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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 977313

/wip/ - Works In Progress - Impostor Collage Anon Edition

Hey degenerates OP here, I made this here collage to honor the OG. All hail collage-kun, he's the best of us.
Anyway post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>972982

List of free resources: (embed)
/3/ Discord:

Anonymous No. 977315

Good work as always
I love you /3/

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boar boys.png

Anonymous No. 977321

I did a boar guy some time ago. Didn't like it, so I redid it

Anonymous No. 977327

Soulful collage.

Anonymous No. 977347

I'm honored anon, thanks for picking up the torch. Looks great.
If you want, I've got the PSD file I used to make mine. Dunno if it'll help, but I figured it's the least I could do.

It's got everything separated out into layers (like the fences, ferns, rocks, etc.) to make it easier to put things around the scene and behind stuff. I had also extended the sky bit so I had a bit more room to work with.
All the layers are locked to keep myself from selecting and moving them when I would put stuff into them, and I'd mostly just plop the layers with stuff on them in between them. There's also a smart layer with the "env board" that I'd put environmental renders and stuff on and use perspective warp to place it in the scene, but I like how you've put some of them into it.
Also a quick tip if you didn't know (and decide to continue), is to get real comfy with the "subject" select. That carried me for about 80% of things, last 20% was the magic want/quick select tool, and painting out by hand if neither worked.

But yeah, great job. Proud of u.

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Anonymous No. 977405

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Anonymous No. 977408

I added a little bounce because I'm too retarded to know how to slow it down.
I thought there was a little bit of slow down and bounce in the video too, but like you I thought I might just have been imagining it. It's not the best quality and it cuts pretty quick so it's probably difficult to tell for sure. I don't think your average person would look into it that much though, or that's my reasoning anyway kek.

Appreciate those clips and that webm helps too. Like I said to the other anon I did add a little bounce because that's about the limit of my knowledge with animation, but I'm not sure how noticeable it is.
I added some other shit too because I'm an idiot and just make more problems for myself, but I don't know how else to learn.
I think if I can find a way to stop the particles clipping the way they do I might be getting somewhere.
Shitty lighting aside this is an improvement right? R-right?

Anonymous No. 977437


Anonymous No. 977450

I like this, but there is no secondary movement (jiggle, dynamics, etc)

Anonymous No. 977451

That could be improved a lot if you gave her REALLY huge saggy and floppy tits that squirt milk everywhere. Like if they sagged down to her knees and were shaped like footballs and were partially unaffected by gravity. That's not even like a sexual thing, I just think that would add a lot of aesthetic value probably maybe.

Anonymous No. 977462

I think her head would tilt down considerably at the lowest point. Even if she was trying to look up while jumping.

Anonymous No. 977464

whats the best go to effect for milk spraying? what's going to look the most like a thin liquid squirting? metaballs look too gooey. Even if you turn up the right setting it still will always look like a thin goo. Milk is thin like water. It mists.

Anonymous No. 977469

i can't believe I made it in the collage. legendary thread.

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 977484

I'm working on this character. I'm up to the hands now and once I tweak them I will subdivide the model and work on finer details.

Something related to that. I followed a tutorial to make the hands and in it he shades smooth the model(but I did not because I want to still be able to see the topography of my model). What is the point of shade smooth? Is it just to make it look better while you are working on it?

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Anonymous No. 977523

This has SOVL
Anyway am I GMI

Anonymous No. 977537

>What is the point of shade smooth?
It directly modifies the vertex normals of the model. Technically there are as many real vertices per logical vertex as there are triangles connected to it, so a logical vertex can have one normal per face corner. When an object is shaded flat, all vertex normals point to the direction orthogonal to the real vertice's face corner's face's tangent, and when an object is shaded smooth all the normals of a logical vertex are averaged together so that they point in the same direction.
You can view normals if you turn on their overlay rendering from the edit mode's overlay options.

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Anonymous No. 977551

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Anonymous No. 977661

topology exercise

Anonymous No. 977697

maybe one more loop around the eyes and bridge of the nose like a "bandit's mask"

Anonymous No. 977703

Nice retopology, eyes definitely need more edge loops to be usable

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cow girl.png

Anonymous No. 977717

Cow grill.

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Anonymous No. 977721

>first attempt poly modeling a face
>first attempt at anime shit
how bad is it lads? I dread the moment I have to do the mouth and nose.

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Anonymous No. 977736

Basically I'm being a retard and decided to use blender as a way to generate prerendered backgrounds for my dungeon crawler game to make it sort of fake 3D like dem good ol gams

Issue is that I have to basically hide all objects that are not relevant to the specific wall I want, and I gotta do this for every single wall individually along with the corresponding pillar. the pain of all of this is having to manually give properties to each COLLECTION OF WALLS AND PILLARS
so I can pair them with the corresponding pillar since there are walls that share pillars but no wall has it's own personal pillar. Rn I've got 32 collections of walls, each with 2 custom properties of each pillar that is connected to, of which are 18 total with 1 custom attribute...

Why does tedious work make the human being want to kill itself?

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Bill Dings.webm

Anonymous No. 977745

Been working on some buildings for an animation (and general purpose use in the future).
I'm planning on having 3 different sizes based on their footprint, small/med/large. Webm is currently the medium sized ones. I'm trying to aim for something cyberpunky, but still somewhat generic enough to reuse for projects that aren't that theme. The medium buildings are gonna be the more generic ones, with the large sized ones being more heavily influenced.

I mention in another thread how I was gonna use them with random bases and tops to make random buildings, but I kinda decided against that now, since the whole building would have to be pretty generic to fit all the different parts.
That being said, I'm considering maybe doing a few variations of tops/bottoms for each building that'll just fit THAT building, which should hopefully bring back a little bit of randomness.
Hopefully the combination of random materials/colors, random heights, random advertisments/logos, randomly placed access ways/bridges, and random tops/bottoms should make it seem like the same buildings aren't copy pasted a hundred times to make up a city.

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Anonymous No. 977770

She's taking quite a bit more time to make than I expected. I guess I failed to make the model lowpoly again, all those topology details are so tempting. If I proceed with the game I'm planning, just 3d assets will take several months.

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Anonymous No. 977776


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Anonymous No. 977780

Anonymous No. 977782

They all kinda look the same

Anonymous No. 977787

god damn you are progressing so quickly. Are you AI assisted?

Anonymous No. 977788

the nazi headquarters reported, that, seeing the reflection of the swastikas on the can is a must

Anonymous No. 977789

impressive, very nice

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Anonymous No. 977792

Thanks. They still got a good bit of work to go, but I'm trying to not spend a shitload of time on each.
Now let's see Paul Allen's buildings.

Anonymous No. 977797


Anonymous No. 977804

No thank YOU bro, your collages gave these threads that spice that no other creative hobby board seems to have. Cramming other artists' works into one collage? Brilliant, how did no one else think of that.
Thanks for the tip on the Subject Select, unfortunately though I'm using Photoshop Elements 10, which doesn't have that feature.
I might make more collages, but it's more likely I won't. After all, scarcity makes something more sought after, no? People won't give it for granted and will appreciate it more when the occasional collage does pop up, a treat rather than a common good. That's my view anyway, someone else might disagree and make a collage for the next thread, who knows

Nice buildings. You're using simple Materials, without image textures right? Which makes sense, people wouldn't be able to make out smaller details such as cracks on building surfaces since they'd be so far away anyway. That's very interesting, I intend to make buildings too. Good building designs, good proportions

Don't worry about going higher on the polys, modern hardware can handle a few extra faces, the most important thing is that you do have the "optimization mentality" so you'll keep the polycount low in general, if a few assets go a bit higher it's no big deal.
Also as a wannabe gamedev myself I highly recommend teaming up with a coder / engine expert, making art is already enough time and energy consuming, in my brief experience handling code on top of everything else is just pure overload. Art AND code fags are truly gods among men

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Anonymous No. 977826

>You're using simple Materials, without image textures right?
Nah I'll be using materials and stuff, just hadn't gotten to those just yet.
Small details obviously won't show up on the scale of a building, but you can pretty easily get some color variation and stuff in there and some macro details.
I'll just have a few different generic material slots that are shared for every building. One for the main body, 1 or 2 for an "accessory" color, one for windows, one for lights/neon, and another for elevators (seen in >>977798 ). There might be a few other slots on select buildings, though.
I'm sort of taking a page out of the "Ultimate trim" workflow used in Sunset Overdrive, where the textures are all laid out the same way and they can be easily swapped to make different variations (pic related). I won't actually be using trimsheets right now, since this is part of a project with a deadline and I don't have the time to make a bunch of those, but I'll probably set something like that up in the future for this set.

