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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 974690

how much time do pros need to make something like picrel?

Anonymous No. 974694

Cris, the woman depicted in >>974684 will never be in your bedroom. Among other things, because she doesn't exist.

Anonymous No. 974695

Five minutes. One minute to write the prompt and four minutes to brew tea while the GPU generates the image batch.

Anonymous No. 974696

One to two days because it’s a bunch of shapes and lights. It only takes 1 day to render everything.

Anonymous No. 974704

A couple of hours if they already have the shaders and procedural dust set up beforehand.

Anonymous No. 974707

Okay, so archviz is mostly made with bought assets. Modeling furniture takes a long time and is a specialty, so usually you have a bunch of russians/pajeets/latinos making the assets and a different russian/pajeet/latino doing the room layout, picking textures and models, doing the render and postwork.

Strictly modeling:
>a couple pieces of simple furniture a day, obviously you can crap out 30 different tables if they're all cylinders with legs
>more complex furniture like the bed might take a day, researching the design, modeling, doing cloth sims, and cleaning everything up)
>The furniture in this scene all looks extremely simple and could probably be banged out in a day by any modeler familiar with archviz furniture techniques - also the asset quality isn't very good

Making the scene (from paid assets)
>One day:
>Quick moodboard
>Pick out a bed, chair, bench
>Fill the scene with rugs, curtains, lamps, clutter (ideally from a library you already have)
>Tweak the colors of everything to get a good palette
>Fuck with the lighting 10 minutes, basically just orient your sun and place a couple practicals where they look good
>Fuck around tweaking various things in the scene for however much time you got, trying to get a more harmonious look
>Render + color grade
Keep in mind this is assuming you have a bit of experience doing this. At some point low-level archviz like this becomes an assembly chain task.

Holy fuck your answers are retarded. They ain't even wrong, just stupid.

Anonymous No. 974709

>1+1 isn't 2 it's 2

Anonymous No. 974712

Do it instead of talking about it, Cris. At least we can have a laugh at your 1 hour masterpiece.

Anonymous No. 974716

>1 day to render
this is just an image... Would take less than a minute on my machine
Are you on a shitty mac?

Anonymous No. 974733

Cris detractor detected, shit takes as always

πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 974746

It would take me about 1.5 hours from scratch.

Anonymous No. 974758

So you can model and texture 12 objects from scratch, do 4 cloth simulations, model a room, set up the scene, light it, and render it, all in 90 minutes?
Assuming assets only, that's roughly 5 minutes per asset. Since you have to do other things as well, let's say 150 seconds.

Anonymous No. 974760

The only real problem is the window lighting to reflect sunlight and balance it with the rest of the light.

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nah id win.png

Anonymous No. 974767

If I didn't have a procedural setup, I'd have a bit of trouble.

Anonymous No. 974785

About 15 seconds to type the prompt and wait for GPU to generate.

Anonymous No. 974839

I should have been more precise when asking my question and also I forgot about the thread. How long would it take to make a whole apartment of about 70m2, if provided with a floorplan + measures or/and a lidar scan. Furniture and everything else except walls basically can be from an archive. the overall detail doesn't have to be so high. the final product has to be uploaded to sketchfab's 3d viewer

Anonymous No. 974851

A couple of hours, the answer already came up in this thread.

Anonymous No. 974856

I never mentioned it should be a full 3d model of an apartment

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πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 974859

About 2-3 days.
1 For modelling and furnishing / 1 For optimizing, baking and exporting. It all depends on the furniture being custom made or having already optimized assets. If you were a client I'd tell you 2/3 weeks just to fit that job into a backlog, but yeah.
Yep. At least picrel. Here's the video.

Anonymous No. 974860

>Here's the video
I'm going in

Anonymous No. 974868

Great work.

Anonymous No. 974875

This video makes me feel like a terrible artist now, good job on the end result though.

I should really get around to learning Maya, it seems so much more efficient when compared to blender.

πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 974876

No dude its 3ds max lol

πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 974878

Happy to offer advice.

Anonymous No. 974880

This was a great demonstration, but desu I think you would need another hour or so to get it looking as good as the OP, mainly fixing some of the cloth problems.
There are visible texturing problems on the fabrics, the sheet on the bed has low-poly artifacts, and the curtains are melting.
It is amazing for 90 minutes though, you mogged /3/ for sure.

πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 974921

Yeah kek I was just fucking around.Just wanted to get back at anon for the lulz. I think even with readily made assets it would take me about 4 hours to get right and about 3-4 versions to perfect.

Anonymous No. 974954

see? I never stood a chance to begin with