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🧵 Blender General

Anonymous No. 984313

Blender General - Birds, they know what's good.
Previous thread: >>980304

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Anonymous No. 984319

why is posing so hard
how do I improve

Anonymous No. 984345

Gesture drawing and years of experience

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Anonymous No. 984356

All the power in the human body comes from the legs and the core but you have no rotation or stretch/squish in the core and barely any movement in the legs

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punch whindup.png

Anonymous No. 984377

what do you mean movement? wasnt really trying to portray movement between the poses (yet lol) but if you mean they are stiff then yeah you're not wrong. i shouldnt question it honestly, it's shit either way lol

how about this one, a step in the right direction or have i devolved. cranked up the rotation a bit, and tried to do some squashing to lend to the idea of a windup but this rig seems to shit the bed if I move stuff too much but that's probably a me problem

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Heir of Sigma No. 984380

How do I correctly use Weight Painting in this shit?

I am so annoyed right now, no matter how I paint my Weights for some weird reason Blender will simply do a shitty job at "smoothing" even the smoothest-looking meshes no matter what.

Anons, please help a Rigger out here.
I am at my wit's end and I will KMS with a shotgun to the face if I don't get help.

>Pic. Related after several Weight Painting hours
>First Rig in Blender
>I'm using Rigify

Any insults/advice are fucking welcome.
Just murder my problem, please.

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Heir of Sigma No. 984381

>By the way please spare me with the "namefagging" shit
>I'm doing this to keep track of these posts
>Will need some decent troubleshooting for this darn problem of mine

By the way, I already tried smoothing modifiers and while they did help I can still see the problem.

Animating is such a fucking chore, hats off to anyone who does it properly

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Anonymous No. 984384

By movement I do not mean movement of the entire body towards something, I mean movement of body parts relative to their other body parts

In this picture, Knee 1 starts below Knee 2, and Knee 1 is coming closer in distance to knee 2. They are also rotating at roughly the same rate, going from pointing at the camera to pointing at the dummy at the same time as each other
Hip 3 starts below Hip 4, and is coming up vertically to be on-level with Hip 4 throughout the punch. Hip 3 is also starting far behind Hip 4, but ends near hip 4 (Relative to the camera of course, the Hips cant come closer physically because they are linked by the pelvis)
The shoulders in particular get a lot of movement, Shoulder 5 begins below shoulder 6, but ends above it. Shoulder 5 also begins behind shoulder 6, but ends in front of shoulder 6.
Because the knee moves, the hip has to move, because the hips move, the body has to move, because the body moves, the shoulders have to move.
Leveraging this cascading effect of moving the shoulders by moving the knees is how punching power is generated
Try sitting down in a chair and throwing a punch, then try standing up and throwing a punch. You will notice it feels a lot stiffer to throw a punch sitting down because you have removed HALF of all possible rotational energy your body can possibly generate

Anonymous No. 984386

This might probably it. I'm shit at doing 2D but good at compositing lines where characters have a good flow for posing. I'm surprised how much of legit skill posing is and can make a mediocre model look dynamic and lively.

Anonymous No. 984388

Post a vid of the rig in action as well as the topology? It's still hard to figure out what the problem is. My initial guess is bad topology though or might also be bad deform bone placement.

Anonymous No. 984390

treat your model like a whip instead of a wind up action figure

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Anonymous No. 984397

What the fuck is this shit called? Like the effect on the water when a jet or something flies over it. I've been searching for something like this, or that same effect when someone from DBZ or something flies over the water. I've got no clue what it's called though and every combination of search terms brings up nothing.
I just want some examples of how others have done it (without sims), or even just some extra reference material from IRL or anime/animation.

Anonymous No. 984415

I searched for sprite fright on that one website. Not really looking for anything, but mostly curious to see if there really are no exceptions. I was surprised to find most of the small amount of content was of Rex. also it was all 2d, which was perhaps the biggest surprise for me.

Anonymous No. 984420

I'm working with prexisting mocap data, with keyframes every single frame and i'm trying to fix em.
When I push all the keyframes into NLA, and then have another action above, like pointed out in tutorials, all the animations break/rig breaks.
I have both strips on combine, and I'm kinda confused how to fix this. The only """fix""" is only having corrective keyframes via rotation only. But if so, how would IK keyframes work considering the importance of position in that case?

Anonymous No. 984447

I'm not exactly sure what your problem is because the NLA editor is that retarded. Maybe the vid can point you toward the right direction.

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Anonymous No. 984469

I don't know if there's a proper name for it but it seems to be the pressure wave from the aircraft hitting the water.

Anonymous No. 984475


The term you're looking for is 'Drag'. Same thing as that gust of wind when a car passes you at speed, or you just scooping air infront of your face moving your hand real quick. Anything moving thru a fluid will pull that fluid with it displacing it (any gas included air is considered a fluid when you're talking drag.)

Anonymous No. 984477

And if you wondering why it sprays up like that a bit behind it you've probably have heard about how 'every action causes a opposite and equal reaction'

Well that spray is an example of that, the pressure wave off the aircraft hits the surface of the water and presses it down into the lake/sea.
The water is displaced under that pressure cone trailing the aircraft, but once the aircraft passes that cone is no longer there to press the water down but
the water still presses back with the same force it took to displace it so the pressurized water escapes in the direction of least resistance, up, which causes
that the wild spray to appear.

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Heir of Sigma No. 984482

My topology is actually great!

I think I've found the issue: this Rig has three bones for the upper and lower jaw.

The ideal is to make it simple and have instead one bone for the lower jaw and (maybe) a bone for the upper jaw.

>In reality humanoid creatures don't move the upper jaw, just the lower jaw through the masseter muscles

But anyway, here's the topology.
I lurk here and I know how important a good topology is.

Heir of Sigma No. 984483

Will this work in my Rig?

Please be honest with me, bros.
>Also have a good day, hope you're not having to struggle like me.

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Heir of Sigma No. 984484

Forgot the actual picture

>Sorry, I'm retarded

Basically I plan to have a simple upper and lower jaw.

Since this character has a big and cartoony, crocodile-like jaw I want to animate both the upper and lower jaws.

Any tips on how to make this Rig actually deform correctly would be tremendously appreciated.

>Do I need more than Smooth Corrective or am I good?

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Anonymous No. 984490

Thanks, but I didn't need a wikipedia entry. I know why it happens, it's extremely obvious. So obvious and intuitive, I'm sure a caveman could figure it out "Fast thing pushes a lot of air out the way, fast thing go over water, woosh, water go spray". That doesn't help me at all search for examples. "Drag" just brings up shit about dragging and dropping, introducing "jet" and "water" brings up water sprays from pressure washers and the like.

Yeah, I've grabbed a few screenshots from that video already, but the vid is so low quality that it's hard to really make anything useful out from them. "Water"+"pressure wave" doesn't seem to be the magic combo to search for either. Like it's an extremely common effect in all kinds of things, you'd think there'd be a word for it.

Anonymous No. 984493

It's a wake...

Anonymous No. 984495

I see, as you are a person who understand what you are looking at, did it enter your mind to just type "low flying jet over water" as that will happen at any speed that allow a fighter to stay airborne?

Anonymous No. 984500

Is there a good place to... unh... pirate Blender courses other than CGPersia?

Anonymous No. 984520

Thanks for the help. I don't know why so many people swear up and down on how amazing NLA is

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Anonymous No. 984521

r8 my elbow
bends alright, but not perfect. would I benefit from adding a couple more edges around the other end to give it some space to 'stretch'?

Anonymous No. 984524

Is it very difficult to convert rigs? I'm messing around with MHX for a while, but I've found it a bit jank when it comes to retargetting. I found better success with ARP. Is there a way to convert a pre-existing MHX rig to ARP without manually posing/scaling etc?

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Heir of Sigma No. 984525

Hello! It seems I have found the answer by myself.

4chan is really degrading these days, it seems.
Here's my new, improved Rig.

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Heir of Sigma No. 984526


>Check the armature bone jaws
>This is how you actually build the Armature of a creature with croc-like jaws
>Upper and Lower, not just lower like in humanoid-like rigs

Anonymous No. 984533

>4chan is really degrading these days
how new are you, this shit has been in a state of active degradation since like 2010, there is no 'these days' it's been like this since before you were born

Anonymous No. 984535

It's not really a degradation, 3 is an extremely slow moving board unfortunately.

Anonymous No. 984537

Yeah, yeah it did. First thing I searched. Doesn't help me find any examples of the effect in 3d, animations, breakdowns on how to do the effect, or anyone else doing it without sims. I've found all of 1 (one) person who did something similar, but it's with sims, another person trying to find the term without any replies, and tons of bullshit results that aren't anything like what I'm looking for.
Not to mention any combo of "blender"+"jet" brings up actual fucking blenders and some bullshit called Blendjet.

