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🧡 /wip/ - Works In Progress

Anonymous No. 993026

/wip/ - Works In Progress - "Mistake" edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>991621

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Anonymous No. 993030

Started addin some holograms to the city. I've got a few more planned. Once that's done I'm gonna try to do some geo nodes shit to make "projection lines" coming out from them to different points so they look like they're being projected from them. Dunno how I'll manage it with the dragon though. In my head, it's being projected from the road, but the dragon goes all around it, so it'd have to have projectors on each side or something. Or maybe different buildings cooperatively project it or something, that might actually be cool.

Anyway, here it is in motion.

Also, fuck the mods. Can't even count on one hand the amount of times they've done anything beneficial for any of the boards I've been on.

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Anonymous No. 993049

it's getting there, I guess I'm a few days away from finishing this.

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sos yo.png

Anonymous No. 993058

Made a fuggin' footlocker, plus some assorted things like a folded blanket and paper decorations, namely a boat, a plane and a swan origami. The paper decorations were extremely easy to model and unwrap, I like how they look

Anonymous No. 993116

It looks good but there's something a bit weird about the composition anon. Like the pyramid's taking up the focus of the shot but it's visually overpowered by the more contrasty stuff on the sides and the sweet dragon

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Concept render 6.jpg

Anonymous No. 993131

Just textured this bad boy

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checkmate bitch.png

Anonymous No. 993133

Got around to texturing a chess board and pieces I had lying about. Will do some adjustments like making the font on the board smaller but this set is pretty much done

Anonymous No. 993138

why so low poly?

Anonymous No. 993140

It's for a game

Anonymous No. 993141

the wood direction makes no sense, you would be better using procedural wood texture here or blending 3 ones based on normal and baking it down
ambient too stonh too

Anonymous No. 993142

unless its for quake 1 i think you can afford 3-10x more

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Anonymous No. 993145

It's already 8k
how much does a typical character model have in games?

Anonymous No. 993147

>how much does a typical character model have in games?
depends what games
horizon forbidden west 300k - 800k
mortal kombat 12 100-300k
re 7 village, 50-400k
god of war 2018 80-300k
spider man 1 50k to 1 milion
ass creed oddysey/origin 50-200k
half life 2 4-10k

basically ps 4 era was pushing 100-200k for normal characters and 1 milion for bosses
ps5 era games, so now, are pushing half a million to a million
you is at about hl2 2005 era, back when models were optimized to be under 10k

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Anonymous No. 993157

WIP bug girl
11k tris and one 1024 texture
still working on her weight painting

Anonymous No. 993161

Does he really need to? Genuine question. I’m working on some game stuff and I have opted to go lower, around 10-20k (partially for style reasons)

I mean, I don’t think his model is bad or anything. So it would be good to know

Anonymous No. 993164

i think the pepe looks perfect
arctic eggs
cruelty squad
buckshot roulette
all did fine with low polys
less polygons means everything gets finished faster
more animations more gameplay
if the model conveys the emotion the job is done

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Anonymous No. 993165

Would Godot be able to handle it?
Big game studios all use proprietary engines that are well optimized

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Anonymous No. 993173

is there really no other faster way to retopo? as in methodology-wise? i make one loop go long and the start bring it down. i feel like i am doing something stupidly wrong

Anonymous No. 993174

In the old thread a kind anon told me
>use a smoke sim to drive a particle sim's particles (use the smoke force field)
>Do the smoke, and add some particles to get that chunkiness
What's the easiest way to do this?
I followed one method I found, but it looked like complete shit because he was using quick explosion on a cube.
When I do the smoke first and then the particles the particles seem to come out first and immediately hit the ground before the smoke/powder is going.
I need it to be more like with the quick explosion where the smoke actually follows the particles, but I can't seem to work out how to do it. At least I think that's what I need to do.
I've been trying this shit since yesterday and it has my head boxed.

Anonymous No. 993179

>Does he really need to?
but it looks square and blocky as all fuck
i expect 25k tris should be enough, and its still very low by modern standards
hl2 modding was so big for so long it gave people completly false impression on how game models are made, while game devs use UDIMS, 100k+ tris models, blends shaps for support on skeletal animation, texture blender and extra uv decal tuxturing for 15 years now, people think 10k is anything but a joke
i work for a mobile game dev, and out characters are 5-30k, and our game runs on a fucking potato

just go with a polycount that looks nice and round, unless you want to flex you ultra low poly skills

Anonymous No. 993180

dunno, but i expect anything you throw at it, the problem isnt polycount, its overdraw and subpixel tris, gpus work in pirs of 4 pixels, having to raster a single pixel for a tris means you have to do it 4x, a lot of tris in one place = you framerate craters
proper LODing and culling is more important than polycounts

Anonymous No. 993181

pirate quad remesher

Anonymous No. 993184

Man, your models are /clean/
What kind of modelling technique are you using? The cast steel has to be subdiv, and i guess the wood is worn well enough for it as well.
If so, are you manually placing holding edges and support loops or does a bevel modifier keep the shape, defined by its weight?
How do you unwrap your models? Doing it before applying the modifiers usually gives me a great layout that gets distorted, but doing it after is much more work and minimizing the stretch is harder.

Anonymous No. 993196

>the wood direction makes no sense

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Anonymous No. 993197

You have too many faces, start with the lowest amount that describes the shape and then add edge loops or subdivision modifier
Also start by defining the main loops first and then connect them, pic related, try to do it with less quads

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fallout 3.png

Anonymous No. 993199

Don't listen to this cretin >>993138 , low poly is king, I normally hate frogposters but your model is quite good, well done
Shut the fuck up. These anons are the kind of people who cause modern games to be bloated, unoptimized pieces of shit. No you don't need 100k polys for your models to look good, in fact I am of the strong opinion that textures trump all, your model can be very low poly but if your texture work is up to snuff no one except high poly freaks such as the ones who just voiced their inane opinions will care. Less polys means more headroom for everything else in a game, such as AI/physics tics, off the top of my head. Do you want to sacrifice performance for the sake of some character's asshairs and anal wrinkles? Seriously? The fucking imbecilles who replied to the OP are the reason why games take for fucking ever to load nowadays and look only marginally better than what came out 10 years ago, if bloatware is your benchmark then please, by all means, listen to their retarded advice, if instead you want to cut out all the bullshit then go low poly. The pepe model that was just posted was perfect, low poly but with good texturework, that's all you really need

Anonymous No. 993205

Polycount today doesn't matter, you low poly tranny. God of War characters go into the six digits range and are well performing games because we are advancing in technology and can afford to do such things. It's not 2001 anymore with your shitty 10k polygon limit on your outdated engine. A good model has both good textures and the polygons to add the shape flavour to it.

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Anonymous No. 993207

Every time I see that picture I remember Requiem for Humanity

Anonymous No. 993211

Please stop talking idiot, I'm playing Ready Or Not and it's an unoptimized piece of shit because of retards like you who go all in on da graffix resulting in dogshit performance. Let the OP decide: go all in on da graffix and let your performance be shit, or sacrifice some visual fidelity for improved gameplay responsiveness, because low FPS or constant frame rate hiccups are anything but
>god of war
OP isn't some AAA developer you dummy, he's likely some guy in his basement, maybe "professional" devs have tools, resources at their disposal which allow them to take on millions of polys with minimal impact on framerate, but that anon likely only has access to Unreal, or Godot as he mentioned. And yes Unreal isn't some silver bullet that allows you to ignore optimization as games using it such as RON show, it too requires to be used with restraint

F3's soundtrack is so underrated, especially its dungeon music, it made going through the ruins of DC that much more tense:

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Anonymous No. 993212

You don't need to be an AAA developer to make a well running actually good looking game. Tiny indie studios like the Visage horror game which 2 random passion autists had made pulled it off from their basement and it blew up massively. One level designer. One character artist. If you're too retarded to create proper assets then you should just 41% because you don't have the dedicated will neither the talent for it. Low poly pixel art is more your style, tranny.

Unreal can be a tank while also providng features and options to optimize your game, built for low iq third worlders like you.

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retopo tip.png

Anonymous No. 993213

The answer is the Subdivision Surface Modifier bro. Funny you should bring up retopology, I just retopo'd a new male character basemesh yesterday.

