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๐Ÿงต Smothing objects.

Anonymous No. 972553

I remember seeing a YT video about some technology that used something to create real smooth shapes (not graphics tricks) it was some old technology nearest field or sometihng.

I can not find this video...

Is there a way to easily make your 3D models smoother in REAL GEOMETRY not graphic tricks? If yes how?

Anonymous No. 972559

you're thinking of sdf modelling, cris.

magica csg, substance modeller, that one blender addon that's in pre-alpha, houdini (lol).... the list could go on

Anonymous No. 972586

"nearest field" sounds like an SDF to me. Try this also:
It's closed-source (I think) but free.

But if you're looking for a tool that automatically bevels all the edges of your mesh and returns very clean geometry so it looks like somebody actually competent made it, they haven't invented that yet, Cris.

Anonymous No. 972592

Subdivision surfaces are real geometry. You simply subdivide until each face takes up an area of about 4 pixels on the render.
Blender / Cycles (Experimental) does that automatically if you use adaptive subdivision.

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Anonymous No. 972602

>sdf modelling
Hmm thanks for the name.

I think it was this video only the guy explaining it was not a pajeet

I think.

>"nearest field" sounds like an SDF to me. Try this also:
Yea that video looks like that thing I remember a box being shown to be made smooth by drawing around it and in it.
>Subdivision surfaces
Na Subsurface are cancer. They literally break if your topology is not specific more suited for 2D then 3D.

I simply wanted to make my para metrically modeled things in blender be smooth and not so sharp.

Anything other like that? When is it coming to blender? Or what do I use to make the items I make more smooth regardles of geometry/topology?

Anonymous No. 972604

There is your problem

Anonymous No. 972605

>When is it coming to blender?
this fucking guy

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Anonymous No. 972606

>There is your problem
What program is the best for it?
I tihnk it is the video
>This scene I made in 2008
This hurts as a blender user.
What did he use to make it?

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Anonymous No. 972607

I have it in Blender because I've programmed it myself a couple years ago. But you could try do something in Geonodes. I've heard people do great stuff in Geonodes, you know... Influencers are enthusiatic about Geonodes, so...

Notice that when you convert an SDF into geometry you're going to use some variation of the Marching Cubes process. The alternative is to raymarch it, like Inigo Quilez does. See Shadertoy and/or tutorials by him for that.

Anonymous No. 972608

>What program is the best for it?
Not blender lol

Anonymous No. 972609

>Not blender lol
That is no program named "Not blender lol"

Anonymous No. 972610


Anonymous No. 972612

See this is why everyone hates anti-blender fagots.

When you ask them what to use they have no answer only shitpost.

Anonymous No. 972613

Hi. Mike here from the office. I know you're a new recruit but you need to remember to read a couple posts above >>972559 >>972586 before you do your shilling thing. Otherwise you just look like a doofus.

Anonymous No. 972686

>What did he use to make it?

Anonymous No. 972729


Anonymous No. 972747

holy shit its stonecold

Anonymous No. 972753

>programmed it himself
>just posts picture of standard blender metaball types

Anonymous No. 972758

Just try to make that shape with Metaballs. Just try it. And BTW the source code for the patch is here:
if you want it. You're going to have to recompile Blender 2.76b from source because it's not a Python script.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 972759


Anonymous No. 972760

You can also watch these two short screen casts I've made:
The reason they're called Metaballs in the UI is because I've substituted the original Metaballs formulas with similar SDF formulas, but I haven't changed the name. You'll notice that they work differently from metaballs and the UI is also somewhat different.

Anonymous No. 972761

Yes. Somewhat similar but I'm not that guy. My patch works specifically by taking over the existing Metaballs system, not as an add-on or via Geometry Nodes.

Anonymous No. 972762

Also please please do not subscribe or unsubscribe from my youtube channel because my youtube username is @sukmadink69 and I have 69 subscribers. It's perfection as it is. Please don't ruin it.

Anonymous No. 972777

Buy an ad fag

Anonymous No. 972779

You're just afraid because when I'll eventually reach 69 videos on my channel the ritual will be complete and things are never going to be the same.

Anonymous No. 972829

What is this guy even doing?
He waves his mouse around in the menu like it is 2007 and starts modeling.
OK. Is the a build in add on?
OR did he download it?
How exactly does it work?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 972833

it is an experimental feature, in the video he uses it with the edit mode to model that way, you have to enable it in preferences > interface > developer extras > experimental > new node volumes, and after that you have to "code" the tool with geometry nodes, here you have a basic implementation, in Italian, but it is easy to follow.

