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๐Ÿงต How come so many games are ugly, even though so many good artists are unemployed?

Anonymous No. 963139

I seen hobbyists make models better quality than what I see in your average game, or heck even most games. How is that possible? Why would someone who can't get a job, who does this on their free time. be better than someone who works for a big studio?

Anonymous No. 963140

grow the fuck up

Anonymous No. 963142

You answered my question, so I guess it's just being too immature that no one likes your personality

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 963147

studios used to be just groups of well-mannered, enthusiastic nerds working on an actual vision. their goal was to entertain people through honest, hard work, make the world more interesting and make some profit along the way because why the fuck not.

now they are corporations where what used to be a vision has been swallowed by the satanic idea of sacrificing literally everything to the jewish god "profit" ==> deadlines for fucking ART (art needs patience more than anything else), higher-ups dictating insanely retarded alterations of beautiful artistic ideas, not allowing experimentation or extreme consistency because both scare away the masses, dumbing everything down to what IQ100 wants most when actual art is just for exceptionally gifted people

pic related: what jewish profit looks like visually. eat everything, no actual IQ, no morals, and your only ideal is the idea of finding the absolute ideal here on earth where ironically exactly the materialistic self-amplifying mindset you've put yourself in destroys the very thing you are looking for

>Why would someone who can't get a job, who does this on their free time. be better than someone who works for a big studio?
because they literally do not have EMOTION, the thing necessary to process art. all they see is noise that can be harvested for material gains, so they do not give a fuck what the end-product looks like, only that it makes them as much money, fame etc. as possible.

tl;dr: jews are parasitic worms. take your fucking ivermectin.

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Anonymous No. 963155

>Hire cheap pajeets / slavs / chinks
>Steep deadlines
>A lot of the best artists you know are hobbyists and won't put anywhere near as much passion into 3d office jobs
>Retarded managers that want to force you to adhere to a shit style
Among other reasons

Anonymous No. 963168

Anyone remotely good will do tutoring instead with occasional commision for decent money. 100 people paying 30 dollar monthly is better money then being fully employed in some sweatshop with crunching.

Anonymous No. 963189

no one drops $30/mo on a tip jar fagtreon.
$5 on average and $10 is a stretch.
So more like 500-ish people.
And even then, you still need almost 3 times that to match what I actually make with a real job. Plus paid holidays, plus pension, minus 1500 retarded faggots who think I owe each of them my left nut for those $5/mo, plus the fact that I still do my own shit on company time and not give a single fuck and work remote.

Yeah, I think employed chads stay winning.

Anonymous No. 963208

This was the most obnoxious post I read on 4chan. Why do you talk like you're still in high school.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 963216


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Anonymous No. 963228

what??? how is it possible that a person who has unlimited time and no artistic or technical restrictions can produce a better looking asset than a professional on a tight deadline who has to shit out 2 assets a day of consistent quality and has to follow all technical rules of the engine?? what thefuck can someone explain?!

Anonymous No. 963270


Anonymous No. 963273

He's a 30+ year old wagie that's mad people aren't wasting their times waging.

Anonymous No. 963288


Anonymous No. 963410

reduce the number of tris as much as possible so that the game runs on the last potato somewhere in sudan.

Anonymous No. 963425

Diversity hires. I have watched more times than I can count womxn and minorities who are poor to average walk straight through the back doors into reputable studios. I never got an interview for 3 years of applying. The ONLY time I got in was when a really old school, non woke art director saw my stuff on Artstation.

Anonymous No. 963456

>Diversity hires
lmao, OP baited you guys with a picture of Legend of Korra. A game developed by Platinum Games. A Japanese studio. Platinum Games doesn't outsource, because they're small and get their jobs by working like hitman. Taking odd jobs by whoever will pay them. Their staff is 99.9% Japanese because they're a Japanese studio. If anyone in studio isn't Japanese, it's because he's a weeb and moved to Japan to live out his wapanese fantasies.

Anonymous No. 963471

>If anyone in studio isn't Japanese, it's because he's a weeb and moved to Japan to live out his wapanese fantasies.
Or, they got hired by P* and have to live in Japan to work there.
Japan has a largely homogeneous population, it's not any conspiracy to think that any company there is going to follow suit (random company in Japan has 99% Jap employees). More Japs = More Jap employees.
It'd be the same for any other country that has a similar population diversity (or lack-thereof). That's literally how populations work. A random Chinese company is going to be 99.9% Chinese, a random Egyptian company is going to be 99.9% Egyptian, random Mexican company 99.9% Mexican. Hell even European countries would have a similarly high percentage of natives working in their companies. The only exceptions being places like France/Germany/England who place a high value on having refugees and shit living there.
USA is obviously a clusterfuck of all kinds of nationalities, so a company being 99.9% "American" doesn't really work in that context. "American" doesn't really define any one ethnic group. Unless you're going with "American" as a thinly-veiled excuse to mean 99.9% White.
For what it's worth though, diversity hires really are killing western game dev.