Essentially what I suggest doing (as this anon already hinted at >>993197 ) is:
1) make a first basic, low poly pass of your retopo'd model, make sure it has quads only (not that the Subsurf modifier won't work without it, it will work even if you have triangles, maybe even ngons although I didn't really test that, but having your retopo have only quads will spare you from having to clean up your model later after you applied the Subsurf). Make sure this basic retopo model has good edgeflow, so meaning that your vertices are more or less evenly spaced out, that they are placed in such a way that the shape of the original sculpt is preserved as closely as possible, that there aren't extreme deviations in edgeflow which could result in weird deformations once you'll skin/rig your model, just keep that shit pretty uniform so to speak;
2) after you've done your first retopology pass, add a Subdivision Surface modifier, I personally make sure it's at the bottom of my stack; when you first enable the Subsurf (note that I said "enabled", not "applied", that will come later) you'll see your retopo'd mesh "shrink", or in other words experience a loss in volume; don't worry about it, you'll see why in a bit.
Just to be sure we're on the same page, when I make a retopo'd model, I make sure in my Modifiers stack I have the following, in this order: 1) Mirror; 2) Shrinkwrap (active on the sculpt that this model is retopoing); 3) Subdivision Surface;
3) apply the Subdivision Surface Modifier. Even if you get the classic Blender message telling you how you may get undesired results, this is one of those cases where it actually gives you DESIREABLE results, because you'll see how your retopo model once the Subsurf has been applied will assume a volume which will much more closely resemble that of your original sculpt

Anonymous No. 993214

*yawn* The low-poly chuddies are arguing with the triple a trannies again because technical details are apparently more important than the artistic decisions that go into a model.
Why can't we have a peaceful thread?

Anonymous No. 993218

Whoah you're telling me a horror game with short draw distances, only 1 AI actor and few props on screen at any time runs well? No fucking way dude!
Alright then let's come to a better understanding because our gamedev targets are clearly different: I suggested going low poly and prioritizing optimization over pure graphical fidelity under the assumption that the wannabe gamedev anon might have wanted to create games with larger environments meaning with far draw distances, several NPCs present at any time, the works, but if your scale is smaller, meaning the domestic environment of a horror game where you can make great use of occlusion culling, with few or only 1 NPC present, then yes you can afford to have that one NPC have hundres of thousands of polys, it ain't my style, but it's a situation where high graphical fidelity likely won't result in poor performance due to how few items will be rendered or even just loaded in in that particular scenario
You can afford to have characters with high graphical fidelity as long as there will be few of them present at any time.
In other words, it's either quality over quantity or quantity over quality. I'm more of a quantity over quality guy myself, obviously, I'd rather spend the time one does over a single prop to create multiple that while they may not look as good still look satisfactory and help populate the game world more efficiently, if I had to spend that much time for every single prop I would never see the end of it. AAA studios can afford to have mutliple devs work on several high fidelity props or characters, indies generally do not, and if they do make high poly work it's only for few items, the rest is all asset store elements. If you want to have your game have all custom made assets, your only reasonable choice is low poly, high poly for your entire game would take too much time and effort for a small indie dev team

Anonymous No. 993220

Went over the letter limit, finishing this post here. The juice just ain't worth the squeeze, coupled with the fact that "realistic" props don't look that interesting, as technically impressive as they may be

Anonymous No. 993224


Anonymous No. 993225

kid, you dont know what you are talking about
if it fits in vram, then its not too high poly, you could probably push 1 BILION tris models in real time, and as long as you dont have shadows and lod it run 60 fps in 4k
rasterization is cheap, and as i said, what matter is tris size, not number, keep your overdraw, drawcalls and shadow maps in check and you can run 1 milion poly character models like spiderman on ps4 did.
>everything else in a game, such as AI/physics tics, off the top of my head.
which is stuff done on the CPU, so how the fuck it affects you GPU overhead?

make a finished character model then talk, personally i hate doing retopo for models larger tan 20k, but also i hate working under 10k, if im lazy i will retopo, subivide and wrap around the high
if it looks blocky, it needs more tris

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Anonymous No. 993227

My first model :3

Anonymous No. 993228


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Anonymous No. 993229

forbidden west is probably the best looking game of recent time, it runs at 60 fps in 4k on good hardware and it has character models and robots than are half a milion +, and you can have 5-20 of them on screen at once
RE7 characters are up to 1 milion too, there are scenes where you have 5+ of them on screen at once, and game looks amazing too


Anonymous No. 993230

>anti polycount discussion fag
kill yourself, im right, you are wrong

Anonymous No. 993232

That's a lot of anger over such a simple reply. I just think it would be nice if some of you could be more civil instead of starting a war over something so silly.
You should go see a therapist.

Anonymous No. 993234

shut the fuck up

Anonymous No. 993236

What if I open the fuck down? What'll you do then, tough guy?

Anonymous No. 993238

Yeah I agree. But to me, the pyramid wasn't meant to be THE focal point, but rather A focal point. I want the viewer to look there, but I don't want them to linger there and get stuck. I want the eye to be able to wander about the composition and see all kinds of shit. There's lines leading back to the center, like with the road, the traffic on the right, and the V shape of the skyline, but the pyramid is mainly there to carve a chunk out of the skyline and free up the sky, and the shape is meant to push the eye up into the sky. There's going to be rockets and the like going to space behind it.
The city lights are a bit too bright right now, so those will be toned down, and I'll probably light the pyramid up a bit better to bring it out, but like I said it was never really meant to be the main idea of the image. Just a big weenie like the Disney Castle.
It's a bit too late to change the whole composition's layout, but I'm open to some suggestions of what I can do with what I have currently.

It looks angular in a way that almost seems on purpose. Hell I'd even lean into it more to be honest. Give him some nice distinct lines that cut an interesting silhouette.

Anonymous No. 993267

This really weird thing keeps happening in blender 4.0 does anyone know what causes it?
>Try to do small bevel
>Goes from no bevel to an amount much more than I want
>Try to lessen it and it snaps back to no bevel
Same thing happened when I was scaling some faces. They just kept snapping past the point I wanted them at.
No I don't have any snapping turned on.

Anonymous No. 993269

Sometimes I swing by /3/ just to see if anyone's started posting here yet and I gotta say I really appreciate how this thread is always up with a slight variation of the same picture. It's been this way for years now. I admire your dedication.

Anonymous No. 993270

Box model to end up with the correct topo

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Anonymous No. 993280

hey bros I'd ask in stupid questions thread but it's gone. anyone know what course would teach me to make models like this? I only see courses for high poly stuff or if it's low poly it looks super ugly and I don't like the style at all.

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Anonymous No. 993293

yup i realized i was overcomplicating it and then made a lower poly retopo and subdived it. got a decent normal bake as well in substance but i have clue how to texture creatures. i have been looking at references but my mind is unable to comprehend how to break it down. any tips for texturing creatures?

Anonymous No. 993294

is there a place I could get those human skin materials

Anonymous No. 993295

i got it with my pirated copy anon

Anonymous No. 993296

Just study those models themselves

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Anonymous No. 993303

I don't know if I posted it already but here's a fuggin' reloading bench press

Don't worry 'bout it it's just banter bro, I'm the low poly advocate and it's just a heated but friendly discussion is all, the absurd, unreasonably over the top language is just part of the fun. Some things they say I just don't agree with while others are objectively useful

I don't know of any courses, but I do know that textures in the style of the example you posted rely on a contrast between shadows and highlights, drawn directly in the Diffuse.
Highlights are parts that are more lightly colored, such as that guy's forehead and shoulders where light is more likely to hit the character in a direct manner. Essentially the bits of a character that protrude the most are the ones you want to draw highlights onto i.e. be of a lighter color shade compared to the rest. Such protruding areas are the aforementioned forehead, shoulders, but also knuckles, his "nose" (he doesn't seem to have a nose but you get what I mean), his biceps, etc.
Shadows are parts which light has a harder time reaching. There are 2 main types of shadows: soft and sharp.
Soft shadows can be drawn with a round, large, soft, low opacity brush for larger areas that are more in shade, for example right under the top of the guy's shoulders, in that depression between the top of the shoulder and the bicep.
Sharp shadows are for small crevices, such as the spaces between the guy's toes.
This is all I can tell you off the top of my head, should be enough to get you started. Remember: highlights and shadows, protrusions and crevices

Anonymous No. 993317

The cast steel is indeed subD, on top of which there are sculpted details made in zbrush, and the lowpoly was made with the subD basemesh with a few modifications. The wood is mainly sculpted is zbrush and with a little lowpoly made with maya and just shrink-wrapped onto the decimated mesh. There are no loops to hold anything becuase I'm just using very simple lowpoly meshes which are baked from the very highpoly model that I made in zbrush.

I unwrap my models using rizomuv mostly because it's really really fast and efficient.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 993318

Here you go

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 993322

Anonymous No. 993323

The dragon is kill ;_;
client didn't go for it.

Anonymous No. 993330

Unless you're running dated hardware like the Switch, you can make characters with over 8k polygons.

I just checked the model of Mario from Mario Odyssey, and it's only a little over 14.3 tris. Link from Breath of the Wild is 12.5 tris. And then after breath of the wild, Nintendo gave link up to 5 partner characters to fill the screen, and added a shitload of physics. Yes, the framerate does go down, but again it's the fucking switch. The hardware was behind when it originally debuted. If you're not running on a potato, you can afford slightly more expensive models than 8k. Maybe you don't want to get into the complications of 100K+ models. I understand. But you shouldn't be afraid of 10k+. Not unless you're developing a game like pikmin, where you expect to have a small army on screen. In which case, you should be implementing LoD models anyway.

