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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 960172

>maya crashes
>hadn't saved in an hour
>click "recover scene"
>mfw it just works

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Anonymous No. 960175

>blender crashes
>lose an hour of work
>mfw remember my unemployed NEET ass time is worth $0
I win again jews lose

Anonymous No. 960176

blender has autosave each 2 minutes by default and recover last sesion too, it doesn't work with imgs so better don't do that there.

Anonymous No. 960185

sorry, but blender autosave is really good, you my lose less than 2 minutes max

Anonymous No. 960199

Your software crashes?

Anonymous No. 960206

if your soft doesnt crash, you aint pushin it to the limit, ngmi

Anonymous No. 960212

I'm NGMI because I don't model on a toaster like the rest of you?

Anonymous No. 960252

>maya crashes alot
>use blender cause faggots say its more stable
>forgot maya and use blender
>blender crashes way more
>autosave sometimes doesnt recover
>saves in general will sometimes corrupt
>wish i hadn't forgotten maya

Never again will I fall for blender trickery. About 200+ in mod purchases deep to make it semi close to the power of maya. Regret all of it.

Anonymous No. 960293

BlenderGuru has a $20,000 workstation and his Blender crashes all the time.

Anonymous No. 960294

Skill issue.

RAM issue.

Anonymous No. 960295

so glad i got wise to open source trickery many years ago after naively using linux as a desktop in college. what a waste of time that was. also, sorry to everyone i annoyed back then "advocating" for shitty open source jankware. still, it's a lesson that every young geek has to learn on their own because if someone had told me back then, and i'm pretty sure some did, that os x is unix and also a usable desktop, i would have seethed. live and learn i guess.

Anonymous No. 960336

this but unironically

Anonymous No. 960338

the guy can't even model, what does he need a workstation for? rendering more bland, uninspired kitbashes slightly faster? I hate this guy so much

Anonymous No. 960345

I never had any broken autosave in my life and I use blender every day for work for over 10 years. Also it crashes similarly to Maya not more or less.
I am not one of those blenderfags that think that blender is perfect, but autosave is not something that blender does wrong

Anonymous No. 960402

Built for big bat cock

Anonymous No. 961200

Sometime Maya just crash without the crash report window, and when you open Maya again there is no recover

Anonymous No. 961206

Should have run it with admin privilegeds instead

Anonymous No. 961318

The duality of OP

Anonymous No. 961319

hardware issue.

Anonymous No. 961415

I use blender

Anonymous No. 961416

I just lied

Anonymous No. 961764

>maya file loads but many actions lead to crash
>it is effectively corrupted

Anonymous No. 961775

How people do anything without saving every time they make a meaningful change is beyond me.

I use git for source control but it's probably a bad fit. What do corpos use?

Anonymous No. 962402

This shit never fucking works for me idk why, I just use the powersave addon.