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๐Ÿงต /DailySculpting/

Anonymous No. 995861

Rules for me:
>No basemeshes/kitbashing, everything must be modeled or sculpted.
>Complete low frequency.
>At least some mid frequency.
>High frequency is optional.
Requests are welcome and you are welcome to criticize and even post your own superior sculpts, no rules for you!

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Anonymous No. 995873

sculpt my son

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Anonymous No. 995877

> low frequency, mid frequency, high frequency
Would you care to elaborate the terminology?

Anonymous No. 995880

not Op but common terms from sculpting, low frequency is the general outline of a shape as a volume.
Like a human shaped correctly but without any surface features like a person wearing a skin suit.
Mid frequency would be major surface features like the bulges of where individual muscles are, nose, lips eyelids etc.
High frequency then are fine surface details like skin wrinkles and texture.

Named such because of the frequency of occurrence. Like how in an audio signal the lower frequency means big bulgeous sinusoidal looking waves.
The mid frequencies means a squiggly wave with a lot of shape to it but still something you can kinda hold in memory what it's shaped like.
High frequencies are very detailed and jagged to a point of indefinite detail approaching noise.
Fine detail that is important for something to look finished but is just dressing ontop and could really be anything without changing much.
The low and mid frequencies is where you establish if you have something that even warrants doing any high frequency details.
Best high frequency work in the world can't save something that doesn't have good low and mid detail.

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Anonymous No. 995884


Anonymous No. 995890

a dough, a bell.

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Anonymous No. 995910

Okay I'm almost done blocking it out. Hippos have really weird feet.

Anonymous No. 995919


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Anonymous No. 995959

Okay This is as far as I got.

Anonymous No. 995986

>Okay This is as far as I got.
Good effort so far but the legs are a bit too long and could stand to gain a few pounds too

Anonymous No. 996039

Yeah so much of his legs are hidden under the fat. His knees are practically invisible so it was quite confusing to get right. Not having a stable ground plane doesnt help. Is there a way to keep the grid in zbrush from changing whenever you place a geometry below it?

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2024-09-21 21_09_46.jpg

Anonymous No. 996053

ok, 15 minute sketch

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2024-09-21 21_25_05.jpg

Anonymous No. 996057

put ~10 more minutes refining the face, i think thats enough for a quick model, would need 3 hours to polish up the face and main forms

Anonymous No. 996060

Mogs the shit out of mine. Though the face looks a lot more like a juvenile hippo. when I started I couldn't find much reference of actual babies and the head ended up being more defined like yours.
Looking at this hippo >>995873
The baby's front maw is squashed in much more. You nailed the legs/feet tho. Did you use zspheres or just basic primitives?

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Anonymous No. 996063

>Is there a way to keep the grid in zbrush from changing whenever you place a geometry below it?
Are you really that much of a basic faggot? Draw settings has an elevation slider. How you even managed to learn zbrush when you are this stupid amazes me.

Anonymous No. 996072

move brush + dynamesh, i jsut grabbed forms, dynameshed, sclupted up with clay and dynameshed, and like 100 x this way untill i had a mesh i could sculp
but past the initial stages it gets slower and slowe, now i would have too look for better refs where before i only neede overall shape pics

Anonymous No. 996083

Damn that sounds tedius. I'm going to try it sometime tho.

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Anonymous No. 996100

Day 3: I managed to whip up this "Raboon" like bipedal creature.

Anonymous No. 996111

its reakky fast
sometimes i just use sculpt pro instead

Anonymous No. 996130

Do you use seperare parts and then merge them together or just do it all from a single mesh pushing and pulling?

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Anonymous No. 996172

Today I sculped a weird fish with too many fins.

Anonymous No. 996175

any tips for learning sculpting? I really can't get into it, I do all my modelling quad by quad.

Anonymous No. 996180

Dick around with the tools on your own for a few days exploring how they work and what you can do with them, then start watching videos of how people sculpting things well work and just replicate the techniques they use.

