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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 997269

music video made for the hatsune miku channel made in blender (goo engine)

i posted in here ages ago, i stopped cause i got busy

Anonymous No. 997273

I remember you
you got this on the official fucking miku channel?? congrats

Anonymous No. 997282

Same bro.
Always wondered how that project was going.
Nice job. Proud of u.

Anonymous No. 997352

I remember that Miku face. I can't believe they let a /3/ user on the official youtube channel. They just let anyone in these days. But good work.

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Anonymous No. 997369

That’s not him, credit goes to Magic the Gathering. Anon style is different and more amateurish.

Anonymous No. 997371

>stopped posting in /3/
>made it to official miku channel

holy fuck anon you did it.
what not being in /3/ does to a mf.
i guess i should stop lurking /3/ daily.

Anonymous No. 997372

lurk moar, newfriend

Anonymous No. 997389

The lyrics for the OC creator does not line up:

It’s not him.

Anonymous No. 997390

what the fuck are you talking about

Anonymous No. 997397

The character design isn’t even the same, what are you saying.

Anonymous No. 997401

I made this in 2 months on my laptop AMA

Anonymous No. 997411

again I ask what the fuck are you talking about

Anonymous No. 997413

good on you

Anonymous No. 997415

Very nice. I usually dislike modern cartoonish 3d, but this is exactly one of the few styles I enjoy.
Like, mostly anime but a bit cartooney? Some NPR shit going on making it also kinda 2d-ish but also 3d? Idk, this looks great.

Anonymous No. 997420

Do you people not read the YouTube description, his name isn’t even mentioned. It’s not him.

Anonymous No. 997423

you're not very bright, are you

Anonymous No. 997425

> stann
> Jack Conradsen (
> Ekaterina Chernukha (chocoholicmonkey)
Not only your boy got huge success outside of this cursed hikkiland, he also collaborated with a literal WOMAN.

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Anonymous No. 997427

What nonsense lead you to trust twitter over facts. Original music he post on 4chan was about minecraft, his music featured minecraft, his model was miku default skin.

It’s not him, magic the gathering doesn’t support fan made ads nor do they allow users to use their art in any form. The facts don’t lie. Video is not from him.

Anonymous No. 997441

Do you have a brain injury?

Anonymous No. 997444

If your only source is twitter then you have a problem. Not everyone can access it, website filled with lies and unsafe. Maybe think about that instead of “believing” blindly into other people.

Anonymous No. 997451

I literally just looked at Youtube video, anyways I recognize that this guy posted here earlier so fuck off.

Anyways, great job, OP, you made it.

Anonymous No. 997473

Anyone can post anything here anon and the YouTube video is from magic the gathering promotion video. He’s not the guy, give it up.

Anonymous No. 997483

he literally used to post the WIPs back before the board wipe

Anonymous No. 997486

Yes that’s the Original, the one in magic the gathering is not.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 997488

Guys, stop feeding the troll.
It's very obviously the same guy. He's credited in the video's description. If you go to his youtube channel, you can see the previous iteration of Miku that he used to post here.
He will of course argue against me. I will ignore him. You should too. It's probably just Cris shitposting anyway.

Anonymous No. 997489

Guys, stop feeding the troll.
It's very obviously the same guy. He's credited in the video's description. If you go to his youtube channel, you can see the previous iteration of Miku that he used to post here.
The troll will of course argue against me. I will ignore him. You should too. It's probably just Cris shitposting anyway.

Anonymous No. 997512

It’s not him, your conspiracy theory doesn’t hold water. Yes it’s his YouTube channel but it’s not Magic the Gathering which itself is a different video posted by another person who works for Sega.

You literally are telling people to ignore facts about him not posting here after 1 year of not posting. He didn’t make the magic the gandering video, he didn’t make miku like that, the music is not the same.

You are wrong.