Tried that too. But as wakes are more common with boats and shit, that's all I got for results.

I know HOW to search something up, me coming here is my last, Hail-Mary resort that MAYBE someone here knows the magic combo of phrases to unlock this (apparently) hidden, esoteric knowledge of how other people have tackled the problem.

NLA is fucking awful and I hate every time I have to deal with it and wish I could crush the dev's head who implemented it like a fucking melon.

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Anonymous No. 984547

Am i armed with enough knowledge to go from total beginner to at least intermediate?

There are still a few expensive courses that i am thinking of **buying**.

Anonymous No. 984551

Have you actually tried to take on any actual project. No matter how 'advanced' you are, tutorials are worthless without actually working on anything tangible. Don't get into the tutorial trap, watching tutorials is different than the real thing.

Anonymous No. 984552

I am a complete beginner who started this week. I've done the sword in the stone tutorial that i posted in the other thread and also made a isometric room tutorial. I just gave it a break because i have a small related work thing to do but during this break decided to search the best paid courses and just pirate them all. I'll make a small collection of them and once i am free from the work thing i'll devour everything while doing all the projects assigned by the courses.

I actually enjoyed the process of modeling stuffs in 3D to the point i could barely stop to eat or go out. I just felt i lacked a clear understanding of what the program tools do, thus the courses.

Anonymous No. 984554

The same thing boats do is the same thing jets and fighters from dbz do. It's a wake, you're looking to create a wake.

Anonymous No. 984565

where to get

Anonymous No. 984577

"aircraft wake over water" seems to work decently as a search.

Heir of Sigma No. 984582


It's not just /3/ it's also /biz/ and /pol/

And let's not even talk about /his/ the worst board on this website.

I hate that place. It's all a bunch of weird christians, atheists and communists too butthurt to admit they lost some debate at /pol/

But yeah /3/ is slow as you said but far better than the rest here.

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Anonymous No. 984591

is there a better way to make the ribbon should i make it from the cup itself?? how to make this ribbon curve around the cup? lattice + shrinkwrap isnt working.

Anonymous No. 984594

I don't think you should use combine in the NLA, mostly replace and add. The other ones are mostly for animating objects, not bones, and they'll fuck your shit up.

The NLA IS amazing and it IS a huge timesaver but it also has a lot of quirks and bugs you have to get used to.

Anonymous No. 984595

Assuming you don't need it to be absolutely perfect, I would probably just use proportional editing to grab the middle of the ribbon and deform it slightly to match the curvature of the cup.

Anonymous No. 984600

>blender vid gets recommended on my youtube homepage
>thumbnail looks cool enough, check it out
>some anime girl stuck in mud
>kinda odd but whatever, the animation is clean and the fluid sim is incredible for something made in blender
>check the comments
>its a fetish vid
this has happened to me more than once

Anonymous No. 984602

Mesh deform with a plane and shrinkwrap doesn't work?
I'd just eyeball with lattice and no shrinkwrap, or use a curve deform if I hate myself

Anonymous No. 984603

I mean yeah, the retardification of 4chan is definitely upon us. Unfortunately the brainrot of the zoomers gobbling up shit from places like /pol/ really did a number on the website. Boards like /tv/ and shit are almost unreadable sometimes during peak shitpost hours.

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 984604

learning how the hair tool addon works atm
after this i'll finally try to rig the character. only done it once before and it was complete failure

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Anonymous No. 984612

WIP, might need help later

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Anonymous No. 984615


Anonymous No. 984616

Anon, literally everything is a fetish now. It exists? It's a fetish of someone.

Anonymous No. 984619


Anonymous No. 984620

but why
have we fallen so far?

Anonymous No. 984621

Basedlennials weren't bullied enough

Anonymous No. 984622

what is workbench and what would I use it for
as far as I can tell it doesn't seem that much different from if I just made a viewport render.

Anonymous No. 984623

Yes it's the same as solid mode in viewport. It's there so you can render 'pre-viz' or 'playblasts' or however you want to call it, which are mainly for a production pipeline

🗑️ Anonymous No. 984633

Wait, Octane render doesn't work with Blender 4.1? This is so gay. All because of smooth shading.

Anonymous No. 984634

Wait, Octane render doesn't work with Blender 4.1? This is so gay. All because of auto smooth?

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Anonymous No. 984645

ended up using a curve deform since i needed the top of the ribbon to stick out of the mesh instead of shrink wrapping. whats wrong with curve deform also i have realized a lot of models are usually only 1 mesh for games. why is that? the cup and the ribbon are 2 different objects even tho in the reference they are like melded together.

Anonymous No. 984650

More objects = slower game.

Anonymous No. 984661

well is there a functional difference between rendering something in workbench and turning off overlays and rendering with view > viewport render image/animation? i do that often enough that I have it bound to my favorites. like why even use it, it seems redundant to have two entirely separate ways to do the same thing. surely there is something to set them apart

Anonymous No. 984675

What you'll learn from doing these courses is mostly techniques you can steal to use in your own projects. The actual tutorial project itself (sword in the stone or whatever) isn't an accurate gauge of your skill, since you just copied the video 1:1. Going from beginner to intermediate is hard. It's going to take you a few months at least.

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Screenshot from 2....png

🗑️ Anonymous No. 984676

does anyone know why the eyes next to the objects are gray?
The objects aren't visible int he viewport and clicking on the gray eye icon does nothing.

Anonymous No. 984677

nevermind i'm retarded

Heir of Sigma No. 984687

I'm going to avoid that place like the plague, thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous No. 984695


Anonymous No. 984707

Viewport render can also render the material preview mode (EEVEE), so that is where the main difference is in terms of a feature, it's not tied directly to 'solid mode' or workbench.
So yeah you could just use viewport render on solid mode and never touch workbench. But if the engine is there, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to set it as the render engine. Maybe could be used if you have some specific workbench settings that you want to render with, but don't want in your viewport for normal work.

Anonymous No. 984712

When I create a 2 km2 plane, the view gets fucked.
I want to create a terrain. Help

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Anonymous No. 984718


Anonymous No. 984721

people started to forget about blender without blender today every week

Anonymous No. 984725

It's still shit.

Anonymous No. 984730

do we have any info on animation layers? all I know is that it's allegedly in development

Anonymous No. 984732

Its going to be broken and work like shit, just like anything in blender.

Anonymous No. 984734

i mean as of right now the only alternative is to buy a shitty addon or pirate that shitty addon. not saying it's gonna be great but literally any alternative would be an improvement.

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Anonymous No. 984736

i was supposed to modelling a forklift but i felt like it will be easier tackling to make a product add about a hello kitty cup because i was drunk and thought it would be funny.

Anonymous No. 984737

Sounds gay

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Anonymous No. 984739

yeah i agree, i just dont know what else to do with this shot so i want to pick up another project in the meantime.

Anonymous No. 984740

You could add support structure because right now that beam is just magically floating.

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Anonymous No. 984741

yeah the readability suck ass

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Anonymous No. 984742

I saw those, they are just too small. That one on the left ain't holding up shit it looks like a pipe on the side. You need something to grab the attention of the foreground and be useful . Pic rel is like 5 seconds of example.

Anonymous No. 984743

Maybe add some volumetric to the forground with big lighting as well. You have some in the background but it seems drastically different. Maybe add a pole that the wires are attaching off of and add more total wires.

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Anonymous No. 984750

how do i get rid of those sharp lines? can i smooth it out somehow

Anonymous No. 984755

anon, this shit is tight, actual art levels of tight, love it

Anonymous No. 984756


That extensions shit will cause some massive drama LMAO

Anonymous No. 984757

looks like you added loops or subdivided the mesh without using a subdivision surface.
I'd dissolve the loops between the "sharp" edges and increase the level of subdivision.

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Anonymous No. 984759

Anonymous No. 984760


Anonymous No. 984764

So the entire thing is them giving excuses for the internet access for the extensions.

Anonymous No. 984767

the time link was about something pablo said in that second but the entire video is basically what you said, yes

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Anonymous No. 984777

nope i haven't applied the modifier, i was using the single vert, extruding and pulling vertex to make this shape

Anonymous No. 984780

Read my post carefully, as I mentioned you may simply have too many loops.
Remove those where that are right on the flat spots.

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Anonymous No. 984782

thanks anon, shit worked

Anonymous No. 984783

nice, looking good.

Anonymous No. 984785

What's this even supposed to mean?
You could be talking about anything.

I don't have any news, but I guarantee they'll find a way to shoehorn in GN bullshit into it and make it as obtuse and unusable as possible.

