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๐Ÿงต Blender General

Anonymous No. 973562

Previous: >>966941

Anonymous No. 973564

Blender Today is ogre.
Fucking bummer because I enjoyed that show

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Anonymous No. 973567

Still looking for rigged mannequins I can use to pose and display people to then use as templates to draw over.
1. where can I get a good asset for blender that is already rigged and allows me to put them into any number of positions?
2. Should I draw in blender or just stick with krita?
3. No I am not looking for plugins like MLab or something to create photorealistic models, just a single asset with roughly correct proportions i can download and put into blender

Anonymous No. 973570

Just learn to draw tracing nigger

Anonymous No. 973580

I literally want to create images to trace you retard.

Anonymous No. 973584


Anonymous No. 973586

Took me like 2 minutes

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 973588

So Blender hired this week the Cuban that made the Dyntopo mode 200 years ago to work in the sculpt mode and the mac version, he has worked on 3d coat and Zbrush too, Farsthary.

Anonymous No. 973589

Holy fuck that's great news

Anonymous No. 973590

This is huge

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 973592

More news after the sculpt meeting on Tuesday :^) , maybe tomorrow in Blender today too.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 973594


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Anonymous No. 973595

The day Anon discovers timezones

Anonymous No. 973596

It's great news for those who care about sculping in Blender. For those 5 people.

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Anonymous No. 973597

Yes, and?

Anonymous No. 973603

Nothing. I'm sure >>939000 is going to benefit from it greatly. And that's a good thing.

Anonymous No. 973615

But most importantly, if the guy expands the scope and use of Dyntopo, it's not like you're going to complain because it's not ALL QUADS? Are you?

Anonymous No. 973620

ahh i remember that guy

Anonymous No. 973621

you should just make one yourself using subsurfed cubes and the rigify basic human template, but some twitter grifter's been peddling a premade one lately; here's a copy from cgpersia:

Anonymous No. 973888

Is the new Beta stable enough?

Anonymous No. 973890

No, crashed 4 times today while making hair cards, going back to an stable version

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Anonymous No. 973908

What does this mean. I just went from 3.4 to 4.0 by the way. Losing my shit over here

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Anonymous No. 973909

You're trying to use a lazily maintained addon that got updated last almost two years ago and a lot has changed under the hood of Blender with version 4.0.
If you want to keep using it you need to keep using your old version of Blender or get someone to fix its incompatibility with 4.x for you.

Anonymous No. 973912

Yeah, I just downloaded 3.6.8 and the addon works like it used to. thanks

Anonymous No. 973914

Hey no prob

Anonymous No. 973928

Is there a way to change which direction Blender thinks is the front? I want it to be positive X because it makes the most sense.

Anonymous No. 973984

A took a quick look, but nah, I don't think so.
Personally, don't think +X being the front makes any kind of sense at all. +Y is forward, -Y is back. It'll save you a fuckload of troubleshooting down the line when you start fucking around with objects on paths.

Anonymous No. 974254

starting to sculpt within blender, but I'm wondering if there's another piece of software similar to these videos that allows me to use booleans to carve out shapes using another shape, and sort of 'stamp' shapes down
I know you can use booleans and metaballs in blender, but it's not quite as fast as this
also, the way you can get a basic form, stretch it out and curve it very quickly is pretty appealing, but the piece of shit is annoyingly limited to the PS4

Anonymous No. 974256

actually ignore that, looks Substance 3D Modeler is what I'm looking for. oddly enough I never ever see anyone discussing this here

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 974259

all that is based on signed distant fields, you have a fuckton of programs, a paid addon and a couple of nodes in blender, experimental

Anonymous No. 974267

>I never ever see anyone discussing this here
Boy, I wonder why.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 974272

We have a thread here >>972553

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Anonymous No. 974336

>blogpost on animation 2025
>big design info dump in the repo
>quickly becomes obvious they're going to dick around reinventing the wheel for 2 years instead of just making the NLA a linkable datablock and fixing the pose breakdown tool to work with "combine" strips

Anonymous No. 974354

Looked more like a 3d printing thread, going by the OP image. Figured the "smoothing" was more about smoothing Resin/PLA prints, rather than making smooth CG objects.

NOOOO you're supposed to look at the pretty graphics, not want actual feature improvements to dead aspects of the software

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Camera Raw.jpg

Anonymous No. 974361

Hey dudes, I'm doing something retarded and I'm trying to "convert" (using that term very loosely) some Adobe Camera Raw presets to Blender's compositor.
90% of it is pretty self explanatory and have a parallel, RGB curves to RGB Curves node, HSL Mixer to the Hue Correct node, that's like most of the heavy lifting.
Whether or not the numbers match up is another story. The story is, that they don't.

Pic related though are two sections that I can't really find a good parallel for.
Notably the "Highlights, Shadows, Whites, Blacks" in the basic, and all the sliders in the "Calibration" section.
For the first few, I thought the "Color Correction" node would be the analog, but I don't think so now, as it doesn't really do the same thing at all. I've tried searching it up to see if anyone has tried it, but all I get are PS tutorials by Indians and stuff.
For the second one with the RGB primaries, I don't think there's a node that handles it, but I think I can pull something by separating the RGB, and adjusting that way.

I guess if the math is available for the highlights/shadows stuff, I might be able to hack something together though if there's not a node that does that.

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Anonymous No. 974503

Alright, a little progress on this, but somehow I've dug myself into a hole. The biggest factor in how the CR presets look is down to the RGB curves (what a surprise). Meaning all the extra shit is pretty much a non issue.
Apparently curve adjusters aren't built equal, though, even when you use the exact same settings/curves.

Pic related is a comparison between Adobe Camera Raw's curves (which I'm trying to "port" over to Blender's), Photoshop's curves adjustment layer, and finally, Blender's RGB curves. All three are the same image, sRGB with no transforms.
As you can see, they're all different. Even within Photoshop their own curve adjusters are completely different in both CR and the adj. layer. As you can see, the curves are the exact same, and the histograms (between CR and PS) are pretty similar.

What I don't fucking get, is why the fuck Blender is so different. It's a fucking mystery that I have no clue how to solve. It's as if its curves act fundamentally different to how it works in literally everything else. I've found a few posts online of people saying the same thing, but all the replies are essentially "no u".

Anyone know what the fuck is going on here? Like at worse, I had expected it to look like PS's curves, "close but not quite there". Not what I'm seeing now.

Anonymous No. 974504

And yes, I've tried using the standard and filmic settings on Blender's RGB curves (filmic looks like shit in this case). I also converted PS's curve values by dividing them by 255, to fit into Blender's retarded 0-1 value system for the curves.
If I figure this shit out, it shouldn't be too hard to write some script or something to import the presets into Blender's compositor. I've got a fuckload of VSCO presets that'd be nifty to just drag in via the asset browser.

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Anonymous No. 974508

tried making a curved border around this organic looking shape but can't figure out a proper way of doing it
my method for this was:
>set cursor to point on mesh
>create plane
>merge verts into a single vertice
>turn on face snapping
>extrude vertice all around the object
>convert to curve
>add depth
>convert back to mesh
feels like a pretty retarded and needlessly complex way of doing something so simple

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Anonymous No. 974509

Imagine sculpting in Blender before remeshing was added

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 974515

Do you think that we will have this before the end of the year? it is the last core shit I'm waitting for.
Cris, Blender used to have better performance before the 2.8 and the new viewport.

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Anonymous No. 974517

never mind, got it
>select edges
>separate by selection
>convert to curve
>add depth
>convert back to mesh
works perfectly. also give me one reason why I shouldn't model everything using subdivision surface and the cage option
the topology is always seemingly perfect and I have no intention to rig, animate or do anything to it outside of blender, and texturing will be a piece of piss since I'll be using a procedural clay shader

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Anonymous No. 974637

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I don't know how i fell into this, i saw this stuff being handed around in parties, i thought it was some harmless thing like Xanax or PCP, but it was worse, far worse, this man Andrew gave me a taste, but despite looking like an ordinary torus shaped pastry, it took over my life, i got hooked... started selling feet pics to be able to afford a dose...

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Anonymous No. 974680

Does anyone know how to achieve this effect but with my character's skin instead of a balloon? Basically I want the skin to deform when interacting with another object.

Anonymous No. 974687

is it true they're gonna put in something akin to zremesher/dynamesh? not that I mind reupping quad remesh with a fake email every 30 days but would be nice.

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Anonymous No. 974720


Truly the genre defining masterwork of donutvania games.

Anonymous No. 974727

Where did you hear that? That would be wonderful.
The abysmal quadriflow remesher is still in, I think, but it can't even handle symmetry

Anonymous No. 974730

soft body simulation/cloth simulation with internal springs
use a lower res mesh for the simulation and mesh deform / surface deform on modifier on the mesh that should have the effect.
shrinkwrap (project) and corrective smooth (bind) also works
Neither are a perfect solution, in theory someone could figure something out with geometry nodes

Anonymous No. 974744

>use a lower res mesh for the simulation and mesh deform / surface deform on modifier on the mesh that should have the effect.
>shrinkwrap (project) and corrective smooth (bind) also works
thanks for the answer. Could you elaborate on those two methods? Which modifiers do I have to put on my character and which on the object that interacts with it? I'm a noob when it comes to character animation with rigs

Anonymous No. 974783

Got a specific simple task Ive gotta do, but no idea how to do it in "the best" way. There is 2 identical objects, but they have different location and rotation, already applied. I need for the second boject to match these of the first object, what do? IVe tried shrinkwrap, but it tends to fuck up internal geo. And it has internal geo. No, its not high poly modeled vagina.

Anonymous No. 974787

If they are identical, what property of the duplicate object would you lose by just creating a copy of the object which is in the correct orientation already?
If there are some modifiers or animation keys you don't want to lose, you could copy the in-position object, then ctrl+j that copy to the duplicate object, then delete all the vertices except the ones you just joined.

Anonymous No. 974788

What's the fucking point when AI can do all of this shit. It's over.

Anonymous No. 974791

One object is a "combination" of a few different objects, the other has 1 material, with new UVs

Anonymous No. 974793

I'm sure a blender expert knows some more correct way, but here are my thoughts.

You can get it in the correct position by picking a recognizable vertex, selecting all the verts with that vertex active (by deselecting+reselecting it or w/e) and than enabling snap to vertex with Snap With set to Active.
Then you can snap the 3d cursor to that vertex, set the 3d cursor as the pivot, and rotate it to the correct orientation (almost) with regular and trackball rotation.
Once it's close enough, maybe your shrinkwrap will work okay.

You could also figure it out mathematically/write a script, but that seems unnecessarily complex.
As an example, once you have the translation correct using your first reference vert, you can pick another vertex and figure out how to rotate so that it would be in the correct position. Then you have two fixed points which define a line of rotation. You can pick a third reference point and rotate around that line to get the final exact orientation.