Anonymous No. 993331

try apply scales

Anonymous No. 993343

I tried that and they're all fine

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Anonymous No. 993349

I want to make realistic animation. Where the FUCK do I start?

Anonymous No. 993360

that bad anatomy
i would go back, focus on main shapes and project scales in substance

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2024-08-27 18_03_36.jpg

Anonymous No. 993362

>uneven texel density
aaaaaaaaaaa, that image triggers me hard

apply a uv cheker texture to everything, and make sure the squares are more or less similar in size, not diffrent like image here

Anonymous No. 993364

give up
use ready mocap animations and ready animation rigs
realistic animations is something professional studios fail at

Anonymous No. 993366

imagine the braps...

Anonymous No. 993374

I can't find it, I wish someone would dump the whole substance source library

Anonymous No. 993383


Anonymous No. 993384

>ready animation rigs
Interesting, can you tell me more please? Where can I find rigs like that?

Mecha No. 993388

Not the guy you responded to in >>993296
but I had a follow up question:

If I wanted to do this with the shadows and highlights, but still wanted in-game engine lighting to work, how would I go about that? Specifically, lets say I make a character with wings. If the wings flap, the underside should be darker when they are down and away from the direct light but should light up and show their full texture color when they go up and the light hits them.

Do I need to do anything special with the textures themselves or add things like normal maps? Or am I overthinking it?

Anonymous No. 993389

I'm not sure I understand what you're asking.
Diffuse textures in the style the OP asked for have their shadows and highlights baked into the texture, essentially, so they're obviously going to remain there even when hit by an in-game light source. But even so Diffuse textures look good to me personally both when in highly lit and dimly lit scenarios. You're probably overthinking it, just don't go crazy with either highlights or shadows when creating your Diffuse texture and these wings you want to make (assuming they're not merely an example) will probably look fine both when lit up by a light source and when they aren't.
If you want to go the extra mile you can try Materialize: it's a free program that allows you to generate maps such as Height and Normal from a Diffuse texture, that way you can have your Material react to in-game lighting if that's what you're after

Mecha No. 993390

Yeah I figured I didn't explain it quite well. I'm still figuring out everything, so you're probably right in that I'm overthinking it.

I appreciate the advice though! I'll look into Materialize because that sounds like something I'm going to want, if not now but in the near future.

Anonymous No. 993449

Do you have existing animation experience?
I'm learning animation currently with no prior experience. You need to start with the fundamentals and do animations of things like bouncing balls, working your way up to character animation.

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Anonymous No. 993484

How do I go learning about it for specific creatures? also what is project scales? is it the thing using anchor points?

Anonymous No. 993533

dunno, i know there is stuff like Mixamo and other animation libraries

Anonymous No. 993534

go to, look up crock, aligator and kaiman scans and models to learn head structure
in substance you can project photos onto the model, you can later convert projections to height and normal maps using anchors
there are even crock displacemmnt maps on website if you want photorealism

Anonymous No. 993549

Shit this brings me memories.
I used to work on a small company that made this style of work.
There was a really good tutorial on udemi, handpainted texturing I think it was called.
It was a shield and sword.

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Anonymous No. 993576

quick texturing test
exceptionally cute

Anonymous No. 993580

>Exposed nipples, vagina, and anus
>Post and poster haven't been jannied
/3/ is healing

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Anonymous No. 993590

testing her physics now.
This is only joints, no blendshapes, no alembics.

Anonymous No. 993591

Anyone know why my inset isn't working properly?
>Select 3x4 grid of faces
>They all inset except the top row which just doesn't do anything
>Try to inset the top row faces individually
>Second one works no problem
>Third one works no problem
>First one starts flipping in the opposite direction
I've already applied scale so I know it isn't that at fault.
Any ideas?

Anonymous No. 993596

duplicate verts maybe?

Anonymous No. 993602

>in substance you can project photos onto the model, you can later convert projections to height and normal maps using anchors
whats the difference between this and sculpting the details and baking it?

Anonymous No. 993605

At the very least I'd say you have a lot more control when taking the sculpt-then-bake approach.

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Anonymous No. 993612

yeah i am still new to sculpting and baking and i want the normal map to be more sharp because it looks like mud right now, it was a really good learning process tho. any other ways i can improve my composition ?

Anonymous No. 993621

Tried that too. I think I tried that before the scale. It's really strange. It's like it's snapping backwards. Tried all different pivot points too and none of them make a difference.

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sos yo.png

Anonymous No. 993625

Finally got around to texturing my radio model

Post a screencap of the issue

Anonymous No. 993630

>Post a screencap of the issue
I've just opened it up and it seems fine now. I had blender running for nearly 12 hours though so maybe it just needed a restart or something. Was weird though I've never encountered it before.

Anonymous No. 993633

nta, it looks badass, you put in a lot of work and it shows, I hope anons in here can help you improve even further

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Anonymous No. 993635

thanks anon, means a lot

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Link Model 06 Eye....webm

Anonymous No. 993660

I was posting this Link model in the anime thread pre board nuke. But I think I'll post it here for intermittent progress. And then post it the anime thread when major progress is done.

I've been trying to work out how to do the trick where you rig the eyes slide over the surface of a mesh. I'm well along now. The basics are done. The tutorials I watched showed methods with drivers. But I don't understand drivers, so I figured out a solution using nodes instead.

I had to render it out to see what it truly looks like, because simply moving the bones around in the viewport makes the eye area a little blurry. The render exposes some pretty bad warping. Which I hoped wouldn't be the case when rendered. I'm not sure what to do about that, except smooth out the topology, unwrap the UV again, and hope for the best.
Subdividing 1 or 2 times would probably disguise the warping. But I want this to appear like a game model. Not a high poly render.

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Anonymous No. 993669

Can anyone tell me why my normal map is coming out like this when I bake it?
There's supposed to be an equal size gap in between each of them but instead it's like they're getting completely blown. I've never had problems baking normal maps before.
All of the settings are right it's just fucking up whenever I bake it.

Anonymous No. 993680

accuracy and speed
also real nature just looks better than reproductions

Anonymous No. 993681

you want this, its important to not allow edge bleed

Anonymous No. 993682

Thanks. Is padding the margin or is it something different?
I did manage to get a less shit (still shit though) one done so I'm going to try that because it isn't so much of a huge detail. At the same time it could be really noticeable, I'll just have to see.
I like to know things for the future though in case I get stuck on them again.

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Anonymous No. 993686

edge padding is set in pixels
you want at lest 2 pixels since trinear and other texture filtering method will grab colors from outside the uv space
also since we have to consider mimaps and anistopic filtering, you probably want closer to 8-16 pixels of padding depending on texture resolution

personally i set it to infinite, and only set it to 0 when testing shit

Anonymous No. 993687

Ahh now I get it. I have a feeling I'm going to need to bake it again so thanks a lot for that help.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 993701

Hey anons I do not have the diligence or talent to learn 3d modelling to any decent degree before I die of old age, and I have to work to pay rent and all that, can one of you please post the immortality instructions so I can take off the time limit and get good in my own time?

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Anonymous No. 993702

why is hair so damn hard

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Anonymous No. 993716

Some more work. Mainly adding more holograms, and details to the buildings like antennae. I also fleshed out the rooftop that the dude's on, though it's not really visible from this angle (there will be a couple other camera angles though). I think it's probably time to get rid of the placeholder dude and put a person actually in the scene. I've been putting it off for a bit because I still haven't found a good solution for getting 3d people in there. I'm not really great at 3d modelling people, and shit like MakeHuman is kind of crappy. CC3 is an option but I uninstalled it a while back and I'm not too sure about the torrents of it up on CGP. I've still got Fuse installed though, so maybe I might cobble something together with that.

Here's the lil "Gunt Land" hologram in action.

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Anonymous No. 993718

working on some clothes

Anonymous No. 993724

just wanted to blog
chatgpt now knows houdini's python implementation and is spitting out mostly correct code. really great for when you need to change the file paths on like 200 image nodes.
no idea what it would be like for someone who doesn't know python already since it'll fuck up from time to time
also the new data model in houdini 20.5 is so good, so much simpler to do shit. gpt doesn't know that stuff yet i don't think.

Anonymous No. 993730

Immortality? That just means you'll be working and giving money to the elites forever

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 993735

Communists need not respond, you are boring people defined by envy

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Anonymous No. 993739

Having a blast in Nomad so far.

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Anonymous No. 993741


Anonymous No. 993743

Based Gunt user

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Anonymous No. 993746

Did this bouncing ball animation. Please feel free to share feedback if you have any.