>Good building designs, good proportions
I kinda just loosely based them off of buildings in CP2077. I just no-clipped flied around and took screenshots of interesting buildings. They're not exact replicas, but having images on hand of buildings and different floor layouts is pretty handy to not get a creative block when trying to come up with shit. As for proportions, it helps to have a good baseline of how tall buildings are IRL, so I have a few models of those in the project to compare with. I also kept floor height between 14-20feet. Keeping things consistient is a good way to make the scale seem realistic I think.

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Character Render ....png

Anonymous No. 977829

I'm not happy with the hair or the eyes, but that requires complicated texturing and materials to fix and I don't have the energy to work on that now. I think I'll try to animate the character and come back to those things later.

Anonymous No. 977842

I still don't really even know many basic things but I'm trying to learn lol

No AI used in this. Or what do you mean by assisted?

Anonymous No. 977846

You might also want to redo the hips. It kind of looks like her femur has completely detached from the hip bone and been pulled a good 20 cm away from it.

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Anonymous No. 977887

easier than sculpting though, im dogshit at that

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Anonymous No. 977932

it looks off. does it look off? why does it look off? the arm openings are definitely too small i think. are they? idk what I'm doing.

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Anonymous No. 977946

it looks off because anime girls look like freakish aliens without hair
Plus you've got the camera super close to her face makign a weird effect
plus it's default gray shading. you'll need a special shader and lighting to make this mesh look right.
You're just "flying blind" using your imagination until you get to the stage you can do that stuff. Just how it is.

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Anonymous No. 977950

Been working on "converting" an F40 into a "flying" model to go with the scene with the buildings.
Here's a little turnaround.
It's early stages, and I'm not too crazy about how the "jet tires" are looking. I wanted them to kinda look like bulky and boxy bolt-on components, but they're not really looking quite there yet. Granted it's an early stage for them and I'm not finished modelling them. I plan on adding a bunch of wires, tubes and other shit to it, so maybe that'll make it look more cohesive. Willing to hear any ideas or suggestions for the jet tires if you got any.
I had fun turning the rear spoiler into a lifting wing with ailerons though. Not that it'd realistically do any lifting, probably would work alright for stabilizing though.

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Anonymous No. 977957

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boar guy clothes.png

Anonymous No. 977994

Gave mah boar nigga some clothes. I also fully rigged him. Weight painting is too complicated for my little peabrain to understand, it always takes me ages to do simple shit like rigging my characters' jaw and neck. Oof.

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Anonymous No. 977996

Und das heißt Erika.

Anonymous No. 977997

Outrageously based

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Anonymous No. 978000

I hate this

Anonymous No. 978002

I hate it but it's very good

Anonymous No. 978009

Snow ain't bad 2bh, weirdly good.

Anonymous No. 978012

Ladies and gentlemen, /pol/'s new mascotte, Lolika

Anonymous No. 978014

the subtle arbeit macht frei is a nice touch kek
you're still a degenerate though :)

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Anonymous No. 978016

yeah you're right wtf that looks way better.
>flying blind
that annoys me but I guess i just gotta deal with it. have only done inanimate objects up until now so I guess having a definitive idea of what something should/would look like was something I took for granted a bit. but i guess i'm not challenging and improving myself if I'm not uncomfortable in some way along the way

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Anonymous No. 978017

lmao didn't expect my big shrimp animal to be on there! Anyway, good morning. I am modelling this train a bit.

Anonymous No. 978018

uuoohh very erotic however I just don't like these sort of faces. Kind of uncanny.

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Anonymous No. 978022

After 20 hours of tutorials i finally spent 1 hour making the least creative thing possible.

Anonymous No. 978035

character design wise: her ears are set too high.

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Anonymous No. 978048


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Anonymous No. 978051

i could be your father because i had lots of intercourse with your mom

Anonymous No. 978052

learn anatomy

Anonymous No. 978056


not based

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Anonymous No. 978065

Anonymous No. 978067

make an inflatable cock

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Anonymous No. 978068

i gave a little more of your mom into it

Anonymous No. 978069


Too fat, I like my sluts slim

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boar nigga textur....png

Anonymous No. 978079

Doing some tex work

I didn't want to ask when I first saw your WIP because I didn't want to make it seem like I was accusing you of plagiarism or shit like that, but turns out your work really was a fanart of Jak & Daxter. With some artistic liberties it seems? The hairstyle is different, more reminiscent of Ashlin's instead of Kira's. What's this model for mah nig? You aren't making porn of her are you? Not that I'd diss you for it. Regardless, good work so far, J&D is one of my favourite series, Jak 2 is the GOAT (you're talking to a different anon btw than the one you answered to)

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Anonymous No. 978110

I have a tendancy to make very blocky hands with really thick fingers that look weird on girl characters. So I've gone very far out of my way to make the fingers slim.

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Anonymous No. 978115

it's gotten worse?

Anonymous No. 978116

this seems like a cool nigga. whats his story

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Anonymous No. 978117

Titty topo's terribly touchy.
I like to have an extra edgeloop between the breasts on each side. It comes in handy for the crotch and buttocks too.

Anonymous No. 978118

He's a crude dude with a rude tude who doesn't follow the rules except his personal code which he threw away that day they betrayed him and now he has to find out what it takes to go all the way.

Anonymous No. 978119

your advice is sound and also made me notice the blatant fucking ngons around her tummy. why am i a retard. thanks anon

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Anonymous No. 978121

I managed to rig retopo and rig a goblin girl.

I'm learning.

Anyone have any resources on curve hair? I want to try that next.

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Anonymous No. 978126


Anonymous No. 978127

fun ideas, the goal is to make a "kit" for 3d printing so I'll need to do probably 10 or so different hair styles

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Anonymous No. 978143

Some more work on the buildings, they're coming along nicely. I think all up I've got about 15 buildings in the "medium" category, which isn't too bad. That group will comprise most of the "filler" of the city, so I wanna make sure there's quite a few. The small category will probably have a similar amount to encompass the more street height buildings, but the large category will probably only have a handful since they're pretty much going to be "weenies" (special architecture meant to grab attention).

I'm starting to figure out how I want to lay out materials as well. Currently, I have a bunch of material slots for different color stuff like accents and neon colors. With the buildings being able to decide whether or not to turn the neon on, and what color to use, and the accents just choosing random colors. I think I'll set up a little atlas instead to have those built into the main building texture instead, so that when the neon isn't chosen for a building it defaults to the regular building material, and the same for the accent color.
This also means I can just use UVs to assign dedicated areas for accents and neon, that like I said before, will just be the regular material if the building doesn't use them.

I haven't started on the tops/bottoms yet, but I've also laid out my plans for those as well.
I think for each building, I'll have 3-4 different top shapes, and in those shapes I'll have different modules to kinda slot into the roof. So for example, you could have a roof module that's like AC units and stuff, another that adds a little park on top of the building, a penthouse, and then maybe a spire or whatever where it comes to a point with a big ass antenna.
That ought to add a fuckload of variety.

But yeah. Pic related is where I'm at currently.
I had a go at using the "Random Per Island" option to give the windows random values/colors, but for some reason it's not working on a few buildings. No clue why it works on some and not others.

Anonymous No. 978145

Chiming in to say that I fixed the issue with the "random per island" thing not working for some buildings.
To me, "per island" means "UV island", however that's not the case. It's "mesh island" whatever the fuck that is. They're all contiguous meshes.
Long story short, the ones that did work had auto-smooth on, while the ones that didn't work, didn't. I guess something about auto-smooth fucking with the normals separates them into mesh islands? I've got no fucking clue. Anyway, it's working now.

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Anonymous No. 978154

Thanks man, he's supposed to be a generic enemy NPC for my wannabe game, but I kinda like how he turned out and am lowkey thinking of making him an unique with backstory and everything.
My main character on the other hand, Monroe, does have a vague backstory that will be revealed as the game progresses. He has no memories of his past, as he was rendered partially amnesiac after he was captured and brutally beaten by a gang of raiders. Though his memories have left him, his instincts have not, awoken within the bowels of the grimy metro station his captors call their home he has only one goal: make his way out.

I know the amnesia trope is often found in media, but I think it's a very nice plot device as it gives a character a sense of mystery, plus the audience discovers the character at the same time as himself which I find to be a cool way to involve the viewer

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Anonymous No. 978174

Made another little thing

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abstract space.jpg

Anonymous No. 978195

Higher resolution of the same thing, looks more interesting now with more particles.

Anonymous No. 978209

This Houdini I'm guessing? Crazy how everyone here recommends it, but after years I've yet to actually see anyone use it and post anything.

Anonymous No. 978212

nah, looks like geometry nodes

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Anonymous No. 978230

tired, will finish hand tomorrow

the more i do this style of modeling the more i like it. I hear maya is also really good at this sort of thing, is that true? Might want to give it a whirl.

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Accent Colors.webm

Anonymous No. 978243

So I've begun working on the general building material so that each building only really needs a material for the windows, elevators, and main body. The main body material handling the accent colors and neon.
I've got a few vertex color channels that handle where the accents go, whether it's color A or color B, and the same for the neon.

