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๐Ÿงต /cris/ general.

Anonymous No. 960932

Because /3/ needs to admire this beauty.

Anonymous No. 960933

for the king was incredibly successful and i'm not sure the models are better than that

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Anonymous No. 960952

Finished the first screenshot.

Going to take a nap.

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Anonymous No. 960954

Cris, how many engines have you gone through now?
I think you should stick to one you enjoy that's capable of running the game you want to make, instead of hopping between a bunch of random different ones. You're not gaining any useful skills by learning how to print("hello world") 20 distinct ways over and over.
Last thread you said Godot was trash and you wouldn't use it, then you posted a demo you were making in RPG Maker 2003 (???), then you were back to Godot, then you bought some other random engine...

Basically any of these engines can make a good game if you master them, but you seem to keep jumping ship after making another little demo to walk around in.
It's like you keep buying puzzles to solve, but all you do is place the corner pieces and connect some of the edges you can find before giving up and buying a new puzzle.

Anonymous No. 960955

I have the most experience with godot.

What I don't like of godot usually is that is too low level.

Which is good and bad.
You have full freedom, but you basically have to do everything from scratch in godot.

Sometimes that is very tiring.

Anonymous No. 960963

Software is just frustrating like that. All programs do some things well and other things poorly, but you rarely have the option of using the good parts of one program and the good parts of another program. And more so the more your overall task is about software, like making... Programs.

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Anonymous No. 960987

master house.

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Anonymous No. 960989

made the houses.

Anonymous No. 961029

you fucking retard you even havent reached bump limit and image limit in your general
you're a fucking blight. Go kill yourself

Anonymous No. 961030

there's already a bump limit order.

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Screenshot 2023-1....png

Anonymous No. 961031


Anonymous No. 961089

we all were the real cris all along.
just make the mixel equiv of psx meshes, set to point filtering and call it "retro"

Anonymous No. 961093

zoomers can't tell the diference with a psx model in a CRT.

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Anonymous No. 961094

made an animation.

Anonymous No. 961098

Are you playing with random animation speeds?
The idle animation looks nice and adds some life to her, but the random slowing/speeding up makes her seem insane.

Unless the slow part is a framerate issue, in which case you should try tying the animation to delta time (real time).

Anonymous No. 961116

lol this nigga think all ps1 games ran at 8 fps llike modern slop when most hit 60 and some 30
youtube really does fuck up the mind

Anonymous No. 961119

Nah, It's an easy fix.

I just need to make it double slower.
A timing issue, not a big deal.

I have a 200 usd laptop, so It makes sense It would struggle with recording.

Anonymous No. 961121

>most hit 60
It's going to depend on the game and how much is going on, just like games today.

Max Hz isn't framerate.

Anonymous No. 961123

well, I don't think most people like have a perfect memory of how psx games were, or were born after the PS2 or just don't care.

Most zoomers would related my style more to minecraft than psx.

My style is not psx, psx models were the most HD textures they could.
Pixel art textures is a modern indie thing, not a psx retro thing.

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Anonymous No. 961198

There-s now a fighting game dash.


Anonymous No. 961207

Hardly any 3D PS1 games ran at 60fps. 30fps was much more common. 15fps wasn't unheard of.
If your PS1-tier low poly game can't run at 1000fps minimum on modern hardware you're doing something very wrong.

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Anonymous No. 961209

added camara.

Anonymous No. 961251

Don't use this one, Cris.
Use that: >>960968 much cooler name and it was created by me (your bruv).

Anonymous No. 961252

kill yourself (cris's best bruv)

Anonymous No. 961255

How did you assign animations to her?

Anonymous No. 961258

Why not both? More cris the better

Looks good Cris, I can't wait until you change the grass for a descent terrain so we can see the character better

Anonymous No. 961294

Look up an animation tree tutorial.

I honestly like the idea of taking a PBR material and use pixel over to make it pixel art pbr.

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Anonymous No. 961295

made a sprider.

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Anonymous No. 961296

Made the model.

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Anonymous No. 961297

added a bug.

Anonymous No. 961304

Yea I have seen really cool stuff with pbr and pixel art/ low poly mesh
I personally like more the baked shadow on textures but if you can pull it off it will look good

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Anonymous No. 961305

Made the girls onagre.

Yeah, I think the best would be to user amor paint to texture this baby and then use pixel over to turn it into pixel art.

Anonymous No. 961308

An onager, yes that is going to be really good. If you do this try to make the normal map pixel art too, I made something like that for a game and it works really good, but is time consuming as hell

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Anonymous No. 961309

soon brotha.

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Anonymous No. 961316

added basic projectiles.

Anonymous No. 961398

I cant wait to see the full project, i just hope i dont die in the process

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Anonymous No. 961412

catapult is done.

Anonymous No. 961418

>just 1k vertices on screen
so this... is the power... of open source.... sasuga cris-sama

Anonymous No. 961419

no, a 200 usd laptop.