Anonymous No. 974794

Yeah, thats pretty much what Ive been doing, hope there is some better way. Thanks anyway, gues I just gotta grind

Anonymous No. 974796

might be able to do something fancy with the data transfer modifier if you just need the uvs

Anonymous No. 974797

Isnt it usually need objects to be in same-ish position?

Anonymous No. 974799

I tried this with a couple of suzannes and it worked despite different orientations and locations

Anonymous No. 974804

Might as well off yourself if you're so scared of AI and can't think of a good reason why people who like making things are making things.
Frozen pizzas made by machines in a factory didn't make pizza places that make it from scratch obsolete.

You're just looking for an excuse to quit because you never actually did shit in the first place. You were always mediocre, but you'll blame AI as an easy scapegoat as to why you could never "make it".

Anonymous No. 974816

>Blender used to have better performance before the 2.8 and the new viewport.
Objectively untrue.
Blender's performance went to shit for a short while when 2.8 happened but since then they rebounded and it's WAY faster now.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 974831


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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 975050

Anonymous No. 975087

that's awesome

Anonymous No. 975096

security cam footage from the Blender Headquarters

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Anonymous No. 975102

I fucking hate using curves so much. Cant think of any other ways to achieve this shape though

Anonymous No. 975106

needs the audio

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 975110

How do I transfer the weights for only specific parts of my mesh? The hands for my two rigs don't line up but everything else does.

Anonymous No. 975111

use the vertex group field at the top of the data transfer modifier as a mask, and apply the modifier?

Anonymous No. 975119

How useful is boxcutter? should I pick it up while it's on sale?

Anonymous No. 975126

Isn't that one of the ones you can pick up on github for free? There's quite a few paid addons that just have their source code available if you can manage to find it.

Anonymous No. 975356

I like scrolling through the screenshot/art section on blenders steam hub and seeing obviously ai generated images being passed off as stuff made in blender. what's more funny is their comment sections full of people falling for it.

Anonymous No. 975724

to make humanoid figures, sculpting or poly modeling for a newbie? not necessarily interested much in which one would be easier, but which one would benefit me more in the long term to git gud at.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 975726

>humanoid figures
for humanoids and organic characters in general people usually sculpt and then retopo, if you do low poly or anime characters box modeling could be faster maybe and it could help you with non organic models too.

Anonymous No. 975767

polymodeling a humanoid is masochistic and impractical but it's a fun learning experience, here's one of the first courses I took when i was a beginner
Now that i'm more advanced I KNOW I will never do it again because sculpting is a lot more practical, but it still taught me tons of things for when i need polymodeling
It's a big undertaking though so my advice is going straight for sculpting a humanoid and choose a different, simpler project to learn polymodeling. In any case you will have to mess with polys during sculpting when you get to the retopo

Anonymous No. 975818

I remember seeing an addon on twitter that lets you select edge loops across triangles but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Does anybody know what it's called?

Anonymous No. 975899

Could be MESHmachine's LSelect.

Anonymous No. 975907

Anons any simple tutorial for humanoid making? I'm starting in blender and I want to try making a human figure to create a Tulpa.

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Anonymous No. 975921

any addon that let you do webm-related in a plug-n-play manner instead of messing around with geo nodes?

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Anonymous No. 975922

the geo-nodes

Anonymous No. 975973

So I'm trying to save different layers of a render as different files as a means of compositing them later. Certain layers loop every 500 frames, while others at like 250 or smaller, so I shouldn't need to render the entire scene for the full 500 frames if I can break it up into smaller chunks.
The problem is, when I render out to EXR, and try to composite them back, the result and colors aren't the same as if I had just rendered the full image.

Obviously some color space shit is at play. What should I be saving my EXRs at to make sure it plays nice when I composite later? Just regular sRGB with no transforms? What about when I import them? They default to Linear Rec 709.

Anonymous No. 975977

Nevermind, I seemed to have solved it somehow. Colors aren't exactly 1:1, but it'll do.
For future reference in case anyone didn't know, EXRs dont get saved with view transforms or any other colorspace info. Kinda obvious in hindsight, but things get pretty fucky when you start messing with shit outside of typical formats.

Anonymous No. 976040

I'm great at UV unwrapping and texturing, I have in-depth knowledge and tons of experience manually unwrapping things. Now, that said, I wish Smart UV Project wasn't complete fucking garbage. I don't know what the fuck they're thinking with that. It's almost never usable at all, they think it's cool to make a billion little tiny squares along with shit that's all oblong and un-uniform and present it to the user as " here you go, it's the easy unwrap solution :D "

They need to do something with the algorithm. We need bigger uv islands (none of this 1 face tiny square bullshit), it needs to prioritize keeping them as square as possible (to fill up as much UV Map real estate as possible), and all of the uv islands need to be roughly the same size so the texture is uniform on the model.

I don't think this is impossible or unreasonable. You can go in there, turn your brain off, and just make squares with Mark UV Seam all over a model, Unwrap, and it'll be way better than Smart UV Project. You don't have to be a genius to get better results than this bullshit.

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Anonymous No. 976068


would it be possible to set geometry nodes up in a way that it could "shrinkwrap" a model around another model but dynamically "bridging" gaps?
easy example:
>shirt bridging between boobas instead of tucking in between the breasts like normal shrinkwrap would do

would this be possible with geo nodes?

Anonymous No. 976073

Geometry Nodes are just a poorly thought, poorly implemented programming language.
When you ask "is X possible in Geometry Nodes" what you're really asking is "is X possible with computers" but with the added complexity of having of having to do with something completely broken such as Geometry Nodes.

Anonymous No. 976074

You can mix geometry nodes with regular modifiers. So you could do something clothing / boob related with it and then right underneath that geometry node modifier add a Shrinkwrap modifier.

Anonymous No. 976077

How exactly? Can you show how you do it with Geometry Nodes instead of just imagining it?

Anonymous No. 976078

well then I wish how to do it then. I have no clue how to make the shrinkwrap not get pulled into the dips

Anonymous No. 976080

Cloth simulator.

Anonymous No. 976081

I was looking for a geo node-based solution

Anonymous No. 976082

It's called Houdini then.

Anonymous No. 976087

>no clue how to make the shrinkwrap not get pulled into the dips
Just fucking weight paint it bro. Vertex weight the titty bridge area lower than the rest of the shirt so it's influenced by the SW less. It's not rocket science, like 90% of the modifiers' strengths can be adjusted with vertex weights.

Anonymous No. 976090

that's why I said dynamic.
I do know how you can do it manually but I am specifically interested into what you can do with geo nodes and if this particular thing was possible then I already have several other ideas I want to base on this.

Anonymous No. 976095

Shoulders guy, look at this:
it's what you were looking at a year ago when you were sure it wasn't a simulation but a secret complex network of helper bones, constraints and drivers.
Yes, it was a simulation. Yes, it's horribly complicated and no, in the end it doesn't even look that good.

Anonymous No. 976097

Again, weight paints.
Set up an empty and use its proximity to weight the titty area lower. For that you can use Geo Nodes, or just a vertex weight proximity modifier. Distance to the empty controls the falloff.
Fucking around with cloth as is, even with geo nodes, is just trash. It's a leftover system from like 2004 that hasn't been updated since. Like a lot of Blender "features". Devs are more interested in adding, rather than fixing what's been there for decades.

Anonymous No. 976098

Ok but can you show an example of your easy method instead of just talking about it?

Anonymous No. 976099


Anonymous No. 976100

Also, if a "leftover system from like 2004" (as you say) is more useful the Geometry Nodes, what does that say about Geometry Nodes?

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Anonymous No. 976134

Hey guys I need some pointing in the right direction with node shit.
I'm making a little skyscraper generator, that I can hopefully, by the end of it, gen a bunch of different skyscrapers with different bases, middles, and tops.
In simple terms, I'm basically just recreating the array modifier, but using the start and end cap settings as well.
I'd like it to work with different dimensions of the parts (maybe the base is short/tall, or I have some different floor heights), which is where I'm hitting a bit of a snag.

I have it somewhat working, in that I can offset the floors and top based on the base's height, but I'm running into an issue where the floors don't match up unless I use specific values for the original curve's Z length. Ideally, it'd just resample the curve based on the height of the floors, and put them seamlessly on top of each other, but as you can see there's gaps. Probably because the points don't fit comfortably within the length of the curve, but I'm not sure exactly how to fix it.

At the end I'd like to randomly influence the height of the buildings (which for some reason I can't do because the random value node doesn't plug into the line curve end vector), and if the values aren't matching up to whatever value its expecting I'm gonna have gaps.
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Here's a catbox link to the file in case you don't want to try recreating it yourself.

Anonymous No. 976135

why what is it?

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Vertex Weight Pro....webm

Anonymous No. 976165

>if a "leftover system from like 2004" (as you say) is more useful the Geometry Nodes, what does that say about Geometry Nodes?
I said that cloth sim is archaic, even when you use geo nodes with it. You ever hear the expression "polishing a turd"?
The cloth system in Blender is extremely basic, and doesn't work well for making clothes at all. Especially not for dynamic clothing. Adding geo nodes to the mix isn't going to make it not shit.

I'm not going to do your work for you for the proximity shit just to show how it works in your exact case.
Here's a step by step guide on how to use the modifier.
Add an empty, place it near the tits.
On the shirt, dress, whatever, add a vertex weight proximity modifier before the shrinkwrap. Set the vertex group to whatever group you're controlling the shrinkwrap with, make sure the verts you want influenced are in the group (obviously). Target object is the empty you're controlling the falloff with. Proximity mode to "Geometry".
Adjust the min/max distance until shit starts taking effect. The effect might be inverted, so just click the invert <-> icon near the falloff type. Change the "Geometry" to vertex/edge/face to whichever looks best. The distances will change depending on which you have.

Pic related has the empty orbiting the sphere influencing the shrinkwrap of the sphere to SW to the icosphere. In your case, you'd probably do the opposite, so I think inverting the group in the SW should be enough if you're already shrinkwrapping to the body. So everything near the proximity object isn't being shrinkwrapped (or just is influenced a smaller amount), and everything else has the full effect or however you weighted it normally.

If you find that the empty isn't grabbing enough, or has the wrong shape, change the proximity object to something with geometry, and adjust. In either case, you'd have the empty or the mesh you're using for the proximity the child of whatever bone your armature's chest is.

Anonymous No. 976167

There are several tutorials on youtube you should watch. Search for something like "Blender Cloth Simulator". Also some acompaรฑamiento psicologico I think it would benefit you.

Anonymous No. 976169

Just one off the top of the list:
Can you do the same with Geometry Nodes since according to you they're such a far more advanced technology?

Anonymous No. 976170

Almost every single cloth tutorial for clothing is the extremely basic t-shirt that looks like complete ass. Believe me, I've looked. I was in your shoes trying to make clothes in Blender years ago. Any time you want to do anything more than that, you're asking for trouble, and hours upon hours of fucking around with settings just to get something that doesn't shit the bed or look like complete ass.
Look into Marvelous Designer if you're serious about doing more with clothes than a sheet with holes cut into them for the head and arms. MD just fucking works. It's built for this one purpose.

