have no idea what I'm doing with materials so it's still shitty. Working on the hair now too.
Yeah I guess the reference is kinda weird. BG2 portraits are known to be just heavily photoshopped photos. But this is a pickle cause I really wanted the model to actually BE her rather than an interpretation. But looking at the matcap view the face is pretty long, like some TES altmer or something. Not really sure what to do since making the face less long will make it more human, but at the same time lose a defining feature. I wish a had the skill to pull off a human-proportioned "caricature" of her likeness, but I'm not skilled enough, which is why I'm frustrated.
Thanks, I guess I'll work on it a bit more to see if it clicks then. I started adding those hairbands and stuff. I may have messed up the face though.
I've unfurrowed her brows somewhat so she should look less angry now, thanks.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ _ No. 959777

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1293
Ready to Serve Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 959778

I can totally read her as aerie, it looks good anon, it's just the shaders and lights that make her look shitty the primary shapes are there focus on the tertiary shapes, put a roughness/specular map for the skin and paintings on her face and test a scene with good illumination. You will see the changes.

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Anonymous No. 959806

im jumping back into doing programming stuff so not a 3dcg wip per se, but i made a visualizer for the ghost's hunting strategy that looks visually interesting.

The big pink circle is the center of their chosen hunting ground, which they pick based on rules unique to each one. The little dot that bounces around is a spot within range the ghost might go to. Once it's close it picks a spot and goes there, when it gets there it picks a new spot. after a certain amount of time they'll pick a new central location based on rule and start over.

Anonymous No. 959808

What pathfinding are you runing anon? A* and reverse floodfill is prob how most would solve such routing, or a vector 'flow field' and just move towards a random adjacent waypoint and then traverse a random distance along the field.

I like flow fields personally because of how easily they allow you to move entire crowds thru areas without getting stuck.

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Anonymous No. 959810

I am using unity's built in navmesh system. The primary hunting points were hand created and the sub points are vectors with random x and z coordinates with a range matching the hunting radius. That part isn't at all complicated. What was was figuring out their personalities. The pink one checks each hand made point to see which on is closest to the player and sets it. The Red one (with the new dreamworks face) tries to mach your latitude to catch you in the next area you might visit. Green picks a spot in average of all the collectibles (she hides in the center till the end of the game then roams around pellets you missed). blue just picks one at random.
It would be easy to make a new maze and have different/more points.

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Anonymous No. 959813

Turns out that my previous rest shape was taken from the solver real start frame and not after all the tissue pressure and sucking in during the runup had been applied, meaning the extracted corrective would not correctly hit the target.

Reduced the bicep auto flex by half.

Its funny how this sim is so involved yet so delicate - setting one parameter incorrectly can ruin the look of everything

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Anonymous No. 959814

There is some wiggle room before a face starts looking deformed and unnatural.

You need to be spot on with anatomical features if you stray from the idealized proportions.

The eyes are a far too simple shape, you have to think even if it's an elf the shape of the eye is the way it is because the parts that are necessary for an eye to function end up creating that shape.

If you slant an eye to such a high degree you should also think about the underlying structure. The eye sockets would have the same rotation, that would make the cheekbones protrude more.

The same goes for the nose.
Even a very straight nose is made out of the underlying bone and cartilage.

Another thing to consider is that her jaw is especially small for the size of her head.
That would mean all the muscles that move the jaw are smaller and as a consequence the all the features of the skull that are there to support a strong biteforce like the brow ridge are far less pronounced.

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Anonymous No. 959843

I swear I'm not gonna spam so often, I'll work on it until I at least finish rigging it before posting again.
Well, at least she's a little recognizable. I need to figure out how to do skin materials. For now I just plugged in the voronoi texture I'm using as a bump map into an rgb curve and mixed that with the roughness "map" - as I'm only using vertex colors for now, only the tattoos are an image. I wanted to try painting it in armor paint but I'm pretty sure it doesn't support SSS so I'm not sure how to paint the "subdermal" layer (that I'm using for subsurface color) other than just literally mixing it with the diffuse in there. I'll try to do a scene with lighting after I rig the thing.
Thanks for the tips. I tried to nudge it a little bit in that direction (left side of pic related is before, right after) but I'm not sure if I made it better or worse. You probably had a bigger change in mind, right? It's hard to balance because I felt the larger changes I tried strayed further from the reference. What really bugs me is that it still looks goofy if you scale the picture down, but okish when zoomed in. I'm guessing that's what you mean by being misshapen. I'll try to fix that.