Anonymous No. 996206

>nebulous af
I am OP and I will explain my process.
First thing I do is get tons of reference for whatever it is I am thinking of sculpting. Sometimes this is harder than it seems since good reference can be tricky to find. Today I am sculpting this thing but I am not too interested in the skull just the front part that looks squid/prawn like. Normally I would try to get some octopus and prawn references. It is okay to get references that contradict each other since they are just a guide and ultamately you should be understanding the forms you are creating more or less. This is the hardest part, understanding form. It is something that can be really hard to learn even I still struggle.

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Anonymous No. 996208

An easier way to guide yourself is breaking down your reference. First pic is my original reference. A good strategy is to edit the reference so that it only shows the part you need. Next blurring the image helps to outline the main forms. Capturing the sillhouette also helps. Breaking down the biggest shapes into pieces is good too.

Anonymous No. 996214

i do what ever, the point is to be destructive, the faster you work the better
so sometimesd i pull out shapes and inflate, sometimes i marge down some primitives

Anonymous No. 996216


No straightforward, because after having attempted something yourself and struggled with it for a while you will have grown new neural pathways that you currently lack, this is a primer for being able to just witness what someone else is doing and making sense of it even if they don't explain it to you. You can learn a lot just by applying yourself and paying attention.

There are a lot of things I could verbally tell someone about sculpting but that would require that someone to speak the same language and get what I'm talking about. First stop is you having to do a lot of foundational language acquisition to discover how and where you fail and what you're struggling with the most.

Anonymous No. 996231

>after having attempted something yourself and struggled with it for a while you will have grown new neural pathways that you currently lack, this is a primer for being able to just witness what someone else is doing and making sense of it even if they don't explain it to you. You can learn a lot just by applying yourself and paying attention.
I mean no shit. Thats how you learn basically everything. He was asking for advice on specifically 3D sculpting and you give him some generalized sophistry.
>There are a lot of things I could verbally tell someone about sculpting but that would require that someone to speak the same language and get what I'm talking about.
Once again; no shit. His post was written in english so it is safe to assume he speaks english. If he is on this board he can understand basic things like topology and polycount. Actually explaining a technique or practice would be helpful instead of of just saying: "Git Gud" like you are. Here is an example:
>it is better and easier to sculpt at a low resolution when starting out so bigger shapes are easier to manupulate.

Anonymous No. 996232

Destructive you say? When you say it is better to work faster why do you think that is the case? Isn't it better to make deliberate shapes and try your best to replicate the forms or study your reference/anatomy no matter how long it takes?

Anonymous No. 996236

I didn't say 'git gud', and I did not refer to the language of English, I refereed to the language of sculpting.

Re-examine the post anon because your take away is confused as to it's content.

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Anonymous No. 996245

Then I try to make some clean shapes and get the sculpt to match the sillhouette.

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Anonymous No. 996247

Day 5

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Anonymous No. 996366

Day 6: Biologically accurate dragon.

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Anonymous No. 996494

Day 7

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Tall Curved Steps....png

Anonymous No. 996496

Working on a scenic base for my warhams and I've realised I've bitten off more than I can chew.
This is 2 days work learning as I go.

Anonymous No. 996505

You made that in zbrush?

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Anonymous No. 996551

Day 8

Anonymous No. 996688

autocad :/
I've set this piece aside as I've realised how massive it would be IRL - roughly 120mm square - more a scenery piece and not for a scenic base.
inb4 scale it down

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Anonymous No. 996690

Day 9

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Anonymous No. 996800

Day 10

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Anonymous No. 996872

Day 11

Anonymous No. 996924

What's good for clay-like sculpting? Blender's mesh based sculpting doesn't really allow for the sort of things I want to do. I'm still new enough to this that I don't know what I should be looking for, beyond "I want to be able to do this". I want to add/remove "material" so I can build on top of things, dig under things, etc.

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Anonymous No. 996929

I recommend Chavant NSP Medium, I find the green is easier on the eyes, because you won't find what you're looking for digitally
Dyntopo with constant details and the clay brush works alright, but it does not compare to real sculpting

Anonymous No. 996946

I have considered just using actual clay and then using one of those programs that creates a 3D model based on multiple photographs.

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Anonymous No. 996991

Day 12

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Anonymous No. 997100

Day 13. I am quite proud of this one.

