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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 996396

I had an shower thought once, would /3/ be able to create and ship an AAA game if the board united into one virtual studio?

Anonymous No. 996398

Cris, this board is not about game development.

Anonymous No. 996403

Shipping a game would mean posting their work so no, /3/ can't into virtual studio.

Anonymous No. 996405

This idea is brought up all the time.
>/3/ able to create and ship a game
>board united into one virtual studio
The problem is that this won't happen.

Anons are like demons. Too prideful to work with each other, but too smart to go extinct. You're expressing yourself with the picture of a literal archon (gnosticism) so you know it's true.

Anonymous No. 996410

Speak for yourself.

Anonymous No. 996413

theres literally a thread for this lil nigga, check it out and see how well its going

Anonymous No. 996414

you should see Cris our resident gamedev. you can find him here >>993271
unless you happen to be him. in which case, Im sorry
>Anons are like demons. Too prideful to work with each other, but too smart to go extinct
more like too stupid. and the ones that actually know their shit already do this for a living

the chair nerd No. 996419

I'd take a management role and be a bureaucratic burden glad-fully.
Also why stop at AAA?

Anonymous No. 996436

>but too smart to go extinc
IDK man, nodes are filtering me pretty hard

Anonymous No. 996443

no reason it couldnt. im trying to get anons to contribute to my project rn
the biggest issue is this board has mostly unmotivated users. just starting out and very frustrated with the beginning period of 3d where you just cant make anything st all.

Anonymous No. 996444

yeah /3/ could do AAAA or even AAAAA of we really buckled down.

Anonymous No. 996454

In my time on this board ive seen about 10 artists capable to making a good looking game asset from start to finish, only 2 of those looked AAA quality. Don't mean to be harsh or discourage anyone, but this is simply unfeasable OP

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Anonymous No. 996456

Impossible. Teamwork is WORK and demands dedication only people who profits fairly from it would do. Unless you have a way to pay up for models, animations, sprites, etc, fairly and keeping the other end ANONYMOUS (welcome to 4chan) no one here will risk DOXING, especially if said title is porn. And it should be porn.

Anonymous No. 996465

hmm yes the dox side is a difficult part.
otherwise heres the hypothetical pitch:
the project is ongoing media production. animations, stills, games, w/e cg. porn likely. if the project produces quality content with a market we make a patreon and your payment for contributing is a share in the revenue. if i was going to do it id found a corporation and out the crowdfunding in that corp's name. have business contracts made. so the "random internet guy totally promises to give you money later for work now" is as legit as possible.

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Anonymous No. 996476

Now that´s an anonymous money exchange outlet, altought a risky one.
They´ve been famous for confiscating money and blocking pages that doesn´t conforms to credit card´s company jews owners views of what should and what shouldn´t fly: namely, incest porn, loli/shota pornography (which is banned even here in 4chin), anything /POL/ likes and so on.

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Anonymous No. 996483

Thing is: you - or anyone for that matter - that secured a pipeline outlet to fund models and animations for a game project while keeping the anonymity of the contributors, it would be done and it might even be AAA. However, scammers abound with stolen models and the like. You´re not looking for talent here, you´re looking for cheap or free so you can make enough of a game to pitch investors in, maybe even a big company name publisher - altough anything outside os STEAM is a waste of time. Still, if /3/ manages to get ahold of a type of outlet that is safe in those terms, there is a river of money to be made. I know i would do it if i could.

Anonymous No. 996487

ok not payreon apecifically but one of the offshoots that's more hands off on conten policing.
context like this:
>im posting on /3/ saying im making some highly basic sex animation loop viewer with a dynamic camera. i have some characters and some animations and environments. i have an crowdfunding account earning exactly $0 right this minute. if anyone wants to they can contribute a model that conforms to a base hierarchy, an animation using that hierarchy, or an environment that conforms to some mechanical standard. everyone who contribute any one will get a 1% share in future profits. i have an llc, a lawyer, and legit contracts that protect your identity and guarentee i cant skip out on you.

Anonymous No. 996488

trust is obvious an enourmous hurdle and it should be. surely there's some way

Anonymous No. 996519

Chuds are mentally ill gooners, they're unable to finish one AAA game let alone a tiny sized indie game. They wouldn't even trust eachother from being psychologically unstable they'd accuse eachother of being a jewish fed.

Anonymous No. 996521

this but leftroons

Anonymous No. 996523

There's like 10 people here, so more like an indie game.

Anonymous No. 996528

No there's at minimum 50, enough for a big game.

the chair nerd No. 996533

Enough lets make the game. But first we need to make sure everyone is correctly represented. Cris and I will be the latinx quota, we just need 4 niggers, a blue haired thing, 5 lgbtiq2s+ and a midget. Don't worry if any of us can handle the hard work, we'll hire a small caucasian studio for the actual heavy load but we'll make sure they stay out of the credits.