Anonymous No. 984786

I don't know if that'd work either. Since you can't see the ground, we can assume it's fucking high as fuck and those supports would have to be comically large/long if they're supposed to touch the ground.
I'd just do some braces off the buildings or something.
Then again, there's just buildings floating precariously in the background so I guess it doesn't matter too much. The whole scene needs to be thought out more 2bh.

Anonymous No. 984787

Yeah, thats why I figured it needed massive supports, maybe even just one long massive one. It's definitely an issue of making one cool thing but not filling out the world around that cool thing to make it stand out.

Anonymous No. 984789

Your topo is shit, nigga.
Complete loops along the "teeth"

Anonymous No. 984797

I've got a rigged model and a few animations ready to go. What's the best way about rigging clothes to the model that will work with the animations (like walking/etc.) with the cloth sim? Is there like a really good youtube series on this or anything?

Anonymous No. 984798


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Anonymous No. 984813

Another day, another reason to hate Blender.
My meticulously curated and organized asset library just randomly fucking shit the bed and now all of my categories are now gone with no means of recovery. Checked the .txt file that supposedly stores them, and it's all gone.
All the assets are still "there", the files exist and they're still present in the asset browser, but now it's all an unorganized mess of nodetrees, materials, objects, video textures, and HDRI. Thousands of stuff and hours of organization just chucked onto a pile because Blender decided to be "quirky and so random lolz XD" today.

Anonymous No. 984816

>You could be talking about anything.
Are we not talking about Blender...?

Anonymous No. 984817

Blender is only for "getting in to" 3d.
you are not meant to use it in real projects.

Anonymous No. 984821

mfw worked in the vfx field and game dev with blender and occasional usage of 3dsmax and maya.

Anonymous No. 984825

I'm using it on a real project just fine.

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Anonymous No. 984830

int bros, how do i tackle these vents? do i have to resort to booleans or can i somehow topo my way through it ? if so how?

Anonymous No. 984833

Would love some help with this.

Anonymous No. 984834

>Chamfer edge
>Add subdiv because I need to
>Chamfer turns to fillet
>Add edge crease
>Looks like hot garbage
>Add little bevel to the chamfer edges instead
>Looks equally like hot garbage
>Add supporting loops
>Don't like adding supporting loops because it fucks up my geometry

Is there a trick I'm missing here bros?

Anonymous No. 984836

isolate those bad boys using some insets and you should be good
hint: you can put as many small squares inside big squares as you want, it's free real estate

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Anonymous No. 984837

isolate it? i did inset it twice and deleted the face

Anonymous No. 984846

You need to solve the PUZZLE OF TOPOLOGY because if you don't your ALL QUADS will never render or deform properly.

Anonymous No. 984848

I'm two years into my feature film made entirely in Blender. And you?

Anonymous No. 984849

I'm sorry to hear that you're wasting your life to make something of mediocre quality that nobody is going to watch.

Anonymous No. 984851

Just 3 more years of your life to go and you can release your 10 minute long short film

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Anonymous No. 984856

is there any way to get a rig on this imported model with bones? i tried rigify but turns out it wont work with it
also when i move any bone it lags like hell, can i fix that?

Anonymous No. 984857

You have a pole (5 edges meeting at a single vertex) on each of the quadrants of the hole.
Poles are often necessary but they should be on locations where there's less curvature.
You can lookup on how to "move poles in blender" there's tutorials on that.
There's probably people who can tell you exactly what to do in that situation but not me.
What you can also do is just add more loops around the hole with ctrl+r

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Anonymous No. 984874

Even though this is all very lowpoly, making the wall of bags behind shooting targets took quite some time, and it felt like a rather repetitive task that is subject to automation. Also, it feels similar to stone masonry in a way. Are there any plugins that can automate this? Maybe if I make lets say 4-5 variants of bags with different bending points and feed it to some plugin it can figure out randomized placements like this? Ofc it would be super cool if some plugin can also do bends itself, but I feel this might be too much to ask.

Anonymous No. 984876

No short film bullshit, it's a real movie.

I will laugh at you when I'm successful.

Anonymous No. 984879

What is the actual use of geometry nodes? I haven't messed with them at all and am completely ignorant. pretty much my only interests are modeling and animating them, how can I effectively use geometry nodes in that context, if at all?

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Anonymous No. 984880

I'm new to Blender, but I used geometry nodes to make randomized bushes from just a single branch.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 984884


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punch fixed.png

Anonymous No. 984886


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Anonymous No. 984889

which one of these should i keep working on? i originally was going for a skull greymon look but it turned into a godzilla knock off then into a zorah magdaros knock off. i want this monster to be different but i feel like giant 2 legged dragons all end up being the same.

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Anonymous No. 984890

Nice, there's a really cool way I've done bushes with making a vine tool I can draw on shapes and I just draw it on like a square etc. for a hedge.

Top left

Anonymous No. 984903

I used it to make a bridge and a city. I found it to be pretty useful for that.
Oh, and traffic.
Basically, anything that would be a pain in the ass to do normally, I just shift it over to making it a pain in the ass in GN, but with the benefit that it's reusable and modular.

Anonymous No. 984915

top left by far, has the most interesting shape

Anonymous No. 984917

Preggy dyno is the sexiest one ngl.

Anonymous No. 984924

Hey guys, is it better to have a 2D background for a scene or a full 3D environment?

I'm just trying to make SFM style content and I just want to do what's quick. Is there anywhere I can find some pre-made environments just so I have a setting for my animations?

Anonymous No. 984954

thats pretty nice. can you bake them or something like that?

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Anonymous No. 984963

does anyone know of an easier way something like this can be done, doing like fur bits on mesh? It'll be toon shaded so i don't really want to mess with hair cards and particles and alpha maps.

Anonymous No. 984968

Just watch Grant Abitts (free) beginner course. Then start your own project and learn along the way

Anonymous No. 984969

Maybe geonodes or whatever it's called. Ive seen people generate whole castles

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Anonymous No. 984974

Yeah, Geometry Nodes is a modifier that you can "Apply", but it's sometimes tricky, for example I had to use "Realize Instances" node at the end for this to work.

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Anonymous No. 984978

having trouble setting up the right price for my works. can someone help me appraise them?

full portfolio at:


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Anonymous No. 984979

thanks anon
shits tough as hell
yeah i understand it but applying it on a curved surface is fucking hard and i dont wanna depend on booleans but feels like everyone is using bools.
really cool, i am still using particle systems like a retard
really cool work dude but you're better of asking on some other sites desu

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Anonymous No. 984981

This is NOT fixed. It looks like he's throwing his ass back.

I'm not seeing any flexibility is his lower back at all. Do you even have a bone capable of moving his lumbar? If no: make one. If yes, use it. Like, he can't *always* have that perfect S shaped spine. Sometimes, it's going to have to curve this way or that. The lumbar is the region between the ribcage and pelvis.

Anonymous No. 984987

Hey, I'm working on an animation. I accidentally clicked around in my preview window and now it's all fucked up. How do I set that shit back to normal so it follows the camera.

Anonymous No. 984993

attach a screenshot

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_ (56).jpg

Anonymous No. 985000

rule34 of Ellie?

Anonymous No. 985030


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Anonymous No. 985031

i mean, fixed is a relative term
found a hidden bone. this dude is unreasonably caked up. got a ubiquitous bulge too, wondering if the creator is a homo

Anonymous No. 985032

Did you eyeball it or used references? Since your dudes skintight clothes won't fuck with the visibility.

Anonymous No. 985041


Anonymous No. 985066

When you're working with scales like these, you have to make careful use of camera focus. As it stands, the part of the bridge closest to the camera is in focus, but so is the furthest visible point, and the buildings around it. Real cameras have a focal plane a certain distance out.

Anonymous No. 985067

you could do the bends by simulating the sandbags as cloth and then dropping them. Honestly, unless you need a million different variations of sandbag fortification, you're probably better off doing it manually.

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Anonymous No. 985069

Hello there, I've been watching various blender tutorials and most people tend to use various plugins.
It seems that most usable ? are MESHmashine, hardops and boxcutter.
Could anyone share those?
Thanks :3

Anonymous No. 985072

You can check this place ,most used addons are here and get updated regularly.

Anonymous No. 985074

How do I transfer several UV maps from one object to another? Everything the same, topology, vertex order I just test cloned the Suzanne and tried data transfer modifier but newly generated UV maps just collapse at the left corner.

Anonymous No. 985075

oh yeah fuck i completely forgot to set depth of field.

