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๐Ÿงต Tulpamancy in Blender

Anonymous No. 975950

This thread is for the discussion of tulpamancy using 3d as a form of Concentration. My theory is that concentrating on the shape using 3d modelling software can help in the creation, I'm new in this and I want to experiment with Blender and the creation of tulpas in Blender

Anonymous No. 975951

Day 1
Yesterday I installed blender, and spent all night trying to make something human form, I tried to concentrate on making a Tulpa while I made the sculpture, I definitely need more experience in blender, because I loose concentration when I try to remember all those shortcuts.

Day 2
Today it was much better, I can start sculpting more and my human form is getting better, I even got a name for my Tulpa, Vaikany.
I just type random letters on the keyboard when I was saving the file and they form that name, which is completely strange because it sounds like a name and not gibberish like it should. Maybe it's a coincidence.

Anonymous No. 975952

do they know what that means here?

Anonymous No. 975953

I have read another Anon here Creating a Tulpa by coincidence using 3d so I believe some anons do know

Anonymous No. 975962

Why the fuck is /3/ populated entirely by schizos these days?
At least learn to fucking sculpt before you try some arcane ritual to will your schizo waifu into cyber-reality. No matter how much you want it, you still need the skills to bring the sculpt into being.
You'd have better luck just genning a tulpa waifu in SD, or just using DAZ like all the other schizos.

Hopefully this obsession proves fruitful and you learn to enjoy 3d for what it is (and more power to ya if it does), with the retarded tulpa shit as just an entry point.

Anonymous No. 975971

cool story bro

Anonymous No. 975980

jesus fucking christ

Anonymous No. 975983

I have no idea what Tulpa is but is this >>969395

Anonymous No. 975984

Ok... I'm aware of what 'tulpamancers' are and what they attempt to achieve but how in the name of fuck would that work in blender?
That you can create some mental construct that becomes your imaginary friend++ in your head does at least on the surface level sound possible
as the brain is capable of providing strong hallucinations as most of us have experienced in convincing dreams, using certain drugs or whatnot.
Now I personally don't believe anyone claiming to have succeeded at such a task are telling us the truth but bullshitting you
but it's not 100% ruled out as a possibility that's in stark violation of known physics/neuroscience etc.

But now you're trying to do this within a machine ,expecting your tulpa to come alive on the digital screen because you will it so during construction?
Not judging but are you absolutely wallpaper in the ceiling batshit insane Op?

If you see a mesh construct come to life inside of the computer that would be some actual black magic with your mental processes affecting physics inside the computer anon.
Not even Alister Crowly armed with a whole pharmacy of magic powders could model that hard Op.

Anonymous No. 975985

Tulpas are these things originally from Tibetian mysticism where monks meditate for endless sessions until these 'beings that live inside their own minds' comes to them, probably bestowing them with wisdom or some shit.

In the 21st century Archweebs learnt about this practice and appropriated in a desperate attempt to hallucinate waifus that would fuck them.

Anonymous No. 975989

...and I thought this board couldn't get any worse. Gotta have that unique 4chan twist I guess.

Anonymous No. 975992

I'm starting to use blender because I want to experiment with concentration, specifically form, I have a theory about form and shape concentration that may help.
I also enjoy sculpting because I used to do it all the time, but never on a 3d software.
Nothing sexual with the Tulpa I'm trying to create anon. It's a whise 70 yo woman
Schizo power activated
Day 3
I am getting better with shortcuts now, knowing how blender work is the first step and she is taking shape much quicker now
I hope that I can start showing the advances next week.
Getting in a trance while I shape the 3d model is working I think, I saw the model moving her mouth a little bit, I don't know if Im allucinating because i have not sleep well in 3days.
I will keep writing everything that happens.

Anonymous No. 975994

>It's a whise 70 yo woman
A wise 70 year old woman with smooth facial features anime jaw-line and infant like nipple-sucky looking lips? Because that what's depicted in your Op, Op.