Anonymous No. 996538

if 5% of the boards users were even interested in a big collab it would be a miracle.
hurdle 1: interest
hurdle 2: trust
hurdle 3: organization
hurdle 4: anonymity
i really really want to join or organize a big collab but so far it isnt working. being on this board and others for many years the collab projects that get any traction are ones that get off the ground without help first. people love to join a winning team. prove your project is worth it first and then people will join, maybe.

Anonymous No. 996554

there are like 5 people really good at 3d here

Anonymous No. 996555

I can handle the programming

Anonymous No. 996571

I already do porn commissions. Anyone who has paid me via paypal knows my real name. I wouldn't mind the "doxing".
The work on the other hand... Well, I'm probably not suited for work. Since I still suck at blender after 3 years of learning. I think most people around here have half-baked skills, and will probably crumble when they actually need to complete work.

lol, just don't be a /pol/tard, a pedo a rapist, or a mother fucker, and you're fine. You can't work on a project without those themes? I use patreon too, and it's easy to avoid such themes. I mean honestly. What kind of degenerate are you? Seeing as how you're planning on doing a porn project: patreon will require any 18+ accounts to send a photo of yourself with your license/ID. So you do have to dox yourself to patreon. They claim that it's totally secure, and they're not selling the information. But you should never trust a tech company's lies about "security."

Anonymous No. 996572

Why start a new game project?
/v/ (and /vg/ I guess, if you like crabs) is already making a bunch of vidya, and pretty much all of those could *really* use some models that aren't "dev art" nor the cheapest asset store garbage.

Anonymous No. 996577

>/v/ (and /vg

Anonymous No. 996583

>/v/ being capable of making games
No, they're a bunch of braindead JRPG coomers

Anonymous No. 996585

you sound like youd fit in at reddit

Anonymous No. 996586

I get that a lot. I'm not a reddit user. But the fact that my presence seems to upset some of the more degenerate users on this site, let's me know that I'm not a complete loser.

Anonymous No. 996590

>youre a lose if you dont like censorship
enter the next hurdle. even given willingness and ability they can still just be a chode.

Anonymous No. 996597

i did talk at some point about maybe making a drawthread equivalent so people can beg for shit and maybe turn it into a bigger project, but it didn´t seem like there was much demand for it

Anonymous No. 996603

i hate that but i am a nor/mlp/erson so no one is ever going to work on my project but me

Anonymous No. 996604

no fren im here. i even have an ero mlp game started. it was abandoned many years ago so all the code is out of date anyways, but yeah dont assume. we can hook up. ive even been banned from /3/ because i posted a twilight lip syncing animation in that "am i gonna make it" thread.

Anonymous No. 996605

its probably because 3d takes so much longer to do its no good for the drawthread format.

Anonymous No. 996608

sounds cool, now if only my life could stop being on fire and i could get a day to myself to even discuss plans

Anonymous No. 996635

Ideas guy here, got an name for our studio

>Le 3 Studio

Anonymous No. 996643

Censorship sucks. But saying that using the platform is "risky", because you can't post lolicon is pure bullshit. There is no risk when you actually just read and abide by the rules of the website. The only people who get banned off of it, are lolicons.(gross) Rape enthusiasts.(gross) Natsoc tier political retards, and incest lovers. The only thing I'm kind of sad about is no incest. But the rest? Who fucking cares.

You're a loser, because you're willing to give up a potentially profitable venture, just so you can boycott the site that won't allow you to post lolicon. Fucking pull your life together, dude. You're prioritizing underage pussy over creative fulfillment and financial gain.

Anonymous No. 996652

Or just use subscribestar. Sheesh. Maybe 4chan just isn't your speed. There's a whole internet of manicured play spaces where nothing that hurts your feelings is allowed. It's you who's taking that as an insult and feeling the need to snap back so much.

Anonymous No. 996654

Subscribe Star, while useful for some, has a much lower reputation, and thus will garner fewer supporters. And what do you really gain from it?
Also, when you call someone "reddit", that *is* an insult. And when you indirectly reply that indicate you got your feelings hurt. Don't act like I'm the one being unreasonable here.

Anonymous No. 996657

It's not just those though. Patreon can/will ban anything that can be perceived as "non-con" that includes bdsm and femdom, etc. Even slightly rougher vanilla sex if it's not blatantly clear that there's consent involved, or if there's even a hint of non-con. It happens constantly. Just because many manage to avoid the radar, doesn't change the fact that plenty get their page deleted as well. If you're certain your project won't contain anything that some overachieving moderator could consider non-con then it's fine. But if you know you want to include something like that, or something that's a bit in the grey area, there is always a possibility you will get unlucky, and your page is deleted without notice. It's not exactly a stable foundation to build a large team project on.

Anonymous No. 996663

You used to be able to post lolicon on reddit and back then it wasn't run by literal marxists. The censorship came when the natsoc tier political retards took over. Now reddit is the most worthless platform to promote or advertise on (followed by twitter and then tumblr).
The progression is pretty clear, it goes like this:
marxism -> suppression of human pursuits -> no money or work
Lolicon is just a canary. Realistically and objectively if you wanted to make art of any other kind besides youtube comedy or hollywood movies, you'd first wish to have access to the Japanese market. It's not because they allow lolicon, but because they haven't made up any bullshit rules about what you can and cannot sell. Consequently in Japan you can generally sell. Elsewhere you generally get pirated and censored.

