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๐Ÿงต Yafray

Anonymous No. 971625

So, I had previously restored Blender 2.49 to run on Debian 12. Here's the patch if you want it:
And that's great but I was wondering where Yafray went because back in the day I remember some of the Yafray stuff being quite impressive.
In the UI code the button to switch to Yafray had been removed, but it was present until 2.48, so I back-ported it and I was able to make it work as a plug-in renderer again.
So, what would you like to see? I have no idea what features are broken though because this was the end of the line for Yafray... for whatever reason.

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Anonymous No. 971628

Image-based texture mapping doesn't seem to work. It it has ever worked (I really can't remember) I'll fix it eventually.
Some procedural textures, global illumination and transparency work.

Anonymous No. 971632

take the cycles pill unironically

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Anonymous No. 971633

This is for those who remember the Discombobulator. I haven't seen it recently, but I haven't looked for it either.

Anonymous No. 971634

You're very welcome to fuck off.

Anonymous No. 971635

forced s0vl

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Anonymous No. 971638

And I'll post more tomorrow but so far so good.

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Anonymous No. 971641

Nevermind. Image-based texture mapping works. It's just that PNGs hadn't been invented yet.

Anonymous No. 971662

Nah, yafray was awesome. Cycles is barebones at best
Keep going

Anonymous No. 971670

YafRay still exists in the form of YafaRay. Couldn't you use it in conjunction with recent versions of Blender? I can't check right now but there may be an export option for it.

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Anonymous No. 971673

I've tried to make the recent one work but I couldn't. The problem is that it's for a recent version of Blender, but not the latest.

This is a Sauerbraten map. I'm still missing the HDR features because I have to set up an older version of OpenEXR. I'll try it eventually.

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Anonymous No. 971674

Back in the day I used to have it on my Pentium II but I didn't have the resources and the expertise to make anything out of it.
Most importantly, unlike that other thing that renders donuts, this is pleasant to use because don't have to mess around with nodules and testicals.
You want something to be blue or red? You got it. You want sun light and global illumination? There it is.

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Anonymous No. 971675

"This program called YAFRAY was written by Alejandro Conty and Alfredo de Greef
in 2001 and it's under the LGPL license."

Anonymous No. 971714

This seems like a giant waste of time considering you can achieve results like these in realtime now and getting there is also insanely faster now.
I guess it's cool if you're interested in how things worked back then but there are too many people now who think they MUST use outdated software if they want certain results.

Anonymous No. 971716

It's not a waste of time. I want to preserve the good stuff from before people like you pozzed it with Screen Space GPU gimmicks.
And I wanted to do it before you make it disappear because you're embarassed that something from 23 years ago works better than your modern PBR donut rendering system.

Anonymous No. 971723

>something from 23 years ago works better than your modern PBR donut rendering system.
You've yet to prove that from any of your renders.
All I'm seeing is Xbox 360-tier graphics. All you've proven so far is that you're too much of a brainlet to hit F12 in the newer versions.

Anonymous No. 971734

You don't get it and you're dumb.

Anonymous No. 971737

All of that noise in that render makes your point absolutely fucking shit. Just because you want to waste your life and time making shit doesn't mean the rest of us want to live in the past.

Anonymous No. 971745

Don't you have some PBR USD OSL donut that needs rendering? Nobody is keeping you here.

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Anonymous No. 971774

I just wanted to try... the subject. I haven't done anything special with the materials.

Yafaray on Blender 2.79 it's beyond hopeless because the export plug-in is very broken and I don't think it would be worth the effort to fix it.

Anonymous No. 971789

The only reasonable person in the thread

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Anonymous No. 971807

These are some random asseticles from:
There are a lot of them, they're free and there would be a whole Python project to be made to make them usable in Blender.
I'll explain later or in another thread maybe but environment pieces like these work similar 9-sector patches.

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Anonymous No. 971808

I also want to make a patch for this Blender 2.49 + Yafray setup so that I have a button that says: "Make the current scene your bitch" and when you press it, it adds a bunch of absurdly colored lights to the scene.

Anonymous No. 971809

You take this way too personally. Those insults only work if someone has an emotional attachment to their software and not practical, which is obviously not them.

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Anonymous No. 971810

I was just having fun replying to a shill.

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Anonymous No. 971937

This is just a teaser for:
Yes, it's a rendering system written in Java and it's from 17 years ago. I remember it being quite good but I've never tried the Blender export plugin before.
From what I remember it was supposed to be a Java re-write of PBRT 2 like LuxCore:
Which I'll try eventually. Maybe.