Anonymous No. 993751

Imho, in the initial bounces up to about frame 100 the ball lingers too much when it's up in the air, almost like it's got moon gravity; secondly, at about frame 110 when it hits the wall, the way it bounces off upon impact seems somewhat strange, I get the impression that the trajectory is fine but that the timing is slightly off; lastly, at about frame 130 when it rolls away I feel it travels too far, I have the feeling it should stop a bit sooner.
Anyway, take all I said with a grain of salt as I am a novice animator too, I'm merely offering you au uninformed viewer's opinion, take of it what you will. I'm not a big fan of realism anyway (since motion tracking exists) and prefer stylization

Anonymous No. 993758

everything pretty good, the deformation a bit too cartoony, but what really got me is the "stop", like the very last last part, very unorganic, try... recording some marbles or balls or whatever to get inspired or find footage of bouncing balls or other animations by other people of them

Anonymous No. 993759

love it really maybe make more use of the 3dness of the city due to flying and corridors, etc, try to think how that would modify the advertisement, etc.

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Anonymous No. 993987

Currently working on this doll

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Anonymous No. 994038

started floor boards

Anonymous No. 994061

Ayy it's alchemy lab anon. How far are you into the project? Did you unwrap all the objects and are just now texturing them or...?

Anonymous No. 994104

had to take a short break, but only just finished last week lmao.
i have since learned that i'm not a big fan of UV unwrapping. ill unwrap as i go next time

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Anonymous No. 994121

Thoughts on this Space Kobold?

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Anonymous No. 994126


Anonymous No. 994147


Anonymous No. 994148


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Anonymous No. 994160

are there any /3/ approved architecture/room modeling guides for blender out there? I want to make beautiful and comfy buildings for a game but i don't know where to start, i wanna make stuff like this

Anonymous No. 994173

mega cute

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Anonymous No. 994174


Anonymous No. 994176

Not a very appealing character to look at, to be completely honest. But I guess it's an alright sculpt.

Anonymous No. 994182

Care to elaborate what’s unappealing about it? It might be a little less abrasive if I add hair/fur and clothes, but I’d like to know what can be improved for future reference.

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Anonymous No. 994183

Btw, started work on this character as well and could use similar insight into whether the facial proportions/appeal works here.yrap4

Anonymous No. 994184

Take a good look at your own model then at the one posted right below it
The second one is inarguably more technically simple but it has much MUCH more appeal

Anonymous No. 994188

I think I kinda get what you mean, though in my defense the two models are aiming for very different aesthetic sensibilities (first is supposed to be kinda β€˜ugly cute’)

Anonymous No. 994189


Anonymous No. 994190

>first is supposed to be kinda β€˜ugly cute’
You and I know that is an excuse anon, like when a mediocre artists says "it's just my style"

Anonymous No. 994192

Not…really? I think you’re ascribing motivations that aren’t there.

Anonymous No. 994195

Suit yourself

Anonymous No. 994197

I mean, I think you’re ascribing hurt pride where there is none, I found your feedback genuinely helpful and just wanted a bit more information. If what I’m doing isn’t working it’s good to know why

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Anonymous No. 994198

My first ever attempt at a retopo beyond just trying it out after learning that it existed, happy with how well it actually went, now I need to actually watch some guides for information, especially the whole none of my vertex circles are even on the Z axis and constantly fighting against the shrinkwrap to not put the vertex for the neck on the underside of the boob, but it is not as bad as people make it out to be

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Anonymous No. 994199

also lmao

Anonymous No. 994200

This is a tangential stupid question, but when it comes to human topo, I’m seen a bunch of professional guides terminate in a giant pole at the center of the breast, and that seems….wrong? Like, what anon did here seems closer to correct, imo

Anonymous No. 994204

I wouldn’t worry about arguing with a guy like that. I was in a similar position as you when I was a beginner; I would make weird models and think they looked fine because I had spent so much time looking at what I was working on that all of the flaws were invisible to me. From that experience, I can at least tell that you care about what you do and get some type of enjoyment/fulfillment out of it. I had to deal with the same types of projections and accusations when I was new because, unfortunately for me, most artists seem to hate what they do and can’t understand why someone at a low skill level would want to be comfortable with where they’re at. Pride and mediocrity-avoidance are what they operate by. Keep in mind that there’s a difference between comfort and complacency.
In my experience, the best way to fix this problem is to take a break from the model and maybe work on something else, that way you can come back to the model with a fresh eye. It’s difficult to say what exactly is appealing or unappealing about anything, because the differences between these things can be very small. Think about that β€œa few millimeters of bone” incel meme. On paper, the model posted below yours could be described as having a spherical head with big eyes and tube limbs, but the characters from The Loud House also fit that description, and that’s why it’s hard to put these things into words.

Anonymous No. 994208

Thanks, I think you’ve got a better idea of where I’m at.

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Anonymous No. 994269

Concept sketch, fwiw

Anonymous No. 994295

Nice concept
But her face looks really old looking

Anonymous No. 994298

Usually the breasts are covered so you end up cleaning that mesh, so it doesn't matter.
If you want your character to be topless and are going to use subd not use poles in the breasts

Anonymous No. 994303

It might look better if I cleaned it up but I see what you mean, probably just a byproduct of mostly drawing old people for practice

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eggs and larva.jpg

Anonymous No. 994352

2 hours to make the egg, happy with it.
6 hours to make the larva but still doesn't look how I want.
I'm running out of time so gotta leave it and move on.

I like your drawing. Do you post your sketches online somewhere?

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 994359


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Anonymous No. 994360


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Anonymous No. 994418


Anonymous No. 994425

I'd say the eyes are too wide apart, even looking at your reference

Anonymous No. 994428

I actually like how it came out but maybe stretching the lacrimals inwards would look closer to the reference, I'll fiddle around with it and see if I get any improvements.

Anonymous No. 994440

This looks great
You could give the hair some volume, in the middle just raise it slightly to give it some arch because it looks too flat
And add a proper three point lighting

Anonymous No. 994467

I'm the anon you originally asked to elaborate.(not sure why the other anons decided to interject) For me, it's a few things:

First of all, its face uses that stock standard face shape that like 50% of all furries seem to have. I don't know where they get it. It's like an older cartoon look with a vapid grin. I'm just not a fan of his look personally, even though it's rather popular in the furry community. I would reform the skull so that the bridge connecting snout to eyes transition more smoothly, like a dog's face. An *actual* dog's face. Not a cartoon dog.

Straighten the gaze of his eyes for now, so he doesn't look like a cross eyed dope. I suspect you wanted to give his face some personality. But again, it's just contributing to that vapid furry look I don't like.

Oh yeah, and I keep forgetting he is supposed to be a she. Like, it just looks like an emaciated ugly man... with boobs. The boobs tells me she's a she. But her face just reads masculine to me. Hips are not necessarily an indication of masculinity these days, because a lot of artist give male characters broad hips these days. So I don't know if she's a man sculpted with broad hips per the artist's preference, or if they're actual the hips of a woman.

There's a lot more going on with her face. With the 4 nostrils and green bumps on her face, and tentacles sticking out(is that supposed to be tufts of fur on her cheeks?), and wrinkles. And I just find it a bit much personally. "ugly cute" is very difficult to capture.(I presume you're inspired by Oddworld?) I don't think those details add much cuteness, only ugliness. There are ways you can form the snout to handle 4 nostrils, and there's a way you can integrate those green pustules and wrinkles. But in order to do so, you have to think how to make it look pretty first. Or cute at least. What is the pretty/cute version of those details?

Anonymous No. 994472

Furthermore, I would attempt to find structure in the wrinkles. Meaning, they go somewhere. They connect one part of the face with another, creating a sinuous line, or defining the edges of a plane. Wrinkles that don't serve such purposes can be removed. Smoothed.

I would make the green pustules a little smaller. Well maybe there can be 1 big one on both sides, and then 1 small one on both sides. Instead of 4 big ones. Basically, you want to vary the sizes. Maybe ad a third on both side, so it goes small, big, small. And they're placed in such a way to suggest an invisible line from inner eyes to side of nostril. I don't know. I'm just throwing ideas out there. I'm not promising they're good ideas. The green parts might look better as scales or gems. With a more glittery appearance. Just something to consider.

Her eyes lids aren't well developed, so it appears her eyeballs are popping out a little more than correct. The cheek spines(fur?) of course needs work. If it's actually fur, then a smoother transition between face and fur will really help a lot. If they're actually some kind of spine, then don't place them all punched up like that. spread them out , and have them define the line of her jaw.

The wrinkles on her neck are just kind of there to make her neck look ugly and wrinkled. Like, I see the pattern there. It's just a very pleasing one to me. You don't have to remove them, but I would find a more sinuous structure to them, Perhaps wrapping the ridges around the sides partially, if not fully. In order to make the neck look more appealing to touch. Like something you can trace with your fingers.

I'm going to assume she's supposed to have hair eventually. So I'm not going to say her head definitely needs changing. But if she's supposed to be bald, then the dome is a bit much. I'd shave it down a little. And shave down her brow ridge.

Anonymous No. 994474

Oh, I see the concept sketch only after I make two huge posts. Dammit. Well now I can see what you were going for, and how you missed the mark. The sculpt's snout is too long, the bridge is too shallow. The shape of the nose is completely different. You added unnecessary wrinkles around the nose. The nostrils are too open wide. Just the planes of the face are not as well defined as they are in the sketch. The connection between shoulder and chest are better in the sketch.