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fuckit logo 1280x....png

Anonymous No. 996664

>just don't be a /pol/tard, a pedo, a rapist, or a mother fucker
But i can´t help myself

Anonymous No. 996665

Who the fuck is to blame for the Patreon´s censorship? I´ve heard that the credit card companies owner is a jew fundamentalist that hunt´s down against the sex market and Patreon is just obeying orders, can anyone confirm this?

Anonymous No. 996669

>It happens constantly
Name one.

>If you're certain your project won't contain anything that some overachieving moderator could consider non-con then it's fine.
That's more or less the point I was making. That /3/ has infinite possibilities for what they collaborate one. And the user dismisses an option to monetize the collaboration, because he focuses on the like 5 out of infinity things patreon doesn't allow. That's ridiculous.

Anonymous No. 996672

there was a big row over some political commentators getting banned right after the ceo of reddit said he wouldnt do that. A bunch of other commentators left the platform and then patreon had a phone call with one particularly large one that left. He wasnt allowed to record it but he transcribed it. According to his transcriptions they kind allude to being pressured by the payment processors, names mastercard, for the bannings.
The biggest thing here is that if you are going to monetize content creation this way you need to be on as many platforms as you can. So there's no need to turn your nose up on any of them for being too small or ill reputed. On the otherhand you can't exist on a platform if you break its rules. I'm not inclinded to be boxed in at all, and as much as I can participate in "safe" content I also am interested in "dangerous" content. I am NOT interested in working with anyone around home i'd have to worry about getting offended over an idea I have.

Anonymous No. 996674

I think you're underestimating how easy it is to see something as non-con, if the person reviewing your page really wants to. If you're doing a game with both violence and nudity, it will be at some risk at least. If you're working solo, it's fine. But if you're going to do a large team project, you probably want a more stable foundation. Not to mention patreon has proved that they are willing to change their community guidelines at a drop of a hat. There was no "non-con" rule until they revised their guidelines in 2019. There are ways to circumvent this stuff of course, in a way that patreon simply doesn't care/notice. Most people who do content in the grey area have moved their content distribution to an external system that is linked to their patreon, like discord, or just sending monthly links through e-mails.

My advice, use both. Prioritize attracting people to subscribestar, but provide patreon as an alternative. Putting your eggs in one basket is never a good idea anyway. Especially since patreon & subscribestar aren't discovery platforms. So the size of your page won't attract new people either way. You need to advertise outside of the platforms to get new customers.

Anonymous No. 996683

there was no non-con rule until some people got mad at some other people and thought of a way to stick it to them because they knew patreon's buck is broken and will fold to even the possibility of an outrage mob. Relying on patreon is allowing the pettiest nastiest people to dictate your content.
You hit the nail on the head as far as a big team goes. One of you is going to make someone mad and they'll go to the team and be all
>we're going to harass patreon unless you kick this person off your team
Then what?

Anonymous No. 996697

Probably there are 7 Anons and me that can do AAA game assets.
I've worked on a company with around that amount of artists and it's duable.
What is not duable is the logistics of the project, I work as an art director and managing random Anons with so different levels of expertise would be a nightmare, I can't even imagine how difficult would be for the other directors.

Making a project with only talent never works, because you need to have a clear vision of the project and without a director you have as many visions as anons working on it.
Also logistics of management, pay, etc...

If you are talking about a Coomer game with random characters and styles due to no art direction it might be duable.
The payment is the only problem, maybe with an escrow account you can make it work

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Anonymous No. 996698

>Le 3 Studio
>Not 3LameStudio
We need to carry on his legacy.

Anonymous No. 996699

I agree with not putting your eggs in all one basket. But this idea that Patreon is just going to make up a new rule suddenly to settle some petty accusations made toward a singular member of your group, is complete fear mongering. You guys are pearl clutching over farfetched scenarios.

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Anonymous No. 996700

Are there any sucessfull (read: FINISHED) collab project in 4chan? Any model we can follow so we can have whathever degenerated lunacy turn into a game, have it published and sold by Publisher/seller anon and then get paid anonymously in a way that there is no doxing, no scam and no trolling whatsoever? If there is, we could be breaking new grounds.

Anonymous No. 996701

My point on it being worse for a team was more about, if it does go down, your project is fucked. A solo dev can recover from something like that, but a team will crumble, and all the work goes down the drain. There's frequent posts on the Patreon subreddit about some creator being confused why their NSFW patreon suddenly got deactivated. Some of them for very flimsy reasons. It does happen. Granted, I'm sure many of them also had proper reasons to get banned. Not that any of this matters. This project is likely to never take off, it's incredibly improbable, mostly due to the reasons underlined by this anon >>996697

Anonymous No. 996702

>There's frequent posts on the Patreon subreddit about some creator being confused why their NSFW patreon suddenly got deactivated
Like who? I have to investigate their situation before I take your word that they got banned for no good reason, or for unclear reasons. Because everyone always advocates for themselves in these situations. They always say they didn't do anything wrong. Or they're confused as to what they did wrong. Or emphasize the fact that they were never told what they did wrong.
It takes a rare bit of integrity for a person to be like "yeah, they caught me breaking the rules. It's my bad."