After that, I've made a texture with a rainbow spectrum, and offset the UVs of the accent/neons horizontally to give them random colors. For color A anyway.
For color B, it's the same thing, but I have it choose between a few different spectrum textures than the base one, but the textures themselves are offset compared to the base texture to give a spectrum that makes complementary colors, analogous colors, and triadic colors.
So since all of the UVs are in the same place for color A and B, and are offset by the same amount, because I'm just swapping the spectrum textures for color B, the colors will always match in a pleasing way. The saturation and brightness of those are also randomized, and finally the "decision" to use the colors, use the neons, or both is also randomized (though I've turned the probability it uses them up for the webm).
I won't have the probability too high for the accent colors in the final, since I don't want a gay pride city, but in the case that a building does roll accents, they won't be random color vomit and instead look like it's an intended color scheme.

Also, slight bonus, I found an interior mapping material for the window that actually works without any issues. It's called "wParallax" if someone's interested. The material is free, but the textures aren't. It comes with a few examples though.

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Anonymous No. 978244

Here's the spectrum textures just in case none of that made sense. Each strip is its own texture. UVs are scaled to 0 and just placed at the left most edge. Then I randomly offset them horizontally to pick a color. Color A just picks from the top band, while color B picks from one of the bottom 3 bands randomly. Since the UVs for color A and B are in the same spot and offset by the same amount, you get colors that go together no matter what.
Hopefully that makes a bit more sense than before.

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Anonymous No. 978286

Trying out a growth thing.

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Anonymous No. 978287


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Anonymous No. 978295

good enough for me. footy next.

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Anonymous No. 978337

todays render

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Anonymous No. 978362

made another one with the same technique

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Anonymous No. 978364


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Anonymous No. 978365

Friend told me to paint it like a sea shell. I'm not sure how to go about it.

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Anonymous No. 978366


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no mistakes only ....png

Anonymous No. 978379

I tried to modify the bones for the abs to help with the thighs, but they became bones for pregnancy instead.

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Anonymous No. 978414

wrote a point cloud filter algorithm. It is like 30% faster and gives better results than the standard one in Houdini.

Anonymous No. 978416

fukken megamind, teach me you're secrets

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Anonymous No. 978420

Working on this post-apocalyptic weapon thing

the chair nerd No. 978430

I love the design * chef's kiss

Anonymous No. 978445

gorka morka

Anonymous No. 978448

Crits when it hits the funnybone or shins.

Anonymous No. 978453

Did you refer to any papers when working on it?

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Anonymous No. 978454

Resculpting an old face

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Anonymous No. 978455

hair is a placeholder just so I could see the face objectively.

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Anonymous No. 978457

last second touch ups. Now I've remeshed it and I'm gonna sculpt it the same way again to get the details back

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Anonymous No. 978458

I just compared it to an older version of the sculpt and now im not so sure which is better

Anonymous No. 978459

New one is definitely better. Keep going fren

Anonymous No. 978463

You mean the one with the smaller mouth, the newer one, is better?

Anonymous No. 978464

The first one it's more like a bimbo, the second one looks more like a normal girl, depends what you are going for both are good

Anonymous No. 978465

this will be a customizeable character. So The base mesh should be nominal, but of course I want her to be beautiful.

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Anonymous No. 978467

aight done with the base body more or less, just need to join the head. definitely could use a lot more refining but i feel like it's not completely terrible for my first attempt. mostly curious how I could improve the underboob and ass topology because those seem to be especially garbo. really liked this method and was significantly easier than my prior sculpting attempts kek. still want to gitgud at that though but idk where to even start. shit is pretty daunting, people who can just throw out a head like it's nothing is just crazy to me

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Anonymous No. 978481

Anonymous No. 978484

Second option then, she has more an attractive face, I love big lips, but those look a little bit fake.

Anonymous No. 978487

>When you ask the clown to make you a balloon waifu instead of a dog

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Anonymous No. 978489

ive always liked this frame, decided to recreate it in blender. will add the smoke/fog later. now i sleep

Anonymous No. 978528

This looks like what a meth addict would craft in his basement. Which is cool

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Anonymous No. 978540

finally done :)

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Anonymous No. 978550

This is a shot in the dark because I have hunch that there's no solution, but I'm making this character with a somewhat tight fitting metal vest here, and I've no idea how to rig it. Particularly around the abdomen area. I mean it logically shouldn't really be deforming, but I can't make it not clip if I don't make it like cloth, can I? So do I just skin it like normal clothing and simply avoid touching the abdomen when animating? I can't really make it less tight fitting either because it'd be off reference.

Anonymous No. 978551

it makes no sense to have a metal vest and the legs and arms and head unarmored

Anonymous No. 978552

I guess, but I didn't make the character. It's Shanoa from Castlevania OOE. She's a witch thingie and can momentarily conjure all sorts of weaponry and shields at will, so lore wise I guess she'd compensate for it using magic. If it makes you feel any better you do equip helmets and stuff ingame, not that it reflects on the sprite.

Anonymous No. 978554

What's exactly the problem? If the breastplate is not supposed to deform, just give it its own bone. If the body or clothes clip through the breastplate, either mask them away, deform them accordingly, or adjust the position of the breastplate.

Anonymous No. 978555

is this achievable natty?

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Anonymous No. 978556

It's the body clipping through it. I'm making this as an MMD model so I want it to be compatible with pre-existing animations in that software. I can't really mask anything away because it looks like this from the back/side. I can't move the plate because it'd be off reference. I can't even rely on not bending the back because most animations have that. I guess treating it like cloth is the only option.

Anonymous No. 978557

Think synthol, orange polycoat and braindamage is the only way you can ever obtain such a physique.
You're technically not on any performance enhancers tho so if that's natty or not u decide.

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Anonymous No. 978558

How many scoops?

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Anonymous No. 978561

starting hair
when I get to fixing the shading, do I have to fuck with the normals on the entire body or just the face?

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Anonymous No. 978566

Arts and crafts.

Anonymous No. 978574

The problem is the character will move weird and look silly if the whole breastplate is bound to a single bone as it logically should.
The options are to either just bind the armor mesh how would would skin and except it's weird in exchange for better looking movements. Or you design the armor to be more flexible in the first places. Overlapping plates that can each be bound to different bones so they still move like rigid metal, but the character can bend over and turn at the waist without looking like a Cardassian.

Anonymous No. 978589

lol silly Unalola

Anonymous No. 978590

A recently completed character, based on one of my players characters in my dnd campaign. His name is Dante, he's a tiefling bard.

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Anonymous No. 978591

Fucked around with Captcha so much I forgot to post inage

Anonymous No. 978604

Please fix the line pattern on the pants, looks cool otherwise

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Anonymous No. 978631

allah bless toon shaders for hiding the terrifyingly bad topology on this top

Anonymous No. 978634

The side of her torso looks disgusting.

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Anonymous No. 978635

But it actually does, you know-it-all

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castle crashers.png

Anonymous No. 978636

I am trying to model the castle crashers knights. I only have the head - which is the easiest part - for now.

Anonymous No. 978637

It sort of does, except for the head. Knights started to wear armor that was more durable, but it also made them too heavy and cumbersome. Ironically they couldn't defend themselves, became sitting ducks, and got slaughtered.
If you look at modern armor the military use you'll see that only the head and torso are really protected. The arms and legs can move freely because you don't want to be in a situation you can't flee from if fighting back is a no win situation or for you to be struggling to aim your weapon or whatever if fighting back is an option.
H*ck, even animals are sort of similar. During certain cataclysms the animals that survived were the smaller and more nimble ones who could quickly get to safety while those big iguanas got fucked.

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Anonymous No. 978653

Modeling a human head for the first time (at least seriously).
Reference is Angelina Jolie, though it's not strictly meant to be her.
I feel like my eye lids/sockets are fucked in some way, but I'm not sure what to do about it.

Anonymous No. 978660

Find out the specs of the camera, calculate fhe fov, then match it with your view fov

Anonymous No. 978663

Seconding this anon >>978660 , your viewpoint has some distortion (the perspective is skewed due to your FOV being too high) that will throw off your perception and therefore the proportions of your character
Decrease your viewpoint's FOV anon kun

Anonymous No. 978667

I'm going to join in with these anons >>978660
>>978663. I had a really handy pic, but I can't find it. It was basically just the same pic over and over again of this women's face, same distance, angle etc, but taken at different focal lengths to show how much of a difference focal length makes. Told you the focal length too which made it extra handy.
Probably would have been ideal for your situation. Think I saved it from /ic/ some years ago. I'm sure you can find it on the googles though.

Anonymous No. 978675

Nice hand

Anonymous No. 978676

This will sound a bit retarded, but is there some trick I can do for shading on beveled edges? Flat shading looks best on the faces but on the bevels they're really noticeable. With smooth shading the beveled edges look best, but the flat faces look shit.
I get the feeling if I separated them to new objects and shaded them individually it would look even worse but I don't really know what else would work.

