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๐Ÿงต /cg/ - Cris General

Anonymous No. 960968

Cris powered workflows and arts will be published here.

Last: >>951967

Anonymous No. 960970

>cris general
>fastest thread of the board
No matter how bad you are, keep doing what you do and you'll make it to fame and glory.

Anonymous No. 960976

But no money...

Anonymous No. 960978

Cris, if your weird experiments were part of regular updates to an early access game and somehow tied together by a story, they might combine to form a kind of schizo-core which was actually enjoyable to some people.
Like this track >>960878 is bizarre, but actually more interesting than a lot of "indie game" music I've heard.
But if you only release random disconnected pieces of half-baked media, no one will pay you anything

Anonymous No. 960998

does he have a twitch?

Anonymous No. 961002


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Anonymous No. 961004

Cris has been posting in here
We have two Cris generals now.

Anonymous No. 961026

>/cris/ was made to stop Cris from spamming new threads and bumping old ones off the board
>Somehow we have 3 /cris/ threads going on at once plus another "Cris won" template thread
This twisted game needs to be reset.

Anonymous No. 961040

have you tried to make threads instead of complaining?

Anonymous No. 961045

making threads is almost always a sign of poor character, as questions can be either looked up on your own outside of this board or posted in QTDDTOT.

unfinished works also go in a general and finished works of some fucking blender newbie do not interest anyone.

you are not important. your thread is not important. go and fuck yourself with the toilet brush of a third world train station restroom you literal non-person.

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Anonymous No. 961048

have you tried to actually fucking use the fucking piece of shit board, retard?

Do you think this is like a museum where like it should be kept intact?

Anonymous No. 961053

>Complains when people make threads
>Complains when people post in threads
What do you even contribute to this board? do you just come here to bitch and moan?

Anonymous No. 961117

It's /agdg/ raiding the board to cheer on their retard. None of the people ITT know their way around /3/.

Anonymous No. 961259

I wish all threads were Cris threads

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 961291

made a bug design.

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Anonymous No. 961613


Anonymous No. 961760

Rica Games vibes.

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Anonymous No. 964170

Hello, Last saturday i was informed by an internet chum of mine about blender. I have never used 3d modeling tools before and was interested to give it a try, had an old housemate show me some stuff about 10 years ago and it looked tedious and overly complicated and i had no pc at the time either.
I have now used blender for less than 24 hours in total and am enjoying learning, have made 2 (well 1.5) things so far.
My E-Chum also informed me about this board, as he said it can have good info here now and then so here i am.
I like sculpting the best so far and spent 3 hours today experimenting with geometry and extrusion, inset tools etc, so may check out this more often.
Thank you for reading my blog.

Anonymous No. 964259

4chan is apparently the dumping ground of mentally ill third worlders who hate other third worlders but are apparently okay with acting the same way around us.

Anonymous No. 964334

Are you making a weird sex toy anon?

Anonymous No. 964930

>but are apparently okay with acting the same way around us.
So there are many cris-chan's around you? sounds like a nightmare

Anonymous No. 964934