Anonymous No. 971947

Nevermind Sunflow. I just remembered that 10 years ago while trying to make Yafray work (which was what I really wanted but at the time I wasn't as good as programmer to do all the patching and recompiling) I also tried Sunflow and the export plugin. Long story short it needs work and I'm not sure it's worth it.

Yafray on the other hand has that 3DSMAX-ish running on Wicrosoft Windows 95 FF7-ish vibe built-in and none of that very specific "taste" that anything made in Blender seem to have. It feels like a proper expensive cardboard boxed permanently licensed software package. And it's really easy to use. And that's all I really care about.

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Anonymous No. 972067

Some more assets for FPS Creator. I don't know exactly how it works because I've never used that software but each one comes with some metadata on how to cut and replicate sections.

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Anonymous No. 972071

They're all low-poly low-res but Yafray works well with this kind of content.

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Anonymous No. 972075

This is for those who want to "see the wires". Notice the beautiful glPolygonStipple() pattern on the selected triangle and of course, the Nodes editor of Blender 2.49, which I have no idea how to use because I've never used it.

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Anonymous No. 972091

I was able to recompile OpenEXR support for Yafray. This is the same as >>972067 but rendered in HDR and then tonemapped.

Anonymous No. 972126

It's still a default add-on

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Anonymous No. 972191

This whole scene has 5 cubes with default material, 1 emissive cube and that's it. It feels familiar to me.

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Anonymous No. 972485

I totally forgot that Yafray had the same option that lets you trade noise for blotches as in Povray.
In the code there seem to be stuff such as a cloud generator, HDRi backgrounds and subsurface scattering.
Unfortunately that functionality is not connected to to the Blender UI at the moment. There is no documentation and the demo files are long lost but one bit at the time I'll try to re-enable it.

Anonymous No. 972489

These all look like absolute shit. Stop while you're ahead for fucks sake

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Anonymous No. 972491

I'm a programmer. I couldn't care less about your art critique. I'm also not gay.

Anonymous No. 972493

>I'm a programmer
Oh that explains a lot

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ the chair nerd No. 972494

>I'm also not gay.
That's what a dick taker would say.
>I'm a programmer.
That's what a huge faggot would say.

Anonymous No. 972667

I hope you realize you could use Cycles with the tonemapper off and achieve the same results

Anonymous No. 972672

>I hope you realize you could use Cycles with the tonemapper off and achieve the same results
I hope you realize you could use Yafray with a tonemapper and achieve the same results of Cycles
Looks good man, those anons are butthurted. Do you have documentation how to use it?

Anonymous No. 972679

>These all look like absolute shit
tell yourself that while you cry at night

Keep going anonn

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Anonymous No. 972700

I was able to load an HDRi. It seems to work... kinda. But I'm more interested in pic related which should enable this:
For which I have the internal renderer as a reference for what it should look like. I've also seen something related to a clouds generator and some other procedural texture stuff. Maybe derived from Povray? Subsurface scattering looks like it needs fixing.

>Do you have documentation how to use it?
I don't remember any documentation ever existed aside from a file in Blender which is responsible for converting whatever you type into the UI to Yafray commands.

Anonymous No. 972715

damn, I remember that interface

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Anonymous No. 972804

The sky/atmosphere stuff doesn't work in Yafray at the moment. It should be implemented but seems to be disconnected from the interface. Maybe I'll be able to fix it. Pic related is internal renderer with tonemapping.

Anonymous No. 972813

I had a big cry, woke up this morning and decided that all those renders still look like shit.

Anonymous No. 972818

That one's pretty neat. I don't think the obviously polygonal terrain suits the look well though.

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Anonymous No. 972820

Initially I meant to post something like this, to showcase the gradient in the sky and because the paper says that this effect should help give a sense of depth to the scene, but then I got carried away.

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Anonymous No. 972821

Also consider that these are Sauerbraten levels exported as .obj and imported into Blender as is. I haven't bought them in the Unreal asset store.

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Anonymous No. 972921

So here's the situation with the atmospheric effect:
Yafray - the implementation is incomplete
Internal on 2.49 - It's sus
Internal on 2.79 - Seems to be closer to what it's supposed to do.
The paper say that the objects in the distance should shift to blue unless in the path of the sun, then the hue should shift to yellow. And I think I can see some of that.

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Anonymous No. 972930

Does anybody know if this effect has survived past 2.79? I've briefly looked but I couldn't find it.