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Anonymous No. 978678

This kind of thing is why editing normals is often done on game assets. You tweak the goraud shading by manually setting the normal of each vertex to bend the light where you want it.

Not a retarded question as it's something important and useful that is seldomly discussed or demo'ed.

Anonymous No. 978679

Ah I see I'll see if I can find some way of doing that. Camera won't really be that close to it so it shouldn't really be a problem. Maybe even when I put the proper lighting in it won't be noticeable at all because it'll be quite a dark scene.
Yeah if I can't find a discussion or tut or anything of something I don't understand I automatically think I must be the only one who doesn't get it while it's just common sense to everyone else and I must be retarded kek.

Anonymous No. 978680

Thanks anons, I'll give it a try.

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Anonymous No. 978686

Can anyone point me in the direction of a masking for dummies kind of video? I wanted to use a mask so those symbols, like the play button, look worn away. I've seen someone do it with a simple noise texture, but I can't find the video anymore. I would prefer it to look at least a bit used.
I also know the buttons are too big, but I couldn't avoid it and I doubt anyone would really notice.

Anonymous No. 978690

Isn't this what auto smooth does?

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Anonymous No. 978696

First full sculpt in zbrush, still working on high res details.

Anonymous No. 978699

considering this was my second ever attempt at a hand, I'll take that as a big complement, thanks fren

Anonymous No. 978704

It’s honestly a pretty good hand for a second attempt

Anonymous No. 978707

i mean lets not sugarcoat things i followed a tutorial vert for vert kek

Anonymous No. 978712

Not seeing anything wrong with that as long as you learned something.

Anonymous No. 978719

i did have a "shit, you can do that?" moment on the fingernails so i guess that counts

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Anonymous No. 978747

Some cubes with Quake textures.

Anonymous No. 978767

Nah the autosmooth gives it some warbly effect on the flat faces. Like shade smooth does, but not as intense. I watched a video last night and a similar thing was mentioned by chance so I'm going to try that when I get home and see if it works.
I should say that when I said smooth shading originally I meant auto smooth. Not sure why I said smooth shading instead of being more specific.

Anonymous No. 978768

try mesh > normals > split/merge or mesh > shading > smooth/sharp whatever

Anonymous No. 978771

Thanks, but they didn't help and neither did the one in the video I watched. I think my big mistake was that I didn't do enough segments so it looks really blocky if you're up close. Far enough away I think it seems fine.

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Anonymous No. 978780

Maybe post a picture of your problem? Pic related is just a cube with bevels and smooth shading, and it looks perfectly fine to me.

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Anonymous No. 978796

weighted normals are key for low poly bevels
max has a weighted normals modifier now, you can manage hard edges using UVs too
the new chamfer modifier also lets you make weighted normals if you mess with the settings

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Anonymous No. 978824

shoes need a bit more work i think, but I doubt I'll ever include them in a shot so idk. overall not completely upset with how it turned out. better than my first attempt, worse than my next one. signed up for a 3d modeling course at the local college for the summer so I hope to maybe find some direction there instead of stumbling around blind lol

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Anonymous No. 978825

doing a portrait of my dad

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Anonymous No. 978860

Sorry for the double post

Anonymous No. 978861

my brother take this
Put these into your "required" folder in your photoshop installation folder.
What this is is a janky PS action sequence which will make passable normal maps from 2d images. It's not perfect but the normals it makes are better than no normals at all. This version is a very old version from when it was free, and since then it has become a paid software.
Run this on your old quake textures and it'll enhance them 100x.

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Anonymous No. 978862


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Anonymous No. 978863


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Anonymous No. 978864


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Anonymous No. 978870

I just imported a character from Mixamo and everything seems to work okay, but for some reason he looks like he's glossy. Like he's coated in oil or something. Is this usual? Looks the same in Eevee and Cycles. I disconnected the roughness map that comes with it, but it doesn't seem to really make any difference.
Does anyone know the best solution to this?

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Anonymous No. 978871

It looks good but because of the way Povray/Yafray work, normal maps only appear when the object is in direct sight of a light source and they also slow down the rendering time lot because the radiosity cache is normal dependent, it prefers flat surfaces.

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Anonymous No. 978873

See in the lower left corner? If I continue to build up the environment, most of it is going to be indirectly lit.

Anonymous No. 978877

Invert your roughness maps.

Anonymous No. 978879

Thanks cutie

Anonymous No. 978880

posta a pica

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dumb retard lol.png

Anonymous No. 978911

he can neither perceive nor act upon the world he lives in! what a dumbass lol

Anonymous No. 978915

No problemo bro.
I had a similar issue in the past with characters from Fuse (something that was meant to hook into Mixamo natively). It was that shit, and the hair being all kinds of fucked up with the alpha. I'm pretty sure the Mixamo characters are still essentially Fuse characters.

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Anonymous No. 978923

Nevermind my poor modeling skills and the fact that I'm working in Blender 2.49 doesn't help because booleans don't work, there is no inset tool, solidify is a python script, you name it. But still YafRay fascinates me in ways other renderers don't.

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Anonymous No. 978944

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Anonymous No. 978948

Oh hey, it's Ashe from ZXA. Pretty cool, but you really should pull the pupils (not the irises, the dots in the center of the irises) slightly towards the center of the face like in pic related so the eyes stop looking derpy.

Anonymous No. 978949

That's the first time I've downloaded anything from Mixamo so I knew I would have a problem because nothing is ever plain sailing. It does seem pretty neat that you can upload your own characters and it can rig it for you given how tedious rigging is. I'm not sure how accurate it is, but I'd imagine only a few modifications need done on the user part.
With that issue I was having it sort of reminds me of Substance. I always forget to change to OpenGL and my maps end up inverted. I assume it's a similar thing here.

Anonymous No. 978951

glad to see people recognize her! And thanks for the tip

Anonymous No. 978982

Good work Cris, you are getting better

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Anonymous No. 979067

As a non-artist I'm starting to suspect that the key to make good looking environments is just to layer clutter on top of other clutter... until it looks good.

That's not authentic Cris. >>978944
is a poser at best. Clearly not AAA workflow.

Anonymous No. 979072

>the key to make good looking environments is just to layer clutter on top of other clutter
No, that's a part of it because things grow random and are placed sometimes in random spots, but to make good environments you need spaces of visual rest and detail, also a good point of focus for the viever.
And if it is a videogame a way to show the path so you don't get lost in the clutter

Anonymous No. 979082

Bingo. Good answer.
Listen to that guy >>979067.
Environmental design is design same as anything else. Composition is key, as well as color theory, contrast, negative space and all those fundies.
Good vidya enviromental design is a pretty neat thing as well. Since you have to compose something that reads well from any angle the player can view the scene from and still guides the eye (and player) where you need them to go with via those fundies.
Or you could just be a lazy fuck and put yellow paint everywhere.
Still shots (and animations) though you can get away with a lot more since it's just like composing any other piece.

Anonymous No. 979086

I don't know of it's normal for you artists to troll each other with meaningless word salads but I can't make anything of what are you trying to tell me.

Anonymous No. 979113

Might need to broaden your vocabulary then.
I'll break it down for ya.
How something is laid out, ideally in a pleasing way. The word can also be used to describe a whole piece and the elements (that are about to be listed) used. You can think of composition as both the "big picture" that you're trying to get across, but you can also micro-manage everything in your piece into compositions themselves.
>Color Theory
How colors work together, and their relationships. To a lesser extent, "how do the colors make you FEEL?". Broadly, it's also the framework on how you can mix colors in paints. You might already know some basic color theory, like how yellow+blue make green, or simple complementary colors like how red and green works well together (if a bit Christmas-y)
>Positive & Negative Space
Positive space refers to all the shit taking up your composition that you want someone to look at (subjects, and other elements), while negative space is the empty bits. Negative space isn't a bad thing though, and it's actually pretty important to have as it gives the eye a place to rest, and keeps a composition from being too busy (aka too much shit that makes the piece just look like noise). In your image >>979067 the positive space would be the structures, while the negative would be the ground and sky.
In simple terms it's the difference between light and dark areas of your composition, but there's a bit more to it than that. Instead, contrast is more akin to the differences between two (or more) similar elements. You can have a contrast with dark/bright areas, positive/negative space, colors, subject sizes, just about anything. You can use contrast to emphasize shit you want the viewer to see as important, or to grab their eyeballs and tell them "look here, fucker".

There's some other fundamental concepts like form, line, and pattern/repetition. But this post is long enough already.
Hopefully this art lesson cleared some stuff up though.