Anonymous No. 961420

Are we going to be able to play a Cris game in our life time?
I feel like I am in a parallel universe or in a dream and tomorrow I am going to wake up and Cris would be Cris again with a new project and a new game engine.

Anonymous No. 961421

His laptop is Venezuela tier bro,
Keep going Cris!!! /3/ needs you

Anonymous No. 961422

>Cris has a venezuelan laptop
>Still outperform 99.9% of first worlders on /3/

Anonymous No. 961423

I know! That's why I keep looking at this thread
Cris is /3/ outsider art

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Anonymous No. 961428

Basic enemy behaviour done.

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Anonymous No. 961429

He can do it...
He is /3/'s only champion...

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Anonymous No. 961434

Combat is now finished the prototype.


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Anonymous No. 961457

Newer mechanic.

Anonymous No. 961468

Yes it's happening!

Anonymous No. 961519

rosa model is done.

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Anonymous No. 961535


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Anonymous No. 961569

Added a new mechanic, rosa who follows pacifica and who you need to trigger the onagers.

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Anonymous No. 961636

Basic gameplay loop is pretty much done.

Pretty much prototype is done.
I need to maybe add a newer button element to have 4 buttons.

Need to add more mechanics to make it deeper the combat.
Maybe add some hadouken type of attack, add some stun bar to the bugs, make their attacks to have gravity.

After that, some story mode has to be made, with some in between dungeon stages, where there will be a VN dialog.
And then a bunch of dungeons to have variations.
And then a basic roguelike type of dungeon.

And add some elemental blocks like Battle City.
And then some types of onagers and some types of bugs.

But the core foundation is pretty much done by now.
I need to now give meat to this skeleton.

Anonymous No. 961642

How are you liking Godot?

Anonymous No. 961644

godot is great.

Maybe not as polished as unreal or unity, but is fine for indie games.

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Anonymous No. 961693

I will put flor in my game.

Anonymous No. 961699

Is that a tapir?

Anonymous No. 961700

more like my 2020 skill.

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Anonymous No. 961708

Made the first test level.

Tomorrow I need to set up basic enemy behaviours and some plaecholder level.

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Anonymous No. 961807

Got almost done my gameplay.

Anonymous No. 961863

Looks like shit

Anonymous No. 961881

Amazing, spectacular, AAA, superb, incredible, 10/10 would bang, perfect.
That's how I would describe this videogame
Cris is the soul of /3/

You are mentally ill, have no taste, or is just jealousy?
Remember my words, if you work hard, in the future you can do something as good as this.

Anonymous No. 961916

Is flor a companion? Or something like a mule to carry your stuff?

Anonymous No. 961985

I am going to make hyper Coomer hentai waifu game using the things that I learned from Cris
It's going to be about a male protagonist isekaing into this world full of open legged girls that want to fuck to destroy the eternal evil that is terrorising the world

The name of the game will be" I isekai into Coomer world, "

Will our hero destroy the evils of the world or his dick Will go limp in the proces?

Anonymous No. 961986

that's pretty good for someone who's never seen a house

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Anonymous No. 961987

>cris builds a house

Anonymous No. 961998

That's a perfect looking house
Her tits needs to be bigger

Anonymous No. 962008

I literally have the same laptop and it runs Warthunder on medium at 720p60fps
Do NOT let cris incompetence fool you

Anonymous No. 962075

Maybe, but still I am not convinced that is low frames and it's more that the animation has that choppy style
Cris! Can you show framerate?

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Anonymous No. 962108

I give up.

I can't make a game alone.

I need help.

Anonymous No. 962109

Have you considered suicide?

Anonymous No. 962112

Yes you can, I have made 4 games alone, even sound and music, just keep going, the most important thing of all is to streamline your game, what is not necessary just cut it.

Anonymous No. 962113

Suicide does not finish a game, trust me I have tried

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apu tired.jpg

Anonymous No. 962115

I spent 20 days working on godot to have simply a 3D character walking, another 3D character following it, and some object that throw a stone to enemies that follow a path and have 0 animations, and a placeholder level.

That's basically a month of work I've spend on godot.

Anonymous No. 962132

And that's good, you just spent a month learning a program, that's nothing, just keep going dude. Stop crying like a faggot and keep working.
Being sad never accomplished anything

Anonymous No. 962134

I actually found a lecture on the specific topic I lack.

Anonymous No. 962137

how can someone's work look so disgusting

Anonymous No. 962148

Yeah, man.
That's why programmers get paid monthly. They can't name what they've done in shorter periods of time.