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Anonymous No. 997515

I believe him, grats on the video anon its fire. not everyone on this board is amateur, some of us have mildly successful careers. Heres a drain gang MV that I did the 3d for last year, I can post proof if needed lol been lurking here for at least 10 years

Anonymous No. 997547

You are gay

Anonymous No. 997561

Did you get paid anon? I assume not

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Anonymous No. 997562

>Just believe
Man you people are so dumb, everyone knows Magic the Gathering doesn’t support fans and they were willing to kill off old rules to establish dominance.

Anonymous No. 997569

i return for a third time to ask once again
genuinely what the fuck are you talking about

Anonymous No. 997576

Listen here, schizo retardo. If you were talking about the MtG card art colab shit that appears on the very last second of the MV, then yes, we get it, it's not the same artist, it's not even remotely the same style.

BUT, we are talking about the whole MV itself, posted on a OFFICIAL Miku Channel, and being credited to a fellow /3/ bro.

Anonymous No. 997579

With company like the schizo in this thread, no wonder the dude left.

Anonymous No. 997585

The whole MV is not his song, it’s not the same lyrics. I know you dumb Americans can’t understand Japanese but i’m 100% sure the Original Creator didn’t suddenly learn Japanese in just a few months.

Anonymous No. 997597

no one is saying he owns the song you nigger this is /3/ he owns the animation and models

Anonymous No. 997607

No he doesn’t either, they’re not the same model. The original was default Miku suit not a Halloween themed costume.

Anonymous No. 997617

hi, i was curious and hopped back to the thread, i really thought this was obvious, but i'll explain it anyhow.
The WIP i showed ages ago, was a music video for my own song/music video feat. minecraft. Since then i got approached by Crypton, to do an official music video for their MtG collab (this is the third of 4 videos)
The song is by camilla, video by me and friend. Hope that makes sense. Bye bye

thanks for the kind words from everyone else

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Anonymous No. 997622

Ok anon prove it instead of just typing it and saying obvious stuff.

Anonymous No. 997623

its almost like he... made a second version of his own model in a halloween costume or something

Anonymous No. 997624


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Anonymous No. 997625

it's right there lol
i won't do more, im busy

Anonymous No. 997630

>LiNK OtHeR pEOpLEs AcCouNtS
Yet again not providing its you, plus artstation can be faked and it’s known for AI manipulation. Not to mention this is the 4th random website link you give.

1) Newground
2) Twitter
3) Artstation
4) YouTube

Which one is it anon, who to believe when original anon never give us his username.

Anonymous No. 997633

you are retarded and were not here for the original thread just stop talking already

Anonymous No. 997634

I just don't understand why not just screenshot something within blender. Or are you under some legal trouble because even in other accounts, you only shown the video final screenshots and not behind the scenes, something you used to do in here.

Anonymous No. 997637

I'm not him

Anonymous No. 997659

Then don’t reply like you’re him in the first place and create a fake story about it.

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Anonymous No. 997661

miku anon did show the WIP a year ago for the base model.

Anonymous No. 997669

hes just gonna say it was made by magic the gathering again
hes schizomaxxing I don't think he's even touched 3d software in his life

Anonymous No. 997672

If you weren’t trying to fake his identity, this wouldn’t have been a problem!

Was talking about why he didn’t uploaded anything backstage but clearly that anon was a fake. OP anon wouldn’t miss the chance to post his backstage pics.

Anonymous No. 997679

doing the colab is cool but this is a /3/ board, not /tg/, so of course we're more interested in the CG MV than the MtG thing. why the fuck he cares so much about the "muh MtG no fan card art" shit is beyond me.

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Anonymous No. 997681

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Anonymous No. 997682

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Anonymous No. 997684

I realize that one guy is either really dumb or trolling. So will disregard any post from them moving forward.

but if ya'll have any questions or wanna see stuff i'm open to share a bit

Anonymous No. 997686


Anonymous No. 997705

Nope. Sorry. These are faked. Clearly AI. WotC would be ashamed if they knew.
Nah, just fuckin with ya. Good shit, post more.