Anonymous No. 959847

how did u do it? Did you overlay and trace the topo?

Anonymous No. 959850

You mean how I retopologized the sculpt? I use blender, so, I just switch the snapping to "face" with "individual elements on" and "snap with itself" off, then I throw on subsurf, set it to 2 subdivisions, then a shrinkwrap modifier set to "project" in both negative and positive directions, and then I just poly model as usual, snapping the mesh to the sculpt by holding the snapping hotkey when necessary.
After I finish fiddling with it though, I'm gonna use multires instead of subsurf, collapse the shrinkwrap into the multires, bake normals from that, and set the subdivisions to 1 with baked normals as a texture. For performance reasons, as my computer isn't very new.

Anonymous No. 959851

no, how did you get the proportions to match the image in the first place, like in >>959662. Did you trace over it?

Anonymous No. 959852

Oh, sorry. No, I just eyeballed it. I eyeball everything I make because I feel that tracing never really works aside from maybe matching body proportions from a chart or something. I've tried tracing faces before, and it never ever worked for me, even when I spent a lot of time trying to match the perspective of the picture through a camera. Maybe some kinda photogrammetry program can match camera angles accurately, but I don't think a human can. Much less from a drawn/photoshopped picture which is inherently inaccurate.

Anonymous No. 959854

Keep up the good work, I believe in you anon kun

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Anonymous No. 959877

Fixed a situation where when the arm was swinging, the g forces were too high and the bicep slid off the bone completely.

Tried rendering with Lama shaders but found them hard to control. Obviously my roughness was too low. My uncompressed avi straight out of resolve and before compression looks significantly sharper and more detailed then this webm, unfortunately. Going to have to do more tests. Something must be wrong because even though I was running a pixar preset from the material browser, all the lama skin presets pretty much looked grey while the gpu pixar surface shaders looked their appropriate color (caucasian to black, depending on preset). I was also unable to change the color of the skin to check that it was working, to say a blue.

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Anonymous No. 959895

fixed the lama settings. Turns out pixar preset library for lama has some wires that are going towards obsolete connections and thus the color doesnt come through and it doesnt do anything. Also when you do connect it properly the procedural values are not tuned with ACES color management in mind for the examples, and thus only work in the No color management option. I had to eyeball the values and render again, but lama is very powerful. This is how the previous sequence should have looked

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Anonymous No. 959942

"Before the apocalypse, civil unrest and criminality had reached their apex. Corruption infiltrated every facet of society, violence dominated the streets.
To, quote, "meet the demand for increased security", metro stations were soon fitted with panoptiturrets. Armed with double quad barrel 50. BMG miniguns, they reduced to hot pulp all foolish enough to commit anything from shoplifting to pickpocketing to robbery. Some citizens voiced their doubts as to the need for such overkill weaponry. Soon compromising details arose as to the acquisition of the panoptiturrets, with weapons monolith Gulliver Dynamics being suspected of bribing city officials to obtain the supply contracts. Such a tale was not unheard of and was largely met with apathy, what little citizen outrage there was in the face of the upteenth misuse of the treasury fell on deaf ears.
Coincidentally, the panoptiturrets proved their effectiveness in the quelling of the frequent (and bloody) popular revolts: whenever curfews were enforced, and metro stations were locked down, any unprepared rebel thinking of using the underground tunnels to move around the city would meet a grisly end".

Anonymous No. 959955

>also it take forever for peel mode & I have 3080ti, starting to suspect peeling doesnt support gpu
unwrapping should take like 1 second
the entire process is supposed to only consist of selecting edges and either auto packing or hand packing the island

if your uv mapping takes longer than 15 minutes you are doing something very very very wrong

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Anonymous No. 959956

ah bro this is the thing! The whole point of making a simulation instead of running corrective shapes is this specific thing.
The bicep shouldnt collapse until the forearm is pushing down on it. You know muscles inflate when they contract, but some muscles have to depress because as they contract the complimentary limb is pushing down on it. That means the bicep expands through the whole stroke of the arm cur;, until the forearm touches it and starts pushing in.
This is acting like you ARE using a corrective blendshape but just 1 too few, deforming strait from base mesh to the squished bicep pose.

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Anonymous No. 959958

Gave the ghosts a "reaction" animation. They all do a little happy dance and make a face when they see the player. They cant move during it so it gives you a chance to run away if they ambush you at a corner.
Their various wandering behaviors seem to be working and I got to play it how it's meant to be payed briefly.