Anonymous No. 962164

try again

Anonymous No. 962166

Learning these corporate "design patterns" from indians on youtube has the potential to be a huge waste of time.
The real key is to ask yourself what data you need to represent your problem(s), and then what transformations need to occur on that data. You don't need to waste time listening to courses about how to design IEnumerableFactoryComponentDependencyInjection classes

Anonymous No. 962189

Try it for me, then if it works you can give me the good news via my ouija board

Anonymous No. 962276

>I actually found a lecture on the specific topic I lack
no, Cris, that s just 1 hour video of indians speaking shit, i can tell you what you need in seconds
you need focus and to get rid of non esencial things
Example I am making a shooter, now I need to make a list of the essential parts I need weapons, enemies, locations, and a basic systems.

do I need to put day night cycles and weapons that are less effective in the rain?
that sounds cool but not essential so put it in the maybe later.

you are going to see how many shit you can cut so at the beginning you are not overwhelmed

you have a run walk system, enemy behaviours, A working catapult, you can make a fun game with those systems alone. try to not complicate shit

Anonymous No. 962384

I don't know, you tell me, I keep telling you to never compare your work to Cris, he is light years away from you

Anonymous No. 962423

We want more Cris
We need more Cris
We deserve more Cris
Give us the Cris fix that we need

Anonymous No. 962537

What happened? Is Cris really gone?
We are going to miss you you autistic cunt, it didn't had to be this way.

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Anonymous No. 962540

Nah, I just took like 2 days off.

I will resume tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 962549

Anons were saying that you were with the gods of 3d, glad that you are back

Anonymous No. 962564

I wanna see your characters animating 24 fps, 30 fps and 60 fps respectively. Thanks

Anonymous No. 962775

Are you the real one? So you didn't die in the fire accident caused by a broken laptop?

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Anonymous No. 962778


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Anonymous No. 962789

A day of work.

Anonymous No. 962834

So you are not the real Cris?

Anonymous No. 962854

That fire was real?
My thoughts and prayers

Anonymous No. 962855

I can be whoever I want, nigga.

Anonymous No. 962893

more work.

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Anonymous No. 962909

Almost finished my newer game.
Only need a few tweaks.

I basically finished it on like 10-15 hours.

My haters utterly BTFO by my final gamedev workflow.

3 days and a game is pretty much finished and can be uploaded to steam, kek.

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Anonymous No. 962945

Master piece of graphic design of the GRAPHIC DESIGN IS MY PASSION sovl school.

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funny green frog ....jpg

Anonymous No. 962970

>Cris getting psychologists ads

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Anonymous No. 963017

It's 3AM and I was working on this since noon.

But I fucking got it.


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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 963018

what's the goal of the game? to annoy as many people as possible? or is it one of those "clickers" where you get points for spamming useless threads on an anonymous image board?

Anonymous No. 963019

It was an idea of twins fighting bugs.

But I will remake it.
the initial idea doesnt work.

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Anonymous No. 963059

bug fixed.

Anonymous No. 963437

When we are going to get the game about the Aztec girl having Intercourse with the giant bugs?

Anonymous No. 963580

Never, i'm burned out.

Anonymous No. 963589

i made more competent shit when i was 14

Anonymous No. 963653

Brown girls having intercourse with giant bugs now!

the chair nerd No. 963658


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Anonymous No. 963699

Started working on a new angle to my game.

Anonymous No. 963750

Is this a game about brown girls having Sex with giant cockroaches?

Anonymous No. 963752

I can't make sexy art, so not porn.

Anonymous No. 963756

I thought that it was an adult game about brown girls and bugs having a good time.
So, what exactly is this game ?

Anonymous No. 963758

Not sure.

Basically I'm improvising.

Anonymous No. 963777

You should try to make a simple game and start refining it from there, without a plan you are going to get burn out, because you don't have any goals to reach.
I was like you when I started, now I just make goals to reach monthly so I don't spend time doing shit that is not necessary

Anonymous No. 963778

my initial idea was a top down arcade jrpg about pacifica and rosa using catapults to kill bugs.

It just doesnt work.

Anonymous No. 963781

That sounds good
I can see that idea working if the mechanics of the game are refined
Maybe a co-op with 2different mechanics

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Anonymous No. 963801

last progress of today

Anonymous No. 963840

Why is she covering her chest?

Anonymous No. 963845

she's a girl.

Anonymous No. 963858

which NPC are you supposed to rape? the insects?

Anonymous No. 963921

That means that she is naked or has a broken outfit? I have never seen a girl covering her breasts while she walks

Anonymous No. 963922

Yes, the game is about insects fucking Aztec girls

Anonymous No. 963931

Can you please give us a tutorial on how you make the characters? So we all can use your knowledge on AAA character creation

Anonymous No. 963937

Yes, tutorial please

Anonymous No. 963997

>Hentai game with insects
What other types of insects are going to be added?

Anonymous No. 964009

Cris has never seen how girls act IRL and it shows.

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Anonymous No. 964021

More work.

Anonymous No. 964022



Anonymous No. 964037

this is awesome mate, keepup the good work

Anonymous No. 964084

Nice, I can't wait until the fun brown girl/bug hentai part, remember that this is a blue board.