>Can you do the same with Geometry Nodes since according to you they're such a far more advanced technology?
Please show me where I even remotely mention using geometry nodes for this purpose? I've never once mentioned them, except for the times I mentioned previously that using them in conjunction with the cloth system won't magically make the cloth system in Blender good.

For the record, these two anons, >>976073 >>976074 are completely different people, and aren't me. I jumped into the convo here, >>976087 , suggesting weight painting as the solution to your problem. Geo nodes are great, but you don't need them for what you're doing.

Anonymous No. 976171

I've made these >>976041 >>976050 with the Cloth Simulator yesterday. It's nothing special but it works, unlike Geometry Nodes, which is a sad joke. That's the bottom line.

Anonymous No. 976173

Yeah but this >>975921 looks awesome

Anonymous No. 976176

No, stop looking at all the cool stuff people are making with it!!

Anonymous No. 976180

No, let's do it. Let's look at all the cool stuff people are making with Geometry Nodes. Can you tell me where is it again?

Anonymous No. 976183

It's ok that you forgot how to google search, I've got you covered!

Anonymous No. 976184

I asked because I wanted to know what is it that you consider to be "cool stuff". Because to me that's unwatchable garbage.

Anonymous No. 976186

Tell me what exactly is garbage about a system that creates an entire car rig system, or a system that automatically creates buildings, or landscapes, or particle animations? Imagine the shock, the horror, if geometry nodes actually sped up the process of creating something that you actually like?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 976193

So yes, this is how the sculpt mode screen will look in blender 4.2, thread:

Anonymous No. 976204

What do you mean by "automatically"? Do Geometry Nodes programs itself? Don't answer I don't care.

Anonymous No. 976209

I always love inferior design changes instead of improving sculpting and amount of polycount blender can handle and adding features from zbrush like micromesh, fucking yummers

Anonymous No. 976220

Dude couldn't figure out how to make a titty bridge (didn't even try) and now he's taking it out on Geo Nodes because he can't wrap his head around it, fuckin kek.
Forget sour grapes, those grapes are downright acidic to that anon.
Never change, ESL retard.

Bonus point - Your sims >>976171 >>976212 look like trash. The amount of effort you're trying to put in for something that MD or Houdini could pull off right of the bat natively, is laughable. You're not advancing any "field" or performing any kind of research.

Anonymous No. 976222

I'm not seeing any pictures from you. Just talk.

Anonymous No. 976223

>You're not advancing any "field" or performing any kind of research.
I'm writing my own physics simulator that is free, GPL licensed, free from EULAs and you may be happy to know that I'm never going to port it to any version of Blender past 2.79
But you can have fun with your EEVEE and Geometry Nodes.

Anonymous No. 976224

Or maybe you'll want to spend the night scribbling with your Grease Pencil, making donuts with your Cycles, organizing your Collections, fine tuning your helper bones and your Drivers, making sure your geometry is strictly ALL QUADS or it'll not render.
All the while I'm having some real fun. It should bother you more than it bothers me, really. If you think about it.

Anonymous No. 976226

>figure out how to make a titty bridge
I don't have to figure that nonsense out because my simulator does it for me. You have to figure that out because you're using inferior technology such as Geometry Nodes, so you have to manually intervene. I don't have to do that.

Anonymous No. 976227

>I WANT ZBRUSH BU-... BUT BLENDER!!!!! *throws babby tantrum*

Anonymous No. 976229

Cope my friend and enjoy having to buy a new video card for EEVEE Next and hope the shadows are a little less jagged than before and the light leaks aren't going to be so severe.

Anonymous No. 976230

Yes, now go cry yourself to sleep fag

Anonymous No. 976234

Well shit, now I wanna do it

Anonymous No. 976235

>I don't have to figure that nonsense out because my simulator does it for me
Evidently not.

Anonymous No. 976269

Go figure that you don't want any more replies to your shit non-arguments.
>"system that automatically creates X"
>Hurrr so you're saying that the geometry nodes create themselves automatically?
You are beyond retarded. You will not reply to this in a good faith argument, you only care about desperately clinging to the idea that you couldn't possibly be wrong. Kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 976270

You do know that composing nodes is functionally equivalent to writing code, right? In fact it's possible to convert back an forth between code and nodes representation. That's not too difficult to understand or to prove.
The only difference is that Python is a good programming language, as opposed to Geometry Nodes, which was designed by some amateur at the Blender Foundation for the purpose of creating the ultimate Ton's beard stroking experience.

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Anonymous No. 976271

>vertex groups are readable as attributes in geometry nodes, but not shader nodes
>freestyle edge and face marks are not accessible as attributes, but they ARE deleted if there's a geometry nodes modifier anywhere in the stack
just make every read and writable mesh property an attribute you son of a bitches!

Anonymous No. 976273

To be fair with freestyle, isn't it basically depreciated at this point? I'm quite sure everyone at Blender is aiming to sweep it under the rug and get rid of it entirely in the near future.
There's not really anything freestyle can do that GP can't, and with better flexibility and performance.
Let 'im die anon. He had a good run.

Anonymous No. 976276

>just make every read and writable mesh property an attribute
isn't that exactly what they keep working on currently?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 976284

2 years of the dyntopo rewrite to the shit because they changed the reviewer, almost a decade delaying the rework in the multires, the viewport in the shit, all the Dobarro unfinished stuff made 3 years ago too, I remmeber the retopo guy that they hired 6 months to do nothing, animation 2016-2018-2020-2022-2025, etc .......

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Anonymous No. 976293


Anonymous No. 976295

You can 10x with copilot now. The foundation just chooses again and again not to use ai tools.

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Anonymous No. 976341

i dont know why buy my autism has convinced me that using base meshes is "cheating" because i didnt make it myself from scratch.

Anonymous No. 976359

freestyle marks just for the lineart modifier. even better, just let me use arbitrary attributes for the lineart modifier!

Anonymous No. 976365

Bumping this q.
After some research, it seems like I need to use the capture attribute node in some capacity, but I'm not sure how or where. I want to avoid using "realize instances" if I can, since that'll bog the scene down like crazy when I use this to make a whole city.

I'm really stretching my limit in terms of using GN. Not really sure why I thought it'd be a simple matter for me to stack objects, but here we are.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 976388

Updated to 4.0, free

Anonymous No. 976403

Yeah stumbled upon that during my searches before I posted the question originally. I grabbed it to try and reverse-engineer it, or at least figure out how the basics of it work.
Obviously, I didn't figure it out. It was a bit too complex for me to figure out how to deconstruct it into a manner that made sense to me and worked as a solution, and it's not really what I'm looking for as a whole, so I couldn't really use it as-is.
I'm really just looking to stack different objects with a top and bottom, not make a fully parametric building.

I can't even say what I came up with in my own node setup makes sense to me. I more or less arrived at some kind of solution, without really "knowing" what I was doing. Just feeling my way in the dark.

Still, I appreciate the effort put forth on my behalf, even if it wasn't what I was looking for (or I'm too much of a brainlet to understand it). Thanks anon.

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Anonymous No. 976408

So I've made *some* kind of progress, though I'm not sure if it's in the right direction or not.
I've gotten objects to stack neatly, even when I change the height of the objects.

The "bounding box" group checks the z-height of the object, subtracts 1 (why this works I've got no fucking clue), and somehow through magic and jesus, that value works for the accumulate field to offset the points. I'm guessing subtracting the value is subtracting it from the number in the "mesh line" node, as when I fuck with that it goes back to gaps.
So yeah, some kind of progress.
Now I've run into another snag.

How the fuck do I get it to work with collections? Collections don't have a "scale" output that I can plug into my Bounding Box group. I'm not sure where to go from here. I'm sure there's ID's, capturing and reading attributes, and some other jazz involved but I'm not totally sure how to do that. Or if it's even possible to do without realizing the instances.
Still feeling my way though the dark. Starting to have an idea of the tools I need to get there (I think), but not how to assemble them in a way that sees me through.

Anonymous No. 976409

Yeah got the whole setup working using single objects.
If I can figure out how (or someone helps me out) to get the scale from a collection object to plug into that bounding box group, I think I'll be fuckin set.

I've even gotten the heights to randomize. Something that I thought should have been a simple fucking process (random value node into the "count", ez pz, so I thought), I ran up against that issue that the random value node plugs into fucking nothing. Nothing useful at least. Not that it'd matter, since the random value wouldn't change based on the object instance. Nor does any kind of node exist that randomizes the GN group based on the object like there is in the shader nodes (object info>random), which is fucking retarded. I had to do some dumb shit where I took the position of the current object and threw that into a map range to set the min/max values, then round it to shit out an integer that the nodes could use.
Didn't think that randomization would be so hard, but jesus fuck, here we are.

But yeah. Once I get the object scale from collections thing sorted, or someone points me in the right direction, I think I'll be finished with the little building generator. I plan on having the elements themselves handle all kinds of random doo-dads like greebles and stuff. So there'd be three nested GN setups. One on the elements that make them unique (just instancing bits and bobs based on vertex weights), a building generator to make different buildings (what I'm working on now), and finally a city generator to put all those genned buildings into a nicely made city.
If I ever get it working, I'll send a file here if someone wants it.

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Anonymous No. 976410

Fuck, forgot the image.

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Anonymous No. 976431

what are some optimal specs for modeling in blender (no animation)? I'm not planning on going full retard with bazillion vertices, but something like pic rel (1 lady at a time) would be nice with zero lag. I have the following and it sucks dick:
>NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
>Intelยฎ Coreโ„ข i3-10100F Processor
>16 GB RAM
I definitely need a new GPU and I thought you guys could help me out, especially now that they are expensive as hell due to crypto transitioning into AI porn, and I really don't wanna overclock, fuck myself over, etc.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 976434

this model has 5.3M tris, 1100 objects
i5-3570K, nvidia 660, 16 gb ram

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Optimize Sculpt B....webm

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 976435

You have to use facesets, multires lv 4, box hide, blender has a fast navigation option but some people don't like it, delay viewport updates, use deform only, it is better to have several objects instead of just one too, to use the local view, shadow and cavity in the viewport used to drop the performance too (idk if they fixed that), some brushes are disabled on multires and others lag, the clay, the pose, cloth are things that you shouldn't use on dense meshes and the trim is really broken too if you want to do something in a dense mesh it is better to use the carver addon (free inside blender) or the boxcutter (free in cgpeers), you can use the mask slice, that works in 2-4M meshes.
multires can take 2-3 minutes sometimes so be aware of that too

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Anonymous No. 976486

Just a quick test because I've never tried to do something like this before with physics. If you like the idea I think I can do better.