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Anonymous No. 960018

substance painter's edge detect/ curvature just dont work. Instead of spreading along the edges they just splatter the whole model. Using projection triplanar.
is there an easy way to change projection mode across multiple layers btw?

checked the model's normals & they're fine

Anonymous No. 960020

wrong bread..

repost here and maybe you will get some anwsers

Anonymous No. 960032

It looks great anon, is this a porn version of pacman?

Anonymous No. 960033

It looks ok, but they don't behave like muscles, not only muscles don't contract like this, it looks like the density is more like fat than muscles. Keep going man, I want to see the full SIM soon

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Anonymous No. 960041

Blockout and Sculpting Practice:

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Anonymous No. 960055

What I got so far

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Anonymous No. 960056

not sure if this is what you mean but with this muscle system, the bones drive the muscles. As the distance between two curve CVs riveted to bones change length, the muscle contracts / relaxes / moves. As the muscles move, they move other muscles that they are bound to via various attachments. The muscles can never move the bones. If I have my bicep in a relaxed state and then trigger flexion over frames 10-15 it cannot affect the position of any bone

> it looks like the density is more like fat than muscles

reduced the stiffness of the skin from 3 to 0.5 to suck in the skin more as doing the opposite gives less suck in. This looks better and less fatty in AB comparisons, but introduced some more instability.

Tried rendering with gpu in cycles 4 instead of cpu in prman. Went from 1min / frame to 6sec/frame. I made a quick shader but the quality was worse than prman, but maybe with more time in the shader editor there is hope. The reduction in render times for the same sized image is nice

Anonymous No. 960057

Stop doing that you're wasting time.

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Capture dโ€™รฉcran 2....png

Anonymous No. 960058

Is there a topology hero that could help me with this?
I'm trying hardsurface but the part on the right looks terrible

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Capture dโ€™รฉcran 2....png

Anonymous No. 960059

sorry wrong screeshot

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pool's closed.png

Anonymous No. 960060

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ , No. 960069

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1293
Ready to Serve Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
Mod is such a lard ass and live in his dilapidated room where he watch his nigger lady get ntr everyday he turns on his pc Faps using the same set of condom filled with his own CUM.

Anonymous No. 960070

Yeah, in a nutshell.
The key differences being you have to deposit the pellets you collect in special locations. Your character is a repair robot on a spaceship. The ghosts are aliens that invaded. You also slowly get irradiated. After a certain amount of radiation builds up you move too slowly to outrun the ghost. You clear radiation by discharging the radiation absorbing fluid in your radiation pouch. If youre powered uo and irradiated you can do a special attack that kills th ghosts for longer.

Anonymous No. 960071

Soooo why post in /3/? Are you looking for big tiddy monster girl models or shota boys with giant asses?

Anonymous No. 960072

Damn. Guess they dont want free models after all. Oh well.

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Anonymous No. 960109


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Anonymous No. 960117

Blockout Complete:

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vending machine.png

Anonymous No. 960132

I followed that one tutorial, bros! How did I do? What can I improve?
I want to put lights on the inside..

Anonymous No. 960136

Much better than before, but still there muscles need to maintain their shape, I have a little bit of muscles in my arms and they contract but never squish that way, muscles are much more solid than your current sim, but great work bro, keep it going
That's really good stuff, it sounds fun and I dig the style of the characters. You play as the robot girl that we can see in the clip?
Looks good anon if I was you I would make the head a little bit smaller and work on the head profile a little bit more especially the jawbone, that looks a little bit prominent compared to the rest of the craneum

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Anonymous No. 960142

Progress, I havenโ€™t been able to work on this for a while. Once I finish I am switching over to Zbrush, I canโ€™t put it off any longer

Anonymous No. 960145

you will never be able to rig in that position

Anonymous No. 960147

itโ€™s a static pose for a statue

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Anonymous No. 960156

took me 8 days to have motivation to make another character, hope i can make 5 character this year

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Anonymous No. 960177

Thoughts and how can i make it better? maybe change the hdri? (the sky is a different plane)

Anonymous No. 960178

I'm not sure what it is, but the grass feels like it's taller where the camera is and much shorter nearer the house.
What's that white square on top of the roof btw?