Anonymous No. 964087

With his skills on 3d I am sure that girls get wet
So this game ends up being an eroge game?

Anonymous No. 964145

You should do your character more attractive if she is going to be the main character of an adult game, the design is good, she just needs to be more curvy

Anonymous No. 964147

Cris is an alpha male dude

Anonymous No. 964195

kek. Go for it, Cris. I want to keep seeing the seething retards

Anonymous No. 964197

What are you talking about?
Everybody here loves Cris

Anonymous No. 964329

Cris making a hentai game? Fascinating

Anonymous No. 964505

cris did you play on the /vt/ yubicraft server? I remember there was a spic there who said they were into game dev

Anonymous No. 964506

Yes he was, now he is making a hentai game about Aztec girls having fun time with giant bugs

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Anonymous No. 964604

my new genre idea prototipe is finished chuds.

All my years of hard work finally has paid off.

Anonymous No. 964610

YouTube let you upload hardcore hentai?
That was nasty Cris

Anonymous No. 964616

What is the music source? It's pretty cool

Anonymous No. 964620

FFV ocremix remixes.

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Anonymous No. 964656

You are my inspiration Cris, keep up the good work.

Once i learn some basic retopology i'll turn pic into the most badass Earthbound inspired rpg about depression ever made.

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Anonymous No. 964727

I now have a combat system.
I now have a cutscene system.
I now have a world map system.
I now have a town system.
I now have a level and dungeon system.

And honestly, every one of these subsystems now is like a really cheap subsystem to make.
Like holy shit, each one now would take me basically like a week to make from scratch now.

/agdg/ told me I was like the biggest nigger retard to claim I will design an AAA game that I could make in 2 months.

And they kept laughing and call me a deluded subhuman schizo spic retard.

But I won.

After 3 fucking months of just doing failed prototypes.

I did it.

I now have all these nigger subsystems properly designed in some small experiment I made.

I now can finish a complete massive jrpg in 2 months.


I won.

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Anonymous No. 964728
My dungeon system.
My combat system.
My story and custcenes progression system.
My HQ town system.

Literally like 4-5 months of experiments, just to develop all these sub systems.

But I did it.

I fucking have my really cheap to make totally original game.

An extremelly cheap as fuck complete AAA movie type of game or JRPG that happens to be like retarded in how cheap is to make each system.

I fucking solved videogames.

I am so fucking happy.
Fucking finally.

I did it.

Anonymous No. 964739

>I now have a combat system.
you don't
>I now have a cutscene system.
you don't
>I now have a world map system.
you don't
>I now have a town system.
you don't
>I now have a level and dungeon system.
you don't

>/agdg/ told me I was like the biggest nigger retard to claim I will design an AAA game that I could make in 2 months.
That is a correct assertion.

>And they kept laughing and call me a deluded subhuman schizo spic retard.
Also correct.

>After 3 fucking months
3 decades*

>I now can finish a complete massive jrpg in 2 months.
You can't.

>My dungeon system.
Nothing about it has anything specific to a dungeon, it's just a mechanically shallow top down shooter

>My combat system.
That's just functionally a shooter but you've made it much more shallower by making the projectiles travel at infinite speed, are invisible, can only be shot up, and you only have 3 possible positions along one axis. And you've abstracted away critical shooter components like spacing and movement to make them just clunkier. (yeah I know it's not actual projecting but you've made logic like "if attack and ennemy in correct position slot, then deal damage", my point is you've just discretized a shooter)

>My story and custcenes progression system.
That's not what a cutscene system does. It's supposed to handle transitions between the playing state and the "scene" state, either abruptly by playing a video, or in an integrated manner by using the engine to animate actors seamlessly. You just have cards shuffling around incoherently from the rest of your systems, so it adds about as much depth as a pre-rendered video and fade out to black.

>My HQ town system.
That's not a town, nor a system, that's a camera orbitting around a blowjob doll. A "town" system would handle entrances, transitions to other maps, actor managements, and layered actor setup (for example, if you have day and night cycles with different sets of actors)

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Anonymous No. 964749

holy fuck....cris won....

Anonymous No. 964756

Do the anal prolapse hurts anon?
Cris won, go cry to another thread, he is the future of Vidya.

Congrats Cris, we knew that you could do it!
Now finish that hentai RPG with bugs and Aztec girls.

Anonymous No. 964757

For other Anons making a videogame Learn the difference:

Winner Chad mentality

Loser femboy mentality

Don't be a loser, be more like Cris

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Anonymous No. 964770

Congratulations on your progress, but I don't think I've ever seen an AAA game that looked like *that*

Anonymous No. 964782

>You have already reported this post
This has nothing to do with /3/. Did nobody apply for janny on this board? What are the nigger mods doing?

Anonymous No. 964805

He is making a 3d game
>nothing to do with /3/
Are you feeling ok anon, did you took your meds today?
I am making a 3d anime, I should not be able to post on /3/because is an anime then?
Make it make sense.