Anonymous No. 979119

I don't know if you are trolling,
everything I and this anon >>979082 said are principles of environment art, even principles of design in general, i know that it sounds like gay millennial talk to sound pretentious, but just boils to don't put shit everywhere because it's visual noise, make your map clear to navigate for the player using visual elements.
If you really want to learn listen to this anon >>979113 that's the basic elements for a good design.
I guess that you made that render in yafray? it would be the same if I told you that developers troll eachother with meaningless words salads like Monte Carlo derived approximation and skybox illumination.

Anonymous No. 979120

I'm reading and I'm trying to understand but colors don't make me "feel" anything. It's just input data to me. But I do realize that that's a me problem.

>Monte Carlo derived approximation
That's fair because that's a word salad that just means random sampling.

Anonymous No. 979122

>but colors don't make me "feel" anything.
I said "to a lesser extent how it makes you feel". As in, that's not the most important bit, it's tertiary. You can by hyper autistic to the point of not having feelings or understanding other people, and still have a decent grasp on color theory. Fuck, color theory might just be the most autistic thing on that list. Get a good combo of colors and that shit will flip that autist endorphin switch like clicking two legos together. It's also the least subjective/artsy thing on that list as well. Good color combos are good because of numbers and math and shit.

Not to mention, in terms of that list, I'd say color theory is pretty low on the totem pole. It's important, sure, but not as important as something like composition. Unless you're Jackson Pollock or something.

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Anonymous No. 979123

I've read somewhere in some Quake level design thing that trims are important. Like, a column doesn't just depart from the floor but instead it has to have some sort of base. I don't think I've done it correctly in term of colors. I'll try to figure it out tomorrow.

I understand color theory a little bit. It's just that Quake maps tend to make their own rules which aren't easy to reverse engineer.

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Anonymous No. 979130

Tree generator from 2.79

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Anonymous No. 979134

At noon.

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Anonymous No. 979156

Working on Witch character, hands are going to be largely redone, ears will be touched up, I'm still learning how to use Blenders new hair system but I'm slowly figuring it out, I just started on her boots, and the dress hasn't recieved a detailed sculpt for wrinkles, at current point it's just using a wrap modifier to contour to the body, but topology may change.

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Anonymous No. 979157

Here's an older version of the same character/outfit, I think I've improved things.

Anonymous No. 979159

Colours and materials are all over the place, floor doesn't make sense, sorry but quake level design keeps everything that we mentioned, why don't you try 2 materials for the structure? Now it kind of looks like they didn't had enough bricks to keep making it and they had to use other materials

Anonymous No. 979162

I've assigned the materials at random because I don't want to waste much time with this project. It's not like the world needs another Quake map, you know... For the most part it's an excuse to attempt some Quake-like modeling in Blender and take YafRay out for a spin.

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Anonymous No. 979164

And although I'm surprised of how well it works overall, it's still 20 years software and there are problems. As you can see, the cube map textures preview doesn't work correctly and that prevents you to being able to align the texture details and geometry, the file selector doesn't have thumbnail preview for textures... You get the idea.

Anonymous No. 979168

>It's not like the world needs another Quake map
Quake maps are always welcome
Yes I'm aware of how old it is, used yafray and yafaray in the past also pov ray, I still use blender internal for my renders

Anonymous No. 979172

>I'm reading and I'm trying to understand but colors don't make me "feel" anything.
Also they don't need to make you feel something, it's weird that they don't because I have autism and even I can take more inference from a colour than mere an input. But even if you don't colour it's used for objects to don't blend with eachother.
>That's fair because that's a word salad that just means random sampling.
But words have meaning, even if it is just random sampling, the name Monte Carlo method means more than that, you can clearly know with the name itself from were it comes from, even works as a clever descriptor.
From Monte Carlo method i know that it's based in some casino, that employed some random method from gambling...
Same thing with colours, I can with a certain degree know that red means danger, normal shades of green means nature, extreme shades of green mean toxic, warm colours and cold colours are descriptive like Monte Carlo method

Anonymous No. 979193

acompañamiento psicologico

Anonymous No. 979195

What did you learn about the fingernails? What tutorial did you copy? I wish to learn.

Anonymous No. 979205

The mesh looks good. The only things diverting my attention are the materials, which clearly arent done yet. But that means there's nothing in the mesh jumping out at me.

Anonymous No. 979207

i just thought the method he made the cuticle area was pretty cool

Anonymous No. 979214

I just rendered it in look dev, The materials are pretty meh, I find there just isn't any good reference to determine the values materials should be.

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Anonymous No. 979215

Forgot the image

Anonymous No. 979216

you are more autistic than me anon, thanks for making my day better.

Anonymous No. 979218

Not even Arnold could save that shit. Are you even trying?

Anonymous No. 979220

The dress doesn't look good

Anonymous No. 979222

Fix those ears anon

Anonymous No. 979225

In what way though, I have yet to add wrinkles and seams, so it's missing detail, but I like it.

That's on the list, I'm redoing the hands topology right now and making the fingernails modular, ears will also be redone too.

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Anonymous No. 979226

Cloth is easy. Get a high quality normal map of a cloth weave you like and make it tile hundreds of times. Adjust specularity as you like.
Skin, in addition to being selectively bumpy and wrinkly also has hue variance that is very noticable when absent. IDK the term for it, but painting a texture with very harsh red, blue, and yellow in spots with high blood vessel, low blood vessels, and bone/fat respectively, making it an overlay to you skin texture, and set a very low transparency.
I use this as a reference but it's not very good. All I can find

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Anonymous No. 979227

Bro. colors are cheat codes for feelings.

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Sit EE.jpg

Anonymous No. 979235

Crazy how much of a difference roofs/tops make in terms of making a building look like a building.
I haven't gotten to the whole "each roof has its own module" thing, but I kinda have to put that off so I can meet the deadline for the project I was making the city for. I mean, I'm making the city generator thing for me to make my work easier in the future, but right now I have to use what I've got for the "main" project. It should be enough, once I finish up the really big cyberpunk-y eyecatcher buildings I've yet to model.
But yeah, it's shaping up nicely. I think some ads and stuff will really bring it together.

Only real issue I'm running into now is with the windows. I still haven't figured out how to get the "random per island" to let me have the randomness, but decide which faces should be grouped together. That's part of the reason some of those buildings look like they have really dense and tiny windows. They're supposed to be double height, but due to the "random per island" shit, it thinks each pane of glass is its own room.

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Anonymous No. 979248

I found some old work from a few years back, proof anyone can improve, at least somewhat.

I composite my texture from multiple procedurally generated layers so I think this would work, although realism isn't at all a goal of my work, it's supposed to look kind of doll like, I'm not good enough for realism and my workflow isn't orientated towards it either.

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Anonymous No. 979254

Just a quick physics test. Sorry for the censoring.

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Anonymous No. 979259

Ears improved, still need to figure out how to fix the bun, I can't find any manual way to set the resolution of hair particles per object, I wish there was a bit more info about Blender's new hair editing features.

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Anonymous No. 979274

Eyelashes and clothes added

Anonymous No. 979276

The ear is too low and too far back, can you post a profile pic without perspective?
Lower the bump map
Don't waste your time, he's a troll

Anonymous No. 979283

The cotton or the fur?

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Anonymous No. 979285

Just some random poses as I'm trying to teach myself how to animate without motion capture. Realistically, it's going to be another year.

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Anonymous No. 979287

And from behind. This model is new so the weight painting isn't great.

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Anonymous No. 979319

Yeah, it's definitely off looking at reference, although it looks like the face may not have enough depth as is as well.

Anonymous No. 979333

Yes, it's not placed properly, imagine putting eyeglasses on her and you will notice how lower they are
Both, they are a little bit exaggerated, do you have some sort of cavity map on the textures?
Use references, record yourself doing the poses, that helps a lot

Anonymous No. 979335

Make the eyelash material an unlit solid black.

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Anonymous No. 979345

What I'm going to is I'm going to load a motion capture file and then instead of re-targeting it with constraints, I'm going try to copy it manually.

>record yourself doing the poses
Cris told me to do that too. I'm not going to do it.

Also, I've discovered that the panel in pic related works with AutoIK, which is really useful but there's a mistake in the python interface file where it gets greyed out if the selected bone doesn't have an explict IK constraint attached to it.
It works even when it's greyed out with AutoIK and I believe it hasn't been fixed to this day.

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Anonymous No. 979359

done retexturing the models imma use in an art contest

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Anonymous No. 979364

I gave up trying to match poses manually. Instead I've re-targeted some rotation and left the root bone to be set manually. I may need some sort of ragdoll system to compensate for errors because I really don't want to do it manually.

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Anonymous No. 979380

Not really,
I more or less used the shell method of fur rendering.

Anonymous No. 979383

>Cris told me to do that too. I'm not going to do it.
Well maybe Cris gave you a good answer because every industry animator I know does that, the fact that even Cris knows that and you don't it's the reason why your animations are even worse than his.

Anonymous No. 979385

why is she smoking meth tho?