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Anonymous No. 976533

I was going to ask a question, but I rubberducked the solution myself while explaining the problem and what I was trying to produce. I wanted to make the kind of animated texture you often see in old video games where the texture continuously converges to the center (like a circular pit of quicksand or those holes you drop through in Jabu Jabu's Belly in OoT). It's so easy, I should've realized the solution sooner. Can you figure out how I'm doing this? :)

Anonymous No. 976538

You can build a new UV coordinate abs(UV-0.5)*2 component-wise, then add a scroll offset to u and v of -speedfac*frame

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Anonymous No. 976641

Oh, wow! Coincidentally I was actually trying to create a similar hole/gravity field effect, only with geometry nodes for a grid, but I'm really at the end of my rope. You wouldn't happen to be working with nodes, by any chance? I created a torus which has the effect I'm looking for, but I have no idea how to translate that into a plane...

Anonymous No. 976642

she's sucking me into the anal torus...

Anonymous No. 976643

You want it to have view-dependent effects like parallax occlusion mapping? Basically look like your pic related but with a 2d plane as the only geometry?

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Anonymous No. 976645

I roughly recreated this effect >>976533 with shader nodes (pic related).
Maybe he did it a more elegant way, but this seems to work fine
I use #frame as the value to drive the animation of course

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Kuvakaappaus - 20....png

Anonymous No. 976649

Not quite. I'm not using any extra textures, because I assumed it would've been easier to create the effect I'm looking for using geometry nodes only. I followed this tutorial ( for creating that looping taurus animation, and I was hoping I could repurpose it to illustrate a gravitational pull, but I suppose it doesn't work quite that simply.

in pic related I had hoped to make the grid's faces sort of float towards the curve in the middle like here >>976641, but the "curvature tilt" doesn't produce the wanted effect.

No, anon! Don't go towards the hole!

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Goatse Planet.webm

Anonymous No. 976695

I goatse'd a planet once, seems like the same thing.
All I did was make a divot into the mesh using proportional editing, then masked it off to blend between the planet and the grid. Though you wouldn't need to do the masking step. Then you just animate the coordinates of the grid.
Here's a blend file you can use as an example. I've done what I could to explain the material nodes in a (hopefully) obvious fashion. Maybe it'll help.

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Anonymous No. 976712

a car crash in room

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Anonymous No. 976762

I'm trying to model a vagina, but I've never seen one before. Does the topology look alright? Also, how should this be rigged? I'm expecting it to stretch and deform A LOT.

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Anonymous No. 976767

For a planet-sized goatse that looks truly amazing! And thanks for the file! I've been trying to reverse-engineer it in order to understand how to apply it onto a 2d plane, but the problem was that the grid was moving in an uniform direction from left to right, which didn't look right from the camera-opposing ridge of my hole (heh), so instead I tried to just incorporate it within the plane, but that doesn't look good either, because the lines won't align properly. Is there like an online course for learning to do this sort of stuff properly? I'm pretty sick of trying to voodoo my way out of this one (or using geometry nodes in general for that matter)...

Anonymous No. 976773

That's a horse pussy

Why not just make the ground a fuckhuge sphere to the point it looks flat? Or take a look at the UV layout of the planet and see how it is.

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Anonymous No. 976776

>That's a horse pussy
Hm. I think I can work with that.

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Anonymous No. 976867

I tried to deform it a bit. There's some clipping still, but that can probably be fixed by some tweaking. If I've understood correctly, there should also be something called a clitoris somewhere in or around the vagina. More research is needed.

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Anonymous No. 976941

anyone in here is using an rx540/570/580, in linux?
I'm kinda struggling to make blender work with my card (rx570) on linux, so far:
>Installed most recent driver, card not recognized. Neither by current Blender version nor 2.93 (last known version to use OpenCL to render with cycles)
>Install ROCm in many ways, still nothing
>Install HIP, still nothing
>Install open source OpenCL driver from mesa, still nothing
>Install legacy OpenCL driver from amdgpu, card is detected on blender 2.93 but render is pitch black
>Try different previous versions
>Turns out the driver broke for some reason on 21.30 with the inclusion of OpenCL 2.0 support
>Stuck on 21.20 with OpenCL 1.2 on legacy drivers, but at least Blender (2.93) works now
Should I give up on trying to get OpenCL 2.0 or an recent version of Blender working on my card?
I've scrounged the internet looking for similar cases, all I've found is an issue on the Blender portal that kinda looks like the same problem I'm having but it was closed by an dev saying that using HIP "works"
>inb4 bro just use windows
>inb4 bro just use EEVEE instead of cycles
>inb4 bro don't be a poorfag just buy a new graphics card

Anonymous No. 976946

Maybe try asking >>>/g/ instead. This board is dead.

Anonymous No. 976949

Even if by any miracle you're able to make it works, it'll break at the next release of either Linux or Blender because OpenCL is in the process of being demolished. Don't bother. Just accept the fact that video cards are a scam.

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Anonymous No. 977001

messing with the Clay Doh shader
can't seem to figure out all the sliders, hard to get a feel for what the size of the fingerprints and such should be

Anonymous No. 977048

new to blender, any1 got some general tips to speed up renders or just generally make the process more efficient? don't have a potato pc, just super impatient

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Anonymous No. 977094

welp, after trying a lot of mods for ROCm for almost 20 hours and spending/buying a bunch of GBs of my mobile quota downloading different versions and mods for the OpenCL driver (and by extension, ROCm), i've decided to stay on the legacy drivers shipped on 21.20
I fucking despise AMD and all the pajeets that got involved on creating that bloated piece of garbage of ROCm and hope that the massive cunt(s) at Blender who decided that OpenCL is garbage STOPPING ANY KIND OF SUPPORT rope themselves as soon as possible.
Just for reference for anyone else who stumbles on the same situation and is as broke as me, you can install the legacy drivers without installing the full amdgpu stack using this: - follow the instructions on that readme but instead of downloading 20.40, download the 21.20 here: - you'll save up a ton of space.

The grind now continues on 2.93...

Anonymous No. 977099

Don't use Cycles, but if you have to, then a) decimate all materials b) render images/video only 50% in size c) don't use 4k-8k resolution objects d) keep scene builds minimal in size (for instance, if you ain't gonna have ceiling in your camera view, then cut that shit off from your sessions entirely). That's as far as I can help.

the problem with the size-increase is that it will also make the actual pit large in size too. Also, it's just too much of a hassle to deal with large objects not just in terms of navigation but also computing-wise (my graphics card is gtx960 and I've got 16gb of ram). As for UV layout, I don't think there was any UVs to deal with to begin with in >>976695's project file.

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 977119

I'm new to Blender.
I'm trying to make a character but whenever I subdivide surfaces it cuts into model like this. Merging Vertices does not help either.
What do I do to fix it?

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Goatse Nodes.jpg

Anonymous No. 977120

>I don't think there was any UVs to deal with to begin with in >>976695's project file.
Hey anon, I'm the one that sent the file. I was using a UV layout for the sphere's grid, but it was the default unwrap. The UV is animated on the Y axis. I'm using the bottom of the sphere where I pushed it in at as the source of the gridlines. So when I push them up, it's just like moving horizontal rings around a sphere.
In your case, I'd probably do something like this. Just make sure that your add color node clamps the output or there will be little squares of brighter white where the lines intersect.
Also, the rings get slightly bigger the further from the center they are. Some other anon might have a way around that, but I couldn't figure it out in a quick timeframe.

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Flat Goatse.webm

Anonymous No. 977121

When using the nodes above, the result would be something similar to this.
I'd use some subsurf on the object to smooth things out on the texture as well.

Anonymous No. 977125

not sure what the problem is. are you using a mirror modifier at the same time and splitting the base shape in half first?
up the resolution of the subd modifier and apply it afterwards in object mode

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Anonymous No. 977127

The problem is that when I add the subdivision surface it creates that H like shape. It's not suppose to look like that, this is what it looks like before adding it.

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Anonymous No. 977129

you've likely got duplicate faces where the center is connecting to the arms, subd on a similar model works fine for me
I'll post a webm showing how I went about it, gimme a few minutes for it to render

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Anonymous No. 977132

>create cube
>subdivide it
>select half of the faces, delete
>add a mirror modifier, enable clipping
>extrude and add loop cuts with Ctrl + R when needed (like for the torso and foot here)
>add subd modifier

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Anonymous No. 977133

Alright, so I've got a building generator working that grabs a random base, a random middle section, and a random top, from their relevant collections, and stacks them up neatly with random heights.

Now I've run into another issue.
They don't randomize when I instance the building using another geo node group on another object. Is it because you can't nest them like that, or am I just doing something retarded to make a random seed per object. Or fuck, is the fact that it works "per object" the fucking problem since instances aren't objects and don't have location data for the original object to use?

Like it's 2 separate objects.
The building with the GN setup that randomizes them, and another object that instances them. Obviously the final instancing will be a bit more complex (planning on using different "footprints" to instance buildings of different sizes), but if I can't get it working at the simple stage I'm fucked.

I've got 2 "solutions" that could work, though I don't like them.
1st one, I could just duplicate the building object a bunch to get a fuckload of random buildings, then use the collection of those to instance. Which I'll probably do if I can't figure this shit out.
2nd one, put it all into a single nodegroup that creates the building and the city. I'm sure this will work, but I wanted to keep things more modular and have different modules that I can use to build from. A setup that creates buildings, another setup that adds details to the buildings and parts, and another setup that creates the city. If I can't get all these parts to randomize and nest, I'm shit outta luck.

Any help?

Anonymous No. 977134

Thanks. Something else I just noticed playing around trying to replicate >>977129 before you posted the webm.

I would start with the cube and add to the top and bottom of it so my central axis was in the torso. You started at the head and went down so the central axis was at the head. I copied that before the webm was posted and it worked.
Not sure what is happening but anyway.

Anonymous No. 977136

Hmm... >>977132 Worked better but it did not work, I figured it out though. It was something to do with the Mirror, I had to apply the Mirror then make and apply a subdivision and then make a mirror again.

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Anonymous No. 977151

I made this mesh and I want to start connection the vertices horizontally, I remember seeing that there was a trick where one could select 4 vertices like this and then use a shortcut that would connect the vertices into a circle but I don't recall it. Would any of you know of it perchance?

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Anonymous No. 977175

>file deleted
I'm clearly on the right path. So now that I know what a vagina is, I'm going to figure out how bellies function.

Anonymous No. 977177

Why not just make a cylinder with loops and then work it to look like what you want?

To get a single circle, I guess you could just create a face there with F and then delete it by X -> "faces only", which would leave you with the new edges.

Anonymous No. 977194

cool, thanks. any tips to speed up compositing too? that's taking a lot of time too.