Anonymous No. 964817

No. Same reason you shouldn't post a game on /ic/ just because it's 2d. Kill yourself latinx tranny.

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Anonymous No. 964833

Going to use gdevelop for my idea instead of godot.

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Anonymous No. 964842

The first AAA game was Final Fantasy 7.

Anonymous No. 964861

Then what you can post here you mentally ill bugchaser?
This is a 3dcg board, he is posting 3d game related wips.
Are you angry because the girl in the game is not a trap anon?

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Anonymous No. 964867

Took a couple hours, but I got a basic prototype of my combat.
And I already like this more than what I made with godot.

Anonymous No. 964902

>cris switches to windows
>instantly makes game

Anonymous No. 964936

He's the autistic jester of /3/

Anonymous No. 964937

Cris is a spic. Shoulda known from the poor im English.

Anonymous No. 964973

That looks pretty decent.

Now go make a game with it. And this time finish it.

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Anonymous No. 964985

Started working on my combat system but with godot.

Anonymous No. 965044

Can you share more of your 3d work with us Cris?

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25 April.png

Anonymous No. 965047


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Anonymous No. 965128

Last progress of today.

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Anonymous No. 965295

Daily progress.

Anonymous No. 965306

Nice, are the red balls going to be naked brown girls in the final h-game?

Anonymous No. 965332

I have plans for H games, but not this one.

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Anonymous No. 965369

I turned a fucking bug now into a feature, where the player has to have the charged button, a stock and then do a hadouken input, then wait 0.1 second and then release the shoot button.

This is amazing, chuds.

Anonymous No. 965377

you can do this cris!
I used to hate you, but really I think you can improve buddy!
Just please Stick with one engine

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Anonymous No. 965407

God, the magical source creator.
In his infinite wisdom.
Has arranged a sequence of events, so dearly, in my heart and soul.
To properly craft the syphil conjunct event lineage.

To cause in me, a situation, a resolve of motivation in my conception of my soul.

A medical emergency, of my dearest friend, who was loyal to me since he was a cub.
A surgery, who suddenly I lack the monetary gains to solve this joke of the destiny.

At the same time.
The deadline, ironically, and by magical forces.
Of the nowhere to be seen land, has prompted, into the malkut and yasodian realms, of the platonic square.

The concomitant need, to require me, to suceed.
To succeed, to win, to BTFO the industry.

I can't wait anymore.
I have to basically set th deadline to January.
I need to begin my life journey and craft a masterpiece.

An eternal masterpiece of ludo art.

My own self put deadline, has caused a magical situation in the malkut realm, to force me to bring from the magical realm of his eternal beauty, an eternal KINO.

To BTFO the satanic state of this industry.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 965431

My haters BTFO again.

My new game It's finally at the point where it reaches the old grandma secret family sauce point, chuds.

BTFO again.

by old school vidya arcade secret sauce, straight from 1980 nagoya japanese secret sauce, chuds.

Time to BTFO the industry.

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Anonymous No. 965508

More or less the first loop is finished.

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Anonymous No. 965514

Unrelated to cris, but I'm starting a art cord with a 3d channel, hope you can join cris

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Anonymous No. 965658

YSort implemented.

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lmao at 3D cucks.png

Anonymous No. 965717

lmao, at this.

Anonymous No. 965723

The only one working and not sperging about maya or blender.
We all need to be more like Cris
Cris is the soul of/3/

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gui mockup.png

Anonymous No. 965754

GUI mockup done.

Anonymous No. 965759

This is a mock up you'll make better later right?

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Anonymous No. 966005

timer sketch done.

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Anonymous No. 966047

Starting working on my GUI, chuds.

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Anonymous No. 966055

GUI sketch finished.

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Anonymous No. 966071

GUI almost finished.

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Anonymous No. 966150

Started to replace my GUI

Anonymous No. 966153

Is it Godot? If it's Godot you may become the first (or second or something like that) person in the world who was able to make a playable game in it.

Anonymous No. 966253

Sexy brown Aztec girls and insects, Nice!
Is true that it's going to be an h-game?
Cris is truly amazing

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Anonymous No. 966258

didnt dev today, but I learned to do this.

So, I still improved in my gamedev skills.


I don't want to make an H game.

Doesn't really add nothing to my game, except being a pain in the ass to try to release in stores and consoles if I make it H.

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Anonymous No. 966373

More work.

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Anonymous No. 966460

almost finished.

Anonymous No. 966467

Try breaking the tile of the grass a little bit, with patches of mud or flowers

Anonymous No. 966473

Petition to change the name of /3/ for /cris/
Who is with me?

Anonymous No. 966479

But there already is a Cris board.

Anonymous No. 966506

You're saying this to a man who doesn't even make his grass textures tile. Pretty sure he knows something you don't, so trust the plan

Anonymous No. 966511

the model looks ok, the toon shader is shitty

Anonymous No. 966519

So you are not with me then?

