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Anonymous No. 970544

Since there is a fucking idiot lurking in this board commenting on every single post that it needs 'more workflow' I'm creating this thread just to point that out. If mods don't delete this thread, /3/ is damned. If they delete this thread but don't ban that fucking user /3/ is being modded by retards.

So yeah thread about workflow. How's your workflow anons? Does it need more fucking workflow?

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Anonymous No. 970545

wrong pic, op

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Anonymous No. 970546

Actually this picrel curve is a bible for me.

Anonymous No. 970547

I think my work is flowing pretty nicely. You, on the other hand, sound like you could use a little more workflow.

Anonymous No. 970548

Predictable as fuck anon.

Anonymous No. 970549

None of this seems useful to create 2D HD hentai scenes. Please get on topic.

Anonymous No. 970550

Yes, that's because I have workflow and you don't. If you increased your workflow you might me more ordered and less erratic.

He should get on workflow.

Anonymous No. 970558

Are you triggered by the workflow anon?
Maybe you can do a little bit of self reflection and maybe you are so triggered because your workflow is shit.
I recommend you more workflow

Anonymous No. 970561

Why mods are going to ban a workflow thread?
Are you implying that having a workflow is not necessary for 3d modelling and sculpting?
Well you are never going to be on the industry if you think that way

Anonymous No. 970572

It's fucking hilarious that you think /3/ is blessed enough to have mods, let alone jannies.
Where the fuck do you think you are? /ic/?
How new can you be?
We're on the dark side of the fuckin moon baby. Someone can post porn here and it'll be here for days, weeks, months even.
/3/ is the fringes, we're on the blue board frontier. Only time action is taken on /3/ is when Johnny Law decides to pay us a visit and prune an image that someone here has reported. No doubt they don't even have to set foot in /3/, it's probably part of some automatic list of flagged posts that they hit delete on.

The ancient sticky should be evidence enough that /3/ is forsaken. We're self governing. If you can even call it that.
You need more workflow.

Anonymous No. 970578

>/3/ is being modded by retards
this is true irregardless of whatever

Anonymous No. 970583

Last year I got banned for 3 days because I posted a picture of an error in automatic weight painting on an untextured model.
In the text I said that it kinda looked like a penis and I got almost immediately banned for that.
Meanwhile >>969395
The workflow changed a lot around here lately.

Anonymous No. 970589

Red curve doesn't exist but is management guru cope.

Anonymous No. 970604

You need more workflow

Anonymous No. 970612

>we're on the blue board frontier
Things have changed so much here...
If you need to cry for mods because some anon told you that you need to work on your workflow, you definitely need to go back to Tumblr
Cris is the best, you are just jealous because you can't even get weight painting right, I recommend more ......
You can fill the blank.

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Anonymous No. 970620

Doesn't 'more workflow' imply more work?

Anonymous No. 970623

More what? More donuts? More latest version of Blendah?

Anonymous No. 970634

Something that starts with w and ends with orkflow
I don't want to tell you the word because Op may start to cry

Anonymous No. 970636

He wouldn't get it
Zoomers are like that sometimes

Anonymous No. 970672

>If you need to cry for mods because some anon told you that you need to work on your workflow, you definitely need to go back to Tumblr
Where did you get that I was little bitch OP? I'm telling him like it is. We're on our own. Jannies ain't gonna help his crybaby ass.

We need jannies for the simple fact that retards come here from time to time and their threads need pruned. We don't need a thread made by some mobile retard on the wrong board to stick around for months. We don't need 50 vr schizo threads, or MikeeUSA threads with his models without bevels and child bride rants.
As sad as it is to say it, I've been here more than 10 years, and not once has my opinion changed about /3/ needing someone to clean out the shit.
It ain't ever gonna happen, but the fact remains.

Anonymous No. 970678

>high poly
>retopo to low poly

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Homu comfy pantsu.jpg

Anonymous No. 970711

I started that trend like a year ago and left the board, hehe