Anonymous No. 977197

you know there some stuff up on smutbase that may help

Bag Of Baginas - Cloud Rigged (Uses Armature)

A Bag Of Baginas: Animatable Vaginas (Uses Shapekeys)

Simple vagina model [Eevee / Cycles] (Shape Keys)

Yoni Low-Poly Genitals (Shapekeys)

NSFW VDM Brushes for Blender

This last one is pretty interesting because you can just use the VDM to slap a vag on a model wiht less hassle and not have to over worry about getting the other pre-made vaginas to line up on the mesh you have

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Anonymous No. 977209

Huh. Thanks. I didn't realise there were vaginas online. I actually already grafted my horse pussy onto my girl. The outer lip-things are rigged, and the inner ones stretch with geonodes.

Anonymous No. 977217

guys what would you say are some beginner projects/drills to help grind the basics

Anonymous No. 977221


Anonymous No. 977222

i see thanks

Anonymous No. 977229

What is a donut a the end of the day? Think about it. A donut is just a fancy kind of vagina.

Anonymous No. 977233

A doughnut is an asshole, anon.

Anonymous No. 977262

The tool I was thinking of was the Bevel tool which does not actually do what I wanted. Oh well.
I might try a cylinder or I might try following a tutorial I just watched where she places circles along the waist, arm sockets and neck and connects them up but maybe working from a cylinder would be better as it means I would not be having to follow precisely what this girl does and so it would be more useful to me in learning skills maybe.

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Anonymous No. 977282

This is where I am so far. I have been using cylinders but also using some things from the tutorial(I made the cylinders have the same vertices that she used for her circles and followed some of the ways that she connects body parts).

The Topology of the hips is a bit twisted but I am not sure if that can be helped or if it matters.

Anonymous No. 977283

Actually, I guess the hips aren't to bad anymore. As I add cut loops and work on the rear it seems to straighten it out.

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Anonymous No. 977288

How do I get a random value per GN point index?
I'm trying to drive a random value's seed based on the index of a point, but it's not working. The values are being captured, but it doesn't seem like the RV node is using them.
Can you not pass shit back like that or what?

Anonymous No. 977289

Plug index in to the ID of random value node, use sample nearest and index nodes to transfer index values near the end of the node tree

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Anonymous No. 977291

Like this? Doesn't seem to work if I did it correct (I'm pretty sure I didn't)

Anonymous No. 977298

>>file deleted
>I'm clearly on the right path. So now that I know what a vagina is

my sides

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random instances.png

Anonymous No. 977299


... use three or more instance on points nodes that outputs one of your items in your collection, random base, random middle and random top, join them into one geometry, realise the instances and turn geometry into instance. in a loop section you can create as many instances you like ...

..pic realted, something like that, dont forget to use the loop to feed the seeds!

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Anonymous No. 977301

how do I go about making military stuff? like the square holes and stuff and how do people replicate the textures? i mean i can similar looking military patterns but how do i people recreate the exact ones?

Anonymous No. 977312

>i mean i can similar looking military patterns but how do i people recreate the exact ones?
There's actually names for the different patterns which might help you.
Whether or not textures exist for them is a different story. I can't really say for sure, but I'm willing to bet they're military "OCs donut steel" type shit that'll probably make it hard to find good textures for it. Like I'm sure there's seamless textures that are easily available, but like the "formula" to make them (like the exact colors, noise and whatnot) are probably proprietary. So any textures you find around probably won't be "official" but rather some other artist's interpretation of it.
Maybe I'm thinking too much about it though.

As for the "square holes and stuff" it really depends on how you're doing it. You could model them by hand or just use alpha textures or something.

Anonymous No. 977317

>As for the "square holes and stuff" it really depends on how you're doing it. You could model them by hand or just use alpha textures or something.
fair, first i need to make the high poly model but i have never made something organic like this and sculpting is too steep to pick up in a few days.

Anonymous No. 977340

for anything thin like that as in fabrics i would use an alpha for any holes that way you can keep the geometry clean

Anonymous No. 977341

do you have any tutorials or examples? there is a bit of thickness to these holes so light has to react to those but i assume i need to bake normals from a high poly with combination of the alpha map on the low poly to get closer to the ref. i really should have learned sculpting and retopo. this looks very hard to do in polymodelling but worth a shot

Anonymous No. 977346

Anon, it's a fucking box. Nothing organic about it.

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Anonymous No. 977366

This loop can't be correct, right? But every porn model I look at has wacky looking loops like this that run all across the body

Anonymous No. 977367

Isn't it ALL QUADS? If it's ALL QUADS it means it's good, right?
But now what? ALL QUADS isn't enough anymore?

Anonymous No. 977373

muh face loops

Anonymous No. 977388

If I'm understanding it correctly, isn't that kind of what I'm doing already?
I've got the buildings generating fine on their own, then instancing them on a grid, it's just randomizing the seeds for each instance point on a grid that I'm having an issue with now.
I thought I could just grab the index of each point and toss it back to use as seeds, but it doesn't seem to work like that.

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Anonymous No. 977393

I made the head, next I will do the hands and feet then subdivide and work on details like eyes and hair.

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Anonymous No. 977394

how do i go about doing the top part of the pouch, not the seams but the slight extrusion on top and for seams do i just duplicate the edge from the box, make it a curve then apply a array modifer to follow the curve?

Anonymous No. 977398


... the output of the loop should be a list of randomised instances, build together by x numbers of parts, you can instance on points, you just need to link the seeds with an element in the loop that generates random numbers - as far i understand the underlying mechanism of the geonode system, an instance is an element you cant radomise, because each instance is just a virtual copy of the original, like the geometry data will be used for each instance, but with different origins.(your randomise mechanism will be copied x times, but will always reference back to the original)

my aproach is, that you create a new "collection" in advance out of x numbers of parts/collections, and then instance them on points ... like with any other collection you instance on points ...

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Anonymous No. 977399

can someone link me a good normal baking tutorial for blender

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bounding boxes node.png

Anonymous No. 977477

Sup, dicksheads. Nobody asked for this. But I made a node that can create multiple bounding boxes per object or collection. Get it here:

As long as the points of the geometry share an index, then it will be included inside of the box. This makes it very easy to just insert the mesh island node to bound multiple parts of the geometry at once. This also presents a limitation. That if you have multiple instances, and one of those instances has multiple mesh islands, then it will give each island of the instance multiple boxes. You will have to find some way to assign islands the same ID or index, if you intend them to be bound together. But regardless of that limitation, it's still doing something that the basic bounding box node can't do. So you might find it useful.

Anonymous No. 977478

You should try making something actually worthwhile with like github copilot for the source code instead of geometry node nonsense

Anonymous No. 977479

I don't know how to use github.
I don't know how to write code.
I know geometry node.

Anonymous No. 977480

you can learn how to use those things in one day of study with ai assisted tools

Anonymous No. 977481

Don't advertise at me, thank you very much.

Anonymous No. 977482

You know nothing useful

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Anonymous No. 977509

I have a predicament. I saw this technique for modelling the area around the mouth where triangles are used like so in order that the mouth can be rigged to have a wide area of movement. It was the Guilty Gear technique or something of that nature.

The Issue is that when I subdivide it looks weird and leaves these streaks. Does anybody have experience with this technique and if is this normal or what can I do to fix it if it's not and also is this technique worth it or should I just remodel the mouth area using squares.

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Anonymous No. 977510

Here is is after subdivision.

Also I should correct myself.
> Does anybody have experience with this technique and if is this normal
Does anybody have experience with this technique and if so is this normal

Anonymous No. 977512

I don't know *exactly* how the technique is done. But I'm certain that it requires altering the normals of the mouth. If you get the normals right then then it will looks smooth when the model is rendered. Look up a normal editing tutorial for anime characters.

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Anonymous No. 977513

Never mind.
It looks like I was tricked as the guy who talked about ti did so in a video from 1 year ago, then he made this video 3 months ago. So he's not actually using the method he said to use a year ago anymore.

I'm just going to remodel it, there were some other issues I had with it too anyway, like how it removes your ability to contort the Cheeks.

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buildings wip.jpg

Anonymous No. 977514

Yeah so I appreciate the help, but I kinda realized once I started making the buildings that the entire setup I had in mind wouldn't really work. At least the building generator.
Like unless I make all of the middle sections have the same size and shape, there won't be any way to make tops/bases that are generic enough to fit. I'm sure I could get away with cuboid shapes for the bases, but for the tops they'd have to match up with the middle section.
I mean the whole point of the random buildings was to add variety, but I figure I can just make more variety than I would have gotten by just making interesting shaped buildings (heights and stuff can still be random though). Considering the buildings in the generator would all have to be the same length/width and squared shape to make all the parts work together, the city would look pretty homogeneous, like the same building spammed over and over with nothing for the eye to really pick out.

Maybe I'll revisit it in the future. I guess I was really putting the cart before the horse, and procrastinating in a "productive" way instead of working on the project that I actually needed the buildings for.
For what it's worth, the simple deform modifier is actually pretty good for changing up a building's profile into something new. It's like an extra building for free.

Anonymous No. 977517

I figured that also. Every porn model is using the same base model but edited?

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Anonymous No. 977522

how is it looking bros? how can i make it feel more like a pouch? ignore the polycount this is the highpoly one. can i bake the seams to the lowpoly version as well?

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Anonymous No. 977536

trying to replicate the old CRPG / Fallout look
I got a texture from ambientcg, used node wrangler to apply all the PBR stuff but it fucks up in Cycles. only thing I can think of is that I edited the color image in photoshop
besides that, is there a better way to texture besides just mark seams > unwrap > apply seamless PBR textures?
I'm used to doing it that way but I'd rather get some texture variance and grit n' grime, seamless procedural stuff seems quite bland / flat

Anonymous No. 977540

What the fuck.
Nothing about github, copilot or source code is worthwhile to a 3D artist.

Anonymous No. 977541

That's for highly stylized game models with modified normals. If you're going to subdivide it you're going to make proper quad topology, and if you're going to offline render it you're going to use procedural geometry for the same effect. For game models you'll do neither because you can't, and this is the workaround.

Anonymous No. 977542

Everything is connected together, it's natural for faceloops to run across the body. What's important are the faceloops that aid deformation.

Anonymous No. 977544

>Everything is connected together
fucking hippies

Anonymous No. 977545

There is no such thing as "proper quad topology" and there are no such things as "faceloops that aid deformation". Keep your obsessions to yourself.

Anonymous No. 977548

nta but I've been taught there was but i am very new so can you explain why there's no such thing?

Anonymous No. 977549

In an ideal world, artists shouldn't have to worry about code but Blender is so full of bugs that if you don't have any idea of how the underlying machinery works, then you won't go very far. You'll start believing in superstitions like the "puzzle of topology" and you'll produce nothing over a lifetime.

Anonymous No. 977550

I can't explain to you why something doesn't exist. It just doesn't. For subdivision modeling the only reference you need is this one:

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Anonymous No. 977552

>"topology doesn't matter"
>post write up that shows how important topology is
>write up is from the company that has well known joint topology

>pic rel

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Anonymous No. 977553

low poly is finally done, but fuck me i still need to get it around 1700 polygons. actually wtf are polygons, are they faces, vertices or tris? which one should i refer for 1700 polycount?