Change /3/ to /Cris/, it's the only way to save this dying board

Anonymous No. 966521

It's a placeholder anon.

Honestly, I think the issue is that I need to basically keyframe a 2D animation using something like flash symbol libraries, but with grease pencil.

I need to find a grease pencil symbol library addon to properly keyframe a 2D head.

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Anonymous No. 966556

Man, I need to restart again my project.
All my code so far is worthless.
Is garbage.

And not modular.
And I didn't knew the most basic CS gamedev shit like a command signal queue, and my code is spaggetti.
And I didn't made modular plugins for diferent elements of my game.
And my input is not properly an input buffer in a separate module.

Nor my singletons managers are properly made.
Not I have basic shit like singal API between my modules.

It's garbage.
And so It has to be totally scrapped.

But I need to basically spent now a month reading CS books.

I need to scrap my fucking project now.

Anonymous No. 966558

Just spend the next five years finding the ultimate AAA coding workflow and project structure

Anonymous No. 966560

Anonymous No. 966579

That shit doesn't matter if you don't need it.

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my art progress.png

Anonymous No. 966595

Daily reminder, I've been practicing every day non stop since 20 April 2005.

And I've practiced every gamedev skill.

When I literally say I will destroy the industry.
I'm not joking.

I'm like a nigga that has practice every day since April 2005.
Non stop.
Every day.

And this picture is like 1/4 of all the shit I've thrown away because I run out of space.

I will destroy this industry.

Anonymous No. 966730

After the rewrite, right?

Anonymous No. 966744

You don't need to restart, you are just trying to find an excuse to never finish the project. Totally understand that you are scared of putting something on the public eye, but you should try to overcome that fear.

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Anonymous No. 966793

more chud progress, for chuds.

Anonymous No. 966795

Pacifica?! Isn't that where the best aquafarms are?

Anonymous No. 966796

she's a character that I designed on 2005, lmao.

She's born of me watching caska of beserk, but her design comes more from the little girl dragon with amnesia of Scrapped princess.

Her sister called Rosa, is her twin, but she has white hair, lighter skin and Iori yagami and rosalina iconic eye hair bang.

Anonymous No. 966798

Can I use them in my own projects?

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Anonymous No. 966799

well, I mean, It's not like I have the means to give you a lawsuit.


What I honestly want next year is to finish my autistic pokemon massive lore VN, so I rather see faggots making porn of that story, more than I would like to see fags making porn fan art of pacifica and Rosa.

But I am not gonna be a retard and autistically have a meltdown, if some retard decides to make porn of my characters.

Just that I rather have porn fan art of my porn story more than from my non porn games.

Anonymous No. 966802

>mind immediately jumps to porn
I was thinking of video games

Anonymous No. 966816

No, no you weren't

Anonymous No. 966818

I mean, I just wanted to be clear upfront.

I dont have an issue with non porn games.

Anonymous No. 966849

thisi s garbage

Anonymous No. 966863

can you stop making threads on /g/ as well
thank you

Anonymous No. 966867

Based Jamundรญ
Hispa was a shitty place and you are blessing the world in /3/

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Anonymous No. 966955

More work.

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Anonymous No. 967019

Another day, another day of progress.

chuds BTFO

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Anonymous No. 967103

Today, I learned to make rpg maker grass autotiles from scratch, chuddies.

Now I need to basically make my map to be a diferent zodiac and magical symbol.

Anonymous No. 967109

Thread theme

Anonymous No. 967121

Will this game have deep RPG elements and romance mechanics?

Anonymous No. 967123

It's a basic arcade game.

Anonymous No. 967124

Just make a vampire survivors clone.

Anonymous No. 967126

go back to the games development thread.

Most of this thread isn't your shitty attempts at 3d, it's your shitty attempts at using game engines

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 967138

this is a containment thread, retard.

At one point half the threads on this dead board were mine.


Anonymous No. 967189

>spam garbage off topic threads
>look! i'm keeping your dead board alive!

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kof girls.png

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 967191

how bout making some art then.


Do you even draw or something?

Anonymous No. 967203

Dude stop being an attention whore, Cris is working on a 3d sprite game
Clearly is 3d related.

I am working on a 3d anime style short film about paranormal stuff , but for you I can not make a thread here because is anime, and has paranormal stuff, should I post on /a/ and /x/ then? Or just in /tv/, maybe I need a board specific for anime made in 3d with paranormal stories?

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Anonymous No. 967211

More work.

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zodiac kaliina.gif

Anonymous No. 967332

It seems my girly, that we're reaching firmly, the point, at that schizo joint.
We're it's not longer a game, but some schizo fame.

Magic will be required, to reach that point where the industry will be fired.

Anonymous No. 967426

what the fuck are you saying?

Anonymous No. 967440


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Dec 16.gif

Anonymous No. 967441

Last progress of today.