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silly little guy.png

Anonymous No. 997123

silly little guy from yesterday night

Anonymous No. 997153

i like these dudes

Anonymous No. 997165

is this reusable? i got liek 100e to spend on some clay and tools

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Anonymous No. 997182

The thing about real sculpting is that there is a whole other completely missing from the digital process: Touch. I prefer digital sculpting because I use Zbrush and it can do anything except poly model easiy which is what Blender exporter is for.
Don't know about that stuff but I like to use Monster clay because it hardens when cool but will always soften when it heats up. It's a wax based clay. Not something for the light of heart or of hands for that matter.

Anonymous No. 997186

You can resuse Chavant Medium, it's plasticine and won't dry on you, but you also have to warm it up so it's softer, unless you like a workout

I live in a digital world, digital sculpting is useful, traditional is to relax

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Anonymous No. 997190

pretty rough sculpt of my friend's head. I tried to use dyntopo this time instead of only remeshing.

thanks !

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Anonymous No. 997200

Day 14. Sculpting is starting to become second nature. What can stop me?

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Anonymous No. 997246


I can't wait to get to your level

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Screenshot 2024-1....png

Anonymous No. 997271

Lately, ive been attempting to learn from cd projekt red's heads. ilke their style

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Anonymous No. 997279

Day 15

Anonymous No. 997303

Itโ€™s really all about mid frequency. If you get that right the rest will look good even if you just spray it with alpha brushes.

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Anonymous No. 997347

Average russian

Anonymous No. 997348

fuck meant to quote

I'm happy with this one I feel like I'm progressing

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Anonymous No. 997370

Day 16

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Anonymous No. 997429

retopologized him today

Anonymous No. 997449

Okay now make some expressions using shapekeys. Make him smile and wink.

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Anonymous No. 997450

Day 17

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Anonymous No. 997496

Sure! I want to add the finishing touches on substance and give him hair first though. His skin looks way too smooth for a russian for now.

Anonymous No. 997501

Oh that looks fucking great anon!

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Anonymous No. 997564

I think im getting there

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Anonymous No. 997571

Day 18

Anonymous No. 997572

Oh yeah looking fantastic.

Anonymous No. 997606

I wish Blender had a functional draw curves tool like Zbrush

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monke render2.png

Anonymous No. 997663

Thank you! I polished him today. And...

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Anonymous No. 997664

... I sculpted his banana phone!

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Anonymous No. 997673

I have no idea what I'm doing.

first sculpt ever in progress
originally it was going to be chibi and then it just turned out like this
it's pretty fun, may continue

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Anonymous No. 997695

Day 19

Anonymous No. 997696

Nomad? Don't feel bad, Anatomy is one of the hardest things to learn. Also getting the software down. Did you just push and pull? For some reason I always struggle doing it that way. I rather sculpt every major part of the body seperately then merge them together later.

Anonymous No. 997698

blocked it out with shapes, merged them, and winged it, yeah

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Anonymous No. 997813

Day 20

Anonymous No. 997830

me irl

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Anonymous No. 997894

ffs, for some reason it didn't post yesterday. This website is really tuning to shit

I love this, so goofy

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Anonymous No. 997899

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Keeper's Hun....png

Anonymous No. 997903

It's supposed to be those horrible demon dogs in the harder Chalice dungeons.

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Anonymous No. 997908

Day 21. I just realized that nothing in the rules says I need to make a new sculpt everyday just that I have to make sure it is completed mid frequency. Gonna make this a two parter. Here is the blockout.

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Anonymous No. 997909

Well completed low frequency anyway. Going to try to shoot for the stars and get some high frequency tomorrow.

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giga tyrone.png

Anonymous No. 997956

turned him into a giga tyrone

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Anonymous No. 997977

Day22. Man how in the hell do you go about modeling/sculpting antlers anyway?

Anonymous No. 997978

Now you can make 3D cuck porn with wojaks and chuds. Might be a niche for that sort of thing.

Anonymous No. 998002

>modeling/sculpting antlers
snake hook

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Anonymous No. 998028

Yeah with sculptris. I mean just the complexity of the shape. Itโ€™s like sculpting tree branches.

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Anonymous No. 998054

Day 23. I woke up late today so here is some polypaint for once.

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Anonymous No. 998104

giga chud

Anonymous No. 998130

You're on a roll anon. Just do all the jacks and chads and chuds. Do them all.