Anonymous No. 976002

that's not my 3d model, I just posted a cool sculpture that I found researching 3d modelling/sculpting

Anonymous No. 976019

I suppose chris is not the only mentally retarded individual on this board now

Anonymous No. 976022

I know, because you are here, please go away you mentally retarded cunt, let adults talk

Anonymous No. 976025

>but how in the name of fuck would that work in blender?
Are you implying that it would work in Maya?
What are you doing to make it better? Nothing, just complaining
Gtfo filthy A-logger

Anonymous No. 976030

it's like none of you have spent time in /x/

Anonymous No. 976043

Anon, you must be so fun at parties, Also who is Cris?

I certainly do

Day 3 (part 2)
I took a nap, now I am more lucid, I open my 3d file and its corrupt, I guess I made a mistake. I'm glad that blender has an auto save function, My tulpa s face looks better than I remember, It looks like a 40 yo woman now, I don't even remember making her that age, Im not as concentrated as I tough...

Anonymous No. 976047

Maybe she doesn't want to be that old?

Anonymous No. 976067

>blender has an auto save function
It does but I think it's been disabled by default at some point because in typical Blender fashion it would corrupt files more often than save them.

Anonymous No. 976071


Anonymous No. 976075

You are not an adult, you believe in tulpas, you are at best autistic and most likely straight up retarded, please kill yourself, kindly

Anonymous No. 976076

get well soon

Anonymous No. 976083

I believe that programming mistakes in software written in C/C++ can be accessed through dreams. Somewhat.
Almost all C/C++ software makes accidental use of uninitialized variables sometimes. It's a well know issue and there's a lot to read about it.
I also believe that in some cases dreams can influence the latent state of FPU units in multithreaded programs running on multicore machines.
Think about it. The fact is that nobody knows how modern computers work exactly.

Anonymous No. 976124

Op here
I don't know anon, I think that you are right, I'm just a newbie to blender and 3d, but I used to be a good clay sculptor.
So I know clearly that I didn't made that face, but I also have not slept much in 3 days so I can't be sure of it's not just my mind playing tricks on me
I checked out a YouTube video and it shows automatic saves on your temporary folder, so it literally saved me from starting again

I don't know much about code but you should do the same as me and try it out, I am going to definitely read your posts

Day 3 (part 3)
I didn't try to keep pushing more older features on the sculpture, maybe because the Tulpa chose to be 30 or 40 yo, at this point I don't know if I'm just in a delirious state.
The face I sculpted and the face on my auto save file are completely different,I know that because I watched a YouTube video of how to put more geometry on the sculpture so the skin sags and folds didn't destroy my mesh.
Now the marks of age are not there, her face is younger and looks much nicer, like it was made by a better sculptor than me.
I'm going to try to sleep now, at least for a few hours.

Anonymous No. 976130

Shhh! Kids like you should shut up and let grown up talk, why don't you go to play Roblox or something?

Anonymous No. 976138

LOL what? Have you ever written C/C++ before?

Anonymous No. 976145

Yes. It's very easy to use an uninitialized variable. Something like:
void myfunc(void) { int a; printf("%d\n", a); }
It'll compile. What number will it print? Will it be the same number if you call it inside other functions?
Have you ever heard of the SPECTRE and MELTDOWN vulnerabilites that affect almost every modern CPU?

Anonymous No. 976149

tulpamancy aint real that shit is just roleplaying with yourself or just imagining really hard

Anonymous No. 976153

Defaults to 0 in most compilers I think, although it's technically not required to.
>Will it be the same number if you call it inside other functions
This is a weird question that suggests you don't really understand how c++ works desu.
If you pass that variable to other functions, yes, it will have the same value. That would also be the case even if it was initialized to a random value (which happens in debug builds to help prevent uninitialized variable bugs)

Anonymous No. 976154

>Defaults to 0 in most compilers
I'm not going to argue with you because the gods of Java may have a too strong of a grip on your soul. Just remember that the true house of C/C++ is always going to be open for you and we'll wait for your return.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 976158

I've programmed a lot more in c++ than java, haven't used java for like 10 years (to be fair it's also been a few years since I did any real work in c++)
Just tried with VS2019 and it wouldn't even compile

On this site you can try different compilers.

gcc compiled and defaulted to 0
clang compiled and gave a random value

And an older version of the vc++ compiler defaulted to 0s in release mode, but gave random values in debug builds.