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Anonymous No. 967442

stop shitting up /g/.
stay on your containment general.

Anonymous No. 967443

has cris ever seen a real human bean for him to think either his models or ai gens look anything but repulsive?

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B level.png

Anonymous No. 967640

Started working on the platonic solids that will serve as the indicators of the numeral of the repetition.

Basically a 12 levels of 4 repetions.

Something like 12/4 if It was a music score.


Anonymous No. 967650

He is our outsider artists
Are you into mushrooms Cris?, you sound just like my friend trying to make sense of something that he read on some science article

Anonymous No. 967651

It's basic mystical shit, plus using my levels like a musical bar.

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D level.png

Anonymous No. 967874

48 levels done now.

Anonymous No. 967879

You're going to hell for this, cris

Anonymous No. 967883

I don't believe you have made $100 USD from gamedeving this year

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what cope now.png

Anonymous No. 967884

cope and seethe, my dear schizo.

Anonymous No. 967887

How much is that in human money?

Anonymous No. 967888

120 usd.

Anonymous No. 967889

if you have it why does it say pending

Anonymous No. 967890

Steam have to make sure is not fraud.
I simply have to wait some days more.

Anonymous No. 967907

>120 usd
that is poorfag farming cocaine for the cartel, cris...even your mom would prefer that.

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Anonymous No. 967924

I finally can show as chrissmass gift to my old pop that I finally started to make money with my dream of gamedev.
And that's more important than being rich or making millions or any gay onions award.

Anonymous No. 967929

Sure but it proves >>967883 wrong.

Anonymous No. 967960

>earning just 120 usd is the dream
...actually soul and wholesome

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Anonymous No. 967995

It's not a money issue.

these 100 are a symbolic thing.

It's about reaching the levels where I used to dream about.
Reaching the skill I wasn't born with.
Defeating the AAA industry.

That's the dream.
Not money.

To prove I can do it, that my hard work paid off.

To prove that talent is not what matters, but hard work.

The dream is to be as strong as rock lee, to prove I will not die as a loser.
Money is not my motivation.

I want to become an anime character one day.

Anonymous No. 967999

what exactly did you do to earn the $120? Don't someone actually bought one of your games

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Anonymous No. 968001

Someone paid me to make him some models in my pixel art style.

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C level.png

Anonymous No. 968028
5 days of work.
Literally 60 levels so far in my game chuds.

This time it's a real game I'm making.

Anonymous No. 968034

You would be better off using RPG maker ngl

Anonymous No. 968035

That would make too much sense.

Anonymous No. 968064

>at first it was wholesome
>then the megalomania delusion starts again
lmao. classic cris

Anonymous No. 968065

what kind of schizo plays their own game?

Anonymous No. 968088

What the fuck

Anonymous No. 968098

Shouldn't levels... look any different from each other? That looks all the same you're just changing the symbol in the background

Anonymous No. 968099

Trying to understand how Cris thinks is a fruitless endeavour. If he were to claim that you can reach space with nothing but two rubberbands and a piece of gum then it is true in his mind.

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Anonymous No. 968101

I reached a new much higher skill level in 2D chuds.

They're not finished.

Anonymous No. 968105

Is Cris Based, Cringe, Bringe, or Crased?

Anonymous No. 968120

I think you should stop with a.i of any form unless you use it for reference not to "enhance" you're art.

Anonymous No. 968140

I was hoping AI was like this magical revolutionary tool.

Slowly, but surely, unless a new revolutionary model appears.

I see no use of AI for my needs (character animation).

Anonymous No. 968146


Anonymous No. 968147

>They're not finished.
so you "have" 60 levels, but none of them are finished?

Anonymous No. 968150

I need to design enemies, breakable objects and shit like eye candy.

I only finished the ground.

Anonymous No. 968173

Hey this is looking very nice. AAA sequels reusing systems from the last game still take 6+ years to make and they are dogshit on release. Keep working and posting progress!

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25 Dec.png

Anonymous No. 968243

I am growing stronger, chuds.

Anonymous No. 968245

Why does 2023 look worse

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sailor moon.png

Anonymous No. 968257

Because is not finished.

Anonymous No. 968274

Now it just looks like the 2021 one

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AAA indie.png

Anonymous No. 968382

You're still 4 steps behind me.

Anonymous No. 968388

If that makes you feel better bro

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Anonymous No. 968391

Started working on overlays.

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Anonymous No. 968407

overlay system done.

Anonymous No. 968408

you're gonna pay people how much to play this?

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Anonymous No. 968468


but is looking nice.

Anonymous No. 968495

>clouds of farts
>shit and vomit splattered everywhere
>brown shit butterflies
you took "shit game" too literally

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new GUI.png

Anonymous No. 968619

New GUI.

Anonymous No. 968652

it too much shit on screen! but the girls are cute.

Anonymous No. 968655

C-can some tell me w-who is cris? Is he he deverow-developing a game or s-something like that?
My w-wife on the le-LEFT!