Anonymous No. 985077


Anonymous No. 985079


Anonymous No. 985080

Dumb idea: You know how bodies drawn in 2D are drawn using basic shapes as a base and then they go from there? What if I did that with 3D?

Anonymous No. 985084

Any recommendations sculpting / UV mapping addons?

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Anonymous No. 985085

Is putting two metaballs together and converting to mesh a good way to make a head?

Anonymous No. 985087

That looks like a blob
It's a good method to create blobs

Anonymous No. 985096

is there a short cut to rearrange the nodes in the node tree?
or clean them up when they're intersecting?
I swear I remember there being one

Anonymous No. 985103

Sculpt Layers, Quad Remesher, VDM Brush Baker , Keymesh, Sculpt Bridge Tool, as for the uvs I like textools UV Squares and UVPackmaster.

Anonymous No. 985104

That's called a block out

Anonymous No. 985105

you could add Zbrush Orb Stylized Brushes pack, and all the brainchildpl alphas, fur, feathers, wood, cracks.

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Anonymous No. 985112

do i rig and color this in blender or unreal if i want it to be used in UE5?

Anonymous No. 985118

you can rig in blender but don't waste your time with the shockingly poor texture tools. use substance painter

Anonymous No. 985126

thanks for hints guys, I'll look into those.

Anonymous No. 985128

Do I need a numpad?

Anonymous No. 985129


Anonymous No. 985130

Does having a numpad make life and navigation easier?

Anonymous No. 985131

It does. Several cool keys are tired to numpad, like viewport views.
But you can emulate numpad or assign keys.

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Anonymous No. 985134

any npr enthusiasts? i am trying to get down a style, like mixing watercolor blotches and toon shading but it feels very bleh. threw this together to see the bigger picture, i am gonna add roughy sketchy line art but i am struggling on the colors side. any tips on doing a night or a sunset scene?

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Anonymous No. 985147

Is there a way to do a driver based on something like the distance covered over a certain period of time? Like the delta or something.
I want the jets at the bottom to increase a bit when the car goes up, by using a driver, but only while it's accelerating up (or the inverse if it's going down). So they'll scale up when the car is moving from point-A to point-B, but once it reaches point-B they go back to normal.

Currently the car has a global parent that follows a path, and then a second parent that controls the secondary movement like what's in the vid, which is why I'd want to use a driver, as the secondary parent technically isn't really moving relative to anything but the global parent.

>any tips on doing a night or a sunset scene?
Find a nice palette and stick to it. I like looking around on for interesting ones that evoke what I'm going for. Generally I use it as a guideline for broad color choices, but tend to deviate a bit where it makes sense.

Anonymous No. 985154

Actually, I think I've got something working now. Based on ( )
It's pretty neat actually, didn't think you could get data like that to use, though it seems like kind of a workaround than an actual cut-and-dry solution. I tried to also use the acceleration for the rear jets, but it doesn't seem to work. The car is under constant acceleration, so you'd think the net would be like 0, and then adding on the little secondary motion, but it doesn't seem to work that way. Unless I'm retarded and I'm misconstruing acceleration and velocity. Whatever the case, the empty that "senses" the acceleration is stuck at a certain value when the car moves along the path, so I guess maybe I can subtract that or something.

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Anonymous No. 985156

Fuck, forgot to post webm.

Anonymous No. 985163

idk, man. It looks like you're trying to capture the superhero exaggerated posing. But it just looks weak to me. If I had control over the rig, I'd probably pull his neck back. Keep his chin tucked. Bring his forward shoulder more forward, so it's farther forward than his head. Twisting his pelvis to be relatively more aligned with his shoulders.(not fully aligned) Because he right fist is coming forward, it would make sense that his pelvis twists its right forward a little too, in order to gain the momentum. I'd tuck his back fist either by his waist or by his chin. And because his right hip is twisting forward, I would also turn his right foot a little too.

Not having any control over the rig is making me want to create my own.

Anonymous No. 985167

I figured that out, you can't transfer multiple UV maps at the same time this way, but what you can do is replace each of the UV maps one by one separately by selecting ones that you want to swap in your active viewport. I fucking hate blender.

Anonymous No. 985175

Anyone have any good tutorials on texture painting in a non realistic style?

Anonymous No. 985186

>substance painter
holy fuck that shit is 50 bucks a month? man is there another free alternative?

Anonymous No. 985194

does anyone use the Softwrap addon? The tutorials show it work really smooth but it lags a lot on my blender even for low poly count.
My pc isn't that weak.

Anonymous No. 985197


Anonymous No. 985199

making a character, first time. everything is mirrored. should I apply my mirror modifier before setting up uvs and texturing and all that shit?

Anonymous No. 985202

Just pirate it like everyone else

Anonymous No. 985204

No, start using ~ instead, I have a numpad and I do that anyway because my right hand is either on my mouse or holding my tablet pen

Anonymous No. 985216

Don't be Poor.
Get a job

Anonymous No. 985221

t. shlomo goldenstein levy cohenberg

Anonymous No. 985225

Yes I'm Jewish and yes I have a job.
How does it feel not being able to buy a software equivalent to 1 hour your monthly salary?

Anonymous No. 985227

i'm not the original guy that asked for a free alternative but subscription based is a non needed and greedy way of asking money for something, especially in a world where you can get the said product for free and keep 600 bucks a year for other matters

Anonymous No. 985235

I'm not denying that, you can use whatever you want, but pirating is the same thing as buying it, because you use that software instead of the one that costs less or it's free.
Software piracy it's still supporting it, maybe not with money but with your time.
Maybe if you support the free software more people will start using it and will become better, but you don't, you support the software that you don't like, and you need people like me who pays for this shit for that software to exist.
Without Jew Goldstein's paying for it you can't pay developers.
I don't care if you pirate, but just be honest with yourself.

Anonymous No. 985238

I'm not going to support their business practice and fellate the shareholders like they do.
If piracy is "theft" I hope to god pirating helps them go out of business. But since it isn't, they won't.

Anonymous No. 985244

I'm trying to make a model that changes body proportions with Shape Keys, but when I increase the arms' length with a shape key for example, the mesh now deforms incorrectly when I pose the arm in Pose mode. Is there a way to make bones follow the shape alterations done by Shape Keys?

Anonymous No. 985246

You are lying to yourself, you are a filthy leach and you know it.
If they go out of business you don't have your pirated shit anymore low iq monkey.

Anonymous No. 985247

>No, start using ~ instead, I have a numpad and I do that anyway because my right hand is either on my mouse or holding my tablet pen
but I'm a southpaw. I generally use my left hand to hold the mouse

Anonymous No. 985248

I've paid more than $1200 in subscriptions to Adobe over the span of 5-6 years, and have bought previous versions of PS and the like before they started fucking people over with subs.
I think I've more than paid for the software at this point.
If they go out of business, I'll still have the pirated version, because that's the whole fucking point of getting rid of DRM. You're not beholden to whether or not a company's servers turn off. Adobe goes out of business, they'll just tell the people paying to go fuck themselves.

I may be a leech (it's spelled l-e-e-ch by the way), but at least I'm not a colossal faggot spreading my asscheeks to let Adobe fuck me, you are. Hope they use lube and bought you dinner first.

Anonymous No. 985251

Jesus, either your life sucks either you've had to remap a lot of shortcuts

Anonymous No. 985257

I was taught how to write with my right hand at the early age, and I had to use PC's at my school and later at uni. My mouse is generally right in front of the keyboard and I can use either hand for it.
Most of the time there are alternative shortcuts, for example copy / paste shortcuts using CTRL + INSERT and SHIFT + INSERT, these are the default in windows as well as the generic CTRL + C and CTRL + V.
If there are none I just use what's available it's not a big deal.

Anonymous No. 985263

Why don't you use krita or Gimp then?
Using the software you want to boycott it's stupid. I don't have anything against you making a copy of the software you use just in the worst case, but remember that you need to keep paying for software developers, it's retarded thinking that you paid 4 years ago and you still are entitled to their work today.
Like I said, I don't care if people pirate, that's not my problem. I just don't like when you make excuses, admit you don't have the money and want to keep using the software that I do help to make better by paying.
It's that simple, I even give a few shekels to the blender foundation, because I use it for 3d printing.
Developers have to eat too. Being lower income doesn't give you the right to steal.
Gimp is open source, doesn't have any type of subscription and if all the internet infrastructure fell you still can have it, but you choose PS.
I know a lot of coworkers that think the same as you, but the difference is that they use blender, krita and Gimp, they don't use the method of payment as an excuse to steal from developers and companies.

Anonymous No. 985309

You can get the one time pay version on steam

Anonymous No. 985310

>it's retarded thinking that you paid 4 years ago and you still are entitled to their work today.
Please leave this website zoomie fuckstick

Anonymous No. 985313

Please get a job welfare recipient.