Anonymous No. 976159

I don't understand why people on the internet lie so much especially when there is no reason to lie and no gain to be made.

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Anonymous No. 976175

>The fact is that nobody knows how modern computers work exactly.
Fucking what? If people didn't know how they work, it wouldn't be possible to make them, let alone improve them.
This isn't fucking eXistenZ where tech is all meat computers that operate on some vague biologic principles.

Anonymous No. 976182

Op here
Day 4

I didn't sleep much, I had this weird dream about my Tulpa, she keep telling me something but I couldn't hear what it was, but in my dream she has that 30 years old face, long redhead wavy hair and light brown eyes, that face looks familiar to me.
Since I didn't get to sleep well I kept sculpting, really focusing on the shapes, the muscles, and I also sculpted some placeholder eyebrows, eyelashes. Soon I will post an screenshot of my Tulpa. What I noticed when I was sculpting is that she has this little scar on her cheek, just like my friends mom had, I remember that because I used to stare at her face for so long when I was a child. I didn't put that scar there, I am definitely sure of that, I wouldn't since I try to forget about that accident.
I'm rambling at this point.
Going back to blender Anons, I'm going to work more on my Tulpa.

Anonymous No. 976187

It wasn't my fucking fault, I was just a little kid

Anonymous No. 976188

No, it wasn't, why you keep saying that?

Anonymous No. 976190

I got sick that day, it wasn't my fault, how I should supposed to know

Anonymous No. 976196

Who I was answering to?

Day 4 (part 2)

Is there any bug with blender sculpture?
I tried to smooth out that scar, but every time keeps repairing, there is some bug with the mesh? Somebody who knows blender can help me with that?

Anonymous No. 976197

It wasn't my fault, get out of my brain

Anonymous No. 976198

I just want to forget, let me forget, I can hear the noises of the cars every night

Anonymous No. 976199

Maybe it was my fault that I got sick, I didn't wanted to eat so many candies that night, I just was happy to get so many candies.

Anonymous No. 976202

Too bad we can't go back and check what that 140K post was all about. Would prob turn out our new tulpamancer schizo is talking to something super on topic.

>Imagine it to be something like:
>How do I make realistic looking glue that's become stuck on characters skin for all of my carpentry animationz?

Anonymous No. 976241

This is not funny at all

Day 4 (part 3)
The scar won't go away no matter what I do, and her face is so similar to her now, even if I try to change it it's always her face, why it has to be her?
I tried to forget since I was a child.
Why her?
This is not fun anymore, I just wanted to make a Tulpa to get more wisdom.
I'm going to try to delete the files and start over.

Anonymous No. 976242

No, I would not going to sculpt your face

Anonymous No. 976243

Why don't you let me forget?

Anonymous No. 976244

Maybe you are right, its me that doesn't want to forget, It was my fault that I got sick

Anonymous No. 976256

I think if you sincerely put youre all into 3d modelling a tulpa you will become so enwrapped by details like curvature and strucure as to forget the personality and character completely. It's how I feel after modelling a character for a long time. It was only itself when I first loaded the image planes. It becomes merely a building I am constructing longer before we're done blocking it out.

Anonymous No. 976278

anon I think you should probably take a break from modeling, sit down, and clear your head for a day or two. I don't want to alarm you but it seems like you may have lost a bit of control over your thoughtform. Go spend a day with friends or family and do something very engaging if you can. Ask if you can crash with them for a night if possible. Otherwise play some very high-focus vidya and get some music going in the background, loudly. Sing along. Do something to fill up your head, otherwise something else will until your cup runneth over. Starve the beast, quickly.