Anonymous No. 996703

/3/ must put Ubisoft to the knees
Le 3 Studio

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Anonymous No. 996704

The only model that comes to mind is when you´re actually already assembling the game yourself with PLACEHOLDERS - meaning, that you´re using a simple 2D engine with a bunch of stolen models and still rafts in place of what would be the final animations and such. OP should make clear if he´s going to use REMPY, RPG MAKER or wathever have you, as every engine has different levels of specializations: Rempy only needs images so go Daz/Poser for it, RPGMAKER can have some customization in size and animations like treasures of Nadia (this got sold on steam with no censoring) but stuff made on Unreal and Unity needs actual key animated, textured wireframed model files, so you need at least basic knowledge of at least import stolen 3d stuff to fit the sizes and what have you. Pic related: what the majority of my projects looked like before final art assets stage,

Anonymous No. 996705

Unreal Engine 5

Anonymous No. 996707

That is true, it's always possible that they're all lying. And I admittedly can't give any names, since the sub has strict no advertising rules, and does not allow any references to a creator's patreon page/name etc. Regardless, patreon is not a stable platform to set up a group project, even when ignoring the above reason, there is still the fact that they can change their guidelines at any time they want, if Mastercard or Paypal tells them to. The non-con rule came out of nowhere. In a similar vein they started kicking people off the platform for off-platform content, despite the CEO reassuring creators, that no one would get suspended for content they post on their social media. Additionally, if the game does have nudity, patreon will also require at least the team leader to provide a government ID, and it's very likely it'll be required from every other member of the team as well.

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Anonymous No. 996708

Darkcookie, the creator of Summetime Saga. He got banned several times for his incest contents on his game, hence the 'final version' get the incest part totally removed by adding a few extra scenes explaining that he´s just a stranger on the house.

Anonymous No. 996710

>Le 3 Studio
I remember GOAT SIMULATOR getting sequels, someone were making money out of that somehow on STEAM - it starts for keks, ends with a mountain of money.
This will attract scammers and the law, so thread carefully.
In any case, it´s a case of a solo dev that will be doxed/helped/trolled/cheered on here, so the guy will actually need to be a level of insanity above his skill. Nobody is crazy and skilled like that here.

Anonymous No. 996714

I vaguely remember hearing about that years ago. Patreon changes their policy, he has to remove the incest stuff. I didn't know he got banned for it.
This is an interesting blog post about the matter:

>We were aware that our project could be hit by those guidelines so we were always prepared to make those changes but it did come at a bad time while trying to finish the next update (0.15)
So they saw the new guidelines. Knew that they potentially offended the new guidelines, but tried to slip under Patreon's notice anyway, and got bonked. Talked to patreon, agreed to make chances and got reinstated.

That doesn't sound like a huge problem to me. Unless there is more to the story you want to add?

By way to looking into the Darkcookie matter, I did find some reddit links of people claiming they got banned for no reason. But even the redditors in the replies are annoyed by their half told stories and lack of proof of their content. So again, I can't really take these people at their words, unless I'm able to investigate what they actually got banned for. Anonymous claims made by randos mean very little.

Just earlier today, some users on /v/ were spamming racist shit in a thread. A mod rightfully came in and deleted the offending posts, while leaving the thread up. And instead of just accepting that they were caught, they cry that mods are newfags for not understanding 4chan culture. Others didn't even know that racism was against the rules at all. And still others were just plainly belligerent against authority and started spamming more racist shit. The thread: >>>/v/690192492

Hearing those anons tell the tale, some meany janny deleted their posts for "NO REASON". People don't like taking accountability. So I need a little more proof than "dude, trust me, this happened to a friend of mine"

Anonymous No. 996720

>taking accountability
If accountability was something 4chan users should have 4chan would have accounts

Anonymous No. 996721

>That doesn't sound like a huge problem to me
How is regularly losing most of your income because of some bureaucrat enforcing completely unjustifiable rules not a huge problem?
Whether or not there's a reason for you being suppressed doesn't matter if the reasons are illegitimate. You're acting as if every reason is legitimate, which is not true.

Anonymous No. 996725

What is unjustified exactly?
1. The rule change may seem harsh at first. But the two working theories is that either A, they were forced by mastercard. Which means mastercard it to blame. not Patreon. Or B, their internal staff simply dislikes such material. In which case, they have the right to choose what should be hosted on their platform.

2. The creators state that they had time to prepare changes if necessary. They just waited to make the change. So you can't say Patreon didn't give them time to adapt to the new rules.

3. Patreon allowed them to appeal in order to reinstate their account. They weren't permabanned and then ignored entirely.