Anonymous No. 985322

nope i got my pirate hat
thnx btw

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Anonymous No. 985331

>Adobe propaganda so bad even Jews aren't penny pinching
Behavioral economics research is getting very advanced, how grim

Anonymous No. 985352

I have something called a job
I can pay for stuff I use for my job.
It's not difficult anon, If you can't pay a few pennies for software why don't you use gimp?
If the software it's shit I would not pay for a subscription, but it's not, it's so good that you want to pirate it.
What you call behaviour economics research I call a good product.

Anonymous No. 985356

I've worked longer than you've been alive dipshit. When you buy a product (especially one that doesn't physically deteriorate or worsen with use) you should own it for life.

Anonymous No. 985361

>I've worked longer than you've been alive dipshit
And you still can't pay for a subscription. Get a real job

Anonymous No. 985371


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Anonymous No. 985378

I dont want to pay for a subscription
I think its funny when Adobe profits dip
If adobe dips out of existence that is when I will use gimp, but never before

Anonymous No. 985381

How the fuck do I simply add vertical subdivisions to a cylinder. I swear Cinema 4D has such a better UI than blender but I hate animating in it and finding tutorials is impossible.

I just want to add vertical subdivisions without adding more vertices.

Anonymous No. 985384

Equally across the entire thing?
Select all the loops, and press ctrl+shift+R to do offset loop cuts.

>I just want to add vertical subdivisions without adding more vertices.
That's literally not how 3d geometry works. You can't add geometry without adding geometry.

Anonymous No. 985391

taking a 3d class rn in uni, course technically is in maya but I'm doing everything in blender and they don't really care. anyways we're on to uvs and texturing and I have a few questions

>why can't I just make a color palette and just stack uvs islands on their corresponding colors (obv cant do details this way but idk it feels like it could have its uses, right?)
>why can't I just go with whatever the program automatically generates and then paint directly on it with substance painter
>why can't I cut literally every edge and unwrap it, and then paint directly on it with sp

>ask your prof
he doesn't check email and according to him, the best way to reach out is via ms teams. I did in regards to a different question, and he only got back to me after I had turned in the assignment (and then docked points for fucking up the thing I was trying to ask him about kek). so yeah, fuck this guy I'm asking /3/

Anonymous No. 985394

But you still use Adobe products,
Why don't you use gimp? Answer me that
That's how much you earn on 10 hours?
Get a job

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What I want, you ....jpg

Anonymous No. 985396

Since I don't know a whole lot of the terminology I just drew this MS paint drawing of what I want. I want the bottom, not the top. I don't want more vertical subdivisions, just horizontal ones.

Anonymous No. 985416

Then yeah, offset loop cut. It won't make it any more circular though, just add points. If you want that, you'd have to crease the top and bottom 100% and use a subsurf on it instead.

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Anonymous No. 985421

can I duplicate a hair strand when editing a particle system?
I know I can use Interpolate when adding strands but it's bugged

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Anonymous No. 985436

I did

Anonymous No. 985441

In your first message you said you wanted more vertical edges, now you're saying you want more horizontal edges. I'm assuming you're correcting yourself with the one you put the effort into actually drawing? For more horizontal edges, in edit mode, press ctrl+R (loop cut tool), and scroll up to increase the number of cuts to be added. LMB to confirm that amount, then it will go into a 'slide' mode where you can offset the new loop cuts with your mouse. Press RMB to simply add the cuts to the center without an offset.

Anonymous No. 985479

Thank you guys.

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curve and gp.png

Anonymous No. 985504

idk how to even phrase this, but is there a way to make a grease pencil/curve/mesh/whatever into a texture on a different object? like say I want these smiley faces to be drawn on the plane as a texture, instead of these floating objects.

Anonymous No. 985511

Has the hype just died down or is there not a lot happening in the Blender HQ?
Where's Vulkan? Where's Animation 2023?

Anonymous No. 985516

I am trying to learn Blender, and look... i'm not racist. I want to preface saying that. But still... it is a nightmare to try and watch a tutorial/course video where the teacher is an indian man. The accent is just too much. Even thick accented Russians are much better.

Anonymous No. 985520

I used this to help me get started. you can use a male human anatomy pic instead of what he uses and follow along if you dont want to make zelda.

Anonymous No. 985525

absolutely, don't watch those videos. I can tolerate an indian accent depending on the caste, though

Anonymous No. 985526

Put a camera above the plane, move it up until the entire thing is visible and render using a squared resolution, i.e. 512x512, then use the render as a diffuse map. For irregular surfaces you'll have to make the render resolution proportional, i.e. if you had a rectangle as wide as two of those square planes-1024x512.

Anonymous No. 985540

I am a racist, and I also hate Indians, and Indians that make tutorials. They have nothing of value to offer anyway. Like they really don't know shit about 3d any time they put something up.
I'd take a dude from Africa with a heavy accent any day over an Indian. I respect the effort of some poor African dude in his sheet metal shack learning Blender a lot more than some curry-eating Indian with shit-stained hands.

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Anonymous No. 985617

What are good brushes for scuplting hanging flesh like tits and buttcheeks? I keep using crease thinking it will do what I want and it doesn't

Anonymous No. 985628

you mean animation 2025

Anonymous No. 985634

You didn't, If you use Adobe products even pirated ones you are supporting them.
If you get a job one day, you will use Adobe products, because that's what you are familiar with.
But I guess you are too retarded to comprehend it.
Admit that you're angry because you are poor and can't pay for the things you want to use, but you hide in the Adobe hate.

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dark portal 20001....webm

Anonymous No. 985638

I made The Dark Portal. My first solo project.Rate

Anonymous No. 985643

you can use the inflate brush but it looks like you have too much geometry on the mesh. you can also just add 2 UV spheres and join them to you mesh and start resculpting from there

Anonymous No. 985654

Well are they supporting Adobe or stealing from them? You can't have both, you lunatic.

Anonymous No. 985657

hmm, I want to get good at using curves, every time I use them it feels like I'm wrangling them into the right positions

Anonymous No. 985683

You are supporting it by putting your time on it, making your portfolio with it, when you look for a job you will put Adobe on your CV.
Maybe not you, because you are a welfare recipient, but for someone who wants to enter on the job market your software efficiency is pretty much a way of supporting Adobe.

Anonymous No. 985704

How'd you make the portal effect?

Anonymous No. 985706

it was the hardest part, but basically a smoke sim with a vortex in the mid. Tried a bunch of stuff before with materials but all looked like shit. Not happy with this one neither but i can't do better

Anonymous No. 985709

Hmm, that's pretty neat

Anonymous No. 985710

it's ok considering this is the 1st time i do any of this shit

Anonymous No. 985713

Hmm, probably could have used a subdivided plane rotated the UVs with proportional editing to get a bit of a swirl, and then rotated some noise textures. That's how I would have done it, because fuck messing around with Blender's sims, they're fucking awful and I'd do absolutely anything not to fuck around with them for 7 hours to not get something I want.
Still, it looks good. Good work.

Anonymous No. 985716

thanks, what you said sounds more complicated probably cuz i never did that

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Anonymous No. 985732

Okay, did some fucking around and made a 3D model of a dude. I've separated the head, torso, arms and legs into separate objects (I plan to make this a generic customizable character with swappable meshes).
Now how the fuck do I rig it?

Anonymous No. 985734

what are some good places to get actual feedback besides /3/

even more of a hugbox, at least the ones i've been in
has been decent in my experience, but only if the algo happens to pick something up. otherwise it's empty

i don't want to have to pay someone, fuck that

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Anonymous No. 985738

Anonymous No. 985751

Select each piece and parent to their respective bone.

Anonymous No. 985761

Eh, in the time you spent fucking around with sims (I'm guessing 2-3 hours), I'm sure you could pick up what I mentioned. It's really not difficult, I've got faith in you.
You just subdivide a plane in edit mode, grab the center vert, turn on proportional editing ("O"), and rotate that vert to give the geometry a bit of a twist, adjusting the falloff with the mousewheel till you get all the verts except for the edge ones. That basically twists and warps the UV, so any texture you put on there will be swirly. Then you just animate the correct XYZ rotation of the mapping shader node and you're Gucci. Sounds complex, but it's extremely basic. I'd consider sims to be considerably more advanced.

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Anonymous No. 985770

Finally bit the bullet and downloaded 4.1 because there's now an "Active Camera" node in GN and I need it for a project to make my life easier.
I knew going in that autosmooth was now a modifier. What I didn't know was that the retarded fucks at Blender didn't auto add the modifier on objects from previous versions that had autosmooth on.
A scene comprised of over 1000 separate objects is now a smooth shaded mess.