Mecha No. 994528

seconded! I want to know how. I know there was an architecture thread before the purge but it was more for medieval design

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 994544

working on my AKM highpoly :)

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cookin geo5.jpg

Anonymous No. 994549

Anon is stuck in the boolean difference kitchen.

Anonymous No. 994566

Looks crisp anon, good work.

Anonymous No. 994567


Maybe if you look at it with furry eyes it'd look more interesting.

In terms of blender execution it is fine, the resemblance to the reference is obvious and thats a plus.

Maybe the fully clothed version would look more interesting. Good work overall.

Anonymous No. 994573

Fuggin' pristine, keep it up

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Anonymous No. 994642


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Augie Doggie Scul....jpg

Anonymous No. 994657

Took three hours, but this was my first headache free experience blockin out a model. I've probably spent a combined thirty hours with Blender over just one week, and it feels so good to know that I can already apply what I've learned to stylized characters like this one here.

Anonymous No. 994896

Reminder to apply your mirror before working on shape keys.

Anonymous No. 994909


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Anonymous No. 994910

Makin' a low poly rat. Metaballs used to sketch out the body have been extremely handy, they made the process very simple, I recommend it to anyone who wants to create easy bases for organic meshes, such as characters

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Anonymous No. 994924

Messing around with cloth physics for a friend's model

Anonymous No. 994998


Anonymous No. 995024

Why does a chibi need that much underboob?

Anonymous No. 995041

Looks like it could easily pass as a shortstack/goblin/imp type character.

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Anonymous No. 995064

some more texture work

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Anonymous No. 995073

Been a bit, but I've been chipping away at things in the background. I had made a character for it, but he looked a little goofy when close up (even though it's just from a distance and silhouetted), so I was told to "maybe grab something from Cyberpunk". So I grabbed a model of V.
The big hologram in the center is meant to be kind of the narrative hook. The dude won some lottery to live on an off world colony for the ultra rich, but people are gaslit to thinking it's this great thing, but it's kind of just indentured servitude so the people on the planet have people to do menial labor that robots and shit can't do. I still need to put some kind of "tell" that the main dude is involved in that, but I'm getting there.

Here's the full hologram by the way.
I used to really like the concept of shooting rockets into space via a vacuum tube up a mountain, so instead of just launching things straight up, it does that instead. The hologram is kind of meant to show that off a bit. There's a sequel animation in the works where it's shown off proper though.

Anonymous No. 995076

we have an alchemist over here

Anonymous No. 995082

>Gunt Land
I love it

Anonymous No. 995124

Thanks bro.
Can't wait to ride the GuntBuster, took em so long to refurbish it. Those poor kids....

Anonymous No. 995127

Looks good but you need to soften some of tight those edges if you're baking a normal map.

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Anonymous No. 995134

She has multiple facial expressions now

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 995138

Thanks. Is it a matter of visual appeal to have soft edges or does it concern baking artifacts? In the past I've baked some highpolys with some sharp edges over a lowpoly with completely softened normals. Usually it works out fine but I've had a few instances of completely nasty and unfixable baking artifacts that necessitate a complete retopo of the lowpoly.

(For clarity, I have a completely fucked up workflow that involves lowpoly in maya, and then highpoly in zbrush by using zmodeler crease tool to create holding edges and then subdividing to around 3-5 subdivision levels)

Anonymous No. 995140

Yuck. More like fecal expressions.

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Anonymous No. 995141

First time using 3d software to model ever, having a lot of fun sculpting in blender and it feels like I'm scratching an itch since I've always wanted to get into sculpting irl but I never got around to getting clay.
Always hate having to learn new software though, and I'm still in that stage where nothing makes sense and even the hotkeys seem retarded.
Once I'm satisfied with the sculpt I plan on looking up how to give it a skeleton and maybe make some clothes afterward.

Anonymous No. 995142

you bring an AK, i raise you an AB

Anonymous No. 995147

Made that police chase sequence thing that I mentioned earlier..... or at least I think I mentioned it.
The plan is to have a police chase go through the scene, but also have this animation be live on the little news feed hologram, so there's a little bit of a meta element to it.
The animation in the catbox was just a shitty viewport render, and I still need to fill in some gaps in the buildings since the scene was only built with the main camera angle, but I think it'd be kind of a neat little thing. I think it's a bit fast and frantic too, but I think it kind of feels a bit more like some guerilla news type shit.
But yeah, I'm hoping to have this one wrapped up pretty soon. Rendering might take a while, though.

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wtf boooooom.png

Anonymous No. 995181

Made a custom designed, "near-fi" (i.e. near futuristic) frag mine

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Anonymous No. 995230

This should explain a bit, if you have super sharp edges the baker will barely be able to see them

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Anonymous No. 995234


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Anonymous No. 995248

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get fragged.png

Anonymous No. 995273

Made one hot potato

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Anonymous No. 995294

Just started this today. Really rough but am just glad i'm actually doing something instead of complaining on here.

Any advice from this? I'm trying my best to follow my reference but I'm worried I'm making too many loop cuts and I've fucked up the back pretty bad.

Anonymous No. 995391

those two laces look extremely suspicious.
Nice jiggle. Does it hold up after baking? Mine seems to multiply the effect tenfold when i do it and barely work outside of preview.

Anonymous No. 995393

i think the jannies shit themselves in fear after the big fiasco now when they think of visiting this place.

Anonymous No. 995395

I haven't tried baking because I'm still trying to figure out how to make the damn shirt stick to the body in pose mode
>those two laces look extremely suspicious.
How so?

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Anonymous No. 995396

>how so

Anonymous No. 995406

Nice work. Fine EXE model. His shoulders could stick out a *little* more, just to give the should pads the illusion of depth.

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Anonymous No. 995415

The models are from
I can refine them but I wanted to see if it was possible to pose them at all because they're quite low poly.

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sub D edges.png

Anonymous No. 995417

You model looks oddly angular. Not sure what you've done to get that effect. Perhaps you really do have too many loop cuts. A bunch of redundant loopcuts across a flat plane would perhaps make an effect like that. Since you said you made too many loopcuts, and the results look like too many loop cuts, I'm going to tell you to delete some of the redundant loop cuts. I assume you're using the sub D method. In which case, you don't need more than 4 edges to define a cylinder.(pic related)

Limbs are basically cylinders. But 4 edges might be too little to define the shapes of the body. So 6 edges, 8 edges, or more might be necessary to create the shape you want. But basically the idea with dub D modelling, is you only add loops where you absolutely need them, and not any more.

Also, you probably want to separate her legs from the skirt. Since the skirt is going to overlap her butt, you want to model her butt up to where it's no longer visible under the skirt. Which is easier to do if you just disconnect the butt from the skirt. You don't need to create two objects to do this.

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Anonymous No. 995426

bit more texturing, hoping to work on it a lot more this week.
awesome, nice work

Anonymous No. 995442

Is that a chemistry set?

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Anonymous No. 995447

There is a little bit of jank which I don't think I can get rid of without touching the model or the weight paint. I'll decide after I set up the IK.

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Anonymous No. 995457

Today, messing around with animation curves, tomorrow, the walk cycle and the plapping motion

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Drago with plasma....png

Anonymous No. 995469

Got back into 3D modelling last month so I can adapt my space pirates book into 3D animations. Just modelling guns for now.

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Anonymous No. 995521

Alright, a few little things to wrap up (animating the dude), but I'd say things are mostly done.
There's a lot more that I want(ed) to do with it, but time's a bitch and I have 2 more anims tied to this that need to be done by November. Luckily, the other two are much simpler in scope, and a lot of the time for this one also went towards things I can re-use for those other projects to speed that up.

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Anonymous No. 995526

Relearning Blender whilst also working on a new vtuber model for meself

Anonymous No. 995532

One thing that can take your scene higher is better fonts for the signs, these are bland as fuck. Go on Behance and look for free fonts, you'll find plenty of great ones. Also I'm not an expert on environments but the lighting makes it flat, it lacks depths. I'm convinced you can take this much higher by having more dramatic lighting and volumetrics

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Anonymous No. 995534

"Better fonts" is really ambiguous. Seems more like saying "find fonts that I like and find more exciting". For what (little) it's worth, I've got a degree in GD, so I did put a bit of thought into the choices, more than "this looks neat". Not meant as a brag, or "I know better", but as in I understand fonts.
The fonts are more or less fine for what they're representing I think. Gotham (the one for the mars one) is top tier and I'll fistfight anyone who says its shit. It's corporate as fuck. The "Red Tail" one is the one from Cowboy Bebop's title card (as it's meant to be a reference). The one for the tengu, Georgia, is kind of basic, but it's a nice serif font that gives off a bit of casual class (which the hologram is for a classy bar/nightclub). I can't remember off the top of my head which one Gunt Land's is, but I'll agree that it's a bit boring. The other ones I can't remember either.
That being said, any other font you'd find other than gimmick fonts are just going to look more or less the same, and gimmicky fonts are just going to cheapen the entire look of it.
Not trying to be dismissive or obtuse with your suggestion, but there's only so much you can do to really "design" these.