Anonymous No. 979386

>I'm not going to do it
You do you anon.
That's funny, I used that tutorial too a long time ago and I was going to tell you to try it.
You are not getting the results that I got, or at least I can't see the alpha on the shells getting lower. Maybe it's lighting?

Anonymous No. 979390

Yes, it's canon in the Anime

Anonymous No. 979391

the bonus points for realism

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Anonymous No. 979405

If you don't focus too much on the feet sliding, it's not that bad. I'm already gathering ideas for some new ragdoll systems which should make things easier.

Anonymous No. 979406

just cut the crap and make her fart on a chocolate cake

Anonymous No. 979408

Are you trying to implement a procedural animation system, or just trying to animate a scene?

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Anonymous No. 979411

Could probably do with being lit better from the front, but here's a render I did of a worm enemy I'm using as a 2D sprite.

Anonymous No. 979418

Cool. What's the resolution of your sprites going to be?

Anonymous No. 979420

About 512x512.

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Anonymous No. 979422

You're going to have to make do with this.
It's a long story but let's say I'm trying to learn to do skeletal animation manually. But knowing myself it's going to turn into a procedural thing.

Anonymous No. 979429

Do you have a decent enough graphics card?
Why don't you use a denoiser?, you can put grain later for a grungier look

Anonymous No. 979460

heheh, good enough, thanks a lot anon

Anonymous No. 979477

I probably should use a denoiser, you're right anon.

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Anonymous No. 979486

The fake parallax elevator is workin pretty well.
The lift do be liftin.

Anonymous No. 979529

Looking good building-kun, keep it up

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Anonymous No. 979543


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Anonymous No. 979551

some improvements (I swear to god she looks better in Viewport).

Anonymous No. 979554

ty ty.
I think I'm gonna do a few weenie/eyecatcher buildings then focus on the animation, since I've just got a little over a month to do it before the deadline. The city was the biggest chunk of it that needed doing though and I'm glad that I have it somewhat done since I can use it for other projects. There's always more I can (and will) do to expand on it, but I ain't got the time right now.

Anonymous No. 979564

finally procedural cellulite simulation for my gilf porn

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Anonymous No. 979581

TV :)
I've ran into a real problem with putting, I'm not sure what it's actually called, this sort of plastic bezel thing around the screen and plastic surround. So I do what I always do and just pretend it doesn't real. Also fucked up a part next to the side panel because of a bevel and it's made an indented diamond sort of shape on the edge that's really noticeable. So I'm going to do what I always do and cover it up with something else.
At least my little speaker sort of works. As long as you don't get too close and find out there aren't any holes in it. I'm not sure how it's worked out the way it has, but from a distance it seems convincing enough, at least to me.

Anonymous No. 979585


Anonymous No. 979587

Hello friend. Which part are you querying?

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Anonymous No. 979605

I've made a custom script that concatenates mocap clips because I couln't find a way to do it with the NLA editor. It still needs better interpolation and filtering. The bugs in Blender never end.

Anonymous No. 979623

these are pretty nice anon, dope design and fine skills also. Curious how practical Substance Painter 3D is for low poly models? Also did you sculpt those details in Blender or in SP3D?

Anonymous No. 979625

Sick. How did you go about making the texture?

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Anonymous No. 979628

Thanks. Here's my progress on that so far. Gotta do some more.
>Curious how practical Substance Painter 3D is for low poly models?
It's the industry standard when it comes to texture painting isn't it? Should be fine with whatever. I tried painting in Blender but the mere fact that you had to do some workaround to get layers on it meant that I didn't want to go through that headache and just went with Painter.

>Also did you sculpt those details in Blender or in SP3D?
I sculpted the high poly details on Blender with multires modifier ( because Blender just dies when it goes over a million vertices ) then baked them inside Substance painter... which I then brought back to Blender to bake again into one texture image. I think this is an okay workflow?

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Anonymous No. 979663

update. more or less done

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Anonymous No. 979666

thoughts? what vibes does this give yall

Anonymous No. 979667

yeah, i went overboard with the wrinkles, but i had a lot of problems in the procedural sim which i am in the process of fixing now.

Anonymous No. 979673

awesome, potential

Anonymous No. 979674

definition of
>t. digital cinema aficionado

Anonymous No. 979675

It's the metallic, a lot of imported assets have the metallic factor turned up to one IDK why

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Anonymous No. 979701

Building anon here. Kinda decided to stop "productively procrastinating" by working on buildings and decided instead to give the car some more love ( seen here >>977950 ).
I don't really kitbash all that often (read: never), so obviously I'm not too good at it. Nor did I really have a lot of parts on hand to work with. But I think it looks alright enough. The wheel replacements still look a bit dopey but they're a bit better I think. I think they kinda have that chunky aftermarket part that you found in a bargain bin look to them, which is kinda what I was going for. I won't pretend like it's all that impressive, but for what I'm doing it should be enough. Especially in motion.

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Anonymous No. 979706

Trying to do some stuff with purely maya sculpt tools and remesh. I miss mudbox bwos...

Anonymous No. 979724

Nah the metallic was in the middle. The other anon solved it with the roughness needing to be inverted. I'll remember that for the future just in case though.
I have fucked something up though. When I try to import it nothing imports. I checked the character file and it's only 4kb now. I don't know what I've done but clearly, as stated, I've fucked something up.

Anonymous No. 979726

yeah but cotton and skin are not 50% metallic.

Anonymous No. 979728

thank you! i've finished animating it now :)

Anonymous No. 979729

its ok, but the "camera shake" is really the star

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Anonymous No. 979732

To concatenate orientations in BVH files is a nightmare because of the euler angles but I think I've got the math down.
The idea would be to be able to script long sequences out of short mocap files in a text editor instead of Blender's NLA editor which is a nightmare to use.

Anonymous No. 979733

No matter how skookum your system you will have to go over it by hand and fix little things.

Anonymous No. 979734

>that mocap look

Anonymous No. 979742

Some drift over time is unavoidable and it has to be corrected manually, so that's ok.
The issue with the NLA editor is that every mocap clip has a different starting and ending orientation. In order to make those match the only way is to shift the armature object center. That complicates making other edits.
She's beautiful and very coordinated. If you say otherwise you support the patriarchy.

Anonymous No. 979765

I feel like at this point it's just better to do this shit in a game engine. They've got shit that does this built in. Which would be super nice to have in literally any 3d software 2bh.
Why do I need a game engine to be able to automatically interpolate different animations based on an object's speed and direction? Gimme that shit in 3d. I might be retarded though and 3ds/Maya have something like that already.

Anonymous No. 979773

Yes. The functionality that I want to build into my BVH concatenator script is similar to what's available in BGE and other game engines.
>3ds/Maya have something like that
There's also:
But it's paid and I want to include a last pass with my own softbody physics simulator. The math looks like this:
And I already have that working. The rest is just a matter of specifying a mocap clip, a start frame, an end frame, a pause, another mocap clip and so on.

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Anonymous No. 979774

I'm more talking something like this.
A state machine.

Anonymous No. 979778

you're re-inventing the wheel and your results look last gen.

Anonymous No. 979779

just "ok"? :(

Anonymous No. 979783

that sounds more like motionbuilder
UE also has pretty good "pose matching" to arbitrarily concatenate animations

as for blender, it's not ideal but you can have a new "root motion" bone that follows the pelvis on XY, allowing you to shift the next animation after the current one completes
I have to agree with >>979778 that writing your own tools/scripts is cool and all but not conductive to actually getting things done. raw mocap looks awful so you're going to have to edit it either way

Anonymous No. 979784

Huh? How am I re-inventing the wheel by telling him to use an existing solution (>>979765)?
I don't have any "results" to speak of either. I ain't the dude trying to make up some weird animation system that looks like shit.

Nah, from an extremely quick look, motionbuilder doesn't seem like what I was talking about. I was more talking about what I posted here, >>979774 logic based state machines for blending premade anims of all types (not just mocap data), based on an input like velocity and direction.
Like say you animate a character moving along the X axis, it'd change between a walk/run animation automatically based on how quickly it moves.
I don't think there's anything like that currently in a 3d anim software, which is why I mentioned the anon should look into game engines.

Anonymous No. 979785

>state machines for blending premade anims of all types (not just mocap data), based on an input like velocity and direction.
motion matching?

Anonymous No. 979786

For version 1 I'm going to be happy with a linear concatenator. But there's all sorts of interesting possibilities. I was thinking that I could pick the motion of the right arm from one file and the motion of the left arm from another. Something like that.
What am I supposed to do if Blender doesn't have wheels? Also this gen sucks.
>not conductive to actually getting things done
I'm already getting things done. It works and I'm making it standalone specifically because I don't want to contribute it to Blender.
>should look into game engines
To have it based on a state machine could be interesting but it's not essential in order to make pre-rendered animations. I don't have to deal with player input. I know what's going to happen in advance.