Back to 4.0. I didn't want the node anyway....

Anonymous No. 985774

Actually, it's apparently supposed to be added. For some reason in my project. It is not. Go figure.

Anonymous No. 985797

Oh is that the p2design course? Is it worth the buy?

Anonymous No. 985800

bruh why did they change some of the shortcuts in 4.1

Anonymous No. 985802

Consistency across different modes, now it's more intuitive, there was some conflict with weight painting and selecting bones for example, now holding control does the negative of the brush like it does in sculpting mode

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Anonymous No. 985805

rate my shitty generic 3d character model

🗑️ Anonymous No. 985809

New to Blender, when I try to append models I bring in a lot of useless objects, rigging and such.
Is this normal? It takes a lot of time to clear up the clutter

Anonymous No. 985856


Anonymous No. 985857

what the fuck are you talking about

Anonymous No. 985862


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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 985868

when you import .fbx or any file that contains many elements you have to make sure to uncheck skeleton/rig and any other parts in the import window

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Anonymous No. 985869

the first anime model I tried making, I am scared to try another anime model. why are the noses so hard to do?

Anonymous No. 985890

Append will bring the rig too, because it's parented

Anonymous No. 985892

because they aren't nose shape and they mostly aren't there.

what did you do to learn how to model? serious question I use blender to modify stuff and none of the sculpting tools work the way I want. I want to make stuff from scratch but I don't like meatballs and can't ever get the low vertex smooth results you seem to have. I do 2D art with every program that's existed and 3D modelling in Fusion360 but I get to blender and I can't even make an egg. How the hell do I learn basic modeling?

Anonymous No. 985899

idk im not done yet and am still kinda on the fence. I think it's good in the sense that he has a shitload of knowledge and experience and provides a lot for the relatively low price. The theory is good but his implementation is confusing sometimes. idk if you have to buy the course to get a discord invite, but he does have a discord and I've got some pretty good value there too in terms of feedback and just absorbing general knowledge.

be warned the accent is very thick. I used to make captions for both live and pre-recorded content for a living, so I can decipher his shit on a professional level lol. I will say his enunciation is a lot better than most native speakers which makes things easier, but his pronunciation can be way off sometimes and be confusing. the download comes with subtitle files but I can't attest to their quality. I heard they're auto-generated though so they're probably not that great. over time you get used to his quirks and it gets easier though.

Anonymous No. 985900

you are using smooth shading right? And that anon is also using subdivision surfaces, so it's not as low-poly as it appears (there's a checkbox in the subdivision surface modifier called 'Optimal Display' that hides some of the generated vertices in the wireframe view)
If you don't know how to use that stuff, find any basic character modeling tutorial for blender and you can learn the technical skills in about five minutes
making it look good requires artistic skill, but you should have that already if you're a 2d chad

Anonymous No. 985902

she could lose some weight

Anonymous No. 985905

>what did you do to learn how to model?
Not that anon, but I'm in the process of making the transition from 2D to 3D, and it was a difficult process to learn a new skill starting from zero. But luckily there are free tutorials everywhere.
All I did was watch the beginners guide on blender's youtube channel. Back when 2.8 was still current, but I suppose they must have a newer beginner's guide now? I literally just listened to them say "press this button to do that", and then paused, and mimicked their action. It sounds boring as hell, but that was the only way I was going to learn the basics of the interface. If you're struggling to make even an egg, then it sounds like you need a basic tutorial like that. Just put in "Blender basics" into youtube. I'm sure a few creators have made them.

Honestly, the interface hasn't changed a whole lot since 2.8. But some minor shortcuts changes have occurred, and other minor menu changes. So in order to avoid getting tripped up, look for a beginner guide that's near to your version of blender. If you have 3.x, then find a 3.x tut. And if you have 4.x, then find a 4.x tut.

Anonymous No. 985915

too late.
use booleans and retopo starting with these

Anonymous No. 985923

HDD Just died on me.
Like literally several minutes ago. Was working perfectly fine one moment, never had any disk errors, then one by one the dominoes started to fall. A single folder was reported as corrupted, then the drive started making a series of 3 clicking noises like you'd hear on a car's turn signal, then finally a bunch of weird scraping and clicking noises before the whole drive just stopped appearing in the file browser. All within the span of like 30 mins. Just out of fucking nowhere.
All my 3d projects and stuff are fine since they're on the cloud, but all my textures are gone, all of my project-specific files that I didn't upload to the cloud like progress shots or basic textures, addons, all my music (hate spotify), half of my Shadowplay vids (managed to get half of them moved over during the panic), my movies and shows, and all my files from previous computers.
All in all, about 3TB in total. I was able to save like 15GB of the "important" stuff, but I figured I'd at least have a few hours to bring it over. My last HDD died over the span of days.
For the record, I was making backups... Only, that was the drive I was making backups to, kinda, I treated it as long term storage at least.

You know that feeling you have when you hear someone close to you died and you just sit there dumbfounded because you can't process what's happening at that moment? Yeah, I'm there.

Anonymous No. 985924

Thanks a lot i'll consider it now.

Anonymous No. 985946

based freechad.

Anonymous No. 985952

lighting is bad
smooth horns clash with mesh horns
statues faces are flat and too bright, looks like das punk screen faces, draw too much focus
animation doesn't wrap
torii texture maps are obviously pixelated

4/10 would not bang

Anonymous No. 985954

Looks nice anon, make the ruins a bit more cohesive and it would be a good portfolio piece

Anonymous No. 985960

damn. looks like one of those heroes3 intros

Anonymous No. 985966

what will 4.2 change in short? What will happen to evee and grease pencil?

Anonymous No. 985974

Asking nsfw blender question

Anonymous No. 985989

But I'm a Maya user

Anonymous No. 986014

are there general rules/guidelines for smears or do you just gotta wing it until something looks good?

Anonymous No. 986073

>why are the noses so hard to do?
Because most anime 3d noses are wrong.
Many use a cone shape, without nostrils which came from a misunderstanding of shading.
What's worse this has been exaggerated and became a self-reinforcing thing by the fact that most 2D art is just autotraced 3D from Clip Studio EX. The reason why anime noses appear that way in (actual) 2D is lighting and a simulated (drawn) over-exposure.
So what do I suggest? Give your characters a normal, nose. Meaning with nostrils in the topology which are fairly shallow and the nose very narrow and kind of pointy but not pointy to the "point" where it's a single vertex.
Also you can use subsurface in a NPR shader, to archive the desired effect of the nose not being very visible.

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Eyvind Earle Tutt....jpg

Anonymous No. 986077

how do you go about making something like this, a shader?

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Anonymous No. 986088

I assume it's the halftone look, so here's a starting point. Depending on what "something like this" is you might also want to play with the saturation or play with the threshold.

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Anonymous No. 986120

Anonymous No. 986193

yeah this is perfect

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Anonymous No. 986202

has anyone tried to make a zoetrope in blender? I'm sure it would be pretty easy to fake the effect, but what about the real way? what would be a good way for me to go about it? I have a nice walk cycle that I've made previously, is there an easy way to separate out each pose then arrange them in such a way I can get the illusion going? then I'd just have to figure out the proper rate to spin the wheel then set up a simple strobe effect to bring it all together

Anonymous No. 986208

Sounds like a huge waste of time. Haven't you asked this question before? I swear I've seen this get asked before.

Have you tried just doing what you said in your own post? Just render your character walking. Make the loop equal to how many frames the zoetrope should have. In blender, you can render out each frame of a video as individual images. And even simpler, you can render with transparent backgrounds

Then, take those image renders, and import them into your scene, and line them up like a real zoetrope.

Anonymous No. 986241

yeah I asked it a little while ago but never got an answer. I'm not interested in faking the effect necessarily, I want to try to replicate an actual zoetrope.

Anonymous No. 986245

>Easy way to separate out each pose
You can easily do it by duplicating the object, switching to the frame you want, and then applying the armature operator (actually I've never tried this but I'm 90% sure it would work.)
It might sound tedious for 32 frames or whatever, but you can easily do it in five minutes so it's pointless to write a script

Anonymous No. 986246

update, I tested it just to be sure, and of course it does work.
Maybe the easiest way to get them in position would be to start with a radial array modifier
Once they are in the correct position, apply the array modifier, then step through the animation frames and apply the armatures.

Anonymous No. 986248

Why haven't you just tried it then instead of sitting and waiting for an answer? It's an extremely simple mechanism to replicate. Hell, you could even use a sprite sheet or something to test it out with.

Anonymous No. 986259

Thoughts on EEVEE Next? Can it replace Cycles?