Anonymous No. 960181

i will try raising the camera a bit, the cube is just to test depth of field, i forgot to disable it in rendering

Anonymous No. 960183

looking good anon

Anonymous No. 960184

yes i was looking at the image and i saw the cube, i think that putting the camera in a rela position (human eye level )will make the image to look more grounnded

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Anonymous No. 960207

>it looks like the density is more like fat than muscles

turns out i was missing a pass after all, the actual "skin" or "dermis" pass. You are actually supposed to simulate "fat" and have its stiffness properties be "of" scientifically measured fat and then simulate another skin layer on top of the fat pass with a specific material and that is supposed to be your final shippable result as opposed to doing what i was doing before which was making the "fat" more and more elastic.

webm related is the skin pass. Now I move on to learning to mirror my setup to the other side

Anonymous No. 960208

>You play as the robot girl that we can see in the clip?
Yeah, her she is. Not done of course.

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Anonymous No. 960209


Anonymous No. 960210

Do you have a blog?

Anonymous No. 960214

Is starting to look much better anon!
Good shit bro, looks fun, just one thing, it looks like the elbow ik rig rotate more than it should, but that has a really simple solution, other than that, good job

Anonymous No. 960235

Not yet.
Oh yeah ive ditched the iks on the arms completely. When the last features are implemented itll be time to go back and redo all of the animations, and with only fk on the arms.

Anonymous No. 960342

Good to know bro, it looks better than 90% of what /3/ has ever made, when you release it let us know so we can buy the game

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Anonymous No. 960348

How is it now?

Anonymous No. 960352

I could be wrong, but with those poles being closer to the foreground than the house it means the poles must only be about 6ft tall.

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Anonymous No. 960362

i am going to string this shoe on a ballon and going to make it fly from the house
thanks anon i made a 2m meter cube and fixed all the scaling issues. not having a human reference fucks with your renders so hard

Anonymous No. 960364

Not bouncy enough. I like it tho.

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Anonymous No. 960368

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Anonymous No. 960371

i call it, autumn's fall

Anonymous No. 960373

This is awesome. Great job, anon. Is this straight out of Eevee with some shader work or did you do a bit of Photoshopping to get that painterly look?

Anonymous No. 960391

thank you! its actually rendered in cycles. it has a lot of volumetric fog and stuff.

i did a substantial amount of photoshop, applying the craquelure texture, adjusting values, and of course the smudge tool which is a god send for this kinda stuff

Anonymous No. 960392

so its not 3d. Why are you posting here?

Anonymous No. 960393

??? photoshop was for achieving the painterly look not draw everything lmfao

breakdown here

Anonymous No. 960398

based 2.78 low poly modeler

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Anonymous No. 960415


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Anonymous No. 960423


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Anonymous No. 960441

Textured some fuggin' shelves. A high use prop, if you're unsure what props to fully finish just ask yourself how often you're foreseeably gonna use them

Anonymous No. 960442

dude you dont even have normal maps.

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Anonymous No. 960448

my newest work

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Anonymous No. 960449

3D board.

Anonymous No. 960452

only the people and mists are images as planes :3

breakdown video here

Anonymous No. 960453

>only the people and mists are images as planes :3


Anonymous No. 960465

Not that anon but stop being so autistic, his work is 3D regardless of how narrow your definition of it is

Anonymous No. 960466

pyw now

Anonymous No. 960468

moisturize you filthy animal

Anonymous No. 960497

for the love of god anon mark some edges as sharp

Anonymous No. 960530

You're gonna make it

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Anonymous No. 960537

Gonna start texturing soon. How's the topology, bros?

Anonymous No. 960538

it wont subdivide well at all lmao

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Anonymous No. 960562

Does anyone have the original /wip/ hobbit hole pic that collage-kun used? May I have it please?

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Anonymous No. 960583

how to make a better balloon material?

Anonymous No. 960619

somebody qrd me in how to do a fucking half a sphere (srsly) and how to set up a "photo studio" evnironment and lighting?

Anonymous No. 960620

Half a sphere is simple enough
>Add your sphere
>Switch to wireframe view
>Switch camera angle to front orthographic
>Edit mode
>Box select all of the verts on one side of the sphere (not including the verts in the centreline)
>Delete selected verts
You might want to rotate the sphere first too.

Anonymous No. 960621

I was looking at booleans

Anonymous No. 960622

You silly sausage. It's easy to overthink 3D stuff in my experience.

Anonymous No. 960623

makes sense, thanks sensei

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Anonymous No. 960707

The hardest part is figuring out what the settings on your lights do. Read the lighting section in your software's help documents like it's a book.
When you know what fiddling with what does what it's as simple as googling pictures of studio setups that produce the effect you want and copying them.