Anonymous No. 976290

I was trying to focus on details that give her characteristics of personality while I was sculpting but I totally failed, I keep sculpting this woman from my past, even I don't remember doing it, all my files are the same girl, I even started again and I kept getting to the same face
I think you are right, I feel like I'm not choosing her form, it's always the same woman from my past

Day 5
I don't know what the fuck is going on, I deleted all my files and started again, and she still looks the same, I couldn't sleep last night, I kept trying to make her look different, but she keeps looking exactly like my mom's friend when I was a kid, even her scar is in the same place, I feel like I'm becoming insane.
Why is her and who is the person I keep answering?
Is this me? I don't remember writing that.
I guess the other anon is right I should stop for a day.

Anonymous No. 976297

Day 5 (part 2)
I'm scared to post the sculpture here, because if I see her face outside my pc that means it's real, and it's not just my mind playing tricks.
I can't stop thinking about it, is my Tulpa trying to become her?
It was not my fault, I was just a little kid, I ate so many candies that night and I got sick, is she looking to punish me?

I'm going to a friend's house today to play some Vidya, I need to get this shit out of my mind.

Anonymous No. 976311

I'm already real.

Anonymous No. 976314

You should delete all the files and take a break. Treat it like a bad dream and do something else.

Anonymous No. 976399

I made a tulpa in 2014 on /mlp/, didn't need blender

Anonymous No. 976426

As retarded as this topic is, it got me interested but so far anon has not even posted any pics so I'll just assume that this is just some schizo rp.

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Anonymous No. 976571

Op here
Day 7
I started again with the tulpa sculpture, and i took the advice of one of the Anons posting on the thread so I took a day to clear my mind, I went to a friends house to play video games.
Last night i could not stop thinking about my moms friend and what happened when i was a kid, I even dream about it and it was so vivid, I can still hear the cars crashing and the smell.
Fucking shit, I'm going crazy

Maybe the reason that she looks so familiar to the sculpture is because she is trying to get revenge because i got sick when i was a kid

Im scared to post the sculpture (This is my second try) because i deleted the first one, she still keeps looking exactly like her even the scar, I try to erase the scar so many times, but no matter what i make she always looks the same.
I'm posting the sculpture here because I want to have some proof that I'm not just going insane.

I already deleted the files and it didn't work

Anonymous No. 976573

I was there too, the smell was so strong and the flames.
Are you here to get revenge?
I was a stupid kid
I'm still a stupid kid
I wish I was the one and not you

Anonymous No. 976574

I can not see Alon's face without wanting to cry
the cars and the fire are in my mind every day
I just wanted a tulpa that could give me advice how to deal with this, but I got you.

Anonymous No. 976575

Alon is ok, he is a strong man, he was even when you were here, he didnt even cry, he wanted to look strong for his sisters.

Anonymous No. 976581

Alma and Rosamie are ok too.
Rosamie got married 2 years ago and had a beautiful baby girl.
Alma still sings

Anonymous No. 976583

She looks like you, that's why I don't visit Alma so often. not because I don't want to, because the memories.

Anonymous No. 976606

Op here,
Day7 (part 2)
I don't know who I'm talking to, it's clearly me the one answering to the missing post.
I'm the only one kere to know those names. I'm going to call Alma tomorrow.

I kept sculpting my Tulpa, but today I feel better, I don't tremble when I see her face anymore.
As the other anon say to me, maybe my Tulpa chose to be her, maybe I need that trauma to be over.

Anonymous No. 976607

Op here
Day 7 (part 3)
It's weird to call my Tulpa Vaikany and not my friend's mom real name, but every time I change the filename, the file keeps crashing.
So I will call her Vaikany from now.

Anonymous No. 978656

slow board means not enough good posters to drown out attentiion-seeking schizofags

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ sage No. 979035