Anonymous No. 968714

crazy how each iteration just gets worse and worse

Anonymous No. 968716

Cris, have you watched the new Unity Engine Keynote?
The bottom line is that with the new tight AI integration into the pipeline, they promise that even melaninated people like us are going to be able to make zombies to backflips.

Anonymous No. 968743

it is called baroque art.
my greenhorn.

I am cris.

I have used AI and every time I ended up just tracing the AI work, because is useless.

AI animaation is nothing more than mocap from video shit.
And I think mocap looks lifeless and boring and lacks the snapping of 2D quality ones.

Anonymous No. 968747

Me parce, I think you got a cool style with that. Maybe you should make things "blend" more.
I instantely thought about shoegaze/dream-pop music when I saw this image >>968391

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Anonymous No. 968768

I think I am just gonna add some chickens and roosters as familiars you start the level, and they fight with the bugs, which you can control with a button to attack nearby bugs.

Will be a separate combat system to the catapult system.

That way, I can use the chickens and roosters as HP tokens I can use as a proxy to the waifu.

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new GUI.png

Anonymous No. 968890

More work.

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Anonymous No. 968916

That's not how fingers work

Anonymous No. 968919

Initial overlay tween done.

Anonymous No. 968976

He's using ai give him a break or this game will take another decade

Anonymous No. 968987

It's funny how he could have a decent game made already if he just learned normally, but nooo, gotta do some dumb triple A workflow.

Anonymous No. 968994

Cris is developing a AAA workflow that is going to make us all to be able to transcend as artists. Mark my words, his threads are going to be studied in art school in the future

Anonymous No. 968998

ya boy is doing shit bait threads instead of deving

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Anonymous No. 969002

I'm studying music.


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Anonymous No. 969015

Last progress of the year.

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Anonymous No. 969151

I've become 50 times better at music NOW.

After 4 days of hardcore practice.
I've become much stronger, musically.

Anonymous No. 969163

I'm so glad I've subscribed to your youtube channel. Before my subscriptions page was plain boring. Now it looks like it has been vandalized.

Anonymous No. 969337

Maybe stick to animating anime waifus...

Anonymous No. 969360


new 2D style here, chuds.

45 minutes to draw a 2D frame.

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Anonymous No. 969392

Made my game intro song.

the chair nerd No. 969393

Bear McCreary doesnt stand a chance.

Anonymous No. 969454

You are truly a Renaissance man Cris, the Venezuelan renaissance Ubermensch

Anonymous No. 969457

he's copelombian

Anonymous No. 969516

>implying he ever finished anything

Anonymous No. 969517

i cant decide but i'll take an individual mentally ill colomboan autist over an army of industry pajeets.

Anonymous No. 969520

so cringe it wraps back to being based, but then there's so much cringe left it wraps back again to being cringe

Anonymous No. 969522

which one is it, retards??
inb4 they're the same spic shit. columbia and colombo are like half way around the other side of the world but of course you'll geography retards dont know that.

Anonymous No. 969538

First Colombo is a city capital and not a city you retard, second I said Venezuela because of his laptop, I don't care where he is from, I am just admiring his art that's all.
Nice job Cris, I can't wait to play your game. I am becoming a Cris fan

Anonymous No. 969543

>is a city capital
>not a city
what? you're the retarded, retard

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 969574

I started working on the songs.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 969591

New Cris song:

Anonymous No. 969594

This >>969591 should play in the background on this board on repeat.

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Anonymous No. 969618

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Anonymous No. 969707

Pls rate.

I only need to dumb down my melody a lot and make it repeat much more, and It literally sounds like EDM of some modern party.


Anonymous No. 969712

Just tell me you're going to put all of this on Steam at some point because reaction streamers are running out of content and will bring you tens if not dozens of views.

Anonymous No. 969757

it sounds like peak schizo, what did you use for the vocals though, the voice is cute and wasted on your skill.

all of your songs are terrible, you not only evidently lack even basic music theory knowledge, that you probably never even tried to scratch the surface or even know about it, and you're blind to the dissonance between the artstyle and the music. Overall, it feels like you can't even comprehend what makes something sound so foul and repulsive to an actual human's ears.
I'd say, AI generated music would sound better, but there are people that follow you only out of curiosity to know how decadent, lazy, disturbing, deranged and disgusting human creations can get and would rather listen to your original "creations" instead.

so my advice would be; don't take any advice.

Anonymous No. 969777

Cute girls are nice, but there is no need to have them occupy half the window all the time. Remove those portraits, scale down the HUD decorations, and don't shrink the game's viewport like that.

Anonymous No. 969784

Synthesizer V

Anonymous No. 969852

Fresh bread, lads

Anonymous No. 972458

sounds like a Pajeeta name.
we know you have a huge fetish with niggers fucking with lolis and now Pajeetas too.
what other degeneracy do you have?