Where's the unjustifiable part? Arguably the credit card companies for discriminating on who is allowed to move money. Since it's so difficult to do it without them. The credit card companies should try to remain as impartial as possible. But even they should have limits. Say for example an country tries to start an unjustified war against another country. You wouldn't want to assist the offending country commit murders. So you shut their accounts down. That's a more extreme example than pornography of course. But it's just an example to show that financial institutions can't remain entirely impartial. They have to set limits somewhere. Where those limits are set can be debated.

But what I've seen so far, is that Patreon isn't unwilling to work with their creators, as long as those creators work within their guidelines. And there doesn't appear to be any reason for them to change the rules to become more strict than what they already are.

Anonymous No. 996727

Someone's income was lost because of a couple lines of text in a video game. If you don't think it's unjustifiable, then you need to tell me how it's just.

Anonymous No. 996730

Anon, are you doing that /v/ troll? You know the "paid $60, say 1 word in chat, get banned, money stolen". That one? I'm not in the mood for that shit.
Make sense first. Your take is entirely too reductive. Removed of all nuance or context, I have nothing to work with.

Anonymous No. 996732

Some bullshit hypothetical war is the opposite of nuance or context.

Anonymous No. 996739

that big collage where people emailed sections of an anime painting that they modeled in 3d

Anonymous No. 996740

if you want a model for success it's summertime saga, and it's also an example of success being punished by certain groups who scour the internet trying to make trouble.
None of the people who complained gave a fuck about incest or the characters being under 18. They got mixed in drama and those people knew how to push patreon's buttons to fuck them up. Since then, and practically because of it, there's a zoo of alternative crowdfunding websites.
STS is successful because the game is elaborate, media rich, and the team panders to their audiences wishes. That's the model to follow.

Anonymous No. 996746

Half the threads here end up being about animu modeling tho.

Anonymous No. 996747

>a jew fundamentalist that hunt´s down against the sex market
Not exactly. They hunt down any porn source not owned by their friends. It's purely to eliminate concurrents.

Anonymous No. 996751

>Are there any successful (read: FINISHED) collab project in 4chan?
The one with handicap girls: Katawa Shoujo
The one with dinos girls: Snoot Game (parody of Goodbye Volcano Highs that ended up being way better than the real deal)
Can't remember any other. There are a bunch of other finished games by 4chan, some with okay-ish success, but dunno if those count as they tend to have a single 4channer as lead and the rest of the team are contract'ed normies.

Anonymous No. 996772


Anonymous No. 996839

>would /3/ be able to create and ship an AAA game if the board united into one virtual studio?
In my very limited experience, for that to work you'd have to be very selective and have all members of the team pretty much be "culturally homogenous", meaning you're all into the same games, for example.
In other words, you can't do it with all /3/ anons, but you could with LIKEMINDED /3/ anons. You should also all share a similar skill level.

Secondly, you need to have a clear vision for the game, and for all members to be committed to the project, i.e. be able to stick to the same project for months and potentially years on end. Lastly, there must be clear leadership, see it as the captain of a ship having the final say after discussing a plan with your mateys: everyone might have a different opinion on what's best to accomplish a certain task and it's up to the captain to give direction, be the judge on what should ultimately be done. This isn't to be some despotic twat, but in order to not be stuck discussing things endlessly, and in order to adhere to one vision, so that creative decisions share common guidelines and aren't a disjointed mess

Anonymous No. 996840

>censorship sucks
>unless it censors things i don't like
People like you are the reason why censorship is so rampant these days. You, truly, are detestable, you sicken me

Anonymous No. 996844

Let me ask you this, anon. In a paragraph or less, describe your dream project.

Anonymous No. 996850

nta, but that's a good question. Everyone should say.
My dream project is a coom game integrated with involved gameplay. As in an actual game that's fun to play that also gives you a boner, but also does not get in the way of your boner should you feel the need to prioritise that. A scaleable system where once the core game works the team can just focus on making content. It'd be all content and bug fixes forever. Sporatic big updates to make use of new technology or just if someone has a good idea. Revenue a patreon analog.
specifics about content, themes, settings I have a bunch of ideas of my own but I'd work on someone else's too, or even make a whole new idea collaboratively.

Anonymous No. 996853

I mean, it was a leading question so I can get around to making a point. I wasn't really trying to get a sharing session going. But sure, if you want, everyone say that your dream project is. Maybe you'll find someone you're compatible with here.

Anonymous No. 996890

NTA either but my dream project would be a small indie fighter game similar to the system of the realistic combat of the first assassins's creed but with more gore, set in a fantasy world, and the story would revolve around an tiny white elf tribe in decline due to being a minority. Their small village which they reside in gets slaughtered by raiding forces of a different race.

The white elves have human white skin and varying hair, mostly white or light brown.

The protagonist is part of the small tribe and has a wife and young daughter. The wife dies while ultimatively the child gets captured after being found distracted playing with a beautiful red frog in a small puddle stream of water. She cries out to the player and they see eachother before being disconnected.
The protagonist is a seasoned military patrolman so has very good experience in his skills.