Anonymous No. 986261

Feels very stilted.

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Anonymous No. 986283

good progress. the front leg and back foot could still use some tweeks though.

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Anonymous No. 986297

Rate my topology

Anonymous No. 986321
>Blender's viewport has been tilted for the last 14 years
fosstards... not like this...

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Anonymous No. 986326

I want to design accessories and such (that would mostly be injection moulded) using 3D software. I have a bit of experience with vector graphics and I like being able to like, move vertices around. Anything specific I should consider?

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Anonymous No. 986328

Autodesk bros are laughing at us

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Captura de pantal....png

Anonymous No. 986329

new at blender, what the fuck is this weird texture? I'm going to try to model this again but I want to know in case it happens again

Anonymous No. 986331

Yeah I've always noticed that, I never really knew why the edges on the cube weren't straight when I looked at it in perspective view.
Then again, it didn't really matter, since my camera starts out without a tilt, and I usually just used that thing where you go into camera and out to set the view up that way since it carries over.
I never filed a bug report since I never really thought it was a bug.

Anonymous No. 986332

Looks like z-fighting, do you have another model underneath it extremely close?
If not, it could also be your viewport distances being to large or too small.

Anonymous No. 986334

>edit mode
>press A
>press M
>merge by distance

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Captura de pantal....png

Anonymous No. 986335

>do you have another model underneath it extremely close?

nope, although there was an instance where I had the same model overlapping for some reason, don't know how that happened but I deleted one and called it a day

>If not, it could also be your viewport distances being to large or too small.

I did start modeling on a fairly small scale, it's my first model so I had no reference on how small or big my mesh had to be, scaling it doesn't fix it though, nor does zooming in or out, not sure if this is what you refer to

a little more info on it is the UV wrap, I tried painting over it and the texture persisted, messing around I found out I could fix it by dissabling Oclude on the brush options, but I still want to know what was this all about to learn from my mistake

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big stiffy.jpg

Anonymous No. 986338

holy shit is that big stiffy?
and yeah I've been putting them off sorry

Anonymous No. 986341

this fixes it, thanks a lot

Anonymous No. 986342

Dumb question but how would I unwrap something knob-shaped like that head into even UV squares?

I'm trying to put a procedural tactile texture on a gearshift knob and the bumps are coming out different sizes. I tried using Follow Active Quads on a square UV but it still fucks up.

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Anonymous No. 986351


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Anonymous No. 986361

any tips for recreating the borderlands outline thing? I know it's a combination of textures (red in picrel) and something else (yellow). what is that something else? it doesn't look like what you can do with the solidify modifier because it usually maintains a constant thickness regardless of how close or how far away the object is (depends on the object though). grease pencil maybe?

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Anonymous No. 986363

That's what freestyle is for. I'm sure in borderlands it's in engine that they are doing it though. You'd have to make textures that are similar though, lots of noise and realism with a cartoon filter.

pic rel I took 5 seconds with an object I had from helping a friend

Anonymous No. 986364

maybe something like this?

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my guy.jpg

Anonymous No. 986366

rate my first attempt. also thanks

here's what I followed for others needing very basic bitch starting point:

Anonymous No. 986367

so do it, put in a number of model poses, move them to the ring, rotate around the axis. and you don't use a strobe you use a frame rate.

making a real world 3d print zoetrope would be a reason.

Anonymous No. 986368

needs more gyatt

using a technical program like fusion360

Anonymous No. 986373

What the fuck is a turrent?

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Anonymous No. 986448

blendermarket celebrates 10 years, so grab ur free shit, 10 days for 10 gifts, first one was retopoflow.

Anonymous No. 986450

blender will try to kill it this year, they are releasing their own platform more tied to the program, something like the game engines stores.

Anonymous No. 986451

Neat. I was gonna buy one of those crowd sims (don't think it was that exact one), but figured since I already made a traffic sim, swapping the cars for people would have been easy. Still, nice to have. Hope there's some more good shit.

Anonymous No. 986463

The crowd sim looks cool, but have you seen any license information for it?
Their 'lite' version does not allow commercial use. This is the 'birthday gift' version and doesn't seem to specify the license terms anywhere.

Anonymous No. 986465

>oi guv ya go'h a proppa loicense fo' tha' soff'ware?

Anonymous No. 986469

how do I make bone colors less shit? the're so dull and hard to see by default, especially against the already dull gray viewport

Anonymous No. 986471

Select some bones, and in the bone tab on the right panel: bone->viewport display->bone color
In pose mode, there will be a Pose Bone Color option as well

Anonymous No. 986472

no i know, i was referring to those colors. they look bright on the preview then you apply the color and it's dull as fuck.

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download (1).jpg

Anonymous No. 986487

hello anons. i need help with texturing. how do i achieve the concept's style on my model? or perhaps someone can texture my model for me?

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 986488

the model. im still new to this. also no arms because i dont think i need them

>Why not ai?
stable projectorz require an nvidia gpu which i dont have. leonardo is so slow it didnt even generate it.

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Anonymous No. 986489

Guys I'm following the 4.0 donut tutorial and everything has been fine up until part 7. For some reason everything is getting fucked up, I remade this cylinder several times and struggled with position and scale and view, even the origin point got fucked up. I finally get it redone I think and this happens:

>make cylinder
>select end faces
>ctrl+b to bevel
his bevels at 45º
mine (left) bevels at 33º (guess)

I swear the first time I did it it looked right (45º) but then flipping back to unpause something got fucked up and I backed out. Since then it's been fucked. I've played with the numbers, everything makes sense nothing seems to affect the angle. I started a new scene, delete cube add cylinder, same thing 33º. The 33º propagates up as you subdivide with the mouse wheel, giving a nice flat end which is not what I want. anyone know what the fuck is going on?

Anonymous No. 986492

>>Why not ai?
Trust me, nobody was thinking this. Except perhaps Cris. But he doesn't count.

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Anonymous No. 986493

>finally reading over the docs for the new pose library system

Anonymous No. 986494

how do i texture it to look like the image?

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apply scale cylin....png

Anonymous No. 986495

I may have discovered your problem. You likely scaled your cylinder while still in object mode. Object mode scaling is different from edit mode scaling. Typically, if you're still working on a mesh, you want to scale in edit mode so as to avoid wonky behavior like this.

This is easy to identify and fix.

Anonymous No. 986497

Changing the chape affects the origin point

Go to object mode, hit space type in "origin to geometry" press enter
The bevel reacts relative to a position

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Anonymous No. 986498

Hey I'm retarded
Is there any shortcut that can get me the orientation in pic? Num+7 gets me this flipped horizontally, and Num+9 flips that verically, but I can't find a way to get pic

Anonymous No. 986503

Can't stop me.
They won't be able to tell their sim from any other sim if the assets are swapped. I could just as easily say I made it myself, they can't prove shit.
They fuckin know it too, which is why they included the assets. So they can go "SEE! This is ours, we made 'GenericDude_37!' that's how we know!".

Anonymous No. 986504

Just make the texture? It's just colors.
You might look into fur shells for the fuzzy/stippled look. If done right, I think it could look really good on that model.

Anonymous No. 986505

Hold ctrl when pressing the general viewport switchers on the numpad to swap to the opposite of it.

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Anonymous No. 986516

Does anyone know what addon allows for better light control here?

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Anonymous No. 986530

holy fuck i am bad at making helmets for armor. does anyone have any tutorials on how to make a good knight helmet?

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Anonymous No. 986539

have you looked at a helmet? what period what region? Crusader is just a cylinder that tapers starting at the eyes with two eye slits. The rest is details. Variations are mostly a shape that's hollowed with a punchout for the face or eyes, yeah?

Anonymous No. 986540

the trick is not to make any money.

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shut up and take ....jpg

Anonymous No. 986544

>hard to know
>easy to identify and fix.
aaaaaaaaaaaaa, fuck me, I wish I had more internets to give you.

Anonymous No. 986557

Hi i'm new to blender and having trouble rigging with a model I found on sketchfab. I'm using this guys tutorial, but when I followed this dudes steps and get to the end, the rig doesn't control the mesh even when it's scaled,parented,etc.

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Anonymous No. 986565

I scaled all the green edges to 0 and then each red edge. Sides a,b,c,d,e etc aren't the same size like I want them to. Is there an alternative to me moving each red edge manually to approximately where it should be?

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Anonymous No. 986583

I gotta eat, Murph, I gotta be alive.