Anonymous No. 979787

>you can have a new "root motion" bone that follows the pelvis on XY
You can do that by keying the Armature object itself. The problem is that if you have an additional correction that spans over two different clips or you want to cross-fade, it's not going to work because the orientations suddenly change.
You can bake all the strips into one after you line them up but it's too much work for me.

Anonymous No. 979788

>For version 1 blah blah blah
please tell me you're not that guy who was doing that laughable blender volume preserving skinning attempt a while back

Anonymous No. 979789

>you're going to have to edit it either way
Ok, but there's a big difference if the NLA editor is involved or not. The whole point of making this script is to try to not have to deal with that thing.
The Blender people decided that Grease Pencil has priority over an animation system that remotely works when you're not importing from Maya (which is what I suspect they do all day long at Blender Studio anyway), so what am supposed to do? Should I wait until 2025 when they promised to maybe start working on it?

Anonymous No. 979790

It depends which one. If you scroll back in this thread, all the animations I've posted are all softbody simulations made with my own simulator. I don't know if you've noticed that the Makehuman default model doesn't look as good on its own.

Anonymous No. 979791

I think I'm a bit confused as to who's who here. this is also the first time importing has come up in this context and I don't see the relevance
there's many details I'm missing so I respectfully retract my post, I hope you can figure things out regardless

Anonymous No. 979792

>I've posted are all softbody simulations made with my own simulator.
laughable, they all look like skincluster

Anonymous No. 979793


That is all me in this thread and this:
is my youtube channel if that helps.

Anonymous No. 979794

It's your opinion.

Anonymous No. 979799

Just wondering if anyone can give me some advice on animation. I think both have simple enough answers.
How do people do those seamless camera view transitions? I can't find an example, but it's like the camera is close to an object and sort of panning across it and then it changes to another object with the same kind of close up panning, but the switches aren't sudden and jarring.
Might need to find an example because my explanation is dogshit.
By doing the above will I be able to render certain parts of the scene individually rather than all at once? I'm too retarded to know when I can get away with less geometry than I need so everything will end up much more high poly than it should be.

Links will do, at least for the first one the second one seems more yes or no. I don't expect anyone to sit here and spoonfeed me walls of text to walk me through it.

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Anonymous No. 979813

ive been working on a set of anime charas and needed something else to procrastinate on. Bought a 590a1retro last year. I ended up making the receiver too wide and only noticed when i started making the internals (not pictured). Also used a pic of bayonet as texture for the blade. Kind of weird seeing the pattern irl and digitally. Gun is 26k tris

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Anonymous No. 979814

Finished this

Anonymous No. 979830

Yeah that's it. I couldn't remember what it was called.
That shit would be awesome for animating. Give a rig a path and let it animate along it automatically based on its velocity.

Anonymous No. 979839

thin your paints

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Anonymous No. 979840


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Anonymous No. 979857

I've procrastinated for a long time before starting this BVH concatenator project and I regret it. If it isn't 100% precise (and I may not care about that) it's at least super fun to use with the CMU dataset.

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Anonymous No. 979860

I feel like... It's like I'm much stronger now. I've unlocked a new workflow. I've made progress. I've achieved the achievement and the AAA industry is essentially finished.

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Anonymous No. 979880

This is >>979860 enacted. I've made no manual corrections but I have the option. It's like Windows Movie Make but it can do porn.

Anonymous No. 979881

horrible, all that motion but none of it looks appealing

Anonymous No. 979882

Thank you. I value your totally honest and helpful criticism.

Anonymous No. 979883

it is honest. If You can honestly say that that looks appealing I have a bridge I can sell you

Anonymous No. 979886

I've never said my intent was to make it appealing to you. You're nobody.

Anonymous No. 979888

Nobody cares about you. Your shit is Cris tier

Anonymous No. 979891

You cared enough to comment to leave a nasty comment though >>979881

Anonymous No. 979892

thats not him, that was me. There are more than one anons here saying what you're doing is shit and schizo tier

Anonymous No. 979893

Could be it be that the reason you don't find my animations appealing is that the character is not male? Could that be the root cause of your year long discomfort with my work?

Anonymous No. 979900

I'm not one of the shitheads going too far, but if I could point out something specific. The shoulders are not moving. Is your mocap not influencing the clavicle joints?

Anonymous No. 979902

The mocap I've used there is from the CMU dataset:
There channels for the shoulders and fingers and I've re-targeted those bu sometimes they contain data, sometimes they don't.
But I wanted to do something out of completely free: data, model, mocap and software used.

Anonymous No. 979904

There's this:
Which I've tried and it's really good but the license terms are restrictive.
I do have tons of good models and good mocap but I don't use it because I don't want to have to deal with licensing and because I have nothing to prove to people who can't produce anything at all.

Anonymous No. 979905

And also, please do come troll me on my youtube channel which I've linked earlier in the the thread because there every comment helps with the algorithm and I don't read them.

Anonymous No. 979915

No, the reason is that it's shit, nothing more than that. If so many anons tell you the same thing there must be a pattern

Anonymous No. 979916

>Please give me attention
Nobody cares about your YouTube channel you are an Attention whore.
Do something good and Anons will watch your shit.

Anonymous No. 979917

Thank you for the attention you just gave me.

Anonymous No. 979918

Yes. There is a pattern. They all come from the same grooming ground -sorry- Discord channel.

Anonymous No. 979920

I see angry anon is back. Something tells me he might even be "workflow anon".

Anonymous No. 979921

if it's mocap there's definetely shoulder movements. I bet the rotations are not bound correctly. Maybe a naming problem. Find that and sheck the rest of the skeleton for joints that don't move.

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Anonymous No. 979923

It's mocap but it's also 20 years old or something. Same for the model which is from the standalone version of Makehuman.
There are a number of issues that I've already spotted but I'm an hobbyist programmer and there's only so much time and effort I'm willing to sink into Blender.
One thing I've noticed it that the abdomen orientation is a little suspicious. Also, the animation I've rendered previously had the wrong frame rate, which is why is jerky.
Looking at pic related, there may be a problem because the Makehuman skeleton has some split bones. I think they're for twisting. But when retargeting from CMU I'm supposed to constrain a segment, skip one, constrain a segment and so on. I don't know I'll try.

Anonymous No. 979927

Well I am 100% certain humans had shoulders 20 years ago. So the mocap data definitely has key frames for them. There must be unbound bones. Especially of the skeletons arent 1-1 you gotta do some digging and unkink it. You can't just hit the button.

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Anonymous No. 979947

These are motions from the latest folders and shoulder, hands and fingers don't move. But I'll show you eventually using another dataset that has that data. It's still good because I can overlay some manual motion on those channels if I want to.

Anonymous No. 979953

why would anyone want to compromise their own real google account to do that, you clown?

Anonymous No. 979961

That's really cool. Makes me want to buy a 3d printer.

Anonymous No. 979964

Looks better
I really like it anon
Disgusting thrash
I like the aesthetics
You should try to be a lawyer or something, this is not your thing
Looks good, you should work on the dress

Anonymous No. 979968

Are you trying to upvote and downvote posts on 4chan? Maybe it's time to go back.

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Anonymous No. 979970

This started as a set/prop exercise and it went a little far

Anonymous No. 979977

Go back where? I think you should Go back to the insane asylum you come from or at least make a containment thread for your autistic shit like Cris does

Anonymous No. 979978

I would say that I like your style but the autistic anon would think that I'm up voting your comment

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Mega UVs.png

Anonymous No. 980005

I've been putting off learning UVs and texturing for a looooong time. I finally buckled down today and worked some stuff out.

Though, I did something unconventional. I've always been curious what it would look like if low resolution textures matched quad topology exactly. Because most of the low resolution stuff I've seen is always a little off. And I get why. Because they're doing proper UVs where it's all evenly mapped and shit. Or, they're using triangles, because they're not a quad topology cultist.

Well I *am* a quad topology cultist. And so I guessed that with clean quads, you have make the pixels all line up with the quads perfectly, if you only map the UVs just so.
I learned the trick where you select one face, reset it to make it square, scale it down to a few pixels, and then select the linked faces, and follow active quads. Doing that quickly turns everything into squares. And then you just create seams in square patches, repeat the flow active quads function again for each group you seamed off.
It wasn't a super fast process. Still kind of tedious. Bust still 100x faster than trying to square off the faces manually.

I set up the UVs for the body to be 4 pixels per face. But I found that the head was too dense with geometry, so I made the head 2 pixels per face, in order to make the pixels more obvious. Then I got texturing. Which was a whole thing, trying to find a method to actually do pixel art using blender brushes. I eventually got a fairly tolerant method of doing it. But I had to create margins between UV islands, because the brush would bleed out of bounds by about 2 pixels, even with the mask.