Anonymous No. 963525

I wish that was true.
>t. female

Anonymous No. 963528

What the fuck are you even trying to say? Most Japanese games are technically obsolete garbage on weeb life support. Only the biggest AAA studios shit out something decent.

Anonymous No. 963562

The problem isn't the artists these studios hire, and it isn't pajeets. Pajeets can be plenty talented.
It's just the size of these studios, the size of the games, aesthetic demands that go through a million marketing departments, and just the brute force production style. These games sort for the lowest common denominator.
There's a million things wrong with big games and rarely is it a talent problem. The studios get the work they want, and they have plenty of western artists overseeing everything. It's not like starfield has one random character that looks like it came out of minecraft because that's the character the worst pajeet worked on. If there's shit work they fix it to the standards of the game.

You probably only got the interview because they thought you were ESL, and didn't hire you when they found out you were just stupid.

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Anonymous No. 963574

Good artists cost money but studios only want to pay 3rd world wages so they get what they pay for.

Anonymous No. 963610

>Why would someone who can't get a job, who does this on their free time. be better than someone who works for a big studio?

True artists who are in this for the art itself take value in the intrinsic process of creation above everything else in their lives.
This is very cheap entertainment as the barrier to entry is the cost of a mid-tier gaming rig.

These people can get a art-job but in many cases opt not to as that would mean selling the one thing they value for something they don't need.
Exchange a lot of their limited time for money. They instead source their income doing something that pays just enough for least effort.

If you're a commercial artist you have a more mixed perception of what is valuable in life and therefore need a source of big income to sustain what you're doing.
Perhaps you have a family or enjoy traveling etc. You're a art mercenary at this point and even if you love art chances are you don't give 2 fucks personally
about the project you are currently employed on so your performance is one where you don't give it your best and just phone it in for the paycheck.

You're a true autist who love the craft you go for that S-tier quality working on something you think needs to exist because it comes from
a place of genuine appreciation on your own part for the thing you work on, you're gonna give it your very best as the only thing
you ever get from the several hundred hour process is the skills you build and the art you create.

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korra game credtis.png

Anonymous No. 963659

First of all, No. When you move to Japan, you are not considered Japanese. You are gaijin. They do not consider your a Japanese citizen. They consider you a foreigner living in Japan.

>According to census statistics in 2018, 97.8% of the population of Japan are Japanese, with the remainder being foreign nationals residing in Japan.[
Japan is 97.8% ethnically Japanese. So even if they did hire foreign nationals to work at their company, it would still only be around 2.2% non-Japanese employees.

Thirdly, you can look up photos of the staff of these developers, and see for yourselves that they're almost entirely of a single ethnicity. Foreigners are typically in roles that require translation, or community management with foreign markets. The actual creation of the game is left to Japanese people. Just go look up the credits of the game. All of the names are Japanese names. Here, I screencapped to save you some work. All the moddlers have Japanese names. Are you really going to try and argue they're actually foreigners from Indian with Japanese citizenship?

Anonymous No. 963706

You literally just repeated exactly what I said.
A Japanese company is predominantly Asian.
A random white dude with Japanese citizenship isn't Asian. Doesn't make him a weeb if he works there though. If he applied there and got hired, he got hired there. And unless it's a remote position, he'd have to move or live in Japan to work in the Japanese studio.

Anonymous No. 963765

I suppose I read your post in the wrong tone. It sounded like you were disagreeing with me. But rereading it now, I can see you weren't disagreeing on the Japanese front. But you are still trying to blame diversity hires for ruining western studios.

To that I say this: Japan still acts as a blueprint. That shows us that even when you remove all diversity from a studio, you can still end up with subpar work. Since I proved it can happen in Japan, it should be a small logical step to imagine how it happens everywhere else. Some people are just not great at their jobs. To lay all the blame on "diversity" is more than a little disingenuous.

A lot of you guys got trolled by disinformation like this: >>958812
When the reality was this: >>958863
You want to believe diversity hires do a bad job, so you are willing to believe any troll thrown your way. The OP exposes this bias. You all attributed the work in the OP to western diversity hires, before you had any proof of the author of the work.
So in order for you to make the claim that it's still a western studio's problem, you have to at least provide an example where a western studio had the potential for great work(they had a good track record), but then later faltered due to diversity hires.
You might be able to name 1 or 2 studios, I have no doubt. But can you name enough to show a wide spread trend?

Anonymous No. 963856

And so the naive people in this thread pursued red herrings.

Meanwhile this guy got it right full stop: >>963228

Good art takes time. An artist not given enough time will cut corners to meet deadlines.

This thread sucks.

Anonymous No. 963879

If you don't have the time to do something well, then don't volunteer to do it. If you need more time, then ask for more time. If you don't get the time, then refuse the job.

Your idea is dumb, because it also assumes that other people can't do better work within the same constraints. Some artists are simply better than others. They have more knowledge, work faster, and produce better results within the same time frame, same engine, and same everything else.