The goal of the protagonist is now to set out to walk across the entire land designed in the style of linear levels while fighting and killing everyone to find his child and avenge his wife and friends who died. New races of enemies and stronger gear will appear the further the player progresses. The terrain and weather changes aswell.

Medieval weapons will be used. Knifes, poles, swords.

The game will be gorey, bloody and have animalistic, genuine cries of pain or death when opponents lie finished off on the ground moving around bleeding out. The combat and finishers are realistic, human paced and not japanese style. Definitely like Assassins Creed 1.

Enemies will taunt the player in their own different unknown language he will not understand or be able to read in subtitles, since they're of different races and regions.

The pure will is to find the daughter and rescue her, it validates all the killing to the protagonist.

No open world.

Thanks for the two cents.

Anonymous No. 996891

The combat:

I believe a game like my description would require a team but I still wanted to share it kek. Just a dream, no actual advertisement.

Anonymous No. 996904

joining the bandwagon I want to make an hot jrpg sex game
>this is now an dreams thread

Anonymous No. 996926

Me too
It'll be like tales

Anonymous No. 996930

honestly the idea of making a porn game with /3/ sounds even worse, not only you need a group of people with similar vidya taste and skill but also jack off to the same shit

Anonymous No. 996945

no you just need a group that can stand doing not their favorite thing all the time.
if you got a job at a studio the chances youll be making something youre personally into is basically 0 anyways. we're all clearly perverts whichbisnwhy we all wanna make sex content but also sex stuff sells easily.
heres a realistic plan. the anons interested commit to the group. everyone makes little micro project ideas. attainable small projects. pick one at random, do it pick another on do it. everyone gets their idea done. every project is more about getting the kinks out of the collaboration process.

Anonymous No. 996947

>In a paragraph or less, describe your dream project.
No. Funnily enough it's not even related to any of the things you were so keen on censoring.

Anonymous No. 996948

OH MY GOD. You're one of those difficult people, aren't you? Bro, just follow instructions this one time, and maybe I can open up your mind.
I have not concept of what you truly want. I already supposed that your dream project might not have anything to do with patreon's censored themes. It doesn't have to. It can be literally anything. If you're afraid of giving away your million dollar idea, then just make up different project, that you hypothetically might like to see made.

Anonymous No. 996949

I'm not afraid of sharing my idea for a project, I just don't want to share it with a cocksucker like you

Anonymous No. 996950

You close yourself off, because you're more interested in feeling self righteous than actually being right. That makes you the cocksucker.

Anonymous No. 996951

If you say so

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Anonymous No. 996953

Stop insulting eachother. We are a family here in our niche, chuddy 27 people board.

Anonymous No. 996978

The idea wasn't shared despite it not being contentious. What makes you think that it would be shared just because it's not contentious? Maybe the contentiousness of ideas isn't relevant to what the perceived problem with suppression is in the first place.

Anonymous No. 996979

some chucklefuck's gonna call the wrong fatty fat or the wrong tranny a man and then a squad will detach to focus down your project.
Every member on the team has to be disciplined. either, maintain anonymity and not associate your persona with the project, at least not while shitposting, or disciplined enough to always say the right words when required to do so.

Anonymous No. 996980

If you've not a business, you can just ignore the people harassing you. The principal problem with woke activists is that the civil rights act in american law requires businesses to prove a negative if anyone accuses them of unfair employment practices. It seems irrelevant but you can never prove that you aren't racist/sexist/homophobic so you can't win even if the accusation is baseless. But if you're not a business, you're untouchable.
Unless you have some dependency with any other business, of course.

Anonymous No. 996984

all the platforms you mught want to engage on are businesses. theyre the ones who get harassed and pressured. little indy crews think theyre above it. give the activists the dinger, and before you know it theyre banned everywhere
>did you hear? /3/'sCompany has a LITERAL NAZI in their team. you better ban them or we'll tell the antifas on you.
(btw im claiming "/3/'sCompany")

Anonymous No. 997002

How do you know we're 27 people in total on this board? Genuine question

Anonymous No. 997003

we should try making something smaller before all this gooner vaporware to test the waters. maybe a gunt game?

Anonymous No. 997006

>Maybe the contentiousness of ideas isn't relevant to what the perceived problem with suppression is in the first place.
Maybe I'm not going to make the argument this his idea is contentious. Maybe I'm about to say something that he hasn't even thought of yet. But in order to get the point across, I need to illustrate it in this roundabout method, where I ask him what his dream idea is. And then use that as the launching platform to make my next point. Maybe he shouldn't always be such a belligerent cocksucker

Anonymous No. 997007

If you already know what you'd say you couldn't possibly be responding to anything specific he's saying.
Just share your idea normally.

Anonymous No. 997008

No, because I've been in these kinds of talks before. And if I present him with my own hypothetical dream project, then he will accuse me of creating an unrealistic hypothetical. It has to come from him, so it's something that he's protective of, and actually wants to see succeed. So when I make the arguments against it, he doesn't feel his idea is unrealistic.

Anonymous No. 997009

just saying a "gunt game" doesnt describe how the project is small. youre right that any project should be small. ive heard the phrase "start smaller than small".