I also learned that textures don't map to quads, but to the triangles that make the quads. Which causes a slight distortion. But the distortion can be fixed by subdividing the mesh until each face of the UVs is divided down to match the pixel s of the texture. That effectively creates the illusion that the texture is mapped to quads properly.

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Mega UVs 2.png

Anonymous No. 980007

I slapped a toon shader on it. And left the shading on flat. So the shadows are following the density of the faces as well. Equal to the pixels of the texture. Essentially, I believe, this is as close to a true "grid" as one can get in 3D. Since it's all perfectly fitted together. Even if the pixel density does change depending on the size of the face, they're still perfectly interlocking.

I don't know how I feel about this. I think I'll give a go at modelling X's helmet and eyes properly, before deciding if it's good or bad. His eyes are all wonky, and his helmet looks ridiculous painted on top of his bald dome. But that's for another day. I'm just glad I made some headway in learning UVs and texturing today.

Anonymous No. 980019

Yeah it's a "perfect grid" but on the wrong side. It should be square from our perspective in 3D. That means it's the UV map which will have to look swoopy instead. Try a spherical projection UV map. It would probably work best.

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Anonymous No. 980022

What I have here is a shader which allows me to switch between different animated eyelash shapes, as well as different iris textures, which also move according to rotation inputs.

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Anonymous No. 980023

The geometry is continuous. The eyes are just textures. I use a spherical normal map and apply it to the iris texture so that it still has spherical reflections and specularity.

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Anonymous No. 980025

Started some work on a few megabuildings. I don't think I'll do too many of them for right now. Maybe 3-4 more (2 currently).
Still, it's kinda neat to use the "Walk" mode and see things from a human sized perspective. Makes it feel a bit more like an actual city.
I think for some of the next megabuildings/weenies, I'll forego making them procedurally randomize so I can have a few more interesting shapes like wedges and big overhangs. Since they're "special" buildings, I might as well.

Anonymous No. 980027

All goods, i appreciate it all the same

Anonymous No. 980032

>Go back where?
To Reddit. It's a meme. Memes are self replicating ideas. Reddit is a place where people like you can socialize by means of a shared balls pit.

Anonymous No. 980033

What if I prefer the swoopiness over the alternative? A swoopy interlace that follows good topology might look better than the low poly slightly misaligned grid look. Don't reject it so quickly. It's stylistic. Wait until I fix his eyes and helmet. I'm thinking that an important part of this style may be giving each element their own own supporting topology, to reduce the stretching.

In anycase, I have to try this out, because it's a curiosity that's been bothering me for a long time. Since I haven't found anyone willing to try it. They're all *heyyy duuuuude, I just like low poly, maaaan." and "Bro, you can't just like.... UV like that, bro. It goes against the UV code"
So it's one of those things I have to try myself to satisfy my own curiosity.

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Anonymous No. 980044

Learning how to sculpt clothing folds….

Anonymous No. 980059

I don't use Reddit so I don't know much about it.
Use references, it helps a lot when you are learning

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Anonymous No. 980070

Adding to this with another character in the same style.

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Anonymous No. 980091

This was going to be a small monster the main characters were going to fight, but I think the head and eyes make him too personal to be a throwaway monster, idk. I like it though.

Anonymous No. 980098

my wife

Anonymous No. 980116

what kinda shrooms this bitch been doing

Anonymous No. 980118

The eyes/iris too big or too small? I've heard both criticisms. Doesn't help she isn't rigged yet so the eyelids aren't set somewhere comfy

Anonymous No. 980152

>Every bitch has a septum piercing now.
god, I can't wait for this trend to die. Just fast-forward life about 20 years, so we can escape this accursed septum piercing age.

Anonymous No. 980154

Good point I've done that too now.

Anonymous No. 980155

Clockwork orange got it right. In the future old women will jave colored hair and piercings. Itll be an "old lady thing" like how we see shawls today.

Anonymous No. 980156

Who are you quoting?
I dont know what to tell you man, some people just have those.

Anonymous No. 980158

Old women with coloured hair was popular in Britain for years, especially back when a Clockwork Orange was made. It was almost always blue or a sort of mauve.
Weirdly I used to see it all of the time even when I was young, but you hardly ever see it now.

Anonymous No. 980161

Yeah I dont mean blue haired bouffants. I mean neon green side cuts

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studded belt.jpg

Anonymous No. 980208

I used to have one back in the day before the "trend", but after a while I started seeing tons of women with it, and suddenly it just didn't seem like something I wanted to have in anymore.
Like how back in the day those studded belts used to be "cool", but now my brain associates them with fat black women (like it's something you'd see them wearing these days) and now I just can't wear them in good conscience anymore.
I miss 2008 aesthetics. Scene girls had colored hair and piercings, had daddy issues, and a laundry list of made up mental psychoses, but I'd take them over contemporary girls with colored hair and piercings. I mean they're technically the same thing when you really think about it, but I just prefer the good ol days.

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Mega UVs 3.jpg

Anonymous No. 980210

ok, I did a little more modelling. I'm not good with hard surface stuff, so the helmet took some time. And I think there may be some ways to improve it.

The topology pretty much blocked out each element of the helm, so I didn't need to texture it properly. Rather, I just created a texture for each color, and then assigned each element a different material.
Similar deal with the face. I refined the face a bit, so the that the pixelization around the nose is more even with the rest of the face. But I didn't texture it. Just blocked it out with materials. I still set up the UVs for pixel texturing like before though.
I still didn't do the eyes properly. Because I just don't know how to do eyes yet. I really need to learn already.
I worked on the body more too, but that's not really important now.
I also worked on the shader too.

But anyway, the focus here is the way the shading looks all pixelated. I am falling out of love with the idea, now that I've gotten this far. Maybe adding more levels to the shading can make it more appealing. But just having a simply 3 shades isn't really doing it.
However, since I started paying attention to the pixelization of flat shading. I'm starting to "see" with my 3rd eye, how exactly topology affects shading. Like, I could make the shading along the cheeks a lot more smooth if I redid the topology to form a clean edge down the cheeks. Rather that how it is now, with the lines going diagonally along the cheeks, which is causing all the pixelization. That's what all those anime tutorials have been trying to explain. I see it now.

However, shortly after I had that though, I also remembered a trick where you can transfer normals of a ball to create smooth normals long a complex face. So that's what I did. Using the normal edit modifier makes that easy. I used 1 big sphere for the face, and a small one for the nose. Setting both inside of the mesh, you have to keep them relatively center to the affected area.

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Anonymous No. 980225

Trying to learn blender to get back into modelling, made this scifi space dwarf hammer, going to practice taking it through substance painter and turn it into a game-ready asset to learn that pipeline a bit.

Anonymous No. 980267

>space dwarf hammer
>no rocket at the end of it to speed up swings
I am disappointed. Looks good though.

Anonymous No. 980270

The plan is once I get around to texturing the low poly the back grill, and possibly parts of the face will glow purple, and the lore is that the head just becomes immensely heavy on impact, so no rockets required.

Anonymous No. 980287

Your mom's head becomes immensely heavy on impact

Anonymous No. 980339

The fuck kind of art board has an image limit of 150?

Anonymous No. 980341

Welcome to 4chan
/po/ and /tg/ can upload pdfs but /3/ can't upload gltf or obj

Anonymous No. 980365

to be fair we also hit bump limit, only it takes ages for the thread to 404 here

Anonymous No. 980368

I think /gd/ can upload PDF as well, SVG too (I think), but I can't remember if SVG is sitewide or not.
It'd be neat to upload models, but I can't see anyone that does the dev for 4chan taking the time to do that (and optionally a viewer) for this little board.
It's a shame we can't get like a plugin/script or something that embeds it+viewer via catbox. Like how on /h/ (/hdg/ specifically) with a greasemonkey script you can upload via catbox with a button next to the file, and the script automatically links it with generation info and stuff.

Not to mention they have hyuuuge image limits. It ain't fair, and there's no one to fix it. /3/ isn't dead, but we sure are the kids that go to class outside of the school in the little "annex" that's just a fucking trailer. /3/ is the trailer kids.

Anonymous No. 980436

SVG isn't available anywhere. I would use /gd/ if it was, honestly.

>/3/ is the trailer kids
I don't see genuine counterculture anywhere else on the internet except on /3/ and /v/'s fanart/music/gamedev threads. If /3/ could upload gltf it would probably lead to a 3D forum renaissance.

Anonymous No. 980445


Anonymous No. 981224

>generic enemy NPC for my wannabe game
Oh my god man what a waste... you could sell this guy on gumroad as a VRChat avatar for 45$ and make more off of it than with whatever you had in mind. Boarguy is rather hot!!~

Anonymous No. 982027

Post slow-motion.
What you need is slow motion as the bike enters the shot. As soon as the whole bike is in view drop to 2x slow-motion for a few seconds showing the chrome reflections on his wheel alloys. Then bam the whole thing returns to normal speed and you can see the bike darting into the horison.