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๐Ÿงต /3/ as a side hustle

Anonymous No. 985337

My plan is to learn enough modelling and composition so I can make NSFW "art" and sell it on Fanbox/Patreon/Gumroad. I have identified a niche of degenerates that seem underserved and recently a big artist in that niche burned out. I'm thinking of giving his audience a new home. He published a new comic every month of roughly 60 pages consisting of shots from around 3 or 4 scenes, all rendered in DAZ. I think this can be trimmed by at least half. He was a bit too into his own story and characters and cutting that out while keeping the degenerate stuff will keep me from burning out too.

Do you guys think this is a viable idea?

Anonymous No. 985344

Stop making donut threads.
Stop making new threads about nsfw content, when they already exist. >>976561

Anonymous No. 985357

Of course it's possible, but it's a lot of work. You have to be consistent. I am not sure this is something you can just do as a simple "side hustle"

Anonymous No. 985373

Can't sell on Gumroad mate

Anonymous No. 985390

>sell it on Fanbox/Patreon/Gumroad
they're slowly pushing out nsfw because payment jews don't like it (and that's unironically a good thing, get fucked lol)

Anonymous No. 985409

who is that artist? what's the niche?

Anonymous No. 986872

>they're slowly pushing out nsfw because payment jews don't like it
>jewish run porn will continue to receive funding though
ahh, to live in the United States of Israel.

Anonymous No. 986873

Go to Upwork and see how many indians are selling 3d services

Anonymous No. 986876

>My plan is to learn enough modelling and composition so I can make NSFW "art" and sell it on Fanbox/Patreon/Gumroad.

The market is fucking over saturated, the fucking world economy is in a recession and no one has fucking money to throw at retarded coomer artists.
Either come back in a couple years or better spend your time learning a skill or trade that will actually make you enough money to keep your roof over your head.

Learning 3D for monies right now is dumb. Doing it as a hobby is great.

Anonymous No. 989866

you tell me