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Anonymous No. 972956

>and after that you have to "code" the tool with geometry nodes
Ah yes the missing explanations (that the idiot did not show)

> here you have a basic implementation, in Italian, but it is easy to follow.
Thanks. I try it or wait for the full feature.

>Geometry nodes.

Am I the only one who hates geometry nodes?
mos of what they are used for is useless or art (wow my fractal nonsense function created this train) and 9/10 simply using standard blender modifiers is faster and better especially if these modifiers finally got updated and not be stuck in 2004.

Also geometry nodes feel like cancer incarnate where actually using a PROGRAMING language would be better.
Especialy when loop are needed.
>Plug the same box into the copy of the same box into the copy of the same box 10 times to have it repeat 10 times.

>Want more?
>Repeat this shit

Wow it is like the array modifier only more retarded! And takes x100 times longer to make!

And the "repeat zone sounds like pure cancer" I wait until these retards finally make geometry nodes actually usable instead of a burden.

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Anonymous No. 972959

>a pajeet
how new are you??

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 972962

>I try it or wait for the full feature.
it lacks of a chamfer tool and the workflow is a shitfest because the nodes, it could be great as parametric modeling tool but it is not because it is fucking blender, you can follow the development here , your best free alternative is Pasticity, MagicaCSG is quite popular on blenerartists too because it is free
>Am I the only one who hates geometry nodes?
Geometry nodes are shit, they could be great if the program had useful examples packed instead of just the fucking nodes but who needs examples .....

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 972963

>I try it or wait for the full feature.
it lacks of a chamfer tool and the workflow is a shitfest because the nodes, it could be great as parametric modeling tool but it is not because it is fucking blender, you can follow the development here , your best alternative is Pasticity, MagicaCSG is quite popular on blenerartists too because it is free [Embed]
>Am I the only one who hates geometry nodes?
Geometry nodes are shit, they could be great if the program had useful examples packed instead of just the fucking nodes but who needs examples .....

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 972966

>I try it or wait for the full feature.
it lacks of a chamfer tool and the workflow is a shitfest because the nodes, it could be great as parametric modeling tool but it is not because it is fucking blender, you can follow the development here .
>Am I the only one who hates geometry nodes?
Geometry nodes are shit, they could be great if the program had useful examples packed instead of just the fucking nodes but who needs examples .....

Anonymous No. 972999

>they could be great
I literally fail to see the use for them.
It would be better if it was shown how to use python to program something together.

>because it is fucking blender
I know people here hate on blender for no reason whatsoever. However I think I have legitimate criticisms of blender.

Blender looks like it runs after the meme of the year and then pushes it out and forgets about it.

This was most seen with grace pencil.
Hyped beyond belief. Ends up being fucken retardation on the level of a tracer (have fun drawing with this and have normal shapes who fill things normally not needing to trace pictures you got from other things.) I was hyped for the sculpting of your drawings however it is literally retarded since after moving there is nothing like a remesher so you lose geometry forever.

Remember when everyone did suck dynotopos dick? And now pretends like dynotopo does not exist?

Looks like after something is introduced it is forgotten by everyone.

Blender could improve if they actually concentrated on updating things that are literally stuck in the 90s to this day.
>Lattis editing.
No way to use selections liek in normal edit mode. Literally from the 90s.

>Array modifier
They can give it more options like adding a random offset to get some chaotic placement to the array. However nope, write for 60 minutes retarded node shit to get this thing.

Anonymous No. 973080

I literally do not have a SDF volume node in blender 4.0

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 973083

I think they remove the experimental things in the releases, download a daily build

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Anonymous No. 973085

The cool thing about SDFs is that you can make unusual shapes that are kind of impossible to make any other way. But you also need to have fun while composing them. You can't let Geometry Nodes get in the way of your workflow.
If my pipeline get interrupted by some nodes technical issues, then I go into "why am I even doing this" mode and in the end absolutely nothing gets done.

Anonymous No. 973087

How can I make SDFs?
I tried the tutorial however I do not have these nodes in the most new version.

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Anonymous No. 973091

I don't know about nodes. Ton appeared in my dreams one night. He stared at me in silence for a minute, then he stroke his beard and then he blessed me. In the morning I was able to do stuff like this with ease.

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Anonymous No. 974287

got sent here from the blender thread, my original post >>974254
my goal was to have a tool like the one in Dreams on the PS4 of all things, where it works like a combination of booleans and metaballs. pic related is from me fucking about it in back in the day, very easy to create stuff similar to >>973085, can be done in under a minute

Substance 3D modeler seems pretty close. anyone got experience with it that knows if it's similar?

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Anonymous No. 974289

another one, just carving out shapes with another shape from a random blob

Anonymous No. 974364

found this which uses SDF