Anonymous No. 972942

I love how you're acting as if modern renderers and programs can't do whatever the fuck this autistic shit is but better

Anonymous No. 972947

My question is very specific. How do I do this:
in Blender 3.4.1 which is the one that comes with Debian 12 and which I have?

At the end of the page it says:
"Atmosphere shading currently works incorrectly in reflections and refractions [...] This will be addressed in a later release."
How did they address the issue? By yanking everything out? Do I have to re-create the formulas in the paper with some sort of nodes? If so which ones?

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Anonymous No. 972955

And just for clarity, if you're want to know which "autistic shit" (as you call it) I've used to make >>972820 and >>972930 it's in pic related.

Anonymous No. 973017

lmao I love how you're acting as if that looks good. All you're proving is how useless this plugin/effort into this plugin is. But to each their own I suppose.

Anonymous No. 973018

You really think you did/are doing something worthwhile hahahahaaha

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Anonymous No. 973022

So, first of all I'm not going to be doing any more comparisons after this because I don't have enough patience or CPU power but I've heard of this Spectral rendering thing.

So, I've grabbed this:
compiled it and ran the simplest scene possible: white sky and solid color scenery. In pic related top is Cycles and bottom is PBRT v4. Samest settings as possible. You be the judge but to me... It's pretty brutal.


Anonymous No. 973056

It looks like fucking shit

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Anonymous No. 973073

Just another render with PBRT v4, just because I've made it. I like the sense of depth that it gives. I've read on Povray's manual that when a light ray bounces off a surface it's expected to lose power, but also to lose saturation. PBRT v4 seems to be able to capture this effect.

Anonymous No. 973079

Did yafray touched you in your privates?

Anonymous No. 973125

For sure! I got touched in all my naughty parts but I can still objectively see that these renders and point that OP is trying to make is fucking useless, stupid as fuck, and hilarious as to how useless this all is.

Anonymous No. 973171

You are not being honest, you are too invested in difaming yafray, I am starting to think that yafray really touched you, maybe in a metaphorical way? There must be something on your past that is making you act this unhinged way.
Maybe you tried and tried to make it work but you never succeeded? Maybe you were a fan but you lost an important furry render while you were trying to masturbate to homemade furry erotica and you decided that yafray was your enemy? I understand that you never "finish" because the render failed and you never achieved post nut clarity, but you have to learn to let it go.
It's been years, just let it go.

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Anonymous No. 973180

A little test animation rendered by Yafray. I'll do something more elaborate when I'll have time. It does have the feel that I like.

They do this to me all the time. They come from some /lgbt/ related Discord. To trigger them you just have to post something critical of the new highly culturally enriched people who are vandalizing Blender these days.

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Anonymous No. 973215

Because of PBRT, I've discovered this;
It should be the same sky model that Unreal Engine uses. I've added to my own little raytracer as a test and I got pic related. Maybe I'll transfer it into Blender later.

Anonymous No. 973246

what makes this renderer so special from the others that you want to resurrect it?

Anonymous No. 973252

The single most important thing is explained here:
And also because it looks like 3DSMAX.

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Anonymous No. 973258


Anonymous No. 973259

Why don't you just use 3dmax then?

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Anonymous No. 973260

I was about to program this myself:
It generates parametric HDRi which should be usable by any renderer.

I'm still missing the Atmosphere part of this ouside of the internal renderer:
That's the idea but that manual page is misleading. According to the paper, the effect of the dry atmosphere is not just a blueing of stuff into the distance.

I don't know. Do you have the [REAL] [NOVIRUS] version of the crack for 3DSMAX for Linux?

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Anonymous No. 973262

This is almost the workflow I was looking for.

Anonymous No. 973272

>Blender 2.49

Wow, now I feel bad for making fun of a retarded special needs kid. My bad bro

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Anonymous No. 973350

In here >>973215 I think I had the sky sideways. This is what I think the model is supposed to look like.

But now I'm very intrigued by the spectral rendering of PBRT v4 because it should solve the hue change in multiple reflected rays, the dry atmosphere and this >>973220 at once.

It's going to take some work to make up a decent export plugin for it but fortunately I have some old code I've written for PBRT v3. I'll see if I can adapt it or something.

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Anonymous No. 973617

Some progress on my own renderer. I've added an approximate way to deal with the sun disk. The problem is that it's a 2 degrees radius circle that carries about half of the energy of the whole sky.
My goal is to eventually have a button that says: "Render this model as if I brought it outside today" with as little other input as possible.