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Anonymous No. 998131

Day 24

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Anonymous No. 998243

Day 25

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Anonymous No. 998304


Anonymous No. 998305

awww this one is so cute

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Anonymous No. 998336

Day 26

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Anonymous No. 998431

polished him a little bit

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Anonymous No. 998447

Day 27

Anonymous No. 998588

Looks interesting. Go for it!

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Anonymous No. 998717


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Anonymous No. 998718

lit version

Anonymous No. 998731

Have you ever finished a single sculpt before and not leaving things half done? Asking seriously. Reminds me of that turbo autist on discord who hangs out with the pros.

Anonymous No. 998741

Well considering the rules I set up for myself are for low and mid frequency and the fact that nearly every one of these were done from scratch, yes half done is more than enough for something I did in a day. Maybe you should learn to read and you should post your own sculpts. I'm sure you must be the superior sculptor talking like that.

Anonymous No. 998744

Day 28

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Anonymous No. 998745


Anonymous No. 998804

You know the most important part of the sculpt is the big and medium shapes. All the detailing and fine tuning in the world won't fix a dogshit blockout.

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Anonymous No. 998843

Remade him. I feel like it looks way better. Thank you OP for inspiring me to partake in this challenge.

Anonymous No. 998932

You should use shapekeys to make him angry or smug or have him do the onions face.

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Anonymous No. 998938

Day 29

Anonymous No. 998968

the powah of autism, gj m8

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Anonymous No. 999026

Day 30

Anonymous No. 999122

How about a bottleneck adapter? 38mm to 40mm, can you handle 2 inches?

Anonymous No. 999125

No, Im just a begshitter. I don't find your stuff cute it probably why you never made it in 3d despite years of anatomy maxxing.

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Anonymous No. 999127

Day 31

Anonymous No. 999129

I'm flattered you think it took me years to get to this level in anatomy of all things, probably my weakest area of knowledge when it comes to sculpting.

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Anonymous No. 999229

Day 32

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Anonymous No. 999319

Day 33

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Anonymous No. 999412

Well it was fun while it lasted. I must say it went on much longer than I expected. I feel like it was much harder than my daily animation challenge. Thank you all for participating and for your feedback.

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Anonymous No. 999482

looked at all your posts, nice progress. did you follow some kind of sculpting course beforehand?
seems like you already had a pretty solid understanding of anatomy and stuff. also, would you recommend sculpting brushes like pic related?

Anonymous No. 999507

not him but what should I sculpt? lately life hasn't been good, I want to improve my sculpting but I don't have the will to practice

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SNES - Super Mari....png

Anonymous No. 999508

do some simple shit, maybe one model a day
something like the enemies from Yoshi's Island, or some Dragon Quest monsters, pokemon, shit like that that's not too realistic or difficult and already has a lot of references to draw from. added benefit of being able to use sites like spriters resource / models resource to get a good look
I've found that the calendar method is really good for staying disciplined. each day you do it, you cross the day off the calendar. the idea is that you'll be incentivized to keep the streak going since a gap in it would look like shit, according to the Atomic Habits book at least

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Anonymous No. 999534

You honor me but to be honest with you I feel like my anatomy is still quite rusty. I just look at a lot of reference and break down the basic shapes like I explained here. >>996208
I've been using zbrush for a few years now so I'm pretty adept on the technical side of things. I use Blender to supplement lots of modeling operations that are a pain to do in Zbrush so I am always moving models back and forth between both softwares.
As far as my brush palette goes, these are basically the only ones I ever use.

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Anonymous No. 999535

Try this thing.

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1 Bulbisaur.png

Anonymous No. 999538

yeah I should at least try to do a 30 minute pokemon a day so I don't stop sculpting
I'll go outside and buy a physical calendar too

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2 Ivysaur.png

Anonymous No. 999674

Anonymous No. 999682


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3 Venusaur.png

Anonymous No. 999809


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4 Charmander.png

Anonymous No. 1000071

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5 Charmeleon.png

Anonymous No. 1000198

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6 Charizard.png

Anonymous No. 1000299

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7 Squirtle.png

Anonymous No. 1000419

Anonymous No. 1000431

are these all made out of spheres as the base meshes, for the head, arms etc?
good work btw, keep it up. also if you wanna push yourself you can slap on some paint in the sculpt mode. I think it just uses vertex colors for it