Anonymous No. 997010

If you want to play forum games you should do that somewhere else.

Anonymous No. 997011

how fucking tedious. maybe just drop it. you're 3 layers of abstraction into this meta conversation.
the main point is this: we all jave ideas that will rub eachbother and the genpop the wrong way. thats why we're here on 4chan. if you think your ideas are so mainstream they would never get challeneged in a mainstream platform like patreon then you also will have no problem finding collaborators on some other forum.

Anonymous No. 997012

>maybe just drop it
At this point, I'm only talking about it, because you won't drop it. The anon made it clear that he has no desire to speak on the matter in good faith. Meanwhile, you continue to cajole me to argue with him anyway.

He's wrong. And he'll never understand why he's wrong, because he's afraid to test his beliefs against my arguments. So be it. He can stick his head in the sand and feel self righteous. If you want the topic to be dropped, then literally just stop replying to me in regards to the topic. It's really that simple.

>then you also will have no problem finding collaborators on some other forum.
Most of 4chan's ideas are compatible with Patreon. The people who want loli and incest and rape are actually a minority within 4chan.

Anonymous No. 997013

oh as as for "tedium". You already wrote more sentences than I expected him to right. I literally asked for a paragraph or less. Not tedious at all. He's just being a woolheaded fool.

Anonymous No. 997015

>I am a force of nature

Anonymous No. 997016

I didn't say anything that was even the essence of that

Anonymous No. 997017

>If you want the topic to be dropped, then literally just stop replying to me in regards to the topic
This implies that you're not in control of your behavior. If you were, whether or not people keep replying to you would have no effect on whether or not you continue posting.

Anonymous No. 997019

>This implies that you're not in control of your behavior
No it doesn't. I reply because I feel like I have something relevant to share. When I feel like I've nothing more to contribute, then I'll stop replying.
If you continue replying to me, asking me questions, or making suggestions, or asserting bad ideas. Then I feel like I have something relevant to say about what you said. So I say it. Why wouldn't I?

Anonymous No. 997020

you hobbyzoned yourself by using blender. it's over.

Anonymous No. 997023

Whether or not you would is irrelevant. You just said that you couldn't. You have no agency over yourself. I can compel you to post garbage by replying to you. A rational human needs to make for you the decision to stop posting garbage and then coax you into implementing it because you're not rational enough to do it yourself.
Prove me wrong.

Anonymous No. 997024

>You just said that you couldn't
No I didn't. You badly misinterpreted what I said. *now* we're mired in three layers of abstraction, because *you* want to analyze my motivations for posting.

>I can compel you to post garbage by replying to you
I mean... if you continue saying things I disagree with. And I'm reasonable certain that 1, you are sincere, and 2, you might persuade others to your way of thinking, then I feel the need to say something. Why would I let an anon flounce around spewing bullshit unchallenged? Because someone like you might get the impression that I care too much? Sorry but I'm not in a contest to appear the most nonchalant.

Anonymous No. 997026

theres at least 3 anons telling you to shut up who arent the orginal anon you were talking to.

Anonymous No. 997027

That's not true. If I'm responding to 3 different anons, then that means 2 of them wanted me to continue arguing, and the 3rd one asked me to drop the issue.

Anonymous No. 997031

You are so mentally ill that you use Godot

Anonymous No. 997035

enter the real issue with finding collab groups. theres always going to be one guy trying to frustrate the process. hes neither interested enough to endure discomfort nor so uninterested that he'll just go away.

I've been using unity for a few years. i have a few functional games. im interested in making micro projects and elaborate ones. i have ideas. im open to other peoples ideas. inam open to vanilla content through grotesque content. Here's one thing Ive made to show im real
if you can do anything at all, email [email protected] just to saybyoure interested what you can do and what your interests are. Ill make an email list (no one's gonna reply) and get back to everyone with a project. i wont turn anyone down based on ability only attitude.

Anonymous No. 997036

based dev chud
after an eternal hundreds of replies of flame war, finally the first quality response arrived

3, 3 never changes

Anonymous No. 997047

I hate you all, there's no way in hell I'm ever making a game with you, not even if you paid me 10k an hour. Ok maybe then I would, so your pockets better be deep fags 'cause I ain't cheap, anything less and I just won't bother

Anonymous No. 997072

chud, calm down. you will join us and be happy.

Anonymous No. 997086

Cris, there's only you so far on the team.

Anonymous No. 997112

nah, lots of others have joined me already. i volunteered first in this thread.

Anonymous No. 997135

>lots of others have joined me
But those people are not real Cris.

Anonymous No. 997147

I'm bad at making scuffed anime girls in blender is that enough to get me on the team?

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Quad !tprdAWqrYY No. 997162

Anymore brave souls?
even if all you can do is double click on blender. No one else is serious. No one else is doing it. The worst case scenario is you shitpost with some anons and accomplish nothing. Otherwise, as a group we could make something of value and make some cash.
If youre just making models to make models why not make models with us?
[email protected]

Anonymous No. 997163

pyw. if anons like what they see they might join you
they need an alpha, a leader, someone that gets shit done.
think someone like Cris but white and less pathetic

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ee014e6cd8864a04 ....png

Quad !tprdAWqrYY No. 997170


Anonymous No. 997173

>coomer ps1 game
Into the trash it goes. We need to make some short game on a graphical fidelity like P.T.