I'm curious about how you did the lip sync. Was it all by hand, or did you do some crazy shit to turn the vocaloid midi (or whatever it uses) into visemes that play automatically? Something like that definitely seems within the realm of possibility for vocaloid shiznit.

Fuckin Japs.

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Anonymous No. 997750

Lipsyncing was done frame by frame, but i made presets, which made it easy. Since she's also animated mostly on 2's It's pretty forgiving.

Lipsyncing was one of the easiest parts. Though harder was when i wanted her to emote at the same time as she was lipsyncing. For that i split lipsyncing and face animation into seperate additive NLA strips. It took a bit to get used to

Anonymous No. 997768

I don't care how you did the 3D stuff. What I want to know the business part of things. How did you secure the rights to MTG. Who told you to put MTG in the animation? Were you paid to promote MTG?

Anonymous No. 997772

where the fuck do you see magic the gathering?

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miku music video ....jpg

Anonymous No. 997774


Anonymous No. 997783

Hatsune Miku, is doing a collaboration with magic the gathering. Therefor magic the gathering is in the music videos. This is really obvious

Anonymous No. 997808

What tutorials helped you learn how to rig the most?

Anonymous No. 997817

trial and error and lot of practice mostly. But I can say I used cloudrig, it's an addon on rigify, though now its become a standalone plugin. Not super well documented yet unfortunately.

it's the same principles as rigify, so can find tutorials for that

Anonymous No. 997818

It's hard to watch.

Anonymous No. 997821

Yeah that's kinda what I had figured, but I'll admit I was kinda holding out hope for a convoluted mess. Then again, the NLA editor can be described as exactly that, so my heart goes out to you for having to work with that nightmare on something in depth. Animation layers would definitely be something to look into if you haven't already, as it does exactly that kind of blending.

Neat that you actually found a use for the pose library as well. I'll be honest I couldn't wrap my head around how it was supposed to work.

Anonymous No. 997882

posting your work on /3/ is dumb

Anonymous No. 997886

ur dum

Anonymous No. 997945

you "made" meaning all characters + animation on your own? How long have you been in the industry?

Anonymous No. 997960

a few weeks, maybe a month.

Anonymous No. 998547

Welcome back!

Anonymous No. 998943

I am slowly drafting a video about the development, how it came about, the process, what i learned. Is there any topics that would be really good to cover?

Anonymous No. 998945

Materials/Rendering, how much NPR is this.

Anonymous No. 998946

I've watched it and I've learned that it's garbage.

Anonymous No. 998948

Your model looks slightly worse than >>993368
To a normal person that face looks like a pizza where the topping has drifted off the sides, but to Cris it looks normal and hot.
Your echo chamber is not going to tell you this but you need to know that there are specific areas of the brain that deal with fine details on faces and you need to know that autism causes those areas to not work correctly.

Anonymous No. 998950

Your butt is completely destroyed, seek help.

Anonymous No. 998951

If you don't want to hear honest opinions don't post your garbage here.

Anonymous No. 998955

Kill your fucking self tranny.

Anonymous No. 998959

Honest opinions of fat troll retards like you are heard but also discarded immediately.

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Anonymous No. 998966

That's your prerogative. Just be aware that there are bad actors in here and out there known as "jannies" who'll try to exploit your condition. They'll tell you that you have "dysphoria" but in reality it's the reason why people who know better (including myself) don't attempt to make their own base models.

Anonymous No. 998967

sounds like shit.

Anonymous No. 998998

This thead is so full of crabs lol. Good job OP and I hope this is a lesson for you on why any professional or remotely successful artist doesn't associate with 4chan, good luck on more work, will definitely be following you

Anonymous No. 999005

Most vocaloid songs do.
To be fair though, I don't think he made the song, just the animation.

Anonymous No. 999046

The animation is cool.
but sounds like shit.

Anonymous No. 999371

Honestly, I feel bad for the guy, having to listen to that song for a whole year.