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8 Wartortle.png

Anonymous No. 1000549

>are these all made out of spheres as the base meshes, for the head, arms etc?
yes, I have add uv sphere in my quick favorites, for those organic shapes it's easier to grope spheres until they're in the right shapes
>also if you wanna push yourself you can slap on some paint in the sculpt mode
I color when showing to normies but I prefer to show the matcap to other sculptors because colors hide the sculpt
also I have a 30 minute timer on for those so I don't want to spend time coloring

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9 Blastoise.png

Anonymous No. 1000607

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10 Caterpie.png

Anonymous No. 1000711

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Anonymous No. 1000729

We need something like:

Drawabox but for Sculpting
Dynamic Sketching but for Sculpting
Copy bridgman twice but for Sculpting

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11 Metapod.png

Anonymous No. 1000768

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12 Butterfree.png

Anonymous No. 1000843

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13 Weedle.png

Anonymous No. 1000903

it ain't much but it's honest work

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14 Kakuna.png

Anonymous No. 1000960

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15 Beedrill.png

Anonymous No. 1001007

if anyone else also wants to post daily sculpts you can do that
this can be your daily sculpt thread too, this thread is big enough

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16 Pidgey.png

Anonymous No. 1001079

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17 Pidgeotto.png

Anonymous No. 1001186

I never realized birds were so hard

Anonymous No. 1001194

zamn ur good

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18 Pidgeot.png

Anonymous No. 1001267

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19 Rattata.png

Anonymous No. 1001397

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Anonymous No. 1001403

la goblina

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20 Raticate.png

Anonymous No. 1001492

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Anonymous No. 1001496

la goblina(forma de retopo)

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21 Spearow.png

Anonymous No. 1001586

dios mio, la goblina

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1st try at photog....jpg

Anonymous No. 1001655

what is a good real clay-to-obj workflow? software wise.

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22 Fearow.png

Anonymous No. 1001674

fucking birds, ran out of time

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23 Ekans.png

Anonymous No. 1001723

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Anonymous No. 1001756

my second sculpt. i chose it to be a bust because it was more overwhelming than i thought. can i get a better process on how to sculpt. i keep jumping into details and is there anyway i can make displacements maps in nomad sculpt?

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24 Arbok.png

Anonymous No. 1001806

I'm trying to use Draw Sharp where I'd normal use the Crease brush, because I saw someone do that

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wojak face.png

Anonymous No. 1001893

the one who started it all

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25 Pikachu.png

Anonymous No. 1001902

welcome bak

Anonymous No. 1001914

Thanks little buddy! Keep the good work up. Could you make a Meowth one of these days?

Anonymous No. 1001917

photogrammetry is the word you're looking for. If you're wanting research it.
there are a few mobile apps like polycam (paid), and a few pc programs like meshroom (free).

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26 Raichu.png

Anonymous No. 1001954

I'm doing the pokedex in order so meowth should be next month, I think he's number 50

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27 Sandshrew.png

Anonymous No. 1002016

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Anonymous No. 1002054


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Anonymous No. 1002056

He's so happy :D

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28 Sandslash.png

Anonymous No. 1002070

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29 Nidoran โ™€.png

Anonymous No. 1002136

I updated to 4.3 and redid my shortcuts, it's alright now
the smooth brush feels slower for some reason and I can't save changes to "essential" brushes so I'll have to duplicate and tweak a lot of them to replicate my old brushes, but overall 4.3 should be better
vertex painting is really good now, but I'm not sure why I would ever use the elastic snake hook brush

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 1002164

Not him, but looks like a fun thing to try. Initial blockout took about 40 minutes. Will probably come back daily to post the rest, but this is my first post on 4chan in a couple years, so who knows.

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Anonymous No. 1002165

Not him, but looks like a fun thing to try. Initial blockout took about 40 minutes. Will probably come back daily to post the rest as I work on it, but this is my first post on 4chan in a couple years, so who knows.

Holy shit Captchas have gotten worse here.

Anonymous No. 1002167

Misposted and then fucked up the reply. I suck at 4chan now.