Anonymous No. 986590

How important is bone naming convention when rigging? From my understanding, DEF and MCH have special properties, right? but would lowercase def and mch still work? is it mandatory for me to use underscores instead of spaces? .r vs .R? kinda confused

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mole texture test.png

Anonymous No. 986594

Sorry, I'm still learning myself, so I probably can't be much help. Still, trying to help you is a good excuse to practice. So I downloaded your model. I noticed a few oddities about your mesh. A few vertices where they shouldn't be, and a stray edge causing trouble in the nose. I fixed them, then added more loops cuts to satisfy me, but if you think the loop cuts are too many, then you can delete them.(messing with the mesh is a good way to fuck up your UVs, which in turn will fuck up how your textures look. So make sure your mesh is satisfactory before moving forward)

I sculpted the face and body, but I'm not sure I got the shape of the character right. I would have included arms and a mouth, but you said they weren't necessary.

I unwrapped the mesh to make it easy to texture. My UV game is still pretty weak, but this is a simple model, so I think my UVs should be adequate enough. I probably didn't need to isolate the nose and feet. It felt appropriate though.

For the textures, I just set a dark brown as a base, then painted orange on the nose and cheeks, and a grayish brown around the eyes, attempting to go off reference. I used a voronoi node to get a grainy texture. Applying it to the roughness to get that spongy effect.

Lighting is just a couple of sun lights. One set to green, and another set to a dull yellow to make it warm. For sun lights, setting the strength to pi actually makes them perfectly even. I dunno why. Something to do with the math. But yeah, that's why they're both the strength of pi. And then a floor light to fake a reflection.

So all in all, take what I give you with a grain of salt, as I'm still a beginner. But perhaps this will help.

Anonymous No. 986646

If I update blender do I need to redo the startup file and change any shortcut, addons or preference that I added?

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Anonymous No. 986649

How do I generate something like this in Blender? Basically just random lines at varying distances

Anonymous No. 986652

Google my friend

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Anonymous No. 986663

I needed to make this curved volume so I subdivided both vertices on one face of a cube but there's some sort of 'invisible' continuity of the original top face, before i moved the subdivided points. I can't modify or touch it, does anybody knows what's up with that? It doesn't do it on the bottom face while all points are positioned the same; the top face points being higher on the Z axis obviously.

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Anonymous No. 986690

Is there any good course/tutorial on blender modifiers APART of the cgcookie course?
I cannot find any good one.

Anonymous No. 986698

Just look them up when you think you need them?
Why the fuck do you need to know all of them at once? You're not going to remember it unless you do a project where you make use of them.
90% of the time, you'll be using like 5 or 6 and the rest extremely rarely.
It's like learning all the shortcuts, it's pointless. Shortcuts save time on repetitive actions you do repeatedly, not so you have to operate the entire program via keyboard.

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Anonymous No. 986717


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Anonymous No. 986822

okay stupid questions because I want to learn to do things right while I'm learning.

1. top how do I subdivide the face only vertically into rectangles? subdivide does horizontal and vertical I just want to cut the face at the green arrows. something like alt-R but only for the face.

2. I want to round the geometry where the red arrows are. applying subdivision surface rounds the whole object, I want to round these corners but not the front face in 1. something like turning it into a bezier curve with handles.

I've been through the tutorials and I know I can do this manually with a lot more work but I'm trying to you know learn "right".

Anonymous No. 986825

geometry nodes. input random rotation and length on a plane. it's like ... sprinkles on a donut.

Anonymous No. 986827

1: knife tool
2: maybe bevel it

Anonymous No. 986838

I just start chopping with the knife tool.
Honestly, I've found that as I've progressed more and more into 3d, I just end up making shit pretty much vert by vert these days.

Anonymous No. 986862

I wound up subdividing then deleting edges. I just keep seeing those vids in my feed with "don't do it like a pleb just hit alt+windows+F7 and it does it for you!" for all kinds of operations I don't need.

Regardless I'm one step closer to donut posting.

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Anonymous No. 986866

>lighting is bad
agreed, it's just the sun light
>smooth horns clash with mesh horns
it's kinda like that in the game
>statues faces are flat and too bright, looks like das punk screen faces, draw too much focus
kinda true yeah
>animation doesn't wrap
i know, i could have cut it shorter but oh well
>torii texture maps are obviously pixelated
if you mean the ones on the top part yeah i just handpicked each square and changed their shading, normally it would need sculpting but idk how to do that yet
i'll take that

Here's what i made next.

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Anonymous No. 986867


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Anonymous No. 986879

You probably get this question a lot, but I want to start learning Blender. I've no previous skills with anything like this.

Where should I start, any good tutorial or workthrough recommendations please? General tips also welcome. Thanks

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i made this in maya.png

Anonymous No. 986880

blender guru's donut series gets memed but it's a pretty good introduction to the software and absolute basics. from there it depends on what you want to actually do with blender

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robo gril.png

Anonymous No. 986883

want to model a robot girl, are these sensible partitions for the limbs? want it to be fairly humanoid but not to the point where metal skin starts to move like real skin.

Anonymous No. 986888

I don't have anything specific in mind, just want to play around and maybe do some animation. But if feels like I'm far away from being able to learn to animate.
So I should look up blender guru? Or are there better methods?

Anonymous No. 986900

he's unbearably slow to follow but pretty thorough. you should absolutely make your own individual thread when you finish your donut, it's a rite of passage around here. maybe make two or three just to be sure.
this guy is very experienced in vidya and film and knows what he's talking about. this is one of the best intros to blender and animation you can find on youtube. his other vids are fantastic as well.

if you check the anime thread >>>/3/anime some kind anon dumped a shitload of paid courses there. There are a couple great animation courses there that amount to several hundred dollars in value. I particularly recommend >>986229 for animation but there is an assumption that you already know your way around blender so start with the basics first.

also is fun, i just love his voice.

Anonymous No. 986951

This shit has been figured out ages ago, just look up real articulate mannequins and copy their joints. There are a few joint styles you can choose from. Her shoulders looks off to me at a glance. I doubt she could raise her arms above her head without bending the metal.

Anonymous No. 986969

is this thread autosaged or something? it keeps falling away from the first page when it has replies that are way more recent than most threads.

Anonymous No. 986970

Yes, different boards have different autosage thresholds. For /v/, it starts after 500 posts. For this board, I'm not entirely sure, but I think it's 300 posts.
So yeah, the thread is very slowly dying. Because of the slow speed of the board, this thread will be up for a long time still. So don't stress it.

Anonymous No. 987021

I've never made a donut

Anonymous No. 987034

true, i'll give em a look. leaning more towards having them float with magic plasma shit but idk. forgot to do the shoulders I guess but the plan is to have them as kind of a floating plate maybe, to have plenty of empty space to move the arm around in a sensible fashion

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what the fuck now.jpg

Anonymous No. 987075

guys please I am almost ready to donut post, got through rendering frames and laid them out in the video editor in blender set all my setting and FUCKING BLANK SCREEN
it's doing fucking nothing. no progress, no %, no view. I got all the way to 14 and can't make the actual fucking video. What gives?

Anonymous No. 987076

is your timeline/frame amount ok ?

Anonymous No. 987077

yes and size is even pixels which is 98% of google. turns out there is a 2 second message in the blender window, which is covered by the render popup that says "unsupported codec operation". by the time I was resizing the render window the error message was gone. I randomly swapped encode to ogg and it's rendering just fine so I just need webm output settings or to convert. I want this donut shit to be fucking over.

Anonymous No. 987079

it will be over after you make 2-3 more donut scenes alone..good luck

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Anonymous No. 987081

good christ no. there is so much in my backlog I don't need to waste any more time with donuts.

also here, am I finally /3/ now?

Anonymous No. 987096

how do i nest my bone collections? or is that a 4.2 thing that;s not out yet and Im just a retard

Anonymous No. 987104

I'm guessing here, guessing mind you. But it's probably
>select child collection
>shift select parent collection

Anonymous No. 987108

Migrato --->
Migrato --->

Anonymous No. 987220

nice work

Anonymous No. 987416

Thanks very much. Really appreciate your response
>you should absolutely make your own individual thread when you finish your donut
Kek, A thread of my donut? Will it be worth it anon? What if my donut is bad?

It does seem both you and that other anon suggested following blenderguru's tutorials if I want to learn Blender with no prior knowledgeso that seems to be the tutorial to go with. Thanks.

I also appreciate the link to the courses and especially the recommendation. The trouble with having lots of courses to pick from is you can also pick a bad one, but your rec is the one I will go with once if I make my donut and want to continue.
Unless it's too advanced in which case any animation tutorials are welcome as well

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Anonymous No. 989246

>trying to learn modeling
>following a tutorial on youtube
>blender suddenly crashes
>lost like an hour of work and have to do it all over again
lesson learned, save whenever I can

Anonymous No. 989695

Your autosave?

Anonymous No. 989862