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Anonymous No. 960718

Bros why do the textures in Eevee (bottom) look arguably better than the ones in Cycles? What have I fucked up?
I know all of the other glaring errors so no one needs to point them out. I'm just concerned with this right now.

Anonymous No. 960721

the top looks significantly better

Anonymous No. 960723

Does it? It's like parts of the wear aren't as noticeable on the Cycles one. I'm assuming now though that that's from the lighting because it's not a proper setup it's just an HDRI.

Anonymous No. 960724

a hdri is proper lighting with cycles

Anonymous No. 960725

Yeah, but you know what I mean. A more adequate HDRI rather than the one I'm using because I just picked the first one from the folder without any thought.

Anonymous No. 960728

just look at the metal On / Off switch on the right on the bottom render. It looks awful compared to the top. Cycles is far superior to eevee.

Anonymous No. 960732

Since you've mentioned that I've just noticed that the on/off text and the other non-white text is engraved in Eevee, but more like embossed in Cycles (it's supposed to be embossed). That's weird. Unless it's one of those odd settings you need to activate/deactivate in Eeevee.
Other than that is it looking alright?

Anonymous No. 960734

no, its not looking alright. The eevee render doesnt generate any shadows from the hdri and these are all over the model. If you turned on the visibility of the hdri in the background you would also see that the orangy color is not present in eevee since it has no irradiance. You have an untrained eye. Nobody serious uses eevee. Im outta here

Anonymous No. 960735

...I was talking about the model itself.

Anonymous No. 960736

i think you should get some reference on firearms

Anonymous No. 960737

Have you tried doing an actual render of the one on the top? Eevee is meant to be a real time renderer like you would find in a game engine, while Cycles is meant for things to be fully rendered. This means that Cycles will look worse than Eevee in this scenario because it isn't fully doing what it was designed to do, while Eevee is already operating at the extent of its capabilities.

>Im outta here
Goodness me, I'd hate to see you go.

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Anonymous No. 960739

I don't know, it mostly looks like the actual thing to me. Let me guess, you think his model looks bad because it doesn't match the image in your head of what a gun should look like, and you just wanted to find another thing to nitpick.

Anonymous No. 960740

his model isn't accurate to that model and additionally appears to be wildly inaccurate.

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Anonymous No. 960747

brows and pom hands were placeholders Lifted from a PLA model submited to SFM.

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Anonymous No. 960751

>Have you tried doing an actual render of the one on the top?

Actually that's a good point I haven't done that yet.

In fairness it wasn't that reference I was using it was this one. They're more or less the same, but different enough.

Anonymous No. 960754

you need to make a lot better textures

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Anonymous No. 960764

Maybe some subtle abdomen and pelvis definition.

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Anonymous No. 960765

Need to figure out how to animate the swinging coin now.

Skull looks a little weird. Never was sure how you'd handle the eyes on a Lopunny model.

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Anonymous No. 960774

now i can mirror any setup. It was harder than it looked to mirror as the naming has to be just right....getting very close to full body render, unfortunately my sim times at all stages have doubled which is why i have been encouraged to test parts separately

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Anonymous No. 960819

Thanks for the feed back.

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Anonymous No. 960822

Added custom brow:

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Anonymous No. 960824

You might want to play around with the shading some before trying to finalize your mesh too much. On-model-ish Pokemon look kind of weird without stylized rendering, and the shaders you use can affect some of the topology you want.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 960827

how's this [spoiler] shader partly stolen from cummingham's model (which was uploaded by him, on smutbase)[/spoiler]

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Anonymous No. 960828

how's this [spoilers] shader partly stolen from cummingham's model (which was uploaded by him, on smutbase)[/spoilers]

Anonymous No. 960830

what does it look like if you take the outline shader off the eyelashes?

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Anonymous No. 960831

I'm still toying with the bigger lines to find something that looks good in motion, so I haven't focused much on the smaller bits.

Anonymous No. 960850

would like to see a walk cycle

Anonymous No. 960859

Have to rig it first.

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Anonymous No. 960990

any other boomers here?

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Screenshot 2023-1....png

Anonymous No. 961186

should I connect the mouth with the base mesh and them unwrap the mouth on the same uv texture to be able to animate it properly?
Also a question about eyes, as I understand I need to keep them as separate object so I ran rotate them in a game engine?

Anonymous No. 962812

Jack, you are a fucking legend mate. I love you.