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30 Nidorina.png

Anonymous No. 1002200

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Anonymous No. 1002230

More work on this tonight. Spent a while getting used to the brush changes in Blender 4.3. The new brushes and asset stuff is way better (though I think some of it might have been around for a while and I just didn't see it before). They fixed some of the more annoying defaults that I always had to screw with, and added a better crease brush. I might have to set up some alphas and stuff as brushes too. I'd really like a better way to cycle brushes, though. It would be nice if I could assign multiple brushes to the same shortcut and cycle through them with that shortcut.

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31 Nidoqueen.png

Anonymous No. 1002247

let's see what's next... oh great, another 3 pokemon that nearly look the same

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Anonymous No. 1002278

I'm done with this for now. I need to step up my speed game. It took me more hours than it should have to get to this point. I'm usually happy with my results, but it takes me forever to get anything done.

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Anonymous No. 1002294

I not good at modeling nude zones, so she will be dressed

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32 Nidoran โ™‚.png

Anonymous No. 1002296

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Anonymous No. 1002307

Its time to learn how to rig objects

Anonymous No. 1002310

You should put eyelids on the character anon
It would be a pain in the ass to rig the eyes with that type of mesh

Anonymous No. 1002320

This is my first sculpt, so I want to render only one single static scene.There is no need for eyelids or complex rigs. But thanks anon for answer, I`ll add them in future characters

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33 Nidorino.png

Anonymous No. 1002375

today nearly didn't happen, I got distracted

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Anonymous No. 1002398

Getting familiar with the 4.3 update

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Anonymous No. 1002403

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sl dirt.png

Anonymous No. 1002435

Absolutely cursed hands

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34 Nidoking.png

Anonymous No. 1002442


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35 Clefairy.png

Anonymous No. 1002516

I hate it

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Anonymous No. 1002559

conquest status: failed

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36 Clefable.png

Anonymous No. 1002575

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Anonymous No. 1002578

first try at a face, how bad is it bros

Anonymous No. 1002598

It seems to me that you need to add a larger lower base of the nose and increase the difference between the lower lip and chin. You can also smooth out the transition between cheekbones and brow ridges. Good luck, anon!

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Anonymous No. 1002599

does it look like the face you were trying to sculpt? I can see some planes from the Asaro head so it's a good start
I recommend downloading portrait head turnaround photopacks to practice so you can see the same head from multiple angles, it helps until you have more experience with heads

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37 Vulpix.png

Anonymous No. 1002623

Anonymous No. 1002645

ty final ver here idk if its better or worse but gonna call it quits on this one and try again with a new one later

>does it look like the face you were trying to sculpt?
lol idk where to even start with capturing likeness.

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Anonymous No. 1002646


Anonymous No. 1002665

>lol idk where to even start with capturing likeness
Well, you start by using your eyes and reference images. You can also draw guidelines on top of your reference to help with proportions.

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38 Ninetales.png

Anonymous No. 1002696

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Anonymous No. 1002717

Two-ish monts of copying CD-project red's heads on and off.

i think i'm almost there.

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39 Jigglypuff.png

Anonymous No. 1002749

I take the easy days too

Anonymous No. 1002758

I don't get the purpose for most of the brushes in blender. I mostly use clay strips, smooth, and scrape and their inverses.

most of all I'm curious what one would use clay thumb for

Anonymous No. 1002760

It is their so that the actually useful brushes don't feel lonely.

Anonymous No. 1002767

A lot of them are genuinely useless like the thumb ones you mentioned, but I find half of them useful still. In order of frequency, I use:
Most often: Draw, grab, smooth modal on every brush, draw sharp, crease, inflate (outside its basic use, inflate is useful when you have geometry with wildly different normal orientation in range of the brush radius that you want to push outward, like with nostrils or behind the ears)
Sometimes: Mask brush/selection (I used to think masks were slow to use since you need to draw/set them, but they're highly useful, especially with basic operations like translate/rotate/scale - yes, those work in sculpting mode - coupled with the pivot point set to 3d cursor that needs to be done outside sculpting mode, and setting the cursor where you need to using a keybind), snake hook (more useful with dyntopo but good without as well), pinch (when I want accentuate normal smoothing without making an actual groove like the crease brush does), pose (outside of actual posing a sculpt, it's useful to slightly reorient/scale big parts, and it also has a cloth mode that's mildly useful)
Rarely: Mesh filter (useful after remeshing), simplify (if you have both dyntopo and autosmooth toggled on the simplify brush you can taper-out and eliminate geometry, like say if you want to disconnect two pieces of geometry connected by a thin "bridge" like after an unlucky, too-high res remesh connecting the inward shell)