Anonymous No. 977554

a polygon is a face, yeah, and each face / quad usually has two tris (whether you see it or not)

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Anonymous No. 977557

Adding on to what the other anon said, polygons are tris that usually can't be seen. Polycount refers to the number triangles because ngons like the cap of a cylinder are 1 face, but have multiple polys inside that face.

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Anonymous No. 977560

Is the key to high-poly hard surface stuff just to make a low poly model with good topology and subdivide it?

Anonymous No. 977563

Looking good

Anonymous No. 977565

i am just starting out and i am confused about why having quads is better than having triangkes for topology. what issues does having 3 points have opposed to 4?

Anonymous No. 977568

Good book or course to learn blender? The pinned readme.txt is fucking dead.

Anonymous No. 977570

Quads are more consistent to work with compared to Tris, especially for deformation.

Anonymous No. 977571

The best one I know is this:
It teaches the basics of Blender in a very technical way. Made by a German guy.

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Anonymous No. 977572

guys i fucked up, so the pouch ended up being more squarish than i thought. can i do something with sculpting to make it more rounder?

Anonymous No. 977582

Take off the displacement.
Displacement output is ONLY for when you're using adaptive subdivision to tessellate the mesh (like a displace modifier), otherwise it'll just fuck your shit up (senpai).

>is there a better way to texture
Start painting your own maps. Bring it into substance painter, or bring the UV into Photoshop, or figure out the ass-backwards way Blender handles it.
>seamless procedural stuff seems quite bland / flat
If you're just slapping a single texture on, then yeah, it will. You blend them to make different areas of stuff.

Pretty much, yeah. I mean, why wouldn't you make the best model you can with the simplest geometry before you subdivide it? It'd be retarded if you didn't, why work with a complicated mesh? Obviously you don't just throw on subdiv and call it a day, since once you put subdiv on you should polish the edges and stuff.

Pull verts with proportional edit to make some areas droop or something. Or maybe a cast modifier set to sphere to bulge it out. You don't seem too bad at modelling, so I feel like you should know this shit.

Anonymous No. 977590

>You don't seem too bad at modelling, so I feel like you should know this shit.
i am extremely sleep deprived and my brain isnt working, i tired proportional editing but no luck, i will try the cast modifier and see if that works. thanks anon

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Anonymous No. 977591

>Or maybe a cast modifier set to sphere to bulge it out
ahahahahahahah, i did not expect it to be inflated like this lol

Anonymous No. 977606

who's the daddy

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Proportional Edit.jpg

Anonymous No. 977612

Yeah, I think you'd have to adjust it a bit to cover the entire thing, and tone it down by a lot.
Proportional editing should have worked though, I really don't see why it wouldn't. Make sure the "only connected" checkbox is on, and just pull things. Use the scroll wheel to adjust falloff.
Pic related, though I really exaggerated things to make it really visible.

Anonymous No. 977622

Most importantly, quads are easier to work with, since they give you access to loops. If you're subdiving the mesh, quads behave far better and result in good-looking shading. That's pretty much it.

When it comes to differences between quad topologies, it's honestly not that important to be autistic about it. Good face loops are easier to work with, and minmising the number of poles also minimises the number of shading errors. But the most important part is that the edges of edge loops run perpendicular to the gradient of the mesh. Otherwise you will get jagged edges.

Anonymous No. 977626

Otherwise you will get jagged edges in Blender. It's a long standing bug (of 20+ years) that has to do with (wrong) quads orientations.
Add the Triangulate modifier at the end of your stack (or use proper software) if you're having that problem.

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Anonymous No. 977631

that guy chris
i luckily made increments so i went to the unsubdivided mesh and made it less square but now the low poly (left) and high poly look very different even tho they have the same materials. is that normal?

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Anonymous No. 977632

It seems that when subdividing, the extra faces created can thin down the subject area, this is not such an issue in the hips, it's probably only a few mm, but it really is an issue in areas like the toes. How can I prevent this?

Anonymous No. 977633

add support loops

Anonymous No. 977635

I suppose that would work. Though I was trying to use as few vertices as possible when making the feet, oh well.

Anonymous No. 977636

you can select the edges you want and press shift+e to crease those edges, it gives a similar result to support loops but not as much control, if you are going for the low poly style why subdivide?

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Anonymous No. 977637

Subdividing calculates a sort of "halfway" point between edges, and in so doing, it can result in a lot of lost space. Your hips have a lot more vertices, so they're all supporting each other. Your toes have very little vertices, so no support.

Personally, I think that if you're planning on subdividing cylynder-esque shapes, then they need to be at least 8 sides around to prevent significant volume lost. 12 or 16 around is even better.

If you're attempting to keep a low poly count, say for a model that has to animate in real time without much performance issues. Then simply don't subdivide. You'll just bloat your model for no reason. Stick with your low poly and efficient toes. I can tell your model is going to end up with a sufficient poly count without subdivision. The only reason to subdivide higher, is if you're really going to zoom in extra close and you want everything to look smooth even while close up. In which case, I would tell you to get more supporting loops for the toes before subdividing.

Anonymous No. 977638

I'm not going for low poly, I'm making it for a game so I thought I would avoid using too many vertices if I did not have too.

Thanks. I'll do some research into poly counts and try to find out what I should be aiming for in regards to game characters and therefore how much room I have to play with.

Anonymous No. 977639

I just realized I messed up the example image. Oops, lol. Right idea but drawn incorrectly. The point still stands.

Anonymous No. 977640

Game characters aren't typically subdivided. Some might have a workflow where they begin by creating simple shapes for the body, then slap a subdivision on fairly early, in order to get more geometry to work with. Then they continue modelling from there.
But they're not finishing their model with a subdivision at the end. Not for models used in gameplay.

Anonymous No. 977642

Going by the Unreal Marketplace, most game models seem to have around 50k verts, but a few had 100k and one I saw had 180k and another only had 7k. My character has 4k now, If I apply a Subdivision of 2 it has 60k, but it's nowhere near finished. So I'll leave subdivision alone for now and check the vert count when I am done.

Anonymous No. 977643

thing is loading high polycount isn't really an issue anymore, it's the textures and shaders that take much more resources

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Anonymous No. 977654

It's not really something you can fix with triangulation.

Anonymous No. 977660

You could just add crease to every edge in the feet and then smooth them manually with sculpting.

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Anonymous No. 977690

How would you go about generating some topology in the same style as Rollercoaster Tycoon?
Here's what I've done so far:
>Subdivide plane into grid of vertices
>Displace vertices along Z axis according to noise texture

And now I'm stuck. I don't know how to snap the vertices to discrete heights.
Is there a way to modify the generated noise texture within blender such that it has fewer values between black and white? Like a posterize filter?

Anonymous No. 977691

Why not just posterise a noise texture outside of blender? You could also use geonodes to round the z-axis coordinates if you want to do it inside blender.

Anonymous No. 977694

>Is there a way to modify the generated noise texture within blender such that it has fewer values between black and white?
Can't you use a math>round node (or one of the operations in that section, like fraction), and turn on the "clamp" checkbox to keep it between 0-1?

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 977698

Thanks bros, I've never tried geometry nodes before -- this is powerful.

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Anonymous No. 977699

I made a simpler one for you.

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Anonymous No. 977706

>Pretty much, yeah. I mean, why wouldn't you make the best model you can with the simplest geometry before you subdivide it? It'd be retarded if you didn't, why work with a complicated mesh? Obviously you don't just throw on subdiv and call it a day, since once you put subdiv on you should polish the edges and stuff.
It really is just that simple. I assume it'll get harder when I move onto more complicated stuff, but blades are surprisingly easy. Picrel's just a subdivved and creased version of a low poly model, but I want to add in some extra texture before I bake it as a normal onto my low poly.

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Anonymous No. 977740

Ay, is there a way to mask off different quadrants of an object? I can kinda do it like this, but I want a single corner isolated, well, each of them isolated individually. I'd like to do it without using UVs if I can help it.

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Anonymous No. 977741

Webm related is why I need it.
Got the buildings using XY mirroring, and I want to offset the elevators somewhat randomly per object, and side. Using the mirror keeps them all in the same place, and while I can offset them with the mirror's UV offset thing, I can't have them ping-pong between the min/max height of the building.

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Anonymous No. 977747

>tfw use blender off and on for 8 years
>still has issues making certain shapes
I think I need an intermediate refresh course

Anonymous No. 977764

Place your bets, will v4.1 drop on schedule?

Anonymous No. 977765

dude im already using 4.2 alpha. Nothing significant has changed, they just want to pump up their version numbers for some reason

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Anonymous No. 977766

You can do this, switch out the >s for <s to get different quadrants
For finer control you could just convert the position to polar coordinates and test for your desired ranges

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Anonymous No. 977768


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Anonymous No. 977769

it all comes down to consistency and keeping expectations in check. you cant model a realistic human model unless you have tried it a few times. i would say the best way is to model guns preferbally a gun with a tutorial so you can refer the video when you get stuck then slowly pick up sculpting.

Anonymous No. 977771

Looks like the low poly bake lost a lot of the detail, like the fine texture on the plastic
Are you baking directly in blender, or using substance painter?

Anonymous No. 977772

>Looks like the low poly bake lost a lot of the detail, like the fine texture on the plastic
>Are you baking directly in blender, or using substance painter?
directly in blender, its my first time baking normals so i wasnt sure how to go about it. the details are lost because i dont know how to combine the normal of highpoly and the normal of the fabric. need to learn how to bake shit in susbtance painter

Anonymous No. 977773

also the seams!!! i baked the seams into the normal map because there was no way i could reach 1700 polygons with the seams but then i cant change the color of em. is there a better way of making seams?

Anonymous No. 977790

How the fuck do I make good textures

Anonymous No. 977791

Thanks anon. I had also figured that out as well after fucking around and trying to wrap my head around it.
Good to hear we were on the same page.

What do you mean by "textures"?
Seamless textures? Use something like Substance Designer, paint them yourself, or go out and take photos of shit irl.
Textures for an object that's specific to that object? Substance Painter, Armor Paint (if you can stand it) or 3dCoat (if you worship the lord and savior Jesus Christ), paint them by hand in Photoshop, paint them in Blender, or use procedurals in Blender.

Anonymous No. 977796

I'm still on 4.0 and there are many things that I really want that are in 4.1 but I haven't switched yet because I first want them to make it stable

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Anonymous No. 977798

Alright, got the elevators mask working. Each side of the object offsets the elevator by a random amount, plus the amount is randomized per object. There's some fuckery going on where the elevators sometimes clip, but that's just something I have to find the right setting for.

Right now I've got a ping-pong node just going through the min/max value, but it'd be kinda neat if I could figure out how to have the elevators randomly go up and down at different floors rather than just cycling up and down.
I think maybe I can drive another ping-pong node based on the frame time, and then just have it switch every few seconds by making the frame time really slow and rounding it.
Could that work?