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Anonymous No. 997175

And it's more than fucking possible if /3/ gets it's shit together.

Quad !tprdAWqrYY No. 997176

ok so...are you forming a group? are you going to post your work?

Anonymous No. 997180

>Firewall blocks network access.
wtf does your game demo need network access for?
Well anyway, it looks like a fun little project. I couldn't really play it because I don't have a mouse connected, so I couldn't turn the camera around. Only look left and right using my tablet pen.

In any case, good luck recruiting. I would consider joining if I didn't already have my hands full.

Anonymous No. 997181

Im a self taught zbrush character artist, level/world designer, UI artist, environment artist, generalist modeler and weapon artist with fusion360
I dont like sharing my work on 4chan and would have to make special models exclusively for this, you know I keep this place and the other side of the internet seperate. But I'll be up to work if /3/ is up for it. The results will show themselves.

Quad !tprdAWqrYY No. 997184

yikes. i can only think unity is trying to collect metrics. you go ahead and block thats shit. my game has no online capabilities.
I'll take you at your word. shoot me an email so i have a contact. Im just letting time pass by to see who is interested. after, idk a week, ill set uo a discord and send some invites as well as my project ideas. we can all share and decide. theres a possibility someone might be interested in theory but lose interest when we settle on an idea.
im not married to coom and im nit married to weird coom. from a business perspective i think its a good idea though.

Anonymous No. 997188

3d jew

Anonymous No. 997192

Nothing in that image looks remotely like a PS1 game.

Anonymous No. 997194

he thinks old consoles had worse graphics because the artists werent as skilled

Anonymous No. 997204

nope, but working with retarded set limitations is not fun at all.

Anonymous No. 997274

there's always limitations. no one has infinite ram.

Anonymous No. 997301

I see no hard set limitations in the demo. Things appear to be modeled to their purpose.

Quad !tprdAWqrYY No. 997309

where's your email bro?
email me bro.
bro come on bro
you like designing levels? awesome
you can sculpt? awesome.
hit me up. hit it.
[email protected]
anyone else too. no skill requirments. if youre a 0 day newb this group will teach you. i will teach you.

Anonymous No. 997513

I have good news on this but not immediate news
my father got service connected disability and i might be going back to school. the opportunity to pocket some money i can invest in the project is enticing.

Anonymous No. 997514

meant for >>996604

Quad !tprdAWqrYY No. 997517

ok come. send me the email.
[email protected]
im just chillin to see if more anons want to join. there's no official project at the moment. step 1 will be figuring out what we wanna do first. worst case we could finish off a project ive alresdy started. otherwise i have so many modules for character controllers, npcs, dialogue, terrain generation, combat, sexy scenes, character progression.

Anonymous No. 997522

Are you trying to get anons to join your server so you can sell them homemade hrt?
Do you get a lot of money doing that?

Anonymous No. 997529

I'll check it out but my project is pretty fully fleshed out and scope maxxxed.

Anonymous No. 997542

>censorship sucks
>unless i agree with it then it's based
>*rapes a kid in his underground jew cave*
people like you should stop posting any time.

Anonymous No. 997548

See >>996844

Quad !tprdAWqrYY No. 997563

its not home made. i have an offshore supplier. i do alright but i still need a day job for bills.

Anonymous No. 997580

>le 3d job
Go back to welding

Quad !tprdAWqrYY No. 997638

it was a joke. i do quite well from selling hrt over discord without a day job.

Anonymous No. 997642

You seem like a faggot but I'm curious about working on something with some anons

How many people emailed you so far?

Quad !tprdAWqrYY No. 997665

3 so far.
I can be very serious when it's necessary. I want to make a collaborative project. I take that seriously. I have several of my own that are in pretty advanced states. I say that to show that I have proof I can commit to projects for long periods. I have no preconceptions about how this thing will go, what we'll do, what people's involvement will be, or the best way to monetize and fairly distribute revenue.
If someone knows all these things better than me they can stand up and announce themselves. Otherwise someone's gotta embarrass themselves and make that first move.

Quad !tprdAWqrYY No. 998100

So Tuesday the 15th, I'm gonna send an invite to everyone to a discord and we can do the initial get-to-knows figure out what everyone can contribute, what everyone wants to do. Like Animations vs a game. And like I know there's a presumption that the content will be pornographic, it doesn't have to be. The very first thing we do should, though, be a very very small project just to establish a pipeline for how we'll make assets and bring them all together. It could even be a prototype for a bigger project. I have ideas. We dont HAVE to do MY ideas.

Quad !tprdAWqrYY No. 998421

I sent the invite. The doors are not closed. Anyone else interested in taking a peak and seeing may also join.
[email protected]

Anonymous No. 998577

Maybe, sounds interesting