As for the lighting, I'm open to suggestions. Most buildings irl are usually lit from below by the street, and irl are kinda homogeneous too. Some older art deco ones have lighting on them, but modern ones are just plastered with neon. I'm not really sure how to add more depth to the lighting in a way that actually makes sense as to where the lighting is coming from. I guess I could add some more distinct "color zones" that break things up a bit instead. Each building has a random color beamed up it, but it does average it out.

Volumetrics are a pain in the ass though. I can never get that shit to actually be both dense enough and thin enough to look right. Too dense and it's soup, not enough and it doesn't do shit, and there's no in-between. I'll fuck around with it.

Anonymous No. 995540

As a layman the Axicorp font still looks bland, I get that it's meant to be a bland corpo font but it's too bland for centre stage in your cook exciting image. Rest are good, I especially like the Tengu font

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Anonymous No. 995545

Pretty good anon, the character looks stylized yet believable, and the gun design is cool, also the suit which looks like a mix between irl space suits and modern combat vests. The suit also seemingly has symbols related to the occult or spirituality, and the writings are somewhat reminescent of american schizo cars (see pic related), which may indicate this guy is some sort of zealot. This belief is further cemented in my view by his austere expression, sunken eyes and wrinkles that if not age related could be caused by stress, indicators of someone with an obsession.
I love little worldbuilding details like that, how you can begin getting a picture about a character just by looking at them, many argue what "good character design" is, and I believe this to be an example of what qualifies as such

Anonymous No. 995553

>vtuber model for meself
channel link?

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Anonymous No. 995569

Appreciate the feedback noticing a lot of details. Yeah it's a dark, hard sci-fi setting that's supposed to look like 90's full motion video. There's fantastical elements but it's still heavily grounded in reality, such as tacticool armor and guns. Every character is generally unhinged, unhealthy and exhausted and him in particular. He's a philosopher and scrawled his suit with reminders to maintain his and others' rationality in hard times. I'm a NEET with a lot of time to sink hours in moving a few vertices around obsessively to get things right. Don't want to shill but if curious it is called Fleeting Death.

Anonymous No. 995590

>Every character is generally unhinged, unhealthy and exhausted and him in particular. He's a philosopher and scrawled his suit with reminders to maintain his and others' rationality in hard times
That's an interesting premise, as someone who feels their sanity slipping away at times. I must admit I'm not much of a bookworm (I just don't enjoy reading a whole lot), but I'll keep an eye out for those animations if you publish them anywhere

Anonymous No. 995593

Actually I found an audiobook of it on YouTube, made by you I presume. I'm half an hour into it, is it you doing the narration too? It feels like a campfire story, really enjoying it so far

Anonymous No. 995603

Yes. Glad you like it so far. I don't want to clutter up the thread because other people have projects but I'm glad to get feedback.

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Anonymous No. 995625

a kobold.

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Anonymous No. 995659

an alchemy set up yea
>smashing her head into the toolbar
rude! but nice jiggle
i like the mouth, keep it up

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Anonymous No. 995671

I changed up some of the fonts, and did what I could to get the buildings to feel less like a solid mass of homogeneous color (though admittedly in hindsight, I kinda liked that look).
Not pictured is the 2 hours I spent fucking around with volumetrics to try and get an atmosphere working, but as mentioned I ran up against the soup/no-soup problem where I couldn't find that "perfect" value where I get all the fun of volumetrics, but can still actually see the scene. So no volume in it.

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Anonymous No. 995672

>Seems more like saying "find fonts that I like and find more exciting"
Yes lol, I have a degree in GD too but I legit use fonts I think are cool and trendy for the sake of it, hell if I'm doing some sci-fi world might as well go ham on the GD without someone checking for the kerning over my shoulder.
Honestly the "AX-3750" 's made me do that post, it looks like a default Windows font which a car manufacturer would never use, especially in the future.
Cool! I like what you did with the sky behind the Axicorp building, it gives your scene more depth. The darker shadows with the removal of some lights works well too.

The new font for the car is much better too, not sure about the Gunt Land one, it still looks like something you'd see in Words on Windows 98. I liked the old Axicorp font better though.
With fonts it makes or break your project I think, especially for a futuristic set up. My rule for brands I make is to have a font or logo unique enough to look like they're already iconic in the world they're in. But I'm a real sucker for trendy fonts, I think the latest trends are always a good indicator for what will look good and what is getting out of date, Pinterest is great for that.

Anyways don't fret too much. My guess is you took inspiration from Ash Thorp's concept art for Ghost In The Shell, right? These are a really good reference for this kind of projects.

the chair nerd No. 995685

Where is the proton accelerator anon.

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Anonymous No. 995694

a friend's OC

Anonymous No. 995702


Anonymous No. 995740

hoooly shit
just wanted to say thankyou my dude
the bakes are now going infinitely better

Anonymous No. 995750

nta but it's best to think about baking like you're looking at it from straight on, ortho style. The texture/baker has no idea about perspective, so you gotta kinda fake it with slopes and stuff. Bevels work too since that's kinda the point of bevels, they're not infinitely sharp 90 degree corners.

Like if I'm baking a trim sheet, sometimes things can look straight up fuckin weird in perspective, since I'm modelling it specifically for normal/height baking.
Also those slopes give things a bit more room pixel-wise to resolve angles. Since depending on your texture resolution, there might not actually be enough pixel density to fit in that transition. Exaggerating those really makes sure it reads at 512x512 as good as it does at 4k.

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Anonymous No. 995791

My first walk cycle :3

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Anonymous No. 995882

I redid her shoes

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Anonymous No. 996024

Finished modeling and UV unwrapping my "low-poly" (not really, it has 1300 faces, that's more than I'd have liked but no matter, I'll take it) rat. Gave it a skeleton too and did a quick 'n dirty skinning test, it's deforming much better than I had feared

Anonymous No. 996027

Cute rat
I like it anon
It's for 3d printing?

Anonymous No. 996059

Looks awesome, can you show the wireframe?

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Anonymous No. 996061

Sure, what are you exactly looking for though?

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Anonymous No. 996068

i hope to succeed in setting up an advanced rig that looks good with all the maximum ranges of motion

Anonymous No. 996070

Thanks, I was wondering how dense the details would be poly-wise and how the face was done. I like that style a lot.

Anonymous No. 996093

>I like that style a lot.
Thanks hehe, I just like cute and devilish creatures

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Anonymous No. 996136

Post didn’t post for some reason.

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Anonymous No. 996141

I was having a hard time creating a texture for the shoes
I suppose this is good enough

Anonymous No. 996144

This isn't a wip, but thought I'd ask anyway since this seems to be the "busiest" thread here

does anyone else only get eye-strain when 3d modeling / animating? I can play games and watch youtube endlessly, but the moment it's one of these, my eyes wanna kill themselves within an hour or two. any tips? are there any blender themes that could help with eye strain

Anonymous No. 996149

Yeah I think I get that. After a few hours and I finish work for the day, I "feel" super tired. Or at least it feels like it does where your eyes get all heavy like you're sleepy, but I'm not really sleepy.
I'm guessing that's eye strain.
If I had to guess, it's because with games and shit you're looking at the whole screen (and can even kinda zone out and look past it and still play), but with actual "computer work" you're focusing on small areas of a screen for long periods of time.
Try finding a low contrast theme, or making one yourself. Really all you'd need to do is change the text and maybe the backgrounds of the panels.
Or just turn the brightness down on your display, and work with the lights on if you're not already.

Anonymous No. 996150

what does she look like without the shoes?

Anonymous No. 996151

I didn't model the feet if that's what you're wondering

Anonymous No. 996152

Look into getting some anti blue light glasses. You don't need the prescription kind, just the ones you can get on amazon or at walmart. Keep it mind that wearing these can influence how you percieve colors, so be sure to lift them up periodically when making color/lighting decisions.

Anonymous No. 996159

Does anyone in /wip/ get paid work? I feel like I've had a few bites, didn't know what the going rate was, and completely outpriced myself

Anonymous No. 996162

Yes, this is my job. Promote yourself more anon
Ai has fucked a lot of jobs, but not all of them

Anonymous No. 996163

Based. Do you have any self-promotional tips and/or some kind of guide price? I know prices are retarded to talk about without me posting any stuff and it depends on the subject matter, but I hear such wild pricing. Some of it seems way over the top and some of it seems Pajeet tier racing to the bottom.

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Anonymous No. 996164

Paid part time, here's an example:

Anonymous No. 996166

Create a portfolio, first and foremost.

Anonymous No. 996167

I already have. Just a load of products and some cute (product) animations because they seem to be the least work and easiest to work with.

