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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 987324

>People in /3/ threads on /v/ of all places display more skill at this than most of this board
Show the class that you've actually managed to accomplish something or attempt to explain why a board like /v/ is outdoing you

Anonymous No. 987326

Top talent on /3/ can't post any work as that would dox us, under NDA, or both. I posted stuff here many years ago but nowdays my stuff is at artstation and polycount under my real name.

What /v/ threads are these of which you speak?

Anonymous No. 987330

As >>987326 said, people don't post their work here

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Anonymous No. 987332

There have been a couple 'game dev' games on /v/ that turned into 3d threads.
>dox us
Didn't stop those anon's on /v/ and I doubt they don't have some work under their real names in addition to the things they did share. I'm not buying you being worried about doxing yourself and you don't have something under a rouge identity because they did. Try better next time.

Anonymous No. 987336

I don't care about this futile competition.
I just want to make cool 3D things and see other people making cool 3D thing.
So, like, just post their work so I can see it rather than just bragging about it.

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the chair nerd No. 987337

>Show the class that you've actually managed to accomplish something or attempt to explain why a board like /v/ is outdoing you
This is the best of my abilities. This is me at 100%
Your move /v/

Anonymous No. 987341

This is an anonymous board anon, the value of it lies in that anonymity and ephemeral identity.
I don't come here to show off and upstage fellow tr/3/pots still in the starting blocks or to get feedback on my work.
There are better venues available for me that provides me with that stuff.

I'm here to give my 2cent if I spot someone with a tricky problem I can answer or partake in some semi sane exchange
about some semi-insane topic only a madman would speak their mind on publicly.

Just because some people are crazy enough to wanna be openly affiliated with 4chan doesn't mean all of us are.

Anonymous No. 987342

>Didn't stop those anon's on /v/
/v/'s things are probably garbage in comparison to what a handful of anons who don't pyw here make

Anonymous No. 987343

I found one thread
Standouts are:
I'm fairly certain half of those are the same guy though.Certainly better than a lot of the things I see here.

the chair nerd No. 987344

>I'm fairly certain half of those are the same guy
Hello same guy. Please take your meds.

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Anonymous No. 987345

I'm just here because I want to make anime figures and the best I can do is pose models I found online.

Anonymous No. 987347

The Camilla Gardevoir and Rosalina pictures are one guy
The turntables are another guy
The witch is a 3rg guy
The Alma model is a fourth guy
There a couple more in the thread that are also other guys. So at least 6 guys by my count and >>986401 was in there if you want to include that waste of oxygen.

Anonymous No. 987351

>6 whole people posting their work in one thread
How will we recover sist/3/rs?

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Anonymous No. 987355

I was most active here during the golden age of ratboygenius and when Millenia and Alioto where the resident board namefags.
I trailed off duing the era of star-what was his name.. star-something. Starcrew? Starchief? something like that.

I drop by from time to time. Can't post anything current but pic related are examples of character rigs
I made for since long scrapped personal projects I posted to this site 8 years ago.

From private conversation I know there to be some other people who work/worked on big name /v/ titles that at least lurk here from time to time.

the chair nerd No. 987361

Not me by far but I can account for Golden Globe/Oscar level animators/vfx artists that come here at least weekly.
They are also degenerates as every man should be.

Anonymous No. 987364

>degenerates as every man should be.

It's said there is a guy who's now with ILM that admitted to be the author of several 'how do I make realistic glue' threads.

Anonymous No. 987365

>'how do I make realistic glue'
I remember those threads lol

the chair nerd No. 987367

But did he manage?!!

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Anonymous No. 987368


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the chair nerd No. 987370

Omfg priceless.

Anonymous No. 987371

>The glue that bonds us all... the legacy of one common goal...

lmfao rhyming so it sounds like some coomer/bukkake incantation

Anonymous No. 987385

thanks for bringing that up, is that the last non bankrupt CGI studio? I remember reading about pretty much every studio getting BTFO'd financially several years ago, how did that go?

the chair nerd No. 987391

Don't get pixelfucked:

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Anonymous No. 987399

Everyone's afraid to post work on /3/ because there's a microcosm of people just waiting to shit on you hard for literally anything you post.

Anonymous No. 987419


Anonymous No. 987434

Bro, with the exception of the sculpts, all of these are shit. The same level of shit that gets posted here every day. You see "big booba" and your coom-fried braincells lose their shit.