What I have now is perfectly usable for my needs, but I can't help but wanna go the extra mile a bit with it.

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Ping pong.jpg

Anonymous No. 977801

Actually, I think I can make the elevators stop at random floors instead of going from bottom to top by just manipulating the original Ping Pong node somehow with a random value, but I'm not sure how. Plugging in a noise texture just distorts things.
I've figured out essentially what the ping pong node actually "looks" like, it's just a triangle wave, so now I just have to figure out how to do the equivalent of pic related with the shader nodes.

On the bright side, I was able to make the elevators ease in and out by using a map range set to "smoother step". Looks really clean.

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Anonymous No. 977803

Why not do something like this?

Anonymous No. 977805

You're telling me what I'm referring to is indeed what I'm referring to.

Anonymous No. 977827

>Why not do something like this?
Probably because I had no clue the "float curve" node existed. That'd be a big one for sure.
That being said, I don't know if it's really what I'm looking for. It does the job of "picking" floors, but it seems more like something I have to manually set up, and it seems pretty touchy in that the speeds aren't consistent.
Still, thanks for bringing the float curve node to my attention, definitely gonna play with it in the future.

Anonymous No. 977834

more context do you want npr or pbr textures?, do you want realistic textures? then pbr images from sites or substance painter, npr is mainly achieved with shaders

Anonymous No. 977840

so guys what is your general workflow for making an asset in blender?
is this a good general outline:
>add texture

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draw the owl.jpg

Anonymous No. 977844

Those steps are so fucking ambiguous you might as well had just said "draw the owl".
That's not a workflow.

Anonymous No. 977890

im asking for a general flowchart of steps to take when making something

Anonymous No. 977893

model, sculpt, retopo, bake, texture, but like the other anon said this is pretty meaningless

Anonymous No. 977898

why is that?
please explain it like you would explain to yourself from when you were a beginner

Anonymous No. 977977

nta but generally it is what you said, model high and low poly, sculpt if needed, bake normals then texture but if you're making creatures or characters then its sculpt, retopo, bake, texture and if you just want simple objects then its just a matter of taking an image and craving it out of that image Ian Hubert style which is very fun to do. As a good starting point do the donut then move onto modelling and texturing guns if you want to do hard surface or pick up sculpting if you want to organic stuff

Anonymous No. 977985

Is there a proper easy way to edit alpha of an image texture? Or is there a good image editing tool for linux?
I can either manually erase the alpha pixels I need or alternatively delete alpha pixels that are under certain median value, since my texture is black where it is supposed to be transparent.

Anonymous No. 977986

Whatever is your goal. For an animation model I'd suggest outline->sculpt->retopo->normals->texture->roughness->rig

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Anonymous No. 978218

I'm working on generating these glue stains with geometry nodes. Right now it just generates the glue of the desired thickness and scale, but I wonder if I can get it to kind of drip and move realistically too.

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Anonymous No. 978229

what is the secret to making geometry node hair curves not look like shit? its either way too messy and you can see individual hairs clipping into each other, or theres not enough hair and pretty huge gaps expose the scalp.

Anonymous No. 978231

I'm pretty sure if you want realistic hair, you're only gonna see that after it's rendered, not in real time. For real time hair, you use stylized hair.

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Anonymous No. 978240

Trying to wrap my head around IK rigs and I have this problem with the legs. Anyone know how to fix this? Youtube tutorials never seem to run into this problem.

Anonymous No. 978241

Blender's IK system is hosed. It's planned to be fixed in 2025.

Anonymous No. 978242

And by then you're going to need a new computer and a new video card. And it won't be fixed.
Tutorial people pre-bend the knee in edit mode to give you the illusion that Blender isn't a pile of 10+ years old bugs, but that's what it is.

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Anonymous No. 978246

Wasn't a bug, turns out it had to do with the roll values of the bones.

Anonymous No. 978253

Are there any addons that allow me to use custom LUTs within Blender's compositor?

Anonymous No. 978264

You'll see. You'll be amazed.

Anonymous No. 978270

the pole x axis points towards the target this applies to other bones in the chain as well, find the way to turn on axis display in the viewport and change the roll off the bone

Anonymous No. 978277

I dove down this rabbit hole a bit ago, and no, not really. There's like one or two scattered around, but I don't think they'd be all that great, and I'm not willing to fork over money for something that probably doesn't work.
It's fucking baffling that the compositor doesn't support them either.

Anonymous No. 978308

Retarded question.
Is there a math node that's the same as like "greater than value A, but less than value B"
So say I have a range of values from 0-1, and I want to pick the values between 0.5-0.75. I think the "compare" function does this, but I don't really get how it's supposed to work. I guess technically a color ramp would work, but I'm trying to stick to math nodes since I kinda rely heavily on color ramps for this kind of shit already and want to break the habit.

Anonymous No. 978313

Compare does that. Set the value to 0.625 and epsilon to 0.125, and you'll get ones for the range 0.5-0.75, and zeros elsewhere.

You can also do it with three nodes, a greater than, a less than, and a multiplication: y = (x < 0.75) * (x > 0.5).

Anonymous No. 978356

Okay, so I did this before, but now feel retarded, because I cant anymore (???).
Im baking a tree model to an imposter, okay, but, for some reason, only "first" transparent layer is baked onto the image, i.e. transparent parts of the tree hide everything behind them, its infuriating.

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Anonymous No. 978357

looks like this

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Viewport Passes.jpg

Anonymous No. 978363

Ahh, so it is compare.
So by setting it to 0.625 and the epsilon to 0.125, I'm saying that 0.625 is my center point and I want values that are 0.125 on either side? I think that's where I was getting tripped up.
I was thinking that I had to set it to where I want to cut off from, 0.5, but the epsilon I didn't really get how that factored into it. I guess in hindsight, it makes a lot of sense, but it was like 5am after working for 8 hours straight and my brain was just ceasing to function at that point.
Thanks for clearing it up.

I think I had that problem when I tried making tree billboards.
I just said "fuck it" to trying to bake to a texture, and just took viewport renders from the different passes (pic related). They worked out just fine. Just make sure you don't have any view transforms and are set to sRGB if you're saving to something like JPG/PNG. I don't think you need to do that for EXR.
I think you might also have problems with using orthographic mode (don't remember if I did or not), but you can kind of cheat it in perspective by setting a high focal length, which should squash things a bit.

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Compare node woe.jpg

Anonymous No. 978375

Okay, so I'm actually having a bit of trouble that I can't figure out.
I've used vertex colors on sections of a mesh with different values, (using 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 as an example), with the idea that I could use the compare node to select those values. However, it's just completely fucking up and I don't really understand why.
Theoretically, I should be able to set the epsilon to 0, and select 0.5 for example, however it doesn't select anything. If I remove the Vertex color node and manually put the input to 0.5 it works (obviously). It also works with the vertex colors, but only if I select for 0 and 1. If I try to pick for the other values between those, they don't work.
I can raise the epsilon, but I have to raise it quite a bit to get 0.5 in the selection, and by then it also selects 0.75. In fact, it selects 0.75 before it'll select 0.5.

I had figured this might just be a case of me trying to select exact values, so I tried bumping up the vertex color from 0.5 to 0.55 (and also lowering to 0.45), but it still didn't work. Also tried changing the vertex color properties from byte data to color, and that didn't work either.

Hopefully pic related kind of illustrates what's going on. I don't wanna say "bug" but something is definitely going on.

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Anonymous No. 978436

If you're using a texture, set it to non-colour. If you're using vertex paint, you need to manually convert it to the correct colour space, since Blender does not automatically do it for some reason. Pic related is approximately correct.

Anonymous No. 978450

Thanks for the help. I would have never have realized it was a color space thing. Actually seems kind of retarded that they don't work the way the rest of the entire program works. I'm assuming the Multiply/Power/Subtract nodes are the conversion? Do the numbers there need to change depending on things, or is it pretty much a consistent setup?
Also, what are your compare nodes connected to? They seem to be connecting to something under the subtract node, but not the subtract node itself.

Anonymous No. 978452

Actually, I think I figured out a better solution. "Attributes" seem to work straight up. I didn't really notice the system before, and was using vertex colors to essentially do what attributes was built for. Using the wrong tool for the job.
In fact, I think using attributes is better overall, since I don't have to swap between edit mode and vertex paint, and can just set the attribute in edit mode.
Once again, thanks for the help!

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Anonymous No. 978519

SFM user here switching to Blender. [spoiler]not for porn, but for a better portfolio[/spoiler]
Is there any way to properly dumb down the rendering properties of Blender to achieve the graphical fidelity of the Source Filmmaker's renderings when done right?

Here's an example of the Source filmmaker's renderings when done right:

Pic related is also made in Source Filmmaker.

Anonymous No. 978573

I really really really hate to be that guy, but "why"?
Unless you're trying to match the lighting because you have existing footage you want to comp over or something, why not just avail yourself of the better lighting?

Anonymous No. 978610

is it possible to get light groups in eevee? like is there an addon or something? google isn't helping. im aware its possible with that one custom build, gooengine i think? but I'd rather do it in the standard setup if possible

Anonymous No. 978611

>glue stains

Anonymous No. 978646

>is it possible to get light groups in eevee?
Not yet. It's coming, apparently, whenever "Eevee Next" is supposed to come out.
Till then, you'd probably just be stuck fucking around with view layers and compositing.

Would it have been better if he had said wallpaper paste?

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Anonymous No. 978655

Trying to add cartoony highlights along with the shadows. its not letting me have both. how fix

Anonymous No. 978657

You try an "add" shader instead of a mix?

Anonymous No. 978672
>Projects like Geometry Nodes and Vulkan will be put on hold for the time being.
B...But some homunculi on the internet told me that people make incredible stuff with Geonodes! How's this possible?

Anonymous No. 978674

I love the "put on hold for the time being" which is such corporate speech for "Please get wrecked dead user. Geometry Nodes was a mistake and we're fixing it".
But there's a shiny new Grease Pencil coming. Not stuff like, you know, maybe real Ambient Occlusion instead of SSAO which is useless gimmick for EEVEE. No, not that.
I'm so glad 4.0+ crashes at startup on my computer.

Anonymous No. 978677

Improvements or even bug fixes to the animation/rigging system? No way. Those will come in 2025 after you buy at least a couple new NVidia cards.
But in the meantime you can have fun with Autosmooth being a modifier only now and as such you've got to apply it to every instance of a mesh, not to mention being incompatible with how it used to work before and you having to fix your meshes if you've ever relied on it.
And the upcoming Asset Store. I'm sure the GPL-only policy will help it attract some of the finest assets which artists will gladly donate to them, because they're exceptional individuals.