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Anonymous No. 996178

So while the city anim is rendering, I've started work on the second part. Dude's walking towards the spaceport, which.... isn't in there yet. Apparently something happens to his car on the way there and he just decides to hoof it. I'm not really in charge of the "story" of it, I'm just doing what the client asks.
It's super early stages, and once I get the actual spaceport in there a lot of things will probably move and shift around as I get a feel for the scaling of things.

Yeah I gotcha. I really just didn't have a shitload of time to really design them like I otherwise would have liked. I gave the dude a bunch of "homework" to figure out what kinds of shit he wanted in there in terms of companies/ads to hopefully shortcut a bit of that design process, but he just didn't do it (or any of the other bits I asked) and I kinda was just left to do that as well on top of everything else. I mean obviously it's not really the client's job to take care of that sort of thing, but with a short turnaround I would have liked a bit of footwork on his end since he's really involved with (and enjoying) the creative process of it.

As for Gunt Land, I thought it was a bit of a whimsical Wonka-esque font that fit with a fun park. Axicorp is just the font from Blade Runner, which this was originally supposed to take inspo from, but it pivoted to CP2077, which is where a lot of the building references and stuff came from. A good bit did come from GiTs though, so good eye.

I often just price things based around people's budgets, and complexity of things. Individuals really don't have a lot of cash to drop on shit like this.
I'm often underpricing too out of fear of scaring people off, but I've started raising things slowly. At some point it probably won't be sustainable, but payments are always an option.
Just make sure to always get half (or some portion) up front. Sunk cost fallacy will keep people from skipping the bill. Most of the time.

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Anonymous No. 996196

>Cute rat
Thank you anon

My low poly-ish rat is done, went for the lab rat aesthetic: white fur and freaky red eyes

Anonymous No. 996198

For self promotion what I do is find a niche and make a portfolio.
Show only your best work, don't bloat it with trash.
Promotion depends on what your niche is.
If you rely on comisions you have to sell yourself to each client which is not everyone's forte.
You can work for a company, we always look for artists.
>>996164 For example this, I have a friend who made custom Warhammer miniatures and got a job making a set for a tabletop Kickstarter, sometimes you make your own opportunities.
I've worked on this for over 20 years and the thing I see the most is that newbies make a portfolio and then wait for the opportunity to feel from the sky.
You always have to look for it.

Anonymous No. 996202

>I often just price things based around people's budgets
That was what I wanted to do because really I didn't care how much it is, I just wanted some paid work to get my feet wet. But every single time they'll ask me how much it costs. Then it sounds, I don't know, amateurish maybe if I reply saying "well how much do you want to spend?" or something. I suppose really I will have to do that though kek.
I haven't contacted any individuals now that I think about it. They've all been businesses with plenty cash on the hip. Problem is most of them already have someone they use for renders so I would need to be better than them and undercut them.

Thanks. There are niches I've thought about before that I don't think anyone really bothers with. Well some people will obviously, but it's not a crowded market at least.
I have tried to keep it to my best work too. I've went for quality over quantity when I show any examples and things.
I understand what you're saying. I think I'm going to go back to the drawing board and go at things from a new direction. Maybe that will work.

Thanks bros.

Anonymous No. 996225

Ahh yeah, for me, I'm mostly working with individuals. Musicians and the like are what I work with, so 90% of the time they're as broke as I am. So it's not really many businesses, though I'd like to get into that market too since they have a bit more cash to throw around. Still, it's not really asking "what do you want to spend", it's more about giving them the
>"it depends on the complexity of the scene and what you want animated, if you give me an idea of what you want and your budget for a project like this, I can try to give an estimate that's within your price range"
Then I go from there and work with the person to come up with a fair price, and also re-work their idea to something less "grand" if need be to fit into their budget. Though admittedly "fair price" usually ends up with me underselling myself. I at least try to get a few hundred bucks out of an animation though.

Though for businesses that already deal with 3d and animation, they're a little less ignorant so they have a handle on what to pay. Apart from having a good portfolio, I'm not really sure what the best way to get clients in that space is. If they already have a guy, they've got one. And if they swap to you at the drop of a hat because you're offering something slightly cheaper, they might not have been good clients to have in the first place if you're looking for consistent work, since they'll drop you just as quick.
What kind of markets were you looking at though? There might be some other avenues you haven't considered that might work. I know lawyers and stuff where I live have the shittiest 3d animations in their commercials, so if you show them something slightly better they might go for it. It's a fuckin arms race for them. One lawyer gets a commercial done with Jerry Springer, the other gets one done with Steve Wilkos. One gets a meme phone number that's a single number, the other does the same shit. One used 3d the other started as well.

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Anonymous No. 996283

Rigify is kinda neat but I suppose I'm gonna have to do some manual weight-painting fuckery after generating the rig
How would I add deformation to stuff like the skirt and the hair? just spline tentacle bones on the meta rig, right?

Anonymous No. 996287

if you're using spline tentacle then you'll have to tweak some settings, I don't like the defaults
I would probably use basic.copy_chain and keep it simple

Anonymous No. 996324

What does basic.copy_chain do?

Anonymous No. 996326

yeah all these auto rigging tops are really neat, until younjave to do tedious vert by vert clean up. then realize that the work the tool saved you was the easiest part of the process, and still leaves you to do the most annoying part.
its like the paint bucket too

Anonymous No. 996328

it copies the chain of bones from the metarig to the rig, so a plain chain of bones

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Anonymous No. 996353

Weight painting is really hard.

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Anonymous No. 996372

Yo yo, I dunno if anyone is interested or if it's old news or what, but there's a nifty plant making program (along with a bunch of other shit like VUE) that used to be paid but it's now free because some company that bought it out doesn't care to keep it going.
I haven't fucked around with it, but it seems useful on its own simply because the entire library of trees/plants is free too. VUE seems pretty useful too for world/terrain generation
But yeah, figured I'd give a heads up in case it was up someone's alley.

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Anonymous No. 996381

remember, while you're modelling guns and titties, there's always someone else modelling trees and rocks.

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Anonymous No. 996384

...i happen to be doing both.

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Anonymous No. 996394

Furthering the plant-based psyop... I added plants.
I whipped up a little geo node setup that instantiates various shrubbery on the ground, but also does auto LOD on them based on collections.
So I might have a LOD0 collection with various different shrubs of the same type that are instanced on the ground, and the GN setup will pull from the LOD1-2 collections of those plants based on camera distance. Not too sure how huge a difference it'll make on performance, but I feel like it might. At the very least I can keep a similar plant density throughout, instead of spacing out the plants more the further out from the camera they get.
That being said, I'm still fucking around with the plants. Right now it looks a bit homogeneous in terms of color, so I'm gonna try to get a bit more green in there.

Anonymous No. 996404

lore accurate Gaia

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Anonymous No. 996508

nice topo
sounds like you'll need a lot of shapekeys, which gives me an opportunity to suggest taking a look at braverabbit's RBF nodes

Anonymous No. 996510

>braverabbit's RBF nodes
those look interesting, ty for making me aware they exist

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Anonymous No. 996556

Messing around with goofy poses after an arduous session of rigging and weight-painting feels like cumming after edging for 10 hours

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Anonymous No. 996594

Recalculated the outside, should be better but he still needs eyelids, a good 2d mouth and a fix where the shoe stripes are invisible without lighting.

Anonymous No. 996606

aww you lost some crispness between the quills when you smoothed.

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Anonymous No. 996723


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Anonymous No. 996731

Finally got my renderer to work. Basically I was not exporting something. Rendered an old work.

I took a break from digital to focus on learning anatomy better by reading lots of books books and doing figure drawing since its a lot faster than setting up and testing a muscle rig which can just fail completely at any point but now I am back into it. A family member got me into very very premium printing (onto paper) which to me bridges the gap between digital and traditional. I've already printed some of my best digital works and hung them up.

Now I have to restart with houdini muscles. My maya plugin that I used to create the webm related is on an ancient version of maya and was discontinued. It would also fail often for seemingly no reason, but it would take me hours to setup and do a reasonable amount of new tests since i was simming full body + a double skeleton for bonus physics, which is why I am curious about how when I translate this to houdini, how fast it will solve

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Anonymous No. 996734

longer animation. Now on to houdini.

Anonymous No. 996737

There's a new game educational called "Body of mine". It's about dysphoria:
Maybe it's going to help you and I recommend it to the jannies as well.

Anonymous No. 996738

this is the wip thread, not shill vr app thread

Anonymous No. 996743

It's mental illness "the videogame"

Anonymous No. 996745


Anonymous No. 996753

Fuck I've missed you, I thought you'd been lost forever after the board wipe. On a technical level I really enjoy seeing your progress so I hope you keep at it.

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Me No. 996848

Oops, is just a cheap bootleg knockoff

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Me No. 996860


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Anonymous No. 996876

Gave her some clothes

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Cloth Ref.jpg

Anonymous No. 996877

Clothes reference

Anonymous No. 996878

>inally got my renderer to work. Basically I was not exporting something. Rendered an old work.