Also I find that keybinding "wm.context_toggle_enum" with the context "tool_settings.sculpt.brush.falloff_shape" between "SPHERE" and "PROJECTED" somewhere easily accessible (I use mouse button 4) is highly, highly useful in sculpt mode. The grab and snake hook brushes especially. I like to "tweak the silhouette" using the edge of a large grab brush set to "projected" a LOT. Sometimes with masks if other geo is in the way.

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40 Wigglytuff.png

Anonymous No. 1002794

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Anonymous No. 1002801

attempt 2 of ???

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41 Zubat.png

Anonymous No. 1002825

that is a good zubat

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Anonymous No. 1002826

started sculpting today. It's fun

Anonymous No. 1002828

>I'd really like a better way to cycle brushes, though. It would be nice if I could assign multiple brushes to the same shortcut and cycle through them with that shortcut.
I used to do that in previous version, but what I do now is assign brushes of the same family to the same key with modifier key
eg E is scrape, Shift+E is another scrape, Ctrl+E, Alt+E..
my main brush "families" are
>Clay Strip/Clay/Inflate on C/Shift+C/Ctrl+C
>Draw/Draw Sharp/Crease/Crease Sharp on D/Shift+D/Ctrl+D/Alt+D (had to delete annotation shortcut)
>Grab/Snake Hook/Pose/Pinch on G/Shift+G/Ctrl+G/Alt+D
this works for me because I don't use many duplicate brushes right now, I only have one tweaked version of most base brushes
I try to optimize my shortcuts to work with a half-keyboard because I have one next to the tablet, for ergonomics

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Anonymous No. 1002838

It brings a tear to my eye when I remember all the anons that used to post and have moved on to other non art related things, there were some very decent artists here, I still keep on keeping on, still sculpting.

Anonymous No. 1002850

not bad, back of knees looks wonky
why is it in 2 parts though?

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Anonymous No. 1002852

More head. I want to get the eyes right, the window to the soul

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Anonymous No. 1002855

wow how long did this take. any tips on simplifying legs

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Anonymous No. 1002885

divided in parts because dynamesh maxes out at 4mil polygons.

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42 Golbat.png

Anonymous No. 1002889

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Anonymous No. 1002927

>goblin, USA

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43 Oddish.png

Anonymous No. 1002940

now do a female goblin

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Anonymous No. 1002941

long hours this week but managed to fit this one in

Anonymous No. 1002942

What? why you dynameshing, zremesh and reproject detail, once you get main forms in no need to keep working with sculpt pro or dynamesh

Anonymous No. 1002963

You should just pay the tax to get mentored by someone who knows anatomy otherwise you'll be stuck here for another 10 years never finishing anything.

Anonymous No. 1002965

I paid, the money is already loaded

Anonymous No. 1002967

The shape is not correct the supraorbital foramen is specially rough and the money is already loaded

Anonymous No. 1002977

Female goblin , where?

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Anonymous No. 1002982

sure! ;)

Anonymous No. 1002983

When the money is loaded

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44 Gloom.png

Anonymous No. 1002984

this goblin can live

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Anonymous No. 1003002

do i sculpt the details or make it substance painter?

Anonymous No. 1003003

Yes, you'll never amount to anything unless you pay me money

I'd say try to sculpt as much as you can until Blender is too laggy

Anonymous No. 1003009

>I'd say try to sculpt as much as you can until Blender is too laggy
i use nomad on my ipad to sculpt, ended up just doing it on substance

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Anonymous No. 1003010

the newer substance has a bezier curve tool so it should make it much easier

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45 Vileplume.png

Anonymous No. 1003039

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46 Paras.png

Anonymous No. 1003099

Anonymous No. 1003157

image limit reached, new thread at >>1003156

Anonymous No. 1003158

this is now a cris thread