Anonymous No. 978691

>MORE grease pencil shit
Someone should just take a greasy shit on them.
When are they gonna do something that's actually useful? NLA Editor is fucked, Fluid sims are fucked, NURBS are fucked (have been forever), but nah, let's do more GP trash for the people using the wrong program to draw.

The GPU compositing is nice I guess. I don't see myself using Eevee unless it suddenly becomes not shit though.

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Anonymous No. 978695

grease pencil's sculpt mode ruined me for other animation software.
the problem with gpencil development is that even with a dedicated, paid dev on staff they haven't added a boolean eraser/blob brush.
it's a basic fundamental tool for hand drawing vectors, but still only appears as a vague acknowledgement for future r&d in the git repo and development updates. none of the gpencil development since 2.77-2.8 has been worth the time without an eraser.

Anonymous No. 978729

Fair enough.
>paid dev on staff they haven't added a boolean eraser/blob brush.
You know what they're gonna say, right?
>wHy wOuLd yOu wAnT tHaT?
The retards working there can't fathom using a tool differently than the exact way their programmer brain envisioned. God forbid you actually want to do something creative with the software.

Anonymous No. 978736

>people make incredible stuff with Geonodes!
a big load of shit.
and if they do, they post work on xitter and gatekeep everything in process, blenderfags are truly worst of all.

Anonymous No. 978753

Can I recover objects from a damaged file?
I've lost like 3 hours worth of retopo when my shitty pc crashed

Anonymous No. 978755

I've opened it in hex editor and it's completely gone
It's over

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Anonymous No. 978756

Can you please help guys? Suppose I'm creating a cube, then add some more verteces and edges with Loop Cut, the I select smaller square face on the side face of cube and extrude it inside the cube. When I see it Object mode - there is no extrusion, it is curtained by unselectable mesh or something. But when I do the same thing with Auto Mirror it works. Why if I use Mirror modifier there is this unselectable mesh? I thought Auto Mirror and Mirror modifier work the same.

Anonymous No. 978757

I'm retarded for not watching this video before asking. But still, why extrusion covered by unselectable mesh?

Anonymous No. 978759

Damn, wrong symmetry axis. I'm running away in shame

Anonymous No. 978762

Thankfully retopoflow has made a backup
Now It's not as bad

Twinsey No. 978810

I just installed an old Blender 2.0, there's someone here who can help me understand how to create something with it? pls send me an model that works in this old version

Anonymous No. 978818

>I just installed an old Blender 2.0,

Anonymous No. 978833

blender crashed on me 5 times in less than an hour today, all from different actions. it was all random shit like deleting a keyframe, hitting ctrl+z, etc. would have random crashes before but never as frequent as today. im on steam, so is that a 4.1 thing, a steam thing, or both?

Anonymous No. 978836

Probably fell into the "you need period accurate software to make retro/SOVL grafix gise!" hole.

Anonymous No. 978842

do i have to learn geometry nodes? do i really have to? if i want to make and rig a model do i really need geometry nodes?

Anonymous No. 978847

>if i want to make and rig a model do i really need geometry nodes?
Use your brain anon. Did anything you just say have anything remotely to do with GN? I'll give you a hint (it doesn't).
That being said, you probably should at least learn some bare bones basics about how they work after you get comfortable with the program and modelling, since the devs are deciding to go through the braindead retarded process of removing all modifiers and replacing them with GN "equivalents" (aka botched "replacements" that *maybe* have half the functionality of the OG modifiers and half the performance).
You don't "have" to learn anything in Blender. You learn something because you either want to in order to make something faster, implement a workflow, or every other solution you've arrived at is just ass backwards and what you're learning is the "proper" way of doing it.

Anonymous No. 978867

Not really sure what to call this, but is there a way to add logic to individual objects like in a game engine? I've got my space laser charring the ground and setting trees on fire with the dynamic paint system, but Im wondering if theres a way to trigger effects in the same way. Like if the laser mesh intersects with a tree mesh, start a 40 frame transition to another blend shape. I'd rather not do it by hand in case I want to change literally anything, and I dont know if something like feeding the paint canvas into geo nodes is even possible.

Anonymous No. 978878

>is there a way to add logic to individual objects like in a game engine?
There used to be. As in, Blender had a game engine built in for shit exactly like this. But they removed it and there's not really any plans to re-introduce something like it.
You might have success with GN and specifically the "Simulation Nodes", but what you have to do I've got no clue. You should be able to feed a dynamic paint into it without issue though. Either as an image sequence or a property like vertex groups.

Anonymous No. 978887

After a few hours of pondering, I think I figured out a way to script it based on the position of an empty parented to the beam on one axis, but it's good to know I can fall back on the GN/paint if this turns out to be a bad idea.

Anonymous No. 978917

Ah yeah, I guess scripting would work. I didn't mention it because my knowledge of it is fucking zero. I'll have ChatGPT whip me up a script to automate shit every now and again, but that's about it. I wasn't exactly sure what scripting was capable of.
Good to hear you've found some kind of solution. Hopefully it's what you need.

Anonymous No. 978918

I didn't even know you could do scripts that update each frame until I started looking around for this. Hopefully it plays nice with the baked fire sim, or else Ill just like, pull the camera back and add more smoke.

And yeah, GPT is great for script stuff. Saved me so much time with little repetitive shit that would have been a $1 addon before.

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Anonymous No. 978919

wrote this before your second post but went afk:
raycast node for the intersection and a vector math mix -> set position for the blend shape transition
animate the factor of the mix node manually, or wrap the whole thing in a simulation zone or repeat zone

Anonymous No. 978937

My python version seems to be working but I might try that on the weekend just because I don't know shit about geo nodes, but after seeing our favourite blender schizo do a realtime smoke sim with it I think its time to learn.

Anonymous No. 978998

>I'm so glad 4.0+ crashes at startup on my computer.
In 95% of all cases I hear this it's because the retard either activated literally all addons and/or installed some shitty externals ones

Anonymous No. 979016

>4.1 update finally stable and is released
>auto smooth just now adds sharp edges and the rest has to be done with a modifier instead
>Musgrave texture node has been merged with the noise texture node
they don't even have the fancy new EEVEE rendering options in this one which were the main selling point of this update

Anonymous No. 979017

Blender didn't even get an equivalent of an illumpositiondag until recently I think which is pretty strange
Still no parallax/displacement mapping in EEVEE

Anonymous No. 979064

It's all so tiresome.

Anonymous No. 979117

i don't have the first clue on how to texture or do normal mapping. how do people do it? how the fuck does it work? do people just find already made textures or do people draw their own? its the last thing I'm stuck on learning

Anonymous No. 979199

I would also like to know the secret sauce to textures and normals.
I hear that there's a program called substance painter that supposedly helps a lot. But it's not free? Does everyone pirate it?

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Anonymous No. 979463

Is there any way to change the order that you switch modes?
Like if I press shift+F3, it used to go right to the shader editor, but now I have to cycle through like 5 different modes worth of bullshit just to get to the shader editor and it pisses me off to no end. Like why the fuck would I want to get to the texture node editor, or compositor before the shader one?
Ideally it should be shaders, geo nodes, compositor, then the texture node editor. With geo nodes/shader nodes being first being up to whichever someone prefers.

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Anonymous No. 979546

not sure, but I've got an old as dirt think pad with debian 10 and I do just fine

Anonymous No. 979749

x axis mirror in the tool tab is on but isn't mirroring my bones
wat do? plox.

Anonymous No. 979766

Are your bone names mirrored properly?
Like do they have a Bone.L, Bone.R, or some variant of that? Like Bone_R (heh boner), or BoneR.

Anonymous No. 979821

I forgot to press shift+e while extruding the bones. My bad. But thanks.

Anonymous No. 979957

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Anonymous No. 979962

whats the best way of getting into modeling mechanically sound parts. I usually do shit in solidworks but with pic related I need to make joints that actually function in blender
im retarded

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Anonymous No. 979969

how could I make something like this?

Anonymous No. 979989

Do like 90% of the faggots that do this type of lazy "porn".
Download some models from smutbase, download a scene from its sister site Open3dLab, and pose it.
None of them can model, nor can any of them animate, but it sells like crack.

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Anonymous No. 980097

How can I get these verts to move down to the bottom of the building using geo nodes?
Like I guess what I want to do, is the equivalent of selecting all the verts on all the array pieces, and scale them to zero on the Z axis down to the cursor on the bottom.
I'm trying to have it make a "side" of the building automatically.
I can get em to move using set position, but they all move in the same pattern. I can't get the verts to get to an absolute position of Z,0.

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Anonymous No. 980255

Something like this? Also, make a new thread. Nobody's going to see these posts if the thread itself is not getting bumped.

Anonymous No. 980305

A bit too late as I kinda just said fuck it and made it its own object, but yeah that'd do it.

Also, fine...

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Mega Normals.jpg

Anonymous No. 980330

A little early to make a new thread, in my estimation. Since it's going to take forever for this one to slide down to page 10. And then forever more to slide from page 10 to deletion.

Anyway, I wanted to post this in the WIP thread, but that one reached the image limit. So I guess this thread is just as well, since it's blender related. I started work on this mega man model as a little low poly UV practice. But now it's moved on to just general practice. Since Mega Man's body is made from a mix of hard and soft surfaces, I can practice hard and organic modelling.
I think I'm going to subdivide the body of the mesh just once. Because it's a little *too* jagged at base to be any good. But I'm trying to keep it simple for now, in order to ensure all the loops are practical. Deleting any unnecessary geometry.

Also, I can practice utilizing anime shaders.
Are any of you familiar with the normal edit modifier? It makes it easy to edit normals. If you set it to "radial", then you can use pretty much any target object you want to edit normals. Since it's only looking at the origin of the object for the center, and then the bounding box surrounding the object for dimension.

So I just placed a few basic round cubes in the face. One for the upper part of the face, one of the bottom part of the face. One for the nose. One for the eyes. One for the bottom lip to get that little shadow. And one for the rounded portion of the helm. Then I made vector groups for them all, so they only affect the areas I want them to affect. Surprisingly, they all gel together really well. The only downside, is I have to make a new modifier for each instance. I can see that getting cluttered. But it's worth it for the effect it creates.

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Anonymous No. 980402

How would you make a stylized skin shader like this?

Anonymous No. 980644

>A little early to make a new thread, in my estimation.
It's not. It should always be made at the bump limit. The rate of new posts always rises sharply when the thread is getting bumped.

Anonymous No. 980812

??? Who cares about post rate? If you have anything interesting to post, then you will post it. If you don't, then you won't.
The rate goes up, because people have to do one of three things.
1. Re-ask a question that didn't get answered in the previous thread.
2. Re-post resources and information that was available in the previous thread.
3. Attention whore by avoiding the old thread, and saving their material for the new thread. In which case: fuck em. They're a bunch of attention whores.

Anonymous No. 981215

quick question, if i have an armature A and make a copy of it called armature B and then change some keyframes on an action for armature A how can i put this action on B? Since i don't want to do the same animation twice since the armatures are identical