Dope style

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Anonymous No. 996880

Head and hair 90% done, just gotta merge the tentacle meshes into the main hair body and then it's smooth sailing for the rest of the model

Anonymous No. 996884

rope yourself

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Me No. 996892


Anonymous No. 996894

You're not 3DGuy

Anonymous No. 996905

What's wrong with the porcelain doll?

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Me No. 996934

Sorry for the delay, hectic days and whatnots.

Anonymous No. 996964

The hands are a bit small, other than that solid sculpture

Anonymous No. 996977

revolting. Quit.

Anonymous No. 996985

First 3dguy work I've seen on nu-/3/

Anonymous No. 996986

There's a lot of room for improvement, I'd watch a step by step guide on character modeling and try again

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Dna of Gothic Lem....png

Anonymous No. 996998

Character design is my passion <(^_^)>

Anonymous No. 997029

back in my days, anons could recognize a troll

Anonymous No. 997030

What's a troll?

Anonymous No. 997033

Can I use this for my videogame about a trans person living on the wrong body?
I'm going to make it on Godot gay engine

Anonymous No. 997039

big fiasco?

Anonymous No. 997042

Deleting everything off the board a little while back

Anonymous No. 997044

shrek but with a bad attidue

Anonymous No. 997090

What happened to the Godot thread?

Anonymous No. 997126

It drank Juan's special Kool-Aid

Anonymous No. 997127

game dev drama is not /3/

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Anonymous No. 997128

damn, depth estimation has gotten pretty good.
you could probably use this as a starting point for a likeness sculpt.

Anonymous No. 997131

So fucking weird that there's threads of whatever shit you want except this one.
Xananax are you here?

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 997133

stop shitting the board up with your gossip, woman

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 997156

Stop deleting threads troon

Anonymous No. 997157

we could even reverse the BUCCing...

Anonymous No. 997158

At least I'm a woman, you will never be one Mr 45%

Anonymous No. 997167

Character + topology + rigging workflow seems really clean, do you have any video/course/tutorials recomendations on character modeling?

Anonymous No. 997168

Finished my first Blender animation ever on YouTube a few days back. I'm sure I did a ton of mistakes, but if you anons could, would you please point them out to me here, since I don't know anyone who could give me constructive criticism to better my animating skills?

link to the video:

>inb4 your politics suck
I'm only a volunteer doing a gig for people who I heard needed an animator. Just trying to work out a career for myself, because nothing else has worked out so far.

I'll get you guys started:
1) I fucked the audio and video syncing. Just recently realized I had 24 fps render settings for Blender and 25 fps in Kdenlive, which is why the animations started to lag behind the audio. I was on a deadline and at the time didn't know what the issue was or how to even fix it, so I never got around to it...

2) too extreme breathing animations

3) especially the first 3 clips from the candidate look like utter trash. I was learning things as I went, which is something you see throughout the video.

Anonymous No. 997191

I watched these two vids then figured out the rest myself

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Anonymous No. 997196

Okay I have to admit defeat, this is too much for me
I thought it was going to be as simple as just connecting each tentacle to the main hair body but everything I try doesn't look good and/or doesn't have good enough topology. And I don't want to just have each tentacle be a different mesh
I'll revisit this at a later date, when I'm better or have an illuminating breakthrough

Anonymous No. 997197

Me too

Anonymous No. 997201

Remesh and then retopo?

Anonymous No. 997202

Last time I tried to remesh my computer tapped into swap memory and froze

Anonymous No. 997215

you probably want to do some normal transfer instead of connecting, I think that's what I would do

Anonymous No. 997226

Isn't this just more of a dirty trick? although I suppose it doesn't really matter if it helps me finish the model. Finished is better than perfect, after all...

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Screenshot 2024-1....png

Anonymous No. 997227

when the bake goes just right

Anonymous No. 997238

Sounds like you either have a shit PC or set the size too small. somewhere between 0.1-0.01 should be fine. You don't want an exact replica of your mesh, and you want the transitional bits to kind of meld.
For the record, you really only need to do the area with the head/tentacles, not the entire model. Hell, even then, since it's gonna be a duplicate and we're only interested in that transition point, you could get rid of most of the tentacles' length as well.
Also, use the remesh in the mesh panel/tab (where vertex groups are), not the modifier. As another anon pointed out in one of these threads, the mesh one uses a different (better) algorithm than the modifier.

Anonymous No. 997239

I want to have SEX with this AK, LUBRICATE it with my self made "oil"

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Anonymous No. 997268

Stole some shoes for her from blenderkit

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Anonymous No. 997270

Now working on the armature

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Anonymous No. 997339

Real Video Brinquedo hours.
Eh, i started this year, it's a miracle that i can even visualize non-donut shaped objects.
Aligning them vertexes and weight painting is 2 much for my peanut brain -_-

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Anonymous No. 997342

I started modeling a friend's OC for fun and I ran into yet another conundrum
I've never had to rig these kind of droopy sleeves before so I thought it'd be enough to just model the hands inside and then have them act as a sort of "anchor" point for the sleeve but the more I think about it the more I realize it'd be more convenient if I just modeled the entire arm, that way I could just rig that arm and then data transfer the weight paint from the arm onto the coat and then just attach a few wiggly bones to the sleeve and call it a day

As you can see, there is nothing between he undershirt's sleeve and her hand because I thought it wouldn't be necessary. What do you guys think is the simplest solution for this? just modeling the arm, no?

Anonymous No. 997383

I think most of the time, people just merge all the verts of the sleeve into one point on the inside and call it a day. No point in modelling an arm if it's never gonna be seen.

Anonymous No. 997384

that's why I usually model the full body, including the feet, and then cut out the hidden parts for export
it seems like more work but you never know when you'll need the body for an alternate outfit

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Anonymous No. 997408

bro, do you even loft?

Anonymous No. 997409


Anonymous No. 997410

>using any 3d software at all
yikes. just type the tris using the notepad

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Interdimensional ....webm

Anonymous No. 997417

Uh, i don't like that clipping, what kind of physics setting should i use for ears and that kind of stuff? cloth gets all wrinkly and i don't know which one has the right amount of deformation to bend but is also solid enough to not lose it's shape.
I would also need to redo the weight values on the eyelid/jaw vertexes.
If i'm too cringe please tell me and i'll stop posting, i'm legit 2 autistic 2 know.

Anonymous No. 997435

Funny how there a unity thread, but they deleted the Godot one. It's totally about drama and not deleting opinions

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Anonymous No. 997445

This blink shapekey came out surprisingly well

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Anonymous No. 997484

nearly done with this bad boy

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Anonymous No. 997523

I'm happy with my progress. Detailing soon.

Anonymous No. 997531

I regret saying this. I'll have to rebuild the whole visor. It works from some angles but not others. The curvature is not right.

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Anonymous No. 997545

She is alive

Anonymous No. 997581

Look at 'er go!

Anonymous No. 997594

Is it maybe time for a new thread?

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Anonymous No. 997600

Starting it up again. Modelled a new set of muscles just for houdini. On the left is the muscles and bone. On the right is the inner fat layer with sdf converted to quads. This type of geo works in my experience since its relatively even. Found some scripts that will help with identifying intersections with muscles and bones in rest pose

Anonymous No. 997643

It's not even on page 3-4 yet. Chill.

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Anonymous No. 997662

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Anonymous No. 997729

had an error that i realized I wasn't thoroughly checking for in the before times : it's vital that bones don't intersect while in animation so they must have their proper hinge or ball and socket modelled in and the joints placed to reflect that....

Anonymous No. 997730

how shall the forearm twist in such a configuration?

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Anonymous No. 997734

this gif related is pretty much representative of what i was doing before with bones passing through and intersecting each other and it kind of worked, until my rig started to fail and i was unable to debug it (maya).

Maybe it will still work like this in houdini, but i do not know. My goal is to go from the only example which ships with houdini which is a t-rex legs to a bicep flex for now and do other stuff in a version two.

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Anonymous No. 997792


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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 997793

Got some initial results. I got way farther into the tutorial than I did the last time i tried, almost a year ago. Unfortunately, coming from FEM, vellum is initially harder to use and is missing features. I read on reddit all the time from people that are like "fem and vellum are the same, just vellum is faster". Well that is just not true. The next step in the tut is simming the overlying fatty tissue....

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 997794

> "fem and vellum can do the same, just vellum is faster"

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Anonymous No. 997796

Got some initial results. I got way farther into the tutorial than I did the last time i tried, almost a year ago. Unfortunately, coming from FEM, vellum is missing features compared to what I'm used to. I read on reddit all the time from people that are like "fem and vellum can do the exact same, just vellum is faster". Well that is just not true. A lot seems to have been lost by removing having to know physical properties. There appears to be some key things that I just cant do rn. The next step in the tut is simming the surrounding fatty tissue.

Anonymous No. 997823

damn, that texture work is really impressive

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Anonymous No. 997836

offset the muscle flex curve timing

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Anonymous No. 997961


Anonymous No. 998138

Cool stuff, I love seeing this kind of thing.

Anonymous No. 998181

New Thread